HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-20, Page 51Y:LOR'.:& Decl.lers in. TRUNKS, VALISES. &c., 5 per cent discount for cash: Albert St., -Aa'TS sz AROUND THE COUNTY. Mr.; G. A. -Mace, of Exeter, has gone to Winnipeg. It is his intention to start, a store in that city. Mr, Wm. Doig has sold Me farm on con. it to the courts. The profound Hop. John C.,Howick, to Mr.' John .Grainger, hie : O'Connor is to prepare the case. rn�ext neignbor, for the sum . of $3,750 pr. Schultz is mentioned as likely to succeed- Mr..Cauehon as 'Lieut. -Governor James Reith, of Hay, lately sold to of Manitoba. He, is also spoken of as the Mr. Bissett, of Exeter, a nine year old mare; for which he received the neat Bum' A rumor is current that Mr. Dalton Mc- Carthy is likely to enter the cabinet in place of Mr. Carling. The Government has decided to prepare a case of the Boundry Award and submit • Mr. Douglas McDonald bas resigned his situation as school teacher in Tuckersmith, and intends going to Manitoba to Push his. fortunes iu the new land. - Mr. Patrick O'Neil, who resides'a-couple of miles out of Seaforth, while returning, home on Friday fell, breaking his right arm below the ehonlderjoint. , If Catarrh has destroyed your sense of smell' and hearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure will eure you. 75bents per bottle. Druggists ecu it. For sale, by J. H. Combe. Robert Martin, of Grey, `a well known stock raiser, refused $120 for a spring colt. last•, week. It' was sired by his heavy dravght stallion Prince of wales. The East Riding Fall Show will be. held at Wroxeter on: Tuesday and Wednesday,' Oct.' 3rd and 4th, and the Grey Branch in'; Brussels on the two -following days. 'I ; The, fishermen -of Bayfield are' preparing to leave for the Fishing Islands north of Saugeen, se the fishing grounds opposite CHEMISTS & DRITGGISTS; thisport are pretty wellplayed'out. .Albert Street. Clinton. The public will find our stock of medicines. complete, warranted genuine, and of the best equality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TPUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS 'OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. USUALLY KEPT" IN AFIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Don't cry, dear. Ma has gone 1OBBiS;,THE CROC To get some of his 75. ct. Tea ; she can't get along without it ; she is so troubled with the headache. You_know he has everything good and sells very cheap. Ma will be.. sure to buy some of his fresh ground Buckwheat Flour; then hu rrah for Buckwheat pancakes. I want some Bol ogna." " You'll have some if you're a good girl, that s a deary. Clinton'. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN .}\ 'S1tunT 1J)TICFT, • Robb, the Groeei•,: Air ter loo Rause 0 0 mmmomimmmulmmammllsipmq� p IU111i5 Ul!I I :l IpIip v �IpII I� 'rnllllh_��IIIh•AJIIItAIP n., er 1), n®t16®litynwnrAntrwmll �. Iiitmunrnin n nn .-... • On'Sunday'-while Mr. A. Whiteford's horse was standing in the shed adjoining the Presbyterian Church, Exeter,' some miscreants cut a portion of the harness. Miss Mabee, who was a teacher . in the public school Seaforth for about two; years, intends going to,Winuioeg where ' her fa- ther now is, and hopes to obtain a position in one of the schools: in that city. Miss E: Watson, of Blyth,. succeeded in carrying off the prizefor reading at the examination of the Ladies' College, Brant. ford. Miss Amelia" Watson „also :got an honorable mention for reading. • • RnsrEOT.-The Grey Bairs old age demand and should receive respect -but the Grey Hairs' of young people require attention, in the way of using Cingalese Hair renewer. 