HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-22, Page 4gvw.,AilutritiOottent
A bait -J. Hodgeus.
Farm for sal -1%. Carter.
Servant wanted -Mrs. Stewart.
Dry goods -W. L. Ouimette.
ilard pan -J. Twitchell.
Neckwear -W. Jackson.
Ordered clothing -T. Jackson.
Notice -7W. B. Crich.
glinton 411ew
THURSDAY -.TUNE ,22, 1882.
As the battle is -now over all can ;paluily
sit down ancl reckon pp* the rresults ,; and
those who had not:based their .calcula-
tions too high or hadtoo•sanguine expec-
tations in their favor, maY.Asa so Without
having much violence done to..thei r 'feel:
lugs, as the change in the, strength of the
government is but small, ,and .will be of
little account, except. ao faras -to •show
Which way the 'tendency is: 'That which,
will tell most ag,ainst the 'goyerninent is
the manner in which tlie electors in the
worst gerrymandered ridings have rebuked
them, by giving, in most caSes, large ma-
jorities for the candidates 'who were in-
tended to have been beheaded. • This is,
at any rate, a good feature and shows that
the people appreciate'fair play and hon-
esty, and are read,y, On short nOtice, to
give a demonstration of it. But the cleart
est thing shown in this eleation is the faet
that the main plankin the Platform of the
Conaervative party at the last election,
and the ouon,w1iich they ,Pla.eed *OK
greatest hopes •of success at • this
the P. -is the one that did them the
greatest service, and fully shows that the
leaders knew where their atrength lay,and
that that was the' string on witich to play,
•as Mr. Porter did en all occasions. .By
bringing the elections oh a•year earlier
•than necessary, and before any break
should take place in the 'even tenor -of
business, occasioned by -two or a f three g:serviees amongst us, and ask you to accept this
crops, and g,00cl *prices for. them,, they
have •succeeded in catching the' 'electors :
before the protective' policy delaSion ,Was
exploded; and thereby secured a'. further.
lease of power. •Whether -this .lease of
power will turn out to be a fortunate and
happy.one for them ig yet to be Seen,' fel.
it is quite posible, 'and, from all appear-
ances, certain, atathchange,for the wOrie .
in 'financial affiiirs' will soon. setd
, in, an.
then it will be seen Whether they are•Able
t.6 make geed' ti mes by net of parlianienta
This view Of the case was 'taken by Many
Reformers before the election Caine oft',
• and they expresSed the hope that the Re-,
formers wotild not, be.su C,CeSf1.4 in gaihing,
• power at this juncture, for if:they, (lid and
bad times 'followed, they ‘vOuld blam-
• ed for them.
With reference to Our own riding there
is-aaaood ea-u•aitia4tietieina
TgE pasturage of the _Agricultural Sho iv
Ground was sold last week to Mr. Arch.
Kennedy, faa• the sum of $48.
' Ma. GEo, A. WATsoaa late of this town,
A most Pleasurable meeting was held in was last week achnitted as a solicitor and tures, negotiations for a commercial treaty
the B. C. Church in this town, on Friday called to the Manitoba bar in Winnipeg. WithSpam have been suspended. '
evening last. A good company gathere
The boat race for the Sportsman ehal-
at 8 o'clock Rev. 8: T;Bartlett, at the re- JHST now Mt' -John 1-Ioduens is doing
. .. . lenge cup over the Thames championship
quest,Of the committee of supply, opened. considerable in" the handling of butter,
the meeting' by giving out a hymn and shipping over one hundred. tubs this week. course was won en Tuesday by Largan.
leading in prayeaand then at7his request He seems to be maaking reular weekly
Laycock and Pearce (Australians) 'ere
; the other
Air. Win. Murch was elected -chairman. shipments. . -
Whilst the choir were'sinaing an anthem,, The- ganitoba So*uth-Eastern Railway
5TERDA1 while a your', boy Dante • •
YE ' ' '• b • ' d
Mr. Bartlett went in search of the pastor, .., • , „, a '''.., . , Company have aaain applied to the Mani.
