HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-18, Page 13I :�: . ! ''. I . I li�, , . � I , � ' MI - -:W &�. � 4 18" - I . 1- . ­ - — - � , iii 'i � � , I . will be required for- the, sarvidii�,� r 1883. I I . � . I I I , . 'T ; � , f FitiAnce, would tA4 present ,Minister p - ,6, I I I I I I ; I , though, he might transfer voters, in, many, ,w I I I , I I .. I . . ' , OCEAN 'PERILS. �, . I � I � � I I ' ' ' , Not One oil Our Jreeulludue.o. 7� - . � � , . . I , , . ", . y . , i. : , . � . — � : is was not including fhPii bxp4ijdit* * T, I I � for ­ 1. ­­ rolling atook And"im acc&` , Out of''Domms, ,on 1 the position of. High 1,0ommiesioner ' to . 11 :1 ositi ", *as 'a EvgI lid : - No doubt A , on a . 0, p ,cases , he, �1� 'would ,- transfer, theii, voteii, against, himself.,' It ''was' hifv 'duty, to , � p . � . " . � — � )rkst.Arrit,ral isf the Seasou'Pat quebe I .. . I 'r"- I I , So-called respectable POOP14wouldhefli. � � I tate befom I - - . I I ,., i I I ! �, , , , � 11 1,11 0 Q,M , ft'LH'NENT.L Iraids n6w obarged to o4l�itmf adbountj' but ­ which atifing the time bf'th6 late d&e'rn. Very comfortable and distinguished one, I I . but it instance of appeal, not �to� conspiratora who had cloficooted thi ' - T -o � T.h.1"T M"'SaL a' I I .� ice., Uundrpi �Iuud I . oo7asiderably Pilfering your pookets,ina croNiaed thoroughfare. That .1 MON meut formed wag not another rats .. is measure, but to gentlemen .1 I . I I . I , I., . would be too too. The -same discrimIum. 1 1 � i - I � I . ­ I I part of the eipanditure ' chargeable to'Jucome. if he in*oiuded these, forsaking the sinking ship ?� (Cheers.) -He was satisfied that the somendment '6f the from :�otber :FXomces who:"kiiew �the , ties of bounty bbutidaries, and to lethem as I I ­ A despatch from Quebec last (Friday � I I ' tiou 'is not indicated by the so-called T13E SENATE. I � I , � . I and for the purpoBe of.compariso, I n wit . h the I bon. member for -Contra Huron' -woald I . 1,o! Apply t6A1ib,`-,Pr 6vkee -of 'Ontsri,a'the . ­­ I'� - night says -. The ateamship Polynegii%V I which arrived at Halifax last might, respectable druggiat, when that wonderful I I I P � I I I ' I corn cure, ., UT$44 8 CORZq EXTRAC!i6n, is - . � 1, CiTAWA, May 6-Tbe Speaker took the, I I expenditure of the. late ought to be included, they -woulid hi%ve an mmand, the slyinpatby of the people of that the country the 6lectore ,would 're- I b. ,princip an �t ey *dula like, to have applied Bll�, -to 66msei-6 'T ' boundaries by � ibas' raeeiveaordero to coffig Ito -1 o asked for. He will, pilfer your pockets iii, . ihair at 3.o'ploci- . � I . . - - � . . .. . .. After routine, � I . I additional estimated expenditure of §365, . , ,, . I . � quire &:stri6t reokonin� at the hands of a I -he�bouuty tbaBil'A were violated. most flagrautly. Us I this port. The first, arrival from ses, the - I - Beaver, line steamship Lake Manitoba, ills most genteel manner by Bubetittlt�nd �ohpap and dangerous oubstitates I to the - The order being read for the second read. 000 for rolling stock and 0490,000 on account I of Doi�iinion lauds, making Altogether An, Governme�rit.Abati had � increased i the ei� I I penditilre SO enormously,." (Clipers) - ' a, .qupted the remarks, made -by Sir . . 3 n 1.872 relative to the�deairabijity of arrived in'port about 6 A. m. ,She sailed I � I I I .... -r, -90DIAine Putnam's Corn Extractor. Watch . 'd ng of Bill No. 153, to readjust the repre- � entation in the Houso.o.f Commouis,-aud estimated expe-nditure'for the ensuing ye . ar of 629,U4,006. (Hear, bear.) The 1on, The House then divided on * Sir ,Richard Cartwright,samendinent, -which ,Was lost :maintaining 6bun I I , '' .� ., ty boundarica, and. said the right, boil.� gentlema � u� declared he still from Liverpool, oil April 19th, passed I � Father Point at 2,45 p. in. yesterday, with . . I - for these, gentlemen, An take note other I than Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sold by 11. or other purposes, I I I I I , !' Sir John Macdonald said on th 3 iatr,du," - I I - gentlemen o its 'Answers that it ppoa I I I t6-: -Yeas 48,� na on the. follow'Ingvp I ys: 99 -' . I 1. ; � ­ � I I .1 � I '. - held theme vie,�wm-, but justified his Present � I I eight cabin -'and -218 mte6iBgQ L passengers And %.,,, I 10 -for' Quebec 'and carg ruggista everywbore. i . I 6 I I I I ; � 1. -------.O 1. � ion of this Bill I explained at length the . I I mattered not .Whether they took three, � Ut �-'Of fouri five. or six r6illiolis .o the ' Y15AS.-MeSSrS. Anglia, Bain, Bachard,'Binkoi 'Borden, Bburassa, Brown; Burpee (St. aoti�u,dn the ground that Mr. Nowat had � . I not. followed these pifhioiples. The,excuse general., I I I a'. Koutre " She was detained.four days by I I I ' Currying U, arsel) 'by sPicluit.. , node of readjustm ent, and the obAnges, . pqe4e�tsof,.the people, because they Said .John), Burplee (Sunbury);.. Cameron (Huron)�, Cart- , � would'be' absurd oven if true -, but 'the the iP6 , I�iu - d pa ased about i3o.'raileia of ioe' A carious machine, which cleaus horses . Proposed to be made in .the representation , I I . 11 cone�queupe of the census. 1­UOW in I OVID 'and W., went back into their pockets , ' or into tha.�T.reasury. He denied that A Wright, Casey, Casgrein, Cliarltan. -Cockburn, , �Coupal, Dumont, Fiaet;XI'emin&Flynn, Goof- irion,Gillinor,-Gann,,O.utiii,ie, � ar&ment.:was:fpunded on an uttei a nd e4tire''misanderstanding Of 'Mr. Mowat's out"d . ,,P1100, miles inside . of Cape Ray. The:oaptain reports� seeing two -ateamers I I 1. I by . I - I I . , use at the. Third .. Steam, is in � daily , X6Wr avenu 0 � e .railr ad otables;- York, re- he se6ond' reading.,of the"kill, no �oubt in a full dise'ussi o-n*.'of­t-be O'ha;n&g' .great,pr.oportio:ri:.of,this...)noney- m6ut,.-back- I into the pookets,of the. people ­o *bon, it aAdo*i; Irvin,,, - Killam,King, McDonald.