'Bold by ali, druggists, 50 cents per bottle. 'Mr. George Sproat.. of Tuckeramith has purchased'a farm containing 1022 acreson lot 22, 2nd ;con., from Mr. Alex.:Campbell, paying therefor ..$6,000 cash. Mr.. Sproat" has now over 500 acres of splendid land. The work at John Whitfield's creamery, Grey, ie going on famously and the butter made first class.' Over 3;000 was made in the past month. Out of this Mr.:' Whit. field sold 2,640 lbs. lest week at •220 per lb., receiving the neat sum: of" $;189,-50 for the same., Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. It acts directly upon the blood and,the mucous surfaces of the;systew. Pri_e,751. For salve by J. I3 Combe A young son of Mr. 'Jas. Shag, dro.ver,•, Wingham (formerly of Brucefield,) is ly- ing dangerously ill at ,his fathers resi- dence. His illness was brought on through going into the water to bathewhen in a heated condition. The doctors have -no J ape dshia-recoL e.r_y A serious- accident befell -Mr: ' Frank Ewing of-Seaforth, on- Tuesday. last.. While, drawing hides,tp__the'' station` the, reach cane out of the hind.'wheels, 'throw-' inghini out, and bruising' his liead- and: shoulders severely. The horses ; dashed down the street at a furious rate and be. fore lhey could be stoppedthe wagon was_' smashed in many pieces. :No fewer than live or six bears have . been seen and hunted during the past`two weeks in Grey and parte-of Morris. They''. were started•from the -swami in thesouth- east, Corner of Grey_ Oa ;Thursday last _one was' seen 'in the small -swamp adjoin- ing the Brussels cemetery, and only a inile',from town and although tracked„ could not be captured•. IJOTIF PERIM'S BLOCK, MAFKET SQUARE CLINTON.:. "PA. VVx 'i'_l)S.'1Li)l+' PIA From. the leading 3,nierie•an ar.h.1 uiithOlt uiutr far, users; at moderate irises. :Also g Oelebrated Doherty Organ Til^,. �;_,•-1 ,d}lac .' or TH.F-,U1)H,E1 I' k(l1 lsrl: '. 1- ilrevoc' i4 establ shed, hity= ing been awai,sled First Frizns, tie 1 ti', ,:and Diplomas' at the Provincial .ince .lt?d't tl r'll ;exhibitions ?'1 \iontl'e l and ' '1 oi'onto, The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR is the marvel of the Medical World :1t never fails 'to completely cure. Nervous Debility, impo- tency, Mental Depression anti all diseases caus- ed from excesses The testimony of thousands can bo had by writing F 7. Cheney, Toiedo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States.. Price $1,00 per box, six: boxes for 45,00. ;If your ,drug- gistdoes pot keep the remedy, send to: head- quarters and'get the medicine by mail. Circ-- - lars and testimonials'oti application. Sole a ent for Clinron,J. FI, Combe:,agent ,Mr. W. Gives, "bricklayer, Farquhar, met with a misfortune which might have cost his life, last week. Wiile working at the stone -work of a barn for Mr. Wal ter Shellinglaw, he had occasionto 'move one of the props supporting alarge sleeper, wliich,relieved of its'auppor unexpectedly, fell, 'knocl nig Mr. Gives against - the wall andprnshing his arm on the •stone work, breaking it in two places near` the shoulder Tt 'is with feelings of ---regret that we. record the death of Mr. Donald.McIntoeli -of-1 arpurlrey. Deceased was a pati of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where lie .'.vas'. born in 1804. In 1835 he ,left Scotland 'for Canada and settled in"the then -thriving village' of Bridgewater, now F€ohnesville.