HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-27, Page 10CLINTON NEW ERA.
THURSDAY. JULY 27, 1882.
gown affi»LCL:
FINGER CUT oPF.-Yesterday while a
boy- named George Bean (son of Nr. John
Bean) was sawing a board in the foundry,
it slipped, and the saw took off the first
joint of his index finger.
Cook, of Princess Street, has.a cactus now
in bloom, on which are one hundred and
sixty flowers. = Who of the many ladies in
town having such large collections of flow-
ers, can give:a more; profuse display'than
MACHINES. — Messrs. Glasgow, Mac-
pherson & Co. are doingan extensive
business in shipping threshers to Manito-
ba this year. Having already sent 'a
number of machines and also having more
orders on, their books now than they
shipped to that place during the whole of
last season.
THoito-nitED Live; STOCKS-tlt 'a
meeting, e at 1 ommercia o. e ;: on
Tuesday, of the Huron Live, Stock -Asso-
ciation, it ivas decided to liolda sale here
about the 20th of October, and all parties
having thoro-bro4"live stock th at they wish
to dispose of should notify the secretary,
Mr. M. Y. McLean, Seaforth; giving. par
ticulars of the sante.
A meeting. of: the directors of the township
of Hullett Agricultural Societywas held
at the . Rattenbury House, on Monday,
when it -was decided to hold the annual fall
show in Clinton, on the_ 19tl,and 20th of
Sept. A liberal prize list will be offered,
and no pains spared to make the show
first-class in every respect.
THE BICYCLE. -Ott Monday Messrs:W.,
H. Grant•and'.Thos..Ohallnner, of Strath-
roy, passed through town 011 bicycles,: on
their way to Wi.nghana. The distance
from Strathroy to Clinton, in a:direct line,
is nearly GO naile_,_and this_ they made in
a little over six hours. Between Exeter
and Clinton "they only dismounted once,
and then it; was "tosmile" at'Brucefield.
OLDER RELICS STILL.—,Last week re-
ference was made to the possessionof a
couple of old relics by a.party in town.
Mrs. Thos. Cooper, sr., has something that
goes ahead of them.. She has a couple•of
bowls that have been in the family for
over 200 years, and, with the exception of
being colored by age, are as good as ever.
They are _made very light, yet appear
ART.—We are pleased to learn thatit.
is becoming the fashion to- give pictures.,
as wedding presents, our local artist,
Miss Mountcastle, having recently com-
pleted an order very satisfactorily a dainty
little water color drawing which has gone
to a, blissful pair in Toronto -and is now.
engaged upon another for the same pur-
pose, It is a pretty idea and: jve hope the
friends of. Art will remember itcavlien
occasion offers.
A ri.'i.D SMASH.—On Friday night- last
a small dog got into the show window of
Mr. P. Robb; while no one was in the
store, and succeeded to smashing several
dollas worth of fruit jars. Parties in :the
house, on hearing the noise, : concluded
that it was the work of burglars, but in-
ws_tigation howed that it was: "only a
dog." It is -supposed that in chasing prat
or trying•to get, out the dog jumped in
among . the jars, the store not being lit up_
at the time. .
.STEAM TH1insHLRs.-A meeting:of,par
. ties owning steam threshing machines, in
this neighborhood was .held; at Swarts',
Hotel, en Friday, hien it ••was decided
that a`uniforrn charge of $12 pet kday'. he
` made 7,nr t`li"i+eshing during'the present
season. They"claim that this price is only
a fair -remuneration' for their ,investment,
and that the amount ofwork :done makes
it much cheaper than threshing by" horse
power. An advertiseinent referring liere-
to will be found idanother column.
