HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-27, Page 1MANNING & SCOTT Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, &c. Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba, FFICB, - BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. "114,R. &MRS. BLACKSTONE,4eachers of Vocal anti *Ili Instrumental music, Rattenbury Street, near Or- gan Factory. N. B -Singing Class 310W forming, Violin Lessons given. Clinton, Feb. 16, 1882. MONEY TO LEND. „MONEY to lend at 6 and 6i per cent. Private -al funds. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers Goderich. ---- ----- BON EY CAMPBELL CITY BARBER SHOP, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CIANTON. Hair dressing, shaving:shampooing, &c., attended to AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST, AND Ill'ON TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS: MANNING & sco'rr, BEAVER BLOCK, - CLINTON .R,EMOVA L. EDWIN' KEEFER, IA.D.S., DENTIST; CLINTON, Late of Toronto, rfonor. Graduate , Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeon, has removedto the , • Coats Block, over W.TaylOr & Son's Ail work flistclass. Chargea Moderate: CANADA WEST LAND & AGENCY CO. ARTIES who have Farms, Mills or Town property for sale can have the saine advertised in the 'pam- phlet published monthly by the "Canada West -Land Agencf Co" free of charge; a commission charged on sales. These p*mphlets are circulated largely through Great Britain and Canada. The' object of the ,Com- .pany is to induce Old Country farmers and others to settle in Ontario. Parties wishing to purchase, please call at my office and examine lists of properties for sale. Parties wishing to sell please call and give de- • seriptions of their proverty, terms, &c. M. LOUGH, Agent Clinton. VICTORIA BAKERY • CLINTON J. R. Kennedy, Proprietor. MHE sabscriber desires td intimate to the 1. people of Clinton and vicinity, that he has purchased the business formerly carried on by Ma. W. LEE, and will continue it in. allits. branches. No efforts will be spar,ed to keep up the excellent reputation of this Bakery in sup" - plying BREAD, &c„ of superior quality, and,by giving strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continuance of the liberal Patronage bestowed on his predecessor, • • PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY 'SOLICITED. ' • J. R. KENNEDY Clinton. HIJLLETT CARDING rrtHE Carding Mill, on the 18th con., Hullett, 1. wall be opened on the first day of June, wlien customers may depend on haying their Carding, Weaving, Fulling and Cloth Dressing done in -------tlrSt-etasSrnrder;-atrtlnr'Ma'cllinery -0-been, thoroughly overhauled. Parties coming from a distance can havetheir • carding done while waiting. R '31ORRISON. • Eullett, June 1, 1881. ' T. VOL.- 17. NO. 30 TERMS -- 81.50 Per Annum. CLINTON, T., THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1882. 1‘011.111ES .t..• SON getv AtlutrtiOentrutO. JEIC)A..11,11:11EING;-. rpnE undersigned has opened a Boarding -House, on -I Ontario Street, !tithe house formerly occupied, by Mr. Upshall. Good accommodation for aliinited num- ber of boardera Location central. Terms moderate. Clinton, July 26, 1882. 1-2 MRS, II. II. CALL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LL •artica havin claims against the estate' of JOI1N COTT, are ere y, no e la le same must be banded to me not later than the FIRST Of AUGUST next.- W. JACKSON,. Clinton, ,July 27, 1882. Assignee. ,FAIt1V1 FOR SALE. - IRAT eonveniently situated farm adjoining the 1. village of Londesboro, being lot 25, 10th con:, Township of Hullett, consisting of 91 acres, 70 under cultivation. The place is well watered, good bearing orcharcl,...frame house; good frame barn, and other out- buildings. It is situated on the Wingham gravel road opposite Huber's mill, 6 miles,from the town of Clin- ton, half a nine from L. II. & B. railway station For particulars apply to . MRS. MARTHA A. GRAIIA11, Cliaton, July 27, 1882. " • FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that conveniently - situated farm; Lot 1, 4th- concession, Eastern di- vision,.Colborne, containing 50 acres, cleared and free of stumps, -on vvhich there is a hriek and frame house, frame barn, horse stable and drive house, with stone basement ;good orchard -of all 'kinds of fruit; well wa- tered -good 'spring and tee ; -300, rods -of under draining; well-Ienced with cedar mils and boards. - Soil, good clay.' Also, the 'north -part'of Lot 9, 4th con.,'being 20 acres of bush. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to • JAS., STEWART Clinton 'LO�_A_TC, E ILI S. 'VETE, ,the undersigned Stearn Thresh'ers of Goderich • TownShip and elsewhere, agree that wp will 1105 work for less than 812 per day, believing it to be &fair rerhurieration for Our work; or our.pations may ebooSe - between 612 per day and two cents per bushel for wheat, barley, and Peas,. and 1.f. cents for oats. We -further agree that this agreement will be honorably kept until dissolveby rautnal consent, • ' H.B.EVANS, , PETER PERDUE ROBERT ELLIOTT C WILLIAM HENDERSON. C. COLE , ' EDWARD SLATTERY. O , . ' • 'WILLIAM 'PERDUE • Giiderich ToWnship,.July 17,,1882. RULLETT ,VOTERS LIST. N&ICE is hereby given that I have transmitted el: delivered to the .persons. Mentioned in the. third . and fourth.Sections of' the "Voters' List -Act" the. copies required by said. section -to -be so transMitted or delivered of the list-, lined° pursuant to said Aet, of all persons ,appearing by the last reviseitAssessinent Rqll - of the said Municipality, to be entited td 'Vote 'in the saidlionicipality at Elections ler mernbers of the:Le- gislative Assembly and at „Miiiiicipal Elections.; and thatsaid list was 'first posted ilp.,"at my' office.at Hid - lett Oti the twentieth do* 01"InlY, 1$82, and rernains there' for inspection. Electors arecalled upon to examine the said list, and if at)y „OMISSIOnS or -other errors found therein to take inunediato proceedings' fo have the said errors -corrected according:to law. 1 t, '2,)th July 1882. J.-. BRAITHWAITE.' ' Clerk of said 1lunimpalit3,.,, Killed in Oregon. Jos. Connell, formerly of Mullett, the unfortunate person. The very sad intelligence was received here last week, of the accidental death of Mr. Joseph Connell, a former resident of Eullett, which occurredfat Glencoe, Ore- gon, on_ the 7th inst. l'he circumstances of his death are as follows: -He had one horselartek--' to -p -u• chase a cow, anddrove up to the farm gate just at noon, on his return, his wife and faintly standing- in the doorway watching him,. Before he could•disniount the horse got frightened and started to back, and in less time that -I -it takes to write it, had fallen over backwards, Mr. Connell being thrown beneath the horse with fearful -.force,- the ground being as hard as rock. One of his sons hastened to his assistance, and found him 1.111C011- 8C1OlIS ; he was carried into the house and medical aid summoned, consciousness re- • turning in the meantime, but -he not being able to speak or. move: On a doctor's arrival he found that the brain and spinal cord had been paralyzed, and did what he could for hiim but all to no purpose, as he lingered in great,agony until 4 o'clock next morning, when he took to vonioting and Choking, and death put an end to his sufferings. 1 He was buried the next day, a very large number of sympathizing friends following the remains to the grave, and his funeral sermon being preached the following Sabbath. A faithful member of the Methodist Church he had- labored hard for about 4 year past to get a ehureh erected at Glencoe,and with the assistance of friends had succeeded, the church being opened lit April, but he did not live long to enjoy`lthe privileges he had labored so hard for .z ;..He 'leaves a wife .and 10 chil- dren to Mourn his untimely death, fortu- nately in good circumstances. It had been the intention of himself and wife to come east soon, on a visit to their old friends and associates, but the anticipated reunion was ordained otherwise, Mr. Connell was for a number of years a resident of the 13tli con., -of Hullett, (Mr. John Govi,er buying his farm) mak- ing a large number of warm personal friends during his lresidence here, who vvill be very sorry indeed to hear of his untimely and unfortunate death. About 8 Years agai he removed to Oregon, the facility for getting land and salubrity of the climate offering inducements which he thoinaht did not exist here. .1111. • 6oDE111E11 TOWN:41112P. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thomas Jowett still continues in a very precarious condition, and while hopes are entertained of his recovery; it will be -it good while before heis around again. On Sunday last Mr. John- Middleton had so far recovered flrom his late illness •as to be able o ive out for a short time. He has failed greatly dpring his illness, but now he is on the mend this will soon be overcome. , e are requeste to state in conndction with the recent stealing of some flour from Trick's Mill, that the parties were not only tracked down the Varna Road towards Stanley, but also along the 11th con., and a very strong suspicion exists as to who the guilty parties were. They were not experts or 'they would have covered up their tracks much better than they did. STANLEY. Mrs. J. Sheppard, who has been resid- ing on the 2nd con., for several years, leaves next week to join her husband at Winnipeg. We are pleased to learn that the wife of Mr. John Foote, of the Bayfield road, who has been very ill for sonae time, is now re- covering and able to be about. Mr. Wm. McFarlane, of the Bayfield Road, who recently returned from- Mani- toba, has taken. up land there and pur- poses removing when the lease of his_ present, plaec expires, WHEAT. -Mr.- Malcom .1IeEwan, 'of the 2nd con., has a superior field �fa- new variety.of fall wheat. It is called _Michi- gan. Amber, stood the winter better than any other variety and he believes it will yield him 45 bushels to the acre. He should be careful toasee what it really does yield, for this isi,?,-large amount for fall wheat, and if it t ns out as well as that, more of it will be sown. lintiLETT.- •Miss Maggie VanF,gniond, of the Huron' Road; we regret to learn, is laid up with inflammatory rhemnatism. •Mr. Dan. Shanahan, sr., of the 2ncl eon., will this year ' use $70 worth of cord in binding the crops on his large farm. He has 170 acres of wheat, oats and barley, and says he finds a self -binder • far .the cheapest way of harvesting mucii.Eitsamturit. Last week a' valuable horse belonging to Mr. White, of this township, died. He re- placed it by one purchased from 11Ir. Alex. Ewing, of Hullett, at $200. y.T11. The new brick houses of Messrs. E.Watson. and J. Young rapidly approach coMpletion. Frons a small patch, about 8x20 feet, Mr. James 'Wilson raised over 25 quarts of straw- berries. • .Mrs. James Wilson who has been away visiting friends in Renfrewcounty, has re- turned home ' .. • The new carriage maker and blacksmitb has opened cut,- and coed/lanced busiiness On the 20th, inthe old Clark property. , The window's of one of Mr. Rogerson's stores -411.ve-been-tak en-mat-and7put-iirto-the-storn- his nephew is building. Mr, R. intends...Jo turn his building. info a private dwelling.. Mr. Slater and wife' returned last Mcinday evening, after a bridal trip to Kincardine and rta) the lake. - They were Serenaded by the Blyth Band,' at the residence -of Mr. Sims, partner in business with, Mr. Slater. , Word was recently received here that a half -section claim, taken up by ItIr. MeQuar- rie, (son of 1\1: Hugh MeQuarrie) in Manito- ba, and for which he had refesed $3,000, had been "jumped" during his absence in an. other part of the Province. public: meeting called by the Iteeve was held on Monday evening, inthe Wattion Hall, 'to consider the be means 'to adopt for tire :protection. It was unanimously decided to submit a by-law to the ratepayers for permis- sion to purchase a steam lire engine. A son of Mr. Jas. Wilson, aged about two years, had a very narrow esoape "from being killed recently. The little fellow was playing in the shed, when a large cross.cut saw, hang- ing up, was blown down, the teeth catching hirn__on the heed. Singularly enough,--the- only injuries he sustaine(t were some severe 'scalp wounds. • -, Au inquest was held last Monday, evening, over a sudden death which ,occurred An our village. • Amax named Linkleader, with one hand who was soliciting help last week, and stopped at night with a man mined French, who lives in a -shanty near the salt -works, being the victim. On Sunday they tried to get into' the taverns but tailed. On Monday he eat a hearty breakfast with French, and then went out, iu about half au hour French followed him, and found him dying in, front of -the shanty, he ran for help arid. when he .returned the man was dead., 'The jury were of the 'opinion that he died' of apoplexy, brought on by,drinking, they having procur- ed a bottle of whiskey, the said Morning be- fore breakfast. The widow of the man was to be here to -day (Tuesday). ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAII. STEAMSHIPS. onron—LanontzuHmatm SRORTEST SEA PASSAGE'''. , CabluAkutertnedlat cam 4teeraFe'Etek. ets ait t Lowest Rates. •. . , SA RDINI AN, -from ,Quebec, July 81M, CIRCASSIAN, from Quebee; July Ifith: PARISIAN, from Quebec, July 22nd. . ••• SARMATIAN, from Quebec, July 2951,. . Persons wishing to sind lot their fliends 610 obtain passage eertIlleates at lowest rates front England, Ire; land and Sootland to .anyhity or railway,town in Ca- nada, and the amount'is refunded less,a small dean tion if the ticket is not . . • Steerage Passengers Mie booked to London, Cardiff :Bristol, Queenstown, Derry,lIelfast-and-Glaegil- senee priceas to LIverpool, . , Forthrengh tickets,and everyinforma ionapp.) to • A. STRATTON ,G, ,Agent,Clintoli S. F0117E11E11. ct, SON 'STOCIa:l• VIOLIN' tTRING -C' sehliesmayer ,Boot • arid ShOe Maker,' First -Class work at low- RS'sorpnent of ready -mac _(ine goods on Mand. Re airin neat- - ly done.- SliOp:4-NEx1 DOOR TO KEN- N,EDV'S 1 ' • , ' " Flit•nT for Sale. 1IIE.subscriber,olfers for sale that valuable Donagh efficient), 12 Holocesville. TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. . • n• Prof: m Gre a assued; BIS dues as pro-tena pastor' of-IVillliTharch, on Sunday, preaching two very acceptable sermons. ItcV. Mr. Dlwards will' preach in the Me. thodist Church, ou Sunday morning, Mr. I)Jc- tarni.bet lig lot 19 and eaSt half of 20. on the Sth eon. of Elti.11ett, ecintaitilng 150 acres-; 2oI eleared and dna, good state Of oultiVatiou,".the retnaiuder well wooded.' The farm is well Wa- tered,aaid has 'op it it fraine houSe containing,0 remits, large barn and statiles; and' mall (well,. • F:cr partienlars ((.121)15 011. the,'PremisCSI• or: if hy,letter, to taint,'en iust 6t:tiqc- i,a1e a 5o acre 'farm.115 • • .' . EbI3T. CARTF.E.' HUllett,.:Jtirle 21, 1882, . GARDEN COTTAGE TO 7 , • • . ' •TII,U'eutscriber offers Di- FOR, for a term of years, his property Btiyfield, iconsfsting Of 15 town lots en hIoc,and,Trame COttagie'containinel0 rooins, and largo commodious hack kitchen ; stabling, for four horses and fiv.d cdivs. 'On the property, is half an acre of strawberries, .about 3300 eurrant-nlmshes, oder en grape vines; 50 plum trees, a number of apple .trees,. -imd other fruits, flowers, shrUbbery, &c. 'Itent very The'above is a most desirable property, situtited mily twenty rods frem Lake I-Ibrom'and within ten: mhss2ta s -a11 of schbol, post tithee,- and four 'churches. :.Oodti. ternIS':to it suitable tenant. 'FRED. WOODS.", . 'ailitittg, zit] &c.. . , . . undersigilffil is ilrepariabto execute ill 5. factory manner, all kinds of , P4mTr*Si, Gr. ims-o, IL‘Nomo and lloda TAR.11/N05011 the slmrtestisitied told 8 t"the mbst reaship able rates. Reddenue • Italtdnbory St. eel., 4 doors west of the 1Idthoclist tfrtb, 1, 1lay-18. POTTS. , Clinton, May 58,1082. •. . • • FINE PLATED WARE NEWEST DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY! Repairing done Promptly. CEDI011, May 250, 188;i1:,'N PI R.143 0-r-toxiNt) Lind Pi:4*r In bulk. Tho best and eimpest Fertilizer in the iatEr) TME LAND ;AN11 WILL • CEED YOC: R. M. RACEY,, MDR AND HARDWARE MERCHANT CLINTON., 1552 • FOR SALE. , „ .,• NEAR .THE, VILLAGE OF. , On Ilendon, Huron Bruce itaiiway; ' LOT 27 On 14111 coal of .tOwnship of Hullett, 3.8a acres • of trot -class lona, about' ball - cleared, and balance trst-claos hardwood; a scald 'spring yuns across the' lot orchard also' house. _. , Blyth _stataeu. on LondOn. .0D1.100 -Rai INNV'', W )10E0 there are extensive salt NV or1c9,. 13 14 miles distant._ Appiyao . • Box. 904, Toronto P. O. .. SHARIVI-A-N-- DEALER 1,1\t' .cYcloxcE E'AMILY .1)._C:',..LE:F1 1 E. FRUITS,' CANNED .GOODS, CROOKERY 881,VAIZE, &C. V 1\111.. TEA.2.1.11.ST::ilguan,; PLEN1411) A.T.T.I.1, • (URED MEAT; 11011,1: OkIMEA1 „I LWA. ON FlAN 0. Farm Procluce taken in Exchange Nr'sx'r Doon o JouN HontlENS', DRy „GOO:is P.1,ACII5 ALBERT STREET-, a CLINTON:: A meettag.of the. Officers and "teachers of ,the ltletlicalist•Sabbath.seheol , was held on Monday evening, to take steps towards hold- ing ,a pienie. for, 'them.. ,Per.t 'Stanley and Ooderich were Suggested as stiit- able 'places.for tbe holcling.of the same, and a cerninitteewas appointed to see about railway, rates aud make whatever arrangennents r -they :deemed' best. .15 ' will be held: soniewnere -abont• the I 5th of August.' 