HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-15, Page 10z+„
WHEN Conservative orators speak be
j 1 N NE E1 ( , fore an intelligent audience, ;they should
be, pretty well posted, or they may make
THURSDAY; JUNE 15, 1882. 'some ludicrous blunders, as a young orator
from Clinton 'did at ,Summerhill one night.
Zorn JOIU .
MRs.oR-GAN• has now'sixty pupils in
lier private school.
THE LATE James Dallas, of Tucker-
eu ith, was a cousin of Mrs. John Fox, of
• this. place. `
THE itAcE intended to come oft' on the
1st of July, between the colts of Messrs.
Copp and Beacom, has fallen through.
THE planing mill formerly run by Mc-
Cartney Scott & Co., is offered for sale
by tender. Here's a chance for some one:
MR. W. Ronrssoii, of the Huron road,
has a working horse that weighs close on
to 1600 lbs., which is au unusually good
THE FIRST new wool of the season -was
marketed here on'lhursday by Mr. Geo,
Middleton, of Goderich township; who
delivered 500 lbs.
MR. W. B. OUCH having disposed of
his manufactory here, intends to start
business:. in Stra,throy, to Which place he
purposes. removing in ,a' short time.
THE LATEST town that has been laid
out in the northwest is called " Auburn,"
.and is said to be located by a Huronite.
It is a long distance west of Brandon.
WE HAvE a stool of wheat oh exhibi-
tion, taken at random from the Ransford
farm, that measures over four feet in
length; and is on'the point of heading out.
THE DIRECTORS of the Seaforth Driving
Park, knowing that it would be useless to
run any other coltagainst.Mr. Tipling's,
have wisely concluded not to accept his
MESSRS. P. Cole and C. Mason returned
from. Michigan last week, where the latter.`
has bought eightyacres of land within
five miles of Croswell, upon which he will
place his son Edward.
THE EDITOR of the Seaforth vein, seeing
us drive a pair of -mules in that town last
"week, goes into .ecstasiesover it,: we .pre
sume because he recognized near relatives
of his, in the harness.
PLEAD GUILTY.—The young man Poul-
ton, who was committed to jail last week
for stealing a watch in this town, was up
before the judge the other day, and plead
guilty. Sentence was reserved.
Mx: JAs: TwITCHELL is manufacturing
a number of sets of ox harness, for Mr.
Austin Callander, who .intends sending
them to the northwest, being the second
shipment of .the kind he has made.
WHILE playing on the school grounds
last week, Ella Coats (daughter of Mr. W.
Coats) accidentally had a crochet needle
run through her clothes, right into her
back. The doctor's aid was needed to
extract it, but the wound was not serious.
last week, when -la esaid-that,-tilloand-a-half
I bushels • of wheat would make a barrel of.
flour.The most ignorant one in his au-
dieWknew that this amount was little
• more than half enough,
DR. WORTHINGTON, of ,.this place, at-
tended the proceedings . of the (,•Ontario•
Medical Association, at Toronto, last week,:
and read an ititktesting paper. upon the
treatment of diphtheria: Drs. Stewart, of
Brucefield, and Graham, of Brussels, were
also in attendance. • ,
WE LNDERCTirnthat Messrs. Joseph
and Thos. Stephenson;of this place, have
taken up landabout thirty miles nor
west of Brandon, within six miles of, the
railway, and are well pleased with the
country, notwithstanding the difficulties
they had to encounter in getting to it.
DIseHARGEn.-The . boy Robert Hig--
gins, of Crediton, formerly of Clinton,,
csharged with .committing indecent assault
upon a girl named Bernhart, •appeared
•'before Judge .Toms on Wednesday. 'It
was clearly proved by three witnesses who.
were with him that he had )ieither touched
nor spoken to the girl.
ACCIDENT. — On Thursday afternoon:
last a man named Alfred Moore, empl.yed
in Fair's mill, met with a; severe' accident.;
While at work at the edging saw, 'his
hand came in contacttherewith,: and his
index finger was cut clean off, in a twink
ling, and the remaining fingers badly la
cerated. It will be .some time before he
is able to use his hand again.
travelling from the east of :London, stop-
ped at the Queen's Hotel. Seaforth, one
evening recently; while: there she dropped_
her pocket book, but did not miss it until'
she got to Clinton, :when she wrote a card
to .the proprietor, :asking about it, and re-
ceived the article by mail next day. She
wishes to express her thanks to the pro-
prietor of the hotel by this means.
MARKET NOTES.—Potatoes have gone.
up to 90e a busbel,andare scarce at that.
Eggs are higher in price than butter, the
former bringing 17 c.'a dozen, andihe lat-
ter lb
atter'.lb e. per ib. for loose, and 16 fol tali."
Wool is unusually low 'in 'price, being
quoted at 1G to 18 cents, and there is not
much prospect of it being higher. Wood.
isnot much in demand. ',Hay fetches a
pretty .good price, notwithstanding, the
abundance of grass.
