HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-07-13, Page 6ROUND THE COUNTY. Ingham Council grant $50 to their wit band. Laet week a young Roes, of the 91.h con., leg broken. Mies Jane Parr, of Killop, died last week the lungs. REsrEc•r.-Tho Grey Hairs of old age demand and should receive respect -but the Grog Hairs of young people require attention, in the way of using Citigalese Hair renewer. sold by all druggists, 50 cents per bottle. son of Mr, Allan McKillop, had hia the 14th con.,. Mc- of inflammation of Master John Detlor, eldest son of S. H. Detlor, of Goderich,-has been very ill of inflatnation of the lunge. Mr. Alex. Murdock's barn in Ashfield, was struck by lightning last Friday mora- • g and badly shattered. Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Soci- ty will hold its fall dhow on the first Mon - ay and Tuesday in October. ince the 12th of -:July -last -year 11Tr.-rP- Sharp has shipped from Seaforth, to e American markets, 49 car loads of orses. 1VIr. James Jamieson, formerly of Kip pen, has removed to Brucefield, and has :opened a shoe stare in the old Briggs stand. Mr. D. McTavish, of Austin, Minn., hal one into partnership in the mercantile line, 'at Seaforth, with his brother-in-law, Mr. E. McFaul, Mr. W. Pedrick, mail carrier between Exeter and Kirkton, was thrown from his conveyance last week, sustaining injuries which resulted iu his death. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken' internally. It ants directly' upon the blood and the mucous surfaces of the system.. Price 75c. For sale by .�J..H.. Combe A race between W.Baker's"Bay Tilly," of Blake,and T.Murdock's " Hensall Lad," for $100 a side, beat three -in -five, comes off at Seaforth, on the lath inst. Mr. Adam Smith has sold his mill pro- perty, consisting of the mill building and one acre of land attached, at Blake, to Mr. Baker, for the satins '1 Oka Joseph Heffron, of Blyth, had his leg broken below the knee, and was otherwise seriously injurned by his team running away on Monday, 3rd inst. Mr. Wm. Kerr, formerly a merchant in Goderich, has after a few years' residence in Tennessee,annexed one of the daughters. of that State, and persuaded her to change; her name. • Wilbert Box, of Seaforth, met with a very painful accident in the plaiuing.mill on Thursday. He got his baud caught in the jointer, and had the thumb of his left hand taken off. The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR. is: the marvel of the Medical World. It never, fails to completely euro Nervous Debility, Impo Loney, Mental Depression and all diseases caus- ed from excesses. The. testimony of thousands_ can be had by writing'F. J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for tile 'United States. Price $1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. If your drug- gist does not keep the. remedy, send to head- quarters and get the medicine by mail. Circu- lars and:testimonials on application.' Sole agent fel. Clinton, J. H. tiotube. ._.__v.kl-eaars..J-amenMorton--of_U•abo'rtte;-irrriiF Thomas Dickson, of McKillop, left last week for the Old Country. The object of their mission is to purchase and. import more heavy draught horses. • Trains now run on the new track at Wroxeter, and workmen are " engaged at removing the old " hall way" station • to the ground prepared for it in Wroxeter.., Tho new Gerrie station is about completed. On Sunday evening sone -evil disposed persons entered the garden of Mr. S. You-. hill, \Vingham; and maliciously pulled up his cucumber plants by the roots, broke, the tops off and threw there away,' and also destroyed all his potato hills. .Joseph, eldest son of Wm. Fagan, std• tion master at Ethel, was climbing on .a car on Thursday, when his foot slipped: and he fell down striking his. shoulder on the end of one of the ties, dislocating., it and also breaking the bone, • While Mr. Alex. Clark, of Aubrirn, was driving some cattle over the bridge en Tuesday, a steer which had been tied head and foot, in order to drive easy, ran down the bank adjoining the bridge and while being driven up the, bank, backed over the abutment a height of 21 feet, but was not much hurt. • If Catarrhfits destroyed your sense of smell andhearing, Hall's Catarrh Cure will'.cure you. 75 cents per bottle. Druggists sell it. For sale by