The New Era, 1882-07-13, Page 5hard Pia and Rock Dtt: Prin: g T!itskifl's MY STOCK 'OF SPLENDID BABY CARRIAGES EMBRACING THE LATEST STYLF,S. CONTINUES TO ARRIVE, AND WILL 13E DISPOSED OF AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. CALL -AND SEE'THEM. TRUNKS' -FOR THE E MILLION. . HARNESS, BOOTS and SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED. PRICES. MONEY TO LOAN-PRIVAi'1: FUNDS AT Low 'RATE or INTEREST. SHINGLES -.4200 bunches .of. GEGRGIAN'BAY SHINGLES for sale ' Per bunch, up. • Rooms over store to let. from 95 c �Ticst.c�ria E7oc•h. C.lilxic>n:, CTA'"" gam. ccs_, CHEMISTS &.DR TGGISTS, �9.. �l►er>r �tt•c�e :.'Clilutoix.'. The public will find our. stock of medicines .complete, warranted genuine, end of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS; PERFUMERY, 711() fJl 'DEP Ci`4CES, rrltt7SSES, SPONGES, • • AND ALL KINDS' OE `DPUGGTSTS' SUNbRIEs USUALLY` -KEPT • • IN A- kIRST CLASS D1mG. STOKE. Don't cry, dear. ROBB'S Ma has gone to To get some -of his `75 ct. Tea; she can't get along without-' it •; she is so troubled with the headache. You know he has everything good and sells very cheap. ` Ma will be :sure to buy, some of his fresh ground Buckwheat Flour, -then, hurrah for Buckwheat, pancakes. '. -'.' I want some goo a e you Bologna. You'Il hifave some y g, girl, that's a Cleary.'' »•cc , 0000S DELIVERED TO ANV. PART C OF lir . 'I'i) \ ti o sil0RT-N(JTIUE, Robb, tile['toc ., ¶Y iT T1oo irn�.tt,Ii 1'I I�III�61°:'7, q, e . e e e l(l..rJnflrl hq,L 1 1111M11111116111 �tIIIIIUIiIIIImllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIDIltI III II I�`wlllll �,II ILII IIIIIIIWI WIISflh milli sIminnumn11 The hay harvest in Manitoba has com- menced. The `<veather ie reported as very hot. xhe Texas corn crop for this year is estimated at 140,000,000 buehele, about double that of last -year.' The outlook : for 'the crops In • Great Britain' and Ireland is very gloomy. Un- less the weather improves great damage will be wrought. The attempt of the Quebec Government to impose special taxes on business cor- porations will he resisted' by many finan- cial institutions' in Montreal. - TheMariue and Fisheries Department has issued an Order in Council specifying the'nurnber of passengers to be carried by. each steamer in the lake, river, and ferry service:. All fears that the death of the. noted Russian general. Skobeleff was the result of foul' -play have been allayed: It is now known -that he died through rupture of tho vessels of the heart. ' D I-K=Rine,-well-known-as`the-origi- -nator of the Gospel,temperance movement, died in Wayne County (Mich.) Asylum for the Insane. At thetirue of his death ho was araving maniac. : :A rumor is c'rrent that Mr. .A. Boult- bee who ran against Mr. Mackenzie in, East York; has received the appointment of County Judge in. place of Judge Mackenzie, who will be superannuated: Hon. Mr. Mills has taken legalaction"fo eject J. J Hawkins from the seat illegally bestowed' on him by the returning officer in Bothwell. He has deposited the $1,000 required by law in the courts and will con tinea proceedings tilljustice is obtained..: The :rumor is -revived- that Sir John Macdonald will succeed Sir Alex..Galt as High Cornmissiouer'at the .Court of St. James. ::The latter gentleman: has himself announced that he is notaure that he will retain his present: positionmore- than a The Montreal' Star says "A gentleman from Cornwall stated to a: Star: reporter to- day