HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-18, Page 10I . -1 : . �,Ii , .. . i 1. . I � �,­_ �­ � . � . �. I 11 ) . I . � � . . I - I ?:L- � -- � 71 1 1 . . i , I I 4 1 I - I . i .�, I I .. 1 . :1 .0 I Mav - 18,18�3,j,' �, — : I � I � ,� I .1 i : I I I coming on the assassins' in -the hope. of . � � weapons.� � . I I � . I I A REWARD , I of -216,000 has been I offered by Government � , I -for infor)n0ion as -to, the xn�urders,.sufficient , , informat-, � � . . I I I I ' � . ordef was issued forbidding 'tbia Castle � � I 11 officials of whatever grade to go outside I the castle and the city precincts unescorted by police. I � u ,some'cases they are to � be escorted' wherever they go, inside or- ou& Side of the city. The detectives are as - - _� , � , I . I � . � police have detained him, but have refused' to give hid --name, merely 'Stating that . although they do not place much credence � . in his story I they intend taki.ng him � t I a I . -Dublin' to ,see if a;ny part, of it Wtrue. ,The young man ,has been taken to Liver-, 11 .� � I AMONG TUE SCHOOILS.'; ! I I � , , --- � . I . 117niversity Exanalluditiour—Toe Bib.le: In �� � I . t6e igehoolmio; ,� . � I .A.t the recent meethig,of,the London I Teachers' Association Mi, Victoria Drury I "I ! ­­­ � , . I. - I THE FARK CROP ' � � . � I . 11 .� S. , 0 � . . A. Faii? �Yield of� Wheat Expectecl I I .1 I , � . I -0 I I I I . , . I . ­ . 1. � � I I - , � � THE MASSACRED __ . . . - 1 :, ion, ,to lead to their conviction, the � . I I I to be'6fforded within three months. They I I , busy as b A large contingent has,come . I - pool, Whence he will be brought `over'� to .4 read an essay on ­Aegujurlty�axid Puxidt,. 1 � : THE,CLOVEA CROP, DAMAGED. I : I - I I . I � -1 . l I — , I . also offer 21,000 for private information. they also promi � and th ' Bea free pardon , ,a I over from ndon, Liverpool, Bristol, Mil- ford Haven" and Glasg6w, man Wall iL6- . . . �� 'Dublin. lie Still BtiokB -to Iiis previous statem5fint. 'His kno ledge of the locality - I .1 ,W � . ality of Attendance," hol*dng forth the idea .that the marks' syeteni fifled, from the I . o . The first report from the Bureau, of Ir I dustrieB, whichWas, at the lae . : � � . . I Extraordinary lfforN to Distoyer the' protection bf the 'Crown in Any pa:rt.of the I �. to quainted with- the Irish, resideutB in these . - - are, at. all times 'mingling Places; aiia of the crime and his description of the men give big Btatemant every appearance of fact that th6se,who needed them least as!a Stimulus, were the v I , eryones who generally I I ,established . ala ure,! bas J session of tho Local Legi It I )us -The I . I .1 I Dabliff ' : . Quodcn!8 Dominions Any pers . who Shall give the ipall, than, the prine � I �. I I with the'stream of peop a ets, � .le in, the tre arinking-or appear Ing toldrink in the I I I , , truth. The police are quite sanguine. in . the matter, and Confidently anticipate that. � iol tained the most., A�ain, the note sys- b . . tem, did not meet the'. case, from the fact been issued. information given ha been gathered from neariy'ali the townsla I ip . I � . -Assassins.' I - mec'6 hsai� information. I I , � I . public I I . I � I tithe Province, the return numberingbom 8 I ,. � I . � . I : P� I I . I I I I . . � I 11 � * FATAL STRUGGLE., houses, frequenting the mitsges celebrated' , something important will transpire from : thitt many,,very - many,, forge notes to suit. I . 'fift6en hundred, 'The chief wheat-growml . . -11 . . � . ' I � ' � THE L . � � � The following additional information in the Roman., Cat6lic. Chapels.- This last, moaIA of detection has not been taken since his Statements. He ,still declares that he I . can lay his hands on the aseassins, who are theraselveo and thing freethemselves from the censure" of' the teacher. , . I I region. of— Ontario lies, ,Westwa,rd o . f,th ' SUPPOSED TO BE STILL AT LARGE. ' regarding the assassinations has come to the dnys of Fenianism, and is not relished . living in-Dublia. ' . ­ I I �., 'Preston, . � . � The ,examinations at the,Ont&ri6.. Pro- Laurentian' systioin, the easterly limit bqII3 ,. . � ' � - an irregular line ,drawn frOm.the Thousau 1. 1. I f � light -. two,hic�clist-fittQrs in the employ by the priests, who object to it oil the Score I . At in ,Lancashire, another I vincial TiniverBity for, degrees, and fc;r'the ' Islandi, iii, the St. I'awrence;'thiougli th . I . . I—— � -.--.. -, __ _ . � .. - I � . � I I of the Railway Company passed the spot � � 11 , . .1 d' � ' ' O6mmi'tt9&.