HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-27, Page 5tiYison healers 111 ADVENTURE IN COLORADO. The following description of an adventure . by Mr. Fred; 11. Fisher, of Leadvrlle, former, ly of Clinton, written home, will no doubt be read with interest by many of the'snbSeribera- of the New ERA l -You will recollect that when I wrote you last, I stated that Uncle Wilson and family,, with their friends, in- cluding. myself, Were' ioo1 Thg forward to the' pleasant time we expected to enjoy on a pic- nic excursion. Accordingly, on Monday even-- ing, the 3rd, inst.; uncle and ,two others started out to make arrangements for the fol lowing day's .pleasure 'at Twin Lakes, the summer resort of Leadville,'wlilch is' said by travellers .to be the moat pietu'resque spot in. North America. ' The way out to these lakes is by railway from.Leadville to : ". Twin Lake station,'? 'a suiall •flag station,. and 'then by teams to '"Win Lake House,'.' a distance of fiye miles from the station. ` • On awaking on the morning of the 4th I was informed that a man had just been killed, within 100 yards of our house, while celebrat- ing the 4th,: by shooting •off a cannon.. We hastened to the spot, and found'piecee of the canon 'and 'carriage strewed about in every erection-, ; some of which were stained-with-- blood. tained-with-blood. Shattered -windows- and cornices de- corated..the surrounding houses,:•but .our building escaped, being higher up on what is 'known as "Capitol Hill.". The sad' accident of course cast a gloom over the 4th celebra- tion ; but I am wandering from rny. sgbjcct. Our party: left at 8 a.m., arriving at Twin .Lake station ' -at 9 a. •m., where we 'were to obtain conveyances to take ne to the lakes; By some misunderstanding'. pp rig was at hand, so after climbing Granite Mountain, and waiting until eleven o'clock, we started to walk, the Male's 'carrying ,the provisions, and the ladies looking after' the children and themselves.: About a quarter; of a mile beyond .the station we came to a miner's but, where we halted for a while, ,hoping the promised conveyance would. come along, and while de- layed weset to work to- enjoy oar .dinner. This accomplished, `-I' espied a conveyance with one empty seat, ' coming. up .the road,: and secured it for'our. party, so we ,sent on five of the:party,;an.d in about an- hour seats were secured in-anot-her rig for -the-remainder-- of the ladies, and the provisions, and thus. fixed up, -the gents; of the party started to - walk the five miles_ to -the lakes. A. miner undertook' to act• .as guide, saying that he knew 'a short cat,• and. :' So off we' started. Ere long we were' separated, when•, our party' consisted of four. We wended our way along for sometime, and soon' found ourselves at the- landing, where we expected to be taken off by the lake steamer, which, . by the way,. runs over the highest: waters of any steamer in -North America Owing to anotherr clash,- in the arrangements, however, no. steamer came, and so Mr. It. and. I,' assisted by the other twolof;the party, setto Work .to make a raft;by means of. which we expected to -get to the opposite aide of'the lake, and secure a - boat to take the remaining two of the party across. After an hour's' hard work, by means of three logs and.a rope mat,: from'wbich we obtained strings to tie our -raft' together,. we'- constructed a very passable raft, without the use of a nail, or spike. Nothing was left but to set sail, so seating{ ourselves (two, of us) on the raft, we, started, with, good prospects of reaching the opposite shore (2i miles) in an. hour. ,.For- the first°half znile'we made good. time, and were eorresponiirngly elated with our success, as. the lake -.is surrounded •by mountains and is"liable to sudden squalls, we` soon found -a' different aspect was .put mi -our ,, surroundings, by the presence of a gust of wind coming down' the mountains,:: causing: the white caps,to appear in everydirection.: Now it was we experienced. that we bad, over estimated onr'strength, and were .becoming' powerless to ' Manage se unwieldy_ay craft. •(xradually:we becamaware'that wewere losing ground, and: were at the mercy of the waves, until at last we were broadsides ins. trough of the sea, powerless to extricate our- selves, • and consequently let our ' raft • drift before . the .wind.' and waves, and by• silent prayer put ourselves iu • the hands of Him who calmed, the, wind and.' waves. : Oar fear • now was that our :frail craft would be torn asunder by the onsladglltof:;the v'hves, which were.. beating over • us •at,every dash and ,we sitting in ,the water to.the:depth of three or four inches almost:constantly., We. Signalled for •the" steamer - in ,vain. Having our canes; we tied .our'}iandkerchiefe. thereon,; and kept on signalling �ntila party who were''eaniping on; the ehyi nei est us saw us, :and we soon discovered.: by their actions that they under-: ,stood the peril we' were in, • and they. very soon sent out a boat and..conveyed us safely .to;, land ; and methinks if -ever two half .drowned humane were glad:tofeel themselves on solid footing again, we were the -two. - .IIaving,bythis time, (8i30 p.m.) been sit- ting in water:•for'two hours and a-half,.you. can easily imagine that we were pretty wet. and tired, but, having fallen among good Samaritans, who knew us', :arid ourparty, no pains were spared to administer to our com- fort ; they kindledafire by which we warmed our feet and made the best' we could of our. dilemma.. '• Our companions as soon as they saw us off, returned to the station,. and we started to walk to'the' hotel, ;where we expecteit;to-ineet. Mir. party On arrivi g at the hotel,we found that; after passing .a day.of,painful•suspense they had left for the station and; caught t'o .6:30 train for Leadvrlle. :After having sup: per, we thought we sliould'be et;the station" In time to catch, the 9:30 train for Leadvrlle,, though we had but 45 minutes to walk a die:. tante of five miles, we made the 1 attempt, feeling comfortable after our hearty warm supper. When within a half-mile'•cf: the ata, tion, and near the-sfnei s Blit, we heard t -Tie. locomotive' whistle, :and.our hearts _somewhat , clink witb the thought that we would have to travel back the five miles, in order to get a night's'lodging. On reaching the miner's hut we halted, thinking we might get shelter with him until morning, "when we were told' that the train we heard' was a down.freight,,. and not our express, we became more hope- 'fu'l cif...getting hoine, .and started. -to -get -over - the remaining part of -our journey as soon as possible: The night •being dark and weird from the shadows of the'surrounding moon tains, impressions were made and thoughts indulged in which will not soon be forgotten. On arriving at the station we found about twe!ity ladies, and as many gentletn'eu, lying' around, some on the floor, some on doors that bad been taken off the hinges, waiting for the •train `After the- lapse of . about two hours,' we learned that owing to a wash nut down the track the 'train would be "delayed :for hours, 'so we . stetted. to walk • to ' Granite, which wo were told was two miles; but turned • out' to be four, so you can. imagine we were pretty tired.. Here -we, got lodgings at about'. one A.M., and by a.nrbrning train we got to Leadvrlle about 8 a.m. • On;Arriving 'we found the rumor was circulated'. to- the " effect that titer last seen 'of lis,' we were. out in the , lake, on a raft, and that a team was just on the point of being dispatched in, search of the missing•boys. Strange, to say, neither of us took nold, and I never felt better than at present, A friend says that the fact of tis taking two days to celebrate the •4th, only shows the true loyalty that is born in Cana- diens, for my churn,. 'Mr. Reynolds,..is also a Canadian. The next fourth' We celebrate will TRUNKS, VAL:IS'f 5 per cent discount for cash. WATTS C CJ r R ._ CHEMISTS & D UGGIS: Albert Street, Ciintoati. The • public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and -of - the 'best quality, - TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES; TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT ••IN A I+'IRST CLASS ' Y xUG " Don't cry, dear." 