The New Era, 1882-06-08, Page 10CLINTON NEW ERA, THURSDAN, -TUNE 8, 1882. Roma aarrico Watering the streets—a farce. Txrs-first of July falling on Saturday,. will it be observed as a holiday or not? A•-2 LB..trout was last week caught in. Trick's creek, the largest taken out in a good while. Mr. John. Hodgens has shipped east,. during the past four weeks, over one hun- dred tubs of butter. - Iiia. E. BUTT, of the Base Line, weighed: a beautiful two year old filly, on Friday, which turned the scale at1260 lbs. HOUSE SOLD.—Mr. ;Archer has:solrl his ( house and lot on Cooper street, west; to Mr. Josiah Rands, of Hullettofor the sum of $400. MR. J. LEE, late of S'eaf'ortli, and bro- ther of Mr, W. Lee, of Clinton, is one of the rnost efficient men on the Winnipeg Police �srce Force. 11Ir. John Taylor, of this town, 'has a cow that gives 32 lbs. of milk at each milking; and is milked twice a day who his one that can go any better? ',HARtLAND ]3itos. have`rented the pre- tripises lately occupied by the Old Curiosi= rt k\'y Shop, and will carry on therein a ',gen- eral Stove and hardware business. RECENTLY i'llr. John Shipley bought a young teach at: 260.. One of these he re- sold at $190 and the other, a two'year old filly, at $150, thus clearing in a short time $80 on the transaction... A soMEwfrAr :lengthy , and animated meeting-. of the High• School, board of trustees was held on Wednesday evening last, but the only business transacted was - the passing.of a couple of accounts. ; AoENTLptA?1 only a, short time in this'. country, who ryas looking for a farm, in- formed us last week that the Borons c section impressed him afore favgrab{y t n any other part of Ontario. •. 'That's the eon- clnsion most people arrive at. Oaa Ftt'iDe.Y last Mr, B, Webb was en- gaged in burning up some rubbish that nn. he had removed from a house, tube explosion occurred, which nearly 1:nock'ed him over. It seems that aurong .the'rub- bish was a can of powder that had -;escaped iteti e� StAtolt't14 is coi,tinually boasting. of its improvements, progress, etc., but the sidewalks of Main street are so defective, that a lady of that town nearly 'broke her leg thereby the other day, ; although only hericat thereon., . At least so she -:inform= ed a resident of this town. REFORMMERs ATTENTION,—A full meet- ing of; the Reform' Association is asked lot •to-morrowl (Friday) -evening,'; in the room, Beaver Block. • The rootn •will be: open eVery-ey ening. °next -week, . and'the' Secretary will be on hand to give every information needed, „and 'tO .receive re- ports from committees; FARM SOLD. -Tire property known as`, the Wadefarm, in'Colborne,,• heldby the Molsons Band of this place, has, been -sold to Mr. Robert Stewart, of .Colborne, for the sum of $6,000 'cash. It -contains .165' acres and is considered . a very good farm, so, that Mr. Stewart has secured a.bargain.: fHE county;papers evidently,regard•the NEW ERA as a good:. sheet from which to extract items of interest,; one of them tak- ing from our last week's issue: a. whole column of township items;, without a word of credit. We aceept this signal .appre=:: ciation with becoming modesty, WHEN last -heard, from 'Mr. D:R. Men - es, of this town,.was atMinnedosa, about 40miles north of Brandon; he purposed. going farther west, but glias no intention of remaining.. While he likes Ontario as a place of residence, the northwest, he be- lieves, offers inducementscfor speculation not found here. MR. DUNLOP Was in town last week de- livering parts 7 and 8 of the beautiful work'`Pieturesque-Canada.' All whom We have: heard speak very highly of 'the work, notwithstanding the fact that itis some- what expensive,' which is not to be won- dered at, when the,quality of the engrav-' ings, paper, letter press, &c.,,rs.taken into. consideration. -Wnrr:tRAtv�--Soe time 'ago an in formation was laid against "big" John Me-, .Lerman of Goderich township, on a charge of assault. As he could not be found, the eubpcena could not be. Served until a few day's since, and in response' thereto, he appeared before the i\fayor, on Friday. As the prosecutor was:,willing.to .settle the case, it was withdrawn on John paying all costs. Bus Pal cr . Last !week'ilfr.'Geo Stan bury, of the London nciad,.sold tota, Moa - Veal buyer, sixty-nine bead of young Cat- tle at the unusually.. high Price of $75. e head. Those who.know i\ir. Stanbury need not be assured that they were good cattle. The sale is one ofthe largest iii= ddividual sales that has taken place in this:' county, while the price, we believe, is the• highest paid per head: . Mc. \Vri.i, \Vurrr , late of this town, .. appears to be well pleased ;.with Winnipeg, as he has written for his -family to join him. He writes vei-y .favorably' 'of the prospects there, and appears to, think•that those who are returning. and "speaking against the place, -arrived at their conclu= cions too hastily.' We h+ pe WiIl is not .more sanguine than the' circumstances warrant, and that his greatest anticipa tions will be -fully realized.. t)atr•, day last week a youth uatned Bap- ty, oi` somewhat unsteady habits; who had been in the einploy of Newton &Dennis, took advantage of the: absence of kr.. Netvton, stole a valise froth 'the shop, an d decamped ; it is supposed •that' he, first flied the valise with articles .fora the shop, but there is no prdof of this, other than that the valise appeared heavy. As the fellow left his tools: behind, the firm. May not be very much out. • THERE is some talk of a, pork factory being established here, a couple of per, sons being in town last week. in the inter= cst of such a establishment, ..There better opening in Ontario fina a factory of this kind than in Clinton, as we have in 'the immediate neighborhood the essentials. for the proper working- of an establish- anent of this kind—plenty of pork and salt—awhile the convenience of rail corn,' munication to all parts is unexcelled by. any place. Some of our local talent have been en- gaged to take part•in a concert In Blyth on the 1st of July. THE town of Clinton: has given Mr. M. C. Cameron a majority every time he ran. Let the majority on. _,Tune 20 be the largest he ever got. The services! of 11r. F. Bond, the well knownconcertina player,; have: been, secured for Mr. 111.orgau's concert, on the 12th of July, every effort is being put forward to make this concert a grand suc- cess.. A THIEF Qur.CICLY CAPTURED. - On Saturday a young man named Poulton stole a watch and chainfrom the. vest pocket of -one of the:boarders at McLaren's Hotel. .Information was-laidagainst him - and a warrantfor his arrest placed in the hands of Constable Paisley, who tracked him to Goderich and ' arrested him, He stoatly ,affirmed his imiocence,but a•search of his person disclosed the missing articles. He was accordingly brought -back, and tried before the Mayor, who Committed hiin .to jail to stand a trial. ONE morning—last \veek Mr. Jos. ABM- eon was engaged in. plowing along the side of the G-. T. track when the 8 o'clock train :came along. Ile thought his horses would not be frightened, but he' neverthe— less unhitched and held them until- the train came along. • He would have held them longer, but he couldn't, and as they boltedclown the track he began to think i.t. was a case of gone horses. However instead of crossing the track in front of 'the locamotive,'as they appeared bent on doing, they turned toward the fence, one.' being thrown down, and thus preventing what thieatenecl to he a serious accident. SPEAKING about .the i\Ianitoba fever the other day, one of the oldest residents of thishtown, whose word is as good as his bond, stated that while residing in Teron- to nearly fifty years ago, a person whom he knew volunteered his services with L' rdSelkirk'and hent out to, the north- wtst, but becoming disgusted' therewith;, he deserted and returned to Toronto, hav- ing made the;whole distance on foot, with the exception of where rivers_had to be crossed. People who can go to Manitoba in four days now, have no' idea of what such a journey, 50 years ago; on foot would be. The man subsequently died in. Toronto, „t the residence of the late _An- drew 'Mercer. 72.>Tt� FROM MANITOBA: Oriil Thursday, Mr: 'David . Ca-ntelonreturned from the 'northwest, having ;diaposed all his 'buggies and buckboards to good advantage, he Says that speculation in town property, has iiattened`outcomplete-1 ly, but there tis .good demand for farm lands; -he intends to return, but not to settle. ":Messrs: Peter. Campbell and John Hunter hale also returned; ,both with. theft minds fully made up --that they will remain -in Ontario 1'Ir. Campbell.says Coat 'him;he does not mind the amount his trip has �. as he gained valuable experience that'will fast, him. a lifetime. On Thurs.- :day hurs . y fe-letnrlled,_ da evening bIr: R �'rnu tui„• '-to to}ari from. the laird of 'premise,..ari.d they, too, are quite content to remain here Mr. Fox. says;.tliat people, hese, have. not the remotest idea of -the hardships' that people have to..put up with in Winnipeg, and he believes that many more would returnfto Ontario, if it were not that pride prevents them.: . okson THE atter notYier Grp ib'itofHats on ;urday Evening Bite rs—PI'enty of rain of late- ' A tier- son who has just returned; says 'that on the!' evening.. of- Sunday, May 28th„ 500• tickets were sold at. Brandon tor Ontario... Political affairs: are all'the:go 'now. The: cows' will nory"find- plenty of fodder with - oat getting on the sidewalks. for it=they: they should cut this notice; out for their guidance. The B. C. Sabbath School pie nic will be -held the. 'latter part, of this: month. The rain, flattened 'otiit business on. Saturday. ';The Record intends clang ing ton four page sheet and using a "pa=; ,nu tent" insert. A lady' in to'told li'er,- husband, 'who'is a _Conservative, •that if be did not vo;t:e.Reforrr this time, lie would ever after be henpecked, this shonld fetch him. ..;Quito :a :number' in. tow.li .are im= Proving the aipearance of theirplaces by, sodding their gardens. > ` Little Maggie,” olvhea':3. W.:Haynes, took first prize in the running ;race on the 24th, not Sunrise, as wrorigly•rel orted. , a,couple of weeks since .reference ,was 'made to ` 86 button wholes 'being ?rade in a dressmaking establishment,' by' one' person;: in 10 hours This has been:beaten ,by a' person in. the Victoria Block, who has made 00 in that time, and is prepared to go' the hrindred.' As theme was .lno meetingof the coun 11l on onday night,.a special meeting will be held _next .Monday, evening. Messrs. G. Diehlc .Co,, having purchased the factory: etc., of Mr. W. B. Crich, have taken possession of the same, and intend to engage extensively in the manufacture of alf kinds :Of furniture. The Wi lis Chureli,choir sernaded several of ob townsmen en Friday evening last. Zo the In4ependen c. -)P ' OI Before you give_the e casting :_-:_vete SEE .OUR. sortme OF Light . colored Prints. Printed P'ks and 112uslgns Black and Colored'Cashmeres. Hosiery y, Gloves, Corsets. Parasols and Sun: Hats. eautiful range of , g colors in . �aiYl S . Veiling. he Fa ous Hatter and Furnisher. CLI IPQ . • PERsovAi.s-1.Ir. J.' Craib, who'lias• been• absent at '.Woodstock for; several days, returned to town last Week Miss E. Bellamy, of �' Almonte, is .visiting •cher sister, .1lrs A. Armstrong. . Miss Rich- ards, of`Seaforth, who has beeu'the goes.t' of bliss Worse ,for several days,;..lias- gone home. Ali-. and Mrs. good (the latter a daughter 'ot' Mrs. Oliver) late of,Elizabeth, N. J., are on aVisit; Miss Cartwright; of Stratford, was last week on a visit to her brother. Mr. S. Megaw has 'rented his house in. town, anti with his wile intends taking a trip to England. Mr, Blackeby has rented a house and will at once move his afamily Here. Reeve Corbett and Deputy -'reeve Cooper : left to , attend county council.on l'ufesday. - The friends :'of Mr. Joseph Rotvell,,ji., wi11 be''Sorry-to learn that his trip ft1,h California has not im roved his. health 'to an perceptible py 1 eie..p able extent.. Mr Jaffray, of the Galt Reporter,, gave us'a call on Monday; the last time he was in Clinton teas in.l.&47,'since Whicli'. time .it has perceptibly improved. Ed. Swarts left on Tuesday to take a situatiop,,- at Galt. Mrs..E Doherty, who has been visiting, her relatites:here for some time; left on Tuesday for her lio'me in Galt. W. Floody, late on the Record staff' left for. Detroit on Tuesday. The e wi fe of Mr. F. lilacplierson, aria Mrs. Robt, Coats, leave this week on a• trip to' Montreal. Rev. Dr. Davidson, of. Tiverton, was on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Newton, 'this week. Mr. David Tiplady, left on Tuesday for - Port Hope, to attend the 13.',U Confer- 'ence. Messrs'Wm'.-Tree• and Alen:..Da-' vidson left on Tuesday forManitdba; go- ing by.lvay of 'Northwest Transportation boats, from Qod'erich, and John Stewart, of Stapleton, \gent bythe same route to, a Dakota. •, Prof. McLaren, of R nor Col- Y� , lege, 'Toronto, 'COS in town On Tuesday. ORAT 13, f you want .to "see the ads' .Lar ,est Stock. � the C unt , G3T' The, fact of the .matter :is he sells so cheap that . the natives are really. astonished. zshed. Thereason is he -buys most .of his goods for cash,' from the hestmanufacturers in En land, Scotland, France and Germany, and can afford to:sell' from n fir, Ten to Twenty :per cent less than atter dealers. Several thousand from e 'th-- ''i' d o are already ordered e Goods dollars worth. of European markets: for the fall ..trade ie Week.. Baby 'Carriages and, Express Waggons, Cro- quet, Lacrosse,- Music '& Music Books. Good Hammocks for $2. GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. tit), • ()i:T) STA :antle Departmen WE EXCEL IN TIS DEPARTMENT.... > WE MAKE IT A .SPE'CIALTY. UENCE' OUR ;UNPARALLELED . SUCCESS. . TSL CRY UUODS ']EI�PORit7�4ICLINTON, To: hand -this week a fresh Tot of . IRISH . _ ER S SCOTCH S GLISE C anad.ian As low as $13, and up to $24, with beautiful. COLORED TROUSERINGS to match. GE larger than it rVI:%'..stock is nowt was the season, •• : at the first� of ha. . Vin bought a large stock at the Great :. i Trade Sale held in: Toronto last week I I. :.: am prepared to sellgoocls.'at a tre- mendous . sacrifice:.. Everybod'y :should•' see my special --lines of and • ,ems esScotch eds a d 66AGT�CK of fl'tCY inCL VS PRICES 'LOWER TI -IAN EVER. Xmas Jaeks+ The Note : Gl othier, ,Olinton,