HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-01, Page 12`7 7- T -1 - - - - - - - vsk or ciiriawhether be lives in Toro' ing eqt bi ii�hpq latc! A , �4. jA.0�tnited States I ;fw Aeducted, ih years.,Pf 110119wilij,-Iablo will show the ave;�Age.; Tlk.'iO tho-^yrera Toronto for an eX I ' 4 get price 14 as to.,#ire is tk# 40,4,141ift,14 _VV4� :!,protoo red winter 'wheat the three yearm sinoe'the N.P. went a houie lna�'k t. Wo� b ave, me a th w eft3l iecti6r4'we:fiu4Ah4,,n4r exports'of Sing r or, Afontrea],Cllicago or I It tive h 1444,� VewYork. Wi he 01?x p i0p of pre ,,vai all it, U, d* 64 kt -t a a en a"Ill,arke't for 66 600,0Q0 tons in their onstrabl pri:iditict� ire"greatek than oyror!bbfore,� bame� the qu ItITI) loro". OtatI0118 in tba�t the, Canadian farsil farther Own country they are Ent likely to sell, �-$he Alickease, 6�ad " wil' *et iox�4A of Thi*#crt of *gn 'uttli p rod is W,104W th i I " d -6; . o ind i LEB 0: AND TORONTO Or an De' emb 18- q st,%Tft#,, t AT To er, w4,x igil cus- -In ustries has not in the� aggre.� gTiin, floar and 1 0 all kinds a, for t ei a Palt-V'1,000,000, tons to fbr�, pfnew, d a: of h six mont"Jis from a homemarket, thain ever'before. 50�,O,4 produc in each i, year sin cents, and for Chicago 35 cent's a 01F B t let us enquire whethor,the exclusive a I LI eilding 1- -1- . tomers' f r ceutS-beldw,.the market, 'gate iolic*$*ro�n4 I L I q& 18,7,6, based on the ytiqej w6le especially w en the 1�reign price of ih d d f feretce of'8feentit; in.faTor of Toronto. e tbir Wedues ay o 'each ontrol of the markets has beela secured e 76 000� for the entir year of customers', are de endent' on 'them for "THE 'REVIVAL, IN, BUSINESS, 7QR,� THE Fly 'but W 008' The 0 . �WO , 1 is solioci�das being the �Or if we tiike the, lase two months in to the manufacturer, P Z;YRAAS�-Of �MAC 14 ;OK, In, ntb and whether the $78 they We '9 each year, October and December, tbd g6ods that caj supplies, RENZIE'S,&,D*1NJ*TRA±ION., yerage annual 4iport Of -an 1 � leds, grode.,, Toledo quots. import of 1110iAnta , 04 than aTo 6 average ree YOars Was red -in came animals d le Sir' 5,099�"000 Pr ce for the th ig, tions are furnished' by the Secretary of- tu anada has sense TI . .4 e fact that the average price paSp had.a revexitte,tariff bee ill, fo'rbot, Fisc%l year suding J th�- th4r":produce has! been $ �37 5-16 in, Toronto 'and 361 cents in.. of eb4is i 7Q -to 75 centsitig4egill Kvnia wit), raw�:n�tate une, 30 krtater 1.6r the' last three. jears a134 a tho. Toledo Bqard of'Tradle. I Toronto "it ..$11,914- 000 q b 1874: 'h difference of 1.1 -cent in favor IM.PORTkTIdW7 rial admitted li�w, is 6 wago, a, than in Port Huron, and, in Winds'or'� thin Auiinj� tilt fir@ are taken fro tho­Toronto half a previous � M 6 'Alail. I I I of, Toronto. It,inuatbebornein mind, tha� pb.slaitle�jndeed�, thai, high diKtiox in I ks ....... id The ayrerag6,'Afinual 6xpor(o'f` Agricul, n Tn De.46�t­ places .6n], a mile It 3�853, 00, ho*ever�, that Our import I so 11 it at' -�Ins of setton , woellew% on PPPSI e si es of the' i4terna, a" glven'4 great Pvc opme#t '94 876 ....................... 597,06-61' thrill pr6dubts during the last, the Toronto bushel'of apart o cottaii andsu * " teresis, but 1 1 . � I I I . 1, three end i . 11 0 4 6 9ikr"rq,,1IMgi,In1 1, 1.877�:� ..................... 2 1 1. oats is 34 poun4s, ythfig the Chics,;O and iron, mteel,and the maDufaotur r f ti6nal line—ought to settle the, question a hnIf Y4�irahasb6en'$5i286,000 greater,, _,X9. A WINTER,� WHEAT. i . 1 0 . .., "A. al. th bushel is 32 -pounds, and this ditrerence this has been' secured', at � heavI � loss 1,1478 ........... tile inme, for diffbrent peAodi were M­ �'6f�W'ho pays the, duty to every baan!�of 1. 1 .11: 1� 7 1- 1 . fi 0 ] , A year-fiompnoo �df �two Pound! to "umert and lag'beeafuj than-, uring oprevieus ve years. The tIlB Ayrirag Price ink 10110N�s �1874, Cottons, $11,341,006 average 'c6littir on Sense. 9 swallows ill) tbodiffier- 44 0 '0111 steel an coupterbalance'l by its, depfiag�in� edeci Wthe third Wednesday, of bnbe!i;ti �far,6 Woollens, 2,000, e haric_'L each month : LS INS hasbeen of tge,'salu C r of 'Toronto for the fast h,, lact ',ihow that -.it. manufacturig of.