MR. S. T. HOLmES; who has been away
iu the west for several weeks, returned
home on Monday, after having secured
land in Minnesota, and Made. .arrange7„
meats for the purchase of other property
" in Dakota. Although helikes, the. coun-
try pretty well, he has no intention of
snaking it his permanent home; believing
• that a man, can have far greater comforts.
in Ontario than he can there, withouttlie
drawbacks which. there exist, and will
continue,to for -along time to come.
CONCERT.—Mr. I3. Morgan is bound to
make the concert on the 12th July excel
anything ever given Here.' The services
Fif Mr. Waugh, a comic singer, have been
engaged along with others, and: with the
cantata by the 60 children, besides our.
local talent, who are getting up some first.
class music, the programme will certainly
be a good' one. Endeavors are being
made to have the trains on both line4 field
over until 10:30 p.nr, so as to giveall
from a. distance a chance to 'attend.—
There are
attend.Thereare now nearly 100 faking part in
this concert. ' •WE i.EARN that the .Goderieh'. mare
Lucy, 2:201, by Royal Revenge, for a
number of seasons past owned and trotted
by Palmer & Wells, all over the country,
and familiarly known in the United States
as " The Queen's Own," has ;made her
exit from the trotting turf, .having been
- sold on the 2nd inst. to Col. O. H. Payne,
Cleveland, treasurer of the Standard Oil'
Company, as a mate to his mare Daisy,
with whom she showed a half in 1:111 the
first time they weredriven. together. The
little brief,- mare was quite' successful in
her turf c
a good sill
ed $15,00(
terms privy
et, and seldom failed to win
the money. Price report-,;
our correspondent states
14Ix WPI. JAexsoN returned,from the
northwest last Thursday, having travelled
nearly four thousand. miles during his
absence, going a considerable distance
west of, Brandon. He 'reports matters as
very,quiet indeed in Winnipeg, real estate
beiug almost unsaleable; and those who
have their,second"payments coming 'due,
as feeling • " very sick." His opinion is
that .many o f the•Huronites' will return in
the fall to Ontario -many would do so
now if they did not feel ashamed of so
doing.• -
THE EDITORof the Expositor, who was
among the audience at the public Meeting
here:last week, concludes his report there-
of as. follows, :—" Mayor Forrester ,occu-
pied the,cbair, and the exceedingly order-,
ly meeting was due in no small degree to
the tact he displayed in that position, for
although the major portion of the audi-
ence seemed peaceably disposed,thereWere
a few. -obstreperous spirits present .Who
occasionally permitted their: feelings to
get the better of their:good judgment, and
had they not been carefully managed by
the, chairman; and speakers, the. meeting
would have been much less orderly;'!,,
• THE OTHER morning as the sun in all
his splendor and ,power was • pouring his
warm rays.upon this ethereal sphere, and
while we were studiously engaged in the
arduous duties pertaining to our respon-
sible position; we heard -the sound of de-
scending waters upon the earth in front
of our premises, while the -atmosphere
Suddenly assumed a coolness so pleasant
and refreshing as to be almost indescrib-
able,,l Mentally asking ourselves "whence
this delightful change;? we 'raised: our
eyes' and gazed with astonishment, admi-
ration and awe upon the cause of our
pleasure. There was the apparatus 'per
forming its.:work almost noiselessly,: and
as it proceeded onward, onward • in its
•course, we could see the sinile of satisfac-
tion which litcouritenances of our
business :men,' who felt that science •and
mechanical art . had at last triumphed
over the elements; and relief from the op•
pressiveness of heat and unpleasantness
of ,dust, had at.last been attained. They
could now breathe easier, business cares
need 'not trouble them, and so'9ong as they
had a sprinkling cart that -performed its
work as effectually as the present one;.
they, were happy. Anything we have be-
fore said about the cart we take it ,all
back, as itis now really doing good work.
PERsoiALs.--The wife' of-MIr, J. Gar
re], we are sorry to Learn, still. continues
very ill, and has gone to 'Stratford to try
theeffects of the mineral bath; "'Miss Vira j
Foster left for her home in Brant..county
on Tuesday ; she will be much missed
by her many. ,acquaintances... Miss Lily
Manning left for her home in.Almonteat.
the saine.time;•since:her short visit' here
she has made''many. warn' friends. Mr.
• David Moore, 'of Kincardine, whose name
figured prominently in connection with
the Goderich- harbor.: contract some time
ago, was in• town? on' Saturday ; he reports:
the Reform prospects as exceedingly en
couragangin the threeBruces. 'Mr.
Proctor, architect, formerly of this town:
has''removed .to Fargo, Dakota. Lorne'
Wilkie, son of: Mr. J. T. •Wilkie, has gone
to Nile, to reside. 3liss Begg, 'of Mitchell,
is the guest of:'Mayor ;'Forrester. , Messrs.
