HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-29, Page 8June 29�. I
a a mistake to r6move two popular 41P
Pin Europe. at, the,, The
------ British subjects, have Uen ordered to 4ifit
M his City instantly. The Governor of Alex
, –
Ic Woman, Accused at Poisoning Mew
— , :
Morrib Pee# Caw "-tteti tltc� Veolibule
despatch date&, last
pi at Ontario.
iJabei6il that a*tcie�rara
was sent Map W-Ish to bir. 'Gla&
Uichael Davitt's New,D,octrin—
andr; a is h I inquiry into the late
I olding at
AXontr6ai despatch, dated last (11fouday)
, htA wagpow-
istone"juL the, Qathonc BIshops
s Evidence is difficult to obtain.
Tile H Dglish Admiral has buoyed the cable,
night, haya: Great excitement was ore Mad
in the Ste. CuuQohda by,the
ghastly suicide
'witted yeaterda �t.'
of Onts�io;j�k iif tho -f4l ��- f
The Repressiori -Bill.
*." at], "L, ` - j
and the, telegraph ship ChilterAh as been
village of
re port i of S pQiaoiling Cage., It appears thetL
Catholic 0bur6)i, �t the'corner o Broad.
Way, f
and stroet.. the � victim was
wit)i the
I i - .' �,, .i
DELVtk 'Saturday
Ordered bar. far servicie,in case the Cable is
Deplorable Condition of the� raile-stikkeil
this afternoon about 3 o'clock Josephine
Agidous Hoqk, a moulder in the owploy'of
ca thd The,
Europeans in Alexalldria.
as ore.
"The nurnber of E uropemus killed on Sun.
Marchand appeared at the police Colirt,
accompanied by two frienda of decemed,
oville Car wheel wor It I
a.. Book, in
. t
hope that thb� I .
nept, prejudicially affect Ireland. Bishol
object o6414in.the �acoI4,
, sip a ment . , f
d meaniug.of t] new devaloP
day is, now. estimi.Lted at 250. Macy were
thrown'Into this sea and are being aA"y
and swore an inf . ormation against Mrs.
bilfrt, for poisoning her husband. %Sfie,
8 TPlooly lithipainad L little hiterestod'dur.
WsIsh has just,reCeived the followi rep
frQui, dladstone Y
th6land agitation, whi ch has,for its aim
the natioa,lize,tion of land� In big 'Liver.
washed "bore. Twelve bodies yesterday
and , five to -y were thus recovered; all the
stated that she h ad been liviligla thesmme,
house with the Dufort.g. T n Novem, b6irlaot
Ing the ssrvice.� ose be was
Towards the'61
Observed t6'taje, a razor from his �pocket
and,i"C&II it ul6aely, and though -ae
his tion
10 Downiug-etreot,
poj speech he a a to
nnoun ed big' adhesion
the doctrine of State ownership ud in
of I a I
Several witnesses of the riot assert that the
Mrs., Duforo Bhowed her a package she paid
she had picked up froltd;" tlia -floor.. It had
L 'L
Was i somewhai stealige, but, I ittle was
, t L f
'though. At !of
Right Rev. Siri-I am directed by dr. � Glad-
' t6no, to, convoy, to.*o'his thanke for, ithe tie-,
every country, and indicated, while d an ym
"ilig,'a-divergence of opition'.betWe a L n him-
Statement in the liouse 6f Common- rabble were prededed by a, doiachmeni of
Demetud tor Troopm'rn�'mi Torkey. draw up in the middle of
a de.6th's head,, ..on it -and as marked
O It.! the concluBiou the
beremouies Hook and big Wife �joiu6d the
gram .'which you seb*t him, in the, name
of the Catholic Bishop� . of Ontario,. en
self u�rid Mr. PiLrriell us to: the' ultim
the Iribh land
geudarmeo,wbo k
A last (Wednesday) night's Londbil the Bquare and IGG Qd on when the mas-
in it.
�!Poion.11 �,Mrs. Dufort, who.could not
read, asked the megaihig of the' wpide-
d1lapethig thro6g, but oil i6aabing the
bulebe buadiBinty Btopped. and, drawing the
�heii276Ceivingth6 news ofth6terrible tragedy
i Niblin. lie,mtn aseure you' that he joiria in
of qn.estivu. Mr.
Devitt has e.wbra,ced orber- 'th&4Fies,
cablegram says: Words fail to' describe gacrei began, and afterward took par t
Panic iii"Alx"jid-rii;.-�,The--'Tl!eC6n�41i�fG76ii6rA:I-E�re'pr6p4ringai2ot)2'er- I
told�j, she, crumpled -the
paper up ban& .,and ept - it'.
xazOr-,-a�ain,-Wfth`a budden-, movisment...he.
drew"WacroBa his throat ana fjightftil
ih,ir,hope�tbat the cause,,of Ireland wm nor
-&uffer-by.the occurrence of-iihell, atLeVeat,-74 am,
RighjReV. Siiiy6ur�Very res�eetful an&obediefi I
�6y"�Ht�ury-. G eorge and, Other
writerti� t6t the
streets are blo arts are filled-witli the circular to their r ountrymen; expressing
Shortly before this * she hat! : told 1ivs
&gh�from ear di
ear. The blood poure in
servant, E.'W. HAMILTON,
'land in� any ty. -0bould" be compl6t� y
baggage of fleping: Europeans, andalt the: confidence that will be maintained
Maichand tbab she ; intended to p6idwi
del 6�!61foxdjbe wound, ran down big,
ih' the' 8tatb,' and- not* in
men-of-war in the harbor are crdwded�with the Egyptian, aim�, the'object being to
fugiti�e . The Ameriesi instil donfideuc6 pending. the arrival Of
bar husband. Miss Mai6hand 13�icl thb
the paper contained sugkr of lead, and that
bosom hud drip�t,l to the.,flooi. !-Those
u,L W nitipe
�Brntal 111turder I I
private: owilbrB� er ppaawit rO.
prietore or- a Th
nalords. is IB a,
should 288116 warning to;, its citizens' in lurk!Bh troops.'
