HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-27, Page 7WhoMakes CRU Your Boos; THE BOOT. MAKER. 'DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Men, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes. Spring Stock. well assorted;. and • complete in alb departments.. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH l I,11 i 1ril111 MARKETS ` July 26, 1882. $1 20 a 1 22 ▪ 1. 22 a 1 2a 0 41 a 0 42 0 75' a 0 80 070 a 076' • 600. a 650' 0 65 a 0 70 - ^0' 16 a 0 17.' 0 1,7 a 0 18 S00 a 10 00 500 a 600 0 10 a 0,15 0 25, _ a 0 '40 018 a 020 Wheat, fall; IP bush, Spring, Oats, Barley, PHS®, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, • Egga, Hay, - Hides, Sheep pelts " Lamb skins, Wool, AROUND THE COUNTY. Rev. A. D. McDonald has been granted s. leave of absence for a month, The contractors for the Exeter salt well', expelto strr_ke salt in the course of a few days. Mr. R, Connors, of the 10th" con. McKillop, has purchased a farm of fifty acres from John Wright. •Mr. Henry Wrightman, for some time a resident of'Wawanosh, died at his residence. on Thursday last. The Messrs. Dennie Brothers of Seaforth, have purchased the entire crbp of the farm of 'Mr. Alex. Campbell,; of the 2nd oonceseion of Tuckersmith. RES 'ECT. -The Grey Hairs of old age demand �I Calilllot��(1l� p(�j�f �jj(i and should receive•respect—but the Grey Fairs 1 Y fl.l UOI A of young people require attention, in the wad - 11 U Vt LtlAil of using l mgalese E air renewer. Sold by ail. druggists, 50 cents per bottle. FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON. THOS. STEVENSON 0. CRUICIKSHANK, BRICK .'3LOOI , CLINTON 0 O W 31:.M1lloTi_ STOVES. -Having bought;: a stock of Stoves outside of the association, on very ad- wantageoua terms, I am ! now prepared to offer: CooK:ING STOVES at a large percentage ,under the usual price.• HARVEST TOOLS. Scythes, Snaths, Wheat, Barley and. Hay Forks, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle•Fingers, &c: TIN WARE.—A full assortment of Tinware in all its branches. Also LAMP GOODS': GRANITE WARE. -rust, arrived, an 'assortment of Tra'P-OW,--•CaEEE> Po s. and PRESERVING KETTLES, in Granite Ware. HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, FURS=HIGIiES-r CASH PRICE PAID. S.. L)AVIS, •CLI"N TUN. Dissolution 'The partnership between MOORE & SHARMAN, Grocers, 'being 'dissolved, -tlie subscriber continues to carry on business in the old stand;, Brick: Block, aazct - .door to 'Harlaasd 'Bros., - :.2:1r11Pre_hlea8-1LOW_IB_ILp93,Lki_OD t2- O_CQ. uIDO.datelus m;iny..:erienus and -customers -better- .than ever. Having recently visited the: leading wholesale establishments 'of the- Do minion,blade personal selection of stock; arid' ' bought right; mycustoinei's may depend: on gettinas good value for their money as can:; be had: in this part of the Dominion:. My Ctool. As ENTIRELY FRESH" -AND NEW,--and•consists of a splendid ... assortment of . m chs l Groceries Crockery, Glass -ware. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY,OFTEAS All orders will be promptly filled Remember. the Stand, BRIC1{ Biotic, Albert St. 'Clinton, June,. 1892: Wldd:_ lOsORE: Ready Made Clothing, Y Hats and aCaps, foots and Shores, And 20 chests choice Teas. Now Se111rig• OffBelow Oost! AT THE Sign of the Red Flag) WRIGHT'S OLD STAND The public are cordially invitedto call and ex- amine • goods and prices. CI -HIO e3 .,'•33A IM1&. yOLI:ri101\ ,.. Having moved ihto bis pew brick store IWOPPOSITE THE TO, Begs leave to state to his numerous friends in Clinton and. the surrounding country;. that he keeps on hand a superior quality of Furnitnre of all kinds, such as BEDROOIVI. & PARLOR SETS Of the latest styles, also' BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS, . TABLES,' And everything that constitutes furnishing a house in his line, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. I ask a share of the public patronage, being thankful for past favors and hopeful for the future. Tile public are invited to call and see for 'themselves. ' THOS. STEVENSON. Clinton, July 6, 1882, . DRY KIL 1 CALL AND SEE IT AT COOPER & McKENLIE'S PLANING -MILL r SHE subscribers, while thanking their many. cus- ltomerc for thepatronage extended to then, desire ' to intimate that in connection with their factory, Near the Grand Trunk Rahway, - They have, erected a Dry Kiln, which enables thetit. more promply than ever to' execute all work in their line of.business. CC►NT1i,AC uS For buildings taken, and material furnished at the shortest possible notice, and at reasonable rates.' IoTIVe always keep on hand 'first-class SHINGLES, ,and make a specialty' of LIME, which will be sold at the lowest prices.'" Clinton, July 20, 1 l82.. COOPER & Mt:K NZIE.