HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-13, Page 9Mrs. Norsworthy of;;St, Thomas, (for-
merly of ;this town) is visiting friends
Mn. AND,Mus. W. TAYLOR, of this place,
landed in Liverpool, on the 5th inst., after
la pleasant sea voyage.,
ON (SUNDAY Mr. 'Robb, of .the High
School fainted on his way - home from
Church, and sitting down for a: moment in
Watts' drug store fell over on the floor a
second time, from which. he soon recovered,
however. On, Monday.morning wh}le
Ed. Racey was asking for some medicine
in the same place; he• suddenly fainted
and fell to the floor. estoratives were
quickly gien him, and'he was soon all
right. The excessive and oppressive heat
is. supposed to have been the cause of their
THURSDAY? JULY. 1p, 1882.
dawn Zanies.
'Mass N. TURNBULL left,on a trip east.
Lon Tuesday' morning:'
MISS 0—ENNIa LAwsox,' of Detroit, is
visiting,at Mr.4T. Jackson's.
Mrss'M.;REra, Of Chatham, is home on
a visit. ` 'She t looking well.
School, is spending his holidays at Birm
Mx. RoBil, a -a istant master of' the High'
Ingham. . wt, ,.•
The wifeofJ. Creaser, Q. C., of Owen.
Sound is on a visitto her daughter Mrs.
J. Macwhirter "
of the Huron Medical :Association will be
held inthis town next Tuesday, the -"18th
inst. ~' shortly after, she saw him entering a tav
A MEETING- of the Liberal club will be ern and suspecting what he was after, a
held in the room, Beaver Bieck, this person called him out, when she demand-
ed the return of the money'; as she would.
not letbe spent in liquor. He demur-
red some, but a, threat to turn himover to
the constable had the, desired. effect.
ONE 'DAY this week a tramp went to a
house in town and very piteously pleaded
for assistance to aid him in reaching
Goderich. His; appeals were successful
and the lady of the house gave him 5Q
cents. Having occasion to come up town
(Thursday) evening. A full attendance.
is desired.
SALT -A meeting.ef the members of the
Canada Salt Association was held here -off
Tuesday, when the;price of salt was slight-
ly advanced all around.
MR. JOHN SHIPLEY recently. bought a.
four year old mare from Mr. Jolin Mc
Dowell, McKillop, for the sum. of $240.
..,During the past week he sold no; less than
fo)i „horses.
gas .BEESLEX has rented the store
i; low oce pied by Mr.J. Jackson, in the
ver B1oek, and;will-move-thereto from_
M ie,premises onnVietoria street, as soon aa',
to attire a vacated
T. Tipling sent his
colt Red (Cloud to ri ondon where it ,goes
to training for the Woodstock races
bones also:sent his .Ciear.Grit colt,
for` the ;'same purpose.
Yen; lefat he
Winnipeg Mrs. Elliott and
refs. of:Goderi.ch,left by tiie s
l ti inx fo
C?x ,TUEbnAs'afternoon.l�Irs. W. White.
anti h Id r
'belonging to rDrWilliams,
,ninng frightened at the G T R. depot
'e,othen mooning, narrowly escaped run
ning'away had,it not been for Bony Camp-
bell. who went to the rescue.
Mn.. 3. MACwrnRTERattends the meet-
ing of the Grand Lodge of Masons at Lon
den, this week. as delegate from the Clin-
ton Lodge, andlMr. D. M. Malloch attends
as delegate from the Royal Arch Chapter.
A::LARGELY attended meeting of .the.
,Royal Arch Chapter of Masons; was held
in the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday .evening.
and considerable ° business transacted.
This Society is in a very flourishing con
dition. ,
Mn R,:I,IiWrN leaves to -day ' by boat
for. Duluth,t. from Duluth , he will go to
St. :Paul, anil from thence he will make a
flying visit°'lo friends in 'several of. the
Western States;'retiirningh:ome by way of
Detroit. ` u i
ON SAT1rBDAY last Mr; J. O''Donlioe,
general agent for the Haggerty & Cochrane,.
foundry, was in town, and receivedorders
for reapers and ;mowers, from Mr. J. T.
Marsh, the local agent here, to the extent
of nearly ;$2000 . r.
WE ARE`sory,td>learn.Qfthe 'Serious i1T-
ness of 31r: JohitHodgens, whois;;confiri-
ed to his°room. He, with others,;,had
tepid d leaving for`a-trip-up-the lakes to-'
morrow; but the others hhave deferred their.
trip until his recovery.
A coantsPpicnki,fafidin Ingersoll in-:
forms us. that Mr...A. M. Taylor; the head
master of the Model School there;; is get-
ting along remarkably ~dell; and :fast•gain
ing as:,good a. pbsitigp • as he had here:
More powerto you, iAre"hie
MR. JOHN PowEII+; of Ann':•Arlior•
University, Aficliigan; (formerly of Clin-
ton High
lin-ton_High School) passed;his finalexami-'
ation " in law and was admitted to the Bar
of that State last week. :Mr. Powellis on
-a visit to his relatives in Turnberry.