Bennett and PRobb•, this week attended.
the meeting of the High Court of Fores-
ters at Guelph. We are sorry to learn of
the serious illness of the mother of IvIrs.A.
S..Fisher, at 'her residence near Whitby.,
The wife of Mr. Alex. Armstrong left' on
•Tuesday to.visit herrelativesat,Almonte.
The wife and 'family of Mr. Andw:.;Moore
leave •in a:few,.days for. Brandon, wliere
Mr. Moore is :at „present engaged ":.The,
wife. of Mn Thos. Burke left on Tuesday,'
to visit her friends at Bownianville.' Mr..
Thor. Jackson is -serving on the grand jury
for the QuarterSessions, at Goderich.,-
Mrs. Salt, who has been up north visiting
friends, has returned, and attends to the
wants of her customers in her usual genial
inanner: 1)r. Dowsley bus returned -from
his holiday jaunt.. •
BRIErs.—The funeral, of Robert Lan-
ders, Tuekersmith, which passed through,'
here en Thursday; was very;,largely''at-
t-tended. - One night last week a buggy on
the road to Stapleton accidentally turned
over, but very, fortunately, the occupant'
thereof, alady, escaped Unhurt, A sitting•
of, the Division .Court will be here
to -morrow '(Friday:;) `a number of minor
cases are to be disposed of. ;A couple of
new signs adorn the premises of Mr. Thos.
Stevenson.• Mr. J. R. ,,Kennedy being
absent at Caledonia for a.: few days^, his •
business is being attended to by 1Ir. An-
derson; " Jim" handles the •staff of life, as
if he had bean brought up to:the business
for years. Messrs. Miller & Tedford have
their windmill erectediand in working'or-
der Two parties representing the Onta-,
ria Photo-Ad've tising.Company, were en-
gaged this week in photographing tlis
principal buildings in town. A shoemaker
from Port Burwell, has commenced busi-
ness west of the Commercial.' Hotel. Po-
tato bugs are on the war path. Messrs..
.Thompson Sa Switzer' this week. wisely
avail themselves of the'uneejualied advan-
tages of the NEW ERA as an advertising
niediuni.. On "Monday` a large bird :was.
observed flying. around 'town with a'long:
piece of ribbon' attached to Asian ; it did
not appear to incommode it at all, 'but
when flying the bird's appendage saiied
straight behind it; looking ,very queer.-
Wide-awake business men have utilized
th!e. watering cart as an advertising medi-
um ; when, all' business menrealrze that
they can, hardly advertise too ;much, they
will make use of every legitimate means
of keeping their names .,before the public.
r John.• Hodgene this week, ships 100
tubs of" butter eastward A farmer from
itaripoea township, who came up here for'
the purpose. of rentinga farm,.;had 'to re-
turn. witliout accomplishing his object ;
those who' :aye farms to .rent should ad-
vertise them. The • 12th of July, which
will soon be,here, is going to be ak big day
in Clinton. The Reform rooms are open
every:night ; a full attendance of the mem
bers is -asked for Friday. and Saturday even-
ings.it not he tlutyof thestr t
Is ,. y street Com-
mittee to look after the town trees ; `there
are some that require attention. On the
evening of Tuesday sotne one released a
canary from a cage,in the office of Messrs,
Manning &Scott. The,pasturage of the
•Agriculturcl show ground. Will be sold' "by
public ancticii 0u Friday at 2 p. n+, ,
n Saturday Evening next our show . windows
will contain a magnificent display of "'
We show by far the most complete assortment
goods oods in town.
BOY'S COLORED SHIRTS with collar to match,
only :.75 cents.
MENS COLORED SHIRTS collar attached and 2
collars, in every style, pattern and prise.
MEN and BOY'S WHITE SHIRTS, in sizes : from
12 to :17•
e the •Big Display.
Hatt r n
you want to see the
Largest Stock, Best - Quality and Cheapest Goods in
the County,
That we will have summer now,,
Light colored
Prints Special patterns
S '
, newest designs.
White P'KS, .,Colored FRS.
T}fl ni:
magnificent lot of . HOSIERY
at close : prices.. .
u tazn andrurta2 C n
The fact of the matter is he sells so cheap that
the natives are really astonished:. The reason is
he buys most 'of his goods for cash, from the
best manufacturers in England, Scotland, France
and -Germany,-andCan-aff-o]cd:ta--sell flrom
Twenty per; cent lesshan other dealers.' . t
Several thousand dollars worth ' of
Goods are already ordered from the
European markets for the fall trade
�I' h
Specialties is Woo]
Baby Carria• ges and Express Waggo Lls, Cro-
quet, Lacrosse, Music & Music Books:
Good Hammocks for $2.
N X.
NER..�L N �r'tl
GE •
CIRA1 31A(�WW1-IJIcir..,.:1i
ers thiswee