(Victorift, N,9.),�Macdou- Dell-(Iriveines'3), 341016aac' 1­4alouin, Wills, Olivier, ; � Bill, *hfoll -;had­T,ecognized!,tbrbughoP ut - the principle �of muuicipa e � I county r pro. I I . and one,ghiprin the' -ice- -ti)-., of- the -'south . Cape .Race, but could ,not make them out. T laoing the ourrycomb;-­Its Standard rate - I I 19100horseRinl0houra. Tli,e'borsoisled Proposed the Government Will' be quite Ali the Prepared to listen to Arguments that .t found its- wayback into the Treasury I iveilt back, if At all, into the wrong Paterson (Brant), Pickard;, Rinfrot, Robertson (Shelburne), Rogers, Ross (Middles6m), Byrbal, Smith,, Sutherland, Trow,W,oldon, , . seniiation. , Mr. Blake afterwards ,took * the ' I I 7'The Dominion Line steamer Texas,from Liverpool, Apfll'16bb, bound to Quebec ' from which under a bar, depend from each Side of him'Arms with universal' jointo. Play be adilwed On either side With reBpeet - - - pockets; . it weuti into the pockets of tbe.friands of,the Whaler, )reo I 1. -47. ' , I I r: . . up , - � Rov, of equalizing POPU ! lation" - - p ..d Showed ,that 7 '� whil�� , " ' ' laden with thomghbi6d'horso and c I s �ttle Turning on the, arms are. brushes 9, foot' in o the -redistribution of the. representation. Mr. Blake -I rise to.Pa queRtion.of orde . .. r.: hou.geirtlemgubpp6Bite� Apartfrotatbat, it 'Was a bAd'aconomy to take, more out of I I , NAys-MoRars. Allison,'Arayott, Arkell, Baker, Barni%rd,­Beauchesue, Benoit, Bergeron, Bill r Rome ConStit au�iea had: 12,000 or 13,006 6f I - lie I � a population others had upwardo of 2,5,000, afd Sheep for �4estorn� `&t . . ranches, arrived Halifax,on Friday morning, after, finsud. dircumferencm.�,. .Those- are'xevolyed by steam through the arms and' Oross bar at Me Bill which is just now. placed in you, - the people in taxe R than is - reqbired,. no. Bolduc, Bowell; Breblien, Brooks, Bunster, Burn' haril -, Cameron (Vi6ioria)i'Carling, Caron, Cimon I : and this'some timie'alu Adjoining edunties, cesRfUlly. Attempting to reach, her dostina. - an ordinary rate ,of 800 iev6liitiono ,a; . . Ands is.uot the Bill which� vvita introduced - ,nd read 'm orst time�� I, object: to the r inatter how just, the:taiiatiori or how *611 � - . . distributed. It was peculiarly Unjust under . , (Chic-outirni), Colby, Coughlin,'CourSoli Currier, - Cuthbert, Daly, Daoust, I)awsba;. DeCoGraos, � 'inother ,cases the', population of the ver I . .1 I 1. Y Smallest cons' tituen6ies, such am Mouck, 'O 14 Gulf lcee'. The rep6it of her t' n throu I .pd.%v.r.g.to 'get through i *, Bomewbat : minute, which can be increased to 1,000. -A man on eaob' Bide takes hold ,of the' arm I . eading of the Bill at the presprit time. . � the .present ABOal- syRtem,'where besides " Desauluiers, Doravillei'Dups, .Elliott, � Farrow, Fortin, Fulton, Glgault,j'Girouard (Jacques � Haldim's'nd and' North Leeds. Lid been , . . Similar to that given'by the Polvilesian' .0 I logo to the brush, alid'mpplie B, the brush to - " , the Bill which as presented the.,othor ly w I � - . . � I Z, anariad the'first time, certain- pro- the enormd us amount paid' -into the Txeag� ury large sums went into the pocks of be - Girouard ,(Kent)i GraxdboiB, .Guillet, 2ar'liertt', C Ray, Hesson,. Homer,, Hopper, - Har- ' � I , reduee& .Hei Went over in detail.. , - of . I Many : the changes to show how it "Ri Proposed to Ca , The W4016otietch feoin'Cipe Nortifto pe R- ­ f 1. ­. ay was ound wi'th6ilb A biePili into which . . � 1. I . 1, � the bb . rfje-� , . ,� . 11 I .-- - . , '� - , ­ I ld� : , � - I " , isions. were made as to the component . Parts of the Various electoral dietricts of L ' ' individualsoroorpoiatious. Aaia prlv"'e ^ 11 of ot that ,the times was seen in the fa civil tbau, Jones, Raulbach, .Rilivert, Hirk�, , � patric1r, Kranz,­Landr Langevin, Lantier, Lougley, . Macdonald - (Riug�.), Macdonald ,,, Ili , Ve " the I Grits and str6ngthou adj6inin" boustit'danciiii bold by, Tories'i- giving.'the 9 the ship might go withbut,,'danger. The' teather ddringalmoot'tbe whole time from I .11111111pil!r1laut 901TIravelleris. , � .. I . ! - Special inducements Piro offered 'you by heProvince:of Ontario, aud'iU'point of . set that the object of the Bill. By servantai *'ere complaining that their rem�iu-, ,(Sir, . John), McDonald (Cape Br6ton), Macmillan, Me- Callum, McCuaigi McDougald, MoLela:n, McLeod � political effect of each change.' Asinstanee - . leaving Liverpool. wa's .Stormy, westerly the Burlington route. It 'Will pay� you to ' I was he Billas read � the first timethe township . ,ration -was not equal totheincrea � . sedb6st of living. - There was a inarked f McQuade,'RcRory, Massue, lil6ner, Metbot: "Mattart instance of t he iniquity � of ills. Bi 11 �fter r 11 I L r I ' gales prevailing and heavy seas washing, the Bteam6r1sdechB,biiinoda . I mageiwasreceived � road their ,Advertise ment fo be found else- where in'this issue. ,' . I i I . . i Clinton was taken 'from the county Of jincoln and added to the electoral di ' strict , .i1,1c7roaR0 � : s" anal h a, WP late years in' labor strilce as forced upon All observant . me" th t file ,wongenair, .Montplaisir, .;M6us$6PP;u . I I I I . , O'Connor, ,0,1deii, PatteTson (Essex) g I P 'son- - neault, Plumb, Rbid; Ricliey, Ito'bertson (Ha-"- ton), RoeboBter, Ross was brou _bt Out the speaker � Wag 11 loudly oWeered 'by his political friends, -while h4 . opponents, the �ex- I I I .� The first ice was seen � on-th I I . a 25bhult. on, Newf6imillaudi tanks, and Pre ' itr �Ppea ' a . So 'that . . -1 . . I �. I . I I . - 0 . . The -first English bishop decorated with f Monek. By the Bill now proposed,to be 'part tendency of'the 'tariff was to be-iltu.1i � (Dundas), Rouleau, R�an. (Montroal),Rykert; Sproule, Stephenson, TsBs6, ,with' , I � ,caption of an odd interruption from Mr. dens�ly, pached L ,Ahe obi I p ' had; to a war medal is -tb6 Rigiii Rey.'Thowas � I ead the township of Clinton. remains "not , basvierL anon the laboring thaif � Upon Tellier, Tilley, Tyiwhitt, V91iiP, Wiles, Vanasse, � Pliimb, midntained % melancholy silence. bar atitud6. n ml I 41 aud oteara� Routh to 43 Va 1p y., French, D.D., Bishop of: Lahore, I the county of Lincoln, and- is barb I ,iii, 1 wealtllii�i.' ,classes. He WoTd� not -1 Wade, Wallace (Norfolk),, Wallace tYork), Wright. r The shameless gerrymandering ,,in Bruce before it could be cleared. Having --S,fely Who has. just received,the Afilian medal in. 1. f the electoral di8br ' ict of Houck.' By the ii which was read E4 first time ,the village I I detain � tire ,House. ,at any � length, , . but sib2ply move' ,',Thai the Speaker do � , � I . 1-99. . 