HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-29, Page 7• ON AND AFTER THIS DATE Sup As equivalent to Cash, 01 IN'2'01\T WILL TAKE THIS MEANS A DISCOUNT OF TEN ON ALL PURCHASES FOR And it is generally conceded' that we' have a stock :of. Ani._.CANTLE That has no equal north of London, ' either for style, variety or good value To our customers who live east, west' we' will refund your north or south, • railway fare, provided you purchase from us goods to the amount of, S20. c We have a :stock of CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, Unrivalled in this county of ours, :[either as regards; style or Lprice. ' T. K. ANDERSON,the celebrated Cutter Late of Seaforth„ has charge of the. department Give e as a cal 'when in town, and don' o get o2 Clinton, ane 15, 1882.: TUB OPINING 811OT FOR 1582: If'Catar'rk has destroyed" vour sense of smell , and hearing Hull's Catarrh Cui1 re wL'eu a ygty St. Thomas Journal. 75 cents per bottle. Druggists sell it. For mule A. trial of the lit. Thomas Harvester was held by-S,ST. Combe. on the farm of.Mr. J. S. Palmer, Mt. Yemen; county of Brant, on the 15th of June: The trial waaau exceptionally severe one, .as the most difficult grain toout was selected, being green rye, averaging six feet in length. A sample Of the grain has been shown its, and, undoubtedly der ordinary circumstances. The trial a W a :lune that could cut it satiefaotorilp must be sure to meet with ungdalifled approval un. as evi- clewed by the following testimonial from Mr, Palmer, was a succeas in every particular, and the Cochrane Manufacturing Company are to be congratulated in procuring a'Harvester se- cond to none inthe market.' Practicall tests of, this kind determine the yalue'ofa reaper.'not the amount of gaudy paint that it can be adorn- ed with for show 'purposes. The'testimonial speaks for itself : GE/qrs.—This is to say- that the St. Thomas Harvester, manufactured by the Cochraue'Ma- .nufacturing•Comppahy, was tested on my place yesterday,near.Mount Vernon, county of Brant under the worst of "circumstances, and :gave first•elasa satisfaction.' • The straw cut was green rye, of which I send you a sample, aver- aging over 6 feet'high growing among high corn stubble, and the; 'wind blowing a gale from the welt; driving the"grain lute the rake head, but Iii, spite of these disadvantages the machine worked 'well, and was well tested in its various qualities, being -driven at a slow walk to test its cutting capacity and at a run to test its endur- ing qualities ; all of which 1 can bear testimony •gave the utmost satisfaction to myself and all others present, there being no breakages or tinkering. J. S. PALMIER. ' J. T. MARSH; Clinton, is agent for the above machine. BORN. -8 onTxcoTT.=At.Blyth;;on-the25th-inat., the wife of Mr. W. Soutbeott, merchant tailor, of a sou. " Cu»MORE.—In Clinton, on the 26th-inst. ,the wife of Mr. Wm. Cudmore, gf a son. SMITH.—In Auburn on' the 16th inst, the wife of Rey. A. E.Smith, of a daughter. MCLAREN.—At Bradford Pa:, on the 22nd inst. the wife of.Mi..Jas. McLaren. (form= erly Miss Frank Craig, of - Clinton) of a daughter. MARRIED. MCDIARMID—'CAMPBELL.—At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. M. Cameron, on the 20th inst., Mr. Jas. McDiarmid, of Stanley, to Miss Lizzie Campbell, daughter i Crockery, , Glassware, 8(c. of Mr. Duncan Campbell, of the township of i — Naasagaweya, county of Halton. Oatmeal and Cornmeal alwar's on hand. DIED. — Wria,ows.-In Clinton, on Jane 23, Charles,L- infant son of Mr.. ''P. ''.Pillows, aged 10 months and 4 days: CHAMBERS.—In Clinton, on the 27th . inst., James Chambers, in the 30th year .of his arm: sad Tow>l Properties fir Sale GOOD BARGAINS. 1. That well-built three-story brick atOre and dwell ing, on the corner of Huron and Orange streets, known as the Mounteastie store. Would be exchanged for other property, or sold cheap on long credit., 2. That large and commodious;frame dwelling house near the G.W. Railway Station, lately, occupied by the Station agent.' Has parlor, dining roofs, eight bed. rooms, kitchen, pantry! etc. ,Large stone cellar. Hard and soft water•in building. Suited for a large family pr a boarding-house. Lately finished and in good oon- dition. Appy to the owner, bill, G. EEFri.ev, or to the: undersigned. 