HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-20, Page 1MANNING SCOTT Barristers, Solicitors ciYarvEvaNcf,as, ' Conniiissioners for Ontario and. .)Ianitoba. FFICE, - - BEAV-klR 13LOCli, C'UNTON. _ MR, &MRS. BLACKSTONE, teacherS'of Vocal and .1.U. Instrumental music, Rattenbury Street, near Or- gan Factory. N. B ---Singing Class now forming, Violin Lessons given. Clinton, Feb. 16, 1882. MONEY _TQ• LEND., • -1110NEY to lend at and 0,1 Per cent. Priva•te Infunds. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers. Goderich. BONEY CAMPBELL; CITY BARBER SHOP, --- OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. Ba.r dressidg, shaving,shampooing, , attended to MONEY TO -LOA N AT 1_,0w RATES OF INTEREST, AND urON TERMS . TO SUIT B4ORnoWERS, • 'MANNING & SCOTT,. ' BEAVER BLOCK, CLINT,014. • It Elf 0 y L EDWIN KEEFER, 14.D.S., DENTIST, CLINTON, Late M Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeon, bas removed to the Coats Block, over W,TaYlor & Son's All work first-class. Charges moderate. CANADA WEST LAND. &.AGENCYCO. "NDARTIES who have Farms, Mills Or.Town property for sale can have the same advertised in the pam- phlet published monthly by the "Canada West ',Land Agency Co" free of charge ; a commissioncharged on, sales, These pamphlets are circulated largelythrough. Great Britain and Canada. The object of the :Com - pay is to induce Old-Countryfarmers and others to settle in Ontario. Parties wishing to PurchaSer-Pleasg call at my office and examine lists 'oI; properties for sale. Parties wishing to sell ylease call and givie de- scriptions of their proverty, terms, &c. • ,• M. ,I.01.7GH,'Agent, Clinten. . . , VICTOIRIA 'BAKERY CLINTON J. It. lielluedy—Proprietor. THE subscriber desires to intimate to the 1 people of Clinton and vicinity, that he has purchased the business formerly 'carried on by Mn. W. LEE, and will continue it in all its, branches. No efforts -will be spared to keep up the escellent reputation of this Bakery in sup- plying BREAD, &c„ of,superior quality, and by giving strict attention to business he hopes to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage. bestowed on his predecessor. P.synos st.E REsrncYrtiLLY SOLICITED. 3. R. KENNEDY, Clinton. HULLETT THE Carding Mill, on the 13th con, Hifilett,. will be opened on the firstday of June, .when customers may depend on haying their Carding, Weaving, Fulling and Cloth Dressing done in first class order, as the machinery has been thoroughly overhauled. , , • Parties -coming front a distance can have their carding 0.000 • • • .• -MORPYIS4D-N7 33 ulle,tt, June 1, 1881. • A IA , , THURSDAY; 'JULY .1D, 1802. voL. 17, TERMS - $1.50 Pe)* Annun). • nOLINTON,, ,;• STANT. E Y. Mr, Duncan Vet 15 of the 8rd con. Stan- ley; has been raising his barn and putting a stone foundation under :it. Mr. Alex. • •lIcBetts has also the contract of putting a frame addition to it, when com- pleted will give Mr. Duncan ample accom- - modation for his crops, and animals. c. AdrextiOtuxtutO. Wante' d ' A GOOD GENERAL. SERVANT GIRL. - Apply -to 1-1. MRS. 1. 0. GILROY, Rattenbuty.Street, ADRY KIL CALL AND SEE 'IT AT • ' • COOPER & ticKENZIE'S PLANING MILL riThE subscribers, while thanking their many 000 - towers for the patronage extendedto them, desire so intimate that in connection with their factory Near the Grand Trunk Railway, They have erected a Dry Hiln, which enables them more •promply than ever to execute all,worlt, in their •line of busine. CON- rr 17{, A:40 7L7 S' For buildings taken, and material fur ed at the • shOrtest possible notice andrat reasonithle rates, ftgrIVe always keep on hand -first-class -SIIINGLE, and make a specialty of LIME,which will be sold at . . the lowest prices. • 'Clinton, July20 1882- COOPER & McKENZE. I gown gopiTDE WEA'.CIIER, AND TDB CRorS.