-gy pt to leave immedi%tely,-and sand a Dervish Pash& has expressed - full confi-
&Aose WaaL admniatered to %e husband lit
a 0 a' tea, And tbat�Lshe saw some bf,the
aocii LiEu Were horrcrmstrickeu by
Lig cut In
the instrum ore
tightly ia lid8-hiind, he looked wildly about
A despatch from peg last (Tuas-
Wi ... 1
day) ilight Ab.iih k last,
novel departute.itl Iiish b6cial politics', and
Lolle not filleIV to be received w4b"favor b y
vessel to the poit of Ismaila, on the 'Suez' denob in the loyalty of tile Egyptiantro6ps.
Canal, to receive this f ves from. Cairo Turkish troops, however, are'roa dy to'start
bould if Dervish thinks hw
adi.P10 , that rein'died 'in � the' cup.
Another dose was given in a sandwich of
and then iusbed t1irough the* oar, leavill 9
A trai qfb[o-udbe4ind. T-Te,.r gi
alia,,�w 110-
says: 9 O'cloo
night its John Kelly, a railway �employee,
Being the,C a un ken,
-Wil lubHot Iwith-a dr
the C,W000 f�imers who have been tau
by the agitatiu,", 11 a W--
ty�I-P.st, fe y-eurB,-tob
.-I -017-0-ar-d —to
thebommunic -Utigl�li between. Cairo necessary. can settle
And Alexandria, be out. Ahe difficulty-in:a-few
lead �oheeBe -au&br6ad.�Mi99M%rcha,nd
!road p4vemellt 'd' upJ, Pin
0 n1tre't, ol
e� a
8 r U &%Y, 0
attacked by a crowd f
mH whab they hh
iffe ti uld
be tile owners of theirlaruiti. Mr. Dvitt,
Ata� Aexandria , despatch Bays: The The comr6issidia of mquiry- intoLLthe,
ant masgacre.in 41exalidrla� has ."b
rec een
further said:- that it wus her t hat.
poison Wag. giveii inL small doses till the'
io a
bv tin exci, ed io d . fe
W 'Wh n y y
fact fro* in ihe c -,d -ner OU8 li a'
and the,Btranger badly�
_Ioungersi beaten'.
Afterwards Kelly was attacked by a team-
-however, has confidence in the truth of big
and ,
paillid'in Egypt shows no sign of debreasing.
The British. Admiral has 'chartered two
opened, delegates fro'nY the different,foreign'
�maiidied. Miss Marchaud find her friends
saw Car 6ne J6bea and tbah an
I t a razor again �L,"4 in er
desperate, Iliange at big butting
Bter, named who l)uni8hed badly
and brutally kicked 'Kelly, and Made off
. L to convert Irish
Arnericato his Way if thinking., However
merchant yos4gls to put AN the English. on
board. ThW Iuviiicible:'and the Monarch
cousulates'being present to,watch tbe''p,,,
dings.' !!Air�sta of participants inL the
que at be bold'. 'TEeir requ6st.-will be.
complied with. Tabian Dufort, brother of
a smaller sit! above t -he �,firav imme-
diate ily .. ', Ss he
When ;t1ja 'police r app ear ed. Kelly18 aead,
L ;Iorning '
hd the, laiinching & new
tur�i out, of
programine at a: time so �ritical has been ,
are crowded with 'fugitives ; they, L are.
I late riots d6iiiinue.' , They chiefly,
it is the
the doceased,'is reported as,,'saying' that
under', the chiu.
neared'Cypressistreeti a,block, distant, -he
found thi S in a .
box -oar
bhe 'kicking had burst a bloo& vessel,
generally conilemned'hy hiB'parliamentay
[jig fi
packed like herrings. Last I Ord
Charles Be . resford Went to siaperinteh& the
who, alleged-weie
gators-cif t 'a attack on the Europeans.
I's. Dufort had time and again asked'hina
to promise to marry bar if she would
began'io stagger, audL on, reachibg, tbe
it he fell unconicious in, the 'gutter�
ausing effusion of blood to the brah'.
Frank'White identified,the body. W on
associates, who beliave that the in trodue-
tion � of, communistic, theories will, drive.
the chartered! vesselBi , This.
morning, the pl"ing of British sailors on
The exodus of f6raigner Continues. .,un.
abaidd, and consigneesi of goods are reshi, p-
his brother. His
OrL�16BB I I for some.time, and was dejected in
"He Wa� pickbd p, andL Haramerling
will be arrest d'
from� the Land League ranks ths Con)!erva-'
tive, 4lild clerip4l elements, wbidh L 11. rl-"
board was re monitrat6d�, against by the
EgyptiallS. The last arianjeupents--wAh
ping-theid. Arabi Pasha, has Poe
6tice IlFrench 'and .'At' h
abib I t rough , Out
Ile bad told him. that he was
'any -by
waie for, but Was extinct"fir ten
The poor wife.is prostrated by
OL' r . xCIT Nr
buted so much to t,he� La�hd,
t Mr
Loa�gq0 movemep Vitt bagigilorba-
the fleet have been--madeIdr -gighadling in
aiat . tlug there, s no,'Cbus for I
a, �trLi
lar I al I b" regarded ck, and has
UtJt 19
bat food Prepared his
afraid t6 kL
wife., His broths � died in the grea toot
r a., any one.
ihe shook a 'I eftiabs to Be:
a (I
ock, committed the'' dead -While laboring
At the Detroit races there was a ten -mile,
tbeB& 1 counsels, and seen'8 to have thrown
him into
ance on1b ata ratu e,
case Of aist urb"
ships. Two Amerios�a cle I igymen, well
fbaged t , be panic among ihe.'few, EuTo-'
pain4rotbing at the mouth. After he was,
dead his legs -and arms bad to be fractured
e6k ago while riv
under insatiityJ, A:,w d , I g
boraean E xchange street'li narrowly
lanin ae-
ru g r e. b etween Little Crickett, of
Louisville., Ky and Lizzie Willia of
self unreservedly the aiule`OfHell'YL�'
George who represents the American com-
known to tra;lsllero, are on board trying to'
calm the fugitives. Many. liesdalA fmi-
peanoi ramainilig in- that city. - � �.