7 ,, ­ ' L I : The HoUse,then went! into 0?mmittee-of was paxti6i�il&rly condeinned, 'and, it iwas , , � 'ad A � passed this danger -the steamer Was headed - for",Qtiebec, but wherl thirty miles north. recognition of his seivices'With'the Pegba. . I . wur,�Valley field force, .previous1b :,the -II f Beamsmi'lle was taken fir ;the county. I om not uo�W Is L r, Ave the chair, but that it be . - I , ' I r .SUpPI L " ' " ­ . �L .1 i - I y , : � , L . ' point,& ,, . .1. . I 1: f, , , 1. .. . - th I � 8. out that not only Sir J6bn'fj �Lpr . tende princip a 0 a , .. ula. Lequa iziug , - pop , west of Cape Ray, on Ist May, gulf ice v - via .. . , signing of t I ' he treaty of ' Gonda � muLk. :. �� - I I ,� . I 1111111111111111111111111111111111= I Lincoln and put into one of Ahe,'riditige L 1. I Wentworth. By the Bill now proposed to . "'o, vedthafthe expenditure for 1878',W.as W,663 000 -` that the expenditure for!1881 - I Oa the iteul,Immidra' t builAing 1 �. I I 11 1 R west of , Brand . .1 I I. �. : O"i � � , . 1. t a-- -, ­ , lion � ,�;as �'� sham elessly vlo a 0. I a , - the.. I 1. met in, imuaells�- quantities, and Which it ­ I ,wag impbssible to enter. , Monday and L I - ' � 1 L I I I I �., - I . �e read Bearnsville remAins in, the.county L, ' *a,'42" he' i 5,1601'006, -1, that, t estimates of:th,a . ' &Id, Lin I Sir John Macdon rap I y to Sir arrangement ofthe nortir and west,ridin a; but in the IWttej­ bon atit%mU6�, 9 by drawing part , Of,Tu6sda;Y Wets Bipentin fruitless efforto � i �, � � r. L I . L � OANA'D'A'PERMANENT .L . : I'll .- L I . � � . ad A;, f I lrgt�'tiiIP6, If Lincoln. By the Bil re L ' i i ' d he Township South� Cayuga , , y,�em ending 30th'Juhe? 188��', ' Amounted: to , Richard Cartwright, said that bwing,' to the . floodg' from,Norih and South Bruce,� snd� North , 0 fLna:,a t 1 Passage., During ,that time the 'Port . ' " 11 LOAN. - & 8 ' ' - AVING&COMPANY of r6 mfflnO 1% L of,L ML 1%rt of the County H�midi and. By�thii.l ' ,�27,9�4,'4�33'igdep.enil��t�,of several large , L t . . L s i am L oil . DtL -1 a, 'to to_ fie be addea I laManitoba arrangements had beerl made to delayL s6inewhat the' -how of. immi. . I I 'Huron a riding which, on, the basis, of the alobti6n . I first officer lauded 'At , CaPeRmy, Na,Wfo , I Basque and Undland, to -telegraph. to , . .. ' L ­ " I " . . I . . L — I . q , - . � � i, Mi now on the table it romains part of the . . ''.. propose a�nnuml expenditure invoivin4'& -further . I- grabion, keeping the People b"k:ficir some. . I , . ­ IL � Of 1878 buld...Ova A Reform I majority W-1,000'."I"In twenty-fiv6�,6,a6ii 1. Caiada forinstructions, but'thej'iblagr I � ap b--,"' . . I 1. I : I .. 'L I .. � lrj�,69rj�oj7;jfe 'a "�L.'D. 185,5, . ­­� L . lectoral district of Monck. - There are tber changes in the .Bill which is on the outlay'df $410,000 more ; that'luany.oftlib Ceenut L items, charged to� capital a. are of a�: days, so that wbeiu they ,gbt there there : L : :might bebb.,difficulty. . I I I I I were munidipAliti6icarriedfromb a unt 11 I 'L -6.'andtb6r;i iine was Jotind&to be down, and be than . returned to the ship and ohe -was - hea ded� . _ I .1 . I PAID-UP CAPITAL .............. L� ... 82.(W'000 L RESERVE FUND�� :,�...­... 1000000 kbl a as corapared. with the Bill which is I , Y'' L ' &a ,her ibr'which might more'p ' be ro�,rl 'income . _, I The, c 6mmittee' rose land L L reported,pro. , I an .1 13, t d foity-one. out,of.fifty, Changes bed been made in Western Ontario, � . for Halifax, riei telling there afte rs' joug:84il I ........ - TOTAL ASSETS16: ............. � ..... � 000 I .- 6:�� * . 1. ead, but I have specifibil these to you AS . dequate to the purpose of pointing. out ; 'have charged _it Very, large to ; th&t­ . . .. on of this expenditure consists of proporLtj . Ili gr a House adjourned sit 11.25., ellll�'Iallll'�, May 8.=Thel Speaker took the OT , . , 11 11 - .d 66, ibbie it was bx,peated1he ,batble� woul I , I I v . . I . prinol pally fought. , -In, tell consititfiencies I around arr imthense -qua of ice �on the ­ . .Cape Breton �60&st­ .On Iltiiy I . I April 28th, While I ' - . �W1110,COMPANY I . Q - . I I , J � .1 � LL� . . . . R I see ves money on Deposit at current rates of hat very Ili aterial alterations taken lace in the Bill read. the first time am it is fix, d� charges "of 6, permanent'.character � whi chwhexi onea erdated'ate either incapA, � chair at 3 o'clo I ­ I bk- I . " *' I I A. inotion was made And, adopted't'o "biL, 11 wbere, the Reformers* h d been Ved I ,the, . �- A Reform. majorities -would be th � I steamai was trying to pass the- Ice , meton the Banks, abarque'was'sigfited I interest, payable half -yearly, the principal being I ePaYablb� on demand or on shorti notice. � I . '' � L , .ow proposed to be read the .Second time' 'he law upon the subject is .contained in . , ble . veiy� difficult 'of *-redactiari�;�'tbat . or. I recent eDgagementsand-existing obligations' remitlees on the Bill to iticorpor4a the'. Boardof the Presbyterian as - L � N , the I follow,; �70n ,basis of the, election I jast outside the field, in lat, ,45, long. 48 showing the let term B. P. T. -Several I . . . ACSO �R�e L. , . , 11 a ives money for moie peimanent investment lay's book, the oldest eaition, at page 500: . 'After . will rodult ill &L steady increaSOL Of 'Axed I . . Ampor4lities M Lin eban Ction ure 0, ,h of-Canad a -with the .. . of 1878 : North Brant, 723 ;' So,ath Oxford, 688,; Noith ." L I . W'' Oxford'L est , .H.- I. ghips:Iind one 6e�ll I' een'bil Ing, vass-e were a for which Mebentures --intereat are isgubd with CoUponflattaChed. L" .� ' �' . 1, . . . .1 � � . - �­t.l ­-­ - ­ - L, ­­, ­ - , a Bill has been presented aiid-read first time it is not; regular. to make other . "alterations charges within m few: years " that bxperionee - -has Shown that the corisequeince,of rapidly - I , 11 I .Church of. ­­­­ � I.. -11 1- - I I L . ,Scotland . I I At 3�35 P. in'. Sir Johir Macdonald moved . I :him . 1. . , L . ­ - ­­JJ65; .., - ­ I ­ I Outarm; -58 - 3 . ; ' East Simboe, 55S.; South Mi&dlesex,'681 ; West Brace, L�86 L � ; 'Contra L , , dgmL of the . .1 ,-, L the'a I . � gulf. -ice, , aad"an" *English bargUoiL showing.K. M. N. S., between- two . tb JR -ECUTO199 AND TIC'UsTLERS. ' -�ws'of Ontario authorize ilib Investment Thal C in ib. ban cleri al When 8 ,increasing charges, is to 'pro duce great � . a second ,reading' pf : I gerrymandering ' ! �. 