— 6vic, HoLIDAY.'7-In accordance with „ The weather has been so showery of late the request of a largely signedyequion, CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Below is a list of those who have suc- ceeded in passing the entrance examina- tion to the Clinton High School. Of the number who wrote 71 per cent. were suc- cessful, which is a good percentage. At the examination of the Seaforth school, the passed and recommended from the town was ten, from outside the town, 14. • Godericli-passed from -the -town 19, -from outside, 15. Clinton passed from the town 8, from outside, 19. The pupil who toak the highest number of marks ii the county is Miss Flora Essery, of Fairfield, Stephen township, the number being 439. • The highest number of marks attainable was 560, the number required to pass, 280. The naanes are in alphabetical order, with the marks obtained by each D, .......363 A. Holland, ------295 A. Budge,. . .. .. 35,4 ' L. Leslie, ... . . 281 J. Broadfoo.t, ....341 A. Louttit, 313 •E. Caspell, ......362 R. MeCartney,..310 Ch. Cooper, .... -283 A NIcLennan, -280 K. Coloton, ,28I Richard'son,, 29,1 A. Essery, 414 M. Spooner, .r....287 F. Essery,.. 439 H. Stanbury,....312 • J. Ford., 328 J. Whiteford, ....363 R. Cray, .„ , , -.403' A. Whiteford, .336 E. Harrison, • . : 365 W. _371 A. L. Harrison, . .371 C.1.Villiams, . ...313 Recommended—Lizzie Lavan, 30:3; S. E. Sinclair, 308; Geo. Vancamp, 280. N CHURCH CHIMES. T - TOW • ... The , picnic of the Baptist Sabbath • School will he held this (Thursday) 'After - v .7" noon, at Stapleton. that it has been difficult to cut and get in the IINIayor has proclaimed Thursday 3rd hay in good order, but during the latter of August, a civic holiday.' part of /ast week the weather being it little more settled a considerable quantity was ExcuitgoNs.--The Great Western Rail_ way l announce an excursion to Detroit on hurried in. There is yet much to cut, and the 3rd of August, tieket§ good for two farmers will be very much crowded ivith. clay • at. $2.25, for „tlerOtuad trip. The work, in getting it in, the fall wheat is. Grand Trunk announce one for the samei •rapidly ripening. Ie different localities day, to Toronto, at $1.50, tickets good un - the joint worm has done considerahl in til the following 11Ionday. • , jury to this crop, while rust is also show- _phligenittyse_lof,f-aiitic_l itileaaerlIlyea_:;:1;_firaaitn_us: have ]aid haAsirbilleTe.LVIvi. TsitinMgAaLtiicA fit, toofn AfoIro sas lfeeyw, whoda,y•s Spring grains of all kinds look well. is feared the continued rains will be un- iisataiiiraettlrie find lindtomilien. iseTe ifhinrespholtssoefs'sliiosntriopf gIt l favorable for barley, which, nevertheletwo fine -farms in the neihborhood of I is in pretty good condition. Farmers sill Clinton for vhih he paid $6000 each. require to make use of every moment ot Mr;[11.1alpass states that the countrY a.round , fine weather, as the weather is very Clinton is the finest he has seen since his 1 changeable. 4 • arri'val in Canada --Goderich News \ HON MiD1C,AL ASSOCIAT/ON. — A ; G. T. R. Itducts.--All the. storehouses meeting was held at the Conimercial Ido - 1 here are cleaned out of grain, and are fix - tel, here, on Tuesday, the following meth- ling.up in anticipation of a large trade in cal men being present:—Dra, Holrnes and • the fall. No less than 11 of the clebrat- ed Doherty Organs were shippdcl at once Graham' Brussels; Taylor and McLean' Goderich ; A. Sloan 113th ' , y ; Young, on Tuesday, some of them for -parties,near lgontreal. Messrs W. Craig and W. Cud - more have lately shipped several car loads of sheep and cattle to Montreal and Toronto. There is considerable activity in the salt business at present, large ship- ments being made almost daily. The re- turns of the station for the half year, ending 30th