Allod6n,'oablegiain,s4s Iiitho�]Efouse
to get him in his coffin. Before, the - last
ath.: Was 0 tOvea
bre of his'mouth Hhe 1egan
I .1 ' " L " ,
Woman" and -
G$Caped run�iu - that
tact, hotigh litile in teelf,'so affectod
I him'
Topeka, Ran.: It was won by the formsir
in the beat tiim6 ever.'ma0e1by either of ilie
munisac' element iii. the land movement.
The scheme of the natio6alization of'Janct
lies age, 1p�,O, or
are trying to obtain th
'vessels. - EsIcapp, is .now. impossible' on
of Commons, Air. - Arnold
(Liberal) Btated AM the British Consul at
moving the b6usehold,� effects, and,, they
vere all 'removed by Midnight', 'She did
thet Ii he
L, � I a ceased, work and often "ked if
' d forit.
. I . In L '
riders, this ruce � the public; int6r6A
wascentred Th6,sastwind,however�.Was .
: propounde&'by Mr. Davitt iii,��Llverpo6l'is,
and pob�,esges' all the difficul-I
account of the crugh of the
via4gong L � lonw line of.
baggage. block,,,
still L
Alexaudria� in Sep,temb�r info
P, ruled -Arabi
as -if th ayL,
that hoy 'arn
a , ptiall Persisted.
not stay In the bousewith the corpse, and
r�,w and' stro g, and the track was
ve n
in b6nditjou;�
ties'of a personal ptoprie tary. Without ny
guarantees of the latter solution. H
The', sit on" "
streets. Usti is absolutely
aimaiiig the goveinineiat of the do6n ,
in a try,
was actually, bargainiiig to disoose of"ito
a; doctor,'whe u* the Grand Trunk Benefit
The Care of the Eye&,.
Only r' After., the - u'auaI
prellminAry cant-bing the, horses were
that the land of'irel4ild could be turchased.
demoraliz ng * the exodus is. aug I in a I lit. el
i la� tub is -consi I dared . eafer
hourly. A 'L
it must he prepared to,' m'eet:,thB, unitea
orces of the Sultan and.Europe, as the
'Society, of which he Was & member, � took
the blaiial arrangements upon itself. A
- recent
At �.tbe Sanitary Convention.at
-Ann Ar bor,' Mich., Dr. C. , J.: Lundy, of
started.. Kiss Williams led to the first
quarter, but was,overh'auled on tbe'back
for, �f;140,000,,oco in GoVerlinaetit bonds 'to-
payable in"Afty nexchange4or.,
fard� fo
than the shore'. Car�iages; the r
which is usually ona'franc, now bring
com Ary could'- not be 6rruittga to
He SaLk omonth
into anar6hy... ed' whether this
or so ago she bad offered.her ling-
hand a cup of -milk, but be refused to take
Detroit, read-&'Papei-an 11 Aygiene!in Re-
lation to file EL�e, hich shotald.halVe the,
. I
stretch 'by Little Crickett., The - latter
maintained her lead of about &'LlengE as
ownership hiB plan o ers tb& tenants an
impersonal landlord, with rents varying
twoutyrfive dollars, the natives iBlaing,jo L
make hay, while the sun � shines A lique
charierth"a 'i
language, , was, approved by the Govern-
SLrL Charles Dilke said. it was right
to asgume-that the Goernin enLt,approVed
it. , Subsequently it was g I iv an, to two CL a , to,
, ,
arid tIiey-,imm,edi&tely ivere taken with
videat'dircialati'913, aspe6itilly a m on " t h-
-1 g eac
ersand-school officers. A'L fruitful*! bourde
. I
�,p�assed unde; the -'wir'e. , The second
and 'third milesWere a, repetitionof the
from- year, to year in fixed proportion to the
production of'theL soil so that Whoever.-
. , I , I . I ., .
wrked, hardest Most
of capitalists is'anxiou. to 3hip,
violent pains, and one died.
Of qe troublesis shown to the exceb6ivc;
first,' ex6eptipa 'that Little
.11 And: skilfully *Odld.
Benera'to'ascape. The -,British admiral
Of He stated that the Channel squad.-
The body of deceased will be.taken from.
at rain upon t14�musclea ati& fiervea o the'
Crickett was na�ver headedi: At the end,of
to, iiay ill 6
Most,relit. All
opposes leaving the British ashore; as they
ron now on the -way to Malts v�ould also be'
the burial vault,.:�%nd. anL inquest. -held
eyes aulo-faulty educational,methads, the
i ash
the � third L Mila �the -ladies mounted fr
secuiity,w;uld be at�au and, as tL a G kil-
dvb , ,,
f require help 4t tho- last
would , probabl, I
moment. , 'In a;oordailcewith, y a egram
under the orders of Admiral Seym6 Who
if L I . .. .11 I : lit,
occasion arises the
wilt colacert' with
to -morrow.
ill -planned and insufficient lighting- Of
achool rooms, Poor i6k' nd fi've piidt- in'
hores,afmb6t, simultaneously, but -Little
Crickett was off the.� quickesCl and had
Men might very tbaliu�d tax, according to.
the' necessities ofr�tbe�bour.' When the
of Sunday -regarding Ar[bbi,sthi6at to dis.:
fish Can t L to the
Bri aul-General'in EgyT, as.
school books, 'tind other causes, which
the lead of � her opponent t,
0 an
Irish farmers discover' tb a real meaning of
tile ilati
pose of the Kheai is, yOur'corresp6ndbiat
ty of landing'a&I Ore an Marines.
atq�t',Jrbnt the N6rshwest-
educ; tion might corriset.
extent w1lich she, in vain at,-
naliZation of I&nd L they , car-
warned Tewfik-and. Dervish Pasha that it
was that they Would be L seized -
M Unboat haseen ordered to
At murder. base, till
Wunipeg,thc kelli
In con' Dk' lays down thef
clusion; ' lid
following, rule for.-tbe ., bettez care. lot.'the
tempte to recover. the
d 'On 'back
7 Miss Closed
tretch the, gap
Willy Wilf vr�ject 'it. -Am6ng� th
, be a' Irish
11 mem is-theie is a fear that any effort to
probable I
the Khedive smiled incredulously.* � The
middle of Monday night 6aw, my forecast
;The French troops, at Marseille'
9 -and
Toulon have b6bia ordered,, to'make, read y
absorbs public interest L as, the 6oroner's
inquest progresseB� The suspected mut.