• L plat IIs ness. t J1e;, vim` H i i'nesdi wiiicII_ V51I h BL SOLD'• AT VERY -L.OW.'RATES ■ ewton G-Dennls w HARNESS MAKERS, CLINTON.' Last week as Freddie,oldest son of Edward Johnston, Esq., Howics, was driving a cow andcalf•home, the cow turned` on him and hooked him severely before he could be -rescued, After arriving at the good old age of. 82, Fleury Armstrong, a well known resident of Morris, passed away last week. He the in this :locality for a long time and was -mueh respected. Mr. Thos. Kidd, of Sbaforth, 'who -has sold. out. to Mr:- Thorne,' has been in the liquor buaineas'for over 35 years, and'• daring that time' has only been out of the business three weeks. This is steady work. Mr.` Donald:Robinson has sold his farm; lot 3, concession 12,,.ruckersmith, to Mr. Henry Ayer, from near St. Marys, for the handsome sumo£ $8,000.• The farm contains 130 aeres and is an excellent property. Mr. W. T. Bray, druggist, Wingham,. who has been very successful in business since he first began dealing out drugs some years ago, has invested a portion, of his "little pile" in real', estate,. and purchased the Willson Black, Josephine st., for $4,000 Hall's Catarrh °ui•e is taken internally. -It acts directly upon the bloodand the mucous.' surfaces of the system. ;'Price 706. ;For sale by J. H. Combe Acow belonging to Wm; Roddiok,of Brus- sels - had -a narrow -escape on Monday.. James Stretton had apail of Paris Green with'which' he intended dosing potato bugs, the pail, was left at a pump when the cow -came along and downed the contents. `• Mr Win. :Dunlop :has sold his farm on the 13th 'concession of ""Hallett, : to Mr. John: Aldrich, a gentleman from Aberdeen,_Scot- land. Scotland. The farm contains 150 acres, with .•125 cleared, and was sold for $7, 000. It is .a.good farm, and' Mr. Aldrich has male "a good bargain." ; John Calaghan,, who .resides' below;'. the Seaforth station house, is 'insane. For some time pasthe, has entertained the idea , that some one was going to kill him. He was riot considered dangerous till this week. when he attempted to kill his family with an axe. They fortunately escaped. A itaiv2ID—of: one dozen ` TLksaua 1". to day one sending the host four line rhynae ou'" TSasoady,':the remarkable little; geni for the Teeth and Breath.:Ask 'your druggist address, '> 'OU Thursday evening Henry James,,, bar- tender at the Tecumseh, Brussels, received a -very dangerous"cutin the face, He was sent' out to'Rob t.:Dickson's, accompanied by James" - Connors, for Mr. Campbell's colts, and whilei ;leadig one of;them by' the halter it kicked him in the face, knocking him senseless, And he did not recover till next morning • - • A serious accident betel Master Case, son of Mr. l: ralik-]-:saes oLSeafortlr, an_:ihe- arm o£_ Mr. john Willis, near; Exeter, on Monday. The young lad'bas_been spending a portion of; his vacation with Mr. Willis and on: Monday:; was in the hay field, and Unfortunately stood in front of the moIver, when thehorses step- ped up and the kni'es,entered his foot almost' severing it in twain. 'llnclilen'e'Arnica salve The besSalvein the world for; t'CutsBruises ''. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlreiun Fever Sores, Tetter., Chipped Hands, Cltillilains Corns, and all Skin.' Eruptions, and positively cures piles. It is guarrauteel to. give perfect, satisfaction, or, money -refunded. Price 20 emits per box. .For • sale by J. II. Lombe. NEW ADYERTISEMIENTS. NG A GREAT a I 1 LAY rO -. neer. ost.. C .1NT(7T� nequalled Self - Binding Reapers, ' � owe °s, Agricultural tSte m En Ines, Hagg Rakes,. , C ani Pluw , c c. The subscriber,' who is agent for the • well—known iinpleinent firm of HAGGA:RT BRO,S.,`Sr. THOMAS, •calls the attention' of intending :purchasers of Farm Iniple- g keeps. on hand at the BIG WARElloo rs. menus of anykind to the large' stocl. he All articles guaranteed: tilt -c1as and warranted to give ' entire satisfaction Prices ,and terms-for._'s.. all descriptionof 4lachiiiery veiy''re`i5oir;ible. Don't' orget himrwvhen tivou • Want'to btly:..; - - - CLINTON, ;isly'27., 1554: J. T. MARSH ;L1 VL e A Big ec. ctios.:` Roman' ` at half pion argains in every department. RLAND B: Nish most respectfully, to return their sincere thanks to •their friends and customers for thevery' liberal patronage bestowed' upon them in the past, and atthe same time would say; that they will in the future (as in the past) dor their utmost to supplyall entrusting them with their patronage for 1Iardware Stores, &c,, with the very hest' goods at the very" lowest possible "prices. ;We would .also take this opportuninty. 'of informing tire-publie,in general that -we have Opened.. up a new stock of Hardware, Stoves, &c■, in the storein'the Beaver Block, next door to Tohmpson & 'Switzer's Grocery, Where we'wrll`lieep on hand a grand stoek•of STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, Sec.' Our stock at; the old stand in the Red Brick Store will at all times be found replete in aShort- nwent and quality. Our prices will .also be found as low as anyhottse in the trade. • Solicit- ing a continuance of.public/pataonage, we are, yours Ree. BRANCH' STORE, •• BEAVER ,!LOCK,. NExT- io :Tuootriorr;& SWITZIR'gl ' . SIGN OV"THE. PADLOCK, R E'D S;R r o k STO R E Af.;eni'i' �iP.Eg , 0CAN'TON, Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Belts, La. : ns, Mushns Silks s ani. In. Tho pson's-and Orom to 's celebrated oo S.