HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-29, Page 27
JUIPLe 0,9,:
Duke. What have.. you been doin& with
usAmale popul *on' 1 suggested itself
surpI M4,
view I have `�b, ii� Copying tbis'niorniag,
Y ourself 2" inquires Luli.
frequently and forelbly to Mrs. bravei-ind
you would4oAder �� that I: keep a sobei
I've been doing, good work, my
Kit,during the oodm of their friendly
on at a I I' The b, arbinWe nami is Ange,
Rev. Dr. Begg has been Berle
r lies Duke, deeining -it qui safe b
e'otionste under cover of t clatter an
2 -
eudeAvors in Zora's behalf.'
ing i aee�' f6r,it", a
Ibe only th aid Zor
I ilia is never �MetitiOuOa Without tb a pro fiiof
. iTbebeautifull and-inthemidet'of gar.
MIA ParnilQWaylays the Lord-Lieutona nt
the obatter going Oil lid! round.' -'I Lave 6
h eiself, frankly, with herlet omilif, il is
With her lovar,''11-8
on t he Street.
Rev. Neil Taylor, of Dundee, has aoqepW
the call of tb 0 Free Church congregation Of
cultivating th a friendship of a, gentleman an
whose will'and pleasure &good deal dependi.
116 ISIAWW116M
to PxPoyt us in ship-loadi -
weAre in emand, as it is evident that here
d",w1i,1,'.grgPa,rSpOeoh two long� on the
effects of emotion, on of the
bornoch. and the Preabytiary hail o'ousented I
-AL i fe s Mv-ster1r,
You b�ehotd him over � there," -nodding
toward the end of the table, where the oritio,
the demand is inocriv I ardent I y far axe
l i6eded
b; r the S�p
"I wife thinks- it
,w9ndar the author's
Time Sioldlers 'in Ireland �to nave 1,oaded
-Fire,arnia-Thie Iriviii Queotlen in
to �44 translation.
a the editor 'At --i-
are ptr
Ditt.Nve, obauWaanotion. your being g p.-.
a secretary or,
af6,to a low bin! -li, fl hi
0, nierber's lot of B tockings with, dises,tia
I I I . I �1
Most of the clan are here, I tihinkL'
re uds Duke, as the" shsk6lIauds.
t6 break itib, the citadeL of an obdurate
raised pie,whose�wals of granitdrrefuse to
pad off, can.tiqll you," said Kate. ,.W.ait
'and'sed if we� cauli6t bition fiometfiing
-love, ob on
ories,". Observed Kate looking
ZprN a, ove y, mate skee.,
Alast (Thursday), night's Dublin de spatch
f Irritated
action. Atilength the Merchant
demstIded, 11 What the de'il do I ye 4int?l
-he. perceiving Lufl,'Mr. Loftus bows
r emoving his, gr&3 7 felt wide-awake
yield e*gnio the combined 4ta6k.
Continues, Duke, I,, think I have done
better f6r'you'before long
a, Zors, the more
The more Kati saw of
. 46 di
Safe, my pirKate gouty,, be'is
rheumatic -'and 'oh, I So.. old"afid go ugly It
exciting incident occurred in Dublin
to -day wiierditi,Mi
ips a lead-.
Why, bow�legged be.' suro,'�
id he, div, tn'to;�
laying his pad& extr mities.
With's graceful SWe6�r; and when, in the
-'da -you
good stroke of business' to Y, ; and It:,
charming and Pleasing compamon she
seemBbalf farce mudhalf a aqr ago or
it ' f
ing part. As the Lord-Lieutenstit, egoorted
The deer �forest of.'D.undon6ll, . bn'th§
course Of a few minutes,, the stou t lad Y
with.'sn', exclamation of Porter I ter
I go to Italy, I'll join' the party P
I 4"That's jolly -l" exclaims Rate Craven,
foUn'd har;"the old Childish 4 intimacy
revived with double strangth,� anat he plan'
him to, talk about loib even Ili his book."
� 14 Well, popr'fellow I I SUPPOBEI It 8: was
by Cavalry, at la accompanied by an aide.
de -camp, rode', through Westmoreland
estate of Mr. Mackenzie of Dundbiell, ban
b '06o tdX
pen let.'st,s'ieut of eariy,;B3, ej or.
,I id'111, leaps- up from, her 96 I at, andp�zttch--
overhearing th;se words from the opposite
-vilticli Kate was revolvirij in her m I ind WAS
'Young once I" Said. Kate. "Do you think,
street ou his Way to t he Castle, a. lady ran
, , I I
Platt and kii,Sydney 'Platt. This -forest'_
C9 betbandboxes'and bage, makes &wild
side of the fmble,,whaie she is seat6d, and
to Coax her parents, who refused
then, that only young' and handsome people.
out fro,thOfootpath and',seized the bridle
including Grinard I shootings, �oxteuds to
rush at 'a passing official, Mr. Loftus calmly
putting her head on one Bide to catch,
a har anyt ing, to tak
h a Zora t6winter abroad,
on .1 Wag
ght to be, to talk about love,.
Of'Hi4Ex6b116noy's horse. He pulled up,
upwards of 60,06adres.,
Slips into her place, And begins to converse
with Lull'in a def6rentfidly admiring tone.
glimpse of Duker and Luli between a barley-
��utgbitem 8 and an epergne at flowers that
with them6
Zora Would be,& delightful compmnion�
You Must Consult; sout6otber muthority
41�ndiha-lady`thena 1dressed som6. words to
hini in reference to the prevention of th 6
AnEdinburgh D. DL. is engagedon a now
lite � of Robert Burns, and, he discovered,
Presently a, bell rings, and' the Holmw
I'm go glad vou'll: W
In a veue!� on
'flap Mr.
and'useful friend uld help Kate to pack,�
on iove," Zora,replied, smiling,�but with,a
erection of Land League for evicted
that the. that ernal 'ancestors' o I f I the'.poet
0oodpaorty are summoned take their
seats. Duke and Luii have no need ;tc
W0 have 'times I Glencairn ? Mr.:
leficairn I pleasb dome out of that brown
and run on bar erran&, And med her
dresses,.andbe ggherally,h%ody, andWoUld'!
shade'of halfbitter meaning, call
Z know about it �, It's m,luxur3f beyond me.."
tenants. RiB Excellency seemed puzzled
form moment attli i
estrange position dwhicti
were of Celtic 'brigin.and 'birth. The
7bograpbical 6rk: of Dr. Roge is antiol-
"is much to get,into the same ear�
mano euv
ri 'they are mancouvred.for, and a good
study nd , fi glass. Now, this is,to
drink to the happy ra union of the most
no doubt, soon pick up the language,. With
an eye to the development� of this plan-
AtAh a
i-nons ns6, Zora I' Said Rate, nodd.