1IAYi�c 1�'earTyirall'the farmers here-
about are busily ,?:engaged: cutting their
hay crop, but the frequent rains Blake `it
difficult to, get the same stacked -in good.
order. Indeed it isxa orethan likely "that
mock of it:will be put up in • inferior coin
dition fron this can e:
MR. GORDox,;w. IOWAT, the special'
travelling reporter;ot the Globe, and more
familiarly knowMto the'lublic as "Moses
Oates, weatherprophet," ,vvas,in`town last
week interviewing some of our business.
men in reference to • the fusion`' of, the
Grand Trunk and Great .Westerii `railways:
LEG Bxor.r v -=4n Sunday morning,
Mr. A. McI urchie, wl*n_he entered the
stable to attend to his horses, was surprised
to find one.of a very fine team with its
hind legiliroken, it evidently having been
kicked by a horse .in an evidently
Theretwas iro alteinative,butttn-=shoot rt;-
w:hiel i was quickly done.
R. i'CEats. - '';. considerable
a 'o nt of freight, grain, cattle `&c„ has
1,10'0 _shipped at this station during, the
pa week. The. early : morning train' is
proving quite a convenience. On. Tues-
day about 40 availed themselves of the ex-
ctl rsion to: Toronto, a much larger . num-
ber leaving Goderich.
AN IRISHMAN, SI/Rt.—AS superititen-
dent of one of ouii Sunday. Schools ;very,
seriously cautioned the scholars, that on
the day of their picnic at,Goderich, they.
were not to go near the water until they
were better acquainted with it. Tliis is
almost as good as the;story of the inother
who commanded her boy not to go into,
the water until he 'knew how to swim..
]`Tour. SOLD.—It is reported that air.
Fly. Porter has bought' the house 'and lot
on Rattenbury street, owned by Mr. ; W;
White. Most people will Wender whathe
wants with it, lin,t,,w1,diu, }fie state that he
has persuaded a yont,,fi.;,-14sy to enter .into
partnership withhim',;the wonder ceases.
The partnership dates froth some day soon
and Harry has our very hest wishes. .
ATTEMPTED 0UTRAoE.—011 ,8aturday-
evening . 'as a young girl was proceeding
I,14ng Ontario street, and when just at the
outskirts of the town, she was pounced
upon by two rascals with the evident in-
tention of outraging her, one of. whom at
tempted to throw her down while the.
other held his hand over .her mouth, but.
:she managed to scream, antl.two,gentlemen
who were walking in the vicinity cameto
her assistance, when the scoundrels made
,f across . the fields, It is to be: hoped
i;hey vv ill be found out and—Tinir t v;;tlr—a,s-
the directors was held on Thursday even-
ing last, a very full attendance being pre-
sent.- The President' reported the com-
pletion and sending in of the government
returns,' and the. receipt, of the annual
grant. The various committees were or-
ganized by the "following ,chairmen:
Evening class, J. Turnbull. Book, D. M.
Malloch. Entertainment, Rev. W. Craig.
Library and ,reading' room, J. Scott, jr.
Finance, J. McGarva. Various other
matters were brought up and after discus-
sion `allowedto, stand.
DEATH.—.. We regret to : announce the
death of.Mrs. H. Starr, .mother'' of Mrs. A.
S. Fisher,. of .Clinton, which : occurred at
Whitby, on Thursdaylast, Deceased had
reached the advanced • age of 76 years ; she
had been an. invalid for about two years,
and her death, had been daily expected for
a short time past. One of the,oldest resi-
dents .,in that neighborhood she had 'a
very wide circle of acquaintances, her
funeral being one ofthe 'largest witnessed
in the neighborhood. ' She was, and has
been for many years, a faithful member of
the Baptist church, and died with a con-
scious;assurance of a blissful hereafter.
BRTEES.—The Legislative grant to Clin-
ton Public School this year is -$364. o°The`
town presented a very -lively appearance
on Saturday. , ,Few house flies are here
this season, doubtless do to the fact that
the weather has been generally cold. The
balconyy in front of Mr. Robb's store adds
materially to its appearance. Hullett.
township voters' list, containing over 900
names, was set up and}printed, in this
office, in alittle over two days ; what office.
iu the County caitiff) likewise ?' Mr. Red-
edmond, is making an. addition to his house
on Huron street. The house of Mr. Welsh,
on Isaac street,: will soon be finished. The
work of fixing ;up and gradingback
streets has been well done, . and" one can
drive or walk to any part of the totvn now
withvery little' inconvenience. The school
will close for the summer;vacationto-day.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Wilson,
14Iary_streeti is -confined ta her room; by
illness.; Miss F. Hine .sustained ,a',very
severesprain of her ankle on Monday, but
is recovering: therefrom.