_Drown, empioyed at Dar, S. ayavis s, was . a
Rev. Mr. Thomas, who Was soon seated helpiw to carr a stove, he fell, the stove toba Legislature for, and will propably re-
ceiye, a new charter. 1 - . .
falling on hisy • d ' II' '
in somewhat of a surprised condition be- side an in icting a very . , -
fore the -delighted audience. The real - , . - Guiteau shows no fear of meeting death,
• - severe bruise.
object of the meeting was soon made but has not abandoned hops of President -
known by Misses Jessie Brickenden and PAnm SdLn.--'-Mr. John McQueen, of al clemency. He passes inOst of his time
e '' ' •
Jennie Shipley corning forward,the ' the for- this town,"has sold his , farm, lot 22 '.
Iird i&reading thBible.
mer reading- the elaborate address, find the Con. of Stanley to Mr. Peter Camol 11 f
r, -)e-- °-' Jas. S. Dean, a cutter in' a Kir4; 'street
latter 'flaking the presentations, one of a Clinton, for the sum of $.6,000. Thi . Toronto clothing store was arrested 11 on
well filled purse to Mr. Thomas -the other an- excellent fa.rm containing about60
3 day for robbing his employer. 'When his
of a beautiful photograph album, contain- acres cleared and 40 of oush.'
- room at the hotel was searched, nearly a
ing as first pictures several crisp five dol- . ' I d
cart oa of goods were found. .
lar bills to Mr. Bartlett,- colleague of iqr. -
A. Illasoaare District Lodge of Iostruction
ThoniaS for the past year. The address is being held at Kincardine this week, by I 11
This . season Mr. Thomas Good, of
Col. Moffatt of London Grand Master .' '
hamrock avenue, Nepean, clipped from
was as follows :- 7 7 7 .., o
and Dr. Martin, District Deputy Grand
DDRESS TO REY. R. THOMAS six sheep 234 pounds of aviiol,
. • '
, Master, and Messrs. J. Macwhirter and twenty'
being an average. of exactly nine pounds.
PASTOR OF H. C. CIIIIRCII, CLINTON, 1678-33. W. 11. Ransford, of this place, are there
„. ' Three rams' fleeces weighed, respectively,
as representatives of, the local Iodize, and
1,5• 13i , 1
R. Radcliffe represents Coderich. • .;, and 20 pounds.
. • . •. The 'United States schoc'ner Massachu-
Mn. -M. R. ELLIOTT, of the Sth con. of sets on Friday night- collided with an fee-
Goderich 'township, and who has recently berg a thousand feet highaoff Cape Ballard;
been attending to the practice of Dr. Dow- Newfoundland, and sank. ., Five •men are
sley during his absence from home, left by easaina, believed to be drowned. The rest
G. W., IR. on Tuesday.eVerang for the old, escapedwith difficulty in beats.
land, goingoby way of New York.. Mara
A very serious accident happened near
'shall has a•promising future before him,
Mount Brydges on Sunday, by whichMr.
and we doubt not will retuirnto Ontario
. Kelly, of that place, will lose one of his
laden down with honors gamed, by pa- legs, ,if he is not fatally injured. He fell
tient and persevenng study. off a paesing wood train; and by some
. ,
The arrival ,of 1,200 additional Chinese
in British Columbia is reported.
In Consequence of demands by England
for concessions in favor of her mamifac-
PASTOR, -4C are forcibly reminded' at this
time �l the fact so strongly enfureed daily by the axe"-
gencieS of human experienee that the choicest and.
most endeared friends are. subject to separation and ,
the sorrows of parting. As the time of your depar-
Ore from our midst draws nigh, and we retrospect the
jour year:, of 'your pastorate over us, we see many ac-
tions performed by you, that have proved .your deep
regard for our Spiritual welfare, and your entire aban-
donment of self and seitsli interests, in your conse-;
eration to the work of the charch's prOsperity on the
circuit at large. .•
Whilst' we feel endeared to you by' reason el 'the
many kindly, mid we are assured heartfelt. advices
and admonitions you have given us the sacred
desk, to follow,. in the footsteps of the Ferfeet One,
ofir greatest fear is that we have not gladdened your
heart as WO"rilight have, by rnailifesting to you and
the world, thosein
principles of Christian character that ,
we know you desire us to possess.. We assure you,
however, that those aelvice, together with the many
and varied precept of Christian integrity, will not
soon be forgotten by us. •.