Ing wisely ;, "I am sure -you mubt. hive
h awasplace.d.- HespokeAfewwoidgivati
undertone to his side-&6amp, who dis�
't.a with much interest.
of trouble in'Ahat line is taken off
attractive members.of the -present party on
had ' a, uey co'
which, indeed, Km�teh:%v, nceived.
--6v—eii first iound
pke"t -0 Lf-flirt—stions�oxlly-ypu-o-re-wq-uie
-mounted stid,--politel led -the, lady -to'" the
lir. ohn. idrk, writer, has died at his
residen terrace,,� GlaEg
ce.' 10 Windsor Owl
as -the
-kind,to engaged cou ple6-too kind I somew-
Wbom'does that toast include, Miss
ffCmtfiatI1nq E, e! lr� that
Zora wag in Straightened circumstances-
i.o have, Y
W1 M 'got to flirt With, except
fdot ath. eithe th Lordu
p r a Lieutenant
nor his, aide -e -camp know Miss Parnell
73rd yemi. He commeti'ea bdisinew
times,'ms lovers of laconic and reserved, and
Craven?" inquiraa- Duke, through' the
Kate. pu'rolimued an Italian, grammarand
my friend the 'engine driver, below ? And
Seemingly. At-, the direction 'of Earl
in - 1835, and wap not long in prmcticabefoie�
ladies f shy and retiing;, natures feel
trellis work -if the barl6y--gugar temple.
an easy r9ading-book, and Presented them
bia, hands are always grimy,� and, he never
Spencer, th6'aide-de.camp told -her that if
big' 'merits as A mercantile lawyer were
wheii they Perceive the eyes of a friendly
Not you of course," retorts Kate.
to Zora-who was'somewhat. surprised by"
cleans iendailidid'Zora,with an
She presented her' card ai the castle, the
fully recogniz, ad both, by the public, and thd
and Sympathetic 'world watching for.evi-
I am out of � it, I'm'af raid, Katie T! sug-
the nature of the gif t-writh, a request that
air *ofpl.acidoriticism,.
Lord-Libutdnant', would hear anything she
dencee of their mutual devotion.
�gests Glencairn.
I -
she would study them attentive y.
T or 's,your Polish refugeB.?f' Auggestma
had to Say.' � Ib was only wheii the party,
The, death is,-aunounded, of r�
In -the beautiful park-likegronndi around
go, indeed you are not -we couldn't do
1; t,
�Mrs. Craven ww_a; ittle astonished a
hate him I" the
wis ildiiig.off,that agenternan in the
Kerr, thb oldest me'on the Scotch plifision
Holmswood, Hall. Duke and Luh, foirilie
W Ithouit she' replied', with' frank
first when Kate, with an air of pleadingana
I Baia othbri quickly
crow"dinade. known to the.Lor&Li en,
lout ant
list, Lit 0laBhmore,-1u Asisy'nt',Atthe age of
Ind. themselves - able to renew
first time, f
61pridlitiess, and added- inore demurely,
confidential-inysteiy, unfolded her Scheme.
and Sincerely.
who �fie l6dy,,wa§. ' Miss ites a;
Partiell wr
101 y6aro. Kerr Served thro�gh 'the
C -a- ete.
their tet "' t
With a ischievous sparkle . in, her eyes-,
"But ' 11 'She Said -- I do
. my darling child,
�ow,goi P9 to a_'partX21' inquired
letter to su evening, paper, wherein Bh I 6
- . .
Peni*Bulai:� War undifr Wellhigt&i.: He-
thought I never be able to got
"A. skeleton at tfie-fes8t is.mbsolutely' neces-
notse a whm�you want with another'friend
Kate, volatile as usual in jumping from one
Ing version o t
i,ve8 the follow* f he affair.
enic )yed the. Queen%...pension- for -the long
a word. with youj," exclaimed Luli,.bmlf
sary'to our, contentment, mud.,yqu make
and compemon I There is Luli; is she. not
subject'to another, and pointing to t be blue
, I .. shocked to'seb that ilib a'
rection of
period of aiiiy-two yearg. Up'to the time
laughingly,' half plaintively. " Talk of
beeans wide'l: I 'am, sure, we have been
such a first rate Bon& I"
Glghcairn laughed aloud, and big Some-
a charming companion?" l'
Oh yes, mother dear," replied Kate.
silk dress bn� the bed.
- io;'thii's sn'exchange'I am making.
sh r or
efte I �the -fwe,�hundrad'�peraons
evicted in county Lim erick had.been again'
B Bath be Walked eig
of hi 'd* lit ti�iles,'to the
church qvery�Sundmy.
-�as effectually. Separated to-diy so f mr, Well',
what grim expression vanished in a broad,
Luli is'as,good and sweet sit She can be,
What good -is' alight dress to we? I never
stopped. I met � Lord Spencer on' the
The London Gan'tte announcesi that the
now Duke, fwas telling you about the,
Aud'alcity iiei
,amused Smile. w. displeased
a n'vary fond of Luli ; b
nd you know I it lit
Lgo out. 'And little � Mrs. Smit&--I-toldOu
way to the castle, a oil ask d him Whether
neon haai`d that Emily ` E' I"'
plan of-winteritiginI jaly Wesn,t"I 2"
m; and hi little Kate," vh6, hAvn
can you fancy our I beloved Glencairn's face.
her,- Miss Kitty Fitz -Alan,, yoW
�,this - 'statement was true. HE nswere it
Adami �wido* of the -late -Governor of
Y as,, ad& �you_ were, dwelling. on the
idgbeeu half frightened, at he r own impu-
if he saw Luli strappIlIg i My pOrtM' alltbaU
knowl�wantEl a -new'silk for - ber:benefit�,
he Could not hear what I was saying;
Madr",' in& formerly M. P. for"Kinirosa
scheme �vitli unflattering dolig�v'
deZce'lookgd,: sideways at bin), nd then
f aning outflula broiling Sun to
or me, � or rut
ni et- SO
ght; andI*aut abat shil'jack
but he could bear perfectly well, and I told
(whos.' Son has received a � biiiinatoy)j
me too?, f,
BUA; 'Duke y6u-. Would co" O
botI66 you Would'; liink'�howdelightful i
chorused his lsughmerrily� and Well Estis-
Vogt my letterpi. or working am' -My dress
f ?�-: Another, thing, Luli
whilb'11 lay on a so a
we exch� %nge!;- I am cuttingmy bbid silk� to.
f, t he r., and 4 here you beholll Whm , tIha ve�
_h which hqrepli�d I bg� n
� , , . p ot'land,
refused steadfastly to say' saytbing'olsei.,
Shall enjoy, 0 same title� ii6i�d ties
tow i6h'she w(
- h- Aild1mve be6h�, I -,bad
btit 4
:w,ould be! L. Tfib.villa contains ample accom-
"Ve cannot.roach. acroes:.Abc table'to
�iS Sodelibstb. She, is sure to be two days
t tead I 1 It's a tty list isn't it �11
go u
Fi om fbili I Came' to iti a conclusion thaI
boi.,husbafia'. survive an
d "bee' a
i.o6aat,ic�n, they sayr;. you would come.ind
observed Luli, smilitig under.
a Week lying dow L With., a; 1e6daohe,.or
said,, Zors, producing,1rom a cupboard &,.
Lord �Spe 13cdrWakieally "hamed of him-�
th pice long visit, as
.staywithus ere 011, 86 1
long me, pose ibly,could: Why shouldybu
the didophig ferns --and floweis'Of Lthe j�gll
epergne, ll so it must be �a case of Drink to
having mustard-plasterEl put on her,chest.
'Zota would - make herself I quite's, blgsiih�
gray hat, and gray Cloak, and parking U
the.featherg:6f the'bat with.a. Satisfied ir
elf,.and,vooi uld,-be.glad to escape from the
odious position be. bad Placed lifin§0 In-
Sir'Noe I r, ajestyl:a
not 2 I.libuld not care bit for it if you
Ine, Only with t inb eyes I' I echo Your'
to ustati,l'am. sure; 'and ified just think
And.are you. so intimate with thisMis§!
won d therefore take his 'opportunity tO
Limmer for S66tilaud" h a to
48 Pat mt� YAR
'Aberdeen l oq the invitation of the tinitO06.
�(iuld not go' without you:"
didn'tgo., I.w
"Well, idon7t.
toast, Kate�-to our h sppy re-unton otithe
Lake of Coino I"
�vhva treat'itwould be to er, p. oor a d 1.
took at her, poked up in that miserable'
Fitz -Alan ag-alll that inquired Kate open-,
l'ing her pyealwide,
a o all connect edwith !the 'build` ' '
1139 Of
tuhreg sea to persevere in eiecting thbm
t a 0
h ' Aate Mr.' J hn , SteiI4 wb6.�giftbd to
* I
but I see how it's to be
mauaged;1.'he r6spondea Slowly, and doubt-
fully, evidently, liking ide �"lmoi
nap, went the orac , kers;*c latter went the.
forks,-Kate's'clear. laughter rsog4loud',-and
little attiol such'a Waste ofter.pietty, face,
and her youth and brightness I I declare,
,Yes. Wby'sbould'I,notba? Are YOU
Shocked, Kate 2 :She would not be present-",
if .Prevented in onelpIaca, go to another -
I if
one man is arrested, lot' another . take: his
Aberdeen large sum of money now
m1nounting to'96th6 22;400 -for iltecroction
yet the
afraid I cannot leave London for long. To
be I'liad up to tah6
Luli'S' Softer. merriment echoed, low,, as
they drank their toast aud'iead ihei ot-'
r in
it would' be, wort I h anytbip g . to'give Zors a-
good long happy holiday.-
able among the upp prten thousand, I Sur-
pose; but she, is a good, kind little thing,'
'alih "at,
place. , Thus leave no shadow of's de6ent,
cover for a continuatio' n of this outrage on
of a Statue to Sir William Wallace,'the Lib-
arm tor of Scotland, to examine the. site'�
d �Duihie
sure made my mind my
holidayf rmther late,ma IXn ew you would be
toes to 66,611 other across tbe,table,, and
it naturally followed that .Xrs. CrEL van
0 ugh slid does sing music 'alls.
PPr.orpko .r.econibiends"'one itil
goixlgaway�som6where., But-Italyisslong
foined enthusiaHiicidly' with -Duke and,
lendairuin, Vm"QUB'L�Sehe mes for making
Malted and':molded to bar daughter's
So ell
wishes, and w shortilime W
And I have not so'many friends that'l can
afford to *slight, the kindn f,
ass 0 tbOSQ
Amanansw6ringthe descriptidn.of one
efhe murderers of Lord Cavendish
The skeIetons of,two, Mau have,beeii dug
Way_l And, Luti, if -1 squander iny sub-
Amuce on pleasure travelling, how. areLWO
the most O.rtbe delights of, hwint.Er seaBon�
-in Italy.
s4atistiedwith the Scheme: of ftsking�Zora
Brown them as was Kate herself.
around me, Do you know; Kate, dear, -that
exec t,yourselves, an ra-ah 1,
p d the Trevo
Burke has been'arreated;at Ribgscotirt.
A London
up on the Hill of L�adale, on tho'1orders
of the parishee of Firth Orphir d Stan-
to set up houE6-keeping when thb,�,time
So.tho'plau became' a Settled thing, and
Directly sbe.had obtairieaperint' ion to
and dear old, Mrs. Gran *lid took'Me to
c ablegram says.: In the House
OfCommons to.clay Mr. Childerw'said the
They Were lying slorgiide_L;Of "each
from:,that hour there was no Luc d ubto
d'her plan as accepted ana e ftled,
atmy, with bar �L When' MYL sunt.died-, "I'L have
.arms 0 f soldiere employed for escort and',
other it a, aepth of lsboui` three L, feej".na,
Oh, take your railwmy-fare out6f the
�urnit�re, and
kitchen J �ut the diawing-
discussion as to Duke'sj6ining the party.
NFe geldom-lknow wbenwe tak6 the most
te rush d off in high 4aliglit to, convey,
theinvitatiou to Zora.
not one friend in' the woild:exCjept- ce
such as they are in this house? Sometimes I
Poection du I t in Ireland will hereafter be
wer6_very,idtten., The battle of'9ximm, . ar-_
dale, bet*eiai the -Caithness me"n Under -
room short for -your hotel billsi� she
pleaded co%xibgiy;with a iigbt,'hippy� laugh.
important step of our lives; '� Soietime 64, it
El true, we know or feel that We,j E&4re 06 tile
-She ku my well up to the fourth-
ew her vw
floor back by this thne for her visits ware
have fancied th�t if I had no good.elagaL
Ifrii9ndEi ai all,�no iiiellas above the-C&Sie Of
Mr. Gladatcne.gayenotieQLthat he ould
:Move to-morrovir that prece denoe be given
Lord ft- and Of 0"na.ig
and.ihe' Orkney men under SirL J
ust Conan. tone of Yodrii(imerous-throgbol4
of a supreme', crisis that, will
mtrifle more requent than! Mrs. Craven
poor little Mrs.� Sdiitb, I.mighti notleel:
to �the' Arrears. Bilf over other business,'
Clair, Governor OfKirkwall, wag. foiig4lt� in,
counsellors as:to what -articles of furniture
t rn to our life's joy or our life�s ai)guish;.
'i . Craven 6a no objec.'
qui�e approved. M a
lonely 8 0 often
with the exception of the Repression BilL
the -immediate vicinity !A: the 'yeai 1529,
m6si'easily dispensed jwith," be
may be r yo '' J
Said, -,I'll ihiukbv�' pr p an, Luli; but
buut oft&nOr,.it' 'happens that the act that
lookedu or a. threat leulls't6oth.
tion to the 'friendship it d ---"h'
. Inee "Be Wag
kina-beaziea enough' to approve and help itL�
or& spoke sadly,' but quietly, withopt
any t"rs-or.gighs, and, with such a steady
It.is reported that the Goertiment will
session -of Pi
and ihe bodies DW'fOund araLsupp osed to
be those of In'eu ki 114 in that battle
*'in not surembout being able to ram"ge it-"
Ing, while, th' little seed we trod carelessly,
, i n eve . ry way, but' She preferred 'to have
,gWeptuess -add affeotion in her look,Abmt
pr6poed ttu: autumn: ar ament,'
for the Purpose of dealing with the question
OL the
Mr. Spurgeon , in his laddrass befor
We havelp write and fik about rakiDg
the V�11' a week,""Sh6 replied. ,so:do
, 11 -er.
�i cuts
down -up a giant lada
in Passing
Z, Hit iheM shO Aid- 66� think� Zors s
'abode visiting
it' ' roon than Rate.
even -a, -more sensi ive pe
of proc6dure.' The * evictions in Ireland
: Ahsaimbly of the Free Cliuirch'of
make up your mind quickly, that's a'desi
How lirtl6!;P�o petietrably'
th�e. heavy. future,v'eil fro In us
bl iiem.1 on a
was* a deBira a
fisi but Kate delclmre a fun!'
Id lbe i -liked t1i
could not have, misinterpreted or been
offended by the utterance. � Kate flung16i
vdrago: a tbo
now a Y.
I "The H6uBe' h is evening, --continued'the
Scotland, Said: *:We bave AL Catoobetleal.
eiiiiney connected 'with �our church in
de 9 of' Hblinswood .1
The n re like one
the outcome, of the step WO take, till ibe
I .
of �6iDg to Sea Zora in.,,�t a menagerie"
8 r6u d _Z�
arm n ora's,waiet in�Aemocstrative
debat�pii ih,Repr sioD Bill Mt. SeXt6u..
' ' .. , as
whkibli a book now as.
'we teach, a Ihtl
I 'I
bed, bright SnaLvaripgated With'
tur n has b�Eifi irrevocably and thd
r behind I
ci,js ,d, left
aeLabe' bad, cbriBtefiea�,the a ta6lishment
sympathy, and aimed, rimming over'
exuber"tly w , ith - the news she. had come:
moved, to,:report progress.' Sii r William,
court -opposed the motion said th
.he at
Shorter Catechism,' withpro, f h
like to: See some o a writ0la UM-
11 ,
fl The, manin
JiVingLL&ud moving , owers.
theii black coats are, not in reality few,
. i
An a ypu raieller of m"Y lands.
little you Knew, as you.mutt.;�cd-austhem_&s
It was a ou rionsly mixed household, in
-lor was occul)ied
truth. The psi. bys, widow
to C.11
ora dear, I have got somethino Ir
, 0 In on, of
W, 1g,to ti� Ojoositi the'lrish �mam_f
I taken -for. the, discussion of
. .
ma�ry,�of.Ob:ristiani; doctrines. some
One gA'v�'i' US "r better book We will-�atick; to
are so Bwallowedi and eclipEed
in the,radiancesud ampli6de of ilia ladies
onyourtaidy-ci6mau whiie.yodga,ea,,
the distant yaniBiting smoke C
who, like,'Zora 'was Seeking, loy�
ment, and like Zora :found, the
You won't feel l_.jfyj 'YOUL M ron
tu;_i. Ithis'alass and that
an -Much, too long. ��The'
discussion �;ul kenov. L
it- iet. in-, preach Ling C6Uldi, not- and
tt.r M...
a be of. stating',doctrineg in
attire"that they "aam' like a Scanty
in' 'and
OU 'had rdissed-the train which: was, to
was considered aterious
friends -not for half a year at least.
"you do wbai I "ntyOu
e as at Present
but he , t6gerved, for k r. Gla stonu
Cah -ru�r, C %tis 0 fi jarn.
'When I -with
of b 3 idgects' buizznig' out among!
whirlea, YOU aexpress'-soeed-tolhe
'by �the- landlady beosuse She did not�confido.
-if .'only can - to
what Steps ould be taken L Xr� 8
am sitting in my chair a nuu.
these, d&ffLy_
hence.. -your.Ve8bel aile4.�'thmt L
i the drawing-roo mg;� were
dol.-L.You' se'e'Lwe..are,gomg to;�winter,in
motion -was -rejected.`-,- Mr.- �'Parnell- move&
�.dred In
downdillies." The Sam , o prepoude-
of,6onrse- there ever an English
d'&t� WhiChL* Yo
day _22W the CrOSS,:roa U
I That
highl� respectable Couple, an. ol&gentle.'.
It a Y this season. , We have taken
'on the Lake of COMO the autumn and
thatibe dhairm an leave tbelchair, L', Rejoct.
onjirequently ay N
qlresti OW;: L Ong -_0
Scoltehmen know
stood War. those Lot life auadeath
man tif.kcientifio and literarylinctmationB�'
ed by 136 to .24. Mr. Dillon Movad't
answer. , t at YOU
party w.lir did n 0
veseolsailed,,and was never heara,of more.
and his homely, Unscientific', -and Wit t
wefwalat'you to go With USI �� , : , I
report Sir Williana reourt
know � the answer ; ioi th 6'� Englishmen.
L .
a ltm664 It summous all, black -coated
You-toO, fair-haired and Bad - eyed ix Orn an,
wif ;'the' econd A r cc t 18
a 0 00 n mimea Birch
2 �Ora looked; Uv amaked.L and her color L
And -progress -was
O, ,
r. _Sootahmen_�hav -a-wider
--bees -and-z -to-a7gor.-
-with, the -7 a - -
-Bilver streaks i L Btill-bright
-CO-U-4r-OT -unprol MOU Site name skid scant,
repor ted
More thorough; kn 0 ft
oWledga '60
geous'&jeuO,r ]'aid out in a soarle't and white .
istriped entTo Most _of L the seniors'thig
ax.id %bun,daut hair, yowat Whom strangers,
gaza, and' J41 That. 'woman' 'ha's th big.
ieaotirceB, and an ongine-driver! who Came
,bome4at all hours. Of the night,
Go with L YOU�to Italy? Hate dear,
w on
dou!t understaiid..:� H6 a. Id 1: manage
ma4a of my owncountrymen,.aud,
1- believe it is d no 6. ib a' pra
appearB:tho real work of the day to. most'
tory l'?'hd* little -did you think that night
rather proud. of the 130ciot§ !of bin titlea
it? .sh said.almos ewilderedly.
L a b
Tbe "overei or_Gei . ieritf"..and Clan'
woighib and to the use the Augoinbly s,
Of the juni. the real bilsiness-only a OM-
�-wben U we
yO' redancing, a gay and,hapfly,
'neighbor; the' tibird. floor -was occupied
To, be continued.)
menceg, afterward, whah' the whole party7
girl, at a, party tikt Seemed to you precisely
. C day were
by a young uple, who;- by.
A-Quebe� says. On' Saturday
The thirty- ninth Assembly, of the Free
are set,.Irbe to wander 4 about, the. grounds
like all other psiti4s of the Season, and in
two Pale, quiet,'care- harm ook-,
worn, lesif�i
BRILT11SIM ffgoy;&J�Ty JOTTIrlicm.
last theaddreak of- the CampbellL cf'U&n�
Church bperied very: quietly in, its fine: hall
at tllei� Own Sweet, Willi.,
the intervals OfL"tbe :dance. nced,round
ig people anow6ri the i'mine of
ads, was preaented-tolbe Marquis of Lorne
near -the Castle aV,130on.012the .18t! Ult.,
it is.tligll.tihat -the, boos and'the,flowers
the orowd(A room, dernand said
Mr.L �ud Mrs. Smith mightweremi.
'Iter� to ot
in L tha� Citadel � at Th6,� adaress
�There,wms slarge sttend&n66',Ltfi 0 fair sex
ff neatly" aiid� haLUrAlly-ag The
lan d -Whoi6 that odd-166kiug
Florentine Lennom
ently married Priberes-mbe
Was Signed by over 3,000 majo i6presen
as Usual tit Frec Churoh- gatherin ng
it! Noah's ark.' to
? SomBEgs,
t he, -that your
Alan'. and *ant L out, Ong array-ehq'
U�'4 ' ' Ilt , I .
In I . .
elan. I :1 I .
tives 4R',tba�.Clan'.Campb6ii; and1eili6itated
gies ly i n tbomajority.' The-daybfmee't-
the shiub ri.68. mi I a _till 4 of, stragg ersjn
Eia& face sho Uld L'be.ar witries4in a lite.
in le Ivening toilets a little-Ith4g, worse & r.
When- the upon and' the
th Marquis' and, his L royal Wife on,t6eir
-of ''the L
in g this year-, a- B, eek
couples; 1hip,re Is- a eadh�of-
the Out3i " `h
derr onses; ea young coupp,,in
h'L d�
1png� me or)r, of. him ?, Yet �t a
Iii, th tarnellyour girl.
a Moment YOU I
weari 6nd,,h#,1'nomotimgs. as a himisineltl"
Ira 0, now., a Banor
Siontatimes as a t
Beatrice left� Windsor L for ihe.uorth'Ust
. h
presence in'Cacada. A d6putation
I 'made, the pior
Campbell wag Present and
al as it happened to be the sarne'day of
the Week and the, Sam day,of the Mout
0 h
OuLthefakd; 'the oj�e�
each ofihe'llitleboats- L
53)� � , ,
ewood'is-full,� '.err&nt pairs'.whagetilost
13 h 'L iD'no'ceirt,, - unciouda d eyes on IM,
. I .
new it
though you k noii'iberi, rforin&ny.
:and 'h Street� iell-io',Aik
't,t I Where '4he popular
lite or that, Hal
��InOnt the'public, Was, rigidly"
rom jh6jr, departure', sud,.no.
estitation. It cowpriaibd-,�
o SiiAllan.Cain'tr.
b 11 'the, Rev-.Robert-Campball, and, D Y.
when the first A eChnich"'Was
ibeld in Taxifielt I Hall, der ilie. 36"ia.
Be ; �. to UAL
.'L th' ter.
tas a in music is tr bed
afl6;v�ea st; any,. it
demongttatibng were i atibris
Btit5iihe `ihe
W' C 11, of M6nfreal;f W;'Canipbell,
1) uke and, Uh make a
1,66king back aeo'theB6 thing d
on the fourth floor- Were'Miss Zorm
Finally, i
train reached,J?Eirth L Hai Majdstyrecoiyed
of St., Hilaire; P
Ar6iiitiald 6in bellL and W
-Campbell, '
)no of
d tbo.,�Cbii' 11
ro par, y occupte&�A air
in their' dUL' LOL ad engagecfIoVekB-' -Luli Calls'
L of- Airs. Grundy 6,nle
dowii� th��i
realize With a t�6ughtfdl ness
, I ' . '; i ' L, I ,
MiXe,awitbsad,,wonder,-.in. our heart,
Bibwn,%nd'MaAemoiBelle Celesfine'Daranti
. I . I
a, Biarp featured Fgetich,w6mab, neither
the Welcome of- the,LProvogt and' Sheriffs,
sad largd-basket of
of Qugbe,C,�,�WM.L C&Mp� 011'L of
Lochab6r His xcellehoy, and the Prin��
Apoustome Beats in the a rena,. but A AijiL
'sorky to say. that br'. Begg, pmibly,':the
own uuqonsc iOUB'1OMd wailking
�7 Wit air
the int ort'o the steps we took, not know-,
'P' of
pretty nor young; whose� f�mity had fled to
accepted'"al - flowers,
L � 'b �, L- ' ... d to! 11 throng
while.the pu lio Was permitte
C61.'ta�6�'an& the ladi � - it.
COBB, as in wai Ing
Most. idely k'notvii of�sll, was Unable:. to
. I . I
hi�' the. first
Loftus aWd �daficing with in
113 1 ' 'L ''
England in ofib'of thefperiodiceelLepocho.of.
. �
about'the 6tatioli and dZ;icheEm`ttW,Ill And
present in tho L
upon H. R. H., were Vice.
-be prose t tL
, ii , -owing to Eligh indioppsition,
qu6drillb!'mi th They are talking of,
iiiFrsuce, who kept a talkative
. . ;
during the remainder of the journey,on
regal- 4 artets at the' twhen the
the fi
Aitobg rah,to a"ive'were tile Rev.,
_DUke,&,tL I IL I
uke!s 1
kfent 'and D ogpects or a
of, �the time; but this Zlks.'
parrot, and earn ad L M68t'Of her jiVIDg by:
f a, ili 69, who w eke
rem in
it anskii�g for sev,eralr
Scottish' soil,,the, restrictions Jimpo ed in
addres0was read. , His Excellency replied
out tab and Her Royal Hlgli�ess extend6a
Drs. ay anVAdam; Professor's, Bruce
snd'�Llndsmy and b
t a cosmopolitati Dr.
Grundy does not,know. D
to tha.smokiug-roon� with s,feWL Congenial
A creature- not too bright and'g6od'L
For human, nature's dAily food:-
For�transibnt sorrovr9_SiWpl6 Wiles;.
I . ,
kind to her. .
Miss Brown had. the reputation'of being
The people about Clar6mbiit,'ta L the
new .
Duchess of� Albany; who goes about
an I tion to�ihe' deputation� to' acc.o . in.
p",y the Vice-ie�,al party n
Somerville, ."6. Must 'be' well, known to'
any,,:6f youryeader n Cau'ads and ilia
itor-of a rising illustrated
period tin artist" who has Made. his
Praise, blame, love, IdsBes, tears and smiles.
the -most amiablepersort'in tbehouge;-lland
such,: pratty . creature,- and 'so' perfe otly
among them With no, Othe me L'
r.idorn 'It
than a bunch of. rk. she, is pictured
down - the � harbor. Owing , to the . part Y
being6empbIled.to les�6,for MoLkeal-by
United States.', The venerable' Principal
Clerk of the Aisenably, 'Sir Henry Mon-
there whose names aj�e in, pro�
two Owho has
making, and "an art criti
A creature-6ireled by a spe
Within: which nothing wrong can dwell
the lady too Ill It Was Miss Bi6wu,--*bO,:
"dow' when S'he,wlis ill - i
nursed the W)
there asbeing Pleasing in appearance,.of
the kind of beauty com mon to the countr
early trai. or boat, this kind invitation
was foregone;
crieff_.had - big head bedecked' with
turban 'L L w il.L
S I ort , of a
b e � 113 co eague.
SgiSt �th L
done his best to a a process in one
An fresh and clearsas from the source.L.-
Holding� through nfeber 11imped course,
M* iBrownwhowlllinglygave
ISE up br room �
in osY
aide of every 6eimau 'vil and
Dr. lo�ked . quite pictureBitue
With_ a on his - head..'
case, andL to Put' & SUMM%ky Stop to it in
the dther. The lion', lies.. down with the
Like ArethusaL throu�h'the sea,
Stealing ia:fonntain purity.
rid mcceptew a'. iibsk e-Aown in the'parlor
whentbe landlady, wishod!to! entoitaiii 9, L
onfirely Wanting in thegrace'an"
d di.
ji on belonging to. a court. She will have
Sly 6.1d Itor4a.
Dr, Robert Mmcdoumld, of North
. .
lairib however; and the, Whole gr L am
c.bly bury themselv& in smoiemn d, Cow
�Soou finally :rranged that,ih6�
profitable old lodier 'for g. few -nigbtb; it
who ,took 'Oarei of Mad,O,
everything: to learn, L ])tit' her in other said,
1! She will le :and do lion'
Ane4tl'Thelllues "I hBvdheard charm
ing story illustrative �f the wonderful intelli.
onia. ofthe i at Oes of the Disru ptiont and
who was ordained as lar -hack, 83
geiiialconvergmtipn1nt a azy an I &van&-
scented abadesoi the sinokingrb6in, whence
a irnsan Cravpneshould'hecomt O'
joinil6nmntR of,ihe Village -Serboni for a
mois par
C,61 a be'BL, cross gri
during the , 1&tter,g absence JjOIU town
bet tedohers.", She is *cry shott' With flat
fe atures'and an upturned nose ; but -sh, OL
gence o some horses.,, no evening:the
officer guard, hearing �,a noi ' in the:
. Be
nomina ad asLMO erator, and -Was unani-
inotlely'elected. f Mr. Cbar1Ss.Guihrie,. advo-
R takes all the energi6a'oftho�.hostess to,
disinter them at the hour when dancing
ihree autumn- months, . after"which, if the .'ind.
haticonLy Of, the pmrty reniiie a's perfect
I .!r,
coheeituatitly upon','. a these good
h aad
offiodS,; it, s a whom".the lan Y
pres6iItBLtheL'al robust heilthin.
th6cloarnessof her the L
stab es, concluded that a home , mus t have
t loose. He thek6fo
'go re wen with a
bate, a,son'of tb�e Thohiss Gatfiric
W as appointed legal adviser to the chureh,
begins, and every Man is expected to, do b is
at they, hoped Would,
recomm ianubnqis� to the, old
OL, Set.
brightudge' of � her. eyes, and,. her h 11
corporal of the guard, ank. looking through
On th a Salvatio Army and'ite
Glericairn. is discovered placidly Seated
-inue't6ge`ther.ou.a tourthrough the rest.
of Italy, inoviiig Southward do 'tbO Weather
g"jiloitua It in the- rf, when be,
conceived btof'wea�ing�his
.eipre8sion �oucheg for th
h L a truth and pu rity
other aracter.
a, keyhole, saw� mUL old troop-borse. lifting up,
the lid of the cord bin and munching away
methoda were denotiuced by Re Dr.
Bonat,an& others. � The over turefrorn'the
under � tree on the StIminit of a gentle
raw colder an&spendirig 'the grpater part'
-th .
ECi6I1tIfiq &oil theological theories into.�&
'Otiay 24th Queen'Victoria. -completed
at the Cate_" The offider rattled tbb doorby
:migtake...'The-old cha rger instantly
Fresby ery o(Dornoch. alleging. a ton eacy
in the Writings of' Professor Bruce
elevation, with a good view of the grounds,
swohing and surveying the. BoeU6.L .
a Bay o 1�
of January on f Nap eB,.L,
I �, ,
Meanwhile,, -during the time that tbOse
novel with 9, Purpose, and I ound big gout y, 'her
right hand, an. bbiiacle in his way.
year; ,an ago
63rd which has
been exceeded ' by, eleVenL , only of the
big ear , ole"back to his stall, artfully
traverse thd SAsaidards, was taken up., -A
M arius mmoh g the ruing of Cartl,age-l"
exclaim6Kate Craven, c6miag.upon him
plane were being held" in'discussion- mild
approved of and finallV Bettled,,mlesKate
Zora'spost its I tbmpormry.� Secretary was,
her. -by-,ilte nobleiPoliSh refugee
sovereigns 'of' E g, from the
Norman Conquest, viz.: Henr . y I_Heur Y
Slipped his head back into balter,'and
awaited events'as, if. nothing had happened.
motion'� by- Pr6fO686r'� Lindsay tbAt,'the
over 'ture be dismissod was defeate& bya
I,3uddenly �tith her. attendant cavalier
Hov� 16. tigm ye I` neen up here?"
Crav6i I t Was fornlillg�m little su�pplemoniary�
scheme of her own in _cbunebti6ri With, the'
above and. the, Widow below,!� bUtL me, the L
former only understood .. English i impet-
III., Edward I., Edward III.,, Queen Eliza,
bath, James !I., George L, George If.,
Seeing - this the officer and corporal, pre.
tending to be deceived,Af . tdrlookillg.around.
the,stables, went out So soon, how:
counter motion brouglitJorward by rot.
Thomas Smith supporting the-actioii of
the reBbytery'by a, Majority of 63 �v tes.
Only bot*%r..r,, I thinx.11
In'sin idea. She bad not again let the wavOs
fectly, the latter', was at feud with,th'e
George III.; George: IV,, � and William IV.
b heLd
8 is your way of enjoying
Well, if t g is
of the World wash in b6tween her'ana,h6r.
old' gentleman's -Wife, there., Was, 110thin 9
On the 20th'bf June ii6xt Hai Majesty Will
o Be
ever,. as the� r the lock turned
upon them, 'he Slipped, big halter.,and
tom statistical report presented
to the, Assemb] seems' that he mern-'
society_ve won't disturb your felicity V'
And Kate and her escort pass on.
early friend -Viorm Brown. Kate was';�a
great deal engaged in society at home and'
very �k6nderful in- Zoira's being elected his
amanuensis. It, was poor pity, but � light
ba've'rOlgned over tbe Uni ited Kingdom for
forty-fiVe years, a reign which in length
k ed the corn bin. again. After this
bership of the Y
, Church 1�as increased to
GlEncairii presently descends And mixes
in the fag tive throng: joins in the mascu-
broad ; but she, spared leisure hours to go
ind-see Zora, and of the modest'
work;. and Zora liked, it well enougb�
* W.heii'Kate:mrrived, breatbles,,ag:u sual.
has been exceod6d by those of three only of
the Kings 'of England, viz,: Henry Ill.,
the crafty old Warrior was firmly, secured. .312;429,
-Lopdon Figliro;
as compared. with 308,,,546 in
1878,9, and 296,549 in. 18,76-7. In the
ino I roup of which his, future son -in --law
hospitality -of cups of. tea in I the�idtlall,lgky-:
on'tbe Iourth floor, she found-- th& room
��A light �soon �patte'red
Edward Ill., mild Gedrge.III.
Lowlands the membership is returned., at
�22,956 for the VaS6 year, as compared
for.. apart, or a time, and gets up
what Kate, an nounces to Luli to be "quite-
parl6r,". - which in summer as not an
b * L ,
unpleasant' abode, w an you got your
empty. quick, step
i 11 .
up the Stairs, and Zora ran in smiling.
. t
-Green coria tion mucli
Will -reach perfec
later tbau'usual this year, so Who
with 221,800 in: 18784 and 206,607 in,
18767.7 while the
a flirtati n", with'. a lady ho .Siuits�-. his-
taste, who Use large thoughtful eyes, and.6,
breath,back afterbe ascent (it the stairs�
and to return tbia-hospitalit I y in tl�e Shape'
, 11 Kate,, de&il,HowglsdIlsm-t,o see you Ill
11 I found, tltd� cage empty �an& 1'�W&g
�JrS.M4ry]@.V,anC M
a P"Whb keptabootan
choe, store Petr6l ia
bmve� gardens will do well ib sow more
dwarf peagatonce, bding'careful t O' plant
in embership iii' the
Highlands,including.'aji adherents .above
8i yeare of age, amounts to -89 473 for
s�mpathetic'prosenco; who listens and,
does not sav mucli'. Glancairn. when he
of many lutcheons occasional,diii6ers, and
I . r
now and -then: ai 8 Best in, a bol, t the
wondering 'where th 6 bird had floWn to "
Said Kate, kissing her. friend with effusion.
at as -ado afmignmer
to,her brotber-i dj. 0. 'van camp. Her,
800 assets under $1,000...
thept,gavoral, inches Aeep. -
, t the.
a I I -
year, -as Compared with 87,246 in
talks-Nyhieli by the way is not often'�
lik�s'i dobil,listenei.
1. I I ''. , � � 4
She mbo'pe�auaded her,mother toput &it
1, I� was just going to call alou it for'y6u, but
I hadn't recovered my breath."