that be can vouch .for the fact that out of 700 emigrants who recently passed, Cornwall bound for the west, 300, went to Dakota. All theemigrants had -received assisted passages from the Dominion Gov- ernment. The Scott Act is meeting with great op- position in the Lower Provinces. A 're- count of the votes cast in St. John at the poll:ip" February'"last has been. granted. A circular is being circulated in Prince County;".IP E.,I., where the Act has been in force, for five years,asking that the the opinion of the electors betaken upon the question of revoking the Act in that • Latest • despatches, indicate thit Mr. Miller, Reform, has been elected in Mus- koka.. , Mr. Valhi, Conservative,:returned in' Montmorenci,` has been ;protested for correptiou.' • In North Wellington, :Mr. McMullen has been declared elected on a recount, and the news of Mr. Plumb's failure to securethe seat will be received jyieli4. eensation.of relief not Only by the reform members' but also by the greatma, xity of'members'ctn the Mlnisteenel eeeee of the -House. • DO NOT BE : DECEIVED. In these times of quack medicine .advertise- vents everywhere it is truly gratifying to dud one remedy that is worthy oe praise and which really does as recommmended. Electric Bitters we oan vouch for'as being a true and reliable remedy and one that will. do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Com- plaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and eau readily say, give them a trial, 'Sold at 10 cents a bottle, by, J. H. Combe druggist. C. 43ehllesmoyer, Boot and Shoe maker. First-class work at low w priceJ. An assortment of ready-made fine goods on hand Repairing neat 1y done. Shop—NEXT DOOR TO KEN- NEDY'S •HOTEL, CLINTON. ' Moving Buildings, &c. ITAKE this means of thanking all those who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and beg to say that as I am leaving the country for Mani- toba, have disposed of my business' to my brother Jour STEPBExso5, and hope that you will favor. him with the same liberal patronage that you have given me. JOSEPH STEPHENSON. AATITH regard to the above,1 would saythat as I �V YV am a stili from the same blocky and having been brought up to the business of moving and raising, buildings, I feel confident that -I can give entire satis- faction to all wh2 wy:faior me witl _theii_patronage.._ And further, I would say: that I am still making those Boss CISTERNS" As omit) :and cheaper than ever. 13-3m. JOHN STEPHE.N*SON, Clinton., Machine Oils. McCOLL BROS. & CO. TORONTO, Manufacturers and dealers in Tia,Y'C1111eOil; Cylinder :4.i1,` Ons i J►i1�.. Bolt Cittting oils. Four Medals and ,'Three "Diplomas awarded them_ last year" at the leading exhibitions in the Dominion: '• " Farmers., 'I'-hrechercand Mill men will save nioney'by`using cur L:ardine and Cylinder Oil. Woolen iiaunfiteturers will save money b1'i using our iVool-Oil, it equals lard and olive oil; and" eoSts but ball the price.:, . Satisfaction guaranteed. ! Prices, &c., on application to - 11e0OLL EROS. & CO Toronto. =I The return ofthree Liberals: and defeat; Qf AIT. -Schultz inMitnitobais' .now aseured; I all reports to the contrary notwithstanding.' The Winnipeg, election will' be protested on behalf of Mr. Conklin, the Reform can- didate, : hie friends believing that` the irregularities were-such:..as--_to vnld.:.the„ election. The The. -Liberal victory;" will :;be;` celebrated by a grand': demonstration Winnipeg o'i Friday. In Chienitrml the :return of 11Ir. Gagne, the Liberal Candi- date, seems `altnost certain. -The Reform, cry of'11lcnek and" North Grey have also • decided 'to protest against the 'election of the Conservative• candidates there.