We thank our Heavenly.Father that Your ministry
among us ..has not been in vain, but that ,some have
been induced LO TOCSIN'S the Eternal Friend -into their
affections, and are now Hying. amisecrated His
We lad hoped, -and-had even allowed ourselves to
expect that your 'neat place 'of labor would be . nearer
us than we learn it is, so that we might have enjoyed
your presence occasionally, andliave had the pleasure
of listening to your voiee froxn the platform or desk
but as the authorities M their wisdom have seen pro-
per to Place you at a distance from us, we submit' to
their rurng, still hoping that we shall at 'no distant
day be favored with seeing you again in our midst.
We .tri et that on your new station you and .your;
faintly w enjoy the.smile, and favor of the Bountiful
'giver of all good, 'andthat your ministrations in 'pub,
lie and private frutY be blest to the' good 'Of Many. hun-i
dreds: We, cannot ',allow you to leave our circuit,
'without manifesting. Myatt .some tangible manner,
however small our'appreeiation of yourself and your
OB such , token. ;You must not judge it as a 11.
standard of our esteeni, ifar that would require one
many, tames as large and containing many times as
much.. We wish you God speed-, With the fervent de'•
sire that,your labors may be blessed abundantly, and
that ,'1:11,1f pookOt book may nover be lass 1011 than the
one'we have-jiiat now presented you. , .• - .• •
been cut and earve.d .for the,sPeeial objeet,
of beheading Cameron, 'hitt notWithStand-,'
. ing he is the vietor, haVing -Clanged 'tv
majority of 1 1Vagainst to..28. for.. •
- Althotigh the country has gdne,iii, favor
of the government and inust.be Sabmitted
t) for the time being; it' does: not hY any
ii, earls ehangethe wrOngg. into " Tights; or
prove that, the view' taken of the promi-
nent questions liefore,the •country by the
opposition was wrong. ',Throughout • all
the discussions We have.neither . seen' tier
heard anything to disproie,..the assertions
• made by the •Opposition.,with • regard to
the effects likely' to 'follow' from the. policy
of the gov cum ent,..an (Vas' the latter have
]IOW an opportiinity we hope : they will,
'make use of it in:giving and retaining, a
• long term of Prosperity. •
The Conservatives •in the \Vest Riding
•a re, al ready talking of - pro t esOne: the; 'Mee-
• tioul . if they have nnytIidgtb base' a pre-
• test upon, • our readers may 1)08 11(0 the
Orotest will go ahead and we,.. shall .raise
. no objection to it, „but there' is •always .1 Mr. Bartlett preached' his farewell semen
on ,,unclay morning,.,Tt being one of
more or less, talk of this kitat IflcL
• .• best he has delivered here,' and he*li as de-
livered'Sorne verygged Ones..
Clinton, 'Time '16; I813.
... Mr. ThotriaSin• a, neat Speeeh-ofilialf-, Mr. Scarlett; the' 'representative. of the
an -hear, sheWed Several:pleasing features Dublin Freeman's 'Journal ti.int ., several
in:regard te the ehnieWs. COnditiOn::.. e,, other Irish newspapers; .isi, at: present !: im
said farther 'that during his four year pas,
Ontario ; en route.' for the:.N.orth West: He
tOrtite his been., the:pleasing **duty ,of intends' writing a series of 1etterF3.to these
: -
uniting ,in the bond inseparable- no IesS: .newePapers„ With, as rimy. to placing :before.