3L I Hurori, 446 . L': Huft6a ,. West Elgin, 461 large. fields 'Ill l&t' L46, long.:� 5M�'. A 1 I L OfTru6tkundsiuthe.Debentnres of this Com­ � aember has introduced a Bill to the House � � ceases to be in that, member's hands And , L embarrassmenta-Lto .the Public firiauces�; House views with rogret thatthe Bill. Mr. Plumb,bypre'.arrangeuien t,Lg6t I the flock first and proceeded to bewail th6. . 1 I , , , . L � L i 290 ;, a 'total in these ten congtitilenciesof Ge'rman said All English barque, both bound . . I . to Quebec, were found'.at Port Basque, . Y. I ,. I I -L ' �, . p"r!"or further, information apply, to I . . I - I ,L I , . . I . asses into the. .possession of the House. ,thatth, Government- proposes to expend 'for the . - wiping, but ,of' the ..historical � district lot i . 6,453, or4i surplus of. 3,000:',votes , me Com- L L 1. pared with equal, ,number of 'con. Nfld., .Where they had put in, � the. -forr, . aer I . I I J., HPR,BERT M ASON, Manager. ' - I 0IM BWlillings, lo essential alteration of that Bill at any tage may then be made without the L dis- . 1. , . year 1883 the, BUM Of L�2,906,926 more -t I hafi the expend . ituro for L1881 �aad­5,1 906,525 ,Nlagara, tracing its-' history ' -from 1792 down. He Lthoug t Rome. -.1gre 1 . . h " i i mt-oublic ,an stituencles, iii.:whioL the' Tories had been - L I shding:slome days ,U 'the ice &lid After BF hav ng larg , a quantity Of c6Piflmr toin from . ce ­�Coulpariy's 1. Toranto. , � � - 1. I -- � . . � I . I .1 L I I .1 c� .1 . 'L indt order of the House." . The Bill wbich I * . -, than the'eiWanPlitur6-f6r all ��rvoses. more I . - uecessity..bad�cmused­ the, Imkiuk'LAWR�Y-Ofa' L � I , k pttogether. The object of,tbisligisla'l -tie - , ­ --- , � � 0. vius td ljiiihe :a Tory minority! the. n I -A 1- Live stock Are beAug' tia"'u"Jife"ried: her Sides. . ­­ � - I 1. ' �� � � 14 . .11 he bon. and gallant member now'Asked be House f6re'id a se'cond-time was'7hot ­ in 1878," -� , . ­ . ..; I � � % ­:.. ­ , L I I I , . I . __ " . �L 4 seatfroin Niaga,ra, and thesamewant of consideration of., peooual� interests hud , . . I country a Tory' majority in the House. , from the Texas to the care at'gichmona, - and, all will be, landed by., tb-night. Three ' � , 1, �'L, L or,, %,I . ' . " he one which be was allowed to introduc%': 'refore 'him' Sir L * Tilley iti. reply, contended th9ib, the- , estimates did uotL.nebessarilY Show till' . ­chAfadte'jiZ6d-.­ Oth - h '68 1 - Made. . er� ..,c ang .. HoneL F36 Men Could n6t affo ' -L I . rd to Vote for Pi , I I dishonest audL'fraudulent. The -' , I , the eleveia horses shipped, and.olle bull L � I i .. . . � the ouly course open to rid th� - �astowitbdravv the,order for the second . L. expenditure ,of 'equal aruount,, And though, , . .He .'stated that resolutiouw­ had: been � ' Read at 'a ineiting, 'pa a - of ,the. electom ,measure' , P36vernment 'daib'not Attempt the sPiirbe I I 'wi ,.Of and'Lone COW, d'i �. I ad on the, passage.. � The L B, I , 1 teAib'erwil1`probAb wait at Halifax till ' 0" , ' ' I I 11 f, , . , � mailing of the Bill, and to ask leave to iri-T I 1; I L I Bill in it. �. the hou.'ge"ntleman'a figured might bd'c I 1. 9 or.: rect.they were misleading. 161 . A considerab] . . t,L, I of � Nia,garm�. ugalUS the propoe6d thiag� th�'L the .other Pi .Oiinc6s,�. andL he i ' appbaled to members from those Provinces I y word,is received,tbAt there io.'a prospect of . I I 11 I .- ,- . - I , . L 11.1, I .1 I I . roduce a Substitution,for . , . Sir John Milodonald-In.. answer to the I portion of 4hatl increaSed'expenditure'vir" . . . ich, be - had,1 sent ,to.,, Sir' John'. uuMur1t:' W11 I ' accompsuied by � a letter from himself. L.He am they would, to deal with"OntaiJo' L I wish, L I L , , . r aching Quebo&' :' - I � .�� 11 , .a , �i L . . � .. I . .. L 1. � ,_ 1. I I. 11 . I � , : I . . .., I I . , I I I .on. gentleman's technical objection, whioll , L ras taken the Purpose of delay, 1, not necesSarily- An ,increase ,of -taxation I , A a peop a. ccounte 1' for Some upon a . . .d L a - a . . I ibl . (Mr., Plumb) had, ma very possi . e L to , the ,constituency ad themes . to, be treat' Ives. But all this was, not - enough, and , the. Gove,ininent - , ,' :; I � Eflice . t Cit SU I n4h I Inic. ', L - � � .. . . . 11 . . - L. . . ,:. I I I 'L � i � . '' only.for Ave to state this, t . hat the practice.'pro- . I of t a .general. at iture by the exten- If the �postal f iiiii& in,Manitoba; effort save ,froin ,the, � doom which he felt 'to be im� ending. He had taken ckre' . that they . shbuld , - �` b " I AiAve their Froin awacprn. Weighing a4ew grains,A',1J. tree Wjl� - . . I grow,ior a bandred,yoarsor I.. I � 'L � L - '.. �, ... IL - osed, which was objected to at theAime Rion of of I , L .. canAl System, -and 66'expenditure ofau had contain lated placing his ree' P L, ignati6n DOinting ruerPL as t e -power of. apl returning. officers, and. to, do.'their I ,,ditty more, nb't,:only;Ahrowiug Off* many 'p6undB of' L : �� I I y the bon. gentleman on the first reading as be L an the uniform practice in Cana � � � � , additional .su . on oronto harbor., In* Lin the hands.ot the Speaker but bad been ina I need- to reconsider his Aetermination. I : wo it." He dr6vi� a, vivid-pietUraL of- the L. r ­ I � . , . ., ''. I 1� I . 'leaves every -year, but' itself, weigbing sev- . 'a i 4 . 1, �s regards,the particular came. he.L cites of I 'the repryto the statement that it isu'n:wise to: take more money out of'the Pockets of ,tb ' a I . He would not be Willing to do anythi ` . 11139 recent Tory dinner, and,.of.thehaudviriting which ought to have. been seen oil thewall' eral tons...'If,an orange twigAs'putla , , large b6x . of earth, .'and that eirth, ]a I �' � �1. �, , . � : � �', Iterations in some of the clmusea -of till, for wbieb ha-refe:rs to my Speach" if I L :� ., . - . , , . � thau� � . required .for carrying on, , , tha� ,� P60PIE .t" which would,'emb rrass his right bon. a . leaaer-.�.'He believed therewag more­diB� . I I letting the Premier know thaChis kingdom, . I . weighed when the twig becomes''a trep, , L . 11 % . - -1 I L� , � I Such L, here are alterations it is open for L. Gove'riamen Jae thought thafact that.'ba&L , were sure'.to return again'Bhould be RatiSfa, tion L I . c at the measure On his side of . was finighe'd,'.and that the constituencies . ' 'Which had returned his SUpportera in 1878 � hearing .luscious fruit. tbere viill be ;very� neArl - * ' L I y the. game -,amount of,earth. From., �� �. �w I'll I I I ­..... ,I im to ta,ke his objection in Committee.