11: C. Cnuncm -.The Quarterly .Meting' servicesat the abbve church en Sunday last, Were' of a Most interesting. character. Thc. attendance wits; as usual, large, 'and hallowed influences resting upon the -worshipers, ren- deredthe occasion one of -Spiritual enjoyment anil profit. 'Rev: Ma. Rice, pastor, .condiieted he .moreieg: 'services, the subject of la clis- cnurse was -""tlie.vicaribus death:of Christ," ,based upon 1 Cor.V, 7S. At the close- of the regular service; the,ordmanceof the Lord' Supper was administered, folloWed by the . usual' Love•Feiist •' .and .the serviCos .Were greatly enjoyed. by the runusuallylarge num- her who 'particip' ted 'n th T ' .service was conducted -by Rev. T. W. Bletch- ford,..in.lthe presence of ti.ne audience, Ger- _ , tainl.S,,. udeing.from the first Q5arteily'l1leet- -iag, set vices helcruncler 'the 'present pas'toratp; `•the Bible 'Cliriatians ih Clinton are .deter - alined to show their new preae,hers Such TV': preciation-as should, greatly encourage them - in the further prosecution .of their work. 1, • ' On ..Mouslay,_24.1.14 the re ar_laiginess_ quarterly. meeting was held, cOmmeneing 'at . abciu1--2.30 'p.m.,' immediately following the Local Preachers' meeting. The, atteadance Was large,, and the spirit pervading the Meet-. ing excellent.' .The regular quarterly receipts' were -about-30 percent in advance of the.cor responding quarter Of last year, a'gratifying feature of A Methodist qaarterly ineetinga•ea•-• pecially to ,those Who fill the offiee of Stlevard. The regular'business haying been•clisPatched, She consideration of' inereas.ed, parsonage' ac- conimodation was mitered 'upon, 'mid, after a; :full but Very kindly disciniSion, it ll'aS moved pant _seconcie_d_Lhy Mr. T. C. Pickard (the circuitstewitis) that .the parsonage be enlarged by 'roast g lit another storey, according to a plan prepared by Messrs. Cooper & Merienzie, and that the offer .of theSe gentlemen be accepted fpr, the itninedi-, ate execution of the work. The motion Was 'carried 'Avitbotit-70ligsentlent vete., A hist was opened f4thwitb, and over one-third of the contract piipe then 'and there subadribed by monibers of .the Quarterly Meeting. building committee was appointed, consisting of thepastor and circuit stewards, ee 'ell/xi°, with the Brethren 1. Gibbings,, Clinton ; W. .Murela, HOIraesville; W, Qibbings, Alnia Hardy, Summerhill ; R.'Nott, London Road ; and. c). Flintofr, Mount Hope. At arilise- glient. meeting of the 1:mild-Mg Conunittee, Mr 1 (ifirbings-saica7afPoirited 2c. -treasurer, and the 1:cristor' With authorized to arrange for 'prosecuting thedarivass for subseriptions at the several appointnients.' We congratulate our frieride of the 130. Church onthe hearty manner ie which they have entered uriOn this necessary outlay, a,nd ardidipate such 511 im- provement of theifinely situated property as will tender it ribite 'in 'ehardeter with its surredndings. 50 CEN S, rtaltr, NEw SR -.1 -will be sent to 15513, add ree s, ...I- till theioti0 .Thnuary.; 188;3, for the abOve uM paid in. advance.. , stBschIEF, NOW,. PORTEIVS . • aft is repOrteddiat .1)1r: Horace .... ewton' has boughtout the'stbae of Mr. . " . 1111-7jas. Torrance finished.falcing.iiihis I 'hay Crop 'last Saturday. .The ',yield will 1, be a'ton land a half to:the. acre anYhow: • • 1. The fall wheat, in this section :of- the, .country has ripened very. rapidly during tlie hastweek and farmers generally have „commenced cuttiag their crop. ." , Mr. '• Stervart McDougall has arrived safely in the.old country: be -re,. membered, he took ale. triii4t41. the in- tention :`Of tiiking' back. some thorMigh- bred 'stock. SuCeess,a0 his:Speculation: 1101.dtES'IT1LLE-. . . , , The '11VIessrs. ReYealle, "of tiliS place intend" removing to Si. Joseph's; ISland' in, a few township Cciuneil.haVe .1,ately' expend- ed $100, in.- cutting, down the Steepest leading frona this village' to. the..river • on the • Colborne road 'and a, ,man Can come'. across with a pretty fair. load now, whereas, itywas almost ithpossible to do so before. • . This year has been a poor one: for the straw. berry Crop,, -yet, neyertliclesS, '17N1r. Elford, the enterprising fruit grower of this. village'," has sold from .abent :three quarters . of, an. acre nearly $3150 worth .of strawberries. 