HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-03, Page 6LO ea,lers in TRUNKS, VALISES. &� 5 per cent discount for cash. Albert St.,' Clinton. TilE BIG CL uiN TOTs?-. Unequalled Self - Banding Reapers, Mowers, Agricultural Steam Engin es Ha Rakes, Gang' Plows, tic. The subscriber, who is agent for the well-known implement firm of HAGGART BROS., ST. THOMAS, calls the' attention of intending purchasers of 'Farm Imple- ments of any kind to the large -stock he keeps on hand at the BIG WARERooMs. All :articles araateed Inst -class. and warranted to_ Eve. ware satisfadlj Prices and , terms forall descriptions .of 'Machinery. very reasonable. Don't forget hini when you' Want to buy. • CLINTON, July 27, 1884. MARSH. F New Maple Sugar. p gs A few gala` Tins. Maple Sprup ' Fresh Oranges, - Lemons and Bananas. Good fresh -Mangold, Turnip & Sorghum Seeds J Ctinin arn.e: Cliinton 0 :71 CD ,l'1 T 0 TH F-1 ImTRItiqll nh Illlmlmiigl' puliIImmlm12114 ill Otonun ; Rl Esol Ills :al i�'t n rl IIIIILunn u�r.?iunuc n Il �lum�umiwoomm I n POHERT-Y PERRIN'S BLOCK, MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON HAVE ,k STo(Ic.Op FIRST CLASS' PIANOS From the leading American' and Canadian manufacturers, at -moderate prices. • Also Celebrated DohertyOrgan. The supremacy of 'TEE DOHERTY ORGAN is irrevocablyestablished, hav- ing been awarded First Prizes, Medals and Diplomas at the Provitibia1 and Industrial exhibitions in 'Montreal and Toronto. .6. large stook of Violins, ' Strings,'' Bows, Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes, Sheet and Book Music, on hand, at the rnost reasonable prices. ANYTHING IN THE ABOVE LINES, NOT IN-STOCE, PROCURED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 'GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE RENOWNED WHITE".. �`�. ,-.. GMACH! AROUND THE COUNTY. Mr. Walter Thompson intends re -opening the oat meal mill in Seaforth. Seaforth .beat St. Mary's at lacrosse on Friday, taking three straight games. Mr. C. Bethume, station agent; Seaforth, has gone on a holiday to the Northwest. Mr. R. L. Sharp has again leased his hotel and intends remaining a permanent citizen of Seaforth: .Mr. J.ohnHerten,.nf Colborne, (formerly of Goderich township,) cut his oats last week. Early that. REseECT.—The Grey Hairs of`old agodemand and should receive respect--liut the Grey Hairs of young people require attention, in the way of using (inga1ese• $nir !renewer. Sold by all druggists. 50cents per bottle' ,; Mr. P. Gallagher `near; Curlowy .,,sold .his farm of 50 acres to Mr. Wm, McPhee for the sum, of $2,20`0 . { . • 'Mr. James -Fowler, of the 6th con, of Col- borne, has spring wheat 6_feet, high, and the heads are large and fairly full. H. W. C. Meyer, of Wingham,• and wife have gone to Manitoba, ; where they intend staying about six weeks. Mr. R. McLeod has disposed of his interest is the Commercial Hotel, • Seegfoyth, to his; partner Mr. Wm. Ilawkshaw. - Alstalk of. rheubarb measuring .63 inchees Was picked from the garden of Mr. Ii. -Lam. brook, Elinrville, a few days since. Last Saturday night 'souls• sneak thieves: .entered the barn of Mr. Davidson, Ashfield, and carried off about fifteen bushels of oats: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. .It •acts-directly,uponthe blood. and' the mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75e. For sale by J.H. Combe. Mr. .1: Little, lot 22, con. 12, Turnberry,, is the possessor of a bolt' two -months old, which 'stands 12 hands high and girth four .feet. Mr: 11. Davis has. been ,appointed collector of Customs in Wingliam. Hie is well worthy of the pcssitien,.but is not.: likely. to get rich at it.. • On Wednsday while a son of Mr. Pollard of Ashfield, was sharpening his' scythes, It ac= cidently'fell'on his forearm, making' a very ugly wound. 