Excuasrorrs.—Those'who wish , to cn-
joy themselves' on the .Civic: Holiday,
(Thursday, August 3rd) have, ample ops
portunity to do so in the way of eaeursions
by rail The special excursion en ;the
Great Western.Railway to Detroit,(ti very,
pretty and attractive .spot) is lo,iv enough
in price, $2.25, to' meet the lrishes of'all,
desiring to go in that direction; and the
excursion to Toronto (another attractive
spot) is also as cheap as any one cotildde
sire. -$1.30. • Both excursions ,:are likely
tobe well patronized.':
iiIs., N Ito '. iscatEs ,Lboat
mid-day o3 Mon clay,,aspark fell from. !tlae
stove: pipe ;ori' to the roof of a lean-to
kitchen of Mr...Jell i 1)aynient'.s "residence
on the (ravel road, and•ignited the.shin
glee, butfortunately Was • discovered before
it hacl burnt iiiueh. Five minutes more
and the house sulci not, leave been saved '
On the same day the housvof'11Ir. Slow
Irian had equally as narron an escape from
destruction. A quantity of rags took fire
by spontaneous combustion, "igniting the.
house, but it'Was quickly putout by a -
neighbor, Who discovered it. •
SAD AccTbii T.-Uue day last (week a
son of MI J. L. Sheppard watchman at
the foundry, met witha:sad accident while
he was visiting some friends near Exeter.
In the orchard'thc young sprouts coming
through the ground had' been cut ofi' with
a scythe, leaving thn sharp points sticking
up, and while he ylas: playing. in one of
the trees he fell doWii, When one of these
points entered the right eye, and COm
pietely destroyed the sight, a;ltlot gh the
eye ball did not.appear'to be iujti> e 1." The
little fellow,- who is oiily.;10_years of. age,
bore his painful injury bravely.
of theBo
Board of High ol I
tees was held on Monday evei>.ing, tllessi•s,
Fisher, Robson and Jackson benig j resent.
A communication 7waS laid before the
board front Mr, Steep, offering tS for • the
crrass on the School.ground, Was read,. but
as the glass had previously been cold, :fro
,tttion iva5 taken• A• commu di cati on from
the Weston High School Board, askiig
iris ,heard to co-operate with tliein•in pe-
titioning the Government to; make' 'a
change in the school law, to theeffect that
each comity should be divided tip .into
High School districts,whiclr weuld admit
of pupils from all parts of the county be-
ing allowed to attend free, was rear!, when
it was rc-solved that the petitionslroulci
be signed by the. chairman pro. tell?, tncl
returned •ia'. the Secretary of the �Sestop
Board. A petition from Mr, McTag'g'art
and others, in • reference to 'Mr. :Fisher's
seat at the board.' was read and. laid .:on
the table. Mr,. 'steep's :account -of $4, ,for
:teaming. was ottdersd to be paid.
THOSE, who go. to Toronto on the Civic •
Holiday, 'and wish a pleasant lake trip,'`.
Will find the Steamer Piston one of the'
Most reliable as Well as one of the most'
elegantly furnished of the many, at the
port. We have travelled on it, and can'
therefore 'recommend it. It runs ,between
St. Catharines and Toronto, Making eon-
nections.for Niagara'Falls, Buffalo, etc.
Ru�awAY.—On Saturday night when
Dr. Dowsley Went to untie his horse from
the post; opposite hisresidence;- it :got
frightened and backed away from him be
fore he could take hold of it. It then ran
up to Rev. Dir. Craig's, and crossed ,the
street a couple of times, smashing'. against:'
a tree, bending the dashboard and break
ing the -shafts off,• With these• appendages
it, raft down Rattenbury Street,
right into as crowd at Cooper's corner, butt
fortunately noone•was hurt; thenl:it took''
the right of waydown the street to Racey's
corner, going up Princess street, Where it
was stopped without further damage being
done. Nearly all horses, when they "run.
away, show speeding abilities which they
were never before.supposed to possess.
