HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-20, Page 10CLI TON' ivEERA
TIiUTtSDA1', JUI,Y ?i),; 188'4..
Mn. 3AS. �DERS0 has taken :1.en h(r, S.
T: Holmes into partnership with him in
the livery business.
HURSEs ion D_&IcaxA.—On Saturday
Messrs. 1.. Battenbury and J. Mooney, of.
this place, shipped by boat from. Gode
rich; about 45 horses, for Grand Forks,
Dakota. They ,also accompanied .the
horses, which Were in charge of J. Ratten-
bury sr., F. Rumball jr, and J. Fox.
Bzcrer E G. - Mr. Perry, Doolittle, of
Aylmer, was in town. last Wednesday,.
having come all the way_ from Watford,
in 'the county of ,Lambton,. en a bicycle:
The. distance is about 73 miles, and is a
better day's travelling than most- horses
would accomplish.'
CuEc ERs.—On Friday .list Mr. RIc-
'albli,rof London„ who is . recognized as
one uftbe nest-ehteeker-player-v=ia-Ca;
was in town and had a set-to with Boney
Campbell, five genies being- played, one
each of which was won by the players,
and the other three were -drawn.;
THE HURON' Lzvn STOCK Assooi .-
Tion.-Anneeting of the' Officers and Di-
rectors of the Huron hie Stock;ASsocia-
tion, will be held at the Commercial :Ho-
IJotel, Clinton, on Tuesday July 25th, ,at, 2
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of.consider-
ing the propriety of holding a fall sale of
stock. . '
ternoon the Model School was dismissed
fOi,the Holidays by Mr. J.Cun,inghame;
one of the trustees: Prior to closing, the
scholars from. all the divisions;: gathered
in Mr. Connolly's room, and'under his
leadership, engaged in singing, a number
of pieces being rendered' in good 'style.
HIGH CHARGES.—As showing the ex
orbitant rates charged by the Canada Pa-:
cific Railway we may mention that they
charge more for sending a threshing,ma
chine from Brockville to•Pembroke, a dis-
-lance:of about 130 miles, than .,the .same
machine can be sent forfrom bere .to Hali-
fax, a distance of about' 1300 '•miles -or
ten times.as far, -
SoMEpf the Clinton magnates. are 'busi-
ly engaged, quarreling over the manage:-
ment of their High School, and are writ
ing to the papers, abusing each other
about the matter. If they wish to .kill
what has long been a well conducted and
creditable institution' in their town, they;
will persevere in the work they lave un
dertaken:-Seaforth Expositor
A DEAD BEAT. -A in-aiing by:t"he
name of Clark, who has begoien' stopping'
around town. for, a; short, time, ordered a
sprit of clothes from a business house here.
He called for them last IV ednesday, pro
tnising to pay for them in''the afternoon,.
but he skipped Mit without so doing, and;
is therefore a suitaheatl. ''To the'initiated
he is known. as " the padlock swindler..,"
and is nothing more or less than an una ,
dulterated beat.
OLD RErics,---l.irs. \Viii Smithson,".of.
this town,has a cbuple of relics in herpos-
session, that show the workmanship'of a
-'b one. tire. e--bf tlre�e rs-an oak
chest about one font deep_, by two long;:
made in the year'1688; the -;face of the
chest, is coveted with carved work �sMehl
is well done, and the chest appears as
sound as the day it was.inade. The other -
is a beautiful _•china cup: and saucer over
one hundred years old.';; Both the articles.
were brought with her irons the old'
Fr n. — On Wednesday eightlast
while some parties were tossing a ball
with a lacrosse stick, the ball bounced
and struck Mr: J. Hediger full inthe eye,
inflicting a :very painful wound. "For
violating the by-law, by ,,:playing;; ball on- .
the street, J. J...Williaits was sm
,before the Mayor and fined $1,, 'and' costs-.