'ft Catarrh has destroyed your sense, 01 smell and-earing, Hall's. Catarrh Cure will 'cure you, 75 cents per bottle'. Druggistssellit. Fur ,sale by' 3.H. Combe. Unanimous invitation' has been sent to the. Rev.• Mr. Jones, of Port Rowan, td become pastor of . the congregation of St. Paul's Church, Wingham;' . ?gars Robt. 'McAllister, of West Wawanosh, recently disposed of a sheep, to Mr. E. S: Mc- Lean drover which weighed' 215 lbs. ' Who can beat that in the wooly tribe ? The) members of the Brussels Episcopal Methodist Church have seen fit to close their: church for the present. . The Rev. Mr. Sand erson moved from Brussels this week A, REWARD -of one dozen • TE'ABana1". toany- one sending' the best'four lute rhyme on !' TEASER•ii]," the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask' .your' druggist for address. - Dr. T. G. Holmes, of Brussels, lies disposed of his practice to Dr.I Belt, of Burlington, who' will enter upon his -;duties. Dr. Holmes goes' to :Toronto where he will practice his pro-- fession. The wardens of St: George's Church. God- erich; have engaged lllr: C. J. Dewlnan, rg cently from London, Eng,, to 'act as. organist.! .of that church, Miss Trainer',baving resigned theposition. _� . Mr. Thomas Leitch of 'Tnckersmith has sold' his farni on the 4th concession, Li R. S.,' to ItErs. Chas. Carter, of Hallett for. the sum of .$2;500.. The fa°rni contains 50 acres, and is,cheap enough at the price named. Mr. Wm Patrick, of the 20th. con. -Mc- Gillivray,sold it -farrow cow 'the other a lay -to Mr. Tnomas Ryan,: of Stephen, for.$100. 5Le is a very large:cow, and -weighed 1,600 lbs. withont'being' fully fattened. ' The GREA'P GERMAN INVIGORATOR is the marvel of the Medical World It never faits, to completely' Cure '.Nervous ,;Debility, impo- tency, meatal Depression arid all disease s caus- ed from excesses . The testiauony of, thousand's' can. be had by writing1 I:'Cheney, Toledo;. Ohio solo agent for the United States. Price, Sl.6u per. box,: six boxes for 85.00 If sour dru gist does not keep the remedy send to beail quarteisandgetthe medicine by mail.. Circu Jars and:testimonials on application. Sole agent:. for Clinton J H Coanbe • Mr..Henry Herne,' of the Sth concession of Usborne, has a goose,in-'his possession' which; during the 'past three years, itas Zayed one hundred'and thirty: eight eggs. In 1880 she layed fifty-four, in 1881 she aayedtwenty six;' arid 'in. 1882 fifty-eight, - • Mr. M. C 'Cameron, M. 1'. for West Huron,,. Mr: and 111rs.,Gco. Acheson and Mfr.' Samuel Pollock, ex mayor of Goderich, left ,by'•the steamer Quebec, on R ednesd'ay last for .the North West, on -a trip \Ir. Cameron goes to Winnipeg and the remainder of the party to Brandon and Dakota. • A felly ;lays ago Mr. P. Farr, managing cooper of the International Cooper, < Shops, Goderich; having,wage-ed a certain sum upon' the strength, of his' teeth, held up 200". pentacle offloe r in an ernptysalt 'barrel. niadebyhim% self for the occasion out of suitable 'material, for one minute, leaving afterwards inarks in: tale hardwood staves where ho took hold as though they had been gnawed .by a ;sledge. He also shook five dollars in, the faces' of all, paesent that he could throw.a 'filled barrel of salt weighing -three hand tad 'pounds over his head with hie teeth, but fonndno,tallers.' NOTHHING 'ON EARTH SO GOOD. Certainly a strong opinion; said one of our reporters, to whom the following Was detailed by Mr. Henry. Karchop; with, fair. Geo. E. Miller, 418 blain street, Worcester, Mass.: "I suffered so badly with rheumatism in my leg last winter that I was li aable to attendto my work; being 'completlyhelpless. 