J. H. Comic. Mr- Thos. Sturdy,' formerly of Goderich, has been appdiuted Chief of Police at Emerson.,; In Grey, on the 3rd inst., Hannah King, aged 69 years arid.2 mouths, died after a short:illness. Mrs. King moved with her husband and family from the county of 'Lanark sgmo "aix,ie'en years ago, and'set tiled in the township of Grey, but her part- ner in life, Wm. John King, did not en- joy the change very long, for he departed this lifein October, 1868. Mr's. King leaves for"sons and four daughters to mourn her loss', all of whom are -well .pro- vided for in life. One of her daughters is the wife of Walter, Oliver, Esq., 'Deputy - Reeve of Grey. • Don't be Alarmed. at Bright's Disease, Diabetes; or any disease of the kidneys, liver or urinary organs, as Iiop Bitters will certainly and ]astingly,oure you, and it is the only thing that will. The f flowing is the apportionment of. the Legislative Public School Grant for 1882: Goderich, $534 for public school $53 separate school; Clinton public school $364 Winghani, $273; Seaforth, $338:; Bayfield, 1:9; Brussels, $18i ;Blyth; $1"62;—Exeter, $223; Wroxeter, $86; Ashfield, $521;; Grey, -$564; Hay;' $488 Howick : $836;' Hullett' public school, $455. separate school, $17; McKillop, public; -school; $518; Morris, $482; Stanley, '$336; Stephen, public. school, $482; separate school,$46; Tucker- smith, $330; Turnberry, $387; 'Usborue, $322; Wawanosh. East, $322; Wawanosh West, p•ihlic school, -$298, separate school, Last Friday night, Messrs..D. Fraser, R. Somers and Jas. McGee narrowly escaped instant death by lightning, while asleep in the house of Mr.R.Kernick,in the town- ship of Wawanosh. The lightning struck the building -and succeeded in tearing about.15 feet.'off the roof, and for a. few. minutes stunning every inmate "of -the - house. Bncklen's Arnica`Salve. Tlie best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,'. Corns, and all Skip.. Eruptions; and positively •cures .Piles. It is guarrauteed. to give perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded. •Price_25_cents per box. For sale by J. H. Combe. -=Thousand's of graves are n annually robbed of their . tiros -lives.:Rcolon 'ed, _ g happiness' and health re- stored by the use of the great • GERMAN INVIGORATOR. which positively and permanently cures; Impotency: (caused by excess ofany kind,). Seminal Weakness, and all diseases:that follow as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as. loss of anergy, loss of memory, universal lassitude; pain. is the Blick; dimness of vision, prematureold age, and many other diseases that load to insanity or consump= tion and a; premature grave.. Send for circulars with testimonials free by' mail. .The INVIGORATOR is sold at 81 per box, or six boxes for $5, by alldruggists, or will be sent free by mail, se cutely sealed, 00 receipt di price, by addressing ' F J.'.CHENEY, Druggist, • 187SummttSt.. Toledo Ohio.' J. H. Combe, sole agent for Clinton. cot' and- : Shoe .r.Jrt Making. Wo regret to learn'of the death of Mr. James Young, who died Juno the 150; at - his residence in Ashfield, at the age of 63 years; after a • long and painful'. illness Ile catne to Canada from Nairn; Scotland, with his father and rest of.faniily in 1835;•• and settled in Colborne. In 1841 he "re- tnoved to Ashfield, and remained there till his death. Ile leaves a widow; three sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. A daring attempt was tnado to set fire to the C. M. parsonage Gorrie, last Sun- day evening. -Rey. Mr. Hough and fa-, niily, had gone to church leaving a boy at home, who afterwards went for the cow. On returning, he heard some one walking_. upstairs, and going to. see who it was, , he saw two Wren jump out of a window on to' the roof of the wood shed, then into the yard, getting away befoie Ito. could .recng- niise them. The tiro had burned the floor and hall. It is supposed that the fire was started for the purpose of attracting the public attention to the backstreet, so that afraid could be made on the stores. 