- thQt� a founder�,�L machinists��.wd:agtxc _,pe year YAHE D 'TIES OUGHT TO In �1880, ifteir 20-yeafs,of Pkotec- To Bk 8r IIP9 er ihr6ugh THREE 1�.of 10 celils upon- oats co Id not 0. AND A,HAtF YEARS 0 er' $3t�,43�,00 08 Total, .rA,U OL AD]NjINjgT 11 jT. tion, the promise of, a, home, 110l'itrket a1876 1,221 bnn crease'. cost of liviiIg,and the dutiea For aar,� ending, June,. "thi, d' the the in kA0D0NiIIV§. 7b the'Canadian fariner, for western upon�irotl,,coal'4 dthe�'Jn at I ar. roin L el : I -1879 after, vo yearm 1817�' 1.491 1. fi' operati9a. of ins reahilmd,.' Allit the food Tber�, are I any 1�%sons'wby tile 6al, 0 u 11 our mar - n aS eoul'o If 4 46 bro, g t into peal e :d­�;b � it h" s�p -the e'ountry reached thei,snor- i ..... 10. -.06, oat 1879 ........ et and sold at Prices.'a's 1,3w as r.,i,l,d a revenue fariff Policy the iumportutions 000 1. mi�,�6,�Aum,�of,�'$397:i000,000.� 'Of :18 9 .... I&I I J:, -1.07, were as,follo*s:-1879, Cottons, tax 'b, y pris of 7 mpoged.' It will sufl�ce ere if no duty was "imposed CAUSE OF BAD TIMES. 18RO ............. 17,021,900, bishial of,�'whoai raised' that h 1'. 1241 to indicate 4 f� IN . I us, $�;M,000- romp 535iOOO-; Woolle itever4ir he 19 748'000; eoun 80 were -imirpoited. trui�h 1, 13 1.18 ctdres onomk*,� so., Thetax is n ob fairy distributed. The Tory press an ea ers ..... r 1881 DECLINE, IN THE OATMEAL Sfjeei, and'inanuff of 'the Till lat to bee., �31st—, OLOO. it is paid' b pe"'l * ''lie towns anq d is' hit either' 45.7,000; Total,.$19 984 y op P, in TRADE.. the depr98Sjb,n,; UIl7(10 000 ea dgtifig� between 6, man- �citl�s wbere coal m A8 bat�s will'r6quir,e t6 pioduc6-mor per fuel than In 1881 after thiiao year' op�xatisa Frop tbis-,table it, is 8iben,thatili,iring The drity 'Upon, oats ban 460 346 000 rious to our�oatmealtrdcl, Before -the policy ban -,` plibbectie iarifl� theim1po i874 an�a 1878 wa� due tr. th'" of ufkctttreslor.e�port tli6m. for me c inwood. Nihe-tentlis of, the people. or, Ontario have Dever difeotly� paid- a': (al 'is ;now done by'E .8 f. C. ionss the Maclicenzie Government., Had the gumption i D the,'peripd. i fh� avejrap� pric6 bi No. 2 in depre'dSion 'been ' cobfin" led to C 6&, Yhui it Will Is' hoine', inKrket � *an beL Winter' dollar of - 'coal � tax. - The remaining an A f an 'oat;s $10,26 000,; Woo 0, WR � 1. in CentmL,g�eAiter in N.P,.�.caiue,� -into-, orc6, Amerio 0 net flandi, before 7 llens� llnicludes ma of there.Wduld have been, Some for I during e 'o . t %o done under Toledo than,L Toronto', an d., that 1 in. only, Iwh: t6:-, TOrt of _'insa 'b 11 e and mauu acturcis telith Color 103 8 d-and'tbis cann were imported for. our ozfmeal� and 11.6 -7 00. prot6btibn, for if the &rnesti year, ti4,: the,Jetronto e, export ;trade, ill mea�l Lwas large� $1214�60 000 ar Jsans d. e the vel. ears, of thel'Mackenili ian4ho- one th it al, $31 P446' 6 on Ur the istratib aifist_ the. IZ -Showing an. increased imp6ktatl -year. Ve e thax Ili .:,,,the export.tra e. 41A. IL h' I —a tax 90 a F4,Q00 egm� thm turer. require w 9 e load ilied Statias­ a d 'Spread o a pirotection,'Ai t' iraction d -of. $400,0 price asligh t 18'a- - ' ­:��, 6 N o 'change during the'three, an al e �'o th". tore�gn� I n� a`hufactt'i �er' h port, . I ly t Ile off., year erding: 2 1 axon industries. Every, c6mmeitbil world. IL ars 6 cannot ek Tolado,th a It, ediffeience, in figivor of Toronto arge or 50 loot, lilIitcksinith's shop in the tr ' d in e� po icy of 0 in�,' Macdonald iaulinistwibn tnding,31st goods and comoe e-qu' ter of svcent pe June 30th 1878, we exporte& 174,511, P b�nada -fibat �6 tia tewlth� hini in '6reigillbeing on' ' ar r btsbel. cent. 'under the thtes, yepws ef t*vq coun y an a ad Deidembe lask 'a e If we take the aTorago price ill-excli -t our ifttoke�ts w e �iai;relg, 'in 1881 ,on 53 grea many, d ' i'' �urioisly affae ark� 6.,*lioxo both ineet u o the in t actories an iliac ine shops r If. ro takethe p.n '825 barrels fion. as ma f arelinAdet ,pay it swell Thb'GoV6rn7IneII was economical, Jhe ootm, JX. -AuAnj. tbe�, months ofAugust,, aild for the six- rnontbs tanding Decem-.. 