J. Irwin was up for the sa;nfe offence' and
was likewise treated i<t is the 'intention.
of the Mayor in futurOto fine all parties
found playing ballon the street:
ATTEMPTED Surclnw One day ;last
-week a certain individual'intown who has'
for ;some time back being drinking to
excess, attempted - to commit suicide by
Banging himself to a rafter in the house.
hen discovered by his wife he was black
• .in the face and. unconscious, but 'she cut
him down and lie soon after recovered
from the effects of,his rashness.,A little;.
while after be:st.ripped 'stark nked said
sitting down in the middle cf the room,
amused himself by singing at the top of;
his' vrnce;.
SERVED D HI ,I iuur—On Pri'clay even_
ing last a youth nettled McDonald, who'
was under the influence' of liquor, did his
best to get Up -a disturbance with` several
parties, until at last he succeeded in meet,
ing one' penton wouldn't tai.e any: of his..
"sleek ""—anal vi ho relic Sum t walLule
rited -pounding.' :When; -"he got borne he-
found that he had in sone Way lost over
$30 which lie had in his ,pocket, but it
;turned out that a friend wit .mbre . sense
than he. possessed, had taken the money
'1'71:Way to prevent him squandering it.
C,IIARGE or SrAnnilo.-Oil Saturday a
young bran named Watters was tried be
fare MY h • TIFiester, on ,,ti dTarge tit at
tempting to stab_..a youth named Beatty.'
The parties to the case belong to. the .7th.':
con. of Tuckersniith, and it appears they'
had fight :a few daysfr. n
d a before, e, t drings
-which it was alleged Watters used a knife
on Beatty, who appeared in .court Some-
what bandaged up. The evidence for the
prosecution. not -being- considered-- clear;
enough upon .which to commit the prison
tit; .he was accordingly •diseharged: The
tlily previously Beatty had been up before
Mr. Strong, of Seaforth, on a charge of
assault • preferred by Watters, and was
fined 7 and costs...
BIrrT— tR.A .car load of butter was
shipped to Montreal on S'aturclay;•by
Messrs J. Hodgens aud-Pay. &;'WViseman=
furnished all of it except about 20;tubs.
Already: this year:Mr: Hodgens has han-
died nearly six hundred tubs. These par-
ties did well -to sell as the price paid here,
is slightly, higher •than -quotations will
warrant, several wholesale houses having
recalled their. buyers until prices .come
dowu;_As pastures -have been good in Eng-
land, butter is nOt likely to:rule high, and
we believe it would he 'wisdofor those
holding stoolm s to dispose of them without
Ifi'aiting fora rise. Monday's- Globe, a
good autliority Ort this subj'ect,says:—`But-
ter very quiet, shippers, cannot operate at
presentprices and State; that until, prices
ome down. 8e to 4c per lb. they -will notlie
blc to bty :"
THE Cosax.ar,---One of the most suc-
cessful concerts, financially and otherwise,
ever held here, was that given under the
management of Mr. Morgan, last Wednes-
day evening. The programme, an un-
usually long and admirably -varied one,
ryas well rendered throughout, evincing -
very_ careful preparation on the part, of
those: assisting therein. '• Among the pieces
worthy of special mention were Dancing
o'er the waves," by Misses: Straith ;and
Brown and Messrs. Jones and Jackson,
wylieh was..`particuharly well rendered.