of June, show it fair increase. over the corresponding ueriod of 188.1. The Company are apparently decided on Londeshpro ; Bethtine,. Wingliam;;. Hynd- Man, Exeter; ; and Stewart, Brncefield The following •case • were brought before those present:—Two- of cardiac -disease, one of progressiveinus,- .cular atrophy, • one of. stricture of the bowels, and it uterine tufnor that has been successfully removed soine. • three 'Weeks ago: .0ther:subjects of considerable in- terest -to .the 'association were discussed, the•erectidn oftheir new station just. west &uda 1"fitable meeting held, ' of the freight shed, for the'frailiera are at Our- town cotemporaiy, stated last week. work and will goon have the building in that it was decided to protest the election shape..' It may be ..donvenient, for the Of,Mr. Cameron. . We have good author - company t O.have it at this place, but it, ity Itor • saying' thitt. DO such decision was certainly will not be for the general public arrived at,"' at the goderich Meeting: • Quarter y meeting services e ie who, however, have -m-) alternative but to • Wli,at was decide,c1 was that if sa 'cicat TRUNKS VALISES° &c •In -the' H. C. Church next Sundav,•,Hev.-• I accept the situation. • _ gr.o/inds to base, a, protest wore 9 1.11r Rice officiatin 1 discoreird it protest might be entered, but - WILL BE Soi,D . AT VERY LOW RATES. • ewtonr-Deilnis HARNESS IVIAKERS, Rev. oIr. McDonagh *ill' conduct the Quarterly Al eeting services of Holmeaville church on the 30th' inst.; Rev. Mr. Ed- • wards takfng his jilace.he're in the morn- ing • • The Rev. E.'1`, Wilson desires t�. •ac- knowl'e'dge with many thanks the receipt, per Rev. Wm. Craig; of $31.72, an offering made at the special' SerVice held for the •Free Masons.at Si. Paul's church, Clinton' du Sunday July 9nd to be dev t tOth'' o e• eLINT0N. ,,Bishop...vo:uquier Meinorial chai)ei: mr. visiting,friends hereabouts. , • . 3 • , - i Wilson most heartily:thanks the Free 'Ala.: "";;; .of, Flattsville(da:u11ter ' • • . • • •Solis for their 'very timely donation 1‘..1r G. theli. _snome on a vsit.., LOCAL l'ERSONAT_.S. NItt, /,1,'S gone east for his ! holidays. ' Mt. "e'rtsoirt. Hum', of liippen, is visiting friends here. • a. has gone to Ord a for his holidays " Jo. . •.).1.:ilireN has-, retur!iekl from 'Ala. (3 -to. A. Il'Ai;os, of Winnipeg', is the,grounds have yet to be found. They appear to think that because Clinton did • so well for Cameron,. money must have been used here but if they get no better foundation for a protest than 'what they will get here, there is not a ghost of it chance of unseating him We don't won- der' that the Consavativ'es feel wire over their defeat in this riding, laut they mig,ht as *ell accept the situation and a.dinit that they were fairlybeaten-for they, were, inyestigation the courts • will •con-., tirin this. , , 1 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. It -is reported that one of the most high- • ly esteemed young man of the )th con., will shortly' take unto himself a wife, 'in the person of a most estimable Yournr lady 1°1 Mr. „Donono'e,_ oft: Por- i -ten Hill, on the oth 1110WCti. . - three ' and one quarter acres with a Scythe in- - one day-. This is considered pretty good work, as the field was not clear otatumps. GEO.:-SHARMAN, - ,DEkl,t1t IN ' ' ' Sunday last being the fourth aniliver- returned from Montreal on 'I Miro( . sary of Rev. Mr.Stervart's connection with a,IR. HomEn cooi,,, has returned home 1Villis Church, he made special , reference from the.Toronto Commercial College. to the occasion, giving his congregation a . WE ARE sorry to learn that the wife of iNli CHOICE FAMILY, •.i brief outline of the different duties :a , , , 'i . •, faithful 'minister had" to, discharge, and H' lin t is laid u with intermittent fever ___mitsrt ii.oss. rprf White al 1. aulto. a -- i-- -deubtle.ss----surprising---many----as--to--the-1 , - -- . . . 