` where he- began a boot and shoe bnsiness,, Durieg, hie stay in this village he was cal-. led ih 1837 to assist the patriots in huelliug', the rebellion which was raging. in 1848 lie removed to -the township of fsullett, wheire he was engaged in farming until 1874, tvhen he retired •to Harpuriley and here en -sled -hie' days on July ;10th, 1882. Deceased -was ono of t-li-e-oldissturernbers of the Masonic order in this conntry,,hav -ingijoined that order about 60 years ago. coming new Senator for that province. A report,- circulated in Winnipeg that the Dominion Government has withdrawn from homestead -and preemption all lands south of the main,line C.P, R. has caused great excitement in that city. _ Don't be Alarmed. atBright's Disease, Diabetes, or any disease of the kidneys; liver or urinary organs; as'Ffop Bitters will'certainly and lastingly: cure you, and it is the only thing that will, The Brantford Expositor says that ,un- der the proceedings now being taken to oust'Mr. John Joseph Hawkins from the title he holds by the grace of the Return- ing officer, that he will not only. be un- seated, but disgracefully disqualified, and declared unfit to occupy'°.a seat in parlia- ment for eight years to come. Toronto World : There are -some grounds for the very unpleasant suspicion that the 'enormous proportion of• spoiled- ballots at the late election was the result of a deliberate conspiracy on the part of some one, and it is absolutely necessary that in some way or other .thissuspicion should be either confirmed or allayed. A; full investigation of all the cases by a par iiamentary committee world probably re veal the truth. DD NOT BE ,DECEIVED. In these times of 'quack medicine advertise- ments everywhere it is truly gratifying to rind one,remedy that is worthy of praise and which: really doesas recommmended. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy and one that ,Will do' as -recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Conl- plaints;Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties: : We, know 'whereof 'we speak, arid. can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at '50 cents a, bottle, by J. H..Combe druggist, C. Bchliesmayer, Boot and Shoe maker. First-class work at low - 44i An assortment of ready-made tine goods on hand- 'Repairing neat- ly done. Shop-Nsxr,000R To KEN-. Machin e .-.- McCOLL BROS, ToRcicro, Nfanufacturers and dealers in 0 is & CO., Cardin (i1, •.. • 7 C iiilt1E r =0i:_ 1 , .13oit-Cuttiiirg ()iis. • OUIMETTE URY GOOD GROC:111:S, BOOTS 1111) SHOES, Four :Medals and Three D plonias awarded, them last..ycar at the lcadit ca},tbiti-ons in. -the, b nuniGn.. Fanners Threshers ams Mill hien will 'ave money.hy psine ,ur'Ltl-dine and.: Cylinder Oil. • , W}►tilen Mannfacturerw will'savemoneyby. using our 'Wool Oil,- it.eiltials lard .and olive oil,,and' 'coats buthalf the. price- Satifactl. n guaranteed. Prices, Zc.., on?appltcatiop; to - JnOOLL BROS.: & LO.,'Toronto. • �:,to-OO€P]!IVS. FOR CHEAP GROCERIES` Crockery, : Glassware, Sc. Oatmeal and Cornmeal alwayS on hand, ALSO Pctt9'p'cciebrate&: Eaglieh Erealtfaat 8acoai T.on f C1o' or Bacon,, Sugar Cured' Ifants, And -No. 1 LARD. . Al irises which:�cannot to beaten' in 'town. 60` EA HIS A SPECIALTY • G.T SOLE-::AIIISNT FOR llobbilie'•:•'E`LECTRIC SOAP •THOMAS.. COOPER;' A u1;Elre .STREET,`CLSINTON. A 1UEMAICHABLE ESCAPE. MIrs.:uco C. -Clarke,' of Port Dalhousie, On: tario,states•that slip had been confined "to her • room ;for a long time wit1L thatdreadfiil'disease, Consumption.,. The doctor's said She could not" t se,pe an early grave, iiut forttluately ilre be- gan tatting Dr, King's New._Diseovei y for Ceti snmption and in a short tune wag completeey curccb Dpilbting once, please write Dfrs,Carke. la.r e" stool,: ' af'. Violins, Strings, I3ows Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes, Sheet, and Boo]: Mv.sic, .,on. . hand, " at the most reasonable prices, n, f ' AE � . LINES 0 INPROCURED til ANYTHING . 