The "A 'I3 C" duet, by Miss Davis and
Mr. Morgan, was well done: and .quite
amusing. Mr. Bond's concertina playing
was something magnificent and plainly
showed that he was an adel in the use of
this instrument, -.and the hearty encore
given. him testified the appreciation of the
audience. Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Whitt
have long. been recognized as excellent`.
amateur singers,.. and their rendition of
"O'er the hill,; o'er the dale,- and other
pieces .in which they individually took
part, showed that. they were still -worthy
of this .designation. - Fairy Horgan • and,
aggie ac s e • l -prodigies,
executed their parts exceedingly well, and
promise to become in the future eminent
musicians. 1lrs. Newton's instrumental
piece was much appreciated, as her'play-
ing always'is. " The Quaker's courtship,"
by Fairy Morgan and- Master George
Hodgens,. was very amusing. The duet,
" Hear me,. Norma," by '_hiss Callander ,
and IIr, T; Jackson; is one of the old' fa-
vori$es, particularly when,as well render-
ed as,on the present occasion. A trio,, by
Dr. \Villiams and Messrs. Connolly and
Jones,' was highly appreciated' bythe•au
dience. The'eantat , 'Reward of merit,"
performed in theopeningby a, large num-
ber 'of children dressed, in 'White,'could
not have been more 'effectively gwen.
The coin pan yrendered their, pi;ese in ex :
cellent.style. Mrs. Morgan accompanied
most of the singers on. the 'piano.' Not
withstanding the perfect jam in the.hall,
and ...the: excessive heat,.excellent order
was-Maintained:throughout. ,Those who,
had the management .of the: concert in
hand; p'r'ominent and zealous anion g which:
n as T. Jackson, jr., who also- advertised it
well and extensively, have every ;reason to:
fell 'pleased at the result of the entertain -
meat; rivhieh `netted'about .8127 over all
Bstu i s Mr•. J. R. Kennedy, one of the:
three bakers here, used over.t=welve hun-
dred pounds of flour to supply'the people?
with bread last Wednesday. A -Man in
town 'had a horse die on his haud this
week, and to realize` as inticli:'as possible
from the carcase, skinned it -and too: ail
the bones out;of it. •. The Exeter Reflector
last week had 27 items headed. "District
Reflections;" 21 of them were clipped en-
tire from the ,iti my Eit* ;, we are glad our
exclianges nd this paper of so much ser-
vice to. them: •`31r..Sheppard. has a cellar.
excavated for his building on,Huron street.
_ mail: from Galt was in. town: last week;
showing the Merits of it new style of gear
ing and springs.. for a. buggy; he .would
recklessly drive over stones, high cressings,-
rails and other pojeCtiOnS, and it seemed
to make no diflerence'to the - occupants ;
he suceeeded'in selling several, which are
to be made up by waggon makers here.
Th si polars' -o2 Mrs. Morgan's pr -i -vat
school held a picnic last week in the,Great
Western grove, which Was as successful as
picnics usually are.._ A. recently arrived
Englishman e�cclaimed heretlie other; day,
"This is too bot for me, I'll•soon go away
back"..'.; the. 'thermometer was only about
75; and bein g informedthat,; the weather'
wasn't hot yet, he ejaculated, " Oh, hit's
dreadful hin this country, hit's'dreadfil."
1Ir. I. Howson played with the Blyth.;
.Cricket club; on Friday, in its ,unsuceess=.
ful match with, -Brussels; the club woiild
have been beaten worse than 'theyv,ere,
had hot Jith been playing.. The'framc-,
work of Mr :'`J. B>itt's new -bon Se,on the
baseline ishie rly completed ; when finish
ed 11 will ben convenient residence:
bicycle: arrived here fora Oodericlb gentle
man'' the other day:and also one for Mr,"
Brent 'of' Seaforth • the bicycle i5 the coin-
ing conveyance for those whohave much
running around, but -they Should be' got
up alittle plainer and sold for $25 or $35.
A large an::ea nt of new:hay has been alis
,posed ofon rile market herethis season.
On. Saturday afternoon'a kite sailing at r
great °'beight,over the Rattenbury House,
`was held -by a;boy. near; the 0,.T, station,
a distance of about 800 yards. The trus-
tees of the Model,School are,putting a -new
picket fi'nce along one' side aiid to• the rear
of the school; and making other needed
improvements., lli.; Jolin Shipley last
week bpught' .a Horse of Mr. Forsyth,
Tuckersmith,:paying therefor,.:. ,1S5. ;Vo.