--Th where t�e mur era were By ofprofanhjgth6O%credpIaces. Oneissaid -b t , -nearly. 16 hi,ve', a ra'y'aa himself yesterday Fenian Contra, v, man named Quail has ' b6enarresied.- He came- over .to ,that town ' ibird, second and ffrst year's cOurSe,'haV0 , Comnaenced. :There are -400.caudidates " "' , 'F , Addington., Hasl Counties of' ioutdn&c, I I I I _ibgs,*Pet6iI�or6', The Murders 'Undoubtedly Deli,be.�atdly I . � , I saw the-'assaBsin's strike. their:victima� and . - . ce of 'the - eakenioniaL He byhis gnoran I . I � , from D.ubliu,on Saturday. On being areas- � I � r a a nol law. 'The examinations '0 in 1 . %!. ' Viot6ria'and Simcod-t I Georgiatiftay. In the West,eirn posidusul . Planned. I I heard Lord Frederick Cavendish cry out, . Ilia& suffil cient , preBence'of mind, however, � . I � questioned by the police, he admitted being - a 3 inst., - - - � 0- a 1-t . , th . I it embraces nearly one-fifth of all th . I - . I . � ------ 40.— - ..� 11 Ali, you villaiii," to one of his, assailants, .� I . I Lord- . to fe gxi that he did not understood E nglish, ig 11 . . . in the Phoenix Park at 7 o'clock on Satur I - . , T he 7... e� of the four largest collages . tire . I cleared Ittrid, but in counties'north ( . . . . . who.stabbed him agam .and akaip. while his companion explained.that he was � day night, but denies anyknowlodgii of the , 'and m the United States are shoWn in the fol' .the Lake Onta.'rio it, iB not more, than bric - ACTION OF THE . GOVERNMENT.. Frederick 611agitinst the bicycle of one of i J 'was a Greeh:Oatholic, and that thie'iftes of his: . . I I murder. His, clothes especially his lowing table : ., � ., .: �' I . . . . . I : I I . � tenth ; in these Counties spring wheat i . . I � .. I I I ihe-fitt6rig, iAo 'coming to his assis" -murderers -.witb,:blo'ody Church� we re.different'from -those of Rome.. I I I trousers, are bloodstained and cutin severs,l . . . 1' E ndow�- � . . . ' � NO Of ' ' chiefly giowit., -The condition 01 the era DUBLIN, May - 9—The public mind has hardly yet recovered from ihe stat(cof hof- tauca,, but: the knives Made towards him; and both the � , . . � '. THE . - . � '' . . CAR DRIVERS, _,� I 1, � . , I . I ,places, , , I I . I I This afternoon Lord Ilichard Grosvenor, I �: College. .� meht._ �, Iucorn6. Students. I . � do � , I Columbia ............... $1,800,000 $261,C 208 . - . I is muc� Jens fit'voiable that: it was a- Mont . . ror and confusion' into Which it., w I as I I I bicyclists made off as fast as they covId.1-Of 'saw .the city, f6eling themselvesl� under a, , cloud, met and sent a deputation I joint Secretary to, Ahe Treasury, in tile Harvard ...... .... �.� ... ' , 233,000 879 ' John Ho kins � ..... '10,11 12od,000 ' "2 , ago - The night-Irosts and,the ,east wind � have done it itij ;' 6 Jaily on low an .ury, especi plunged bythe awful 'events of, Saturday last. The expressions of ineuining. oh � Th� the car on thoaL road awa,itiDg, the rdqrers.--,; The*,driver's baok,wdon turned. In. Y yesterda; totheehief.aftlie detective force. These� *order abeen6e..of Mr. Gladstone.moved tbat:oD �risingto-night the House should adjourn , 1p , , . ,Yale ...... ... ... I .. ..... 1. . IME, 1$7,300, IM9 ' ' . I 1 utidrained' land,, - li�6 Should wari ' '' I I I . I . all sides seem fervent and Sincere, and not I ., .They saw one . man stab Lord Frederick 'as demanded. of him 'that be should P. ,eral all i�iiId. of,the -city car ro until 9 o'clock -to-morrow night in order I the a n of the Torcuit"O and ,. lie me ti g ' Syn. - got._ d it overture: commending Weather Het iii,. accompanied by - geniE . ' ay yet b showers of rain, a�faar harvest In even in the I owest parts of the: City is- � any� I thing uttered that could. seem ' to Cav6ndish in the back'. he lay on the ground.' Their cowardice, as wall as that parade I I . ger , I . drivers -'.park,. for -the urpose.ofiden tifying .. . P. . I I to allow the x6ernbers to'attend the funeral �. ' of Lord Fre.derick Cavendish. : The motlon' the us. of 1 � th. Bib a in! the Public Schools � , . I 4 i reaped. The clovoni has been -damaged b I I '�Bpriiag publicly . I I justify orpallfate the crime. -In one pub.' of Captain Gretorex, haa -been the Subject - been the Car in which the assassins eHaa pad. . . I ­ .