-than 124 .persetis,;!.and • baptising 182,chil-.• .the :Irian iJecii5le-IliS • ,viewOf the, Clain -is..
dren. !, Iris. reinaitkS 'We.re ,.welbtinied,ap. Which. Canada presents as a 'field for Irish
plicable.t.e.tbe.pc6asion;'aoeltaracterized einigration.... ,, He thinks it -Possible !that;.
bv liis',-.usio.i.:§olia : earn can pas' and ,:good with' proper •effort,' a donsidera,ble ethiara-
sense, ,, 'Mr. Bartlett also spoke, thanking' !w ,
!walking the. ,wire.: !ff.st.. beeame,..a .1 tion froin (4° (1)4
.).•r..i itt.ciaestjon. nilht be
them foritheir •kind' appreciation 'of ,hiirri
and.-hiS Work. as Manifested: in the !PreS••• pnpular. Way of ma,kingt a, lit mg lie ttirned,,,I secured. ' . - .• ..' ;., ., , ..i ,: . ..:.!. -
Mit 'given...: After,.singing by Misses..Sinith: his a..ttentipii thereto,,. auf .cl,'! ,in ade; a tout ',,.i The'announceinent tlfat*the Southeast-.
'arid ,Walker, • recitationS -from Meserea , a',. .:t1Ii'°1-1kli'' C''''°11413'.. f't.' P'P '6',0Woodi..,i .bw.nbiltclie_. jeill*.i.i'lli,RailWaY .cliarixe. hill haS'. agaiii,'been
Diytor , arid 'S: •`.L'; Bartlett and 'a 'few ,teese'l i)q•-kr,[nitlg-.4 Par.iS ffr.1-.1):: diteed. into the' Man itbba, legishithre,'"
,rem ,i,o;.„. :from- Mr., 'r.rho mur-oh. jio'lme,s..•Fing-S,' one.. 'end Of the Wire ,.glive"'.16. 1,..', ii-qa iS,' One th.‘it , will,•strike' diSni ay.in to the
e.e..tin.g.',...Ny.as, cl..Q.,.7' hewaS.throWn' to.:tIte .gretind; .but-, P..S bb. f:Ory tionp'. .'., 0. ip. c e ., .., 11 Q01,t4,,,
tc..) ebStie. the friebds'andAes of 111anii.Oba
y Ilj c", t'11:14.Vor i:pleant':in. l• 'tt,. -1 b`: 310..ti't * - '
'ett IV tl'''',.,s.i.Pg4t.g. 0 t4°'do.:.°10gY-*'-''*114 Trq • '1'sZcirjritYta;.'OtfhalY.Sletrei,;;IffiSi."11...isti'fi'ftatilrie; •11:15'Hil-ej-1:1111,e'lkel. : a n cl.ilie.ftlends. and monopoly feeS,•el'ea n,-•
4.1..1,1*. i,i 4 :-,. 6 f,r,the ' .1) pil,(.1'i ation...... kfaV.'' the-
.g -66d wisheS 6ftheir "congregations ' regardL •ft6kIre`d.:'''''e '''' .'''-iilbi'. e'r6ssin'44"4;-414a:ti'e-- 1*-r.01-P-s-'ePart'4,nett-icinS'ol*s**4-ri,t4toi'liot
.3ieyerS,1:t,iines.0110e,visiting. the .e'efast: .6f' ,5_4ite parties., -Itis.beyond.expeCtation that.
Intr.:their .fu titre success, as .ebristian, litiii-.:.
,AfttiCa;.Wliere•..be,wis laid Up With ,yeIloW, ti...cli,, a:grinding monopoly, as'.'that of the,
fe'-v-e.r.: „Sonietl.me after.-liel ilif-Y.16-1., 01# cit O.P. R. (iii
, be popular with .t,he people.
the .EasternStatesas a JPUrneynitari :print- The., AdvOcates. • of the Son0i,:Rastern, Will
Le.r.t-'.'.A fen •,y.teatts* age lie. 'got '. Married*and be ,. .re.cOgnized• • .aS „the' people's '14eit'd,'
TowN,.„GEHIUR,0,14. ,,c.li i m.Es.:. ,"settled down in:Minton, at .this.,bu5ineS5... T*....),)1Js'i/fSs',,,OtilniiIrlit,Y : OT''Winni'Oe!2
'4-1°.841"tted.",a:•joi.,6frIco b '0,re, ''').)akii4'' bit.eantiet be ilf. loVe With a Monopoly -Which.
