HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-01, Page 71
OLI d..," .
South luroi Reformers
John McMillan, Reeve of Hullett,
the unanimous choice,
A largely attended' meeting of delegates
from 'the municipalities forming the South'
Riding of Huron, was held in the town
hall Clinton, on Friday last, to select a
candidate in the Reform interest for the
approaching' election. The convention
met at 11. o'clock, Mr. Geo. Anderson,
President of the old South Riding in the
chair, After transacting a few minor
matters, an adjournment took place till
after dinner. On re -assembling, the hall
was nearly,filled. The first business was
the election of officers for the new South
Riding :--Mr. Humphrey Snell, of Hul-
,lett; formerly President of the Centre Rid-
ing, -was chosen as -President of the new
South' Riding. Mr. Geo. Anderson; of
Stanley; formerly President of the South
Riding, was elected' Vice -President;' and•
Dr. Bulburt, of Brucefield; Secretary.
After confirming the present local organ-
izations,.the President called for-nomina=
tions; which were as fellows.:-
John McMillan, -Reeve of':Hullett—By,
John Hannah, of Tuckersmith. '
M Y. McLean,,ofSeaforth=By Robert
GOVenleck, of McKillop.'
• M., C. Cameron, M. P —By Geo._Ferest,
of Stanley. ' , - '
D. D. Wilson,•of Seaforth—By Thomas.
Coventry, of Seafoith.
• " Dr, Stewart; ofBrucefield—,By Win. Bal-
lantyne, of Seaforth. l', '
Nm.„, Gray, of Scaforth-By Andrew_
Go'renlock," of McKillop, -• - ' •
Dr. Stewart and, Mr Gray stated :that.
they had no. intention of allowing their
names to"stand, and in a few words asked
their withdrawal. -
. ••Mr. D. D. Wilson was not a candidate;
but improved the opportunity for addres-
sing':many of the .electors of the Riding,.
by delivering a speech that was clear, for-
cible' and convineing,.touching upon many.
of ;the issues before the people•;and- urging
them to:rally to the support
thenominee,>with a tremendous majority
although they had -been hived so'in'-'the
riding. ,
Mr. McLean only.allowed his name•to
g� before the ;convention, because. so many
of his :friends had;requestedhim to:do so..
Would sooner oppose any other man iri
the county •than,: John '_McMillan. IIe
placed" himself 'entirely in the" hand's 'Of
the Convention, and. would heartily abide:',
by their, decision. •
' .Mr. M. C. Cameron could not but ex-
press his unfeigned gratitude to the'elec-
tersof what_was left of South Huron, .for
their -support ,in the, past. '.He believed;.
that ..with `zeal and earnestness on the
part ''of ,Reformers, ithe West Riding
could. be carried successfully: He ' had
unbounded confidence' in the leadership
of:the Hon. Edward ;Blake, and looked',
hopefully.;forward t6! the •:result„of —:this.
campaign; and closed by urging Reform-
ers "not to rest” upon 'their' oars, but :poll
every: available vote,.and those who were -
prepared to do so should go into the. 'ad
joining Ridings between now and the 20th
of June, and,do all they' could to insure
the return of the Liberal candidates. ,
Mr. McMillan thanked the convention
for"his nomination and placed himself at
their disposal. Had, long been identified
with the' Reform party, and felt that the
present was an occasion when "every indr=,
vidual should feel,,a patriotic' interest in
the welfare of the', country. ;.Condemned.
the.gerrymander of";the county and 'Other
acts,of the present ministry as being at
."variance with the best interests of the
people, andsaid thaCshould the conven-
tiondecide in favor .of Mr. McLean; he
would turn in, heartily and support hien:
7""A.:voteLthenbeing taken;' resulted as
follows:—McMillan;`67 ; McLean, 48..
