HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-08-03, Page 5CRICKET• .A somewhat interesting cricket match' was played here on Friday, between the "Wanderers" and the Victoria Block, re- sultingin favor of the former, by 00 runs, 'which is a bad defeat, considering that the victors are all juveniles. The follow- ing is the score :--- ' -' WANDERERS. 1st Innings.2nd Innings. McCartney b Manning... 11 bYoung 9 Jordan 0Manning ... ... 1 c Young, • 3 0. Howson b Manning.. • 18 0 Harland b Manning 0 D -Manning 0. Stevens b Manning ... • 1 h Manning •.' 11 Stanbury ebur 0 Idanuin8 •0 run out...... , , ..,.....' Kennedy b Manning 14 c Jackson..2 Spooner b Manning 5 run out 0 J. Stanbury b Manning.. , 7 b Young • ; 9 Specht b Manning 2 not coni , • .. • 0 Manning 0 F b Turnbull7,1c not out - Byes 7, lel; byes o 9 byes .. u 77.3 - .38 VIC'I'OR1A BLOC1i. 1st lupin s• 2nd linings. b Stevens B3 c Monson,.-_.- \\.. .G lelteon •, Manning 1 0 w b Stevens 3 Fowler b Kennedy 0 'b Stanbury - '3* W. Jackson b Kennedy c Turnbull2 b Iicnnedy......,0 J. Young.b Stevens ....,. 0 c J. Stanbury_ 5' T. Hanlon run out ....... 0 b Stevens.. I Bugh; Dau b and cliennedy 1 e Kennedy, � .'0 b Kennedy- .. 2. Barge run gift......,..... . . Potts h Stevens 0 not out 0 Johnston b Kennedy 0 b Kennedy..., Wilkin not out .0 b Stevens. • • . .0 Byes 7, leg byes 2, ;vides 1 10byes4legb's1 wides2.7. 18 33. T13E OUTLOOK. The following article, from the Ottawa Free Press, requires no cominent :-- The —The extraordinary number of office seek -l. ers now at the Capital would seem to in- dicate that promises of situations in the publics service were freely used as induce- ments in the late elections.. This was, per- haps, only to havo been expected under the circumstances. But there are also here a great many visitors who.. are' not office seekere ; they aim athigher gaIne, • and doubtless many of. the debts contracted. in the contest will be cancelled by slices of territory in the North \Vest. 'Already -- there are rumors afloat of undertakings, under various disguises for the purpose of getting possession of tracts of land far be-'. gond the limits of present settlement. But it is quite possible that the result of the elections in Manitoba may have a salu- tary influence in directing the future policy of the government in relation to the lands of the North West, and if ministers are wise they will give heed to that warning. For good or ,ill they have secureda lease of power and the people will look to,them for the fulfillment within the corn ing years of those flattering promises by which confidence was secured. --It-is-to-he.. feared, however; that the idea that the`. party ust have all consideration: and the country attended to afterwards, has got so strong a hold onthose who claim .credit for recent successes that the present; -i3- only!' the beginning of another era of exiraina-' c . We would 'bo glad, indeed .were' gar a n. , this apprehension unfounded': The re= sources of the country should be. carefully guarded, for the time is coining, and, may ot bo far distant, when we will need all, the attractive forces within our territory) to prevent a collapse.. We have only to compare the positionof the Dominion with thatof the . United •--------Slatessean_.orsler-,tci,obtain a forecast of what the inevitable results mustbe`of- a policylof extravagande; .. Owing to foreign demand for -our lumber. arid -:-agricultural. products there has been a :vast .expansion of trade. Good harvests have added to our prosperity. Inflation has come as a matter of course, and speculation is rife. True there are parts of the country which are not progressing; and from which many` are (mg'ating to better thl.u,'condition,`. but on the whole we are prosperous in spite of bad government and extravagant waste. of resources•, In a. time like this -it is the duty of the men entrusted with the ad- ministration of affairs to look carefully`:o the ftrturo and provide:for exigencies wllicli. the experience of the past has painfully as-. cured us must rise in thefuture,' '.Batlike: sperm