ReV.:..111r.Hil.lyar, of igaiiehester,preaehH :ow'n ::.press and, ,Wopden.',tY'P.0;in .;•'which .c.44s6 Oat trio goods 0 ipli..ci.,:hist 1-.1,6'bill_.
•ed ...hi. the.13aptist :Church :*on 'Sunday,' 'linsinesS,:he rem'aine.0,,until .a sbert 'lime 'afy to be Still at midi Verecl .in
o. . ' . • :i''• . ; .. ; r.•..:.".,".,t,l.ie:.Mani.tO
agp„rOtitlgtlting.lisadVersiticsl)ehapietiotoii; .:ie,fact:tlifttheOUtievennrattet4athisilist6rtunesrrlloI‘iardztsterlliip3biici34ie,his5166ts:.-.:-
his good h
lines :were; : he was' alwa3.-,s ithu ad.er ii.,,w0 -p.e..otoi„,- to
0,0:.'1.)i*..V..; : .m4i,c
:mot. :. 'Being subject to heart disease, he. t6ba Cannot thriver and Winnipeg cannot '
!at -times Stiffered:•,VerY." aentelyi Which be •Putstrip'Cliiea6c for"Severabyears to'cOrne '
manfully ,bore - Under all '.eircuiiiStapeeSunless. this!. ,or, spirie•pther• new .and' inde-.
About' -three ',months., :Sinee, lie 'Went .to: .
.pendent outlet. for trade iS made.G,l'obe
• Winnipeg,' -us wife,and children following, .
and he has'aince been..emplOyed...as,-one,of
the. 'engine* drivers in...the Freey•Press.
• .A.. LARGE AMOUNT.—The Big Ample- . )
means go huns If partly under the cars
t ' e
merit warehouse, Clinton, last week turned with the result stated. .
in nearly three thousand dollars worth of The wint• er wlieat harvest is in progress
orders for the celeb'rated Haggert St Coch- on, the southern, division of Illinois Cen-
nine agricultural iMplements. This firm tral, "bud will prove a heary.crop. Trdffic
manufacture first-class implements, and Manager Tucker says it is at least a week
the farmers are IIPPareatly finding it out; too early to give an intelligent prediction
judgingby the waylhey buy them. The aii' td • corn. , Spring. wheat and oats are
agent, Mr. J.T. Marsh, says he is deter- looking finely, and promising well to date.
mined to give every pur.chaser the worth
Fresh exitement has been caused by the
Their St. Paul cord
of their inPney. , seizure -of a large quantity f d
o arms an
binder has,been successfully operated with
ammunonwhich were ready- , for export
cord for three years, and for light draft,
to Ireland; in London, and the arrest of
*ease of managerner't and. go011. work, thels,,,
challenge competition. Iis the only 'the tenant of the premises where they Were
fnund. Davitt has arrived at New York,
binder in the world that has anadjustable
, - ..-- me. ,
elevator and grain straioltener, for tang and received a hearty welcome.
to be taken up an bound in good shape,.
led (*rain enablinc, leaning or down grain -.I., .• • .
ed outbreak in Egypt are rapidly going.
z, +. n 1 f b " h
repara ions or coin attmg t..e exPect-
, .
joined the British fleet, and a force is ready
„ forward. Light draught war vessels have
telegram wa,s•reeeived here on Monday, -
at Blalta for enbarkation at any moment.
stating 'that R. IT. Call, better known as.
