HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-15, Page 6Town Connell- A speeial rneeting of the council was held on Monday evening, all the members present except 'Deputy -reeve Cooper. The minutes of pre ions meeting, were read and adopted. Mr. Stevenson, chairman of the Street Committee, stated thaw the' -;committee were going on with the work passed at the last meeting. They had asked for tenders' fur gravel and stone, but had only received tenders for the Latter. At last meeting, among other improve- ments passed, it was decided to make a sidewalk on the east side of Victoria street, from Mr. Straiten's to Kelly's hotel, but in view of the fact that the station is soon to be removed, it was auggested that it, would bo unnecessary to put clown that sidewalk, but to run it across from Turn - bull's corner, instead, towards the.new sta- • Lion, and the followirg resolution was then put: Z'OLjTIC.AIL NOTES. J. Burr;Blumb has been nominated by the conservatives of North Wellington. Sir -R. J. Cartwright is meeting with j. geed success in his campaign in Centre Wellington. ' Messrs. Lister and Fairbank, the "Re- fo_rm candidates in`Lanlbton, aremeeting with every encouragetne ET. i Waterleo South, represented in the last' house by a Conservative, promises to re- turn a Reformer in the.present contest. - In South .Perth, one of the worst gerry- mandered ridings of the Province, Mr. Trow} Reform candidate, . is said to be meeting with good success. R, Sir John 'Macdonald spoke in Hamilton on Thursday, but did d'ot arouse much en- thusiasm-:' ' At London; on Saturday,"her-- ever, he had a very large meeting.. Sir Jghu is understood to have definite- ly decided not to allow his name to be put Moved by Co -un. Thompson, sec. by in nomination for the county of Carlton, Conn. Searle, that the report of the street assigning as a reason that-it:wbuld inter• committee passed at the -last meeting: of the council be amended by striking out the • In London, - Hamiiton and Toronto, clause authorizine the -committee to put where Conservatives formerly represented down a sidewalk from Kelly's hotel to Mr. the people, the prospects` for the Reform Straiton's house.—Ye,,, Forrester, Thomp- candidates are• decidedly .favorable,' and son, Searle, Morse and Twitchell. Nay, •soree"of these constituencies will be re- Corbett, Jackson, Moore, Stevenson, Wal- deemed. ker. The vote baling a tie, the motion was declared lost. FINANCE co31\I1TTEE's RErORT.' fere with his prospects in ,'Lennox. The political outlook for the Reform I party is most hopeful. Sir John Macdon- ald is apparently convinced that Lennox The report of the Finance Committee; is not for hien, and hence. the "movement arl recommending payinent of the following. to pr i�sdstrciingec e a!tr'ie sheen, jor'etou,. accounts, leas read :—G. Rentgen, pay list Ca to of men on streets, $147.42 ; G Rensgen; Mr. lIunte}th, Cruservaf ve; who "was men at cemetery, $57.27 ; W. J. Paisley, 'rl,nnin,g'in is -oro Conseragainst who' ws-' qrs. salary, freight on lumber, fie;:$127.82; son„ also Conservative, has withdrawn T. J. , Wilson, cedar lumber," $300, less froththecontest, and Mr. R. Jones- reeve $42.40 for freight, culls, &c.; H..Stevena of Lagan, and ea•-warden•"of the county,. has been chosen. in his place by the Re- formers. and W. H. Hine, assessors, $100 Rohit. Downs, work on water tank,.$34;' J. Ross, • making water tank and frame, $30 ; A. Cook, Digging well, $19.20.; J. Ewing, The atrength of the tide adversseto the cleaning closet, 7�c. Isaac Lawrence and present Dominion Government -is :.shown Millin, trees for cemetery, $12: by the fact that Mr. Prain,,a strong:; local Accouut'ofE. Floody, printing auditor 's candidate,'who has been for ':ten •days "past, abstract, left over from last meeting, canvassing North Wellington in the Con - amounting to $16 ; recommend that he be aervative interest, has withdrawn from the paid same amount as charged by other contegtte- printing offices, viz: -$8:50. James Somerville, of Lucknow, has been In reference to the items' for water tank," nominated`by the Reformers ofW.Bruce in which were considered high; .Mr. Steven- place of Mr. Campbell, the postmaster of son said that he had thought it a little Lucknow, who .resigned.the office a short high himself, and had got the, parties to timesince but vvbose resignation ,has not make a slight reduction on their account, yet been dealt with. but believed, as the articles, were wellHon`Vin. 1VIcDoul hkd to made, the price, under thecircnmstances, atand.;.as an 'indepengaldentas candidatebeenase for did not pay the makers very well. South. Lanark," against John Haggart, as On motion of Coun. Morse, . sec. by. for -some years he has been -a re resenta- Coun. Walker, the report of the Finance Hie of I4orth.Lanark" and is well known Committee was passed. in the 'county. Ile would Prove a fermi - REPORT OF TUE. rstorERxY e03I1IITTEE., dable opponent. The property committee reported_that Mr:: Robert. Barber, of 'Barber Bros., they had received r,o applications to lease manufacturers', of,:S:treetsviilessthe: Con the market square below the G.T.R , and; S'erivatiVei Candidate of Teel, said the other found that it would take about $100 to fix' •day. that the great mistake .Of Sir John'a it. The lane between the Market House life was hie action- in regard: 'to the Bonn and Spooner's store is in a bad Condition, daryAward.' " Mr. Barber. is of. opinioys. and they would Wish the council to give .a that:Ontario las been- foully dealt with in grant of .' 23 to gravel the same. ] tibia respect. Having made inquiry as the price of a suitable flag far the market building, find that it would cost about $25. . Mr. Twitchell thought that in. the low disastrously to `Cho ministry. With: state of the. [finances,. the amount teen one exception Ottawa has.re.turned tioned for flag and gravelling was excessive. s always Conservative representatives to parliament; would not allow any one tp fence theOld Mr. Moore stated, that, Mr. Gordon"taut now all the indications point to the market square•.return of •two. Liberals. :The reason. for ]1r. Thompson,, thought soe•of ,the members had just' m oted for a more useless expenditure than it would be, to grare1`Fhe lane, and'he thought the fatter work ab= solutely necessary. Mr. Searle said that it would soon be necessary to fix the lane in some. way, as the water coming .clean went in under the Beaver Block, which would son pay con sidcrable in taxes. Mr. Stevenson thought the lane should be fixed in some way,• bot believed .the, council should not alone do the work. Moved by Coen. Morse, sec. by Conn.'. Stevenson, that the amount of $25 to por- ches.) a flag, and 825 to gravel the lane as asktcl by the ,committee, be granted.!— Carried- The Mayor was authorized to borrow sufficient money to meet current expenses. Taking Ottawa as a criterion of popular" opinion .throughout the country, it roust' be .evident to: the dullest comprehension that the present electoral contest must re; raTI'Tlo2 s, petition from the 1 1 ratepayers on the western limit of Rattenbury Street ;asking ihat'a sidewalk be built from Mr. IaIe s,: Sterner, on.the north side, to Mr. Henry'' Youngs, was read. Some "discussion fol- lowed, several of t`io memb rrs favoring:the. application, while others opposed it. Moved by Coun. Corbett, -see. by Conn.; 1:1oore, that the petition, as asked for, be ranted.: • Moved in amendment by Conn. Morse, Sec. by Conn. Jackson, that the petition be referred to the Street; Comtnittee:—The yens and nr ys being called for the amend went nae lost, and the motion afterwards carried on the following, vote, yea—Cor- bett, 1 hcmpso, , Searle, Moore, Stevenson r the change of sentiment•here:.is undoubt>:' eddy the action of the government with reference totbe excessive -taxation en the' necessaries of life, the:•distnemberment.of, Ontario, the' disallowance oft provincial rikhts:'iir'legislation , and the sieirymander- Ottawa Free Press•.. Frani' all directions we have the most cheeritito reports in regard to the prospects'. of the Liberal cause. ; Never in the his- tory of Onterii did the Liberal, party go into • a'centest . tvith,:niore unanimity . and enthnsiastn. The best men have willingly : tccepted nominalion as candidates even :in. the gerrymandered ridings and ;the canvass: s•beitig carried on with an''arnount of. energy that knows. no such "word as fail:` Ontario is ;aroused :as;Ontario has not been aroused •fpr a quarter of a century. The, "•heat'her is on fire" and by the time the polls are closed on the' 20th the gerryman- der government' will he:so"scorched that •t t a beaLfriends Win scarcely re,cogoise it, Stratford Beacon: • ' It