'a �a - has gone To get: some of his: 75 . ct. Tea ; she can't get along without it • she is so troubled with the :headache. You know he has everything good and sells very cheap. Ma will ' be "sure to buy some of his fresh ground Buckwheat Flour, then hurrah for Buckwheat pancakes: " I; want some Bologna." " You'll have some if you're . a good girl, that's a deary.'' GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY•PART OF THE TOWN ON -SHORT NOTICE: Robb,'" the C, ea', Waterla' e i e, C„Linton_ vplpp��l��1 • e p•. e. u • o a oL. i,i Jnhta^Sl,^ ■■ammo®r0®v®mieeloreiei�®®nd®odi®aanc.�noami Vi l iumiluillIIiImmpomiiimll lI] J I1° 'J111911111101', __. ,a,I of w 99� ,•J U III ° I15: Ia: � >v ' IIA\rllll n rnwmnnnn III 1 W IN I�Wu Wuo n P�IFRR—T- PERRIN'S BLOCK, MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON. Ii.AVE ,r1'SPJUK Or j FT ST CLAS . PIANO From the leading American. and. Canadian manufacturers, at moderate prices. A1so l - _ _� Ce ebrat - ed Doh�r-t- - 0-r . an; • The su )reinae of FI'N'N: ''OH:EITY. ORGAN is ir. l Y l evoca,bly established, Nav- in; been awarded First Pries,;Med els and Diplomas at the ' Provincial and Industrial exhibitions in 'Montreal and' Toronto, - 8 large stook . of Violins, ;Strings, Bows, Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes,; Sheet and Book Music, on hand, at themost reasonable prices. ANXTHINpr.IN, THE MOVE LIKES, NOT IN STOCK, PROCURED ON -THE SHORTEST NOTICE. " t -GENERAL. AGENTS FOR THE RENOWNED, w I SEVVING MACH' DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine advertise- [cents everywhere it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that:is worthy of praise and which really does as recornmmended. ElectrieDitters eeyaoetb1suromnreliable dnhatwl1 do true They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Com- plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties, weknow }whereof we speak, and can readily Say give -them a, trial. Sold at 50 tenth a bottle, by J. H. Combe druggist. CLINTON BAKERYo. R. M'LENNAN D"�'�ESIRES to intimate to the people of Clinton and „L/vicinity that' lie has reopened his- bakery on Vic- toria; Street, and will be pleased to supply them with anything in his line. 1 Breath, Cakes, 4te„hofand*111 kinds kept ou. . Bread sold at the shop at the following prices: -41b loaf -12 cents ;.2 J. loaf 6 cents. No orders booked. Patronage respectively solicited. 'Remember ,th7 place( -Victoria St., Clinton. • Farm and Town Proiierties for .Salo GOOD BARGAINS 1. That well-built three-stor brick store and dwe I mg, oe corner of uron an. Orange streets; known ae.th Mounteastle store.. Would,be exchanged > for .'other iroperty, or sold cheap on long credit. 2. That large and commodious frame dwelling;houiie. near the G.W. Railway Station lately occupied by the Station agent. Has parlor, dining room, eight bed: rooms, kitchen, pantry, &c.- Large stone cellar.: Raid and soft water in' building. :Suited for 'a large family or a boarding-house. Lately finished and -in good eon- ditiont Apply to the owner, Ma. G. 'Bsymhav_, or to; the.undersigmed., ' I . ' 3. ;Lot 825 bfary:Street.(opposite Mr. C. Helyar's re- sidence) with neat cottage of three rooms and summer kitchen;: good well and pump ; choice fruit trees in garden, &c. ' 4. The valuable hotel property on Victoria Street, Clinton, known as Lane's Hotel,. now occupied by. Mr. Geo.IKnox comprising u large hotel building, driving houee,:four choice town lots, &c. 5.. That:elegant two -stogy; frame. dwelling house on Huron 'Street ,'-Clinton ,. formerly held by J.'G.-Miller,. now occupied by'Mr. John P; Martin: 6 -That choice and well -situated farm,: part of Lot 6, Huron ,Road, Goderieli township, comprising 65 acres of fir,t.elass land;, nearly all cleared and in good. eon: dition. Goodbuildings, &c• ' Only one mile from G. W. station; - 7. Lot 21 en Huron St. with the dwelling house now occupied by Mr: Simson, C. W. R. station- agent ; also -lot-40=--on.Mary---Street, abutting,on_theaibovelot.':The.: lots will be sold together or separately, Apply, to the .owner Mr. Thomas Jackson or to the undersigned. 