.. I I — - -- ------
eyes : I 1.
1. Avoid, reading, and study.by poor light..
, .
between herself and Crickett, hub the latter
o6on.left her a leEi'gth- behind;, and, duterad�7
. ... L �%
preach it in Ire] uia reisu16 iia divid
correct. : The, KhadiVe sammonod the con.
for immediaie'embarkation.:
-derar has not yet bee , arrested. A iost
2. Light'should Come fr6n; tl�e k, ide, , and
the fifth mile afteir 'herself. and Miss.
callIps:,and render them:ieaBy
Buie directly, and declared hi A'Cairo d s�pstdli Bays',the' panic, is ba.
B intention of
11�0rtem examination shows tbcat the external
'marks. the throat *ore.
not f ona the back or from tbelront.�
Williams li�ad,l re -m' d. � Miss "Williams
victim 8 to. their:- com mon-.enem, the land'.
fleeing to Aloiandiialo�BebkL the protection'
of the guns of the fleet Sir Edward Malet
:doming worse. some'. k6 chmen
who r a, 'imable; to m leave are, fortifyiiig
about produced
before death, and contusidus found+ene a'tta
i* "the
S. Do'not read or study hile suffering
greit�. bodily faltigiLe or during re I covery
pas d Ci- 1�,
Be ric ett on ibe7 ,back stretch, but
not -for Jong. Crickett; Soon took the leadL.
Mr. arnell will have t
P no Ing' a
do. with the n ewtheoiy. He intends -to
and the other Caligula.; h%Ve," -all o;rriviad,,.,:themoekvesiti-thbirhouiies.
-leaving Aiabi'*Itb6lit a, chance 6f - taking.
, The' troo I ship Tamar has. isail6d fo r
the Bealp were such as Might res '"L
�Gi blows caused blunt instrument
fromllness.. 1,
4. Do not read when lyingd-(5vin.
age, after a fe'w strides,. and passed under
a I
the wir and into the sixth -mile ength
continue the strggla for the abolition of
landlordism on the old Land League linea
�hbatages in the event of b in meas ad by�
with inarineg-to . reinforce the Med-
, L
during Jife;: but before . death.
Congestion.-ebuld have been �caused' by
5. Do not usel the eyes. too long at a time
ah her oppopent.'.�, -The lead obtsibia
of the 6btilli-lislament of a peasant proprie-
tqrsbip. lia'thiBbe
the powers. Jud ge a -and Wife and,
.Judge Farman are still here, but'll. ave made
'L It is believe
I iterranean, squad ron d �Bll
1, , L, , , , ,
Will a gy-tro6ps fromMa ta to Alexan-
choking. z The" opinion is that congestion
for il� ive thein occas'ional
ear�work,l but g
periods rest. 1
was retaiiaed,tbrou'�la: -the seventh mi le'
ncreased filteen, to t6niy 1�ngtbB,tbr ough-
-&X -to be supported
by the whole parliamentary part� and the-
arrandembute for departure.
,says":'T h; "i'tit
dii 1, if nece�sgr
Germ any anicl are. tryJ09 to in-
*as �brought on by. external 'violence on
the The, eiidenc6 ii ti�
6. Re"ivg and :studying,ghould he done
'L 11, I 'L
- . I �, -� I I �; . .
Louttbb eighth iFieab,moiln were
r given'
overwhelming Majority of- , the people of
II reland.. ensiolis, however, 'L aie,
A London Cablegram e 9 a, a.
ment of Mr Charles Dilke in' thd"L-British�
: uce- dive
the Military Party to ask the Rho
strongly to the guilt'.6f. Relined 'h
y, w o, was
7. uriDg 9 gfboPffigLpoBi-
titdy�ayoid thb
the contestants atz the comme Cement of
'the Mi66'Wjlli& B.Moianjed:a;
entertained that the �m One
ore violent geati
House of,-Cbmmons that the roof
fbrp4rdon.. The mijitaty demand 641�u
. t seenwi6h discoasedL. The ilique * s6w�
tion, 6t whate'veritends to pr6duce congeB-
fleet s6iel, but was Bo far, n the rear that
Irish Ameril ine; force
andria was 116t &1itical has�caused donator-
4o�dition`tbo dil3miBBal-. of': tho:� Khedive!s
a Journed.
I .. : .1 - . , I .
, tion-af the hea&aild
It ough h L at*
a h dmal closed he gaP'
)aviit io-pugb bi
Mi. I a theories so far i to
nation among,t&'Iguropeau residents,",and
two 0 onfidential. aA.despatch
from Montreal Bays:, The
Select w6ll� printed books.
etween himself,a 6,exeAi6n
Ie&4:io.a 6p'il 11 the' Land League' racks"fil
encouraged thb natives to further violence.
The EuropeawP anxiouBly.desire England
1116FV to. Pret3orre a. Sugar. Bush.
subscription books of,thb. Canadian North-
vvesttatid Obitipany, under th& auspices
9.' Correct orrors,of refraction with proper
g asses.
caused by aa,doffig' aa,Ibo grea la.k t �fra'u
n 'Hd w is a4
her an a. a 'an urauce�
State�. Kn`Divitt's known
de fidu tL
'to-'unalip a firiii�'declaratiou of the - coure a
that will be pursued W the Egyptia
'The. t
Cultivaor and dountnj -dentM 7"u
gays "An farmer'who is tlf6
of the Duke of Mancli6ator, will b a closed.
here to-mor�o,�v, applications for far more
10. l�Avold bad hygienic
the use.6f alcohol and tobacco,
:fleet as the'wind for a, quarter of a' ml'le,,
and then fell back. Crickett took the, lead
ever; is relied upoti.,to a6
. I I id.thecieatlon'.