• BitIFrs.-The appreciation in which the
T -tv ERA is held issho-iv-t-ta , e7faet-that-
over one' hundred persons'called for their
papers while they were being printed last
Wednesday.,night. On -Thursday evening
three small girls were passing a herd of
about fifteen • mains, ...when the latter •
made• a rush by, using sonie offensive re'
marks, -quick as thought one of the girl§'.
turned anddealt a youth a'ringing cuff oi
the ,ear. From.a small patch in his gar.
den .Mr: J. •Allanson realized thisyear$35'
from the sale of ,Peas alone. Mr. D. A.
Forrester, who has A. couple 'Of hundred
acres of flax to p111 this year,. expects to
begin work on •it in about two weeks time ;
it is a good crop but a little late. .There
are. one et .tWo pluses in this town of which
very unfavorable reports, are and haye;
been for a long time in • circulation as:,. to
their character, and it is the duty, of_the
authoritiesseewhat :truth -thereiisi it
them, and if any,' take prompt -;Steps for
the' suppression of the eyil.: On Thursday
last Messrs:
son; started trimming the town trees; while
the latter was up a tree opposite Mr.. Stan-
burg's house, he'fell down; hutting,his legr
The council only allowed an outlay` of $15
which is the reason so little was done.— •
On Thursday Mr;: Smith had the
misfortune to strike his band on the knife'
of a straw' cutter, the palm being , cut to .
thebone: •' Haying is now pretty well over,:
and an exceptionally goody crop has been'.
gathered, 'The annunl excursion' of the..
G., T. R.. -employes,' Brantford, will take
place on Saturday next, to.Goderich. " Mr.
Jas. Smith.is negotiat•ing,for the purchase:
of a farm iii the county, of •Oxford, near
'W'oodstock.. A cow belonging to 'Mr E.
Moore died` last'`. week; -it •.was' at first,
thought it had eaten potato tops on «hick
poison had been sprinkled, but no ;poison
could -be discovered:.. Messrs.. R. Goats 8i
Son claim the first •importa:Oen :of fall
goods, having .received. several cases ,f
tweed a couple of Weak ago, • iSunday
last'•was a'day en'which •most people felt
-disposed." to take only just ;as' much exer-
tion as'was absolutely necessary, owing to
the heat.: Mrs. R. H.. Call has started •a
boarding house on Ontario'`street. ' .Mr. S.
Cook, has left with -us samples of tzdo va-
rieties of goose berries, and red and white
currants, that Will be hard to beat. It is
reported that a large serpent (veying.in
-size according—.to-the, party telling::thy
story) with seven Borns on ':its back, alas
•been seen in Gibbings poicl, as all who
-have-seen,it' are strictly temperate, •we
cent their, statementwithout doubt. Mr."
Chris Dickson has sold oneof the splendid.
singing.cauaries that Irak for Some. time-
enlivened,his shop. • Cominercial travellers
are as thick as flies; they statethat in busi-
ness: circle"s Cirntonis how regarded as one
of the' best towns inOntario—so•it.shotild.
be ` \;Ir. Fawcett; of oi1e the n
travellers'en the road, and,has m"adeMany'
trips here; is no longer a com'l traveller
but with "fill lits peculiarities he:: _is
first-rate fellow: DIr. Jas. ;,Moore;: of the
Comniereial, has been improving' the in=:
ternal economy', of he bar -room. ,..A car
load of rags froth _IIincardine, Was trans
ferred.to the Grand Trunk on 1\Ionday:
Mr.'W.'Ciaig shipped two carloadsof cat-
tle by G. Tilt: to Toronto, • on Monday;
and Mr:Bonner, of DIontreal, shipped three
ear$H of good export, cattle,`by G. Wr R.,
ou Tuesday. Some ,contemptible being
poisoned two dogs belonging, to Mr. Strai-:
toff this.week. One of the division.track.
inspectors •passed clown the G. W. A: a
few'cl ty'3 since ; he used a bicycle:, now,
common with -railway inert Which • runs
ripen a singlerail,'but has a•.sma11. balainee
'Wheel that: '•rnns ,til>on the other rail ; it
.appealed capableof making remt r•kably'
quick timer Thee I R.:employees at
work here on .the new station, as . well as:'
marry others on the line, were taken.away.
on;'Saturdato repair a bridge at -Mount
Clemens, Mich they will'.ptocced, with
the'elcietion of the station entheir'r'eturnn
Raspberries are now ail the mailer, all
sold here are •wild growth, but this is a
fruit that Might:be cultivated profitably.