'Had the fire got headway it would have swept tho block, the church parsonage and other' buildings. ' A REMARKABLE LSC SITE., Mrs. Geo. C. Clarice, of Port. Dalin:itale, On- tario, states that she had been confined to her room for a long time with that dreadful disease, Consumption, The doctors said, she could. not escape an early grave. but fortunately She be- gan taking Dr, King's Now Discovery for Cori- snrnption. and in 0 short time was completely' cured, Doubting ones, please write Mrs.Oar ke, and be convinced. Try a bottle free at Coiniies' Drug Store. Large size 11 00. IlEsubseriber'take this means of thanking his 7L numerous.friends.for their liberal patronage for the past'twentyyears, and also would beg to tray that he has engaged the best workman' aid is now prophred.. to fill allorders on the shortest notice and in first-class style, and`hbping that he may receive: s liberal ashare' of patronage in the future. • Sewed work aspeciality ;on kabinet Qompy. In order to r meet our increasing trade We' have bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich, and after getting it under }vay we are prepared to manufacture Everything:in the Furniture line From the cheapest to the best sets, with the.latest styles and No.`1 finish and workmanship. Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction guaranteed 1 UNDERTA KING We have also added this ';branch, to our business, and in it at all times will be found everything to. meet the-recjliiremel is of 311. A HANDSOME HEARSE. KEPT FOR HIRE' - By strict attention to business and`an eye` to acc.om nlodate and, please, we hope to merit the confidence of all. GEORGE DIEHL & CO.' 1y. The'iirideralgried desires-toinform-the-ladres-of-Clinton-and•-:sur-rounding country that he has secured the services of "A FIRST CLASS MILLINER, who has hada large experience in this line of business. He would also take this; opportunity of thanking his numerous customers and friends for their liberal' patronage in the past, and solicits. a" continuance of the same, and: would invite them to come and see his large stock of N " AND: SUiV MER i ILLINERY SPR1. G._ Before making their season's purchases, believing it will be to their advantage, as it ie the largest, stock he. has -ever olfered,:comprisino Paris; London,: and New York designs'' iu plain and fancy straws, in all the newest shapes and styles: ' BROCADED. RIBBONS, all widths and shades. FEATHERS, FLOWERS,SILKS SATINS,' and -SUMMER' PLUSH, in; all colors, selected in the beat markets, I LACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, CORSETS,A SPECIALTY.; ., wt Plain and Fancy Straws done oyer n all .the .neweatstyles. Farm: rod ucetaken. R. BEESLEY• VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON., TTTT.TTT E' AT THOMPSQN& SW1TZER'S. TEA. FOR -T $: E_ I L LIION.-TEA 4 LBS. VFA R $l, TEA 3 LBS. POR $i. LI-QUOR T, , WIT} EVERY 3 LES: A' VALL-'ABLE B.0 I . OC 7 'lb . CC)FE1`J: E for $1.00.. Genoral ea c�e(�p all�� ries N, 1 Boots and Shoes. -_E itire stock of PR''JNELLA at and under cost: Now is your time to buy. LADIES TIB AND. BUTTON SHOES very cheap. , inspect our stock-- Trade taken for Boots and Shoes.' rockery and Glassware cheaper than ever; Call -and be endued. All kinds of produce' taken at highest 'market prices. Or.II col, June, 1882. TH'OMP_SON'tSL SWITZER: 'ENTRAP, DRUG STAR HUMPH'REY'S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, CU1'ICUR.4•REMEDIES, KENDALL'S SPAVIN f UBE" And all the recent. patents kept in ..stock or.pt-ucured to order. A� Itll'ge StOCIi Of�;.WI1tL. HU AII; BRSHES, rr0IL1'1' SEr1, SPONGES, ' 3ERFU\ILR\', &C., Very Cheal) CELLULOIp TRUSSES at reduced- rates.: PHYSICIANS'. PI:E:SCRIPTIONS arid 'family, - receipts accntately compounded with care and despatch. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON ON SUBSOltIBElt 'MAHES A SPECIALTY: of this business •and keeps constantly' on hand. a large assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS,. SITROTJDS, • And everything- inrho L`nderilktn ;lint and--- eau furnish everything suitable fora funeral 011 the shortest notiee and . ^. At. the most Reasonable ; Rates TWO SPLENDID HEARS ;ES' ron IIE)II:\Ibllt TIIE P1.ACb, - 0 P l'OSITE THE' Tows HAIL. THOS. STEVENSON.: LL .1s .11econlmendesl by Physicians. CLT1�S • Catarrh of the Nasa*Cavlty-Chronic and -Ulcera ive; .' "Catarrh of the Ear, Eye 'or Throat: It is taken INTERNALLY, and- acts DIRECTLY upon the '81e.od and Mucous Surfaces of the System, Iti1 the best Blood Putlfier, • lir the WORLD; anis worth ALL at is charged - for It, for, THAT alone, THE -.ONLY INTERNI; CURE FOR. CATARRH --itt IN lrfi '1l 1KKF T^ cy. �(� �Jo Off t $iIo co a17 5110 of i 'U1.l 0�tar�t'i v urs esa 1 00. t., March -23,.1882.; My littlo d., ,ght r i tined with Catarrh' for two years an 1 r • rhuch' benefitted"by the use of" t+at! W:a..e rli ;aro - She ie'now ,aboutcur'sd W. 