91.°n- -*--- ' I b.-, , , - , II, amount of thne yearly eonsurned in' mak- ' (f'rer137°f eiwt"") is "sIt'ng friends'here' ii ing i)agtoral l'isktS, Ste. ilIr. Stewart a.nd WirEANSItirs.- L:VERPODL—LONDONDERRY—LZLASGOT, SHORTEST SEA. PASSA.GE. • ntrinnfruterntediateand t, eeritger feu . ets at Lowest Rates. • ..• , SARDINIAls7, from Quelie'6, CIRCASSIAN, from Quebec, July loth. 'PARISIAN, from Quebec, July -220d. - SARMATIAN, from Quebec, ,Jily 0)5, - Persons wishing to send for their flienclii can obtriin passage certificates at lowest rates from England , Ire.. land and Sootland ho any city or railwa-y toWn' in Ca. nada, and the fanaount is refunded less a small dodu Lion it the ticket is not noel. - - ' Steerage Passengersfere booked to London, Oarclif Bristol, Queenstown, Derry,Belfast and Glasgow, al same prices as to Lrverpool. Forthrough ticketsand every inior'matien apply to -.STRAITON ,G. T P Aeent,Clinton MR8. 0E0. 1.1180.1N, Of,LOntlori, (,.111tAkh visit to the form.. ter of Mr. Wrn, Rattenbury,) is home on a Ivife left this week on a -Fleaves this Rurrs C.A.NNED ' er's mother, who resides atrLitehute,anear vi k b Ci,'00/3S C:ROCKERY : 6 ' ai)1.,•rinxgheics abs?g eneee..pr°0nfe. Greg.ng, Chris. l)ickson, of. the City' Book ' 491. The nurnber ou •the v t ' 1" t - o s rre as jurers in this township is • _GLA•SaYARE °err)! &C. of li:nox College 'Toronto will fill his • • owners is 580,. farmer's sons, 121. --• • G,T,R,, for Brand9n, taking with him a ear hero are no less than 16 Cantelons on the - of stock. , list, 2(1 Jobnstons, 29 Ellietts, and EnanY thers in lesser numbers oflonemarne. la J 01E' and wile retuine , 7 mo 11de' Ptt bn i.C•EL11 LTE OLNI iS 0W ill the emie aggregate number of persons quail - ploy NEW TEAS 'JUST- RECEIVED _ r 11, 11's: —Th e bef "Mr E lwarcl , B .1 b. '8 last'5weeh __ving ...eir e por. . c 1.he regular . upper ,,monthly nieetina o tiso trip very much., ' Tebbutt (soli fM. Walgate Tebbutt of YAI.L'E. CANFDF1011it•OATMEA1, J 1 J ALWAYS ON • , Farm Produce taken in Exchange. - , .NENT DOOII TO 'JOHN HODGENS.' `DRY G001)S PALACE, 'ALBEIT1' STIIEET, °LINTON., • school boardwas held in the school house on lasteAlenday -evening.- Present, the Chairman and Messrs. Cuninghame, Pay, Williatns, Martin, Kenney and Thompson. • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. , Moved by Mr. Martin, seb. by Mr. Cun- inghanie that Mr. -Davis' account of $11.- 59 be paid.—Carried. The Committee having prepared the es- timates for the ensuing year, reported to the Board that the following amounts will be required for school purposes, viz :— 'reachers, 00 Firevvood, ............. ...• 150 00 • Mk, 3: ClIE ISLE O. C., of Owen Sound the Maitland concession) had got lest in WBS in toWia last iTv' eek. the guest of file Ilion- the northwest is untrue, as a' letter,receftn-- in-lavv, acwhi tet. ed Ifrom him this week states that he is lo - MR. AND MRS: SMOIT have returned cated about twelve Miles -south ofFortQu from a three 'week's.visit to friends in Oxford, -Apple, with the Whittinghain 'and Gor-• Brant and Perth epnnties.' , rell boys, and likes the country well. IIOLMJESVILL E. , , Mr.' Wm, McLeod returned fron the northwest dast Week. Ile- had a pretty tinie while there, being laid ap with • evere attack of typhoid fever ' • We are pleased to see that Mr. Wm.' • Stanley has about recovered froni his late illness and is affain able to be around. • . Mr. D. CFilbeek, (son of Mr. J. Calbeek) who has been lying ill at Brainerd, 111inn,, • has recoVered therefrom. He wasexpect . ed home a few days since. - " There will be service in St. John's • Church, Efohnesville, on Sunday_next, itt •. tiloti.frciapt.i„nmz.., •Rev. W. Craig,• of