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THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882;
REUE 1 ER the Grand Concert on July1201.
Lasi week Mr. W. W. Farran voted in
West Bruee, North, East and South
THE entrance examination to the High
School takes place to -day and to -morrow.
quite a. number writing therefor.
ON Saturday last our otdp friend Joe'
Allinson -favored us withsomema,rty_ vege
tables, among which were some excellent
well filled peas. a •
MASTER. FRED Coniirrif, son of Reeve
Corbett, leaves this week far' Toronto,
where he writes for the Matriculation
Examination to. Toronto University, with.
good' prospects' of-being_success;tl.
RYE. -Mr. J. S. McDougall, our worthy
.1st Division Conrt Clerk:• treated us to
new rye on last Monday—Gooerich News.
[Your editorials generAtly read as if some
one had been treating you to -old rye.]
A siTeiei meeting ofthe CoitntyCoun-'
cil has been called for' to -morrow, to :ex-
amine and teat the -new iron bridge over
the Maitland. Mess rs,'Cor'bett and Cooper
leave in the afternoon, to be.present.
Cisit 11InE1 t*o.—It' is intended to bold
a meeting shortly to -consider';-the advis-
ubility of having a camp meeting, under
Methodist ansptces,' at Holmesville. .If
held it: will likely be during,* month of
Mx. W, 0. SEARLn takes ,the palm,for
early strawberries, he aiaving been using•
. them, of bis own'growth, f'or a week Bast,
Be also has large, berries from' plants, set
out last year,, one particular.: weighing
three-quarters of an ounce, and measuring
4kincees round, 11.,inehes long-;
F>RE,`ALaRns.—A'n alarm --'of• fire was
sounded on.lVIondaymorning,;-erased.>=by
the discovery -that the roof of 1�Iz.Young's,
*4, was on fire.,The The -engine ,was,
*ui�kly: on, the spot, but its" services were
ot necessary, s the;fa'c+e was past out be
;afore any damage had' licca .dome beyond
the burning Of a slight ;hole.
SoL» Oi r. -Messrs,:; Wm. Foster. and -
'Geo, 'Miller:. formerly'* this. town, but
who have lately been-carryiing on the
••;Royai Hotel at Kincardine, have sold'`.out.
rto Mr. Kinney', of Brussels. Mr. Foster
has again taken up his residence here,
but has not made up his mindyet iVhat to
engage m,
• LATESnorrnvG.—Why .is it. that ,so.
•-cmany people, in town leave their shopping+
:until such a late hour, in the evening.
Ddring the summer, partienlarly, there is
o reason _why nearly every person. could
tot get all their purchases .made before
"seven o'clock p, m., and it would certainly
be a relief to "tier ks,. etc:, if this was done.
• ON FnIDAY'tight, a6 about 12 o'clock,
some one caused the town hell'' tostrike
twice,,sending a thrill of alarm through
those who heard it, The assumption! is
,m -;'..#:hat -It 1yas,:donee`.fon.tne.t'la.0;(I�1h�Gh.:'. ng,"
but the perpetrators Of ,the act will . find.
that ;:lis: eapenstve fun if,detected A. re
ward ofj 10.is offered for information ` in
reference ll+ereto.
• CxARv ,Ho\%soiv, of Wingham, well
known :'in; this town,, won eonsiderable
money !:over the elections, :one of liis
wagers: being with W.. J. McCutcheon,,
$100 4)41000, that the government would
be snstaiifed by a majority , of 60. Mac,
must htiveK'been gauging Ontario feeling
by a Mi nitobas'tandard when he allowed:
ouch big odds. ' ,
GODERICH is the" only .place in :this,
meighiiirhood that is celebrating the- 1st
of Julys; and for the convenience of those
who .;w,sl} .to :attend , the Grand Trunk
Railwaywill run the early morning train
from here�bb�iarp'on time;10 a.m:, and -the
afterno0ur.irain 'coning; down will bel held
over:' 00.1., the ;evening: "Tickets single
• fare;,
Txr!CitOPS.-The country .at the pie,-
• hent tjnie presents a beautiful appearance,
• crops of.all kind,lr, being, in a • flourishing
condition. Fall wheat is out in head>•all'
over, :and in some fields in, blossom, spring
• wheat, barley; peas and" oats; 'advancingh
rapidly and promiSing.ail:alatindant yield.