0 an it,goes to' 0 'Oe ;Jgoveinber and :ekpe11dfture'fbr'l878,, its bi: " EXPORT. 0 G I I ULTU`A t el cost of predubtioll. emg Septem. o ber 31st,: 1881,' only� 24,13Z banel�. ISTY 13NTWNI�; and OD C �IIR �N.. P . . 8�1 , - Is In it 1 SL 7' ping �"D 3. 'It is "a t,kx, on r�il r6 ter than the'expen7 TS OF T J5ecember,v'*`,fiich donstit Thi dinte of 'trade,, ,a to thiasbip gli passenger, r� , year,. ed 6_tate�� of,, diifie§ season We, shall' 1 0, wh e n injured' 1ps frei b:,and. dinture-for ik4� fl, t, d f ialk ind'th6ir pr The' N; P.;i' , followina an ile tb miller ham�bee ? Mites, e mpos" the s a 'of tra& 'dearer,, or -else 1eeping,',down d f - Canliid�'-k6 t6 t, f i6s,ult no one baH been bblefitted; pro uce 0 r the i tWa period that largely increatiesi e cos o sugar; of. g��oda ounce Ing workingmen of their ng: i vx.Dzn t"' 1hat"' increases. the cost of 4 gt6viaa arid profits and robbi as given- in the Trade and Navigs, loll NO- 2 WINTER WHEAT HE� BARLEY DUTY ABS7URD. 0 Dianufadtaro:- ia .Canada R find ths�: f6lf',yring- llardWare' that Ported in 18�7 hsi� teen.preparea in reAses the- 66 f wages. TEE 'X eturnm� shall .1 amd t -It Au' in. Or an unnecessary.� h. s and' all,� a . g ' ricultut%Tiulp amen a Uis ur�rising single Call- much would EnNNENT. result* e. 4�;-It is t=* The re- �ve a gV Dec tie: oflie -country is'$4 000,000: in, inakes ao 0 ',,and -en -'should"ever -have ven _woolle ot� r, * e Year efidink'Jun'e 30 487C.$2,016,3 �bat A Noveiiiber' been. -one for the. ibri of adian fannei the thft� -d' Otho J ur . 1 6 1 1879 . ind the', diAler. excess oi"requireinelifs. AXPORTS OF AND it 0 Oat 187&, 23,118,'071 ban did bd�,n the case imAet, each, year.from ecelved bi the�'allegation'tl.at a� d p ty 3 t Up 5. It has'fail�d of its 0 bet. It- as PRO t0k atJ3 fl 'of h- �th:' 'pen t e I 1916.. 24,488i372 D heprevioustaTiff'-and h t4 a Wednesday, eac men, oil arley, could 6 nfer, any not enge b,et-w bwo woul& at � t c� expense The ice of ..barley izi uni- -is I O -A of the idliah It _'upon him. ow.1ven. e- Ontarici arkets to' the tOW N Scotia ,205 1*14 m��eriiil, compal es Masses. poor mai d 77 y hig erican Of400di. �Uilce 'y or e ners o ova : ­ Y , fbrml mines.�and it Th' I'S� fUtai­ij taxe lai- in, t -e Am markets pfible, I -all examina increase oe�elxpenditure The food "bonsunied %Ji'the inhabitants th in 'in - Canada- as, ti.oli of 1 60.1 e- rovincem, in taxiecL',The 1878 , 934 93r, made betwol�A­t A reports 'a ln'e": will ,ampy ust t in: Ca lose reason'. I fied. -the o exerq'is e :eniie cea�ed - t f the 'Maritint P marlip 1815 12.700,507 4879 1,20c 1 1877 and �nSl 1,871, 80 hi t 1.01" we, com. goods, susceptible MaAU A re bf�19 , and' 18 13,517,454 ement4 AndLolftfit are sbo.w., If pare 0into aii-& ty,in tlib House rudent leadership. is lumbermen ,284 the repeat of. the coal ho,wn" by the J A in rwlowin� table -'Of d � '^ �'?,8- 1877 14A26 '617 �heixvily tax6d. The farmers goo s an Oswego quotatibiis for the third Wed - t tha, I t ......... 81 836�'OLO duties, but, o er, s, Orem-, ti o nu n tools aro-. furgished. him, :at higlaerrafelsL: tatibn of us 1878 14 019,85 nesday � f Soij ' ietir,beriTOot b, N; - Oods en 'th'hu. would ii&#e� the' � case if the D mba*r,.-vrhich covers' the was opl. bosed by theIN�b6le Strength EXPENITunX, 'UNEX or, and, e�ce ure in S ippipg ",We wlll..find wa 'defeated. I ooftbe Governufe�A and 01 CartwiiightAitriff ad Ili season for,barley ''TEE DONALD the e uring-, the five In1880: the. prid d' in as a V.6te-of, 1,20'tcl iijbor 1 - :ali 1fie:�same is1riie�of er andi the Tollowing averge- f6r'theJast six ol I 1 865,000, or 37,pe can GdvinixzNM d re venue tariff month d 1'9.10 cie Cluld s., perio. aTerag lits w years;, UNJUST:�,AND 'Year enlig- iu�n,e k.tk9 $24; 455.381 FOR THE "SECOND PERIOD. th. mA have affdrdiad amp e in �--�.6rag6,mai-ket.cl�iofati.ons for b arley AN ODIQTTS�'L protecfiom� �all'd per bushel,-highcr in Toronto that, This showiTig does� no 24j,1859,634 of suecon IS .... ....... -the ih�nuf a'' 1880 $14100,604 eIn�-��this � year the United. 