3. Lot 826 Mary Street (opposite Mr. C. Ilelyar's re- sidence) \vitt' neat cottage of three rooms andsumner kitchen • good well and pump ; choice fruit trees in Nsa�` ag 4. The valuable hotel 'property on Victoria *Street, Clinton, known as Lane's Hotel, now occupied by Mr. Geo. liner; comprising'alarge hotel building; -driving, house, house, four choice town lots &e! • 5. That elegant two-stiry, frame dwelling house on Huron Street, Clinton, formerly.held by J. C. Miller,. now occupied by Mr. John P. Martin. 6. That choice and well -situated farm, part of Lot 6, Huron Road, Goderioh township, comprising E5 acres;" of firsb-class land nearly all cleared and in good con- dition. Goodbuildmgs, &c. Only one mile from G. W. station. 7. Lot 21 on Huron St. ,with the dwelling house now occupied by Mr. Simeon; G. W. R.'station agent;also ' lot 40 on Mary Street• abutting on the above lot. The lots will be sold together or separately. Apply to the owner; Mr. Thomas Jackson] or to the undersigned. 8. The house'and lot, No. 845 'on ,Mary Street, now occupied Mr. Wm. Davis. The house contains three rooms below; and one in the upper story; has hack kitchen, garden well, Ac. Terms Easy. 9. The store and dwelling on lot 18, Huron Street, formerlybelonging,to H. Norsworthy, and now occu- pied by Mr. A, Bennett. Also, other lots and buildings for sale. Apply to H. HALE, Huron Street, Clint+ n o to COOPER'S TOR ,R.,' C R C HF�P G O FIE S Potty's :celebrated Eaglisb Breakfast 8acois, Total! Clear Bacon, Sugar. Cured Dams, - And ,So. 1 LARD: - At prices •whieh cannot be,'beaiten in town: C1.IN'f(►N RARKETS. June 2S, 1882: Wheat, fall, % husli, $1 25 • a 1. 2S Spring, 1 26 a 1 28 Oats, 0 41 "a .:0' 42 Barley. , .0 75 a ,0 80 Peas, • 0 70 a 0 76 ' Flour, • ' 6 00 . a 6`50 Potatoes, - 0, 65 a ` 0 70 Butter, E,gge, Hay, - Hides, Sheep pelts = Lamb skins; Wool, - HIS 60 C. TEA Ai SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON • O 15,.a (o)1(s', 17' a John MciGarva, . 1300 a'1400. 5 00 a .6 00 001;205 ', - a a 00 4015 AND DEALER IN 0, 18: 20 -GROCER S AND 'PROVJSIONS., SALT : MANUFACTURER,; Bright's Disease at the,Hidneys, Diabetes. No dangerfrom the diseases if you use Hop Bitters; besides, being the beet family medicine ever mt,tlr,?, Trust no other. STORE TO 'RENT, IN BIICK' BLOCK, CLINTON. ' EtItit ..,a+�alile For FIardware,.Groceriee, D'y Goods or genes al business. Good stand.;, Rent rea- _ sonab1e. Apply to R.,IRWIN, CCi:ntorr,: .FARM 'FOR SALE. NEAR'', THE " VILLAGE' OF BLS TH,' 'OnLondint, Huron &Bruce>Railway. T OT 2:1 ou 14th can. of township; of Mullett., _Le 130 acres . of ttrst-crass' land. about ]calf cleared, and. balance . drat -class hardwood; a good spring runs across the lot ; small orchard, also. house.' • Blyth station, on -London. Huron & Bruce Railway, where there are extensive salt works, is 139`miles distant. :Apply to' Box 964, Toronto P. 0. ALBERT STREET, 'Opposite- the Town;'Hall. '. Very: Choioe Lard, Hams •& Bacon For sale at lowest .prices. I�a'Ca�h paid fo• [`arm Products.. J. McGARVA. Clinton,.„Apri1,4, 188.2. : Baby Oarria; B. o Makes Your Boots �UICKSHA.N THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS' OF Mein, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes, Spring 'Stock well assorted, an cora lete in all departments. p p ALL GOODS SOLI? CHEAP FOR CASH 0. CRUICKSHANK, BRICK BLOCK CLINTON CLINTON .