SPRAWBEARIES.=A. few; Year's since
people,`:were iiuder the impression that
this fruit would not. grow hereto advan-
tage, and consequently•very few engaged:
in their . culture ; in i'Tact we remember
when;Mr.Stewart, ofBeniniller, was.about`
the only one Who raised them: to any,ex
tent. 13ut as time Vole on and showed
that this section of country could raise
just as•good berries as tiny other, more en
gaged in this branch of horticulture, IIr..
-Elford,'of Holinesville going as exten
tensively, perhaps, intoit as any one in.
this neighborhood. His success, which
was the result of hard• -101)er,,a careful se-
leetiou'of his' plants, and• proper handling
of the fruit, has induced•others. . to go into
their grew -Ili' on a limited scale,. tintil now.
quite a number: axe, seitgaged. in it. We
dare say very ,few ;have , any. idea of., the
quantity of lionte-grQtvn; strawberriesdaily
sold in this ,totgn, but believe we are with-
in .the •markwhen we say that:. during the
season,. the quantity will be. about six,
hundred quartsper day. - The 'time is not
far distant when this fruit .will he •grown
as plentifully here as in the famous straw
berry section in the.. vicinity ot`.;Oakville,
from whence .Toronto, Montreal, &c:` are
'BAD ACCIDENT. ----,One day ,last week a
pretty bad. accident -happened 'on the.road
between Varna and Brucefield,'whereby a.
-covered buggy belonging to Mr. D. B.
Kennesiy,_ot this toren was badly broken,
_and a'' lady and gentlethaii,"(Anerican):
sustained severe injuries The: parties in
question were visiting at Morgan's •Hotel,
Bayfield, 'and had .procured • the,• convey-
ante in which'.o"drive about during their
stay..' OP 'the day in question as they were
driving along the road, a bicycle hove in
sight, -ridden by a teacher engaged near,
Varna. The horse being timid, thegen-
tleman, so it is` Said, requested:the teacher
to stop until he should get „past, but this
he refused to do, and the consequence was
that -in passing the horse became so fright-
ened that it dashed to one side,.. overturn-
ing the buggy, violently thro*ing oft the
occupants, and dragging the inverted;bug
gy,alon'g the road until it bore little -re-,
semblance to its former self'.' , The lady'
sustained a severe sprain. of; or•an le,
while the gentleinan,hedhis spine injured.
A commercial; traveller, who ,was. close
behind, only escaped a similar accident;
by his -good and resolute ',management of
his horse. During the same' week . the
byciele was the cause, of a large milk
waggon being upset and the contents of
the cans lost. The attion'of the teacher
is very- 'strongl ' commented on•, for it is
said that he paid no attention .whatever
to theaccident.he had caused, and if this
be true, his edurse ' was •contemptible-iri
the extreme, but we hope • for • his own
sake that•this is not true to the extent re-
• presented..Although: the courts bate
decided that a bicycle has as much right
to the highway as any, other vehicle, there
is a certain degree of courtsey necessary
on the part of riders thereof that should
be observed.just as much as the rule to turn
to •the right when paising a Monveyance,
and till horses get • accustoied to *the
11v.elz rriders-nf hip cies-ahoulcl-vlrj-2.4-11
� y� y
English Stiff Hats.
merican Stiff Hats.
English & American Soft Hats.
Boy's and Children's Hats.'
Hatter �' �s n
�. m o e a
a d. Fu r
e , . nisher
CORAZINE, a recently invented and thoroughly
tested valuable patent ":Lsubstitute - for .bone, -now' used' in the
manufacture of this Corset, being far superior to .Cord, Horn,
or. Whalebone.
The :COB ALINE is not affected`,; by cold,heat or
perspiration, is- more pliable than whalebone, will bear`great--
Strain without breaking, adapts itself more readily to the figui,e,
which makes it most•comfortable and healthfulto the wearer.
Case '.of the' above Celebrated
Corsets just in, all sizes..
girl's 1111e1 -Corsets i11 all: sizes.
If you want` to see the
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GO; TO .
eoia1 Bar..gains, an Fans.
The balance of ray stock of
atiiid sae " tuts ' whetine r•
and Express e ons, Cro-
Baby Gaarriag�s � • �o ��
c -uet,' Lacrosse, Music & Music ooks.
Good Hammocks for $2.
their vril'li' trite .cf deserves. in tlu.•ir power, to p1,ev4:iit :.aceidi
11,:Q1 V'3y Yvl
()WIT Pit'll•C'•il
.T •++ Y rS-;PST '— .
ic-t.ov inn, I31oek, C)laaito>>s.`'
the thie _ taestabia in en1s in . the•
Ft tu� iisiie�i S41.- -
Special .Prices
Fine Ordered Clathin
Our - Stock is
the • largest
in Huron
Full lines for
hot weather
Ilead!I e.' �l t
C # . I �
Al acs Goat$, ).R_ k �,,� ati
?.ate a