thrifts who fancy their coffers can never become empty,. Ministers are piling'. up the public debt, and apparently' bent on the one object of keeping the eapendi-,` tore and income of. the. country on a level. No greater 'error could be committed. In a very short, time she UnitedS State's, , whose influence in a business sense is` of enormous weight on our population, will have wiped out their public debt. The taxes imposed for that purposewill then. have to be reduced ; the cost of riving will immediately decrease, industry expand, wealth will accumulate, while Canada with its enormous and increasing fiscal burdens will pass ander the rule•of foreign:ledgers.`., It is not by any means pleasant .to contem-` plate' the contrast that will. .then be af- forded by the two countries: From every aide we hear warningsof a comingstorm, and if Ministers are wise they will take in sail. There may yet be time, to avert' much' misery. It should be the aim of our statesmen to bring the financial conditions, in Canada to as near an approximation to those of the United States as. possible, so that when the break iu the existing Es- oal system among our neighbors does come,' we may not be laid prostrate under bur- dens the like of which will be only an un- pleasant n pleasant recollection to then. •: It will not have escaped notice that the foreign capital, which we were • told was seeking investment in this country, is note going into manufactures, nor -into works of ----development. -All-of itas•for.land, rietslae. ing but land, and the vast monopoly of the soil, thus created, adds an additional dan-' ger, instead of a comfort; to our fiitnre, prospects. If the results show that the late Cabinet meetings have been merely. party palavers, at .w'hich_the a.poils_were_ divided, then we may prepare for a dismal, denoument. ' But should it : turn out that a great effort has been made to extend our commercial relations with other coun- tries, more especially—with the United States, then we may hope for a possible, escape from the evils that must follow. the present policy of wastefulness. 11' NEARLY DEAI). After taking some highly puffed np stuff, with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters, and have -no -fear of any Kidney or Urinary. Troubles, Bright's Disease, Diabetes or. Liver Complaint. These diseases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bitters ; besides it is the best family medicine on earth. Forest fires havo again broken out in North. ern Michigan and immense'. destruction of property is feared. Farmers are flexing in every direction to avoid the flames. At "least one village— that of Glendam—is alsothreat- ened, It is to be hoped that the disastrous experience of last year will not be repeated. Hon. W. Macdougall is said to be preparing a phamphlot on public affairs. ; Fifty deaths.- oceurxed in New York on Thursday, caused by the excessive heat. . The, crop reports from Ireland are much mote favorable than they were a few days ago. The .ludians in the ;Turtle, Mountain' coun- try of Dakota threaten' to eject the whites um, lees they leave the place. Reformers of South Bruce have nominated H. B. O'Connor, of Walkerton,- as candidate' for the Local Leielature. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and the Colonial Office are considering the subject of assisted Irish emigration to Canada and other colonies. " In Marquette, Mau., four hundred ballots thrown out on a count were so evenly divided that Mr. Watson's Reform majorityeis. only -reduced by five. Bright's Disease of the ,KidY,, ne s Diabetes and other Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver; which you' are being so frightened about, Hop Bitters; is the only -thing that will snrelyand permanently'prevenfraud:cure. All other .pre- tended cures only relieve for a time and "teen make you many times worse. • Ontario, New, Brunswick, 'Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island, and: British Columbia all possess Deform Local LegisIatures,_and Manitoba Will soon follow suit.. Returns from British Columbia show