So far fall wheat is all right, but itis feared;,
• :that if much more rain falls,, followed by'
excessive: warmth, that rust will set in, ":4i,
THE 7 arR. H: CALL. -The 'direct
cause of Harry Call's death was the burst-
ing,of ablood;vessel. - After his death his
late employer, Mr. W. F. Luxton, (for
merly' Of the Expositor)'-ver`y kindlyriiad
all arrangements and paid all. the expen'•
:seg of his burial. His: fellow t. pox .the
S^ see -Press office > wised: a pu4'6: f.$100 -for
his wife, and' the Clintonians'in Winni-
.peg also raised a siibscription in her be,
LACROSSE. -0n Tuesday last the Daunt-
less Lacrosse Club of this place, went to
Wingham to play amatch there. Wing -
ham won the first and second games, Clin-
ton,.taking .the third and fourth, and'they
claim, the fifth also, but, the umpire re-
fused to allow them the last game, . and
induced them' to play a sixth, which was
won by Wingbam, The "boys" . claiin.
that they were not ingood trim, and be-
lieve'they can .yct whip Wingham ` .
A SuccrssrrrL Exfirn:rr.�-In 1878 the
Dominion of Canada sentaquantity of
cereals to the Paris Exposition, which
was awarded a gold medal. Among the
- exhibit was a :quantity of spring 'wheat
raised by Mr. James Corvie, of the Sauble
Line, Stanley, who last week .received` a'
beautifully engraved certtificate" from the
Secretary of the Canadian Commission
setting forth the facts above stated, and
Mr. Corvie, who had forgotten all about
the matter, justly feels, proud at • his suc-
ItionEi; Sctioor I3oAaD.—An adjourned
regular meeting df the' Public School
Board was held on Monday evening.
Present; Messrs. Bay,, Kenney, ,Williarrts,
Martin and Thompson. Mr. Pay took the
chair until the arrival. of Mr. Combe,
On motion of Mr. Martin, seconded by
Mr. Kenney, the following accounts were
ordered to be -paid :—G. Rentgen, $3.751;
E. Carter, $5; W. C, Searle, $1.25;•Isaac
Lawrence, $1.60; R. Brown, $1. A dis-
cussion arose • with regard to the clog•
ing :of the school • for the ' holidays,
but no action was taken. Oh motion the
Secretary was instructed .to Obtain, through
Mr. C. Dickson, three' maps, vii :-Onta
do, Dominion, and the .United• States
.1',he,board.th.en adionrner.L
SUDDEN DEATH. --The public were ex-
ceedingly surprised
x ceedingly;surprised yesterday morning, on
learning that Mr. James Chambers had
died during the night of inflammation of
the bowels. Deceased, who was employed
with Mr. H. Cantelon, had been at 'work
on Tuesday, in his usual health, .until
about 4 o'cloek.in the afternoon, when he<
went home, feeling „unwell, and rapidly
'sank, notwithstanding all' efforts' in his
behalf. • He was a steady, industrious
young man, and leaves a wife 'and ' one
child to mourn his untimely 'death.
The News, of Port Hope' thus refers to
as.gentleman.well known here:-" Rev. W.
11. Butt, who has filled the pulpit of the
Port Hope Bible Christian ; Church with
such marked -ability during the last four
'years; has been placed_onthe list_for�Lon=_
don Centre—on of the most important
in the connection. ` The members of the
congregation here are deeply pained at
Ilia early removal, as they had hoped that
Conference 'world have consented to his
remaining here for another year. ` Mr.
_Hutt caan_ot but be satisfactory to London
Centre. The people, there will find him,
in'everysense of the word, a faithful pas-
tor and a fervent preacher:"
HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.—A special meet-
ing of the High School board was held on
Friday evening. A communication from
Rev. C. Hamilton, asking that his children
be admitted' to the High School free, was
laid before the board. On motion the
secretary,was instructed to write Mr. Ha-
milton that
a-miltonthat' 'no •change could be made in
the fees for the present term,but that the
matter was under consideration as to the.
future. The property committee of the
school' were authorized to take such steps
as were advisable to put the'school:house.
in proper repair, Angus Campbell's "ten
der forarepai"ring, &c., was,referred to the
committee: The following •accounts, were
ordered to be paid :-D. E. Kennedy, $1 ;
H. Hale, $5; J. Cunningham, 840; A. S.
Fisher, $3 ;' E... J. Rutledge, $25. The
committee were authorized to make such
arrangements asthey deem -advisable for
allowing the. Lacrosse Club to use the
grounds, 'but subject to the;. right of.the
board to revoke' theprivilege at anytime.
Other matters were discussed, but no ac-
tion taken on them, and the board then
adjourned. A'special meeting was also
held on Tuesday, but no business what-
ever transacted.
PERSONALS. -Mr. W. B. Crich s andk
family 'last week moved to Strathr.ry;
Miss Kate Musgrove; of Toronto, has been
visiting friends here. Mrs. Thos, Jackson
returned from the west last week.." 31r..