­_ .... d. ­­ ­ fi� ­ --- � ­­­ 'The request was refuse ,, Be Bucl inspec. . ., I ­ I -Was 111)animously4 adopted. � I I ­­; - I I . as introduced' and. supported by R vi� a ' .1 Jw6hn Smith, of Toronto. � He remarked winter exposure and frosts. Dii couraging. roarorts come from -an., quarteri lie house in the Liberties, however -a low. Bhebeen,and-s, notorious baunt of Fenians of mu - ch� bomment, as has also the eitrao'rdina-ty'Course taken by the Govern- ,an tion had already been Made. Not to be .. � Mr. Trey elya:n h as left to night for.Dub- Ii B I MrsTrevelyan.haBnot accompanied that as mktteig now stood the,Bibie might � � and underthe most1avorablii cirodinstaUCE . - --one man was beaten nearl�'t,o death for� I . I. ' . ment� authorities here -of taking off the * 'on" the Saturday., on wbi I � 11 rh failed I or, the car' men have I in. their exideav � ' -park on resolved to hold a meeting in ,the ,. him, but will do so ebortIv. . � , . I 1. . I � The has So messa.e 1 one objacted, a con6e ggion P a introduced,if'n - t a Roman Catholics, *h6..notwiihsiandiDg it Will n9t be more than half 6 crop. , Liv I '... � � stock are generally ID good diti . Con I Ion -Wit venturing to express tha ,op into n was : that the assassination a pol' ittrol s lee P � I I ­ 1. I the,murder occurred. I I . I Sund ay next,"to deuoun6e the crime,­aiad�- . I � � 'to Queen telegraphed of I . . condol mica to tbe family of Mr.,Burke.- . i his,- claimed ,i he jre�ent' , .s � , - and Obtained , f olderi and an o ea.winteir,. the plerity.of fb p � liky0ared 'In: ,.dis- . . � �trace to .- Ireland . and, Irishman. , � ­. I I . . ,� " � I ­ . I ': . I - . " . . , ­ THE FUTURE. . , ,, . . I taka the'-piopOr, measures t a aid, the . author' i i " t ' i g � the -incriminated ities, in cap urin ' . The total. number, of persons lately . - eparate S . With these in a' dhoo � I exist6n, a t he way'.vi" clear to .'make a chaage by well. the easteril- countiE ' i of 1h6Province,7aud in the lumbering dii Nothing in the shape of disrespect was shown ' ' be the dead body of Lord. Frederick I � The latest news is to - the effect that Mr.' . -1 .. driver. I . 1%, I - : . ­ I .. I evic&l by Lord Cioncurry was;400,. His. � . .. grandfathe.r"was almost the last political . wbich. the Bible' would, .be read, ,.not i , I I -all I 'trictslof 'tlib 'north,,,"' pink -eye " -prevaile . I Clavendiah as it was *conveyed on the gun T,00velyaq I , m.. r., fdr; the Hawibk burghs, has accepted the post. of Irish Secr6tary'; the-ldwer orders are taking their tone, from, their. lead6rs", and by. the anxief� they . - �rieoon.erjconfinood in the: Tower of Lb�doiu . .. 1! ' )a unded, in schoo Is unless ,objectad to "I 1 ­ � 'd by.� the trugtones. - He move , that the vo�'ry gen6r�lly; and in some -sections ma.n - I 4ors W es.died of it. -T . 3 Supply Of Wheat i oarriage, under dragocii 6go'ort, to'� th6: of embarkation. for England. On the . and -Will be here Bit once.. The news'has . - - � . � 'favorably I . an io , it'is show to discover � the assas i s, wi 'Somewhere , riBh patriot. .. _.. . � �, - Just before the shooting of his BiSter-in- ,principle of'th�..ove,ri�rebe'al�pr'oved'6�.tl�e . , . and - farmers� hands is reported law,' the gob I � place ary, S,f. � � oontr i the corpse passed nearlyevery been received . here ,. by, - the , Nationalists � .The new Secretary -is know" believed, are: s%fe,Iy housed in� Dubliti prove that theirs.ympa.thies'; as a i . law Mr. -Barlow Smythe had 'off.ered his - . 'to.be 8 nod - a committee, appointe& to 2operate with- th�t Of 'Ahe'l -Syno'd ,of , . . - prices paid las�, fAl brought, nearly th ,*;��.h*ol�sur6lu��-'Oflt)i�,coii6,tiy into marke- . head was bared, and the words 1i G8d. rest I his soul" were in the- mouths of a large . . .. . . to hold itAvanced Liberal, opinions, and I& . 'more ,rule, "r this. once are not with the mur4 I fo I I I � ' tenants a permanent scaloi of rents; made 9, ru'fon,bf, the Land Coll it, free'of. London and Ham n � ilto; . Agreed.' � � : I .. ­ : .1. I . , -The.game alopli6g. to fat� and Store cattj( -are number of the sorrow -Stricken spectators. . . than believed t6- sympathize with the : popular party., Jn this country. He will' , derers. The middle.. classes, of this'eity: are' 'most of them Nationalists, at least, to I � - costs.: This he has cancelled,' Said' issueAl� ,� .. ...-.-.--.- . -, .1 li � ,, . ­ I � MR.4'E abd .prices n6t.likely to, declin( I Thie' � following interesting - -extract ,.. . rhe same marks of respect Were. shown as I the coffined remains of Mr. 