611118�6 to'!Hl: 81..._ 25,BQ2.554, ied fair returns to all, Ing-:. �entrol 180,. 27;'67.2;223-. ...... had a veryIaigo Surplus Land' the' "Oswego. Toronto. tax ui�jnst`a nd o-d-i'aus : . , I I enteiPfisegof thiia,country. 'Tile ingAllis '18M 9.99 48'5 .......... 21 86,0,k9 urmg egulated,- by th 1110.16t. Dur en Oil 27: burCl the few. who are forced to Trleo:Whs constantly 'i t to the 'N. P. affbed s '11ndu.e pro e L876, .08-1 81. expo f manu actures: has, fillen. eman -in ittay I o De t 'd and th diA' our rt o sugat �ciier a �the cotton. d expor erence, it ia,r�evoltilig to: every sense This bows au`� increase. over'ibe,. h t an Woolllan� d off over, $1,000,000 per annim.,, ir nd .5279 �'of Toronto was; less than 'the', 1818 tax- and a....................... Tavb ear uia�uuf�ciuier,�nd Permits the realization 1.221�., 1.011 3orts from the JUiltitefl y �o the Mackenzie Admin. r n once irl� mapy nes our irill y, tes bav�:Iarge I'�L incr"med and the ovePn't n :fi."m 'tl exceeding a fair 1879 ile t� thai f)os6d it and as� follo IV S: opro difrer 'nds by it ' . , SL t :rdust go;d, to,ether.l. intiarest upon ci%�pital invested, while Of importatictii gooc FpryeaFend J ie 30, IL816;. h .. � I I . fil ., 1. r952,223, . CHIC . L-071 -91-1 which mig t cturecl ii '1880z, 1,347,46 EXPORT OF AGRICULTURAL it 'taxes 6 iron, the coal and, ot er i881_.�. -.1,999,396 PRODUCT FOR,THB ma e alm. used . byL a. gre� - numb , er of We next compaia the Price, bf �nueh -greaiei t'k&x RIQE -OF RYE. is'acWally TH P manufacturers and- stheir,business ddt-for;each,:y 1FIR'7 -PERIOD. N h lis in 16 S te, 2'' car;. based If we compare i�6, pi�ia� 'of.. rye in' the�retui d- .0 great �883_ �,496,327 sson, the, quc incease .1114­�$111tiggluig remunela ly.6 than woul be th J�Ine, year ending Juno 80�', ltatlon� for third Wed-, diciously arrangedf r' , i I th Toronto anAbhica 6'on-'�6.ihird Wed,' a... Ju ev- n (*d ay.-, o Mon. in.- I 1indlicoments te ta esti s�q 590,142 nesday in Septcmber,. October, -Novem, 6 Sup M IA7. I ­ . f, each cago and d dittfieg'inado t i o ay 4 P 6,Dt _JL7 enuta tariff. .-� It. is a policy which 1 reater :258 358 HE STIONJ.� Th TRADE QJ 5th, 1882; are include u ............... berand De6embiar"of each ye ar' sin ce fits a -very fe individiiii1a at t i expense -017T N -G. 876.'we,sliall find t ea erage price !3stiroates of large amountfor 1883,will 1876% -11,139,665' ijf�Ltfi6 & 2 9PRI or rinerjth0i lumbermanitheia:66r'er WHEAT_. h e rqu'k 1877 �-Yr, T- b b d6wn'noxt. 6 ....... It,689,376 session. sh year a�.uiows: The'6 Only*, change made by t'er: ''18 7$ d the 1I ermah, each 8,0 81 4.." [From.',Toronto' Mail, Repo,rts,.] an Toroilt _.-Tha.net:re' e. p0. suits of :tlire_ 96y 11- u e TaHff -in r_ 0 1 an brie4 th t Chicago. 'Tok61ito. poTertimenti, FROIECTIONJ MER .641 '601 tiolis of the a i $9,0,676i295 r Wbi6l '$10'51 03'_' 1877 kbtedive.T r'ff .9, THE FAR N P may ilile very unde I Canada hiid pi�ospiared 6 IlOws, ady c�t ofthe_N�-P.,souglitto, 187 6�3 nd. fairly,suitimarized ano The o em,' I t as not given ill* I crease' of 2� d' 878- 46 in er, cent.. all other 18�7 1,26f I home 331 1 n If' 11 gav secure, tile. the�, armer, y A the contr4�yi eur, ex- , a e tion a FOR THE, SECOND PERI homez,'�rkidt but, 0 a" ges w 011 addi' ro9 96 661J_ ction. 85� '88, 1879 464' 1�79 061' 961 1,880 rin produce. av: ! � ) I in, th&Vro*_,Sion'afid� Bad ME'& upon gr. 880 1,0,,� i 19 1881- 2. allsing P" 1880 ..................... .. :22,294 328 se has. I 5. tbe� :home maik6t.-prolol. lad. JHE PAN�Id IN, 'THE UNITE D: .1 &8 .21268327 .15. 1.22 While e tft Th6- , promise,0 protection -through: the STATES THE 'PRICE 0F :PEAS. e u-toDlac 31_� d 113.0re �fo oftons, wooll fis, lar V I I IMPOSItiOn' of'grain duties has pi re eb f! due to the un.piodudti've in�' le 786,705 4t& GOOO. Tinlee e, 'D t' Av rage ... $L00j Ili peas:�are asuniformlv' hi('The'r 111. pqual1y_Aelu9i' it ies upon, cotton carriage -tilgland would tlIe,:,Uhite& States ian in., d goods, i. railways and. to.. the* 11_ollen.