6f!a division bich �6oul�d-not f
.. I . ail I to, prove! -
A mail steamer look $00 deck Rmsaengero�l
who sroj,au t hir 6 ip ,oiberL
old owner of
a, -hue-, .-sugar bi een.-tapped
ish" that"has,b
I I . I �. .. .1 ; -I . 'Ling:
- ',is,
17, but�
than � the am" ount allotted!.to Mont ' real hav,,.
be'en.alread y receive . L
fl.!Take guffidiem exerdise.in the, -open
1: I . . I , I. :.
easily, and maintained it to the end of the
I - .. i,
race, winning it in the'Unprecedente, me
fatal to the inite Irish farmers.
In the House Yi eS ay the
steamers 'took 1' i ,oamen aske& 60,
francs 6 board the
man year s�ini'ouccesbion,�' .yet I,,
d at "ition; The -following notes are'from Edmon
g I 00 te , of'ordiety
hyeical keep pace wit
12. Let the h -the.
ment all culture; fol r, -:ssthenqpla, is Most
of 20 48�,; also -the special prize, for esae,
Dnd elegance.
debate .-was the, aii3endment to
-t a Reiir6�'liion Bfll':8
Many reifl )itly ftni�
Will be
e,re 17 Iat
are tly� plugge A ' no w churc t -nam
he Bpi 11 -a be a el's,
Cl St. kich'a
m6V "d
ad; 'that hi6t&d; of''fin the,
in 'P4�sical de v
Jam I as' Dillon of New H%ven, has
'ClballeDgeid 11616ft Donaldson, or any other,
midatl oil
or*actB 0 se rea 8
f via eucb46,pbrqPn Or ttigh
ilies of Br 12 ts
, , L
dhuibh,Aa to bebuilt.by Rqma�u Catho-
America; to. from the
lacitement thereto.' r. Dillon. efen e
havearrivedi' Cy]piniia"
decaved spot th, e, nek t yea r Buri6undiug�ihp
h6leLmade, by the it, the wood will, be
n on the South Bid a
]IC Misgio Sa�Bkat,
chewan, on the granted theta by
'I ' va C cd.
. A, Cr.Q Ing 31 rey 10 the Coin
um a r in. -leap :
I P -uly 4th
Braoklyu.Brid,ge �on J for, �$500; a
oy,00tting, whip he advo--
the Bystem of b I'll
cated'ih public,gpeecheB
A Constantinople telegram �publishad in'
a Parisianafte no6uL paper says Lord Dufm,
sound and, green clear up to he � hole,. and.
in one�
that the treg�:cau 'be - tappied withi
1. Garneau,. opposite, the ort.
�-io� �4
'U n �'. qual led by any remedy in the World-
n 'at& 'thatr
side. Tbe�conditio a ' 'bdth� r.M6n
are to jqMP at the. Rame time,.and the first
he within the-laW.
Be deelared�'14,64 bat..fokAh%j gyBtam
mlonlight�',.biitiage6'w6uld'�ave begu ii, a,
ferin, -British Ambabs 0- or,,aud;theM,6rquiFj
de Noaillea, Frendlil-' bassador at con.
fourth of an incli, of the -old holeand a goo dL
. ' " L * 13 for,
. �H I
s�p, obtained. a uses,
Seed, wheat Js, worth from $3 a
bushel, bailay.�2 �ftWj oats. out:, of the,
remedy :, for corns., Never to,,duie�i
manlo rise outr'of tbe,Water to''win.-Ite
hasi deposited $50. Dillon stands 5 feet 71
y,- .
r'6arlier thain they" di`d.` They Wojild,
atantinople, have,,% au�seu &.oir6ular
I' Ugg i, "a to have thein
d 'at �2, -a
queadoo a �Potatoeg. a a toiesdu
iover� -produceg, pain; never wages deep,
Xsure; prompt, d.
..cav it tb6 flesh. VIA
inchdg� in height; Weighs 27
not.have"begun at allL if' the Land Lo ague
had been left 'tliberi that:
y eadmitted
the Porto insistibie�&: oL
a- fro 46' lkidki diiiih- have b e
00C 0
giving an assurs ob driv Lt r a iigliiL itt'
Betweeit ttin,aiid tvielv6 thousand rat
pain age reme0",lor, 'corns. by drug-
t.4be Douiiviom� D t j,il
born in W Haven
�earw ofage, a
'In 1867 be -jtljupoa� the Morgan. Cii y
Dhe f boycobting'had been gross y,
b -for �: thw,
the conference Alill'be the set�le�
''. 'f . . . I I men Of
is t'i n
were tr wl bess,;
Ao try 2 ; li- :� L. . : .
ei n
bridge, near'Algier b ighh,:425 I
gratificati6n" of
Re, lit
too id �the
the Egyptian queBi
GOL, . .1 � I I
The vernor,bf,AlOtandria has satied a'
The n trikem.
lu�,.Olj ;
thoee, to � the ]Audi
a on's Bay CoM7*L
gan pany and
4869 1 ke
Camelia, at�Ple r 17, North.Ri�er., 8
G willing to I t accep :an I y
amendme . nt c6halatebt% -with "the
proclamation- decliAil(that the srri7%I at
the Khedi and ]Ai�ish Pash a guar�
TITt8VILLr.W%., June '16 -m -The long
, 1
th's ado their
Osborne'& 81111 W 'for
Too Good tj
elleds a red
Sceu6-A small'. lawn on S t
jumped from a' railroad bridge t
Florence, Ala., 140 f at bigh�. Heju
(Rad iCal�
antee of o au&itfid' citizens
tact, May
A, I
tdent y resume
expected well the an I
Co Inp y
on lot -647 at GiiA614, opinibil #p'l: t: jgoQn,%4'fh6
otta ovt'
10A �blbloek. A-
Mi dp6r are ready
arig, �
ibe'Lig t , 0 'launch
bcj,d6L , '. ",
ning itself on v, I open; os,ge�
, _ 870beforeit
up, imi also.jumpe.d. from, the
said be desired the same ireaiment,ji or
ditn, 'the
It b a,6 ff h a jj�', "'
a he
Ef t a Impos
t t pi d" ;'Lead -'t e
opening a DOW p '
dinberBtoner 18, )9,1 drift
on i" nortli-sidLe of the river, %,few yer 0
d' d
d cf
n &strange Og; wan
la*n-. Th a parrot apeaks
bridge.- He iwti Bailor.