1�. i3-iE t1 1 STOCK , O a :iFI,. SiiOl.Tl bT NOTICE GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE RENOWNED 91 CQNE,. alai -be convinced. Try a )fettle free at Coining' Drug Store. Largo size some.. There -are now forty-one. Liberals elected to the House of Cemmoiiinrtnr • Ontario. When the courts decide on the flagrant. acts of.. partizan Returning 6fucers . that number may be increased. But for the:' gerrymander Brockville, North' La.nark, Lincoln, East Middlesex, North lliddle- flex, lllonck, North, Bruce and North raimcoo would have returned Liberals. Y _ TC�- CLINTON ` BAKERY . _ R M'LENNAN .— ' ES1]1t S to intimate t.l tlic people of Gnu toU anti vicinity that he has re.epehtd his brkerr on V•itt- t,rla'Street and will ho pleased Ni .nl,pt lberii .lith anything in bis"line. Bwoti, Calker, eke,,of iaEi -kinds Step f, on 'I:Bread Acid 'it the thop .t the iollawin nri tea ;• 1 111 ly?af-I4eett, ' "51t latf c /050, No orders hit>ler1, l''atr;onak.e rapt1tibci'v e„hrsPtes. '1'iont(;olicr lACQUA4NTED.NIT + THE GEOG,o (ii Prt o�..tlts;co•,.t1. TRV WILL SEE eYEXAMININOT,k IS MAC I HAT THS r i IV/446. 1/�1tJ'i 11118;` -ie.; °rocke z , tTic1s`Nva 'e_ Cp.111 l Se* toe hard Pay sad hack Baom Prico; MY STOCK OE SPLENDID `:BABY CARRIAGE EMBRACING -THE, LATEST STYLES, CONTINUES' TO ARRIVE',AND WiLL BE DISPOSED OF AT. -THE VERY LOWEST,' PRICES, CAI11,.AND SEE TRESS. TRUNKS FON. THE ' MILLION. ,RNESS, BOOTS and S AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MONEY TO LOAN -PRIVATE FUN "DS_:1T Low R..", .re of I SHINGLES 1200 bunches of b,FIING RGIAS' I E'S fol' per huncGEGh, riNpp. BA Roonisover store to: let. "VTI C i:ctoria, 1rt31os•k1":. fro r a5 b ' ri a rc, CIIICAGO,ROCK ISL�tD&PACIFIC R'Y. Calix theatt'ention of travelers- to tho central pocii- 113°11,1)110 its line, connecting the East and the W , shortest route, and ehrry, eg 'paeeengere, at without change of earn between Chicago and Kan-, say City. Council Blnife, Leatrenworth, Atehison,t Minneapolts and 81. Pauli It connects in n'aibnl Depotewith all the principal linee.of road between ..he Atlantic and the' Pacific 'Oceans, Its mentis unribaled and magnificent, being composed of Moat 'Comfortable and 8eautiful'Day Coaches,,. ,\ Magniifeont Horton Reclining Chair ,Gare, Pun man's Prettiest Palace eleoping Cars, and the Beet - 'Line of Dining Care: in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. Two rains betweon.Chicago and Minneapolis- and 8t; - P:LLI) ria the Famous . "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." . Ne,*N;.:al0LDiroet Litio, via Seneea and. Kanka- kee.has'recently been opened between Bichmond, .: Norfolk,:Newport Newe, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- Custa, Nash villa. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lai syette;"and Omaha, Minneap- olis and Si, Paul and intermediate pointe. AllThrowhP - Travel Trains. arsenstns T vel oaFast Eipreee 'Pickets for sale at allPrincipal T ok t Offices in' e . 1• fire tTnif est �States and Canada, ,l:;aggA e checked through and rates of faro a1- ways as loW as Competitors that oii'or less advan- takes. . era E fiof dr 111tt ailed ii I Dianeormaiiou, get the ape and Fold - 0 CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your hears et 8I'lckel Officio, or address,' •S....P., CABLE, E. VT. JOHN, i.' r ( t.1", it i 11 f k t�axu. As'. rL l f ''Cl I wseII the :baJanec f lily stock of Baby` • : Carriages cs cost price.. All Cather Goods'at corres`.. on prices.low ° AXLL IZ NDS"t)V P.R0).)lir.i; .1.-1KiiN' Itr 1;;�a' ' 1, • � � r +`��� �clh. . ..• V r'.W T • LIANI1 . iSTAND, -A' d s' 0.10 VST4/1 rOFFTCt1el:ITO .