1' heard.' of St--Jacobs-Oil and bought bottle; afterusing- which I felt greatly relieved. With thense-of the second bottle I was completely cured, In my estimation there is nothing on earth so good for. rheumatism. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. du these times of quack medicine advertise- menta eyeryivlacre it is truly gratifying to Rad one remedy that is worthy of praise and which really does as recornmmonded. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy and one that will, do as recommended. They invariably oure Stomach and Liver Com- plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we s eak, and can readily say, :give them a trial- Sold at lie cents a bottle, by J. H. Combe druggist. CLINTON BAKERY. ,R. M'LENNAN DESIRES to intimate to the people of Clinton ° and vicinity that he has re -opened his bakery on Vic- toria Street, and willbe pleased to supply them with anything in his line. Bread, Cakes, d,c., adf all kinds lepton' Xiread sold at the shop at the following prices: -4 Ib' loaf -12 cents ; 21L. loaf 6 cents. No orders booked. Patronage respectively solicited. Remember the place -Victoria St., Clinton. Farm and Town Properties for Sala . GOOD BARGAINS. 1. That a ell -built three-story brick store and dwell. ing, on the corner of Huron and Orange streets, known- as nownas the Mo nteastle store. Would be exchanged for other property, or sold cheap on long, credit. 2. That large and commodious frame: dwelling, house. ,near the G.W. Railway Station, lately occupied by the Station agent. Has parlor, dining room, eight bed• rooiis; kitchen, liairtry ire Large atone.cellar-Harti- and soft water in building- Suited for a large .family. or a boarding-house. Lately finished and in good eon - Apply to the owner, Ma G. BENiTr.RY, or to the undersigned. . 3.. Lot 825 Mary Street (opposite Mr. C.'Helyar's re- sidence) with usat cottage of three rooms and summer kitchen ; good well and pump ; choice fruit trees in - 4. The valuable hotelproperty on Victoria Street, Clinton, known as Lane's Hotel; -how occupied by Mr. Geo. Knox, comprising a large hotel' buildting, driving.- 'house,'four'choice town lots,, 8;,c. - 5, Thatelegant:two-story, -frame dwelling house `on Huron Street, Clinton,formerly:held by J. C. Miller, now occupied by Mr. John P. Martin.' - • ` 6. That choice and well -situated farm, part of -Lot' 6, Huron Road, Goderich township, comprising 65 acres "of first-class land, neatly all clearedand: in good eon-. dition. Good buildings,&e. 'Only.one niulefrom':G.W. 'ttatien. . 7. Lot 21 on Huron St. with the dwelling liaise now occupied by 5Ir. Sitnson, G. W.R. station agent ; also lot '40 on Mary Street abutting on the above lot. -The lots will be sold together or separately. Apply to the owner,. Air. Thonas Jackson, or to the undersigned. 8. The house and lot, No. 845 on Mary Street, now occupied Mr Wm. Davis. The house'contains three -rooms below --and one -in -the -upper story ;-has-back kitchen,: garden, well, &c. Terms Easy.. 5. The store and dwelling on, lat 18, Huron Street, formerly belonging to II..Norsworthy, and now ;occu-.. pied by lIr. A. Bennett. ' Also, other lots and buildings for sale. Apply to ' • H HALE, Huron Street, Clintt,» Machine . q2s. •McG:OLL BROS, chi CO • TOIRONTO, 'liumfaetorers'and dealers in Leas! dille ��ih (T yJi ler Qi1, V?Vool ]Bolt..Cutting <)ils. Four' Medals and 'Three Diplcuias awarded them hist year: at, the leadinJ exhibitions in. the 'Farmers; Threshers and Hill igen will Save money by using our Lardiue and Cylinder Oil. Woolen Manufacturers will save moneyby.' using our.