' -A school in , istresi down.
While taking
r"intanerd that Bill,
au ch treatment.,
offioialm I g
e a0 elan ��grest6it,
nations. One th an reti un
Th ow":� owing
sa �We
below his old,bne.
Freighters are- scarce this Opting. All
Sick I "Sick him �1" The dog,*ith,earsand
�jot,r looks upon
'talife hboutfor sometbih
:the swo% and %jeS'rof her pupils and of
their %rents, at,the,beginnin&f �jheterm
Europeans left AlAaudria'ta4ay, but the.
branch pipes into fivo6do. b&rrel. tanks at'&'
going arming .
h' la lid eapies the�parro itad
whic., t6c arge.�;,
asked One L little I fel . 1 1 ow, "Wh t, your
are further depar-
tures. The.qui.yk* filled With terrified',l
rat,'of �,'000 'barrels day�::!Tho *a' 11
Fence rails'cost fro bi 75 cents to $1. a
1 n Molting scene ensues.' From, out the;
of. * d 'b
d mass pg- air and �
r'snama?" Ob, �ou needn't,�Aak6l
Dr. R. V.'PxERcij BlIffaI6,. N. Y.; Dear
S ir-��I wish to state that wida-d-g r,:'�tlg6d
people. The te1,;giaphL-OffidiaI0 - block�
wed..165 b4rielia first
it caii 3 of, a'm0e
hundred for cutting.
� '�Dk; Munro i's busyL ad c'nat'ng the
comes'the stakill cry; 11 Gib out�
down his'namei hels't6b old -to' go to school
to a woman," was the inti6eb ut reply
18, pronounced incurable 'and wag fast- L
aded in' their offidd� and caunot'saely, gis
Out. r Tbomatgr46�ply in the cit y 9.
4 a ore Is oy'for 6,800
to t
ar Is at he all and there Will be
�ia . .
noin this neighborhood.
you b gii� out P Dog. breaks for'
street!,' Parrot, �*after looking a;t herself
. , r
1 114. your hair' a ling you
f I , Out at, r scalp
faii Ing' ka Lthb ,'do6t6ra, tbonghtr
consumptiom, I -obtmi ed ha f dozen
Nine large, s6amerq have been sent from
i great
I 'is, g the P,'L dUctjon�
iffiou V, in 0
m� � head, to �foot, t. gravely froi
diseaabd.? Car, bol r ine, a deddori.odextraet
of eiial, as now improved and per -1�
bottles u,"M
dfryo�r"'Golde *odical Discov.6
Vienna to A10andria for the purp6se--of-
removing desirliag.L to, Is %V8-
The Newer Arithmetic.
Poll yow talk too iJiuch."C1cvela;id
fected,'is jusb'ib6'articleyou need. B'
for her'su t
d she comm6tic6d i"
., mproving it
Ones, and is no w4ell and strong;
Upwards of thousand r kefugeoA are,
expected, at Trieste an Sund4.
iLaraemt Sailing Ship ver Battle.
The Lord Dowrlshii:6,the largest galling
. .
If a man strawberries with
buys %'bai of
the botto 9II44iip'lialf 'way 'to. the �Aop
bottlej,�aud,.Iike thousands who are.. using
it fill Oier� the land, you will Vallipl'itL as the
Vory truly yours, , Ri;v. Isme N. AuGUSTIN.
Di co cry sold by. all drugg . ista�
The,,fianic at Cairo is � Increasing and the
of Europeans r Contin The
a ever consirtio ted, loft Belfast'on Wed� for'25C.,'holvi he bnyLfor $2?r)",
Steam _fUjar.
ne's A; of,t�v6 powerful If it takds'eAg L teen ment do the b6gaibg
6 is constructed of is'290L feet long,. four men do the lifting *beu'a�
That 'gow6'ehiMney better wrChoiCeAt
sweeping tfian�otberia proved a' is
61, &I I . toilet P t,
repara ions.
Bi that you
Wilde; a.. in Ing
offides, of the E=6�oan Control and several
sied, And to steIt
p b
a ng-3,600-itone-�ddad;�4car-horEie-,fallBd6*�-":ho.w'm&nyL OBNB� "I
ay 3erliti by the -result- f-
-experiment par formed 'upon:.,. Some' ebot
som a sffrp
-of thi
btanahee of the
01 t.�, L,L afour'LLInaBig...
. --She
b ire ill be i6wed'to Cardiff for the
h ' 868. on
9 0 Plit,fiVe or
their feet ?, t
with , which'the, Insi . de eurfitc of an old,
and that it was suce ad'
splendidly.'," Brown�'Andlyou
a tiales rocipi
of,. �6itu tdo, be a
including the Cadged public debt, will be
;1trausferred. to . exandria.
0 a W
re of
inder her' oargq,and then..sail'for
JU lia, as .5 ..beaux and Ermily hs, aI'
Pulled down, during Ilia late alt,era;-,
at' _the �Roya' Mint, was found to b6
.. Ir
stood correctly, 1. money
Phrtiler the brai 9 now heb'ilg"the money;.,
sai h D' 11
d a, ust,
be� removed 'th
It is reported that M. 8ciflinkiewitiz, the
San Fr n 6 a. Ca'r di ff AI'di 1.
'leL the old maid next door1as none.
tbickfy �,caked. This f16 haA served.for
tile bring aud tbb:busjness,, .,I,bav
ahould,fiever it i bI
I O-rench donaul-General, has asked to - be
116-deol -16v,
the secu trity of French subjeetS.L
How many beaux in.:sll,� and'how
T1 -'-should- --th-7-W
--:wou1d-be-'IeftAf-tbey. gi v r a e.o .
1, by Dr.
eC hil' tbig Y6ak ML maid r half t4e 6t6Wd ?
manyl�ieais -Aqi� -- - - -
given I off, by , the. furua6eB in which the
bulliop undergoes fusion before' its c6n'ver.