4 Infantry_ Cent pany (OD nton,)will put inn'
their annual drill at Lo'n d oil; ie }thi-th e 33rt'L"
Battalion,'cominencingen the 5th of Sept:`
Mi•" P: WtHis'.",(fornnerly i clerk in :this'
place) but now doing business for:.himself.
nn Farmensville, has lately htit
iyri ]L�a few
-1rstore 2I iiia, anti i, said to be do
ing well The'sh.00ting gallery has -been
moved: to Kincardine. A Very large speci-
men•ofthe water Snipe was found in -Aft.
S•earle's garden. on Tuesday morning; itis
unusual for them to be: found so near'
housesand'in the,heart of the tower On.
two oceaSions lately fire has been discover
trill 1111
h gnIIIJII,ltlllflalal ,
.r 0
'01 i' li t� ,>°tici> Tars ap ly. to''
Town Agent G
White P'ks.
Light and Dark '
g Muslins.
Light Colored g o ed Pants, •
Plain, Black & watered Prints.
Plain, Black and Lace, Cream, biscuit,'Br(*n and Navy..
Ss S LKS. IN :Checks and';, Stripes
eel amid the lumber piles near the plain
Ing far;toryaii--H-urear-stn set; ati-harve-foG-
tunately-beenput oat before any damage
was done ; the suppositioin is that children
playing around have thoughtlessly started
them-. ' Persons shooting at 'robins, or
cherry buds should be'ea careful to shoot in
an elevated position and use fine shot; as
it is less aangerotis to persons passing at a
distance"; ;th-ee'law- Only -allows these birds
to be shot when destroying flu it. Straw-.
berries Will soon be a thing of the past
this season.;. the crop here has been a bet-
•ter`one Ahan'..frst anticipated Mr. E.
Holmes has purchased the -lot' on -queen:
Street, abjoining his residence, from
Messrs. Doherty &z ''Gibbings, Messrs.,
'Glasgow, llacpherso &, Co, this -week
int toile of their threshiu,g machines to
Halifax, N. S. ; who says their reputation
is .not; world -wide'? Who arab-lig be
many Jgardoers liere, Can bring us the
largest ,specimens en- of stick fruit as currants,
ooseberries,.raspberr'ies &c., we think we
;.We think we know who takes the lend
in gooseberries, but would like to hear from
som'e'others before announcing the -fact.
;Che".\Vanclerers play' the Victoria block
cricketclub a game early next.week. Cor -
''respondents sometimes ,sl us if we divulge
their nallies, but tlicy may rest 1(5001'C (1 that
this is never done ; it people -do find oat
who are the authors of letters, &c•, itinuSt
be by some tnieans outside of a.ncw;;paptr
office, for printing office •i ret;' are well
z;ya•n;arit ta.-se•
sr est ,St'ck,• fest 1 ualit •and Chea est Goods, in•
the. Count•
. n Faris-.
-7Tli6 Ix=ca-of t s
tocky of.
Eby Carriages
le, rcrsT . BE S OLE) CHEAP.
Cone and 'wee: u-wh,1ether you buy
or not.
rr'a yes and Express Waons Cro_
Bab. La x g p g
cruet, Lacrosse, Music & Music Books.
• Good Hammocks for $2.
1.J F .V A 41 KN
CR\I'll•. 14AtA7I'IF1 'li' 4; c 't f'`i
ietoVia, 331oeh, Clinton..•'
of the finest establishments otq lira t1>!c Wes
Established 1854.
Special . Paces.
Fine Dire(' d
red Clothfn
1 .
Our Stock is
the largest,
Full lines for
hot. . weather
S i
,.0 is
aE' O�
,j22fd l
Linen. Coats; White' Vests;
Alpaca Coats,
er Coats,
Linen Dusters ubber
Le gTn
oTli17 ALO