Geo. H. Wright left for a ;trip through
Dakota. and Manitoba this week. Mr.
and'Mrs. James Smith are visiting friends
at Woodstock. . Miss' Ida Davis -(daughter'
of Mr. S. Davis) is home from Hamilton
College, for her holidays ; Miss Hess, of
Hamilton, is visiting with her. We are
pleased to see that Mrs. John Gorrell has
improved considerably in her health. Mr.
Ala. 'Macp`herson, formerly, -of this ,place,
but lately in the real estate busines at
Winnipegt has returned to Ontario to re-
side. Mr. E. J. Leavenworth; ot St.
Catharines, was this week' visiting his
sister, Mrs; It. Holmes. The wife of Mr.
J.'P..Martin is visiting friends in the.
,county ofWellin•,ggton Messrs. John and
Wm. Irving returned to Chicago by
It., on tSaturday:=Bev, . Mr. McDonagh:.
was suddenly called to Toronto, on Mon-
day, 13y,,the serioug illness
onday,bythe"serious.iliness of his mother.
Mr. Geo: Watson, of ;'Winnipeg, (formerly
of Clinton) returned -on a visit bn Tuesday,
Miss E. Pinnon, 'of :Toronto rs visiting
her. mother, Mrs. G.Lyons. Miss Hallas
of St. Marys, is visiting, herfriends in
town... Mr. G, L. Davis, a commercial`
traveller, representing a Montreal House,
contemplates inovtng-his fatally here to
reside, beingrnuch'niore taken up with
this ; place. than :Goderieh;'or Seaforth.
Miss Walker left by G.T.R. yesterday for
Fargo, Dakota, ,
BaiEIS.-Only seven .couvictious were
made -by Mayor Forrester. for the: quarter
ending ,the ;13th inst. The ,aggregate
'number -of persons in Clinton°qualified to
serve as jurors is 302.' The`.Clinton ZVEv.
'EiaA is'assiiming gigantic proportions
Eketer.Refleetor, Saturday bast thether-
mometer registered:82 in the shade, being
title warmest dayof the season. On Tues- :
day a large crowd of excursionists passed
hp 'from'.Stratford :to Goderich ; at ,this
place'a number 'got, off to visit friends.
On Friday morning Mr. C. Spooner broke
the. shaft of his waggon ,and narrowly
escapeda runaway. '.Mr, job n McMurray'
is improving his house by the addition'of
a kitchen, and in ;other ways, The St.
Thomaspapers speak very highiy of the'.
St. Paul cord binder, and mower, for which
Mr: J.T. Marsh, of this town, is agent.:.
Mr. Jos Allinson sold a colt' last week. at
$1G.u; Some' otic"" n aiicronsty jam'nied: a'
fork ot some.other sharp instrument 'into
the side of Joe Ewings' mare,yon Sattirday,,
-but-fortunately theavound was.not.serons ,
Previous to leaving': Listo}yell; Rev. R.
Fowler, fotmerly•of Clinton, was present-
ed with a purse of $50, On Sunday,
several members of Masonic lodge; of this
place, Attended -the "funeral ' of Mrs. John
McIntyre, at Seaforth ;. altogether about
one hundred: members of the order were.
present. • Mr. W. Smith, 'ofthisplace; Mid
a young.man from St: Thomas, have;pur-
chased the right for a Dominion Fruit
Dryer, for the use .of farmers and others
having fruit to dry. On=Monday ayoung,
able-bodied' man, who was solicitingalms,
was told by Constable paisley 'that unless
he left town forthwith; he 'would be ar-
rested; he left. . Air. `.Tipling's colt. 'Red
Cloud" goes to' Wingham to trot, on' Sa-
turday. A Meeting of the 'Royal Arch
Chapter of Masons will be-• held, in - the
lodge rooms here,',to-morrow •(Friday)
-evening,, for the installation, 'of officers.The: picnic of the B. C. Sabbath School, -
held at Stapleton, on Tuesday, passed off
as pleasantly as could be desired. Why
is ball tossing on the main streetsallowed?
Not long since a gentleman in town. was`'
nearly* killed by a blow from,aflyingball,
and', we suppose that until some one is
killed the p actice will be allowed.. The
regular meeting of the council will beheld
next Monday ,evening ; it is expected that
several matters of im ortance will come
up for 'di-scussion, Messrs. Emerson &
McMullen have re -opened' their butcher
shop, and are carrying on business as be-
fore. A` rneetin of'the Liberal' Club will
be held this (Thursday) evening. ;