�.. — - - L
a, a led io.liberate' a
A certain sheriff, w a c I
TboEie who are' accustomed to proscribe:
b Alexandriw
H,Bg arlik, remained 46ekB'un.
If six man who'talk. politics anadig P�utb
Sib t' ,
nL In 0 Coinage; 'an d it occurred to' th6.
Worthless debtor'by receiving his oath that
or use Phoo o restore Bra in ',And
A council of war wag eld at
to -day, and orders were isgued the
attended by anyrdiscoveriee, of moment.,' A
communication,. however a list
on, Bib queations can build a Wall iufiVq�r
days, how long will' it 'take two men wbo�,
architect gUpbrIntending.L'tb0, .,repairs 14
bat it! might be woith *bile to
be was not, worth five poubdk�:,, Well,
JL the' sheriff, as he ontered�
ir Mi
Nerve Power, � should bear n nd that
this element of ilerve dasue i's furiliS'lled
troops strictly maintain -order. Four
policemen have been ariestii d, 'Charged
been received from hltu�by Prof. Virellow,
Whistle and flirt with' W: On, the
analyze . 'the. ' scot lirll'ing th' .'b*
Le 0 Impey
Can you 8.wes r th4t y,ou are not worth five
to the ay6tem by, nature only in the form
with siding the rioteis.
in Alex 6ndria
0 f Berlin, announces i�fiai behas Once more
auccee8fal., He hae brought to light
Corner, to do ibe same work
A ffian' r Pave 30c. for thide, pounds Of
t) IrOU6, whieh'fume6r. of, boiling' gold, and Its
Bilverl had pass6d"iii such 4dantitiee.
-wil IL b
pounds, i%iid never Why,"
ailswered'ttie othei,riither,chagrined at the
' 'L
of Phosphates as' they exiSt in L our d aily,
f The phosphorus is.
God. assimilated by
A street quarrel occurred I a
to -day, Cspa'ug a frdsh p nic, but the'
architectural reicaiuB of, the higbeat in.
evaporated �Pplea and. gets a 114 news-
r yield of.. four pounds
results r6 r a the
,hat ambeen
, "I' ' ' r not Wo
q tion, an swear rW
the cell �portion, of ,braia,.while, the
troops suppressed the disturbance. The
tar est.' In the lowet-portion of tb6,h of'
Zisgarlik:he haa opened series of halls,
ng them' to an'L
paper puff for Bendi orphan
DoealeL gain;�O
asylum. r lose, and'how
weight of pure gotdvaued'a ao6ut $1',0001
obtained from the Boot th , at I I
wa�s scraped
th t I amount' at;, present." , Well, well,
r tur6dAhe justice, ,.I ban swear to th a
LIME, AND IRON aid in btfilding up the
tissues by exciting nutritiofi.. ..It is owing
Khedive and Dervish P&aha telegraphed,
to -day to the Porte entreating troops to be-
car Hdiarwand.vaults, which, according to
a confident beliof� are,ruina of the citadel
much ? . I . I .1 . .
How many peak 'peach-baakets; .'each
-tb' ley
off 6 inside of,th6,,meltiDg-rQom chimi.
rest -so steprforward,Johnny.
Within tile Past two days the weather
to r Dn.' WHEEtER'S , C '
onaround Elixir of
Phosphates ai3,d Calisaya supplying this
An Alexandria despatch, dated last.
of ancient Pergamos. . Dr., -Schliewami,
adds that the regearGhoB lie has' recently
holding Six quarts,mill be required to hold'
sevela bushels' of,peachas 'bushel of
exp OBI - ve
A now I been 'Invented by
has b �Ibome very warm. slid many soien'.
are 0 aordin�
tists r to Credi't the, eXtr
agent in an easily assimilable form, 'ibat. it
is so reliable in all form,; Onervous dd.
(Thursday) night, Bays: Matters ate no
better; the alarm is spreading to-
been prosecuting have convinced him that
hich is abort four qua Fte ?
ose ongineei.
M. Petri, a V16TI The name
it5a dy:6amogen; and itia lik6ly'46L
110 odtbuiBt of'spots on 'the sun luring
-of :the
bi , lity.
villages; all trains from the ."intekiror'sire
tboviewsbe-baB hitherto held, respecting
Ahe hAe of ilium, and Ofmany Of the
compete 6criougly with gdiipawder.� Tb 0
past Week t the he cause
t ot, bliug
Las weak a huge ali reSeM to
crowded and every ship ta the harbor is
filled. The, Bfitigh Admiral has chartered
-he formerly 4iscovalied,'will require ile
i threatened
FRAw&r a :"with- invaisloll-
notfrom her neighbors, but from Within
inventor that it contains- either
filatphuric 'said,, nitric , acid ' nor nitro-
riis). nd. its position u Pon
Mra. J. C. Henderkr6n, q Cleveland, Ohio,
rR. sent for transport. Capt.
Int ligeiace� has' recently been received
her'own borders. They say'that thous-
glycerine, and tbatit cannot injure in,any,
L the disc -the,fteat spot that accompaiiied,
lbe magnetic storms of April,r crept�alowly
writes The use of two Df Pierce's I Pleag
Pur��tive day,
tb p Galena,
B-tch-lier a Ainerican ishi
is fugitives of unprotected
-fronatailgkok AsiMi6 chalets lb'as
ands' and thousands of beetles are coinitag,
to Ia-y waste the la;nd. �Vigorous'
way, gun or caAtidge. The Charge
of �c
lynamogen is in the, I a L, rm of agolid
around ther 'eastern eag p �f the, sun and
PelletB' a, a
for .GW
weeks, lias entirely ciired me of sick-
nationalities.- He has orde 'd.Vice-Coiiaul
0,95ii I broken- out that Populous cityj
The epidemic is said. to be confined to t he
tions, are being Made to ieceiv mid��
a the, for
cylinder, which can be inortiaBed. q"
tity without being increased by
wdvandea.with tb6 revolution of the orbi
until 'on Monday'A. was - well 'situated' for
headache, from whiob'j formerly suffered
terribly,� as often, on, ail Iverage'r
Comalaos to advise all . Americans dome
an board, and I the barque..