Clinton'', • • -r FOUND DEND• -B.A-0YoFnisiell'opro2...1)1e excitement • was caused here OD Alonday by the dis- coyery of tfe'''bodv of a man in the bush Deal Arr. Ri , . . - . tchie's, a short distance trona this village. The body was tolerably well dressed, and was that of a inan apparently about 65 years of age. In •the' Pockets were found 71 cents and filetter addressed :1Ir. Wright, • corn niereliant, London, • , Eng., asking that a remitttance ,he sent • to Elginfield, Ont., and signed "Thomas Clark' which is supposed -to be the name of the 13Ilfortunate wayfarer. He was seen. • alive on Sunday, and the supposition -is •that he had gone into the' 'wodds to sleep and died from exposure. The body was brought to Bayfield.• • Mr. Heffernan's son, who broke his leg - two weeks ago., is very low. The dOctor has very little hopes of his recovery. • Quite a procession of Orangemen •front. • Blyth and Ne'therly ,Lodge attended the 'celebration at.AVinghain On the .12th. , , . . • . • Last.Tuesday evening•a social 'Was held., at Sunshine under the auspices. of the Methodist church, to intihe up the defi- • • ciency of last" year. • , • - . 1<l.nox., one of, our town butcher, • lost it fat heifer on- Saturday night. lt • was tied outside to be ready for slaughter' . on'Monday niorning,, but during Saturday she brOkd her neek. . 1 think the 'Editor •is astray about- our.' • y011ng people who attended the intermedi- • - ate exatninatieti, that if plucked they 'did . not, give' attention' to their ilessons. If . , studying until 11 and 12 o'clock and all" n day Satiirday- )))eans..that,' then. they are .• Rev. Luther.,). f„-tice: preached in the Methodist church, ,last Sabbath, .rnorning . and evening, to large congregations. , The •• • old gentleman'e.. efforts pleased, the • coil- - gregatioti. , The pastor preached at. the three uppoininients. , . . , Mfts. GEO.'110BUENS, and. airs. t-iraliam. of s ' TormitoYare visiting lier.e. The,' latter , is a . sister. of Mr:John.Modgens.: . ' , . . dent happened to Mr. T. Jiiette of the • • llayfield concession' last Aidednesday after - Mi'.. Ft/go:COOPER,' formerly of thi,a, townnnoiL • While'drivinga mower ono of 'the. but now .travelliag ,for a.-DetrOit paint , firm, • ERIOUt, ACLIDENT.-----A very serious fl.C6i- horses stepped into a "round -hog hole, which caused the team to run away, the 3035 ON.Tunso.ty Messrs T. Jackson, jr and horses galloping around the field with the Se .10MTIAER & SON. Fred. Jackson, left by G. W. R., on a_ short' visit to friends at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. mower, ancl 'before they coald be get under control; Jowett was thrown from his • • STOCK OF VIOLIN STRINGS FINE PLATED WARE NEWEST DESIGNS -IN JEWELLER Repairing done Promptly. nton. May 2101. 1082. f-'117 Fit o L.; /..s7,13 . ' -Land Plaster 31) bulk, The best and cheapest Fertilizer in the world. • • . GARDEN COTTAGE TO. RENT TI -IE subscriber offers to rent, for a term �fyears, ' his Property in tayfield; consisting of 15 town lots oi hloc, and•Frame Cottage containing, 10 rooms, and largo commodious hack lichen ; stabling, for four, horses aud live 00585.. On the property is half elfin:re' Of- straArtierries, ,about 300 currant bushes,' over 00 , , , , , , , grape 's ineS, Nun] trees, a MU!) per of apple trees, and other fruits, flowers, shrubbery, Rent ykry 5, 1882. ' , . . tor Sale. - simseriber otters for sale that v.alaable -L farm being lot 10,and east lialf.of 20. on .the 81.1s con, of Hallett, containing 110, acres ; 90 cleared .a,nd 'a good state of cultiYation, the rOir3riin der Irbil wooded.. The !firth is svell *al- tered, and has On it a frame house containing 0 rooms, large barn and ..stables, and s'inali orch- ard.' r, particulars apply on tho premises, or if by letter. to 0,Initoti pest