Arabi has giVen a large order for torpedoes,
t! Harry Call," formerly of Clinton, had
and appears.to.have made up his mind to
died in Winnipeg, on Sunday. He was
a character idtight. A -new Ministry has been formed
,s his way, and it was his' pe- by Ragheb PLO3113,, in which Arabi retains
culiarities that made him'so well known
to_.,the ,people. A, very interesting book his portfolio as Minister ofllAr.
could be written of his life and adventures,
'Mt we will Confine ourselves to a few in-
cidents only. . Born in Dundas, he came
to Clinton about: 20 -years. ago with. his
Parent§, and resided here •until a few
mont is since. Beiug considerable of a.
genius, be invented n number of different
articles, but beim,- somewhat shiftless
never patented -them, and consequently
derived no • benefit therefrom., When
isterg: he -realized by 1,W:1r:these. de.‘, •
.P4ting ';6.,r\-tirits Of
art to catch •a Nibble
Some- dry goods firms are alvvays resorting to some thing or
otlaer, tO catch the public and make 'believe they possess ad-
vantages over all their coriapetitors, ,to enable them to do
wonders for all who may come to deal and buy their goods
from them. At one time they advertise to give 25 to 30 per
cent off their goods, and do -business for three menths at a
stretch, for nothing, and pay expenses into the bargain. They
assume at another time to give, continually 10 per cent discount
for cash, which, on a running yearly account, is equal to 20 per
cent foi money. •Just'now they announce to give .10 percent
off' all goods, and take, pay in butter. These propositions may
appear very liberal, but every pers'on StOp" and think"
for themselves will see that no such big reductions can be taken
off legititnate prices, and do the fair thing all round.
Does any. one believe their presumptuous assertion that they
can give 12- per cent more 'for produce --than their neighbors
who to say the least are as expert in all business as they. - It
is all wind and humbug, and PRICES IN ALL SUCH, CASES ARE
• COOKED" t.C) 'suit the great discounts that ,are offered.
In self defence we can say, we will raee,,a)r straight.conipetitioll-
in, both buying produce and- selling goods, and are ready to
give highest price and sell as cheap as any inour line of trade,
but we •don't put on. those big discounts as a bait to catch
nibble by th'rowin'g them off again.
HICiHEST PP4o.y. FOR BE;TTE.R) in, trade, Of the best value
Goods and as larue assortment as to be had anywhere.
,OgrIIIGHEST PRICE IN CASH for any quantity o
liurrEn, if you want the cash.
1'OR Ea as,. in same
j0= -NO HUMBUG AND BLOW, and make believe,.to cateli
the unwary.
second place with any one in point of
value for money or produce.
We try to offer a s imoht deal in all and
fear no competition from any quarter. Kindly remember that
Hasa spread in the variety and extent of stock to place before
the public that gets away with all others and will not 1)0 et -
celled by any M the ttade.
OLIN ION, June, 1882.
The' 11: C. ,Sabbath School pie-nie , will ss
be, held next Tuesday. The' Methodist
, -
on the 4tli of Juily., ,and: the Presbyterum.
about .the..11th.'of.Jr4. ••
Ret. Canon Carrnihae1, of 'Harrill:Om
fermerlY of.StParil's•clitireh, has apeepte.d
'the. reptorShipof 'Si. .George's .church,
Montreal', tntbe•greatjoy. of his-Oldfrienclg
.that*eity,' who wull giNte..iiirn -a-- hearty- .ont. of ,cr. .of 19 his sistem is
'inow the
velcoine back,' 1`. •11,. h „.
•• onlv:one tying. n as. a e y .been
, •
ir'a Blatchford' will :ofilciate iri the 11.0. laid)* WithfeVer,,, but she was recotering
neXt SundaY,.inorning, lor, the at.:laSt,-acconlits„and, his„.death was nOt.
Rev: Mr, Thdn'tas• Preaches • 'anticipated for a Moment.' Ffis• Wife (for -
his farewell sermon next Sunday evening, ineitly Miss E. Stanley; OfGoderich town-
\\•71.1.ile licre he .has labored 'faith -in -11y ship,) is left -in verOinfayorable
ahdrifetlY,• to . the apparent S atifittioii stances by his death,. .they have. had
mnd profit all bit' congregations andlhis Considerable' SiCk'nesS .since their renioVal".