�o CORBETT & BOLES Proprietors. The aubseribers tale this opportunity" of informing the public that they have erected a large new Woollen Mill in Clinton, with a capacity tbrbe times as great ,as the old one, havefitted up the • same -with the very best andlatest unproved Machinery,' and are prepared ,to turn out CUSTOM, ORK AND MANUFACTURING.' On the shortest notice and in: the best workmanlike manner possible. Carding, Spinniing,Weaving, Naniifaetnring of all kinds. Blankets, Flannels, Tweeds, Full "Cloth, Horse' Blankets; .Sleeking' •Yarn, ,etc., made to : • order and kept constantly on `hand. -to' exchange for wool, or sell cheap for cash. ROLL 'CARDING A SPECIALITY. Having placed' in our factory a complete and:.pew„Roll Carding Machine, farmers may expect the best Rolls it is possible' to make. Satisfaction' in this line and all others guaranteed -:EXCHANGING FOR WOOL. Farmers. bring in you wool; we Will buy it or oxchange'it for goods. Our Factory being capable of manufacturing onehundred thousand pounds of Wool in a year, you' will always find a market for your Wool iu Clinton, and THE HIGHEST PRICE: PAID. 1DEsPATCI-1 OF' BN USIESS.; Our capacity being so great, you will always be able to have your work done on the shortest notice. Our MR. CORBETT havingcarried on the Woollen bit iness for tine last"seven years, in Clinton; takes this. opportunity,of thanking his many customers and friends for their lrberal,patronage in the past, and(tile new firm would' kindly solicit the: patronage of all 'tits old customers, and, • hundredslof new ones.. CORBETT; & BOLES, .OLINTON.- 0 JUST RECEIVED, A splendid assortment. of TRIAGES WHICH. 'WILL BE SOLI AT VERY LOW RATES: Painting; Glazing, &c - THE .undersigned is prepared to execute in a satin, factory manner, all kinds of HOUSE: Peisszao GGAzINo,• Ketso]1iaise PAPER 'RANenie and -ROOF,.: TAasiao,on the shortest notice and at the most reason- able,rates. Residence--Rattenbnry Street, 4 doors west of the Methodist church May 18. ' GEORc E POTTS. Clinton, May 18, 1882. •ewrto . ,Denn1 HARNESS MAKERS, CLINTON. hard lan an d Rcc ;EN:D.1 altos Prices at Twitcholl's MY• STOCK 0F C A .R. R I A EMBRACING. THE LATEST'ST'YLES, CONTINUES' TO ARRIVE; 'AND WILL BBE D1SPOSED. 01 AT THE VERY LO WEST PRICES.' CALL: AND SEE '.r.HEM. TRUNKS FOIR- TSE-"11[ILLION;. eady Made' Clothing, Hats and Naps, Boots and Shoe, And 20 chests choice Teas. (r: Now Seii1r4 elow uo. ARNBSS, BOOTS and SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MONEY TO LOAN-'-PaTvA'cL ...--06N1» AT Lots RATE of 7 rrrr5'r. SHINGLES --1200 bunches of .GEGRGIAN BAY'SFIIi1GLLS far sale, from 45c • ' 'per bunch, tin. 'thorns over store to let. Nr,ic-tiir- is 1 I OC11�'. Chic fo>i> :' • NTRAL : DRUG STO .��.EIUdIPFiREY'S HOMEOPATHIC :REMEDIES, CUTICUIt4 T3T'MuI)IEfi; KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE.. ..Alia, alt the:recent patents' kept in stock or' procured to order. A large stock' of WIRE AlBRUSHES; TOILET ,.SPONGES,' PERPL NIERV &C. Very cheap. CEL14t1t,OIO TRUSSES at. reduced rates. PITYSTCIAS'S' PLIESC121rpTI0NS and family 'receipts acccrately compounded with catre and despatch. (HBAIT5"i' AND :Dlllrf.GISr1',. CLINTON, ONT. Sign AT ,l BE of the Red :. WRIGHT'S :" OLD STAND. 'he public are cordially invited to call and ex- amine goods and prices. 73AYL�Y, CL2N".TO1� BUTCHERING BUSIN ES S : /TIiE undersigned desires td intimate tothe',CC iC boughtt 1 d nit that he hashl. of Clinton and vt t y, butchering business formerly carried.on-by Mr, 1'iobt. Fitzsimons, and while returning his thanks to those tie in business + iz '' him uh 4 1 t n ed hb rat a r� who so c Y p before, he would risk for a continuance of their trade, assuring them that he will, use his utmost ehderforsto Ore satisfaction in .every respect. • Orders Solicited. Remember Lite place --R. Fitzsimons'; old stand , A. 'Nati'''. . ,. ('liOt'on Morch ,no; 1842. fiulebOY. CLTNTTON KERY R. M LENNAN `'• DESIRES to intimate to the people of Glutton 'rid yimnrtythathe has re -opened his bakery on V i c- tor a Street and will be to su P1Y them with anything inhis line. • Bread, Gabes, &e., of oil kinds kept om hand. Bread sold at the 'shop, at the following prices: •-4ib, loaf4-12cents ; 2 ib. loaf 6 cent.. no orders booked. Patronage "respectively snlieited. Remember .tth ” plebe—Victoria. St., Clinton.