Mr. McLean then. in a neat speech,
moved that ,the nomination of Mr, Mc-
Millan be Made unanimous by ,a.Standing
vote.- `1'o this proposal the meeting
heartily assented,'and the"resolution way
carried wi ; cheers.
an then thanked the dele-
ositioniin which they.: had
for the mark of confidence,,
If chosen ` as their re-
presentative, as 'e felt confideut with the
resiilt"of'the conte ,,he'' would -re resent
them faithfully for, "':, e - , xt e yea
and leave a record of which"lie would " not
be ashamed. > After:referring to the.. vari-.
nus issues -before the people,.; he • took his
'seat amid applause.
The following resolution, was then,car
tied on a standing vote;—a"
- Moved by D. D. Wilson,':: seconded by
Dr. Buchanan," and resolved, That. this;
Convention heartilyapproves of • the con-
duct of Hon. Edward Blake as leader of
the Liberal party" of - Canada, and we
pledge ourselves to use every legitimate
effort at the coming election_to make -old
eHuron—tth.is_standatd old_Reform County:
—send true` and steadfast ,supporters of
Liberalism to strengthen the hands of our
honored leader in the next. Parliament of
the Dominion, notwithstanding the;iniqui-
tous tripple gerrymandering ,of olir'county.
Cheers" for .the "(tiueen and e
brought the meeting to a:close. • ",.
Mr. N. 1
gates for t e
placed him an
which it applie
Goderich. District Methodist Church.
The following is a summary of the last.
day's proceedings of this meeting here.
The session of Wednesday was attended
by sixteen lay delegates. The salaries
had been paid in full to all the ministers
on the district, with the exception of two.
No minister received any grant from the
missionary fund. The latter amounts to
$2,934 and two circuits yet to report. All
the connexional funds were slightly in
advance: of last year. The membership
is '3,435 against 3,519, showing a very
satisfactory exhibit, considering that the
removals and deaths amount t6545 There.
are reported 12,850 persons attendant on
worship ; 323 baptisms. There are 50
Sunday schools within the district; 549
teachers ; 4,086 scholars. Rev.. W. Mc-
Donagh was elected on the Stationing
Committee; 4. Andrews on the- Sunday
School Committee; and Messrs. Fisher,
ofClinton ; Sturgeon, of Kincardine, and
Pollock, of Goderich delegates to the
general conference, and Mr. Sturgeon to
the -Contingent Fund Committee, which
meets at Conference. A-` resolution ex-
pressive of the high esteem in which•Rev;
Dr. Williams is held in the •district, and
regret at the prospect of his removal there-
from, was very cordially passed.
Also "a resolution, deprecating the in-
troduction of a modified episcopacy among
the members.
Also one on union, expressing :that the
meeting was in favor of the principle, but
thought that the `idifferentbodies of _Me-`
thodism need to be brought nearereach°
other in spirit 'and . discipline first..'.
Aleft one on class meetings, deprecating
any alteration of: our present rule concern-
ing them.
The meeting closed, soon after 6 p.m.
It was to be regretted that though all the
delegates 'had, been specially elected to at-
tend for the purpose of voting for dele-
gates to the General Conference, many of
them left before that important election:
came off, and thus- the three delegates
were elected tb the most important of all
councils of Methodism, by, only thirteen
present. Surely the delegates do 'heft rear
lige their; responsibility; ; or . they would
either have refused the election' as dele-
gates to the district meeting, or have.
came and stayed to cast their ballot. There
were twenty-one delegates ` elected so that
at the time of election there were nine not
at their posts, this depriving nearly one''
half of the membership of the district of
their vote as to who shall constitute the
next General Conference: It' is to be
hoped that at the next electionfor similar
purpose the membership will see to this
matter, that they elect delegates willing
to go and Stay to do the business for which
they are elected.
3OR rv.
Fiat:—In Clinton, on .the,; 29th of May, the
wife of Mr. Jas. Fair, of a son.
LeiNo.-At Pon, an "lac, Wis., 011 the 27th
May, the wife of Mr. W.B. Laing, of a son.
Garai.--In Elora, on the 24th of May, the
Wife 'of Mr. T. A. Gale, r, Of Johnston
' iNGrale &'Tisdall, Bankers) o€'a daughter.
WEBB*. Clinton,.' on the 21st May, .the
wife of Mr. B., Webb, of a son.
Fi ASER—CAb5LitoN —In Stanley, at the
`residence of Mr. Donald Roes, Jr., 011
The Dominion general'elections".take place
on June 29th, and nomination on -.June •13th:;:
The following is t' list (corrected to ,date) of
the candidates nominated " by both"; political
parties for :Ontario r-
Constituency Reform, Conservative
Addington W Connolly J.W. Bell
'Vma •_... .. - 'Dawson
olBhwell. D. Mills Hawkins
Brant N,.... Somerville
Brant S P ttterson A Watts •
73roelrville' W Comstock 'J: F. Wood
Bruce,N,... .. .. McNeil,
Br.uce,EP. X. Messner^ Shaw
Bruce; W" w Campbell'
"Cardwell McLachlin T White
Carleton • ....
Dnudas Dr Chamheriiv....
Durham;E L. Ross Col. Williams
Durham(, W.. _E. Blake Bunting
E1�in E..:.:_..,Dr: Wilson ,Arkell '
Elgin, W G. E. Casaey McKinley
essex, N .5. A.. Kilroy ' ,. J. C,Tattorson'.
Essex, S• •:W. McGregor Wigle
Frontenac Kirkpatrick
Glengary D Macdonald McMaster -
Grenvill0 S Millar Benson
'Grey F -;. P Christie 'Dr. Sproule •
Grey, el- :Allen • S.J.Lane
Grey, 5 .....'._.Dr.Landerkiu- G, Jackson
Haidimand Thoinpeon - ...•
Halton .. McCraney ' ` McKinde ty
• Hamilton .. 2 A.'Ir,vin Krlvert•
5D.Moore T -Robertson
Hastings;E.. H Ashley J. White
Hastings,. . .. . M. Bowell
Hastings, W Brown Robertson
Huron, E'.: Dr. Sloan-. Farrow
Huron, W`. M. 0; Cameron R. Porter
Huron S Mcbiillau
Kent .. Dr.Samaon Smyth'
Kingston ' A. Gunn Dr. Sullivan
Lambton,',EJ.I1,Fairbank J.•A,Mackeuzie
Lambton,W J. A. Clark"
Lanark,-N;..-Maedonuel! Jamieson
Lanark. 5.. .... .1, Gs Ha ]fart
Lee -18,N '-: . J.
Leeds; S: _. C F. Britton •G Ta'y for
Iennox D.W. Allison SirJ.Macdonalil
Lincoln Norris C Rykort
London... Carling
,Aliddtesex,.S .IArmstron -.
MiddlosexpE_ Macmillan
Middlesex, W G.' SV Roes N. Currie
Middlesex;N Shl.Pley• T. Coughlin
nek .:.. ..".McCallum. • McCallum
Muskoita' : .J. C. Miller,-'. O'Brien •
Norfoik,N. Charlton Dr: Sinclair
;Norfolk; 5• rackson Nalhc:e
Northum'landECronter CoChraue
NorthunilandW W. Kerr Giiillet
Ontario,N. A'.P.Oe oath -1117i Av. H. Gihb3
Ontario, S-.: ,.F..W. Glen Smith
Ontario, W .,. Wheeler Majors •
Ottawa city. 2.
DrISt. Jeantyre n : Titscseiut0ali
Oxford, N.
Oxford; S Harley . .y:`
Peel T lennsi Ranter
Perth, N .. Ilessou
Perth, S.., Troiv Guest
Poterboro, E ; Rosilurg l Burnham
Peterbero, W,`•'...'.. IIilliard
Preseett',:. - Routliicr
PrincoEdward Dr: Platt McCilaig
Renfrew; Nr -1. Murray White •
Renfrew, 3 •R.Campbell. .Bannerman -
Russell ' _ Bewares
Simcoe, 5 . .. Ty rwhitt
Simcoe, N Drtrey D. McCarthy
Snncoe, Is. ..
Stormont Bethune Bergin
Toronto,C. 5.D Edgar R. Hay
Torouto,E. Thompson . : . .
Toronto, W bic5larrirli Beatty
Victoria, N G.G Ke;itll IT, .Cameron
Victoria,S. ..::Nee(llor • DundaS
Watorloo,N Dr Bowl by: Kranz.
Waterloo; S Livingstone Merrier
Nellstnd.. B. B Osler Dr. Ferguson
•Wellidgton,C .SirR, Cartriglrt Orton
Wellington, N.;.MeMullen train"
Wellington S-.Dr•Springer : Goldin
SVentworth,'v Bain McICeclrnie
Wentworth, 5Sprinucr Waddell
l'ortr, B A.McKenzie Boultbec
•York, lv W. Unlock . Anderson
,York. W.:. , .Tl Hodgins Wallace '
the =30th 'May, by the',Rev, ME. Ross, 1 --
Mr. Thos. Frazer, of Stanley; tG.Lydii>.
-Cameron; second daughter of Mr,'. Mal-
colm Cameron; 'Dakota, late of Stanley,
Otani.. -,--At Aberdeen, Dakota, e
May, Simon"J. Clark, lata of Huron county,'
• aged 29 •year°.
$200.00 Reward 1
Will be paid for tho,(Iotection and conviction of
any person selling orr dealing in any.bogus,-
cotuterfeit or imitation. Hor BITTERsi. esperi-
9,11y I3itters or preparations with the word Hor
or EIOPS in their nano or connieted therewith,
that is intended to rni810ad and; cheat, the pub-
lic, or for any preparation put in any form,
pretending to he the same as., •HOP (n
The genuinelravo chister of GatEN Hors &10-
tine this). Printed. on. the white label, and are
the purest and best Medicine ori earth. especi-
ally for Kidney, Livor"and Nervous Diseases,
Beware of :iii others, and of all Pretended
,lnatq�a or rceeihts of HOP Brrrurts pilblished
in pappote or 'for sale, as they are fronds aiid
'swintildS. Whoever deals in'a.b5.but the ' genu-
ine will be, prosecuted.
RoChC5ttr, :N.1'•
' May 31 1882.
`sheat; fall, '•bush,
Spring, -
Barley, -_
Potatoes -
Eggs, ,
Hay, -
Hides, - 5 00 a 6 00
Sheepskins 0 75 a 1 00
`$1 27... a 1 30
1 30a 1 32
0 41 a. 0 42
0 75,a 0 80`
0 70, 'a 0 76
6"00 a 6- 50
0,(15 ; -a - 0 70'
01.5' a 016.
0 1:1 a 0 14
13 00 "a 14 00'
Makes 1om' Boots
Dien, Wonleitiand Children's Boots & 'Shoes5
Spring: Stock well assorted,' and
complete in all departments.
ri1TIE Council of-tho Corporation of the-Counfy
99 of, Heron, will meet i:1 the Court Ileil5o 111.
the Town of G'oderieh on 'I nesday -the
411th et` June. 'Arctkeuf. a ainst the council
'musth6 seat in before• i:iie 111st 800i011.of the
000011(1 dity •of inetsting.•
Godericir, may "2, 1151 C'o'tuity (aeik.
:e,ady Made .Cl;othina,
LtS' an
Boots and. (Shoes, J
;"n`d 20 chests choice Teas.
w SeII1rigOff Beiow"'Cost
Sign(o•f. "the - Re`d : 'l�:
WEICI T'S 4:)"41): STAND "
he public are cordially invited to call and ex-
amine goods and prices
.Meting Buildings d'
— Ai 1,6W-118'tSs GP INTrn11i1 .Wirt. bn 'CSSu4 „_
'ro•Surr 13oiu owkas.... 7,' TAICt:'tles neaus.of tlrank.ing all those: itiho have .
-_L favored pie with' their patronage in:the,.Va§t; and"'
I .NNINC & SCOTT,. beg to say that, 80 I ani°icaving,the country .for Mani..
IIEAVEP-BLOCK CLh\ lO\' Lobe, f have. disposed of my business- to my brother
Jonv.STs'irssos,and `hope that 'you will:"Favor hila,'.
7 _ "with the some liberal' patrenagethat you :have given
1 ihiia,, ._ Bilis ,„ pie. ' JOSLPII S'IEPIIENSON
T irITI-t regard to tlie.abovc • 1 would say'that as I.
10 (ILNTS EAC.: -I'. v 1 ant a chip from the same•block, and having bcecr
• brought up to. tho' business of: moving and raising
buildings., I,fcel confident that I can give entire;atis
"W • C. SEARLEClinton. faction to all who may favor nue with their patronage.
gQ'1 ".Boss OlAnd further,1 would say that I,am still snaking thoac
t 0;' AS 6001i Mid, ebeaperthai'r ever. •
YtJ � �L .�� '�`1/' ,1 13-3iii; • J0HN STENIE5'SON, Clinton.
J. R. I%euuedy, Proprietor. STORE TO RENT
111151: uubscribcr.desires .to intiiiate- to the
J. people of,Clinton and vicinity, that lie bas'
-purchased the business formerly carried on by.
18111. W LEE.". and will continue it in all its
branches. Noefforts will he spared•to keep lip
the excellent reputation•of this Bakery in sup-
plying BREAD, &c„ of superior quality, and by
giving 5trict'pttontion to business he hopes to
merit 'a continuance of the liberal patronage
bestowed on jus prodeeessor.
5. R. KENNEDY, Clinton,
Central: DRUG". STORE.
atm ph• roy's' Homeopathic Itemodies.
'CULicura 1temedicii
Kentdatlia '1pavin Cure
And 'al? the recent patents' kept in stock or procured
to order
s1'1a39e stool,: -of Wire Ildir lih'ushes Toilet
Sets, Sponges, ,Pel fumes]), •etc.,
Tern' Chu/Ir •
cELn-LOID 'SRUSSES at tYedueed rates.
f I[3'SICTANS' PRESCttiPTTt1NS and -fluidly reeeipt�:
accurately compounded-witli °aro and desiiatth,
0115A1IS1' Si Dltt,laCIST,
. Clinton, Ont;.
111ARY-1%-ito•had that little laiukl
tTad Teeth as white.as snow, :
She always brushed them twice :s. day.
— iVitfi: LEstu3T,tt-y" you know.
Suitable for Hardware, Groceries, DIY Goods
or general business. Good stand. Rent rex-
sonaklio. Apply -to
R. IRWIN., Clinton,
AtIli A1.I, MAIL STEAi111311(Pti.
icabin,q[nterrediateand ltecraggeTicitc
Lets at Lowest'Itates.."
•`3OVA SCOTI A13, .weber,, May 2 i tO ,
Persons' wistriiS:tosend for their 1'riotd t Can olitaid
passagecertfacabes at lowest rates nom England, Ire••.,
land and acotlatxi to any city or: railway town in Ca:.,.
and the amount is re un3r1 loss a.nrnail dada," • .
tion if the. ticket 19 not 895:1. •
Stem:egol;'asaeirgore"*re booked to Loudon, Cardiff,
,i3rist6t, Qurotnabown,. Derry,l.'.el5as I. and Glasgow, f5t
Same pric0ntas to"L1vorlpool.,., -•
'G'ortboeitgla tie kels:and esory}nformat ionapply11
4l STila.tr 3,3,(0,T T ,Arent;,Clinton,