Catarrh bas destroyed your sense of'smell and Hearin Hall's Catarrh you. 15 teats. per t�}t Cure wil euro bottle. Lruggiste eelt'it: For sale hyJ. H. Combe. ri..1 imainesnonoreaunamasass caminnismi Tg Ptrornrrrended by Physicians. ` and 1 witchell nay—horrester fae6sorr, t• Morse and \1 elher. Mr. Hine app' e 1 fr r 500 on behalf' of the Nigh School appropriation for 1882, • On motion of Coun. Thompson, sec. .by Coun. Searle, the application was granted. The following communication in refer- uuce to li matter which came before the Uooncil a short time ago, was received from the manager of the Northwestern Telegraph Co. r` Onr men, when they reach your town, will straighten up the polos and do whatever else they can put the lino in good erdor,•as it was their eus- ton, to du so every summer." Mr. Roberts applied for a'rebate of two months billiard license as he did not corn mance until late in the• season. Council had 110 power to grant the application. Mr. 'Beesley appeared before the Coun- eil in reference to watering Victoria -Street. Moved by Coun. Stevenson, sec. by Conn. Jackson, and carried,that the ii'ater- iwg-of,Victoria Street be continued as far as McLaren's Hotel. Council then adjourned. S''400.00 Reward ! \Vi1l be void l i for the detection ap(1 Couvietion of any person selling or dealing in any bogus„ votuterfeib or imitation 1101' BITTERS,.espet - Illy Bitters or preparaticns withl' • the word Ho or Hors in their naive or conm-eted`tlierewith, 1 hats is Intended to mislead and client the pub- lie, or for any preparation put in, tiny form, pretending to be the satn,e is H01'. Biryras: 'rhe genuine have cluster of GREEt1 I101•8 No- tice this) printed on the whitc..label. and are the, purest mud best medicine on ottrth, especi- ally for Kinney, Liver and Nervous:Diseases. Beware of alt others, .and of all pretended formulas or receipts of Hot' BIT rias published t:: papers or for sale. as they are frauds and 'worn 'acs. 'Whoever deals in any but 1110 venn- ue w•1, t he prosecuted. l dor- BITTERS Illi r : C (1. Roche trv. N.V. Cate rh" of the Nasal Cavity -Chronic and Ulcerative; .Catarrh:cft,e Ear, Eye or Throat, It •Is takes. - INTERNALLY -and acts DIRECTLY upon the Pseud and' Mucous Surfaces .of the Sysie n It is th'e best Blood Purifier in the WORLD, and is worth ALL 1 ;at is' charged ,for. It, for ' THAT.' 'alone,' TII E ONLY INTERNAL CURE `FOR CATARRH f_=5' IN Tilt SiMItR:I:T.s-y $- 0 Wo05 .i P+CC•n a170C)ura1 $ 00 R r ‘1.9., March 23, 1883. 1,1y little'deselft zrblod with, catarrh, .for two years an,i i , . ties notch benefitted by the use ot" Flails Cal ria Ohre*" She is now about uurep W. T. HOUSE, • WELL.(n r Ont., March.20, 1882;. I have used " Hollis C stanch Caro," and judg• ing from the Rood results 1 dorii,ed from ono bottle believe It will cure the moat stubborn - case of 4ntarrh.if its use be continued for a reasonailelength oftime: • 01. 11. HELLEMS, vt',; ,r,,su._lut;".VIa .7. Cal.' ti C' r' tell 20 '1882. ,F t7 i . `,[' I rlo, O. �' Gents.—iiavQ 1,1,1.11,17'5Catarrh 0ureierthe • last year,and it +ivay entire satisfaction. Yoara aruly, ' H. W. HOBSON, Druggist. Ha.TT- �� ,GaLarzhfCure • 18 sold t4 all whbloseloincl Eotail Druggists audi,Dealo •S in' l'atent' Medicines in tlae licit -ed States" aria 'Canada, I'tt 75 CACI $ a M;OI,t r ': ��T oO a Doz. The only gocnino 111 11 a "ntarrh Curets zrid4r '°: ufacture.i by• R. J. e1[I :"1 'f & CO., Tolodo, 0,' t Bowtire of Imitations, ' • Bottleafor tine Ontario trade by Fi. W. I•IOBSON, Welland:: Ont. Clinton- CabinetC�mpi'y. In order to meet ourincreasing'trade' we have b 6116•11I -floe N'actory-late-Iy occupied bylV:, B: Ger ell; and after getting it uncle:. way we a.re prepared to manufacture - Everything in the Furniture Y bane From the cheapest to the best sets, with the ,t $ e 1 test styles and No. 1 finish and workmanship. Ordered. work a s ecialtY•and satisfaction guaranteed 1 UNDERTAKING -I We have also added this branch to our business, and in it at all times will be found everything to ... meet _the •.requirements .:of:all. A HANDSOME IIEAI S:E. KEPT; FOR HIRE. ]:J)' atria .attention to'•business 'and an eye to aecoin--; modate and please, we hope to; merit the,confidence of all. ". GEORGE .DIEHL :& CO. The.undersigned desires to inferrn the ladies "of-Clinton`and''atirrounding' country "that he has secured the