• IJOHE PERRIN'S BLOCK, IYIVIKET'SQUARE THA VE• l',. C FIRS ,. From tate leadingyAaa-;rican 'and' 11 ill limn n1 ,1.n1i,r1 tir: CLINTON. IA T0S`., at Moderate prices. Also. @ Celebrated: Dol�.erty Orga: 3Lli.LIONS .LN I t Go to COOPER'S CIIEAlP GitOCEttIES' Crockery, Glassware, &c. Oatmeal aiid Cornmeal always. on hand, ALSO Patty's colobratul English $reakfast 81coa Lora Ciera' .13acon, 8.40r -eared I1ctiits, And lino 1 LARD, At prices which ecoMOt h0 beaten iu town. • HIS 60',C. TEA A. SPECIALTY J..D. Alexandet, editor Naive, -Barnes- ville ;' Ga., U: S_ A., sayt : "Fier the :past: twelve months :.11 have been suffering. with inflaniatory r'beurnatisin', 1.:tried several c i ' 11,l to • relieve Me physicians bet they failed A friend recommended:St. Jacobs Oil. I at "once procured a half dozen bottles, which I have used, and find •,that I tfu improving all the time. It relieves pie at once when I am suffering. terrible • pain, and prevents me from spending many 'sleepless nights. Notl ingha's done ine so "much, good:" '1Ii teweeluacy. r�f,.`,1'll l;" 1)f) h1P :L'.C): i )L1;"l,;i N is:irrevocably revocably established, hav- 1 ' r, h \tl'tial, ` ;Iriil. !l' tlt�pl t5. at the Provincial and in:; lleen.awarded ITnSt ].11 , , I 1a14ltrstti;tl_exhibitinl5.itf .lilultiv'11 and "'I1orento. A largo stoop cat .` "''io1ix.s; ; atrings, Bovr Coxzoertinas, Flutes, ' f®l - sheet ata,d Boot usic,-11Aat the r,>:).7et- reasonable .: . ANV'PHIN(, IN!ME ABOVE LINES; NOT 1'ti i ()1;l(, PIIOOURED S)N 'PILE WM:TES'1 NO1'i't,L,, GENERAL AGENTS' FL)R' i.2*".1441OWNED SOLE A( ENT Fort rIIOMAS COOPEI::, :1GL'Eltl STREET, CLINTON OU:I MET' IN." i E' . 13 O ;R, V IT 1 ]C , DEALER DAY GOSS, GROCERIES, BOOTS Itin SEOE Crockery, Glassware, &c Call and sees -Stoe . Baby Carriage LOi AC NBtwS. ,Nbw and then a corres- pondent says to us when we; ask him, to seed :'.ns thonews': " Why, there is, -no news in my neighborhood." Nowhe is mistaken. There is newseverywhere, and you will find` it if •yeti`- keep '3•our""oyes 'and' ears, -open. Arrival" and departure of friends on business, pleasure' or visit;. the ,selling 'or Trading of farms; births, deaths, accidents, or 'e fine field of grain the build ing of•a house or barn; the meeting of any society, with its officers, in fact everything sllouid•be reported, and is news One is" surprised to find how Many, trivial things go•te makeup the news. of the week, but at, paper that reportsthem all is a newsy sheet. Dry, indeed, is a place that cannot, produce some item of :news during: the seven days of the week. - We want corres.' pondents.to try and "See -how interesting -•'a, correspondence-they-can'send us. • $200.00 steward 11Vill.bopaid for the detection and con tiietiouot any --•poison selling or-des-Iiu4:-in any-.bogu;+.., uotttterleit or imitation Ifor Brerei a, especi- ally I3ittc15 or preparations with the word IIQr lions in their name or connic.tod therewith, fiat is intended to mislead and'clieat the pub- ic, or -for any Preparation put. in any form, _pretending to be the sanio as 1100 13ITTERs, ii`Te aiilltrttreisave-clust-eI •ot'-C+n-nii ITval�''(ao. . Lice this) printed:on the white label and aro the purest and hest medicine on earth, especi- ally for Kidney, Liver and Nervouil Diseases. Beware of all others, and of all 'pretended formulas Or receipts of.Hoi BIT ri ns published iu papers or for sale, as they are frauds and' swindles. Whoever. deals in any but the genu- ine will be prosecuted. , • ' Slop flrri'BIIs'' afro. Co. - 'R ehester, '..113 ST Pa,7,(,LTVEl), splendie assortment of 1� C4RI.R,IAGIES,; • \\,jT1(.'11 WIt f 1;1, $OT,1) AT VERY LOT RATES. -CLINTON BAKERY. It. IVs' LENNAN r ir C 1 ton an 1 1;. L I intimate thepeople of � In 1 T151ei t 5 to 1 sol .