that the Local Tory Government has been defeated by an overwhelming' majority. So far twelve Opposition, four Government, and ond• 'In- dependent have -been. elected. The compromise offered by the Reformers of North Renfrew has been accepted by " the Conservatives, and Mr. W. B. McAllister, Iu-- dependent, will be elected -by acclamation,: to • represent the riding in. the Local Legislature. ' The petition:against the retain of Prof.' Foster'in King's county, N. B.," which was filed on:Thursday, claims that the Professor was aware of .the use of money;. liquor, and other corrupt; practices to secure his return. The Hon. Joseph Chapleau has,beenoffered`. 'and has accepted a seat inDominion Cabinet _ The_ -Hon, Joseph Alfredtele, Meussean retires,' and 1 till succeed Mr. Chapleau as Premier of tluebec, the latter. taking Mr. 'Mousseau'e position as Secretary of State. • Cropadvices are uniformly favorable. ICen- tucky•hasproduced' about 18,000,000 bushels of winter wheat, or 50 per cent. more, than the average for the state,,and.farmers in 111 inois, Iowa, and Minnesota: continue to report favorable prospects: The glowing reports of wheat yield of 1882 in Kansas would seem to haveunderestimated rather than exaggerat- ed the situation The State Board of Agricul, Lure .estimated the average yield at.20 bush- els to ` the acre throughout the • State, but some authorities are.of'opinion now that this [igare'is 15 or20 per cont. below the mark. .Don't be Alarmed.. at Bright's l)isease Diabetes, or any disease of the kidneys. liver or urinary orgaus, as II'op; Bitters will certainly and •lastingly, cure you, and it is the only thing tliatwill, IIuL]LETT- V()'1'.iJns L1ST. OT10E is hereby given that Thrive transmitted or i delivered to%the 'persons, mentioned in the third and. fourth seetious of the "Voters' 'List Act". '. the copies required by said, section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all Per -song -appearing by the lastrevised Assessment Moll of the.said Municipality to Ile..entited to vote; in' the Said municipality at Elections for members of the'Le- gislative Assembly and at. Municipal Elections.; =Sud that said list was first posted ep,at my;office at Hal- lett on the twentieth day:of July, 1882,; and remains there fur inspection; Electors are called upon Jo, ex4niinc the said' lit and if any omissions or other errors four herein,. t fdtgke iiumediate-preeeediiags.: to:have the.. said errors corrected according to law.' Hallett 2)01, July., 1882. .1, BRAITHIiAITL•".. • • , , Clerk of said+Municipality, Forest fires have broken oat in Forth:Eastern Michigan, and great damage is being done to farm property. • The officers of . the Canada Pacific railway have compiled a crop report for Manitoba, which indicates that the harvest in •that Pre- sence wilt, altogether, be quite up to the ave- rage. Late frosts and 8continned 'drought: have retarded growth iu some localities, the general cry being for more rain, The area of land taken taken up this season has been un- usually 1airge. Over three thousand entries have already been made at the Turtle Moun- tain .office alone. Mr. W. D. Balfour, Reeve of Ampherst burg, and editor of the Echo of that town, was nominated on Friday to 'contest the re- presentatien of South Essex in the Ontario Legislature, Mr. Balfour is an ableand and would makegood man a go d repre- sentative, We knew him when he had hardly two cents to rub together. The Conserva- tives selected Dr. Wright. The vacancy was caused by the resignation of Mr,Wigle, elect- ed M.P. at the late general election. The latest -reP Arts from Ottawa contain these:political items of importance :' Sir A. T: Galt will not go. to England for several. weeks yet. ' Mr.14lacdouga'.1, will petition against the retain' of Mr. Dari -son for Algoma, on, grounds which willbring the :boundary question -before the, courts. ,_Mr. Caron will. not retire from the Cabinet; and no-cnanaes will take place for some time. ' Sir John Macdonald will not visit Manitoba this year. He is disgusted at the rebellious spirit dis- played by :the Western Conservatives who will have none of lips railway monopoly, . r s. Dining the past week a couple of strange chaps have been through the neighborhood in the capacity ofwashing. •machinepedlers.. A few•days ago they fell in with Mr.' Cr.' Sumner and induced' him to take an agency of :the. machine. Drawing from their pocket* a book of printed forms to take his order fora num- ber of machines, as ho thought, lie signed his. name in two or three' places. Che seine: even• ing the strange chaps were in Dublin trying l to sell Mr. Sumner's note to the amount of 4200 or thereabouts, Failing in Dublin, they tried.,t the bank in Mitchell, with no better SUCceBS. The'swinclle has worried- Mr. Sam- -Der -so -much that his mind '.has given way under the presspre, and he is in a,'very pre- carious mental eondidition. -What' has be- come of the fraudulent notes is not yet_known Persons hiereabnutsshould look oat for similar swindles. A REIOMKIiABLE ESCAPE. • Mrs. Geo. C. Clarke, of fort Dalhousie, On- tario, states that she had been confined to her room for a long time with that dreadful disease, Consumption. The doctors said she could not escape au early grave, but fortunately she be- gan taking Dr, King's New Discovery for Con- sumption, and in ashore time was completely cured. Doubting ones, please write Mrs.CarJee, aud_be convinced. Try a bottle free at Combos'. Drug Store. I•argo size $1:00. C.' Schitesmnyer, Boot •find Shoe maker. First-class work at low price... Air assortment of -made ead ksw .r�l ready-made fine goods, on hand. Repairing - g neat-. ly done..Shop—,NEXT 000a TO KER.. NEDI-'S HOTEL; CLINTON. _ 0BB--Thousands of graves are annually robbed of their victims, lives prolonged;. EDha andre- stored health re stored by the use of the great _PP CEI MANINVIG0R ATOR which' positively and permanently cures Impotency (caused by excess of any kind,) Seminal Weakness, and' all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lassitude, pain ie the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that leadto insanity or consunip- tionpnd a premature grave.; Send•for'circulars with testimonials free by mail. „The INYL0UR ATORis old at $1 per box; or six boxes for 89, byall druggists, or will be sent free by mail; se- . curdy - e -,curer• willed, 00 receipt of price, by addressing. F. J.:CHI•;NEY Druggist 187 Summit St.. Toledo Ohio. .,1.'11.:(k,rnbe - s solos entfor'Clinton Bi cklen's Arnica Salve. ' The.best. Salve in the 4,orld for Cuts. Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum. 1''over, Sores, Tetter, ChappedlTands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin. Eruptions, and positively 'cures Piles. ' It il; guarranteed to give .perfect.. satisfaction, or inoneyrefunded. Price25 cents per box. For. sale by J. H. Combe. J • • h'n IVBcGarva + TURER A • SALT t�IAVUT' L . , AND DEALER 17 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS G E _ , ALBERT .STREET, • Opposite the ToO-$ IIid1. Very .Gho.ae Lard, Hams &: Bacon e . s['er•sale ;it ,lowest.prices. • - I Cash paid; for Farm. Products. .J.' McGARVA.; QlApril'4,1SS2. r Boot and .` Shoe gab. stito. "Making. akin. g. rillilisubscribcr take; rid; means'' of thanking hi, numerous friends for their liberal patronage for =the pasttwenty years, and also wonld..bg to say-. that the has engaged the bestw•orkmau avid is note prepared to fill all: orders on the shortestuotice and'in first-class style, and hoping that he may receive as liberal ashare of patronage in the future..- Sewed work a epecl>allty. IL. BEACOM.;`. IIE SUBSCRIBER MAKES- A SPECIALTY 1 of this business and keeps constantly'ou hand a large assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS, COFFIN 'IRI1VIMINGS, SHROUDS, Anil everything in th"'lindertal ing"Line, and Can furnish c\'cry:thmg suitable, far a, funeral on the shortest notice aitd m the A At lost Rea � • s ��able _ Rates TWO SPLENDID LI14: A.I'1SES :KEPT FOR:•IfillE. REMEMBER' TI L PLACE s OPPOI1 P TI � IS, 15^" \ CO . HALL. -HOS, S- T TEVENSON.�. 