Office. AlSoIersale 050 acre farm in Brace, ' ROBT. CARTER, .111M1 1,882. ' ' 'C:141NT,ON' ../r()1..1ERS, OTICE. is' hereby pi rigi -that 1 have tranathitted or :delivered to 'the p'erons mentioned in the third and' fourth: sectidna voters' List Act" the copies regniYed. by said seetion tote so transmitted or .delivered.4 the list; made •pursuant to said Apt, of all persons. appearing by tile' lastrerised'irssessment Rol of the Said M unimpality to be entit'sd to yote in the said Eleetions for inemb'ers of the Le- gislatite' Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and; that said list waS 'first•posted up at my • office at•Clin ton on thc-elleVentb dwr, .1.ulk, 1SS2, and reinains there fur inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any 0111196)ns' or Other erroril'found therein, te take immediatd•proceetlings to, have the, said errors corrected according td law. • • • 11th Juts, 182. . J. CALI,ANDER. • , Clerk. of said liluiricipality,, . • . rEED TIIE LAND . AN.1) .T1IE • LANZ) I i T 111,1,.k,iF, .;1S • FEED Itn))11,. /11-0'1'10E is hereby given that I hate transmitted or • ••, 2,1 dciirered to the persons mentioneil in the _third and iourfh sections' of the "Voters' List, Act'' the s•-••• • , copies required by said Section to be so tranainitted or lelivered the -list made pursuant to 90..id Act of all R. M I1ACEY * Persons aim aring 1,8 le ast rev, sed Assessment Rol nf the said ,Iiiiiippality to be entitled to vote' in the said Municipality at, Elections for metabers of the Le. -giFTEt i Assembly anti at,Municipal Elections and that said nst eeiR erit po9ted up at iny-office at Bay- field On the eig!ith tlay and (IRON Atitl HARDWARE MERCHANT , remains there for inspedtion. Electors aro callodupon • ' to e1:001100 the saki iist. and If any nmissiond or other , . • , • errors are therein, to tiike limeade proceed- cLINTON: have the 7laid error$ corrected neeordlim him,, nAvacie, ath ..r,av, 1682. HUNTER Wray, 18132, " ClIerk Of said 111luieiPliTitY. . , Finrnithre 5q.00 . . Repairs '.and incidentals:- 250 00 ,,Seeretary., • • • •• • • 50 00 • -Caretaker 210 00 , • Less bal.'611 hand', $131 '00 •• ' grant, ...•• .364 00 , •• , -Ceatiaty • 11Iodel Sch•ool ; . ,Befuud-Inapector'd- • • • , Fees , 20 00 71500 • ., Moved by James Thompeon, sec. byE. Kenney, that the estimates for- the year 1883-, be $3,100.—Carried. Moved by J. Cuningliaffie, see. :by Jas, Thompson, that- we do advertise for ten- ders to build high picket fence from the end of painted fence on the west side, along weet and south side of lot ; specifi- cations to be prepared by managing con- , mit tee—Carried. , Moved by Geo. Pay, sec. by Jno. P. 'Martin, that the members of the school. board having taken into consideration the necessity and propriety of protecting the school buildings froth the dangers of light- ning, conclude that it is desirable to do so. • Moved in amendment by Jas. ,Thonip- SOD, sec. by E. Kenney r that the matter of having lightning rods put on the school be laid over, until the matter he more fully inquirod into.—Carried. Meeting then adjourned. • ON TIME,DAY evening a yoting man named Angus Cole, was tried before the Mayor on it complaint entered by his step- mother, for forcibly entering the house., He was fined one dollar and costs. Thei case was one of those unfortunate domestic cases that are better left out of cond. HuLLETT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.