Tlii:s is a good number of the NEW E s
to;send to friends at s clistance, in fact
persons having friends away front' home
who Were 'former- residents;• should' send.
them the New Era every week,—it is bet-;
ter than the best letter. Mr,Jos.Al1anson;'
wlioexpected to, getitw o.boats at Bayfield to
put on the river, here, has been disappoint
ed,and is sending to Toronto for two skiffs,
'Mr: P. Cl -Fey, of'Clinton, is Making the
best'ginger ale anal soda Water, evermanu
factored in this neighborhood and is now
disposing of large 'quantities of it; we
1410w it is good because we -have sampled;
it. "'During the month of Jtine four thous
anCipostal cards were disposed of at the
Clinton Post, Office.. Ou Tuesday . after-
n . '1 i 9ti
noon, wliile_ly i gain eel ,.1411, \V, H. Hine
was ,poisoned o i the, hand by the bite of a:
large spider.; the band swelled up consid-
siderably, blit the swelling was reduced by
an application of liniment. All ,parties.
interested should remember that -Thursday,
next, theSref.of August, is Cluitoii's 'civic
Holiday "the NEW ERA office will be
as usual for tlic delivery of papers. • A.
gentleman id • town offers as a stib^_
ca ption toiya,rds i 1 iig_"some kind, of a
bathing place for boys, 'at the .). ayfield,
river ; who will add to the amount? A
good many are .this week cutting their fall
Wheat, theweatiterPso far being favorable
for it. The fire engine was taken :out to
.Trwin's pond for praetiee,oii Monday evens
ing;:_the.. distance is' nearly one thousand
yards, :and iri 14 niiuutes•from the first tap
of the:bell, the engine was throwing Water'
—pretty q.ui:ek • work: The thermometer
stood at 85 °'in the shade yesterday (Wed
,nesda :) Currants and gooseberries from
ilIr• W, R:tttenbury's garden; ai o the "lat✓g-
est recelyc.d:yet.
'Thursda , leu . s
y, Ju t Mrd.
.025 � A�� � �onr�r•LTNTo�v
Tickete good t0''return by any' regular lr in on the 41h.of •August.
Special " Train will leave Clinton at 6.40 a. rn.,\arriving in
Detroit at 12.30. Returning will leave at S\p. 1n.
For full •particulars apply t.o
'or Ladies n.d Mi
a _ sses gear.:
gee them..: The prices : were.
never heard of in this
un ty before.
fou want to see'. the
Largest Stock Best Quality and Cheapest Goods in,
the County,
G Ods ccs.:
n ec a! l3a a ns a �s. •
lan of ± - o1 of
ab Car rza�
11,117ST :..BE SOLS
CUYit1G' and, ._ . � iii w c, er®>t �i><=
Y Y.
or .noir..
BOy carriages and Express" Waggons, Oro-
ry(yue> Lacrosse7 Music &`Music Books.
`'1 9
Good, Hammocks for $2.
T•A 41E-1/'K.S
Victoria, Block
I intoki.`>
One of the finest establisliiuelits i>ri` the West..
Established 1S54.
pecial Prices
F OI -b s.
Fine Ordered Clofhll
Our Stock is
the largest
in Thur on
},: Ol
Full lines for
.lot weather
e 1�cx�'e •. � l zn .
a hite Vest
'err. Co t� ' .II � 8
111 � 1,
si e�
t.� �u�% moats •
ca, CogG�
f dQ
Dusters 1 L��,ui.�l,�c,l
�� I