'T, HOUSE". wEsY,tar.:, O)itf, Mardi 2.0 1882, I have used " klall's U.laarrh Care," ,slid iudg- inti from the good ;results I derived `from one bottle, believe it, will care the, most stubborn case of. Catarrh if its 1133 be .continued for a reasonatle length of time. ' W. If. HELLEMS.` W i k'sf1 1).i1:; march 20, 1882: F. J Cwa:hi,Y 7 G. r 'au.0. (]entx.-flava s61.1 it ,it's Catarrh Cure for tho last year, and it ,,ive e.rtiiw'satisfaction. Yours truly, 'H. W. HOBSON, Druggist. n's Ca Llan Cure A 1!/�E1�C'H.,P�NTS tew Maple Sugar. A' few gal: Tins Maple Sprup Fresh,: U`i'iiii,es, Lenin and ' Bea l! inns, Is sold tis' all Wh0lesnlo and Retail, Druggists - and- Demo '5 in Pmtout Medicines iu,' tii:e Ucited Stites and Canada. PP., C P. - ?�i eeno '9f)1L. •'14".3.0() a Doz. The only get.nino Fta11 a 'ritnrrh Cure is man. ufacture;+ by 1'. J. 01112 E's & CO., Toledo, O, f3I3etva e of Imitations. .Bottled ter tae' Ontario trade by H. W. HOBSON. Welland. Ont -J. rl +JOMPaE. Agent, Qiiatltln. ood fresh Mangold, Turnip & Sorghum Seeds. JCC -ung name --M inion•------- We _- Si ill •-of' the' B g Padl-ock .BrK. ' Bloc1 Clinton The 'Chea, gest Spot of in ToNvlrt. _Far H-a.rthw-a.r..e _S_to_v_es -,_Tinware 7 f f CL=NTO ' B` : & "B E'S Proprietors.' - COR ETT OL_.r�M.. Tlie sufjscrihers take this opportunity of in Cgoniae the pnb1ic.t at t ey have e rected-a- largo new Woollen Millin Clinton, with a. capacity three times as great) as the old •one;; have fitted up the • same with the"very' best and latest-nuproved,Machinery, and, are prepared to turnout ' CUSTOM -WORK AND . MANUFACTURING. On the shortest notice and in the best,weirlcrnanlilm Mariner possible. • Carding,. Spinniiig,lireaVi:ng, Mannifactllr ng ot"aiikinas Blankets, Flannels,"tTieeeds, Bill Cloth, Horse' Blankets; 1Stockiiur7 'Yarn; etc., :i•zade to order and kept cos1ctntly - on /land to exehange,for ';wool; Or se,11 cheap. for cash., ROLL CARDING A SPE;CIALITY..• Having placed in our factory a Complete andunew"Rol'l Carding 'Machine;"fanners- may.expee . the best"Rolis'st is possible to: make. • Satisfac,tiotf in this hie :geld.all :ethers ginirauteed , ' EXCHANGING': FOR WOOL. Farmers, bring in you wool ; we mill buy" it or excliwtige it for goods. Olir I'aetory being ea.pablo of manufacturing' one'liundred thousand pounds of Wool in a. year, you will always find a market, for your Wool`in, Clintoi r, and. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID. " . DESt"ATcEi `OF Our capaicifrl, rang so f eiit mmv. r l'Cc itysld niire16have'youryv6rlc ttuae on the dllortest notice ' Our MR. CORBETT:having carried on the .Woollen, business for the last seven;years,inClinton, tailes this opportunity of thanking his manycustomers and friends for their liberal patronage in the Past, and the new firm would kindly soden the patrons ge. of all his old customers, and Iivndreds of new ores. CORBETT & BOLES CLINTON. • �P".O 23111 -IDS - y stock i aicN r complete', i:s-secolrac1 to n;olne.°ill. the coin ty, a,lrnd claea p. arriage ne.w: c7 ►Cortirnei' t I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND KNOW Ir W •SO Clinton. —7-7777 NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS AND. "OILS," BSPADES, SHOVELS, RAKES, HOES, AND ALL KINDS I3ELP-AND•UILDER'S HARDWA1tE, BARBED WIRE.'vSTOVES AT REDUCED' PRICES: 'A large stock of'MILIi ,PANS; PAILS, and pall kiaile F. of TIN, SHEE C IRON and CUPPED WARE.' EAV'E TROUGHING I inds of job: work a 'specialty. and al. k TINWARE . _ , �...., A full_stbek of GRANITE IRON, WARE., ' - COAL OIL AND LAMPS. l] ; G�-e us tti e�,ll . �,nd be convinced we sell cheap, (SITCCESSORS TO D. Ci'\NTELON) . IMPORTERS AND DEALERS EIIS IN Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Canned Goods Twines, Brushes, Brooms, . tic. FLOV1- , .ANS SYRUP -FOR SALE. ANDREWS' • SOfIGHUN� RUP FOR 1''ARIZ.PR,ODUCL TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, GOODS 'DEL'IVJ1 P D TO' . ANY PART OF TOWN: FREE OF CHATG,E._., CANTELON BROS' THE GROCERS,: T�731H7R�' E3Tfi 11}115 C?3'..1 T_'3 1°oT ITER,.. 'OGRAFE: PINTO