- of . I I . � L, be Wbole. . I L .times met by putting by money n . ow wban-Aim L' , . I . I as HeL that. from the House than, on the other, and �he, declared he had knownj nothiu-L ofthe;-con- - -L I . I - I I Would not return the' ain. The 16adler I .. in 49 - . Government. had, careful expdiimenl� made by different Scion. tif . le tuen'L,tigan aocertained-fiLet that � L . , - - �� - L ­ . I � .. . I I � I .1 . � I � Mr. Mackenzie -The question is inip,y: � I 8 that is the L at was' r - - Bill tli ead 6, were .good. remarked the' I �* the L . � I of , "bon. g6ntloiliAu (Sir Richard =Ight) a B h Lt nt of -t 6 measure uritifitwellAidbil the , I., , _L 'that he table'of the, House., He inti of the t'dete rmii)e&,� on I , _­ " mVpointingbiewtureo of his, Own agi 1-tetUru- . 11 a very &rt.of ibe gjOWth � I d 18�17g6'� . as'treels derive , 0 . �( . LM I I + - I I � � 2 , I 1� '� 11 IPAL N rhother � I . rst time or not. I called upon hon�. , , . .1 I , it was evident that,'he,' at'all, - . I mated would. no longertake part in, the councils of' I .iiig-officars, so that they could a66oniPliah nithaLof from' -the: sun,jro air, And. from. the , , . I LLL ' I . r:,,,� R RTEST,� QUICKEST- I I . 11 11 I 0 , . � andL 'all: ­ ;io St� Jdii�,ph, An . .'BEST .1fue , . , ILI ,the entleman for 6, copy ot the Bill. . He ea,d . .1 . but the BiIILII�ver e�euts,Ywould make,. opposition to the" National I'olicy.a plank inbis platform. In , . .1 . . . the ,country anywhere, and generally made I. L ,.. I What 'his legislation had ,fmiledAdd6.;-He� '- olo86d�by moving a : wamendment. - ­ water, and aveiy little fro theeaith;,andL In y unless n6tablyallvegetation beebmessickl L 0 would se lid it tome, . I There is oiie�simple,vvay of, as�er� skills , , , .1 L . I .. I . �,Mr. -Mackenzie aiid-ithat what they r L a sort of farewell. . I � 1 . I I .L � kr.� Blake % took the : floor, at 4.35 *1 allCa . I . I * I 1 16�30, . Mr. BI&kb resumed his seat at , , ficely .exposed to 'Sunshine. Woo&aud c O&I . , . I,, I , points In: -I . 186n'Topoks Dent - pwa, A 'Atch I 1. ,, ,, XcL rao ra�'All s ari, Ran- I son, D'a1,Itu,h.GaI­ , 1 13 cit. �iniog whether this is .the Bill, Orr charged, the bon I posits ,with ,- . gentleman I OP , � , - _­­ ,'' -1l* ' � , WAS inekokRing. SX& Ion 0 au,.,appa Ing t, I t - ' ' -!'fact' tfiat�, the,: second -commente& 6n`tlib I . hill havinIgspokenf6ur hours. He -was att6n� r tively'listeued to thrdugbout� and frequently a�rp,but c6nd6uied s . ri.p...,sat UnShine, which coutginS . �bree clements'eqd6lly'- essential, 1 1 ... . I ' . . ..- - , , .1 L . .. I'lon "I .L : veston. 1. iet the law clerk'be called: a6d.examineA .. I . .L -TfiL a report in the Hans I ard- Mr Blake �t de�ree. , The GjDvernmen6propoeedAd. fake L f this ba,d�baou inav ad, With- - reading,,0 in ' .at Any remarks and Without any dica- . . , groeted*ithlodd Applause. , While he was . . I � "to both vegetation and anitual life-'M'AgDe-. -lime ' * �iu �Ltana ana Texas. � rr .1 ".'- . rX . L , I L I 1 hows it. . ... L. . � I I . . . Wgy�"(&C 4'a , in and' Exci ,UF3(jt -W,000,000 by Be . A . , � tion Of the course Pursued. Itmas pro. . .. I . I were r sppaking-the galleries .6 o,�vded, but' .. I 11 -there was &.rapid., clearing out ag,. soon as Bill, d !to I b an n. ti, is A a Iron ilid ,blooa-which gives it its. sparkling red: color.: , .' _X, . �r- 4Q. - 4�- C;6. <> 410: � ][ Mri Cameron (Huron)-Thatr �the , Bill" ,as altered after it. was ihiroducedAs Minor- revennes-frpm. thepeople'lor the an .r6' L � f- .1 . .1 p valpitce. ,- "uexb year.. 'He -held that the, O I p6sea tb-ch I . ange the election law by placing ,the nomiaktidn,6f retuining;offi6ersvviihin' I L - . ii6fiuxshecl.;,.�SiiJ6huwa;sobs6rvedt�,kiiig, I d its Strength. Ibis the firne,inE .the house, all V. - r � - - -' '� , This Route has no super o, for Albert, . Mul , , �-�,� r, � e IsIlmidapolis an t� . � ' Vond controversy. I paid th . e-proutept a, , - ttention to the statement made. by the labor�strikes wa,ii significiiat. It evidence& I the deraug6mbiit oftb& labor� rket�-, He MAL thea L 'a Government, :iil..' DtireL control of. th ,of L Lf Stead re4diring. the 110teg-while Mr.Blahe was Speaking; and it . . ' L ,had bbeh the understandiDg,beforehamd which gives them the darabi . ne,cessary 1,by iodily vigor, whil 'th . I .. ­ I � to t a e. maguesials im-, I � 11 - -- 'Portant -of ­-, niversai- .., � -stl ce'AcilAo .1 onall 're utdd " ly con bein' the' reat "be . L , 6q�il 'I , , 'irst Minister, as I suppose4 he would I L . ., I 1. 1. , � .1 k.- remember6l'the'time when a tribb'of �,vor . , ' i ingmen in.�.Ott Men I , Selection 0 , . who from their Position idight be supposed - , , i .� ' "p�oiuted. .that he � -was, to' follow.' He ap,parbrItly, h6w6ver,fblt.1hat:,he would, RIP ' ' ppar to bad to all the' tisities. , � Tfia a. it�' is" I -t a h 6 the mbre personiard out of, doors the the best ad- . . r'du car ,"I'll ­ 9 I in ',v 1, , I � I ine 'Soft . , .L :,All Clasge I '' I lake Some_ &Iterati OU13 In � My rjdln -' . L- ' Mr.,Mills-The terms Of the � ' Bill as L awa ,'' were,' encouraged .by' - meriabers,of Parliament- to 1�0 Up to the , . latm'�, a, I� -to,act in 9, Ju icia manner. He'. � 1. . �'o at the fact'that thelatigaag� in' the. pre- * L I RdVanta : , h, f , hi f L , . - I ge a pre . is ollowers: by direct with ,the leader;of the Opposi- . , more healthy and vigorous, they are,,,and� the will tiiey' iiie. �-Every human I . I KK"lq S , '' S L' , L � � A C I TY, itroduoed are pretty wall known to the . Parliament , when �L the Governtuent . . I I I We Iiin o . ot,justify tbe.sweep� , f the Bill aid'u .Comparison tion,, and especially when the' letter had ,longer 'being ought to - bavo. An hour 'or two' of' . 11 I -7 I I . � . aembere of the. Ho use, becauseL there is : the ardly 9, thing contained in it which . L, . I read. He had the were -in office.' There were no striker a at I . . I . proselit.in Uttawa'because all,the woikin- 1, ,men were ,driven out of Ottawa -ing changes made,'and:Ahau. proceeded- to L a * , -indidateh6w thelticre mad representation have: Add ,. L . . age. such'a, powerful 0 HeL therefore Put up Mr.LBo'w'ell ' d . to o some round tbrowingi And ­ nshi ' At ' ' . ­ .. t, a' , �su ,, tie noonin win er. an In the early, 11 . � . ­­ f6renoo.ain,suiumer. : , � I I 11 L I I ­ L L I I L . . I . 