'Burke, ward 11.1i.b 1-1 . not be,allowed. to run any, rip a y. going about unescorted or unarmed. It is hoped , , the backboj�b, and neoirly all -of them mem- League another, in which hii.gay� : 11 Most, of'.you'. by your sil6n . ce &age . niad "'to the dead of TOMAS',','the great musical . conductor,, 7adminir, . tered It sharp rebulib, 'at I � I � I , are givert-The agricultural ouilook- f L'alimbioii Ruro.ii and'�Bruce, is v6ery,prH 3arried t6 his residence 'Preparatory to in.,. . . I- I berinexit in Glasiieviii Cemetery. ., he may yet be able to see his way towarda I . hers of the Home R&e ."They-beld ' fbo4y -to-day, pre- , special meeting of -t" . . bloo�d, and many of you only regret that One :who has Seed A long life and' spent his' pa the rpeendra'usica, I .festival idNe*�York t � �, I the- p6opiO 'Who. endeavored to avoid ih a a � , There has 'neen a a'rge , , , - - Mi g , gi. I' enaigratio . . - _ . Erie' I , I �, I . . .. ARRESTS. � . advising the release of . the .remaining ; - , su � spects, Which. is now, believed to be B ided over by -'the,- Lord Mayor at wbi6h I � . - . they �unaiaimousfy ,passed' a .res6lution� - I . income among you . ictim. N�as, not the Y crowd byleaving the 'hall while,the last � .: , . .he from. Lake Counties to Manitoba ,an . I S -and gr6at difficultyi tateal. , � A few arrests have been made of more, or entirely 'a matter ' 'of the future. Mi". . , � . ssinghortor,, grief and detestation of expre . I Some -as,guilty asthe mb iderer. y ' of vou'are ­ 11 ou'will in,future pay' to * a rion-resid Out, piece. wag in course of perfoimancia. AS t � I .New York 4'orld remarks, none: but .theWestern .1 experie6ced"m securitig farm laborers. Th I . I less importance in the eyes of the: police. lChe localities in ;vhich the. itrreats,have Burke's p6sition'has not yet been perm an- . ently filled.up. Rumor had it at'firbt that� ' this b ideous crima,.whicb, as in Cork, they I i - - he 'doo'r "of Am-'Qrican lay to t Agent,Avho can make no furth6r all6watice do ,oxtremeIy',I;achydbrmatous, persons would , be 6f the Orbed . and indecent �exbi- north'wel 3t part of Essex suffers from p oo In Elgin there are good -crop I � '' � . . a6en made sb? w. that the police are,on the , .. . Mr. Blake',,. inothei. Galway ma � � . ni one of 1,11kiversally . . agent"t O'Donovan, It6ssa. �. I. I �. I or anything oti.theproperty not required' � 7� . . I I I :11 by law." . .. :� . guilty y bition of elffslme6s, thus.,re6uked.': ' Ili 8 ,farming. , and goo d pxices;' .In Haldithatid count , ookout for the routes likely, -to be' t akeu by ihe assassins.- Thewhole line of'tb a Great Mr., ForstOr'S� sp6cially;made stipeoadiary� . I 14 Etgi�tr6tes,v��E;tobea;ppointe(l. I,qow'w'e - � I '. ". .. .. I I I THE �AMERICAN , IRISHMEN. . � I - � , I , . 11 I I . .� I . . . I � , I ­ .1. . I . . . I I Tile G6V, Ac'i erninent's a-ure , Sond 11[s � ' ' 'biaosing seats one is of c . a . :ourse at..11bart � � , y or, ps have bderi good for the last two a three years afid',fartners are prosperous. Oni . . I I 3outhern & Westprn' Raitroad- is .being . - - .- . beat - that , Mr. R. : G; C.. Hamilton, I . I � . At .the Cork meetingi- for -a,similar object. , I I " - handed, ItO . I . - , Race lie , I . I . � P 4., - ­__ - - - . � . to t consult the'' convenience of .an rancO. iindexit amiong'.-offievadvafitages, butnear . I I . . � hallfa�wheat cropwill be reaped in Wellan 11 I I mxefully,witfebed,'its also.T. �Mid� � I that of the and Great Western. Hence the arrests at I Accouritant-Gaiieral and ,Comptroller of Navy -Pay., has'sadled for, his city to fill the , �� . � , some one., Who was present' . . ,i,6d Mayor a, oopy of a tel6grani,hos had rise - , . .The. Irish Bill is now 'Cempletii. .It pro- " V'deg"al a _6`mplicatedway for-ref6rmBdu pass. to' -the doorB,:_iS_ihe,ouIy advantage - I . '?'*hich! ' � -Late ..thaws and,freezin'gf � owing . to I alteri ,, . I : . . ­ I Fall tvheatisver promisingin.Gre �, y an, 'y I I gaynooth, Kildare, Limerick aud-Tditm, 411 of which places are eit her, on one of, I , '. Restl6r six.months. . I I "... . . . .. . ­ . ­ � I I DUBLIN Ma;y 10—Another important, 1, which contained the f6l1lowing re�mar a. . , -ma. -11 , ­ .11 de, on, Monday'b�'O'bonovan R6ssa-'I 'his arrears dividing.conee8sions between. ,the I . . landlords and tenants with tolerable eveam .for exit one person � .,ca;n iitirly soBek over , another ,in aa and' - I k Ao be of ladies. � , I Sime,'de. , Farmers are prosperous -art thoroughbred cattle are much Bought Aftei - I iheBe lines or easily reached by thern.' The ,. link in thle evidence regarding the assasains'.1 . paper, tb6 . Uni.tcd lr,ishnian .