— A. Meeting of the Township of Hullett Agricultural Society will be held at the- Rattenbury House on Monday next at 5 p. m., for the purpose of making arrange- ments for holding the fallshow. No doubt a big push sy,i11 be made to have the'shotv • • Allis. R. CALL has returned frere Win- seat in front.' of the Mower.. „Ink at the nines, and purposes cre in fut'i.re• end of the guard is a sharp irou point seve- Miss Call, of St. Catharines, is also yisiting nil inches long, and this catching Mr. Jaw - here. ' . ' ---- tt ' the r ',shy part of the hip lacerated -. Mu. 1). McLiunsr, and wife left this week hhn fearfully, tearing the flesh for several 4Y G. T. R., for Goderich, whore , they take ifitelidi,arit. ihSeortni-ine)e7aenclvtalsiefyorataunan aeiteolyhjii tr,L,hse. the boatrfoLplitith ; they return in 11. SI10i't ITil-re-•-- -. • __ , ' SifitanCe. - Afedical aid. was called, in and -Nil. T. K. Shmiwodb, of King,ston, (a for- his wounds dressed, and he i doing as mei resident) is spending kis bolidaYs bre• well .as filigbt be expected under the cir- Rumor says this tomm, has special.attractions ca-mstances, Ccdr. Jewett is one of the for l'im' ' ' '' ' . t ' liin•hly eSteemed residents of the . , Mr, W. li. l<Lortinu, Conductor C. T. Iv.,. township, and, has hceri in poor health for Stratford. sand wife (formerlY lkliss •Jennie Berne time ast 1118 ho iecl that n i ith ' here this lveek_ standing the seriousness of his wounds, he Carey,- of this place) were visiting friends P° jonx Hoi)GENs, we are pleased to may quickly recover therefrom. learn, has improved considerably since last CouNcil..--Council met ou the 11.th week, slow being able to be out, and expect. inst., pursuant to adjournment, members nig to be all right in a few days. Mils. M. CAUERON, of Cavour, Bak who has been on a visit to her son-in-law- Mr. D. Ross, of the 3rd eon., of Stanley, left by G. T. R. ,bn, Tuesday, for her home, , Ma. R. TAYLOR and wife, of Portage la l'rairie,who have been yisiting relatives here, while on their weddiag tour, leave this week for home; going by boat from Goderieh. ON TuESDAY Mrs. Dint and her three daughters; -late of Stanley, left by G. W. -A., for Winnipeg. Mrs. Soules left at the same time for Port Edmonton. Both go to join their husbands. Ma. T. K. ANnEascei left last Friday for Prince Arthur's Landing, S,ilver Islet, and other-placetriffthat locality. He is gone on business conneeted with the firm of Oraib, Maewlairter & Co. ' M.R. BORT. ELLIOTT, sr., of the 8th con„, .61u°edsedriacyh, fotr°11.138ehridPeen113fljakbyotaG. HTehRas +.\ovno hauling gravel $4.50 ; Thos. Elliott, P.M., all present ; minutes of last meeting read and passed. ' 'Circular frona Provincial bdarcl cif health, Toronto, asking, if a local board has been -established in this towm,- ship, and rehomniending the appointment oflone, to communicate monthly with the central board and look after the sanitary condition of the township, the council took no action in the matter. .11dOved by "Jos. Whitely., sec. by ..T. Cox, that the clerk write -to the trustees of the Separate school, Gederich, to refund the school taxes. paid by one john O'Grady to -said school fey seVeral years, as he lived beyond the three mile limit. --Carried. Several other mat- -ters were tinder consideration, but„,not sUfficiently advanced foTpublication. 'The following accounts were paid, •-viz,;—A. Chisholm, P. M., and others, for filling grel, $7. ;lobi -Porter, culvert 3rcl and 4th con., i9; George Bnrnett, road for sone and a daughter residing in thatdocality; spreading gravel, $1 ;. George JOhiisten, and he goes to viiit them. MR. PURDY of Whitby, was in town this week ; he is looking for a farm to purchase, and during the past two weeks has travelled over a considerable portion of WesterroOn:" tario, but has found no section that suits liina as well, on the whole, as does this. _ • THE many friends of Mr, L. W. Scott, -formerly ot.this place, but now in Cleveland, will be pleased to hear of his progress in that city. He is now floor walker, (one of the highest positions in a store) in the establish- ment of Taylor, Kilpatrick& Co., tire largest r. --Mr. John ,Ford. of the , 2nd can.; cut and atookec its w lea last \veek beine the first in this neighbor- hood to do tliis work. The Junior department of S. S.; No. 8, Hullett, •elosed for the holidays on the eer(j,l'iNelnis0s0Itrhveinie4,-thh:a°s1 ---- 011 a visit to fi lends near Kingston. ,LA,c.e..0as'E.