11 ho .keeps,eri improving his-fat:in as..ho has during, the last two .years, he Nvill; soon have one Of the most valuable. propertids the.- county; others s,hotild I fel le W his exam pl e in :a -his respect. , • . • • -ISA The directors 'of the 'rownship of, Stanley Agricultural Society- willIceld •meeting at l'aleClann's hotel, 'Bay (Iola, on Monday next; to alalf.-aLrAllgallionitaufl,liaalate_for 1161 ding their fall.sheW, , , : -The man who was found dead near -this place, Was last 'week buried in the' Raylield' Cemetery OD Friday:a' person Irlio believed he. .could identify hitt), asked that the , body be taken up in order that he might see it. This • , . , •. was accorchygly done, and it turned out to •be: -the party anticipated:-thomas Clark, a pensioner., . , 1.011/41.0°F.SII01567-- • The quarterly'Jneeting servidc in 'connec- 'tion with the C.M. Churches of this circuit, Will be held at,l(inhurn, on Sunjlay, _August 30th, Ilea, Tesky,• of Teeswater, officiat- ing. • . • A cricket match between Londesboro. and Blyth was Play. ecl at.the latter place, on day, resulting in favor et•Londesboro by save- ...MI.11ms; Newton of thc home team, clic' 65otIniciet•esbeavy.,. battin,g, ;scoring 18 .on three' ., ' . 310 11111S.. .The ,Ebonexer 'Methodist Church, Gosman's .Corner, was:re-opened on Sunday last. ReV. D..C..ClaPperion, of Brussels, preached morn. .ing'and af torn.00n, and -Rev. Tlaomas 'Gee, of Waltou'; in•the 'evening: Ou•AlondaY evening a lecture and concert was held. The lecture,' a.very excellent one, ' was delivered by the Rev. W, MeDdinigh, of ClintOn. The church was full, afid the people were delighted and benefitted. bY the lecture, which. could not fail to- do geed, !Pile subject was " Can't ;" propeeds'of leettire and collections $31.50. • aereas liutn-4vorous scandal out ep 1011, near' the " Drowned Lands," A young man out there is'anxious to learn the WhdrOabOrttS of the $100 he paid. to quiet a case of alleged so duction ; tyld. yoting Woreau of the same neighborhood is .,justly itidignaut to think Shat she inny not become fleshy Or thin ac- cording as.eircurastanees of high or -low diet allow, without causing seandal•mongets to pay naughty things about her, If ourreaders Want to.knoty any,thing more about it they will have to aSli Some Of the neighborS, KIPPEN. FoUND-..I.EAA0.-A Thonfaa paper has'the . follOwing in referende.tO the finding of the body of Mr. S. Blair, of. •Stanley Tuesday-, last, Mr: James c,ampbell; of the 12th con,ces- siomot' North. Y'armoutli, 'while, going throngh the woods- heard some one. call to 'him and looking, around saw a man, lying on the grOund. For some reason. •he .,did ' eet. _ap-. proach-the. man, but '•returned: • Afterward he wenia-Whalais-sonstoionk-after-thcastrange.y. flaund.it. wait too- late to 'be' of any -service; for • be was 'dead. seems that'Mr._David Smith; . OLSciatiOreltea.ter,a had discovered that the dead body :was it re, . . lativo of. his,' .riatned, -Blair, 'and 'with, smite. 'other friends had cone and got the body with, the intention ot sending th6b,ily 116mo to Mr., Blair, his father, who resides 'pear: Kippen. 'Nearly two weeks ago. Blair -,apvetred- at 'Sinith'S'house.iii'percbester, Whence 'he waa frightened away by One of -the farnity going to .the railway statien, he thinking that. they .iu. tended' to Send, him 'back to, they AsYlMn. .Mr. Smith did, nbt watha ;Blair Of his• mind, though he, iiefeclitueerly, Mit the. _flight frorn'the houSe :that:4.e' was insane and a:telegram ,w,aa. at',,once.,•sent to Air: Blair, sr.,,asking.' him as to the. State • -of the young:•man'sMind. On., receipt' of the -telegram'Mr, Blair, wild:with - fear,. caxne t� -South Dorchester to search for :the tnissim. man., who •bad taken to thd, woods: The , . se'arch.was urea:sailing and hi a fears • that. the insane . man might of starvation and expeshre seems:to lia,Ve "heel:I.:sadly, realized.' The wanderer has been -:in :in twoods forthree WeekS, and ,it is doubtfulif during that ifine he has tasted .foo or ceen, under shelter: NV'hen la -M last seen it at r.' Smith's, on 'julv 2M1,'aud then he was half starvedin Ills ,attempts to .hicle. from the asylum keepers. The body ''‘vfIS interred; at Eippen last Weeka, It may, he added that the ifnpression -exists :that 111r, 131air Nt'DS' not"ehloreform,l e,and f3.ob- bed, although the thought thathe yeas robbed . 