HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-20, Page 7Who. llakes our lioo1 L BOAT MA,KER. DEALER IN:ALL 1INDS OF nen •Worieno ,i�td Child e�� to is &Shot .. Spring Stock well 'assorted, and complete in all departments. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP. FOR' CASA C. CRUICKSI AN1 , BRICK BLO'CK,, CLINTON' � O p rfl 4:4 sit S DA STOVES.—Having bought a;stock ofStoves :outside of the association,. on very ad- vantageous terms, I am now .prepared' to offer .Cooict. o STOVES at a large percentage under the usual price. .IIARVEST.TOOLS. .:--- Scythes , Snaths, Wheat,. Barley and 11ay`Forks, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle Fingers,.&o. - TIN WARE. -A full assortment of Tinware in all its' branches. . AIsoGoo.o GRANITE WARE.—Just'arrived, an assortment ofTeA POTS, POTS and PRESERVING METTLES, in'Oranite Ware HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, FURS --.—HIGHEST CASH PRIC,1 1°A1T)., I)_9‘..VIS,. GL.ILs; 'PON: Dissol�tior� of Partllersl Manitpbo f or°respoiidei�ee, Na LsoN,-iVLAn,, July llth, 1881. To the.Ec(itor of the nreao Era. DEAn Slit,—As I premised some of your readers that I would write a letter, giving 1'4 opinion of the'country, I now do so, � although I have not seen much of it yet, but what I have seen I am highly pleased with. Nelson is situated sixty miles north west of Emerson, and has a fine country around it, making it a good busi- ness place, and the pride of the west. We, 'are not subject to floods ; the crops around here are lookingwell, and the weather is' favorable for them ; the only drawback with Nelson is the want of Railway accoin- m.odation;; we want the South ,Western, and the Syndicate lines in here, and then we will not take backwater, frown Winni- peg, or any other place in the northwest. We 'had a railway meeting a fewnights ago, and sent a delegation to wait upon, the South Western and Syndicate atithori- ties - -The ratepayers here think they are able to give a bonus of ,x',100,000 towards the building of 'a road. "T think that is not bad for a place the 8iae of Nelson. The South Western is running within 25 miles of us, and a stage to meet it goes from -here twice'a week. Nelson (former- ly Nelsonville) is the name this town'is to gb by hereafter, it has been incorporated •a town, and our municipal elections areto take place on the 21st' inst. We are to have a grand celebrationon the- day fol• lowing, and 11l1ve about $1,000 subscribed for the sports. If you had that much in Clinton you •would think it something great, but it is comparatively nothing out here. There are to be fireworks, athletic sports, horse racing, and Caledonian•games. There seems to be a great deal of money afioat.here. Considerable building has been done here:. this summer, and would be more if there were more carpenters. lf-you have any Carpenters to spare down there you had better send thetas up, a good carpenter. would do well here. Thero'are a number of good houses to go up when men can be got. I think there will be a boom -here -soon, ;things are working that way ; lots are very dear now, some of thetn have risen two, and three hundred dollars since last summer. It' is not very much higher living here than in Clinton,- wood is only $3 per cord, flour $2.50 to $3, gro- ceries about the same as there ; ready-made clothing can bo got as cheapas in Ontario, house' rent is pretty high, and work` is plenty: ' l,We have three good churches -- Methodist, Presbyterian;, and Church of England i and all are well attended. We have more horses and rigs here than there are in Clinton, and all that goes;to make up a thriving town. N, F. ELIW•PUN A: \ISIiE'1`I5. July IS, 1852, \Vheat,full, V. bush, ,Spring, •- - Oats, - Barley, Peas, lflour, ' Potatoes, r Butter, Eggs, Hay, - irides, Sheep pelta hamb skive, Wool $122 a 1 25 1 24 a 126 0 41 a 0 42 • 0i5 a 080 0.70 a 0,76 • '6 00 a (i 50 0'65 a 0 70 0.16 a 0 17. 