0 �%1)(IEJEa,riiess.:,; es s, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c.,. W111uH..WILT 13i2' 900111' AT VERY LOW. RATES. NewtonIetiflis HARNESS : MAKERS, CLINTON. 11111.111.011 mnflOOmmilintimol. (*mom= I`s 1Lceomntended. by Pllysieians. CURES Catarrh: of the Nasal.Cavlty-Chrpnic and' Ulcerative; Catarrh of Pio Ear, Eye -or. Throat. It Is taken INTERNALLY and.acts DIRECTLY upon the•elood and' Mucous' Surfaces of the n System. the WORLD, and is worth ALL, It is the best Blood Purifier • I fat is charged .for It, for. • . THAT alone, -ONLv INTERNAs. CURE FOB CATARRH IN :1'i•1. 7'1:�1ZKF7r , 10 , Ao Off r $0170 'o: say taed.oE' Cata:riz 1' a `l i t dare _ �00 lY"r:•i. t., March -23, 1882. My little daught' ,ab led with Catarrh for two years, un 1 i3 o, ; `nuiob•benefitted by -the -use at ball's-;Uleuurll.Cure•" 'She is now about euros. W. T. HOUSE. Wr i r n r•, Ont 11f arch:20, 1882. I have used " Ball s C %t'arrlt Guh:e,"r and judge ing from the good results I derived from one bottle, believe it will cera the moststubborn case of Catarrh if its use be continued for a reasona0,e le:igth•ot time. W. LI. REDEEMS. We (r Oat., March 20, 1882. P J C,randv iC 1,1 1 1 l.j, O. Gents. -Have soli ;HAI heriatarrh Dire for the :'. last year, mud ft giV01 entire Satisfaction. • Yours' truly, H.•SV. $01.380N, Druggist. Hall's Catarrh ' Cure Ig sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Doalo 's in Patent Modioines in, ' tbetliited Staten and Canada. , Pit OL" ?5'CentS f'• '2., $3..00 fl Dane The only genuine Hall's <:atarrh Cure is man. ufacture-+ by F. S. CILllo, E'Y d. CO,,, Toledo, O. I 'Bowa1e of Imitations, Bottled for the Ontario trade by, H. W.-. HOBSON: Welland. Ont.: J'.''t1. C1ONIBE, 'Agent,' Clinton. Wish most respectfully to return their sincere thanks to thein' friends and customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon them in the past, and at the same, time would say that they will in the future (as in the past) do their utmost• to supply ,'all. entrusting them with their patronage for Hardware, Stoves,' &c., ivitll the ;very pest goods at the very lowest possible prices. We would also, take this opportuninty of informing the public in general that we have , Hardware,Stoves,.&c in the store in the Opened up.a new. stock of, .. ,� Beaver' Block,- next door; to Tohmpson & Swatzer's"'Grocery, Where we will keep on hand a grand stock of STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE,.ite. '' 'f : Our stockat the old stand in the Red Erick Store will at allomss be oundp in assort- ment ment and quality. Our prices will also be found as low as any'.3souse in the trade. . Solicit- ing a continuance of public 'pataonage,we are, yours &C. MANCFI STORE, BEAVER BLOCK NEXT TO THOMPSQN (35 SWITZERR'S. SIGN' 01' flIE-;P-ADLOCK, ; RED BRICKSTORE Alip8iT.:•S.'IREET ;C LI\TOY. The undersigned desires to inform the ladies of Clinton and surrounding country that he has secured the services of A FIRST 'CLASS: MILLINER, who has had a large 'Iajtperience in thin line of business. He would also take -this opportunity. of thanking his numerous customers ad:fri'end0-:for their liberal patronage r in the past wasad-solicits a continuance of thee same, and would invite•them:to come and see. his large stock. of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, -Before' making_their.seasotl.'_s:purghases, believing it will lie to their advantage', as it the largest stock helms ever offered, comprising Paris, London, and New York designs in plain and fancy straws, in all the newest shapes and styles. -. BROCADED R1BBONS, till widths and shades. '_FEATHERS-, FLOWERS, SILKS, SATINS and SUMMER PLUSH in all colors, '.selected in the best markets, LACE CURTAINS, 'EMBROIDERIES GLOVES, CORSETS, A SPECIALTY. Plain and Fancy Straws done oyer in all the newest styles. Farm produce taken. R. BEESLEY; VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. T.A'Z'TS � CH1V.�:ISTS &DRUGGISTS, Albert Street, Clinton. The public will find our stock of lneslicines complete, warranted 'genuine, and of the best quality:,. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY,'' SHOULDER BRACE'S, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS ,OE .DRUGGSTS'' SUNDRIES' USUALLY REPT IN A FIRST CLASS DIWG STORE. 1111411 ron..THE AT HURRAH THOMPSON &SVVITZER'S. TEA POR'THE MILLION. ---TEA 4 LBS. FOR, V. ,TEA 3 LBS. FOR 1. LI-QUOR TEA, WITH EVERY 3 -LBS.I A VALUABLE BOOL{: 7 lbs. J I for ''1.00. Gollerai:GR 0 y, SRI c eap - :a fresli. + n - ,� I; nue stool. of PRJNELLA a and under co and soots �•ilv. Shoes. --Now is your time toi buy. ' LADIES 3 D ES TIE AND O very._ <: ...- BurroN SII Es cheap. • inspect our stock. Trade taken for ]iootsand Shoes. _" ever. and 1ssWarecheaperthan Call and be coati it,c•ed. - Ail linails of produce takelr'at highest incoket prices. .Cir&ToN June • 1882: > � TI�OM - ' ' • PS010T 8i;- SWITZER. CENT.. AL �, DR ,R UG T. - S OR -E- HUMPHREY'.S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES UTICURA REMEDIES,. G IILMEDIhS,': • - ICEI\rDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. And'all the recent t sten kept ' is m stock or racured, to order. ;Pp A.1 large; stock :Of �IIL HAIR BRUSHES,T TOILET I T SETS> SPONGES,. P� ' .. ERFUMERY, .&c.;.,Veryehep. CELLULOID TRUSSES at reduced rates. .PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and family receipts accurately compounded with care and `despatch. JA .: I.�V1 3 F CHEMIST 'AN,.DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT.' . m111\1-'110 ;C ORB ETT&BOLES7 Proprietors. :. . The subscribers take this opportunity of informing the public that they -have erected % a large, new :Woollen Mifl in Clinton, with =a capacity three times,00:great as the old ono, have fitted :up the - same with the very best and latest impraved,Maclnnery, and are prepared to turn. out CUSTO ilk'' WORK -AND 1Y..MANUFA CT'U RING.. . On theilortest notice acid in the bust worlrinaulike manner' 1possible: ..:: Carding, Spinning l�e:ivin �;Mani1tacturin g oi'a11 kind Blankets, ;Flannels, n, �eGs 1ce ads full Cloth IIo2se llanhets; Stocking ,Yarn, etc., made to order and kept constantly .ora band to eel o.Ioco ige fol a,Jool ; ot- sell chea 1 � .f or cash. ': ' 'ROLL- CARDINGr . A• SPECIALITY. Having placed iii. our' factory a.eom complete and new Roll Macliiu i• i t ,, 1,1 Carding o, fa u cis inay estiec+ the best Rolls it is Possible -'to wake. Satisfaction in this Imp and all 'ethers guaranteed. 'EXCHANGING FO 3. .WOOL; Farmers, bring in you, wool,; wew,11 baka or.exchabge it,f roods. Our, Factory being callable of manufacturing one hundred thousand pounds of Wool in a year,: you' will always finds market • for your Wool in Clinton, Y 1 mai .et 5 0 ancl.'THE.HIC+HEST PRICE PAID. • •. DPE+ SPA2`CH :o ' SLT 'AN.JBSS: • Gur;eapacity being so great, you will always be able to have your work doneori'the shortest notice 'Our' 1'Idt:-GORREE-CLthaslu.g Carried onthe Woollen bueinees for the' last' seven years, in Cliiiton, ' takes this opportunity:of thanking his many caste -416n and-filen.de far-th 1—71heral patronage-i,t. 'vie past, and the neW 111'111 ,would kindly solicit tilt patronage of all his old -customers; and. hundreds of`new ones. CORBETTBOLES, CLiNTQN• , DOW ,ITS_ s 7 C Y o 17q stock C' 1._ �'S: _OYYI: Mete 1�:'se,G'Oa].i1 e tO nolle in the 'eolinty, and i eheap. aby, arria, 11,ewras iortrnettt- ehhe"ctp, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. AND KNOW, IP W. SIMPSON, Clinto. )irnton Cabinet Comp'y.: In `011C1to meet our inn ul trade we hal 'e laurrlt the-Llatory_atcljo�called � 1V.13. ()rich, . . and after .getting .it -under way We are prepnre ' to., ; -lllanufactul'e Everything -in. the Furniture line, t Frolu the 'cheapest to the best sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finish and workmanship. . Ordered work' a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed UNDERTA,KING' We l'isl'e also added this branch to olir business;. unci in .it at all., tiniei-will be found everything to meet the irequirenients of. all.. A. HANDSOME,EARE 1PIT FOE, IIIL . .,Py,$trict attention to business -and all eye to accom- modate and I2lease,'we-hope to merit the confidence of all. GEORGE DIEHL & :CO.