rein °Val ig‘'sineerely regrett.ed•bY all Classes west,' MI CI' Sha is not.in a4itstate,
-4.;*.thc cointnorjtity, w ith whoni he 1S en Call y,, Oiving': to :heti own .i11ncs,:to clo
thc thost fanlill ti and: ;iutim a te teirns rnuh for herself tw O' children'. A.
nuinbet'cri,•yearS. ago 41ft-fry's father was.
a WeilltdA'a bUsiness• Man' in a/ Lower
n adiiiit city,but meeting..With reverses he
eaineWeSt;'•dying"in 'this•.-totv' Many °years
•••".. . . • , ,.•
( ;lobe refers to the, election': as
c hopeswhich the Reformers' of
the Dominion entertained 'of a favOrable
result at the elections 'have hem frustrated.'
They have made a, gal:hint fight against,
overwhelming forces, and though defeated
will be neither disCouraged nor disinayed,
The Government haVe had iMproVed
trade t� help them in covering: over the
failure of their trade policy, but that 'is.
not by any means the main source of
their success. They have had a hundred
• corrupting agencies .:tt 'Work. They la-
vished large.sums of money last session
on public • buildings and'public 'works;
they threw had the baiids • of speculators
millions of acres Of land in the North-
West, and have received political support
in return ; they received the highly pro-
tected mamilacturerstectunary aid, and
• promised new favors in exchange.'
In regard to the infanionS gerrynander,
it is to be observed that in some case's the
sense of right of Conservatives secured the
--return of leading Reformers for their
mangled constituencies.- „;f3iit in other
cases t,he cutting a.nd carving 'caused the
defeat of Retbrm candidates, and the lead-
• ers were confined to their 'own Potinties
and their seryiceS in the general canYass
lost to the cause. • •
' •
The wonder is not that Reformers should
have been defeated by thee agencies, bat
that they should have suCceeded in large-
ly-, reducing • the , Ministerial. majority,
When'idf-the retithis• are, in, it wilt, be
seen that in a -great nufn bet of cases the
majoritiPs tbr then Minis:,terialists are, so
small that, they might easily have been
produced by the direct ;use of cab.
• Nearly 70 went from Clinton to hear
Mr. Blake at Goderieh on Blonday.
, MEskts. Craig, Cudmore and Matheson
this. week shipped several ears of cattle to
A son of 111r. John Wio.f,inton 'Hayfield'
road, while playing, fell and made an ugly
gash below the knee..
The pupils of S. S. No. 11, CIoderich
• „owns,
I- hip are malting it croquet lawn in
their ground.
(Or are supposleil
" Thimderation ! Why, hang•it all, I'll
he beaten much worse than Porter." --,-
'Johnston. •
" Gentlemen, it was a mighty hard efL
fort, Imt it was the best I cotild do. To
be ,honest,- I really didn't expect Anything
else." -Porter. ,•
".I-Iad I been the,cairdiclate this thing,'
IT is reported that tile late.eclitor of the
Recordis to receive a government situa- woUld net have happened," -Platt. ..
tion at no distaht day. ' .
‘,‘,What a huge joke the party played off •
LAST;AVeek Mr. Geo. Cole, went to Grocle-•, on me when they got Me ',to stand as a can- „: M.or.tgage Sale'
rich eft' route for Minneapolis, D. Ross for Aidate. . ,I ' waridot:itt Iffy- 0 wiz] stupidity." -oy-L '
Fargo, and Mrs. A: Moore and farnily for Shannon. - •
.. i. •
. •
Brandon. ' '' _ ' • .. . .:
•" WE did it this time' . didn't WE. Yet •R.E A L. . •4E.