--- The. match between.' the••• .Sepoys' o I' Lueknow. and .the . boys or • tie 12tla resultedin a .dra.W. ,boys speak,Of going to Teeswater ibis week, . The amount of .- 'dnst,flying the.aikAnring wiedy 'day on:- • • our Main street is.Something fearful, pene- . • . menth, and.: every imaginable. place_ Of aedess;.inan originally Made of dustialmoSt niight:linagine he .Was, -.-t0 be re. -made on . , another Model:, don't the busi 'fess , men try to . have .the streets watered?. • ' Surely cycn1.111 pay them. • , :.Tnaalleiii.a.n.,—A young mannamed Bar- -. . • • --ton was trampled almost to ,.deatli' by • . • .-- - liorseS 10 Oill1 Of the .hetel-stables here last ::. Wednesday. ide. was, giving the liorsea•• , --- Water at the, time, when the flooring gave way, throwing hiin under' the horses', feet,. -- 11was. sot-not-1"de before any one could get ' near 'enough to thetikielc,ing horses topoll • : • ,ont.' , face,:head, , and -body 'were. •:' t‘el'iti); rrr' • Club"''Proed.to. be the -aSsemblY of the . „ . ..,„ he Aaernbby • giVen-, by. ,the members of the "tnique meason,..liVtterided'only.bY the.elite of.th'e • • .town, OtherS being :carefully- left • °lit, the music -the:refreshments, all . the heatt could' desire -and'the floor.i hex- . • . cellent condi 3 n, affirtn :that.not'' Only ivas.it the ,most enjoyable, of the. sea- .. 'Sop; but tho most c,njoyable' everlield.in; : Wingimm. Just here weinay remark that • - though tho '.`little' clack •••caneS"': Were not " aeeded to keep ,out intruders, they threaten . to give your humble'porreSpcindent, could . they only . find libn; a.eound hOrse ,wliip- , ping 'with' them. ",Therefore deeming di- • eretion the -better part or valor he .apolo- gi2",es and alsO; assures them °fills Ileartjr ' welIwishca in 'their landable endemic): to- • find recreation. • • ' ' • • • , • . ,.• • TOE two culverts and gravelling from B. L., tnioney, $28 ; 'Jas. Johnston and John Lov-ett, gravelling on base line, B. 1.4: - money, $7Q.50; Ed. Slattery and others, for filling gravel arid work on saw mill road, $31.50; Samuel Sturdy, --P. M., and others, for filling gravel H. R., $7; Wm. J. Patton filling gravel $3. balance cedar lumber „per Nixon Sturdy, $1.30 ; Wm. CollinsIndigent, per Mrs. Collins, F0.8.75; WM. Lampry, culvert R. fi0. Coun- cil adjourned to meet again on the last Ilte 'movements of the British in. Egypt since the bombardment of Alexandria ' been only Of a sufficient extent as te put a stop•to the' looting of tlie Ara,bs and ex- tinguish the tires. They have now about • ' • 6,000 men on shore, and aro 17reparing to resist any sudden attack of Arabi,' who is but a 'few milee distant Alfrroundeci seYeral thousand Egyptian soldiers and Bedouins. lt „is feared that if he is not , soon caught he will stir up a religious war, ' iClifeh would cause the loss of an • -- . . mense ntinnlier et lives. Prance is now acting more' harmoniously- with -England. The conduct of the Ainerican Admiral. , 'and men le, very highly spoken of -by , ,the lnglialt press. • The 'indications, are that the occupation of Egypt by 1;116:laud and Franco will notho it brief one,' and that measures will be taken to ensure the contintionil safety of tho Sim?, Canal.. , • it'io announced at•Winnipeg, on appatently -• good ,autholity, that a reorginization in'. the ' . • Department'of the Interia will, short'', fako . • place, and that a resident Government Hoard retail dry goods store in Cleveland. • • " Al3g114., JAS3;" 'PATTON' Clerk. at 'Whininno 1,71 raminge ,Nortli-West, „ P