8. The house and lot,' No. 845 on Mary Street, now occupied Mr. Wui:. Davis..' The house contains three rooms below, and one in the upper •.story; has back kitchen, garden, well &e.Terms Ealy. ' 9. The store and dwelling, on lot 18, Huron Street, formerly belonging to IL Norsworthy, and noiv occ,u-- pied by Mr. A. Bennett, Also,other lots and huildings for sale.. Apply, to H,. HALE, Huron Street, Clint( n not be at''" Twin Dikes," 2 Donyt'be Alarmed. atBright's Disease, Diabetes, or any disease,of the kidneys, liver or urinary organs, as Hop .I Bitters willcortaihly and lastingly euro you, and it le the only thing that will, • ' • ach'ne uz�s1 McGOLL BROS. & CO. • 3lanlifacturers'and dealers iu Lai diiie• 011, Cy1i Kier 011, )11. Bolt Ciltr,ir g 4iJ 11 . Forty' •Medals and ;Three Diplomas awarded then( last year at the leading, exhibitions in the Dominion. raeinerR,''hreshers and Mill men will save money ,by using cur Lardine and Cylinder Oil, W 6aiieri-Manrai'net,ahrers-win-save-nwney-byL using our Wool' Oil, it -equals lard and olive oil, -and_' costs: but half the price.' Satisfaction guaranteed, Prices, &c ;ou application to "MccOLL ;13ROS d ;GO. lbronto. • .o COOPE FOR C00EAP GReCIE IES Crockery, . Glassware, c. ; Oatni al arid: Cor'nmcal aliva)fs:on hand, ALSO Petty': cclebratad• English: Sroakfast .Bacon, Inde Clear1am118, Aiul .No, 2 LARD'. ' Ltiiuces > hieh'esx,not: bo liciikem•to .town. HiS 60. C. TEA A`SPCCIALTY SOLA AGENT, FOR llobbin.s':'ELEc1IRIO SOAP TIIONIAS COOPER', ALBERT STREET, CLINTON Hb IS �U NKOQUAIN TCO NM' IT TIi E'a0OOf APt4 YaF THI 60L N' TSY WILL SEE BY ESAMIN I nip THIS MAP THAT TH Piel IyEL: Jv(rsl ri,N „, , e� f4;4.111(,( 1 ®FeoCS� Ol.\T .7 Ktel ,� , /�'►:fit<<` Received . 'This Week ON1 12 3€ Ri TT GI- H., thFi aad Rock $atom -Prices at=Twsc�e� MY STOCK OF; L E iV D 1D ' 'BABY CARRIAGE EMBP.ACING THE LATEST ,STYLES. CONTINUES TO; ARRIVE, „AND WILL' BD • 1)ISPO,,'hD OF:AT. TI.IE VERY LOWEST PRICES, 'CALL AND SLE THEM: : • TRUNKS„' FOR THE ; MILLION. AT GREATLY REDUCED 'PRICES. MONEY TO LOAN-Pnry TF1 FUNDS AT 'Low ;:> 1• or 11.,;;TI:REST. SHINGLES -`1200 bunches of GEOIAiAN BAY SHINGLES for sale, from 45c . per hch, u'n. Roomsoveun r': store:'to let. W2 :08IM Victoria, -Mock. C iiti on. CIIICAGO;•ROCK ISLAIO•&PiC�IC R'l Cans the attention. of travelera;to th$ eehtral post- tion or its' line,conneating the, Plaatandithe wee - , by the'ehorteati route, and carrying, paesengore,' without change of !ears, etween'Chioago and Ran - , • City, Council. Blul p, Leavenworth AtehiSon,... Minneapolis and 8t, Paul. It eonneetu in Union ; .Depots with all the principal.lines of rogd between they Atlantic and ,:the Pacific Oceans. Its equip - merit ,s unrivaled and magnificent, boing composed • of. Moet Comfortable and Beautiful Day?. Coaclne, . Magnifloent Horton Reclining Clratt,''Cars, Pull''-. - mans Prettiest Palnee Sleeping Cara, and tho.Best Line of Dining Cars in •the World. Three 'Trains - between Chicago and Missouri River Points, T.bo , Trains. between. Chicago and Minneapolis and. at.. - 'Paul, via the Famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE." ' A New and Direat Lino, via Seneca and Kanka= kee,has recently been,openod between' Richmond, NorfolkNew ort Nows Chattanoogo, Atlanta, Ali— gusto, u - ' Ka ppSle, it nea-ti, IndiSSapolie.and !Lafayette, and Omaha, inp- o11e and 55, PaullpMdi intermediate point,,. All Thr -6•0 P sscnkera'Travel on Fast Express Trams. . • Tickets for dale at all principal Ticket Ofneos In tho,United'States and Canada. •BattgaFe eheei:ed through and rates of fare, al - Ways ae low as oompotitorsthat offer less,advan- , 'or detailed information; qct the Maps and Fold - ere lot the CREAT ROCK iSLAND ROUTE, At ncares.t. Ticket 0 itiec,or address P R..CABLE, E. 8T. JOHN, i icn•rra i Usu'I Me r ' Gen 'Pt. M rase, Ag•., c.'a;,ft. TT'f TO'T> 1VlMIR.C13.P.LN'2'S :AVER BL L INT° STER, TOGRAF: