HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-22, Page 7n 000 ON AND AFTER THIS DATE Iraib :.Ma.�vhirtet WILL TAKE Butter • t nt 1-040i A se u THIS MEANS A DISCOUNT OF TEN ON ALL CHASES FOR PURCHASES And it is generally conceded that we have a stock of :� nd AN`G'LE That has no eaual . north of London,` either for sty.Tie,'varietyy.or: good value. To our customers who live east, west north` or south, we will refund your railway fare, provided you purchase from us goods to the amount of " $20. CE "We have.: a stockof CLOTHS A Unrivalled in this •county of ours, = either as regards :style or price. T. K. ANDERSON, to celebrated • Cutter, La- e of Seaforth, has charge of the department Give us a call when z2 tOZeaCZia da�' l.. µ0Y_e bur 1c��2 - 9 2• s. � Clinton, June 15, 188'2. OLYNTOIV, BYABREWS. . June 21, 1882. As most of the grain has already been brought in, tile market for most kinds of farm produce is quiet, and buyers have little to do.. The only article bringiue an .unusual figure is eggs, which have never. before been so high at this season of the Year. ' The reason is the searbity and high price of beef in the eastern cities: .'A fair amount of wool has already been brought Better still continues lows butlaslipht rise may take placesoon. Wheat, f all, ' .; bush, 81 26. a 1 28 Spring, - , 1 28 a 1 30' Oats, . 0 41 a 0 42 Barley, - 0 75 a 0 80 , Peas,_ - 0 70 a '0 76 Flour,: - - 6 00. a -6 50 Potatoes, 0 65 a -0 70 Butter, - - - 0 :15 a . 0 16 ' Pis, 0 17 a;. 0 18 Hay, '-' - 13 00 a 14 00 Hides, 5 00 u.' 6'00 Sheep pelts - - -' 0 10 a, 0 15 Lamb skins, - 0 25 a '0 40 Wool, -,018 a 0'19 BORN. Jonas.—At Blyth, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. S. Jones, of a daughter. S1tErPeAaD.-At Birtle, N.W.T., on tha 22nd of May, the wife of Mr. - David Sheppard, formerly of Goderich t'p, of a daughter. MARRiED. A1:oilaa—Pii SLEY—By the Rev_ Jos.' Philp, `. on the 6th inst., at the ,residenceof the bride's father, Mr. William' Archer, of Hul- let, to Miss Mary Nettie Pugsley; of East Wawanoeh.. ,S3IITII=0onLTEs.—013 the 7th inst.,, � by the - Rev. Joseph Philp, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Smith to Miss Hannah Coultes,:both. 'of East Wawauooh. DIED. SaEarAaD-On Sunday, the 18th inst`., at his I residence, Summerhill,James Johnston, sr,; • SI{EPPARD.—At Birtle N W.T on. the 31st of May Hannah,beloved wife of Mr. David Sheppard,: of peurperai fever. • Farm for Sale. TARTS OfLots•Noe. ,6 and 7, Huron Road' Co,ic r sion, Township of Godetieli, eontaining'150 acres: nearly all cleared and mostly freefrom Stumps.,'There, are on the premises good frame' outbuildings; a:frui,e house, a gond bearing qrchard, and a ;lever r cling spring creek. ' Also, the east -113)1''01 -above lot (3, Containing 65' acres, having: a frame house and a new 'frame barn, , also. ayoung ,orchard of:150 trees,, all selected winter fruit. The above farms-. are situated onthe Huron Road, about.} miles.from Clinton. May he purchased either separately or in one block. For .further. particulars and Cerins apply to , JOHN RIDOLT, Clinton. House for Sale. THE superior 2'story brickdwellingJiouse on lluro0 street; Clinton. Nine rooms, hard' and' soft' water,. every convenience; good,stbble. Being the premises. owned by John Tpshall, V. S. Terms easy. Apply to C. A. HARTT, Vendor's Solicitor. , Clinton; Feb: 9,'1882. Office 'in Perrin's Block. Storehouse-- for Sale. 1\ Y store• house. size,30 x 60.'feet 'situated where 111 Hayfield Ruadcroses the Urand.Trunl:.. 1t is good as new, eost8905 ; 401)1 s5ll it for *250 '14 itliont, the scales, or 0300 with .the scales. ,+'phis, price; i, cnl3 30,cents on the dollar, of its cost, but having tore storehouses, 1 have no further use for this' one, To a gond'manany'reasonable .time will given. Clinton April 20, 1892. W. 11. PERRIN. • a.,yioice Lare9,. Hams Ea Basal the House bo Let. 0011roomy' house on ltattdnl,iity Street.:. aki,p1y :.. at the.Ntw .ling office, _. ... House and Lot for Sale. P 0 . Afirst-class formof10o acres, 60 acres cleared and under cultivation and clear'of stamps. 40 acres of valuable timber land. Jodorneatti the cleared portion, there is over 400 rods of ander drains. The land is extra rich and all flret-class. Tile farm is composed of art 08 tote 12 and 13 in the'13th con., of Hul- lett. The tenant,, Mr. William Murphy, has it ieased for this '• season. 'The purchaser will have the privilege of going on to do fall plow ang as soon as the crop is. gathered. Terms' of - payment, very „easy .Offersreoeived_3W to the 1.. 20th of June. For full particulars apply to A. 8. F'ISH7:R, I Clinton, May 19th. 1882. Clinton._ I Who bakes Your Boots Farm alld Toll 'ProDorlles for Salo l GOOD BARGAINS..', 1. That'well-built three-story brick store and dwell jag, on the corner of Huron and Orange streets, known as the Mountcastle store. Would be exchanged. for other property, or sold cheap on long credit. 2. That.iarge and commodious frame dwelling house I near the G.W. Railway Station, lately occupied by, the Station agent. Has .parlor, ,dining„ room, eight bed- I ■ rooms, kitchen, Pantry, &e. Large stone cellar. Hard `�� and softwater in building, : Suited for a large family an o a boarding-house. Late. finished and ingood con- r i n Stock' a� assorted, r r e y well dune', 'Apply to the owner, Mn, G. flENCLhr,.ur to /1 ■ the 'undersigned. ' pplyt complete in 'all departneiitss 3. Lot 825 Diary Street (opposite Mr. 0. Helyar'a re= sidonce)'with neat cottage of three rooms and summer kitchen.; good well, and pump ; choice fruit trees in Men/ ?ICKS: THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Women Siad Chi1di■e�'s oot� & Shoes. garden, dm • • 4. The valuable. hotel property on Street, Clinton' known as Lane's Hotel, .now occupied by Mr. tSeo liitl?t; coinrising a large hotel building,' driving. house, four choice town &e, 5. That elegant tivu-story,frame dwelling house on 1 Iluron Street, Clinton, formerly held by J.' C. Miller, naw occupied by Mr: John P. Martin, •• 8That choice and well -situated farm; part of Lot 6, Huron Road, Godorich.towmebip, comprising e5 acres of first-class land, nearly all cleared and in good'con- dition,, :Good buildings, &a Only one: mile fronaG. W. station,' 7. hot 21 o11 Hindu St, with the dwelling house now occupiedby Mr. Simson, G. W. R. station agent; also, lot.40 on Mary Street abutting on the' above lot' The. lots will be sold together or separately. . Apply to the o,vner, Mr. ThomasJaeksnn,.or to the undersigned. 8. IThe'house and lot, No. 845 on Mary Street, mow occupied Mr, Win,' Davis. The house csntaine three rooms below, and one to the 'upperstory; has. ,back. kitchen; garden, well, &c. Terms Easy.' 9. The store and dwelling on lot 18, Hurbn'Street, fornierlybelonging to H. Norsw'orthy and now been. - pied by Mr. A. Bennett, , Also, other lots and buildings for sale. Apply t'o' Il; IIAT F.; Mures. Street, Glint n r .I:il subscriber offers for -sale. ufe441,11(3eligillly situ -1. atod house: and lot oil Mary Street, 111 the rising 3 team of Clinton. The house is frame; well: built and hm5dped comb :rte in all respects, and contsins'9 rooms 4 iiuwn stag's with, splendid cellar hurl• :and snit. watu: ai-oedsherl good stable anil:all conveniences on. the•lot There is half an `acre of 'la, nif `which arc planted i number of choice frig trpidees will.,,be sdld an ' reisOuablC "term . 1V: 51U114, .Cliitton,Apr111 1882.:, _Clinton.'''i' gravds are annually' robbed oftheit iet[ms lues. rotor ed�B0-Thousandso0 9-:E'ha > ire s n he th re' stnred by he nye of -the gre•at 11> .a_. d al GERMAN INVIGORATOR• 40,,,e, positively- and permanently 'cures Impotency '(aused by excess Of any, kind,) Seminal Weakness, and . all diseases th it follow as a.seguenee of Self Abuse, as lossof-energy, Loss of memory, universal lassitude',pain , in the back, dimness'of vision, premature old age, and ivany other diseases that lead to insanity oreonsumpt, tion and a;'prematlire grave. ' Send for circulars'with;testin:.onials free by mail. The INVIGORATOR is old,at'81 per hos; or six boxes for 81, by all druggists, or will bp sent freeby mail; se- c rely sealed, no receipt df price, by addressing ; , • F- J,, CHENEI, I)ru gist,'- 187 Suninut St:, Toledo. Ohio:. ' 4. it-_toiiibe, sole agent for Clinton. John McGarva. Boot and . Shoe Making. SALT MANLTFACTITRER, • AND DEALER IN GROCER: S AND :PROVISIONS, ALBERT 'STREET, pppovtte the Tiller Hall, For Sale at lowest price;:... E Cawli pdid for 'Fund l'volscts. .J. 1\16G.A 7:VA. (liiiton,i 53114)4,'.158'5 by Oriage 7l''S'i P]Il'I3IVi6I�. �,�ie ars z9 3s rt�zell ef: ALL GOODS, SOLD CHEAP- FOR CASU 0. CR UIOKSHANE,- DRICIs 1-11,061ij CLINTON :flOLLBN ILS CORBETT BOLES, Proprietors. The subscribers take this opportunity of informing the public that they have erected a las rge new Woollen Mill in Clinton, with a capacity three times as great as,the old one, have dtted up the same with the very beat and latest 1ni roved.Llachinery, and aro prepared to turn out CUSTOM WORK AND MANUFACTURING. On the shortest notice and in •the best workmanlike--inanner possible, Cardin�, Slinitng,WeavringDianutactiriugo#tkinds Bla�abels, .Flannels, ;7'iueeds, 6y0/ti iio'i� tan efs' iS°zocJ'ia r�'n etc .iitade:to g i , 01'c -16r and l e2sd Constcintly.' on lcand ,i0 eachan ie fo, o' ool1 0, SE 1l L'1LEa37 i07r 6(lurrl;, :. ROLL (LARDING A SPECIA,LIT'Y_ • having placed in nue factory it, complete and new Roll Carding klachine, farmers may expect the best Rolls itis' possible to snake. Satisfaction in this line and all' others guaranteed. EXGHAPTGING FO..WOOL.' . . Farmers, Tiring'inyou wool;-wewrtllbruy it or exchange it for gooda. Our Factory-beiigcapable of manufacturing one. hundred ttioiisand'pounds'of Wool iu a year, you;will always' find a market for your Wool in .Vlinten, and THE HIGIEEST PRICE PAID•, e• 3aE i?.�iThe Y3 OF $u-SS. Our 'capacity se ng se great, reat,ou. will 0.1wa1s be,able to have your work done Or. eLe shoi'tcstnoticc` O' m MR. cozl$PTTi[aTln,; carried on;tho Woollen business. for .the 'last seven years. in Clin y ton, takes this opportunity.oi thanking his many cuPtomers^suet friend:i:for tLoir:Lberai:tiatronage iu the past, and tee view firma would -kindly, solicit the patronage of all`h[s old customers, and ' hundreds of new cues. CORR;RTT &.BOLES, CLINTON' • 4Y1f1E;i1 W'ft l 13F 601,15;: A'., VERY ,LOIV RA. ES.' rn 11Esubscribcr takes; this means- of thankhla. his JL numerous' friends fir their liberal patronage•, for the past twenty years,and.also would beg to say that ' he has engaged .the best workman and is now prepared '• to fill all orders. on the shortestnotice and in first-class. style; and hoping that he may receive as iibCrlil ashare • of 'patronage in the future. , ,1 'lietireii work a'speeialiiy . 19_ 11.13EACCO I. to Denis: ESS MAKERS,. CLIN U0N. NEW ADVERTISEi\1ENTS. ' Mrd Pan :Ai Rock Bottom Pncog ai Twiloholl': ,til STOCK .0F EMBRACING THE, LATEST ; ryi,:GS,.CONTINUES TO ARRIVE, AND'WILL `:BE t`>ISI'0'E1)-Ol .A1' CHE' V1i;11Y.:LOVV:EST P:RIC'ES., GALL, AND', bH :'C1'IT'YI.' 1T,i E ..1Y.,t0. 14C.®N RNESS BOOTS and. SHOES " 'AT CR'EA.TL.Y REDUCED. PRICES. I. moic :y To. JrUrALV i'nl') Ate Irl v)„ .t r Low Reba, of I.rrlir.lsr SHINGA es--lf.foo muflehes of GEORGIAN BAY: SIIIN7GLES'for sale, frons 45 c net. hunch, up. Rooms over store to het. IX'it;orria. 131co h. E NTR HUMPHREY'S HOMEOI'ATl1IC J1Lil1E111'1i4S, c TICUJ1ll:EMEDIGS, E.EN1)ALL'S SPAVI.N CURE. And ail the recont.patents'l(ept in stook or procured to order,.; . Alarge'stock'R J TOILET SETS, r5' I ONGES of WIRE HAIR BI-Ik§ t s �, , PsItIUMEIY, 3cheap. .i'i' ' ' fa S ' ''`reduced IA S' pr ESCR1PrI NTS and fami] CL ,Ll I,OID,I.UUSSES at rates. II31..tJICi NL F k p y receipts accurately cornpoancled with care and despatch1" • A:11$1.102.:S ri. ` (i J -EI 16 .1; •( Ell llfil' AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, 000 ({r.) `t?. ad e ads Clothin gats and Ca s and6• oes, �d , ® :chests.. chance �i "eras, AT THE Sign of the Red Fla 9 WRIGHT'S OLD STAND. The public are cordially invited to call and ex- amine . goods and prices BUTCHERING BUSINESS. r IIE undersigned db0ir'e8 10 0ntinii4e to 'the pclple -L of Clinton and vicinity; that he' has 'bnfght ,the butchering business' formerly carried on b,y her, Robt: Fitzsimons, a n l while returning ti's tha thanks to those on a r wt n > Who ` r -whit in'bt ' h so liberally • patronized him o tat ess 1 s before, he would ask fOr' a cbntilmahcc of their trade, assuring them that he will use his a most endeavors to give satisfaction hi,every respect. � Orders soltefted. Retn0mllier'lie /reface )FC.%'itzsineo8i.' 014 Stand, ' Clinton, March ;10; 198'1- • Illitcher, CLINTON'' 7 BAKERY. .M'LEi:NA:N 1 911155 to intimate to the people of Clinton ,`acid -LivieinitY has re -opened inky -bakery on Via, t,iria Street, andwill 1 ee , to pleased to supply them with anything in his line. hand. Bread 8014 et the shop at the .following i)ri0es;-'4 tn„ loaf 12 cents.; 2 lb. loaf t Ceuta. No orders booked. Patronage re pcctivelr solicited Remenber (thti place—S'ietpria St., Clinton, •. i,. Bread;; Cakes, tic., of all Islttds leept.OI