-.. . . . . . I , . � , .1 I I . I ness,� and is in this respect. nearly idefitie'al pace, asadnied. ,Composed hDil gentlemen. To leave s6place simpl�,to Iri'Middle�6i the � chief trade is in catth - . � I ' - - ' .i '-.' ierminug of each is within a Short dis- iance of the Scene of the assassination. The flight- is, supplied to thd- police by ii�carman , whowasWaShing his vehic ale in the villageJwas� mItis well to understand that it ivas not'the ildmmannered man 11 Lord Cavefidish �' that , with Mr.. Parnell's Bill. Provided the latiolz . . is �. �ai , n aAriflingadvantage in time oveebetter . I b,Qginnmg to , underdrair . Farmers" are . andL,ihoo largest,larancli of business is butte .. hilaor arrests include those of two- man at , of Chapelizod-w -dashed hen a Strange .car killed; it was tb6 .Chief Soicretary of Eng- land.and Ireland, ihe-ebief agent of the English ,Jord give'§ up aypea'ris rent,"the:tbnaut to I I � pay one year, aiid�.the third year. is to �be behaved people �is,%not on1v an effion't to WS ilie"musicians Or players, b�b -sbo ' E6 rude, ' 1LD& cheese' 1M&'ki13g:.­ Horses � Eire i . . I ,high Kildarewhose general appearance Seemed . I � .past, alhaOSA, knocking . him' down. He' ' �aiAny and robbery in Ireland. And perhaps, :tyr too, how9skilled on acdolnitof being in badeom- � paid -out of the Church iui.�Plus. A member � - L 1. � ... . I 'aisj regard. -of -thel,co.'rivenienbe and .of.the price ,in � Waterloo. . I., The Township �c , Mono, in Dufferini - mor be coincide with,the description published. I 17he account they gave of themselves and remoroBtr'ated.with the arivei and ,' men on '#e �car, and to'6k'good,note of the horse and � party, for this Burke that was killed with him was about the �slimiest toad living. Howas:Forster's . ..t .1 I _; � � 1. - ­­ � h a- oft eCabine SaYSL& general res6mbilanc, . be n�-tiie._tW9_J_3ilIs,�_tb6 tw ri-latso bf'the iestof the audience -Notoifly. if$. 1 . . I ` . �,tbb st-1 was' never I I 1 .... I ­ 1. I . -- ,,progparoua_. -�,.Th�6--.'-diops�.-.--,on.�i-pkAD-perI , , . I ;heir doings during the past few days is not '* 3onsidered consistent by the ,p ' oli L de'. 'Of vehiel' a, which he is positive he can'ideniify. The car e­I­ up ih uchi6ore read. I ... instructor. It was he� who. used 'to-poilit" O'ftt7 _ ' ­ where , arrests .Were to be .m4de and who were: , " ... ,Qpyp)�R��- I _ ,, . =6 6 �Mdei ug I as far, R-W.,fos'sible , to Mr. , P arxi� 11. ''In :new' =i .aA�(lien,e,e-',rLec-e6ii�,ril.y---disitarbe Ut . procession lasgiing.do'wuAne a�isles-,', 9 , Y6--va-,*h--- _-._-_.,_1, driihrdid-fdrffip� an ,-, eravages;Uf'WinlFe better than'. 6h.haphazard lands. '-In YorJ . I iomewhat greater iinpoAance is -the pro'ceoaded ... It I f I L . When.,within a quar Or o it mile of, the 'of: .to be arrosted, Ectiol it.was he who was to.deter-' mine:when a mair-was sufficiently civilized in reference'to crimes, the .el . � ' ' , I ' -6i giving great 'Bill deils.with actua cri 6 L . the,fo6rformarode, but mgmy of the persons . . Who attempt to. leave pufili6_ performances, the . farmers- are j abila6t, expecting a heav 3apture of twonient,.Bailey and Harman, who were found by the constables,16itering , _ Village- Inchicore � ii. collided ,with a br6ad cart; the driver of Which now'comes , prison to have him released,; it was-be'wbo was in �the Castle when we were oirrested. in 1858'and --day, - � ' I :powers, to the ma gistra. - tea in tb6se . . matters, ' I bull cuttingv , off their in thig� mannerba,ve to croWd: pa,so � others - % who Wish10 listen Ad the music or blay cro ,A Y6rkfarm�r Says* llbuibpst:p�6 - P' - � Ing crops are wheat and baxley, �both to .1 I near the scene of the murder ,in the Park, . � , la which the forward; with.,, a Btateme t I a in 1�0, and as Some telegr(�ms say to 1, g"instberoalgovernor of Irisland-which.lab e w. , . I � powers � almOS6 aitogether regarding ' I '- n r. decentma n r. Of course, :and.leiive -i n a valuable, to f6ed. ','If corn was cheaper w 'Id ' %nd were overheard uttering.what could be. ' " � � Inporta,lat yet4 ,police regard as, the, most i - I � was, so far aa,coercing_ arresting and releasing. . 1 Burke; it , . I -offences. The - ' ' A political first business ILI I I � but pachyderraswoul , d need to. I be,re- �poue. � It more laed,�'&nd.less veO, an sell sho I I ,our land ivoul& be 'more, valuable b th aon8truod into treasonable language., !On Bailey was found a Sheath Such " is used _,Can4 fixiiaislied., . He is certain.. I that �he identify even the 1arnesB of the horsO, of � ,men were.co neei med. :Cavendi6h,hnol is said, were two men of the' most, amiable char- acter; so the , y were; so are all EngliBliniea-,who, p arliament tbmmorrow - night will. be the introduction of Mr.� Gladstone's, new Men, . - :minded of, these thingg.. Inllamilt6n, we. . . � are glad to know, offenders i . la� this respect I � y addition of better. manure.11 Farmersi: [or a bowie knife or a dagger. They,,woie . . rowdy h&tB and were dressed in � dirk ' . whi.0i lie took particular notice. Twelve . . coastguardsman have been engaged- this plunder Ireland;.they hill us with kindness, and they become the agents of scattering:us to'the I . � " " I - sure. E xcepting the clause relating to the- . � � preseivation. of life and 4 pr6perty, ,the Bill aid 6ii the decren.se.,. _ . . . , L , I I I � .. . . - . ­ I � . I - .­— . I.. I .1 I Ontario county are reported p'fosperou and hopeful. � Pink -eye in horses hai prc ' 3lothes and so far bore a kind of si ilitity ' , I : in I . to the suspected parties. I .� � , aftdrnoo i � u iii dragging t,fie:' River Liffey from,the .Village of Chapoelizod' along. the: I four winds of th d- the faith oworld ,to sprea, I . an(! of robbing and. starving us, that we, may� I be 11 the * was read to-. Lord, F. Gavendish-the day y before him. I I - . . I'� . I . . � . I . . . i , Vankougbnoiti.�: .the -condemned fe]611 at Val he Province to a donsi ledthroughout :,t , dera,ble extent, but i . s.not . ,.attended . wit] . I . - . I. - . 1. id � . A LIMERICK FIND. - � � . . - , ch skirts � the public road., I whole reach-whi I rt�arerto'beaveh, for the poorer you are. r you are to God;;' . I - Dears . I . . I . � - , I . 11 � his death a;nd approved of by The Premier has not been: in bed five hours ' ' � Kingston, hag award for the day, and Coll . � - � I . . .. . . ' during -the night, -So that there'can be no many , fatal - I .'' results.. � Throughout' Ah eastein'4art -,of the Province afieviden More weighty in the s cale of probabilities, 'This ,precaution has been taken more to satisfy public opinion than in'the hope of A sto-rin. of groans and hipses followed . . . the r"ding .of the passage, and a rbsolution at a time since Frido�ty. night, but Works , with fev rish anxiety 'that' indicates I ful I is escape, were. chance:of his carr�ingout an' I 'of.grief, Chan ge in, Ahe clienale, has ben � 6 ' but as it provedi not very reliable at'that, is the arrest of a man at Limerick, who was Cna­ - - - . Ing any trace of the assassins, who, the . disowning the sentiments of thewriteri was knowledge of�tha crisis liangiDg over the Gov- , - fie.so inclined. His deftionstrations %. -, , .. quite, frequent: His pp'etite . is, not � .. during the . past fifteen �vear s. Fall whea i lip (coitrity'Glengarky) 'I u Kenyon townsl . . to-d&y observed to come from, the . neighbor- police are'low satisfied, proceeded through . I I the villitgej of' Chapelizod - � to Inchicore, d, though not witboutobjecto eo�� at oncispasse I . ' . I ernment. o`, It. is quite clear' iha:t Mr. GIS; d :gione 'thinks he - bed. , Eio,&Eh' I I 8 atly. diminis I I Ps Week aS it I very, seldom ploughed up; -the farmer hood of the railway statioti after the arrival - of a slow train from. .-Dublin, and inake1oi - .. , -t hence on the Naas �road in the direction of , ba'kn, 'beyond � , 1. ' .. 111puse,Hide. Piaca.rds. , -, . .. .. 111. .. . . . � I , . . A ri umber 6f'placa'rds- were. posted lirthiis can weathor'tfie .storm. � Many.members of his pa rty. ur bim to- I ge . passion is carefully noted by fb& s(aratah, of . " - " th ' d ' . a pin-up on, a ioor�pos,,t. 'He hopes for al ' sow grass seed with'tbe whent; an, 'Sy . if 7theg wheitt, fails the grass grows. F&I %Second-hand clothes dealer's shop ih�the -ity. While buying a suit the keeper of the' Polphin!s. , I the southern suburbs of Dublin. ' -- . . 1. I I - L . . ,' : ' I . I I City during . last - nidht , announcing the . adopt severer, me thods. Several. and nearly I .Radicals all the Whigs threaten to bolt if I � a mencyl--and gives reasons wbyhe �bculd Is . . , % To several he has -said that h� rqc%eivelt. a . , ,heat is' not grown to any extent, in MuE * - � koka. 'th i , Be , � � ahop uoticed stains.of blood on his Shirt and .� trousers. Feigning , , . I A Tribute to Gluitt'stone. ' I In''tbe course' 'of his sermon� on Sunday ional Asi6ciatioxi of formation of' the -Nat I Jrelan'd,,the Object of which is the restora- . � . he continu6s bis�presointpolicy. , I I . ".1 I I : %� I �_ Mr� Parnell says he is no longer afraid of I Shot :Richard§dI,;.but 'h .