quarteri known- as' Sampeug, but
large Europeans
able nemy. children, ouf of school
hours, are to hunt these li'ttle,ps its and get
Jt size�
Compression. , T a. n3atiufabture of�'r
observation( Between un ay an d Mon.-
dayLa R'Waful�,O,f apots,"lirdho,ou like
as once
OI n.
ten d all drug is 8. , , , r 1. I
to 'a'
Savonis, expressly to afford mo ccom
Judge Farman and judge
a number of have -been
a of the disease.
ictim , Notwithstanding
two Soup %, qUgkt_f6j j....
r In Belgium
thereia, an'6rganizearlesgtie bf-the pri'maky
m6gen is Bfinpiq and without, danjW it
pgpgerve�k its qfialiiieslfi��the� cold as ti Or
11, ,
fade � in
ei4tion Upbb" 6 -the
.4 I .
I I . .
At the Meeting of the Estall'.
Barringer and Wife are7 afforded all, the,
its' Prevalence the festivities' connected
with the centennial ottliefoall d I Of tfier -ingooto.
school children against beetles and hurtful
In'therTovince of Namur
. ! ' '
hott�sfVeather; and caii�,pd Made t4�O per
less than
neighborhood,of ille large spoti , Yesterday
this swarm had de�eloped into
lished' olaiiich: Ass'mbly, Professor
Milligan, Aberda Moder.�
needful protection. The, American Govern-
ment should solid, a special ConsUl-Gelldral
City go th&j'C&pital' of.,the hiZ391M till
killed I in tbred'unbuths 6,839 butterflies, and .
ant., cost gunpowder'.,.,
, I , � I I
several large spots, partly surrounded by a
Of eil,� as elected
ator, the usual speeilres were' passed
immediately to Egypt. The! Rheilive 'has
Order froni the Sultan to
continuedi Tho�, streeta w-
processions, and so crowded. that' - it was
21,16tirses. ' There are 800 -caterpillars
every so � thfit would make
I .. wetr him a&iii, the other day. 0
I beA*
redov6red-fro0the relapse occasioned by
broad'penumbi -al shade,,, and close in's
, r- ,
-place here the day b6fore there in 4% only
- 11 . :
between him,and the Cominiskoner, and.'
the.-Qideeii'a usual gifj�.of. 2,000. for- -the.:
just received an
go back to Cairo his Obedience is doubtful.
dangerous a id-onthcipublio.koikds�
7,000,OW 'of these napty; �eehiky, orkwling
our seridup coAvergatio of � month ago.
ke, him where be had taken i' bi6
ashadowy � speck, upon the� whit'o a
great round had:sudrdenly 'formed
cial purpoae of �Jx�opagmting 'la, know-
spa -
Our Cairo correspondent wiregthat tlabre
is a fearful panic there, which Arabi. is
On the 94th of M ay John Maijea�6� of
Mile "tig7,'-savvd from drowning a � woman
littlobeasts that the was happily
as Oh I"' �he replied; # I'm living by
for the be
having a broad penumbra i d black can.,
an a
tral thousands of miles actoos All
0 a prl 8
f th a f th to.
formed roli �gion in 0 6n Ill n S and
\doing all e Cafi -to oaIM.'LaWuight a
%nA/,her 6filld who were about to fall into
In-w.Alkingou. the: street with 6 gd�, if
ual present. .1 should
deligli[ted it you'd drop in pains
arouncl jhii larger " spots, little sp6ak; were
of Scotla, d '.'
Wanda n was ,duly. achnow.
st%bbod an Arab w6ry,merchant.'
.'There wo.9 great bxcitexelut, but the
tfie.�*Mter while' attempting step Upon
the swing part of daitaraqui Bridge 'near
by reason of the crowd, or any qaUBej it iii
neoeasary to singly the.
Thn I loft bim.1
The Costume
to lic seen, showing ow the wh6le surface:
ofthe'sun in - that neighborho' fl� was agi.
,poldiers prevented a riot, The American
'Kingston. 111-ma,king the reson McLean's
proceed gentleman
ph ould ead the ay.
peculiar of tha'.dw�lleis in
Arizoila, is thus described. by 9,
tatel 1 The area covered by 221 outburst
Young and middlea�gdd men, suffering
Government should send a all 1prto l6malla
id� suodor. the Cairo,' fugiti; m., Matters
hand was badly crush4d. The wound. bu
b�ecomo ulcerated- and promises to paui6
Be fils, htM.
-0scar Wilde ig� changing his' costume fro.-
��on�ly during his sbco inl, Western topi., in
" tenderfoot,: In ordinary! Weather be
wears! g, belt V�ijh Pistols in,, it., '
Wlien it
dap6te is a triangular figure containing, 113
, ii, r d ZJUMb6kBJr g, tho , and � millions of,
to u
fibui nervousdebility aidkindred Affections,
memory and' by h a
as, loss of - Poe on ria,
three for Part V11.
throughout the'countrylare most alarrding;,
Tdwfik and Dervish arb Powerless. there
much trouble. � may. lose I
he proper way to check'Blander is,to,
Coat of r
incinnati he wore'a wvftfflow-taildd black
velvet; lined With red silk, knee -breeches and
of black, black
. we! chilly be Puts od�& 'other r belt 'With
jist;614 in it,'and wheti it boodines
ilr a
square r a of the polar surface.
visilit blaok dot
disturbed region is e as, a
ahould'inclose stbaps of
I I Brbf pa
World's. Dispensary Lhie'Serie
is a �`universal' expression of praise of the
Galevai for tendered. It
deapia6 it,; attemptitoov rtak6 it and rol
it, and it will outrun you.
waistdoat Oatfn, silk, stockings
and masses of lacd i,n place,of shirt bosoa2 and
Cold be throwa 9 Winch6stor Alto oveebts
bon, the eye is pro-
lets, , Ad dress W6rldJ'DispehaaryMed1jo*aI
As ociat on, Bhffalo,�T, Y�
the succor VV ould
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