1. - .. - : 11 I . All connections made I I . I " � . : I .: , h 0" , : 1.711lon I I . I on. geklemari'did not . he L(Hedr, hear.)., He � rem6mberec1; also , II man ,& necessary might �lh e6a given. 1 �might that ',gantl �mau, ,wa a s: . fally equal to .. .. . . . . 11 — ­ � , . 1, L, I I I � Allay proo[B in his hands, and from them , its of Sad the deBerintion of the . lim . the 11 , Were incited - I , , to , wa k in a; procesSion ,in 'Montreal, tional members have been given to . I . 'i, Rent,,, Lam, ton, the counties 'of' Essex b, . - ' i- the task: , He 'conlinenced by a a rig ,.i,,�U%po�ti stile ,charges , Anent the , I, ., . , �.. A C .. � ; ­ , ..,. ' ', A.,Woid fro.in,' tuntbcr�� aliap . ­ I I I I . . I :1 1, L I I hav6-been .acquainted Dre DOW. * I DLepots. L I I I 7. . . r , rr ,� . Try lt� T �% ­ . 1 ariou8 countie; and electoral, division B I in order toa'rabarrass the Govern- . I I . .Bruce and Simcoe,'and­'a� membW given L , -T L, , , � � d. . , . attend' the..: defeat, of -th ",�Sin field with 8 . ­ St�rgeou'Oilflliiniftaerit forthe last Ti �` _0 V la this I .1 aad'you Will I I � i . L � eing changed, and nearly every.membar the. L ..", I f the House noted observations - ment, which was than in.power. There was . I . �'Of I lees, L , no Sort aw or revoluiionary proceed- L . ' ' 'to the,c6lfziry�'of DufterAn. his wou d * ­ ' " , 1 I' ' . lave given six Seats without the' upsettal I - , 9 a .. I . Xacdo'n"ald Adrainistratioh,� Land , then' charged the leader OfL'Lthe' -Opp6eitioii With' seven il cAn -be taken 'y6arg, ana ncib6tier linime t into teamsters. For 'Lebr t�d line for , Ilnd traveling a 'Ce I" � . . it .if oflices in ,.luxury, Instead klef . I . , , . " , . . .. �? made, and they are in, perfectL accord I rith the hon. SP66 ch as, geat -jug towhich bon. " 16inen - bad not been - . ready to resort anddt�wss Always ii, matter of the count .Pi y, bo1f­aS.L SUCII an 'Oper I I ation � , , that, like,it, , L. i � ' having Used information �a6cured L In conse., the woodRby 136'raiChes,' 'ga1l,`6tc.,. ib, is invalumble.1" Thi�gls from . I . ills - .of � Ole, � le. I � I I I comfori. -L right gentltloall'B . � appeared in the Hansard. I Now, Sir, We I L I Ave before us a Bill which is not that Bill, yL L . 'of difficult to restrain the Tories -out of . . pffloe from resorting 'to Ruch domonstra-. as or adythi�g would'Plemarid . bat a sligh't'change.in the map of, Ontario. . I kad',require no such cuttir�'amd 6&rv1,ng' UP, � ,queng,e.6f,bis lata7colleagues o'p6ning*a tele� In, Using. oaefi.i L griim ,in 11�rnistiike.: nfor-" Mi. Pickard, A large.. luiuberbP6rmtor, and , in'' ' connection herewitb it , may: not Canada. . I All 11 . I . n r sit a I �­ . -� *1 I'll , .: 1. 1. a �4 ates of I L ­.: thich does not contain the same descrip7 I tions. (Hear, hear.) 'As to the National' I I I L as ill. L in this,B The bases mation�II6 said Mr Blake had'sbown ,him- , ., bd out , Of place remark,, that thio �ar I I . , r I ce In I qars , . ; I.' ion of the electoral divial'ons. but "anotber' . POlibY,'for his own part­uothiu� Woilld� L wap,. proposed 'Whiell-thahon. gentleman (Sir, J6hn)L, laid L �sa . If wanting in,tbe instincts ofa gientlernan. . ,to . reinedy' - was first Put. Up � in Its - I I I , 11 � etc- c aerfull Ivmby. L I I . ' 11 ' ' .LPERCEVAL LOWELL.:: T. J� POT]TER. . .3d Vice I'Tes t it Gen'1.31anager, Gen. Punt. Agf.;. � , ­ Chicago, Ill.. chibago, 11L na a different description, The'right I hon. entleman is asking to have this Bill read roInL' , s restrain himl expressing bi ',Views on . that Subject, A policy Which be considered a I I . I I for these widespread cbmuizes,ware. too narn . - . row. altogether,'and it was apparent'that . �: He also, made some insulting alldRionil � to . :Mr. Huritington, And Spoke, of* the . .'records � . . ItI6, . order � to agent Shape in meet Pr . 'the demands of lumbermen who were at , L ' ' I , second time as the Bill he"submitted. days is '' for - :-N- ' , L I , , , , onal folly, And. ,_A tiorla crime.; inati no' , , -- othitig - i�66fd--r-8strki�--lbillh�,;-frorb--�putti, I 11 i , the political', map, of Ont%rio haa � been -iff' in court -, but when' dareaL by, the gen _ 11 I ' ivan assailed to, repeat those "ohargea: Aim- ,, , . that t,M 311gluto, th btre Of Ne a plate , el ce W ' h --------- -b - �-­­ � - WaM�Jnit roug Brunswick. Becommg� � I . I � I L -JE�LRIt'n"bW9 Agent, - �. ­ "- � , _J- ­­ ... L;' - 28 Front Street Ea6t, Toronto dfit.�' ome ago, There -t' no room Wo' ­ . pinions on the 'subject. It is perfectly lear this is Bill And �­ - ' L 1- --I-139 f6rw,&rdlilw,R�V�s �ms i616�-fixfty..Of ta I .. L xm� tion when it Was � PO'B8ible' '. Where a -Altered such a�manuar-mB-w.o6ld--be- most,- 6 the Governm6pt. �7 beneficial - t' - -- ­­­­ I—— Tbta-�ifli- ­.1 I which it , -�posed-to4upply;, . - ,1 'if: L iyr-ro�g6-oij ' _­,tha-_I�Umba�rule �-:­*ith,-' is-inSitilla, -.-he '§q- I ,� I -tions; quickly,drop&( kne of attack. Mr. _ 11-, _bOJh­Ou- Whd­WOUId U26 -it L . I I . L their I I horses � and themselves'. its. reputation ' L "' ' ' . I I ., I I - ., , , " . --- -1 -- ----,-.-" L". '-A L . 11 ETO E&WAXTED.. PAY 11 not�tbe -that a other MI readtbeofirsttime,atid it is n tAreating 0 - � particular policy has become"I'die, law of , . -piple ,: Wag now pr to On I turio' had never'be�u applied`befdro'L BArell tbenPr6 O'defend � ceeded the gekiy- , sprob,d-so'kepidly that Speciul Agencies had L .. . ' ,:L 'L, ' ' ' ' L , , r (st. t..' b ,a tter ,or person g "rice), either , " . N� he House with proper. respect .to make Iterations in this surreptitious way. Isay tLWi)Ul L , the,la;nclnb incoming.Govoin,men a.be L justified in violently interfering With exist- L e:'Cept "a a-l'inite'd degree,and-i'L.1872-the leader of the Oqverfiment had irit�L , nuated, ndering scheine, dontandinis hat, ma on the. ". t I . whole it hAd been aqught, to,!