, messks, .s,--111epougall, of. Goderich' Iliavo a doubt as to the result if it had TINDER and by virtue oftbc power' O. sale
week by G. T. R. for the old country,obee6rut t.aCi4nreiedvien, It'oce.ilt.toabileirItitfitagwagaio.rirc[,le tbaYe
tOwnship, an'cl 32.3. Fisher, left here last,
for not been that WE -that is ,if-laut ray.. WUll • It
the purpose of, importing'thoroughbred further.".` -McGillicuddy.• '
known modesty. prevents me g,Oing any- .youuger, %Odell wiii be prodticediit. the tune of
sale, there will be offered for sale in one Parcel,
StOak: " - J•
, 1),' I' bl ,-, A 4,1 , n ,1 •
SATURDAY; 24th' of 'JUNE, .1882,
,•. ."jt was a hard effert. 'gentlemen; 'but
TitE.CEors.---From 'all se,ctions of the we did. it, all the same, aiid. can
country come ,favorable reports of the crop do It . At four o'eloclep.' in., by David Dickinson,
again, too" -Cameron. •
prospects.' 'Fall wheat is heading out,has, , . ,
. . . , .
thus,far escaped injury by everything, and ' "Thought I had, hirn sure:this time, .but
promises a very large yield,although there he slipped. 1310 again" -Sloan. , . '• (Towstaip or HULTATT,)
•" l never expected it, for a moment, but Tim following property,being COM11080d Or par
are reports that tile hessiartfly is attacking
the early grain. Tile spring graing- are of Lot ri, in the 7110 concession of ,ffutlott; and
corning forivard well, and give ipdieatiens I'm ,glad I. got it all -,the sarno"--Farrow, ,more partietnarty described as two perches by
, ,,, „ . "three wIr.ches, on the southiwost corner of shad
of a gooct y lent. The locations, which, at !, Cameron's a haird (ine, 'anyhow, ana lot.. On this property there is erected a, in_acy:
one time had' a b4u1 look, •are •much itn- there's 110 ge,tting a • ' round that: -,-." We'll Inicl;s:'''ili,(iilik.gii;,ipitelirjtaiLi,reilacteilPiiettgIT:.nonrgii:11.
proN,, ed by the late. rains* and the general burst 'him, though, we' kno-w" something *. Tiutms:—I'lfteen per eent,at time of Salo, and
prospects of farmers are Ilaftcle more 'en.; .and Porter will sit for West Huron yeti.' li,mtanc° Fithltittwo%ntt3i,adaits.,,,,t,w,r/ToRN' 'E, jr
couraging•• ,,-
You'll 'see. "-Conservative chorus. . , Trunett. may.is, 1881, vendor.
itrighOtr•Dis.ease .1Diates.
'No danger frOM•the di•Selases 61 voioise !HOil
Tiitt:ers; li6s'ides, being the best faintly medicine'
.eVer made. Trust no 'other. •,
House and Lot for Sale.
J).VEhLINci, IfODSE for f;ale on J'asepa st.,
•, Clinton. one-littarter 01:a,n acre Of ground
Price low,. Terms easy. • Pint partiealars apply
to ••, ' • C.' A.
". • • Stoic iior, ottiet in 'Perrin's Block:
dititon, ,y.tute . 1:
Nolico Of 1)issollition Pthrtnorship,
isrliereby given that the partnership
a_laiereterore Subsisting between us, the under-
signed as GrOCOTS, in the town' of Clintom,'liOS
'Peeti this day disaplVed by ni utual consent: All
debts owing to Said partnerShip are,to.,be paid
to George Sharman at the said town _of Clinton,
;rrid all claims against the' said partnership are
to be preSinited to the said George Sharman, by
NyInim the Sanaa will be settled: • • ' •
Dated•at Clinton this 26111 (Il(Y.'of MaY;A;•ID"-181813-
• wituesS:." _
Suitable'for Hardware,' Oreceiies, Dry Goods
or genet• al• Intsiness. GoodliAand. itent
•.sOnable.--•••• '
IRWIN, Clinton..
• tinetiuneer at
Upshall's Hotel, Kinbuin
vi ‘‘,ft t t en tion to the fel lowing lines of g 0 0 Ci s :
ool Dress Goods.
lack and Colored Cashmeres.
White and Printed Piques.
White and Colored Lawns.
hite and
Printed. Lawns.
ace Ourtajns, 'Quilts, Towelling,:
This department, tinder the management of 2f,,
C. COLE, second to none as a Cutter, has been
a great success.
.r•OokOry...:#Glassware at cosl