\Vool, Oil, it equalslaid ,and 'olive o'1; ;and costs but half the price. • Satisfaction guaranteed ;Prices, &c., on application, to McCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto, o to COOPER'S FOR CHEAP GROCERIES .Crockery, Glassware, C. Oatiii al a'nd. Cot»aicialal\\a Jys oa Bald. ,. PettY's.celebrated Englishlh Erskiast LalClear 8 con; Bacon, ,Succi! Cure'rl Flans, 1 LA RD At prices which cannot',be heaten:iii town. - HIS 60 C.: TEA 'A- SPECiALTY SOLE AGENT FOR..a DobbillS9 ELECT11C' SOAP THOMAS COOPER At LEi111' STREET, CLINTON WHOISUNACQUAINTED. 505 THE OFOCFAPHY';cF TH CO;.,, TIIY;WILLSEE fly ,EXAMII oO 11,^ lon'es ! ' I rtes'! I CHICAGOIROCKISLA;NDIPACWIC R'Y 1 PlIROIIASL the abovo in trade,.along with .papers, old spades, 'shovels and other steels; rag carpets, old zinc and old rubbers, all at same price, separated from the cotton rags andother woolen rags, T also. take 'all other sorts of carpeting, brass Copper, lead and iron, In trade, ' - Good pasturage at George'Bently's Clinton, July 12,1882.: Wit, MARTIN •' Moving - Buildings, &e, Trains between Chicago and Mi Calle lt cattention oftrnvelezn.tothe central poei- " line, connecting the East and the West by the shortest• route, and carrying paesen ern,.. without change of care between Chicago and an -K • ens -City, Council Bluffs, Leavenworth, Ateh son,. Minneapolis and St. Paul, It'conncots in Union. Depots with all the principal lines of road between the :Atlantic and the .Pacing Oceans. Its equip - Ment is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautif al Day .Coaches, Magnificent Horton Reclining, Chair Cars, Pun- mao's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Cars, and the Best Zino of Dining Oars in the World.. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Riv d sr Points- Two Paul, vfa the Famous` nneapolfs and Si. • ALBERT LEA ROUTE.". A New and Direot Line, via Seneca and :Kanka- kee,has recently boon opined between Riohinond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, As.. gueta, Nashvilld Loolovillo, Lealnetoa,'Clnofnaatf, Indianapolis and Lafayotto, and. Omaha, Minneap- oils and St: Paul and'. intermediate points. All Through Paosengera Travel on Fast Express , Train Tiekes. ta for 051051, all principal Tloyket .0filciin the United St tee and Canada, Baggage checked through and ratee'of fare al- ways Go low as competitors that offer lean advan- tages. • .For detallod inforniation,gettlio Maps:and Sold - ore of the • CREAT ROCK ISLAND Route,. At your neaicst Ticket Office, ot- address ' -R n osa f E. ST. JOHN, ri �lltc; t l v;; ✓ Gtul 1`f•r !' rase, Ag. TTAKR this. Means of thanking all those who have favored me with their patronage in the pant,' and bog to say that as I am leaving the country fcr!afanf- toba, I have disposed of my business to my brother ,bole STaruirxsoa, and hope that yon will favor him with the dame liberal patronage thdt,yoi Have given me. JOSEPH' STLPHENSON. ' WITH erregard' to the abovo, I would say that as- 1 n a chip from the same block, and having beenl... hrotight up to the business of moiing and raising buildings, 1 feel confident that S can give entire satis- faction to all who mar ver mewith -their, patronage, And further, 1 would say that I am still making these " Boss CISTERNS" As GOOD and cheaper than ever, r JOHN STEPHENSON, Clinton ]ttom d�eZ' .MY STOCK OF. SPLEND-iC SAB.Y CARRIAGES' EMBRACING THE LATEST STYLES, CONTINUES' TO ARRIVE, AND WILL 134 DISPOSED OF''_4ST THE' VERY LOWEST PRICES. CALL AND SEE .THEM..:: :TRUNKS POR TIE "MILLION NESS1....'BOOTS....and S. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MONEY. TO LOAN-Pn1\-A_ Fo', , AT IAN 1t.lrF or IN-TETA:sr,'„ SHINGLES -r12200 bunches of GEG11C_i.'1N BA .SHINGEES for sale, from X40 e per bunch, up. Roomsover - store to let, . Vietcoria, 11310e1K, Clinton; BEAV TTTTTTT AA CLINTOI' TOGE:Ar: