HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-06-01, Page 1F' yft, reessmesameweimsasesewesweitolorww• MANNING & SCOTT, - Barristers, Solicitors, \- NVEYANCERS, Commissioners for Ontindo andManitoba. OFFICE, . - ' BEAVER BLOON, CLINTON. CITY BOOK STO --0 C. Pickson. eassave*tesee ^ VOL. 117„ NO, 22 TERNS -- $1.541 Per Ananniii• CLINTON, c..NT., THURSDAY,. JUNE 1,- 1882. , E4 ISLOLIMIEN •1k SON P blielhere. FOWLER & SO 'BEST STOOK1 OF VIOLIN STRINGS IN TOWN: FINE PLATED tut dvertiOrtarntO. irouse to Let. 690D roomy. house on Ttattenbury $treet. Apply, 7 .tEaoftice.' , MANILLA FELT STI AD I We claim a superiority for these goods *Ter cloth for the following reasons: lst It is the strongest and perfectly opaque. 2nd Its texture is rubber -like. .3rd It is soft and pliable. 4th It will not crack, crease or break. - 5th It will not ravel at the edges. 61h It is noiseless in operation. 7th It will not wrinkle or cue], 8th It cante sewed the same as cloth. 9th Its appearance when contrasted with the best cloth curtaius is always in it favor. - 10th It is cheaper and more durable I 3131, -....NS 3E30 STATIONERY, - FANCY GOODS TOBACCO, CIG.k.RS an Tobacconist Goods. WALLPAP A SPECIALTY. Over 10,000 Rolls in 'stock • Great varietyl to Oioose from. do not advertise -what I have not got, nor any more thail actually_have Window Blin • 3doz, Express VVaggons JUST ARRIVED: 11111 CARDIN S NEWEST DESIGNS IN JEW.ELLERY. Repairing done Protnptly. chntim;may. 25th, 1682. House and Lot for Sale. MBE. subseribei offers that conveniently etu- ated cottage and lot, on Rattenbury, street, a 'few lots -west of the Methodist Church -for sale. The house contains seven remiss, and on the lot are a large number of 'fruit tes and a• well *1 good water: Terms made known on amilication to Mrs. Jackson, oh the premises. , • • I. JACKSON. ' Clinton, 24th May, 1882. : • ', .• FARM FOR SA4E. NEAR THE VILLAGE OF ,BLYTH, ; On London, Huron dt Bruce Railway: • ,OT 29 on 14th eon. of township of Hallett, ...LA 139 acres of first-elass land, abotit half eleared, and balance first -class -hardwood; a good spring runs afiTOSEI the lot; smallorchard, also house. Blyth station, on London, Huron & 13ruce Railway, where there are extensive salt works, is lei males distant. Apply to • Box 964, Toronto P. 0. Farm in Michigan for sale , /LI 00D chance to buy an -improved fafm.-160 kfi acres in weighing -ton -49 acres, cleared and the balance burned oyer last, fall. • 225 rods of fence, new frame house and barn, young Or- ,elkard, good well,•five acres of fall wheat on'tlie ground • and -Hie haTance;-except ••six.; acres, in grass.. It is within 23., miles of Anderson sta- tion, and can be bonght at a bargain, as the Owner's health is poor and he -wishes to the country. AnyIperson wishing information regarding th'S fer, can call on T.R.Dreit, Cros- well, , Apply to ; C. H. CRYDERMAN, or ers . WALKING CANES, PURSES, BIBLES, ALBUMS, ,Errc, GENERAL NEWS AGENCY Inspection invited. No trouble to show goods: CHRIS. DICKSON, crag), Macwhirter & Co'S ,Old stata' . - P. 0 'Z=?.. Aifirst-glass farina 6(100 acres. .60 acres. cleared and under cultivation and clear of stutaps. aa acres. of 'valuable timber land. Underneath the cleared portion, 'there Is over 400 tode 01„.unclor drains.. The' laud. is -extra, rich' and all Iliat-class.,--7111s.farm is ;composed of part of 1ots1,2•and.13 in the .16th con., Of Hal- lett. The teniint,‘Mr. ,Williaan alurpliy, has, it . leased lor, t11s season,. The purchaser will. havelhe privi/ege. of 'going, on td- do fall. plow- ing as -soon asthe crop is. gathered. 1Terms of payinent, very easy'. Oilers 'reeeiyad, up to the 20tlf Of June. For tusepartienners apply. to ' ; ' : ClInten,May nth: 188.2. , 'Clinton. TEM:11410CE CDLONIZATION:LANos. AFEW• quarter, haft and, whole sectionS" of 'these lands cap.'he ourniseedto parties who 'eall early. „This Chnipany'it is said:lave 'seleet- ed tWo million'aeres onis Imp land es there is in the north west. ..Asthe whole,. ainount,..w as taken up in alew Weeks after' the bOoks- ef the eenipany' were opened, theshlands can. inyerbe obtained only by purchasing scrip from the original subscribers, wise require a premium. of • a fen- eentii per acre;.and.by paying.$2.peIere, ..03133-tentli.dowe, and one-tenth each. year fere' years,with' interest, @ 63d.%. 'The'purehaser will be reqiiired.to put one.settler'-en each:lot:86e., tion inside of live: years. ",The land lies on, both sides of the South. Saskatchewan, mostly - on the east side. The eastern'boundstry extends nearly th the 'Tot/eh:woodnille, eoyeringthe high relling -prairie spoken' of so enthusiasti- cally by, traVellers."',Frhni no °then some° can good .land S be Secured on sueh faVeraele terms as these.: ComPetent judges, say they are .now Worth osier $6 per acre.' ' • Clinton, May19, 1882 .A. S. FISHER, ' . Office opposite Queen's Hotel. nio,agage: Sale- • REAL E p:r.4T UDERand by *virtue of, tlfe power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage znade by Robert Grieve .to Robert' .11avrtliorrie, the yetinnerenneciewliebenroduced at !the -time -of - sale, 'there wiit be,olfered for sale in one parcel, • hf-rableeauction en 1•, •SATURDAY .• • 24th Of JUNE 1882 A.6 four .W.clock •byI)avid 1.Dickinson, attetioneer, , I/PSI:1.411'S Hotel, Kinburn. . . . , (TOWN/HIP OF HULLETT,) . . Toll The fowing p oper3y,being,eomposed of part of Lot 5, nettle 7811 concession of Hullett, and ;bore particularly described as' twoperches three perches,•on the south-west corner of said Orythis property there is erected a;Rlack- smith Shop, and it is an excellent opening for a Blacksmith Shop or carriage Factory,. Or both., TILlot9:-.-Tifteen per cent, at time of Sale, and halariec within twenty days. . ' ' ROBERT newe'DORNE: .7r., Hui lett, .1ffay is; 1891. ' ' ' Vendor. . ruirrd: tonicsu 4xtotTINTD an as er In belle '1'htl best and cheapest Eertilier in the world, relieia 'Teem LAND AND T-litE LAND 11/JILL PEED Nee. R. M. RACEY, IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, N SY, 189-2, CLINTON: Stray Pig. ('AME into 'Lot 33, 13th concession, Goderich kJ Township, about a week since, BLACK PIG. The owner is notified to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. . TROMAS FLEMING, NOTICE. ,t MEETING of the Ethare-holdets of the Londesbozo Butter and Cheese Manufac- turihg Co. will be held in the Butter Factory on Friday the 901 day ofJurie, at two o'clock n• M., for the purpose of elcctiug.a Board of Directors or confirming the provisional, board,, and appointing a salesin,an for the season. An experienced butter maker will be in atten- dance and address the meeting. A full atten- dance is particularly requested. W. L. OTJIMETTE,, Secy.-Treas. Londesboro; June 1, 1882. Notice or Dissolution of Partllership. 1%7CTICE is hereby given that the partnership -LI heretofore subsisting between us the under-, signed as Gressette, in the town of Clinton, . has been this day ,dissolved by mutual consent. All debts (swims to said partnership.are to be paid to George Sharmannt the said town of Clinton, and all claims' against the said 'partnership' are to be presented, to the isaid-Geofge Sharman, by whom the seine will be settled. • • Dated at cuntee this 23th day of 15713y,A.D. 1892. *Witness WM. ,5SOORE.' .4.11. MANNING.' - GEORGE-SHARMAN. . .. . , EIULLETT CARDING Mill. THE Carding Mill, on the lath eon., HuUett, will be opened on the first day of June, when customers may dcpen if onhayi ng their Carding, . Weaving, Felling and Cloth. Dressing done in first class order, as the reaOlinery has 13eeu. thoroughly overhauled. . parties coming from a distance can have their carding done while waitin.,.• . If, MORRISON. . . Hallett, rune I 1881 - Executors! Notice. having clahns against the eta st t 8411LTEL DUMBAtL, late of the Town otCl01 Clin- ton, are requested to send particulars of th• same to the undersigned, without delay, and, all persons in- debted to the said eStato are requested to settle the th same without furerntice ,. • FRED. RUMBALL, L Executon. , JOHN' RID CliiitbD, May 18, 1882 °• UT' ) , DENMILLEIL. Tha Sons Of Tempnranee intend. ho mg an open meting in p; couple of, weeks. A good programme is being prepared by the division. "."' . Mr. Gottfriedenfaedel has placed a new boiler in his ,tantsery here, thereby in - ,creasing the 'working capacities of an al- ready extenSiere business. . Onorss-Fall wheat itt this vicinity looks exceedingly well., .The spring crops also aee ye/T. good ; the Tain last .Saturday. Making quite a Change intheir appee.rpnces 'Mr. Gledhill is building a line new reed- deece on his farm. Mr. James Jenkins hae taken' deeu his barn and intends b,uilding it larger one with a stone faun- PEetsoNAL.-Miss,Cliarleitte Morrish is. away vieitingler 'brothers, Mr. Richard Morrish, who is teaching in Illiddlesei county:- Mies Adelia Fisher, , who has been spending a few weeks in the eastern 'States returned home last week.. • , , A. hinge quantity of wheat andother grain is being drawn to °lintel), there being no" less than 1,500 neeshela ot Wheat alone. drawn out during. the peat .week. The difference between theprice paid in Clinton and Goderich being 3,and 4 cents a bushel. So pays to take it to the 1 ''Tbe whole topic of conversation just nowis politics, some crying Porter, Whilst the majority' are shouting Cameron. The Conseryatives seemed cpiite .crest-fellen after the convention at 'Smiths' Hill. They fully expected Mr. Platt to,be nomi- Ida.ted as their candidate, and seemed com- pletely taken by eurprise When Mr. Porter was brought' forward ,a8 their leader. They do not se,em tdcheilssli •the idea of working for in ,Outsider in preference to the ..talented_rneinbei, *' C. Cameron.. MeerisTEneanee-Re,v.',11).. Mercian, who was 'apPointecl by conferenceto the M.B. chureh, hes declined, on account of ill health ;; the Rev. Mr. Hartley is filling the appoinements preee,nte, and will 'likely de so• until a minister is appointed by conference: Rev. Mr. Broad, slim' has been laboringin title circuit ;during the last three years, leaves in a shoratinse for ' a new field of labor. Mn. - Broad will be missed, as he has made, ditring his sojourn - here, a great many frlends. ' ACCIDENT. -Mr. Thomas Slattery, met with a veiy painful aceddent at the falle, on -Tuesday. It seems he was 'engaged in blasting the rock, and, at the time of the aceident, -was eemeeing it large :piece of it with a• crow bar, which slipped and Struck him a severe blow -on the forehead, knocking him dowel steep embankment of abeat fifteen feet, cuttieg and bruising hire badly. He remained insensible for about fifteen itainutes, and immediately: after receyering consciousness was taken home and reedieal'aid-summoned. - • . The, picnic held -under the anspices of ,the Benmiller brass band, at the falls, -preyed' to be a grand success. There -be- ing no sports in Goderich, a large number came from that and other places. Amuse. inents' of various kin -di -were indulged in during the ,day, a large number, enjoying' themselves itt trippingatharlight fantastic, .on a' platform erected' tef tho purpose, music being supplied bee-IVIrs-and IVIre. R. McCulloch. The band during, the day' 'enlivened ,;the preceeding S with several choice pleeest ef elude. ;At a same/Janie hour the 'company broke up, some wend- ing their, way h'emewards, whilst ()there drove to Clinton to attend the grand con- cert and 'fireworks,' but all Well, pleased with the day spent at I3enmiller. We hope" the biuI1 will ' repeat ,the dose on some future oecaeion. .; - • • monRse. , Muss Robb of the 1st con. of Morris, was married on the 24th May. Her new name is Mrs. MeItenney. The elley. Mr. Hartley was placed as pastor a the Presbyterian -congregation at Blilevale, on the 25th May. Mr. T. Farrow returned home on Fri- day night, 19th May., accompanied by his lady. The village boys were ,unusually quiet on this occasion. The fall wheat'is beginning to look some better, Some fielcls,have suffered so much that the average crop in this tovvnship will undoubtedly be low. The P. M. Sabbath school, 2n1 'con., will hold its anniversary on the" 11th and 12th of June. Sermons will be preached on Sunday, and a tea meeting will he held on the. afternoon of Monday. An sixcel- lent tithe -is anticipated. - The Manitoba fever, which has been BO long mid violently in this local- ity, is now a thing of the past. Elections' ,should have taken place in March, and then Sir John's goveinment "might have fared better than it is now likley to do, despite - all his precautions to secure hinsself the power for another term. COLI1ORNE. Dne very singular_ andneatable blessing is the ebsece'of the potato beetle. ..,We hope it is gene; [Sure. The heavy freete did a large. amount eaf damage to some .of the gardens. , Fruit trees are only now in bloonia Owing to the backwardness of vegetatien they are laterlhan other year.), but judg- ing from the amount of bleesoms, therSe will be a large amount of -fruit. • • Falleivheat is not looking as good as it might in :write places, but spring -crops are doing finely. • - Rev. T. Broad, B. C. minister; goes to, Crediton•cireuit. orglitirn is not so extensively planted this season asit was last. . EAOKA. 40B.SEFLE811.-A few days since Mr. J. J. Fisher, the well-known horseman of this township, received a stallion' direet from Scotland. Be hadn't it in his post session leing before Mr. Aethony Allen coveted it, anil subsequently' leought it at $1,400. The The " passion" is still st old Joe, however, .and he will. leaVo-for Scotland in about three weeks, to purchase something more in • the Way of horseflesh: Success to you, Joe, HOLMESVILLE. Mrs. Stanley, of this place, has gone' on 9. visit to her sistee near Toronto.- Mr.Geo Levis has returnecl from the northwest and has no desire to go 'back there to reside.. The many friends Of Mies Ellett Miller will be glad to hese that she is recovering from her lath illness: ' The Rev: A. Andrews, of Kincardine, will,deliver a temperance lecture in the C. M. Church en- Monday evening net at GODERICti, .SER10us n the. cellisicire of two freight trains on the St. Paid and Manitoba , road, near Delano, Minn., on the 28th of May, Horatina Sece.rd, whole- -sale lumber- dealer..oL cluderiche Ont.; who was en ronte to Winnipeg, was thrown froin one end of the caboose to the other and his sheulder blade broken. A few daps since Mr. W. Cudmore sold 16 head of cattle, lunspecl at $68 a head:- ` not a bad figure. -. • , BeEtnieas.-Mr. Duncan McEwen of the 2nd COD. of Stanley, is patting an ad- dition-to-hiseberne-Hesiselseildirig se -stoner wall under the addition for stable purposes, root bailee; &c., and is to raise the barn to furnish accommodation under it for for his horses and cattle.. Mr. John Elliott has the contract of the stone work. SrAerseees.-According to the Assess- ment Roll for 1882 for this township, there are 2,306 residents' of which 597 are be- teseen the ages of .5and 16, 351 between 7, and 13, and 267 between 16 and 21. There are 42,699 acres assessed, 31,186 of which ere cleared.; the assessed' value' is $1,671,- 474 ; personal property, $78,990; acres of fall wheat, .5,966; acres plewed, 6,737 ; number of cattle, 3,954 aheep, 3,691; hogs, 050;.horses, 1,238; births, .42; deaths .26. 1.• -Cone-one-The council met on the 27th May, at 10 a. in., ati a Court of Revision. All' the members preaent and made and subscribed the necessary declaration. As there were no anneals it Was:rnoVed by Goo, astle sec.'by J. Torrance that this cense de now adjourn to meet agam on the het Friday in June at 2 o'clook p.m. -Carried. ^The minutes of previous meeting were :iv read -and signed. Moved by Peter Douglas Sec. by John McKinley, that the Reek.° give an order to John Robinson for two dollars for repairing scraper. -Carried. Meed by Geo, Castle see. by Johnn-Mc- Kinley that the Reeve give an order "Po F. G. Nieelanda for $22.40, being printing account for last year. -Carried. Consider- able time was occupied in discussing the expenditnre ef money ,on the different roads and the repairing of culverts, after which it Was moved by -John Torrance, see. by Peter Douglas that this council do now adjourn to meet again on June 80t1s, tat twou'clock p. m - -Carried-. was presented by Mr. Cameron, but too late to'be-taken up, it was therefore laid over till, neet meeting. ,G.'Stiewart;Clerk. LOCAL RA11.%4T SKITS. , W. E. SCItAPS. -On- Monday, Mrs. Adams, and farni% left for Platemouth, Nebraska, -to join her husband there. On Tuesday Mr. John Middleton, of Goderich townelalp, Mr. James Hearn, and the wives of Jamee Bowie and John Beesley, left for Winnipeg. Something that has not occurred for a - Jong time, ;happened at the station hose 'on Tuesday, When the yard was cleared cif every car, not one being left, A youth, who was evidently out of' his mind, was cutting up around Brucefield station on Tuesday, when he was put on board a basin and sent here. He hung around therpremises a good while; much to the annoyance of the employees, and indulgedin pranks which revealed Isis in- • - sanity. Not considering it safe to have him around, Constable Paisley was sent _for, who learned_that he belonged to God- erich, and thither he was forwarded. GRAND TRUNK WAIFS., ' Mil B. Elford has so greatly improved the appearance of his premises here, as to snake them the fittest in the neighborhood. He will have a beautiful place in a fevv years. On Sunday mornm last a covered car- riage comingeclown t e hill on the"Out Line, near this plaee, by some means over- nt "art ne ley,d. l Id shenatr edth tohe Pt, sthe o astei triiotuhse thereof fu ratfyoc. Mr. JasEntickna r actual na - resident of this village he having resided here mime 1858. There are others in the neighborhood Older residents than he, but riot older residents of the village. • • The masone are Euildin the cellar wall of Mr. Young's house, and Mrs. Jenkins' is ready for the freine: A Soclal was -held at W. H. Young's eEsq., on Wednesday evening, May 31se. Proceeds in aid of the Methodist parson- agAe ifiunedni .tertanment, Under the auspices of the 1. 0-. liTt;takes"plice on Trail evening, end will consist of rausic, read- ing recitetions, &c. We understand that the Sloan and Mr. Farrow have agreed to hold their meetings together, beginning May 301114 at Button's school houee. Both seem etfte a succesg. . A. handsome ' marble monument hag been erected at the head of the late Mrs.• Slater's grave. That and the late Mr. Jenkins' adds considerably to the appear-' ance of the Blyth cemetery. • , The Ladies of Trinity church ale, mak- ieg big preparations for, Donsimen Day. Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works are to form one of the attractions for the evening. Wat- son's Hallhap been secured for thenStere, berry Festival 'and Concert; a goodstip*' expeeted. , Mr. Odell Andrews, for many, Years bar- tender for Mr. S. Grigg- at London, and ,who com in i tted suicide last -week- Nes-cut- ting his throat, was a brother of Mr. • An- drews of this village. The reason for the rash act is aupposed to have been derange-, tnent of the mind 'The Methodiet church was crammed. on Sunday evening, the Icey. Mr. McLean went to Brussels, ahd ey1 AfF, :Hender- son, of the Episcepaliatcerelitireh, held ser- vice in the afternoon inetead Of evening,' so the .only service at 6:30 was at•the Methodist church; quite a nemaleer'could not -get in. The subject upon which the paseer' dweltwas "Daniel in. the clen." 4 ' The grocery waggons of Mr. Mallory and Messrs. McMillan & Senior are doing quite a bueinese in the adjoining town: ships, especially the former. , _ . 1)id the press niake the mistake, or. the 13lyth paper last week, about the English Money ; it is a half crown instead of a - 'Crown that passes for sixty cente. ' • Je H. .Boye thp week shipped a ger f ' t t 't Oh' • g • -;a1r. W. Craig shipped, nsear of floe cat- tle aTSironto last Week. ' • Work eh.the foundation of the new sta- . teen is progressing favorably '• No less than forty cars steed on the aid-, ings here On Tuesday night -'-all to; be. used for one purpese or another. To -day Misers. 4.. Churchill, jr.,, and site, of Goderich toweshipaleave for Brandon, taking withthetri -a car load of effects. . Ma. A. Dueica late dn the employ of - 'NeWtoxi & Dennis, left yeeterday'for Sault Ste 'Marie; where he lpurposes prio*o going west to recuPeratehis health. This' week 11r. 11. Irwin shipped 6 ears of wIreat-to•Moiris Mills, N:S., and 2 cars " to Patterson, N.Y. Mr. Perrin shipped 3 cars of oats,to•Winnipeg, and Me. Fair 2 of flour to Montreal. • ' • ,, CDL11,---"".1b-P OF REVISION. The court, fur the Bevi' sion of t4e.:44I sessment•Roll, raet in the Council ,Chani- ber Monday evening, foie thennire;t41e, •of hearing ;and deciding all cemplainte, and finally revising the Jell. Present, Mesars. Searle, •Cooper,"...Corbett, More and Stevensin, and after. being, duly sworn, Mr: Searle teoln.the_ chair:. The 'following weretheappeals, -and were ' posed of as follows • ; • • - • te CiL.' Saville; E. Wattersen, M. Taylor, -- A. Moire,"0. Diehl;jr., and-leh,n Taylor, emitted appealed to be put -031, which was granted. , ,, Isaac JeCkson appealed to'have _dog struck off -allowed., W. Hemphill, W. G. Wheatley, 3. Con- nolly, Geo.-Daeis, Geo. Doherty,' G: T. Marsti W. Snea-1,1, , T. L. Fortune Re -C. Wet"Parher, "W- R. -1491-i - risen ans.1,,J. T. ;Wilkie appealed ,to be placed on roll teiantsr.--allOwed. tee S. Wilson, W. - Alexander, Welshekt; • Callender and N. Glow; appeal'edlea htsie' their asseissment raised -allowed. -••eie,1 R. W. Emereen and •Albert appealed to, be rati oh 'as ownere-Sealloired: Theconim afSSI:eSrldnUt roll, as a§ thent, GODEItICH TOWNSHIP. The contract for the erection of a new bridge over Trick's creek, was let on Mon- day to Mr. James Young. , • Two splendid itnported Clydesdale' stal- lions arrived ots Tuesnay, One of them be- ing for Mr. James Laithwaite ;of this township. , • Mi. Hy. Cook returned froM Manitoba yesterday. He has bought._ out a 'claim about IS sniletefrona Bra-ndon; and intends to move on to it. - • • Mr: Fred Secemiller has sold his farm implements, etp., to Messrs. Drysdale arid, -Emory, late with Ify. Attrill, Esny., for $15,000. It is about 115 miles from Gode-, rich, ;contains 1,62 acres. , Mr. Peter Perdue of this township has jitst purchased a steam engiee_of Mr. White, of Loriclore,to-uSe withhisithresher. "Pete" will mew be able to .make things "hum" lively awl he's, the one that cando .' Eines Re:term-Ma S. Phipps has rented the Dockstater farm, Huron Road; from Mr. J. Whitely, deputy -reeve, for a term of seven years, at an annual 'rental of $185. The farm contains 75 acres; and' Mr...Phipps has iset it on very "reasonable terms. RETun.N-F.n,;-On Monday last Mr. Thos. Jewett, of this township, returned from the northwest, where lie has been for some time past. He has secured land both' in - Dakota and Manitoba. He says that in Brendon there are hundreds of unemploy- ed persons, owing to the impossibility of getting in material with which to build. , WINGHAinl. Rev. R. McCosb. late of Bayfield, has been appointed „Rector of St. Paul's Church, here. ; .I44:at0ssE.-4V1ngham vs. Kincardine, won'b Winghans. Two fouls and three games, each,being won by Wingham. BALL. --The VVingham' junier , r base tall blub visited Lucknow on the 24113 and came -nettle vietorions, 19 to 5 being the ,seere. Thetdies' Aid Association in, Cennec- tion with, the Presbyterian church gave it lawn social at the house of Mr. Hender- son, tealizing about $17. ' ACCIDENT. -As Mr. Steen and his fami- ly were returning home, Satarday even- ing, ,the carriage upset, severely hurting sevetal of the occupants. . TOWN REPAI118.-The chief -is gradual- lynteaking the sidewalks betters.' Veran- dahs and projecting signs still continue to come down. The boys seem to be a little more orderly Under; the new regime. A, number ,ofnew fences are being put ne P ese' • ERSONAT,S. Fred. Boyers visiting friends bere•last week. Mesere.. W., E. McCara andelames Cranston, frone Winnipeg, were in;ttewn last week; Mr. Cranston returns fei-Winnipeg on day. Miss Miss Nellie Morrison", of Gederich, is spending.a few days in„Wingh9.111. PREBENTAT4ON.-A feiv evenings since Rev:13. B. Keefer was the recipient of a' purse of money at the handeuf his friends. Next day he received a letter from a friend who had not known anythin about the affair until after it carneuff, an he enelosed a $10 bill as his "expression of gratitude.' FIRE Bneeenr. NOTE. -The firemen ave a new hose carte -quite an inapt -eve - meet on the old One; ',..fhe,Ited.Hese as- assenahly was a success: ''',/sTews, of a big fire and request for aisLwere. telegraphed to Wifigharn 'on Tuesday. e ;Our brigade leftfor trantford TneSity morning to tit part in the compettion. SETTLE -ye -Sorge time ago. -11X.' 4: Tay-, lor, of -the Huron read; was hp., before - Mayor Feeresteraon' a chiegeiof keeping a vicious dog, 'en which jadgMenteetes given against him, with Costs; amounting .' ,n ear $10. • The complainant i u=the case, Mr: John Wise wanted hins to pa:y ;the dameg,es whicll had been . done his • een- veyance through the actions of the doge .but Tay-lor tvotild not gie.n., theni,, wiser councils evidently prevailing, ,'he recently paid the damages and Ceete in ful'1. 1.1oN'tiseenoette. Mr. t.atbanie1 Suedereeek is out again, aftee a severe iittacle of typhoid fever. . 'One day last, Weektwo of Mr., Moon's teams nineway,, slightlyinjtering two or' .1 th•Trehe.e?•ef hij;ae 4mtestain ii.dog in the v rage : , if not keplein closer quarters will be sure t6 - take sick senile day son. • Dr. Young is'-getting'a new picket fence , in front Of '-his Premises, which greatly -.1111•Phrereveei4tahmeelr7ex-p ks°efetthe'etme. -Tstart running abbutthe-first. of June. Fiermers, give it a trial and you will neverregret it. • The party' that went to Manitoba souse time ago give rather poor accounts of the land thet is in the market now tuibe ;tak- en up, and they intend going fo Dakota, where they cart get better land and infich ' better privileges., , . :•• Election matters are vary quiet', 'here, it being generally understood there', will be nO opposition to Mr. Jahn- McMillan, but I think some one could be ,found that would oppnse him for --thiety-thousand dollars, probably for less: A number of the members from Clinton e Foresters', court vieited the cenrt lieee and •• performed the initiatory... cererno to - three new members, and afterward n- • tertained 'the memberhere, by song an recitations, Bro. Haleand Bennett takhl theenostpromiliene part in the entertain- ineiitieen', birthday p'assed °flier; quietly Qit 'here; althofigh 211 the.morning; Aft.. John Lee sew a bear i his Imeh, end gave the alarm, wfmn number tient i u •Stla,V(11,1 Or it; but did '1101 sticceed itt finding- - It • was seenethe same day about two rniles ewer,- lty Mr. MeViitie who cliescd. with a' little deg that was with LL ETT. NEW L. 1VIe1ville,.jr., has „completed the erection of his new store at ;".."Woolersee' Aft etea,eMr, Morrisonwilirun tlienbovei mill on 061311e con, this, year as Us-bal.'. , • „, • . •,,VITeskettiorryete, leaps ,that .1Ite Jos. Howson -,�f Helletf, Vaid un sidle We ' hope his pitiless will benf, short d e , , • , • 'uowr tIehrr.e.......lvititsone"iif' -township, recently -sold a, year 01(1 :colt, laet year, to Mr. Dustette of 1301- n:sore, for the suns of $600. , MEEeliece--•i•A meeting of the sharehold- , ere of the' Butter factory, will, be 'held on Friday, the 9th ,the, pitepoeS •of-' 'electing tlireetere' nein appointing it soles- ,, FAtut 8080r.-1,4. Archer has sold hie "faim, of, 80. acres' .on the Bette tine te ". Metiers Wm 31iplady and D'i Cor(li 411 fen ' $4,000 cash, tairstig poesessionmese- teeiiis, ber. ; Mr.,Tipladyslins• now a farm of 180 acres and Mr. 'Cornish' 115.-b3th gad ' farms and gond fare) erica •'