�aiiribute's 'the; . a. In game townships ere is no 6, aII'-Jn'6ther6`fberb are! a: few: fields," lad I . I . necessity,, he stepped Dut by the back door and gave ihforxxiati on . � :Rev.-H.W.�Beecher, refer red -to the great: 1. � t� ion6f1rish legislative indepetidenbil,ana, Calling a meeting-fbi the 15th inst.,of those . . � . the total annihilation of ,th'6 Irish party. . � I crime to ­jealousy. Ho.was wronged, he, ' ', S&YS,Iand .Btole the gun, bought the,'powder I .. 11 . 11 1. - I obietly as aii e�perimexot.,,, . . . � . � I F, I I . :. t , I . I. . . . . .. ": I bothepolice. Just-as.be left to do-thi 4 a , , ' bhree detectives 'entered, 'the., shop an �d4 orime.� He also.paid the. following eloquent - .1 .� tribufb to Gladstone:'"No nobler. States. � I Who wiali­tb�.be Iled.,as members. The , , enro . AtSlaiashelearog'the piogr& I ,th me 01 the 11 � Gover'' ment he is both 3urprised, and grati- 'Shot ,-�nd citps,.and: struck dow ' . one the n of ' I I . . . . 1. I � , 'I . -1 leged destroyers'of his',happi ness V n - ' I I .1 � I I. , . .11 I 1 . t` , At s, recent Mae iDg of Jhe-Edinburg] . � . 11 irreated the, man on s � uspicion. At the' . Police oMoe'he for the blood on . . - - . Man' has' -risen ,in our day thari "Mr. Wit& � Stone. ..(Ap'plauid) 'He Btand.;wiffiCount I acards Contain hostile raferiineies'to the pl , ii � � astla" officiaI&':and'to'ih6 Dublin, C -d6ver' . . � n- I � fied, a �the ab�anca Of Mistaken retal I iation,L - �, � . .1 : ; , �.. ' whi6b.-Jad'fOared. *" -'� , � � . .a . . �a , a pe n th koughfiOt has %xiotonly told on ' ' rpo , is. � but,sev6ral.- The I f IV& I . "Biveraity Council, 'Professor �'Blackie a behalf of the CeItfb,ChairCommittdO State akcounted. nia clothes by saying he had, cut his hand - . . Cavburi And is greater .than be. As com , .. .. ment., It is not believed that'these placards "' ' posted by any of the.rog6lar organized � I .1 I . I I I .. I . I � � � Public Opinion... . .. story, coutiE a , r. It- ,koughnet,saiclli�'diclnot'.Plac�mu'ch.-eliaiice � � . 4 that the araount.now'fn hand wasX14,00( I ibe day before. An ugl� gash ,across, the I knuckleB bore witness -to the iruth',f thig pared with, Thier's,'Llae-:jS so patriotic-atid � � immeasurably big bujperior.both in,,wisdom­ I � 404 Societiaa'heria, bui it,As thought they , I DU�)'.' Mity� io. , i- , - , . It.is, JpropqF30d that the I I I I the statement. The Man he consid6ts' I I � C1 n imbecile" land on theselgrouidds bas,,111iiad and be ,thought.that atepA ought now to' b takeii -for making the Chair become S, fixei .hat,w itatement, but the ro-wdy � as againAt� I I .1.1 - , and in- � I public.', and_,private,z�,, morality. were put up by.,perions dpl��,sed to tbemo - - ' - nity-i-Blied who, -geeing a*f6ivorable oppqrtu, : , citizens contribute a sum - to augment the . I , � amoun t offered. by� the Goveknment� as a :a � I " skirig ,for a�'�omm , ut . a�. petitions prepared a I - 'f , - ' 'fact. After a short discussion ihe. Counci .. �&ommittee'Ao iim. He was discharged, ,as Were - also. Bailey and Harman, the prison�rB arrestec1 Perhaps Bismarck is better fitted, to guib- i a' id the stormB of War,,but he, % an empire In . ­ . . I to bring them intd.conteMpt. , . .. . I I . I .� . � arrest of tV6 asa%SgiD8 Of , . reward for Lth6,: - : '-The of tha.ge'a tence t6 i , . mprisonment. or � tionin the" penitentiar I - I I I 1. . 1� , . ­� life y-, autborizd t hand th d 1e I I I . I .. . - ,money over to the Senatus, and a proceei . � t , .n the Phoonix Park. - '' .� . .. L . I I . . � I , . I I � . I , ' is :not to�be compared witli Gladstone' as . I 13tateBmAti, coin Dosing it�nfttioil , peace. In - ,.. I I . I . . : . . I BESIGNATION OF � COLONEL HILLIER. _� : As goo ' the,� Inspector -General of n BE Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. � Burke. . . Fneinan's' Journal; thinks the Subscription . I � . I I � I I 11 . - I iiu�6it'afjb 4 :�� The- n Of tortoises into.Engla d la I ' , 'eOution of the: d6ed necessary fo to, the ex � I I . the legal .constitution �pf. the'Chai I r, so tha I. .1 A CAR RRIVER, � I I . . . I ;upposed to 'have been the man *he . drove I . HOJS an'!uneelfhE Man, Beekiug1b6 good of - 1. I I 1, ­ . - his country axid.his. race, and ,not Seeking - Constabulary , heard that.'Mr.' Treielyan, had been app , ointed Chief Secretary,16, at 1 , ought ,to - take the form'of a4u.6d forAhe � � erection in Dublin of monuments to.the. I I . is carried out under circumstances of,great ,, . � , Cruelty -1 and -a "few months ago much I ' ' � I . � . teaching might begin with the next wintb ' ' " .