services of A ''FIRST CLASS MILLINER, ;who has 'had a "large. experience in this line ot business.' He' would also take .this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers and friends for their liberal patronage in the past, and solicits a cot{,tirivance of the same, and would invite them -,to corns and ,see his lar ,e,stock of a g SPRANG- AND SUMVIMER J.IVIILL-. LNERY; Beforeonraking their season's purchases, believing it will be to their advantage, it is thelarg`est stock` he has ever offered, comprising Paris, London, and New York designs in plain and fancy straws, in all the newest shapes and styles. BROCADED RIBBONS, all widths aud`ahadee. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, SILKS SATINS, and SITIVIMER PLUSH, in all colors, ."selected: in the best ;markets. ', LACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, CORSETS, A SPECIALTY. Plain and Fancy done 'oyer in all the newest styles.- Farmproduce taken. y e . • R. BEE`LE'V,:VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. TTTTTT V R B ■ NewMa ple S� �ew ga . T s Maple Spi;u ;,,Al�,i,�, .Tie1119'IIIS i1,1E1('�;. ��111�1i1�1S._ Ga`od fresh Mangold, Turnip & S;orghum Seeds. Curran harne� CI. Sign of the Big P� dlocl Brick TBioel ]:atoll 'tike CiIG-'f-7 rill -16\W". For Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,&c, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS AND OILS SPADES; SHOVELS, ", 1�, RAKES, HOES, ALL KINDS OF S}1Ii LF :AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE ;• BARBED' WIRE. STOVES', AT •RE.DtJCED PRICES. • A large stock of Tern' C PANS 'PAL' I S, and all kinds. � TIN SHFl; 7. IRON �. and COPPER �� TIO U WARE � GH I'�TG and all -kinds of job work a specialty, no WARL. LAVE A full stock of GRANITE'IRON :tiVAI i. COAL ''OIL' AND 'LAMPS. tl s Gx e : sell o u � 11 �,nd be coriti>luced five yell che4 Dissolution of Partnershi - The partnership. between MOORE & SHARMAN, Grocers, being dissolved, the subscriber continues to carr on business ' the >< an old stand, ® riezt-; do®r—r"O$ �oarlan - Ct�., Where he is now in a position to ac lommodate his' many friends and customers bettef than ever. Having recently visite' -the leading wholesale establishments of the Do- an made personal selection of took, P o k, and bought right, my customers may depend on getting as good value for their money as can be had in this part of the Dominion. My stock is ENTIRELY FRESH AND NEW, and consists ot a splendid assortment of Groceries, Crockery,Glassware. WE MAKE -A SPECIALTY 'OF TEAS. All orders will be promptly filled. Retuember;thre -Stand, Bala. BLocIc, Albert St. Clinton, June, 1882. S iI J . MO01[1 iso IN']JO BIIN7 5. i y` s to etc is itco complete,•.t t.pcoiritcil to none in the a itnty,.c`7,11CT 1i cheap._•• "111eZ`C ell, so tment, Cllec`1p. " I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND KNOW ITS PSON Clinton.: In consegnence' of the dissolution of the firm of Mosonu &' �H1ltbinl, Ilra\•e renla"ed. my stock: of Groceries &c., to the store lately occupied as a Bookstore, -EXT DOOR` TO JOHN HODGEHS' D`Y "GOODS. PALACE; Wher•e I hope to receive a share of the public patrotlage. It wi1t'hb in aitil to keep;. on hand a well assorted' stock of NER:A:L GrROCERIES. Teas, Fruits, Crockery, Classware, All of which will; be sold at'lowest prices. •All kinds of Produce taken in trade' at market prices; for goods. - GIVE \[P "A• C:tLI Ne't door- to -the `Dry -(ods Palace.. P S.—Tlie books ot:the late firth are in my possession, and all accounts are• to be paid tome. Clinton, .7rxne, :18�3�' GrPOY �' 11Ie`Ll:ll7'edl[. (SUCCESSORS TO D CAN TLLON) ,: fSll OILTFP.S. A)\C", o ALI,It$ re. ,Groceries; Croel:er r, Giassi6`;11.e C��rl ae�� Goods 'I'wfnes, Ruisi.es. r� o ►al 4 &c. FLOTTR ANS ANDREWS' SORGHUM SYRUP FOR SALE ]L1I PRODUCE, TAKEN IN ;X G A\C E, POD C;Ot)DS., GOODS DELI3'Ji:CDD TO• ANY PART 01 TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. CANTELO N BR OS ROS. "THE GROCERS A,LB1ERT QTR in r,' CLINCCON MY STOCK OF sPLENbID:BABy CARRIAGES EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST STYLES, HAS JUST ARRIVED, 'AND WILL I3a • DISPOSED, OP .�� THE PRICES:, CALL. AND SEE THEM. " TRUNKS I•OR . THE MILLION. A.RNESS, BOOTS and SHOES AT .GREATLYREDUCED PRICES. SHINGLES --700 bunebes for sale, at ,u•and ,i0 cents /Mr banehG 8 - TWI� :0 `6' nc ;e"� '• g� Sic(.l.a., Clint