'sent Liiii.crazy. • It is presuined.- that While:. brooding ever supposed 'tt enble's. hefgot up in hiS,sleep one night and hid the,money 1115,15- ticipatioh 'Of being rebbcd of • it, , OE cOrse this is 'merely an assumption, ye t‘thero aro :a -number, who. regard i G. as the most as LOCAL PfillISONALS, MrS8 BLJACtiliara of this place, is visiting friends at Claude. Mn. Taloa. BURK,E leaves in Michigan next week on 1 ' • he c 3Ins. H. Doirintraq of Cla C. and ude, (mother a visit'to his son , of Messrs. NV., T. (4% 1)011erty) is 01 a cArv. N, travellitig agent G.T. R., was in town on Thursday , of business connected with. the road. and wife, ,• MR. 017MPER of for :Michigan this place, left On Saturday , where the former has purchased land. Tirn MissEs McMunonitE, of the coun- ty of 1York, are an a visit to their brother, Mr. A. McMtirehie, ofthis place. • Mit. F. 13. TooicEn, ' travelling agent of the G.W.R., was in town last week in the interests of the road he represents. MI. FRED. Lociawodn, who went to Manitoba in the spring lias returned to tOWI.4 and intends remaining here. 1 . ' Mn. .J,'. Q. LEY) representing what is known asthe "Albert Lea Railway route" . .. MRS. J. NTORRIS, .,,Of Stapleton, left on of Chicago, was in town last 'week., - . . sday-thr--Brandona--te,joiat'-4ret . itta ' band,who resides near Plum•Cre,ek. ' ' MR!. J•. T. BaowEaa formerly of -this pla.c.e; is' one of thd prospective council- lors 'for the town of Nelson, Manitoba, Mill DONALD jUNOR, ,of the - Bayfi'elci ' road,- left on Thursday for the . Old coin - try. He expects to be -gone a couple of months. • • .• 1 Mit ED. I -TICKS., of Mitchell, all cl form- erly Of this Place, who •died on Satnrday, was a nephew of Mr: Wm. ‘Tenkins, of the ' Huron Road. ' • . Miss CARRIF, Fisiatn, (daughter -of Mr. A.- S. Fisher,), who has been . visiting rela- tives at Whitby' for ,several months,' has returhed home. , ' ' ' 11I25J JOHN .POT'138, and family, who have been re,sidingliii California for a longtime, returned to Clinton, on Tuesday.. He left here 13 years'ago. . , .. . , ,,,, a, -• 111n.1 ALEX,. MacnitElaisoar, late.,of Win- nipeg,1 but formerly a resid'ent'here; was in town alst week, ..on a visit.._ His, wife-, -8-66-°Iiirik3' i1nailt'dD-SR hiffi., '• Alt'', Of. 1\n.FSt. Mar'y'.' a , former „ClIntoman, has gone on -a trbp to Salt take. 'Our good friend, is.,surelyanit - bigaindiisly'inclined. . llit.4af. l'os'rEit, fortnerlyi,.Of VVrigitt Sa Foster, has been' engaged aS traveller for a house in Toronto, and leaves to enter :in his duties cimMonday. 'Mn:. WEsii,Ev YEO, of 'Brusaela, fornier- ly of Clinton, left last Week for Maniaiba, having taken up land uear Sydney, where. .,. • . he iritends to reside:ill future. '.0 , a -ME. 'ELwaltra, SUperinterident of . the Stillwater (Minn.) machine Works, a very ; . extensive manufactory,' WRS the gtiest of Mr..1‘1iDts'..1A.''''.N1NplaRcEpwheDratyonicelaAsict:tvk• of fethis position of his.inetaya,_ tvaartaiiiaai- Rev. Canon Lanes preached to large con- gregations in St- Paul's Churell, 'Wingham, on Sunday. ' . 11/easrs. Black Bros, have bought put the • 'bus froM Chas. Howaon.. They now run both the 'bus and liverk,, and are doing well. The trotting horse owned by W. 5'. Dul- mage returned from Petrolia on Saturday night. They svcre p6tronizsd' by thc. hoasemea around Petrolia. .1..`ho Sunday Schools in -Winghain have . forMec-ta aml are going to 1(inearcline . , 'Jacob Wilson, of the Maitland. con., rs erecting.an addition to his .baan. lafay it be .. continuously . The root crop is progressing favorably, and promises a fair yield. Harvest is rapidly- ap- proaching and crops are.exceptionally good. , Probably the largestapiaries in thiStoWnShip. are those' owned and managed by Mr, l'eter Fisher, situated ono mile,ancl a quarter. east 'of Benmiller.alr. Fisher hits been fora num- ber of years a live beekeeper, and has', we ,believe, obtained a practical knowledge of apiculture. He has more than trebled hiS nutnber of stocks this season pmd the quan- tity oLhonoy they produce is simply inimende. t401/1.III1E11. We aro nleased to heal -that Rev. 5Ir. Turn- ' notbid13iestraele)oievetroitirgesfirtrnente l 1110 ciantteiicness, though, W. Ff. Mel? ad d en , barrister.at-law, , of Bramplon,''formorly•-•-of Godorich, 1],s been appointed County Attbrney and clerk- pc tho Peace for the County of Peel, 'vice Mr. Flom- ' g'M P • d noun "AoA.i.s.-7--Nri-T-Ahrallatn Snlich has returned home after several weeks sojourning in the Canadian and American Nor' -,West. He saw a great number of settlers from tlith locality all doing well. • Mr.„ Thos. Elliott,. . formerly of Goderich t'p, has. tive four horse teams breaking up land; some 500 Or 600 Acres of which he will turn upside dbwrithis season! Mr: Smith lookS hearty, ea though Ile had done very wellhimself.. ' , place, . G. T: 11. for•Goderich, on Tuesday; . • 'whereashe takes the boat for Sault-,Sto • )Iarieal . She gOes to visit;lier sons. • Mr Ronal Co yre; ('Souof Mr' Wm -' .Coats, of this place):svlio recently accepted., . a sitofftion in 0 -alt.; leis ieturned to Toren,- - to,.preferring to live 111 the latter place.. . „ 'WE understaild that Mr. We -F, Luxton, of the •NV innipeg Free Press, (formerly of the Iilsino,sitor) iiitends;to ,bring his -fami- ly tcrLondon -to reside', for a -timd itt least. • ' 3111:1- AN:lank-kV DUNCAN, fornierly with •is. now ,carrying. ou the harness business at,t Sault Ste Marie ; hels. saidtohave much. better Ileal.th than thr- • inerly, • . • 111... Lodeakaof Goderich, is v.isit ing friehda-liere. It 'would. not Surprise if she .aoMe day 'became it pertininent' residotila-,liut not as. Miss- Mk.; .A:lsilliEit's01,;.11410 112,0 -been. , -.returned. oil ..Mcinday, having nuide very Sueeeasftil trip and :seettred n.unaberaof:extensive ordera.. • 1.111i.a.s1 ,RodEns,' ;of • ,Cen tral .foiarierty, 'wjaiS : frimidsIiere litst.week: , She and .MiSs,1V,I. • Long,(of this pItteo) letiVe nek6Week 011 0 ;visit aokrelittiyes :at 0.133:Stal City, Man. JENIKINS; Of is;on R" • . ViSit tol•his brother -,Mr.' jenkins,' of' the HUrdri Road: . He is one. Of, the wealthy , fa r ; Of ,. that' s tate, . p a Aly to the eibSelieSS ef his •farin to. i . , Chicago. , „, • • ..Stevensona ansi Dickson., Il,f;IVe ittiaittloned dieir..contem-• 'plated .tri p • up the / alcea this SeaFion., rm.! ng.,•tci the Protracted' riess of 111r.'•Tolui \vIt 0, wtl,'S .10 .110VC:liden one: of, ;7 ' . , , iVII 'lately passed. 1)015 IfiW .eiairrinatidir 'at. Ann Arhotal•ex- pects to 0141l. 8Djriglo al,,Bay- City silece8sfkil I y • aa • he eath'e-l-r sv ill have': 3 Q '1' e,11,,,,,n1_1JDLC.0.1111). Tit 'P. John TIodgens avill be Pleased to 'learn. thatite is recevet- • ing .froin his:recent severdillness. .1)tiring the •paat, Week. • lie . suffered, aabad relapse; but hdia nOw itnprovi•ngand we•expect to -See him, ont 'ivrainsoon: - I • (,),IM: 'esteem ed frig nclaaalg,r.: .-Afa y. Mc- Lean, of the 'ItlX.positorfleaves shortly op, a . pleasurd trip to Manitoba.: Mac is it bet, - ter. su lajecit than we Were for the inesqnito es to try their powers on, but We dare he • 1Vil Lsti their attadl:s • • -; MEssns. 1V..L. Newton, lIa5,4r-.-.001ber AVisenian, Ali's. Cleo: E. Pay and Miss 1l)earnesla. left on trip to a:Illicago, on. Tuesda, " They jdin an' excutialon for that city at fctratIord. Mrs. .).;owtoti went to T'iironto for 15 shed', Visit at theastmie time'. . . Mr- R. Allat'afs'iNo, of Exeter, the well know it 0aricl eflicien 'affeitta7fl-til c Con fed- eaat ielli Li th Insurairce Association, Made his final Visit here for sonic time 011 Satur- day. .1.le and lA,frs.Illantling left on Tiles - day for the northwest, vhero lie has. three sons .residihg. SIC svill resume flisi hiusi- n082 oiChis.rotyrn. 0,1.71c readers will regret to learn of the cleath Of Miss S. Weir,, formerly pf thiS town, and fir some tinto ci teacher in. this Comity,lsvhich- occurred in the County of tainbi oh last w,•egle.,.at the residence Of her father. ',She 1(118 15 young lady of eadm- able qualities, and her death will be re- • •gaetted by many friends. , ' Prindipal of the Clint° 11 Model SO110O1,iS spenchughio yacatiou In. FiCtnn y aia, ago he was 1 iinei pal of 51 o•Orillia Public School, ancl one , of the mast suceessfld and poptilar'teacha . . e1,8 liatre' ever had inthis to.wn. He finds that Orillia has made .great progresS, but the iitanerous changea have tell many old friends and' thriller ptipi tit!) welcome Prt'eket. -