Last Week:the creditors,,of E. J. Powell gen-
eral-otorekeepoir tit Es k1mil-
sex,Cehtre, met in a
The will hasJust-beeti proved in London
of the Ho a of
11. Jane Elizabeth Digby, wifi
1878.9 and 89,94� in 18 764. ', lit 1876-7 the
number of efiarges was re 'turned 'at 984
,In the evoning't6a gardena are4lt up, and
advertisement , in the, leading ,Piapem,
L was down stairs attending to' MY
ton. About two ,months previou's to this it is
stated that be. gave a Aethmed' account of his
the Syriau 1,Mezrab, but
Sheik Midjual
er known oDaMaSCUB
Oto , visitors
in�-1878-9 at 997, and iabt-�, ear at 1,0Q 9
s4per is laid in this tent in amp�e' time for
the,gueotg to partake thereof before he'
wherein Zora figured as :
,A Young' Lady Highly R000mmend6d
onerous duties as secretaryi" r6plied'Zoraj
gayly. And, 6h I Kate, they, are trying
affairs showing e. Surplus of. sii;xm in conse.
quetice of this -credi-torg Would not accept tb�,
statements dt E66ting Showing
Lad E
Y Ilenborough., Shehadbeetimairied
to. the tlleftbor6tigh,
In. the Eb'klish House f commons�
carriages are'ordered to convey them back
to the At per is' a merrier
ation,, The sup.1
However, this kina efcort,le d t6,no satis.
duties 'sometimeell Onr ,w is entitled
.1 � I ,
A Scientific and Theological' ROManC6,'
presented assets
fi$9,200 sna liabilities of, $11,700'and he was
aa�ed to lt'38ign;tO Mrr E. R. Olarkson.'Toronto,
-E art of' , but' was
d ior4ced from him in 1834,after a
which g&
t6rday Mr. Chamberlain �said h had, �
a r
and a noisier melal than thEi er. There
nevor wag imuch Starch glad Stiffness about
f 13g,
factory results. The. multitude -0 you
ladies deffiroug of: Similar situittiofis crowd
you"knbw. I Well the i3cfer Ica �is,'all iory
'd7it-Gui I '
well ; 1 don't 'try to.Underatmu
A serious Aist:
urbanoe with the.salvation
married Successively'
and a 4 :iraek'Gaheral., Be'ing de I serted, � by
er ad the subec,
A of spurious cheesgj�frcin
f 6pari-'
9 roni lard, 'to a A
the party, but'what little there was is, worn
theie,matiners and 'customs how,'as
the lottery wh blan s. Zoia, tried her
manage tb-speW.th nd the 'Army
. a : words. I
theological the buieneis-that,
took place in Arbro' th on the 23rd
ult.* A batin6rwhich the armyearried
the lait er, site fell in ve with and married
a Bedouin Sheik,'some Years youngei than
me,ts'l C.rT t
tio. A.tEur� e ;,he thought-theAdultera-
i..t to deal with the 4ueEition
thoroughly as it is wo,.ra Cut of the dresses
luck, and failed; as hundreds girls,,
higher' 66ru and better educated than. she,,
part of
although it" Strikes me as � being '.rather
several titnes 'thrown down, and the S&I.
here I g1f,' and dividea bet' time between her,
Of its 0%10-
that rustled so -freshly and, crisply, this'
try and fajl_eveiy� day.' The advertisement
crazy, is' all I very well to6.1 but" being a 'vationists
were.borne by the crowd on' the.
own comfortable house, at Damascus and ��
the barbario'freedomof bar busban&s tent
The P119timagef the Duke and,Duchosa�,
of Norfolk to Our Lady of Lourdekhkis
Morning, lInahang go limply thio'evening.
The girls . ate all gushed with.44noing; I.ir
d III of
at With but� tow - answers, an no a
tmhem Proved, ;Imtisiaotory�.
romancoil'-the� dear a gentleman
thought it necessary t infuse it little
has ,atreeto
and ultimatoly.',thay had to
refugo n4 house, At the foot of � Marketo
in the desert. 'The teetatrix-Sp6cially gives
id her'fiusband X1,600, her house lOs6tgn.,
not, the English Wakly Register regr6to to
resulted'in, any fadical i
eyes are - bright� their Curled or'braideA
looks are straying in truant tresses from
One� ilther of ton children offered Zoia
something less, ifiatt a bOUSe1n&id'
into ii. Ohl I the love scenesl ota
burst into irrepressible laught6r as she
gmt& banner was pulled "Way b Y
the c the staff and torn
stables it DamaBous, all her horses and in
health'of the intent Earl, of At 6ndel
under t , hair bonnets and over,theirtemi
'to take the (311tirecharge and r6spotisibility
mentionedthent. 1,1 limteifyou-6ould only,
dromedories,and certain: jewellary and other
and Surrey.'
ples- and. several, of them'-WoulabOici.'
tiftea if they could, look in the mirror'su'd
of t , he wardrobe, and edqpstiori Of -the 'fie'
Y t eight 616. brafichesana,obje6ted'
a fforts with which I re Serve. my
the 0
cotmt'PnanbCl,' . -i
Rev. Dr. Coofiran� , has been appointed
by the General� Assembly a, delet
effects,; to her son Horbeit, Baron Von-
ningen, 21,000. and some jewellery.' , to each 4(
'-IlThe fact is d the seedy tr I amp#
1 have road so-much'about tho:-tr&ubles.
too how the whirl of the Waltz had tilted.
tbeirhoaagear out of place.
because , Italian and the ruaftne'nts of Gar-
'Man were not g her mquirements. I
"I should probably latigh,go that yoil would-
not be able, to preecive it any 1611g0r."
vist"BriltiSh Columbia in I ( I
mucciibn with
tho-Home Mission orks of the Presbyt�ei-
of her'biothEirs,':,L6rd Digby and the lion'. ih
tenet lfe�ry I)1ghj,,' Several articles Of
tho labor market that I am beartil jaick I
of the whole business, and I mpde up mind
ill havel !It seen m Uph f
, tc�-dftyo
, 7 The- qu,itio' what to do, witv Our I
i4d ar the inter-,
A If you cout onlY 40.1
ian Chur cli.
jowelle�y and the, residue oflier property, lo'ng
her husband
ago that 1 would nev or have
o do with labor.,,