`aquAlize�-the i&b i a us d td ruebb;tbe dew. n tifute' a d for it. Amongst otherAiseilses.in. horses � it,��cures '�ringbotIe, d pin a, it. � ' L E7 ally, to 9. L.; X13 , arn I n', r . I I I ,c . I . - - yov,v�kaeio i , : , , , h, ' urrepU tioUS L . b6cause- -we - . see we -are -t6 -be- I I - - -�-W­bep�­'iq 01110e, lie" had in g, .interests, ,. ' , ­­­­ ­­ ... ... ­ I and it had been' ie -echoed (in that Bids Of; population. " The leader of. bh6'Opppelti6n ,windgalls, found6r, �.s�ratches, L I . , ��N it .. F IOUNG ,* ME in..f6wiric ,,,,Tclograp - nths and be certtZ , overned by.9, cohqiracy. rather than by 9, '.no' , publiol 6 Sums view� , ve y expressedA b t , ry I one who had Any 16 ve.fZir big coantriy,must Af'1b � - ------ ­­­ - L -Pit ..... _ , Id. � a ill- tL -bj��-R '� ei:,- a , a experimen. wou no - � ,had,failed, to call. attention to bbeinstances v�b6l­, th­­ ­::­ 15"'-- ' ii6�6feg­had�been re ., a Our consfii I scurvy,. hardhoof,L-arackied beels, gieme; .. " poll-evil,and. fistula'afid �others. -' , - � - ., of a sitautidn, address Valenti.We Bros Jane Ville; . W,ia� ' . L �.' I - , � . . ''. I . : L.� I - L ,� . , � J'roVernment, and the propositi W on i­aJi I " ' " " ' ' '- "'' ­­* , 8 illustration- of the fact.' IL as�dSi I ... I ' t ,-t� , . ­ , , :pro es against a . 1'. vIii,ell was destro, -po ley -v . I ­ Y` ' be repeated. Proper timb Should have.beerl . , giValoklthe: gliiihpbrf6,ht: � dbilsidekau6nof 1 ' . �L' 9d, � while , not having, -the .requisite, � Spur' I He defended I -,, ­ � ­.: I ­ --- ­�­ L I � - .0 , - � .".:' ­­ ' ' ­­ � - L' I I I �� I - - ­ .11-- " ,� �­ . ,,­ I I 7, � ­­ , ''. - , , � . ; , . I � L . .1 I I . � I a no doubt that th Mr. Speaker-ThereA 0 * L ' , . L ing'our natio I , nal trade abroad and bribg�llg into witi., the British Empire .. i , : measure Of. this kind,"' wore''especiall as Populations.' tb6ardall popu- � . ': .I , litioil lefti.in North Bruce.' �, � . likept 1111[lis W.1fe lu'l,ending Stringfi. , � I , . . I 11 , I , FIC)IR. S ioint of order raised a.,very important , us -discredit , in Which th,plGove,riumeat itSelfwas directly'affected - .. 11 At thb: close of,,. Mr.' Bowell's Speech 1. The wife of BeDjaiuin. R'. Davenport, 91, L 1. ­ I I -&T -M � '' - ". r � 11111ell p6, because it will forever� the prac.. in Parliament the a .different policy prevailed,:, a which -heavily uponf: L by. it,� in ,consequence of tbe bearitag it . , L Mr. Mackenzie, 'inquir . bd JU he 'was, the St L uis lawyer, is. Ruing for, a divorce. I JO cruel tyranny his � .., ,� I ,, , I I I 1, I ­ ,. 1� I I — . . . ice this and procedure 1 4 ig 7 a introducing and discussing Bills. policy was ,hearing- . ' �bhe' - - industrial ' blassus .�, of the - ' would have upon the approaching Y­�iectiou. . . The' Go�ern'meui , wms� judge ,as ,well'am, . ' gentleman ebargdd with opening a telegram. L on part, and 1.141 I 1goes _ I .. recit6s.in bar oomplaintbow he compelled . , L , . ,, , , � ­ L . ;Wa,offer for sale at a . r . rue until now the practice has been, to a - aftain extent, to allow Bi Ils to be intio. . cOmmunitY,� makiu- 'the few ` people LoXpenSe. 6 rich at the of the many ; a policy, -Iiarty,'add this 6f.all',naeusu. so w.A9.1one Which' It I should have been brought, down- intenaea,for:the last Speaker and divulging its conteuts.� Mr. Bowell. said be was. Mr. I .1 -Mickel) 'the � :b6r,when sh6w' wyork: to as, about to visit,NP . Swear implicit 6boilience.to a,set UruleB. I .. . . " .1 I I I . . .1 I I I 1 . I 1, � . . MEAT- 8ARCAIN,:� " 1 luced sometimes in blank if the � question vas not raised, but there is no doubt that he rule is absolute. it is one of the which refused to give the slightest -prOtec .1 ` tion to labor, and whibb imposed all kinds of restrictions Upon I'b " i as' a or� were ingthe . early in. the Session. Another, reason for fall, coh8id6,atjon WAS ,that. this measure I I . I ' 61 Zia indignarmy denied � c Pig he,,46ped he had not sat I harge, , sayi . ey I 'acted by, five yeareLin_Palligabent to be Sump I I . I These wajertb&t.ohe Should join.harm6tber. ' . . at a *certain boarding house ; have a sepaV ' I6 in thedinind room, and' make no 1 1. .. .1 . 'i. . I . 7 I 1, L. . I . � , - L �- I OT[H A11ARFDALL. MI; PRESS, privi- this House Bill is in taXeB'Of those who toil -and earn thei proposga a different got, I -jurors from � t. ,Lne A y one, of slach a mean. trick as the, u atet�b . the � eges of that when a ts possession it ought,not to be altered. .I . , r , bread by the sweat of their. brow-. ,It was L bL th-ose afore whom the Government had, Just ap &ared. (,,A 'pmck�d% jury.," .,Mi. 11 WMS,,Ino,;Wo;r�,ofth,ee,ol�t6ntB6ftL " . he telegram I �qaaintance among boarders ;"never a( I 1. I it i the parlor; not to bp absent from her si. in ' I I � I . I ;. I 1� . I . , I - I .�. I .1 IN U8M.A PAW' '' bink when the t is -raised, it i abetter .easy for hoiI. gentlemen, opppsite, for those . . 11 Rynial remarked; soud v6ce� mud 'Sir John until be �avV %,refereDce to the watterin'a I I 1. 11 mother for, more than five' migates at a �� . ONLY, YEARS . . 1. . " . . I I � I o follo.w, the pr=e in the British Parlia. . . �erlt -that no change except small altera- who h6d.large ineotnes; abdLthose,who had , large. Mantif L . actories, to laud a policy which . . made an oye-gl , of ihiB fi as � at and looked laughinglyacrpsB.). Mt, Blake, continuing, . . I. I .. . , . I . riewSpaper. . Sir Richard Cart -right following� said �t� ' tiale, any Or night,; receive no calls except' from relatives andpeirnib iio introductio I ns,; .� . �� . ,; , .� I . And, well adapted'forgruating' newspapers , posters in a country o ce. "I. I I ( � Iona Shall take place in A' Bill wbela on L ce imposed taxation upon the working CI IISReS, ' * L I I condemned the raann�er.inwhich�theBiil ,,, q he -Unnecessary that Mr. Mackenzie W' u I I I . and writ& 9, daily letiei, 'g�vlug � An implicit - - The bed of Press is 33 x.413 inches.'. ThPite aye ntroduced, and that the proper course is ;o discharge the order and f6itilroduce the time Will, Come ' but the, I when farmers mud . the, -industrial ,population generally will L had , been preparea,�' And , in sea; hin�. language ridi6uled thebliangeg made,, t even ... .should have'risen to. make Such an explana. I - I 11, tion, ii;�.;lla..WAS too,well-kDown to the :account of all her * ddingS., She compli6d 1. . I with these rules.. but noW. uses ,them as tbTee rdIleXs 6ver-form andJour distributing rollers wi th Press. The Press cost $1,200 when now. I I . . ; . NII de novo. . �� 4� -;-'- iAO've, resent , thiP4 int6ifer6nce.. With their just rights, mild-eEdl the � bon. 'goritlemen.oppp- . � after the in trod ftction,bf the B I ill to bolpter )people'of Oanada. . Sir Richard condemned - i166 ru"sar6 in' the strongest ternis. Sir . I I I pait-6f lier grounds for div,prce� � : . I ­, � . 11 . . , I . a.Fot:pa�ticulars address . I . I . I , � I I . � Sir John A. Macdonald -I beg to 'or leave to introduce bill, -No - 153 to, - I � site'to ib6ount for the manner iwwhich . up the Tory : members ofs'- Parliament. I .1 Messrs. Rykprt and Hasson challenged Mr. $7, gt Richard "sp,oke kt some len b', 'and, was * . I ' I ,� .--,-- . I . ­ ,� ni,rges on snow rgljoem.�, �� I . 11 . wilivires -'ralINTI(No . I 4b.(k: � I . I . I I., , 'HAMILTON 014T. m-eadjust the representation in the .House � �, , A thay, have abased th a power they by� 60ci- a -dbtAi S& . , d n1i ned:afe'w'year go. (Chaste.) Blake to -meet them in ihaik� c ' gtitu' I on Gu- f Ito ea.,byather membe ' 0 I 7 .1 to. . � . .� ' . ` ' '' 1 ' - - - -- � Stag�gbedan running regularly into the I I ., I . I ­ ­ . - '' , -1 , . 1, . : . - I . I I . . - � ­ I irg, rrn , �,.4�, ,� "Y , " . 1. � : � � � 11 -, I Commons. The Bill wag r'ead.the first time. , Sir Richard Cartwri'ght said bef)re the Elouse reepfved itself into Combaitee of I I Mr. IR6ss (Mi�dl6sex), said lt'wa's emay to ece defeat alreadyin the countepances of the bon. -gentlathen, as they Strove to oiesi.a dbaflenge'which bleb with the reply that they Were. brave men to spemlt� such words atter having had their, cbnstitaenbief� fixed to Suit themselves. The Bili I W&B � � I .. � A VOIA'Ag IP001114 rcrtlrorn�Txncic �, I , � . � I � . mi,G'a., telegram I says Waiter, AuAtl.mut Yop6mite-Vulley by way, of Milton -yeatei� 1. . � SIdds drawn by horses are used in - avelling over the snow. The Animals aic . it . . '. not � - 16, Shot and 'Ino Holliday,' aged rtally�, ovided Wow shoes,, consisting Of - I . .. : 3upply be desired to call attention to the bolster t4o walling ,fortunes of their a Governtiftent tillf(or. the re.ai'Stiribution! wounded, hinaself., lamb night at I a -bmll,� � . looks abbat, thirteen. 11acbes Square and ­ very large addition to the extraor=,� .up party. it was said that they were going to Of O' ar") but was framed' for low ' ';-d.',, I , ine ' In thickniess,to'which, suitable . .1-11 - . . , . ' " because his swepbllba�rt, Maud Keener, aged � I I �11'1' I 05111ill 3Xpenditure Already estimated for . I . em . snatch'a verdict by,an , rly,appeal to the . and Alms to U ft part.y . . 80' "' 15, iefused to promise not to dance' -With-, ,"Obe aftachp ents are fixed. on the upper Side I . , � !11 . � matter. Th Fero going on from bad to ley , orae. Last � r QV we had drawn Attention ,ly country. Wisjiot that aft e�idn tha . ­ thay wer� alaimed and desirous of precip- . to 1 rit f.i pmrty purposes. It was a,6ad �corrifnentary on the, b6astk of' the lq�at other yout.11S. after,howds exhausted. I . I ' . , . � " ­-­� , , I for .the purpose of securing the foot . The' horses,,readily learn�tp manipulate the ' 111111111111 . � i P . . . . . . ` .. I I" i, R , .. � , -'awcom MIJ 4 1, I , I bo the alaTmin' ly rapid increase of expen- bating We� obnteSt* before their'condit Ion four. years. This Bill, Showed ,that, the � . I . �. � 'wisd gem, ,,,, mage ap ,rantly clumsy appanda ke p , z I , I " " , diture. In 1878 the expenditure Wag 'became wora-chmotio. than it was now, And , 8 Mini terialists did not feel confident and 1, the only treatment of disease is to ' now.- excellent progress over,, thd u 1 San � . I . - - - X.ORM WPS �25,500,000. The expanditure.for 1880w&B ' before the people 'would re�lize'ihe full were Seeking by legiBlAtion'to make 'UP fop remo�ve the cause. Languor: and debility � . I FrAncisto. Otro)ldcie. , 1: , I ; , 1 024,850,000, and the `CBtiMAfG8 for 1882, $26,475,000. These extent of the p�litical , infamy of'whidli "had beat, during -the, last the 'loss inflibted by�the misdeeds Of th6. last four A , tirise from Poor blood, in.dueAby inaiges-,� tion. ,Dr. Wilsori'll �Anii-bilioae and Pror, . I opopal of --i— I tTifn t;e ritish Government, I I 1. I , 'C'A were estimates revealed they� guilty, . I. - years. sirahar attempt had " "'. '"i ­ pr ­­ - -,­-­­1­­-­---.-­- Jube!a, . I-E-LE-C-T-R-to—i -BTLI an extraordinary large expenditure.- :The . .1 of four.' 'years. , The .: -apologetic 4 tone' . ....- been -m%de­in--1872Au -1ko-trRve.- , t --it- ll,� -114 -Eror.vi-n-g-.Pills,-Eitriin-gtb6n-tbEf�dtasti P' I ro—A d- il t lil to intro puree pog , abydeeivbd the . ,,, 1. . I I � � ' estimates for I883, amounted! to , no lose . , the Minister ,of Finance ',to -night assured -one'- Ver-' ededed any more than this woul 13uo Be . 6 He' 4,liat ' ' , improve .the blo6d,,:­-mud thus cure mlbk�' haadachdand depremion otspiiits. . , f0hosiou- of: the railway cornpanie 4 b S. y an for mutdai.divfsioil : 'INSTITUTION �HSTAtWsHED is7l, ­ I , . . I than �,27,999,483, and tboy,were als'o.apked �bim that he for anticip6t6d: that was. convinced , the 6 le of 'the - .. I Agreement ib of,- heome, I I " 'the, .4 .qtlEZN graElegrEAS V'TonovVO4 ­ to expend $410,060. iii the -shape of sums � dict.� ('Qbeers.) Rumor bad it tbutbe,wag I . Ontario would, re6eni as .they did on ,� Mr. J. E. W.,, Johnson, late of the G.W,.R, ,­ b6twebu 6ov,erumeat' and, the cbm. ' ',of. I NFAVOts DEBILITY, Rlibumatism,',tame to be granted, to fithorm6n, to 'Mani- . not � going,lo face the music, but I .that a wall known previous occasion all a use 6f a- later still of BiRmarek, Dakota, is 'now in I P4nies', 'The trAde8men the ditieii Aim Bacit',Nouralgia'Paralybie and allLi0randChisat toba and in aid, of a ship railway. in] New Brunswick, distinguished gentleman from .E,ngl and high trust. � The bon. gentleman would find that tholAill he 'St. Pil'ul,'kinn., having 'been Promoted to 'Northern PlOused'at 'the- prospect, but the country, feels dismal tllekeon; cqqrlaints immediately relieved and. petina- " n6fit �, I ' d by using. these, IN A So thut about 52B,400,QOO . A. T. Gult) was cbmingicktake.hoeat 1'(Sii 11 might transfer menle�bbdjeh an Junpoktant position -On thie� . 9keepdr Ana counts - stor, , . - . " '. I SVE S , � �, AND I or nearly twerity-eight millions an :,on the treasury 'benches, mhd� :that the I . I � he coulaii.6ttransfor their ruind0i And that I . I . . , . . I Pacific luthat, cIty4. ,:', � �, : - , . : . � , - his, calling as good us gone. , - 1. . I" ''I . , � ­ Circulars and Consultation FAME', � � . . . I . I y . . .. 1 ­ . . -, ,­�­. � � , . I . �.`,­