-1 vicinity that 110 had Ye -opened his bakery, 011 Vic- toria Street, lertoriaStreet, and will 10 Incased to supply them with ;uiytliing in lux lino Breads, Cn1te.,..Ce., its' 1t,11 kept on lifted. 'Bread' Sold at 1.110 shop at tltcdollowiiie irides:-• 1 Ili loaf --12 cents 1 211. hid d. cents. Noorders brloked. .1'ati eeage..VesptctiYely solicl10i1:..',;ltemcullcc tri, ewlo . enniS HARNESS MAKERS, CLINTON. ' lay rt . 000I51JNACQJ AIN TED 1i''iM TTNL' 00001flA' Y F. 0 0 007, -rtn, I'iILL:000 00" isAf•11 . Nf1 T .'i 1 .4' ard.ware an .ave Warehouse:.: Ci.ENUINE MIAPLE 'LEAF:, S1LVER STEEL, LANCE TOOTH, HANLAN,CIIA1\&Pi0N, LANCET, and.ONE MAN''CILOSS''CITT SAWS. tV&RNOCK'S;'BURII-EL S AND II7 11fOHDS;-ALL-714,I3EST•.ARAN•05:' BARBEC�'WIRE° SOLW S'EEEL; TW:� ,it 3 FOUR; PW 1TE®: r' th�ll Ver. "`tae I •E ce wR NG RS ' • OYAI1 CANADIAN -CLOTHES . Stores, Tinware & Lla�m p goods,< IITDT+7S,.SIJEEP SKINS, 1131 S—HJGIIEST CASH PIIICE FAIT).,. T A VIS:, - t�� �� �I�THa,i' dv�� are 11 e'i e1�a>�Zi;S Y` y �� _tl'1LL_'iI IX ]TJ�C T . ' 1 T1 r,1040LSC C -RA' 8,G-A='Ns AT CHICAGO, DOCK ISLAIND &PACIPIC TY Calle the attention of travelers to the • eentrnl po s1 tion of its lino, nonileeting the Dast And tiio West by the shortest route, and carrying - passengers. •without -change -of -cars,, betwY.�0�Ou Chicago and Kan sas City, Council Bluffs,. Lcavenwortia, ATBriion, , Minneapolis and St. ,Paul. It connects in Union• Depotawith all tho'prinoipal lines of road'between ':.', the Atlanticand the Paoiae Oceans. Its: equip., moat is unrivaled and magnificent, being composed 01 Most Comfortable and Beautiful ,Day Coaches, Magnificent . B:orton.Reclining Chair Care, Pull- man's Prettiest Palace sleeping Cars, and .the Best Sine of Mining Cara in the World._ •Three Trains' ' between Chicago and Missouri River Pointe. Two Trains between Chicago. and Minueapolie and St. Paul, via tiro Famous. . ALBERT LEA ROUTE." ' . A New'a,,0 'Direct Line;vla Seneca and ltanka-. Ree, has recently been Opened between Ric0rciond, Norfolk, Newpport News, Chattanooga, AtlaAte, Au• i data, Nashdille, Lou1svi11o, Lexington, Ciueiunati, ' Indianapolis anti' Lafayette, • and Omaha, Minneap-. olia and St. Paul and' Intermediate pointe. Alt Through passengers Travel on Fast"Bxpreae: Trains.• Tickets for Bale at -all prinelpal Ticket Offices in the United States and,Cariada. • Baggage checked, through and rates of :fare al - !, Ways as low as eonipctitors that offer leas advan- taaes erForeOf detaithe'led inforu:ation, 000 the Maps and Fold- } . - GREAT'ROCI( iSSLAND RQU E, , At your irertr est Ticket OtrlCC, 01' addros R. R CARLE., E s.T .DOt N, •tr1„L Y ro i , 7 1 n':b 1 I •t 1 Pawl',"14"1,Z1.1., ,is frill sell the .-bal:iiieeof ii stock of 'Bair. s iC/ cost e � � dKlee.' i, i QJ 1, l •..' a -:.' � �. I , . ot .her Gioods �,t.corr s oh�0n ra -how toss• ;ALL RINDS (i)T PRODU'CE TAKEN IN, EXCHANGE, STAND: SMITI-1'>'. BLOCi ( PPOST�I POST OFFICE, :CLINTON. •