0 17 a- .0 IS S,:00. a 10 00 00 . a '6 00 • 0' 10 a 0 15 025 a.0.40 • 0 18 a 0'20 Cit- .Cabinet ,\Yaroi'oorns,. FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON. THOS, ;STEVENSON •. Having, moved into his new bride store OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL,' ]togs leave to state to his numerous friends in, Clinton' Mid the surrounding country, that he keeps oh hand a Superior quality of Furnitnre•of all hinds,. each as BEDROOM & ;PARLOR ' SETS Of the latest stiles, also BEDSTEADS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS;' .TABLES•, A id' everything thatconstitutes'furnishing a lionsc' in, hiss lino which he will sell •at the lowest living ,pronto , 1 ask e share of the public patronage, being tliankftil for pastfit ora and hopeful for the future..The public,. Are invited to call and see for themselves. THOS STEVENSON. Clinton, July Q- 188.1. . John McGarva, SALT • MANUFACTURER,` n o unc erne ons N AND AFTER THIS:. DATE rter CZ1=N'T'0N WILL TAKE Cas GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, - ALBERT STREET, Opposite the Town Hall. tlery Choice'Lard', Hams & Bacon `.Ror salt: at lowest prices. ' 1. 'Gaeh, pritl for l.u•m Products. • J. MuGARVA. Uli,ii:'ton, ApriI 4,:1SS"': The partnership between•MOORE chi tiF1i T3 1'.'.traocer , bei-ne•.dissolved. the subsc`riber•'c,ontinues to carry husiness in- the olcl stand, B 1 plocic, n t door Where he is now:iu a position to accommod.ite hip many friends and•customers'better than ever. Having recently i iiited the leading wholesale establishments of the, Do- minion., made personal selebtion of stock, -and bought right, my, customers May depend,. on getting as good value for :their money as cati-be had `:in this part of the Dominion. My stock is ENTIRELY:. AFRESH WAND NLW, and consists ot a splendid. n880rtnlent of Groee.rfesJ 9 'rockery," Ia $7,,A acre'.. All .orders Will be promptly tilled .. 1 enlemlcr the �tanc , 311.`tc i Bi0c 1'. Albert St.' •%% i . :1-N104)3U. Clinton, June, 139^ QOn 0 1? heady lN9ade Cloth6n�, Hats wind ;Caps9 foots and Shoes, • And 20 chests choice leas. Now Selllr�g 0�: �e�ow Cost Sign' of tl� Red. F'1�g9. WBi.Ri f f T' OLS S'!'A1�IA'. The public are cordially invited to call and ex- amine goods, .and, prices. . G -mo. apizTTON THIS MEANS A DISCOUNT OF ON ALL PURCHASES FOR as.1 li asi — And it is generali'y conceded that we have -a stock of 1 eii'e1A'e1 ieces re .1., _..r age-. 7r.sr .Wish most.respectfully to return their sincere tha4ikii to tlie-ir friends and customers' fbr•.the 'very .liberal patronage bestowed upon. then, in,.the past and at the 'satie tipte, Wouldsay thattheywill in the future (as in the past) do their utmost to ;supply •:11 entrusting then with their patiouage, for Ilalcwale, Stoves', witi' i'ry be St •aootli at the very lowest possible prices. 1Ve would :ti1So take this, opportirninty •`t f informing the public in general »that we Nave . O0ened 'up a& new stock of Hardware, Stoves, '&c., in the 'store hi the. Bearer' Block, next door to Tohmpson' & Switzer's. Grocery,,, Where. "we will keep ozi hand. a graiy1 :stock of STOVES, HARDWARE, TIN«i`A'E'IE, ttie; Our stock :at the old stand in, the Ped Brick Store will at all times' be found replete in assort- mout and quality. Our prices will also l e.found as low as any house'in the trade •Solicit- ing_a eontint ince ofpublic pataonage, we are, yours &c. BRANCH STOKE, / BEAVER BLOCK NEXT 1'0 '1;ir0)tPS0\ "& SW1 r/,ill's. /SIGN Qfl .T'.I-l:r PADLOCK,, RED BRICKSTORE »Ar,P,ER1 ST,EEE'r, (JUN ON'. lc ATLE list has no ejjuai • .orth ..Of • Lo ..dl.on, either • for style, , varie ty or good value. ue To `our cu to er$ ' he i.i e east, west north or south, e. ill refund your railway fare, provides ou purchase i're u -� goods t� too. a els t o$g(). Te.'lave a _stock of' OTHS A' D TWEEDS Unrivalled in this county of ours, ;either as regards sty'ie:',or-. price the »c'efebrated Ctiti ter Late of`Seaforth, has charge of the department zve us . cal/, when, 2.72. town, (ill don' fol �ti Ct .0263' .teY71,14 . Clinton, June l.1882`