�goods in Thtrewas.but one year out of' tho:SIX Canada -to good 01!dti6n ':Of MallIt d, �tb -iftents greatly n excess 'Of ng $81,977 824 d' b he" ab6vc� table covere V UI Gi tl E land :' ' ,bt i," 1w ou 1 bribation 0 1 e, ofexpel, s, an.. ter own. wantskAll' '�XJJOVtsi 'Wou -haVe:�pm&cxpeiis z4, dIttv 91)1111)g w eat' in chica coi-intry— prd'dfic �74! to� 1878' tb' , same I�t�aon t), � ia qnir6t n1s,of I :the latt6r 6 jFor �p and Sell o,3un or a reenu,s,,g! lie als and their e 19 ie�, to� je pi t at :yep t was' tb6,'Produce�,'of' Canada for 5 yeam, UPOR Zrain cannot 'ral8e,.ti -ice in Toronto, and in' T the es 1 protection. :1 b! is evident' by Irre- a ase, of Indian difte re 3 8W 56. nua avera,ge,export of Canada, except, Ili f -dbbrid' profoilged. d no beh6fit,' the C rence in, price;', would not have t lattlie, price�of rain is no Ila ieran con grain Own,; currency, unst 31, 1881,Bi y6an,fcor beca s :we.raise enough to-supplY- paid the frei ul 6 witl) imposition 0 able'acd flue- �ame� 1'879 t the Canadla'n mark6t as'coinpared d �h OL Dec., it 6 tween. the two poi�lits� Wer here than iri4li in a uI2. o,,,severe was the , $�1,8 926:161 Excess bf annual vcr� �wir own wants. -plus: Ili 1880�, bot Cho. American marc6t since tb P.. prices arerio ge §ur an lin and ave It States and duti6;'aro there Ilse jr V s��at 2,000!000 men were t or 'expor io and'. their for e-xp( urp Its po -her price that 'it jas befor -�ind'tbo f, So. long as�- inpuse's for ex Kand I o icenea-bene- e rowla duca,J, 6.�,prqcl 'Of -ated, bytb�e, ment, b' C�'Bada' dUrilug t'he".'price received, for the 'surp us, sald to, haN, lVenAl it Of employ- befieflited'I was regfil that duties-, cannot 3. It has not the United Stat with f ilol The export Aiamand. The vanta' fit:the Can di n & wa es s, to the tJ'PJ (.1e oht, or- perio ,as d a rmer �, in t te ca8e man, iarket i'& abr6ad. ki;t& ear. P T the latt the priew, o t e e. ! or IS D in, nk 'fa� 6i'of Toronto 'Of f -p us. 11 d6grec.� be �a i6cfed nr et for-,oiir barley �P�nd the,, chief d nutted At go tity, 65fii" we rahe a sui 6t in. the Slightest I )hld,lbat the ormer peno '$5',099,207. 'A t I b" r or sented largely "if' is pro, I otta( y, grain , v e f U daties. t e merican -dutibs enem�,,nbt entirely 'di&reneer in, freialit Qr export.. will: inr:�every. q. narliet for our lumber the depyasion eitpoi!t'agricultural pro'- If A bJ Ise whiie reamed d, tiepg in, 1111"0 VP iot br,�tw6 it free tra& a Ic, fa avera,,e 'of the'" he s. IS -1 d.fall inpficesjl��heie could not -ease the co P, o no . ing-lumbor.. by' The �circiira�'Lanc .9. 4 tJIV du6tsmthe�, produce�.,,.of Canada, Wasit -11:oees�dry betweeri.'the,,two points and. gP4�' oi t" - f prod ws� a xe AU41 was revendo o sly. to_aif�adt:, Us.: So Serious— 78,'�.Vyears;, $18,135,258. tedt our _f o er foreign, markets blankets, chaius,,sa t e grain o the of� ib� The farmer ia& eeii subjected. to niakin&. �iie decline the� pricer �f lumber. that r, 11 1 � r, , . - I I .; , I I i . ; - of" nearly all ki 'es. upoll av Cho expc,A'�'t_the slltme,'18�,o tecte 6alirfarrher? heavier r tt ies ali d. incresed. xation supp les. Q Intel is 3 vqii i (11 to nie(,t tbe t Dy6ais',$23J22,234.� imports from th 're d �romise, 4. pi-blic alld'thel EXP, 6f,th�e 37eic , 4 under, the. g. OUR LUMBERMEN LOST MONEY to 6� United States we THE, PRICX OF �OATS uExcess -of' annual - average �of, r e port of A Most CXCJ�JSiV�Ily 'of grain b 6 nsated by because it hag largely increased the cast 1 '' ., . '4 1 1 I I that sbould. e compe x passing, ... be dU thrOlig t6rthe ill., nexti, give, a com, parison of . ket, -her thnecessaries of,life aund ears., m4ny em yyoducts,, -the ro ce. of it our canals PuropealY a hobae%- Inar and I,i prices of fuel and fl, I pou iinl�or�q, stead for 'y of th of , ats.l.i * Ln, Chi cago art Tor-Ifor., his productions has not 'has not ased, the price of a'er.. and the Itt numbers Canada A ill e ��er w, d e I b :and, �great urifig thei lattet4pefiod',"conl marke Its inifortation was ben! -11c'ial . P, I i f6r 8. 'a plito,*aft the.Akh Julyi' of br an t .84�6 aA, th6 Ti)Py were driv n to ibo'Yer ofbaflk' I I . I - I � , '' G 0 e�' t are 1,11' y is w let illPtCY pared -with the: $6,2, 6,976. to' beca So 'we. secure the,�chrryin' d Qp' r� agricultural, 6xpor s Steadily, Anyr aidvance in: that. respee 1 u t us each year- e trou'bles,10so brought.' Increasing, and t tore U, Sirldtio'01het, ttlie gr at taxod-ni to it' we have 'a Ta) iff th6 pur rlL9 American, r.t of anlm� t is no I s 0 n Annwd exc�m "of: the expo'' ala rade.' .'Our cana Sr wero'con,�, r. it oron It o, -aport tile I LIC'ess'-1 ry., W) Oun 01 an r,., duce, ind 'of ag ago. thi advance, f 0 a, pro, grain foi- rouiri Ehgh I4,'aDd tbat. very purpose of seedrin 1876, 011ie T to it lid the, North-W,est arge an labor, AVe' �L. 0 11 isiradeam possi e. any, g -ather romsbareity'of I r C, ()I* n products, July, �8 �41 I . .11 . "d 4 f shall b 'Tq, add to the .,fr' of Canada,'dit'r`ing� aino nt (I tl� tiou except till or, exoeptipDal eireurn- 0.11T.0 an! e, one shoi-t harvest. that of. the od of I Oct. 39 _h4el-L'i-hL:t��'tf,-Coll,n�l.-3,�--tiit*tri-fr6,in-.-iiLe�l:eas, pro eu ire b ig Ll_ dut e jkh6 M—agdonald administl,a�, -portion oi. t ijs-'A mencan—gr as-9tah i,T �.. i Ii has net b tion, 'as' q dmielutie entered it Dthan in,otir own. Ine�ii'ort enefitted 7vii—el to',raise our own,breW 15 Of ext ludin 'SIM P y . In- mer� Sllt.plitg�, Of r flMaritime rr��inces, �timbhuse his, the J ti mberer'6nd th -Jaboter have 0 increase va- us o 38J,, d above ad �and in not tWO'Letijars,t ose.dI874andI877" d by't at amount We e a miAistiation e a ian grain Poryan increase' of' uties .1ilo' f 0 fax 6feages that, 1_87 'h It d verage._ 28 iffected bj� oe, upoll. Tfl6 �Iirgely, I � f ill, Can di �a�lable f6i ei t iiiiarket is abro cielAly. account- ��jlown by tile :_a no upou the lce� P-alld to y 6ausia4a:- sf�l or' 'ts f tij i expor, o e couTi ry, as Sed by the last tariff and the i� .., P Wl Pr 3 '$0 been cost, of� 1) is- c . othing-alad, food 'thw re ejaboire tables froni'-t 6 Trkde' an our farmers 1t1 I Pocoia a Witk 0 the nite of duties fllaf n s,, :b fol bard tmes, and I was enti' ly, b d Ravi ver paratively b ve. inipos(�d t'i i r 9, or(Ic,', yondthe power, of the Ca - g Oct., 15, 231, 38 ben6fitted increase. elli�g due to inter padian.Goy ation. eturns was qui. e muffi6ient'to or W 00 f15 24 f trade hiell ba"' ab RN WAS. IMPQ�RNED to :1 eet oth, I t 6rainent-to avert ilie depression 'i becaus bring uts V cgs, T4)IAN -CO tile natural coune o s qui c, re iVal.4%usin , Il i . pels him to buy flour and meal in in ui& rom. cl- at- thii6f elle r; t 3b be i � rcsti.116A ''causes -'A ithih. C611ad a fl JNlCRF,,t;4E0_DUT1E' L e, Mll: 1 0 - , n considerable a 1, Y" PRCTISED. P' Average 26-1; 43 natural market and at' greatly increased Undf r �a d tilde. 'of it" that, we're: ntir 4 ell y RIGID ECONOM loll becall,�e it :.Was ch( ap . er.. than. our for t 187 8 beyn; d human co r tbe slightest bene4'jIl rotu anoti f c .1 oatse grains, aind,_the� colti mipoilk. the 1111tust ries Or, There Was, let cause or Own it y 25 �;,� 'ted by'Sir Charles Tupper t 'U Oct. 1.5, 19 32. OTHE CA, SES OF: REVIVAL"AND7 very 'from, prosteat ion-6ne. always. made 'a handsoDio profit by buying corn 'ill. 18 7 Ontario and Quebec farmer. Ile, 11 1 1 . . .� . . , 11 Auring,thp,session. of 18'824jitat at A cheap 1 a corre'�poind� Dec. 15, 31 rell --IDenefftted th4� rcialdepres- an8(S_JIi i ng* 6, not GOOD TIUES-,, P. resent in C" I 'a & n rye and, barley -there was no clioiqe betwee uf I_,qu trein wits es1)eci,.I1y as co I_' While,'ih 'a 'du to� -i whole, - al - 'mount of 8atsi peA son, n one of,itself quiti sufficie t to Ing 9 Mal) a6turing interest a wbuld bi le depression �. w s' a , higher' rate. ' Tile' importation. �he National.. -Policy and' reso�ting to t small ad il i I tt d oil. An(,l 6"her causes entirely beyond the* control�'of'l e - ure-,the evil., 'WLI refer 16 iigid 6con'omyl ilt A 211 321 gh i 'may' hay*' be iafit1ted'w h , i d rect taxs�ion-:.:- k�uch was Dot ''the tl)ou Ud _m years be ore the N '6 ,P,J, the ' .-- . i r4reffq eat, of expeases.on the corn, foir .consumption merely increased he e. tg� ie e f ,job numbet'of �s i,,ar refintrs* and �eott4n� a ' . A 0le'QovernLkJel1t, the r turn o6rosper ty" otint ou�' sJiIrpI case.,,. The difficulty under' w we iart ofthe,#ople- Coinwer a 001 'di am us pcame into' fbice the average cial depres- espon difference as mill owners; for the returns show khaf w lie to t qauseS4 entirely in e- veiirading­� f '..expor, o o ter as temporary, and . as sure tf-'d at low rat(�s of s'also d d or coarse In labored w nions are',caused mainly by.o'' shown by, the above 1,16 celits� ()J� Vkrnmenb, polio as ect r d ,coarse grains or corn to disapliear, -,V:i rbtnrn'.of better Out, 6 . xpoflt,'trde in mitnufacttires1s de- eAt of' the Go, yp. we it ade tl� -the private extravagance, and, reckless pu eff 'b bel in,favor ofToronto as com- more per u and thi%'t'c'ur imports of Dainn- will be On, the-1st2-of lio,ekiienditure. The nativai6tidote 'when 11i answered our pUrpople".3tiSt as tlmc�. An" increase of $2,2_25,000 redith Chicago, an witalield pal d yet it facturies that nit';ylit be prdduc�e'd. I& P.110.1wrons tmc4r a -tariff. 91 the State the Custcvmg� over 1878would.ProViae Janua nilted 8 Ile- ri, 187 U I e -e I all- well, an 'duty of 10 eenis u n d to these *I of, �r d We 'could �ke mon b the necessary to i " er le Th yl a' Is a,,6oason ti A y Can ada r'.steadily.: and rapidly uaito pecpayinent..� , The period pms I out oiiA e I i`ber4l'. It for the, deficit of that year and nto It,, of ment.,artil This. antidotewas, ta.�c a to".Prevent American oats, slaughteil'.1lig so the (,reat'busi, diapre8sion' lniic ootiti gr�eit� creasing. 1) rty d, si inued wit no time since tbe.irnposition'of crease"of,$Ir i0o 000 in the expenditures, 111 FACUVO Op of taia,tion era�tor in, Canadaand woula, the Xnadia, maiket� and depires's'lug T It imposes a burdow 'ba q 16en ample to cove, f. ceveriv for -�e, year, ain: antic 'has price of grain B e to, would X, r over fi of itself, It ve, -ought. A, ie't urn of pjro�_ gr in iitini;�t 'I)ossible . develop: a pp jp"1�6t4 lolis for �Oo needlessly lieavy,,'atid c6mpols the tax, (liat(dy upon this step being taken a a., perit�. Amerkan-niArkets permitted aheqessar�. incredse, -under n -of intei-ests that. 'waution or- bef jind' Dobeii'ber fW7ech, of the above r�of'ihe country -to contribu:W Corn Ino'liced and* period of . . . I , I I _�. . This brief bu Of taticn. into Canadian markets, at a, cost i 'Gove nilant.�, 1 This would have Paye t plain consideration f re�irenue the preseni yearsJh6Av6rage price,o oos,izitetr- 1, oil, sum :to the.pu4lic cwn bt., Widlolit: tile "Aid veat prosperity seb in whicli Ii 4B con-! During toAeptess,tbe markiat'rates no been An,indrease ofJ8 pere aflcltded tbe.case, points most�66nclusively to the ji'Me OL�to, was,,. hlghcr than in y'ear $5,500,000 greater'than would be tinuca. till the Pre t, Sell momen,� The -1 duti6g- � stood in "ithe' *9 Y. At n tlIe period from 1�878 to,,1881 the rove- indoubted and so Chical necessary to meet our e'xp�i4�s had -out follow n #s,,the le ' 'a�' " f ­ ! .. . bag'.tho'dana Ian armer! received the Dues of 'the . United - 9ta rose 0111, on� prices for bad��, lum- fcS fr' Uden�l tfus compare these juatatibna'with a�ffairs been ptucen y inanalge&zince t'o�,every b6rj, -and�. all' of our ions that, $130,0010,000 to�,$198,00.0,000,. ithout the', 'corresponding � quotations for 'the the , presbrit administratio �lmnm inils, 'SLIGHTEST ADVANTAGr,,, FRO 'Iny, cliade of equal to 5 Pei- cent C 'foalida market . in� the TJnij'A` St : , '2 t e afes, ride yeAr8,§ubs6qubnt, to' it e adpption W ril 0 apecle��P: 'GRAIN DUTIES tie e In y tho, T10ey ima piess to create -T�e advance in, the price'of lu'lube ietl t aymenCin i: 'ay, surely �si�nlate th r, of the and see whether the' impos- F or 611 these reasons yra assort' Liberal party is hostile ia,�;pecially,-'wasvery great,'and for.two the V ntitiad'Siatem.and tfi�'iiaftinginf our revenue would . have itcr�aased'one. ii*reAs, or itkd� 6d paars -ice in Cari "Onaly,sincia ffid-adoption jilod of the duty effect � ro demigne to 'and , 0 ae a4a has boen. grea�t bide of, prosperity, in that oun. 1110st in" tba� a reve lie tarift policy" d past the,.pi grains, 6x6ept I A third as f4st s theil's diiirffi�y tile sime n Ian making bats rialati+.'dy ight6r'in, Can- to -ally ot'l (1108t lit Canada, is, iiiost A least one-half highcr-,tbaii the price try: leading'to'a great booin' 'In 'our lum, 'of the N. % InI h ran�e a reventle sufracien�, ohly our :1 1 11, period, u-nder the influence of t o same big r -the United adian tbau with , ilie dtiticS so a& Th d (,,,3i is, to adopt a from 187-4 to 1878., Since 1878 two ber;markef;'and aii advance in'the price corn, bave . e he ' in in American markets. al wants, IA!ilJ iwomote - lie gene States than in correspondh�g -Canadian juted to proinotis most atlyr,6ritagew polioy bad 'harvests in England have created of barIcy and 6ther productions that we 6 OATS.� SINCE -N.P.,, Sir�,LEOXARD TILLE Y eatiriiates iarkief reports 'Prove h, coal ark ts' , The n ou,41y our'varions it ;ti�lunoqual,deinaud for ou�'brkdstuffsj sell to the AiDericans.., 'in 0 1 1 - : 1 4 1 . In. 0111 �w I RgM 0, aiid'it und that all' 1879 Chip Toronto thta, revOnite'fro � Cinst . s tile � piesent conjunction. with the extraordi� 2: �wo years of short harvests and ,�anat,$26�5.06 000. This is a sum overt AN Jk N UFA� JIU RE S ;t, ' � �thi , Al) id in ill be fo adinitited free, and with -oil and varl'uo a IT grains; except corn, 14*ere iialaflvelT July"! 151, otlid, raw materials required 'by * -out 1141y dem�nd ansinev :from 9 uld fiave b �5,�60bo I that-, d(lmand at high, es. f�r our food pr I i9lier, as a rule in. the'Oftria&n in,�r. slas of th manufacturers either placed 'u on t a 0,gr6torblian-wo h e e . P.; than gince, A pen y e Pric 'k f;sb6fore th ec, 391, 3ol a I i . 6',"Ineet, the ex free list,,.or adMitted at very lol'ates i C'11 a' very The re�uit' was an ducts, and co Ing conjoin tl y ith �twb iit had the �Libiatal paixrby jrc� me n6mber of comparisons extending over a 11 thi tie eXI excelliani ha��e�ts in -Canada, thee ' - N I . . of ity, � wo.tild a-Ifflord. eat (10% elo, lt, before. By tj)e ill I 6t C - of t lie 1) rod nd tg� suit In,power, and -that vast sun) re - [V n :1 indus C0111 US 0 1 )o eir 321 -b Id b" h�vo been cornpile& Average protectipti- 'that our', rlem eou ig. a heatr iner oin (Z ex j3 �, � a I . Wthei amount 4 needless taxa - l' wn -of- large hAt,.tbe i . ports of :1880 ro,%sonably i unt(,d tw,',�921,000,00� Men d c I i arn 0 as m fho' 0 P�Ilb n t 6 which ili'o � people' � of 0, lmlnuri ­ and wOld be�,moie market roports. - 6fol-e compiling t in! this ve, tie w u loll ��ag � d6t&ihined fako J 15, �224. :38 6-Aducive to the piosperity of our 611ployni 189,01 0, t 3. Five years I to,, dLICe guea impi-ovenicnv� in Df economy and r'.e� the present Govor the fbird Wednesday in each month Oct, 15 301, are Subjiactod under ur' I I u en It. nal tro'nehinent of exi)cnalets practiced byo i0acturing intoveSts$ in, and quote the. highest, pA6 in the lb ) n at so o 16 r n a. Pe �le during iolitted"chses" and irogeri y mbax (If only 15 rought a retrn. of i 1 14 P fl. U it , I'll, qp_ which, ; �&w i 'It iiiA6�8 day. a of our fartlerS, Ili e n f, 1 &b o r 6 F�_ iv It'll r OF TWO 1. ilone *6uld lla*� b t' �wb6at 35 F tv E, N, Po DOES OT fi&�.tS , at;4d fisherman, th' the el�t t 1pres Sperl jwrt of tlio' A as the'lattlar is, next to C11ioagoil 183L CONTROL OV 41'18ADLAS 'It conclu ; polio Ively If 6 the exports of bread. . . . I I y dilrlog 1(,) , I the'lai�egt �uly, 15 ?4 1 :''40, f 81 po f �658 6 0; r G ithe 'Oct. 15 .44 43 of 01)fullie tufN dul,litg Mr, HE and'i I Chicago j�; a Win o aspresent l.tatioll with I . . , I . s we' no hewas made t1rat 'r T0106,� 11 must 61 reM6 4 WA14 "do it fl I Y rd 'k�rkabl: coiitriist, Vo the, R.. i)eied eral filltiidr6d milai'turther, md,gteat d6vilepment of it home is myr P yo W4cr 411yidenda than- w ot�w:itt o"Or 04 th A raisW I �frou 4tho ealidai4 than orihts, The 44 44 oQnd- e