* . . . ,. I I a a ssion. , 4 ihe assassins to the Park, has been i6rr6eited I himself- seeking good f ---- f I ,, a 6,11 , b y .ways a , � 4 1 1 ' -sent in bis'resignatioxi., obel ,once � The c6l ' - ­ I I AiemQry:6f the. ViC.tiliaS. . . � t :.11 1 Mayor 'has MI ry-st, , lignation was e�cited'bytbe diacove 1 docks of'som'e casks of t , ortoiaes I' I ying I � . ", 1 1 . ., T ' I Idlers of the Royal, Artiller � we 6t Tuam. His description tallies.xiearly I mactly with that given by the gMe.heep6r. i . by ways, of, , peace and nol . I violence. -A 'Qlarisffan t thus judiciously. an ad big inevitablei LimnRicK, May 10—The . . 11 �issued a. proclama,tion -requesting that to-- it4e'. . , I �Inclaimed,, Many. , Of4 the'brif6rtunate , crk� ,80 stationed,� o,t:..Mauritius went out for ai . Ele calla himself Cloonan. When asked: as and a clothed. with � 4 patrio ,, ­ l6ain- Ing - uncommon .even I among the' gu�pe'rhession, not aotmiculp.aht forincohipeieBoy ' as- for',,,general old foge yiBrA. , His -had . I ' � . morrow, when the funeral of Lord T. Cjl� - ,tureg being deaV there ,were eiported� from � Mogador in 18§1 , 'thirteen barrels, - excursion along ihe,shore, in,'a little shif Th6y'mvere, caught ifin, Strong.. current, an ro his movements since Saturday night be . vas unable to give any satipfactory account sch6l &jB'­ of our day. A man - of become': a fossilized, " CaBtleite," �. and . 'the a ace be obee s a day Oj enilish tak s. pl i r .1, , � :, . general mourning. - : I . containing. about 43 000 tortoises.'� Thek' I I a carried 6ut'into tfi' ­ Indi . an.Ocean, whiir I if himself, or to afford any sufficient . I - reason Spotless hoy�or,be Stands upon the highest place of earth higher Ahan the. � throne labored. under the - delusion tbat :organ izaiio n and discipline aiid, effective. , I . DETROIT, Mieh.j May lii'�tbe Dos�roft . , , I - ' . -wretched , aninialS, r says, the consul a, t that �1.a., are 'packed in ba 'I 'a tbe�,drifteioi about'for nine � days' withou :food or �kliytbing, to dri'uk except �rai. or his. presence in Tuam, where.he is, 6.om. � . )lately unknown Howas-Atoncebrouglif , which hd� Serves. " A man' ivitho ut Violence ; I � ' the con'stabiil�ry left nothing' Bess ,of . , . � I 'a' America braribb'of the,'Land.Leaguq� of", . ­­ - . i st-even' 1eld a.meatting at Guildla'all. W "g' , . r closely r q s ani Sent.withoiit any food on a voyage of about . r water. :ODO.6voiutually diedfroni exh6uE I � mck here, and *has' been. remanded for 6,,di-�lbinatistwithout'guil6,,'m.16a der with- � - b ' - -1 I enas; '6 States I 1. _% . . u persona man ,carrying -0 to be- desiied., . ,It is, Said th at diB- . I ­ . tinguishobet artillery offiedr, -whose ideas are ­­, . The ba I 11 'Wag fiIlO&-­Raiol&i8fiS - w 11 a , r , a - . -three,'weeksi-duration. -­Iltany of--them,,.!t04,. irequeD'tly,die,6n the voyageiand'slaould 'a' the Aurvivor was at'last thrown on t - f7R�­­"'-­ ­ i--of7-tfi-,B:'IBiin­a-o d --- tbe,coas eu.nion; an wa urtber inquiry. The police consider this' , 1. : , . in important arrest. , , . into public I& the c6no6ieneeof a Christian I � � ., uptothoSeoloAtioderu times,"andwhocan imously, adopted expressing the abhoi-' -unit" . I . __ rente in Whichi id common. w6th all civil� batr I n a el b6o5oixie, offensive ,its Conte ta ar I . propdrl-v cared for, by� I the Consul. .The, . I . . . . �, :-� OTHER SUBPECtS. -.1 . I . and the -instincts ,of.' a'- gentl�ixian. I Id down .' a If he $bail ' go , W , discriminatd between a policeman and a -� a I to.the. Vacant post. soldier, Will be appoint c .1 � - ized people,. the m6mbeipof thos-Aadie6l , . - , tbrowl ovarb 6�rd'At.the sbip`jPer"s fiia'k and' la . -very uusatisfab 1A 6n Ayibg fish, and. being -followed a) a . � the Way by monster Sharks, who �wer . . I .1 A telegram from Milford Haven, Wales, here, I . . � � Should I - i6new. � In our . (lay', the l of the 'anci6iii I day ' . . I 11 . I :, ,, I I . . i ,. 1 . I . . � � THE,, 14EW REGIME. ' . , ' ' ' "' ' and gentlemen'k Land League of Detroit I I . ­ . I held the assassination of Lord. F. Cavet- � expellSe..."ItiS, e&ddB, a - tory. � ,gC trade, being-smalli inespable. of, lax I nearly,level with the,boat, inuBi have ha� time'of it � I ... ,� � 1. I . I tas arrived stating.that the'po'lice � ,of' . . . hat place -a chief I port.of .embarkation '. . - "thOg"'r6at,law.-giver andl I �When' leader oi -, 11 11 L ' . .z IV i Ir. Trevblyan's a'pipiointment is w011 .. ' ' ' ' eVejYL a] Ireedived by DO except -the CastIO di.b and Mr.- Burke"at ,Dublin, Ireland. ." Thei6 ]aleo-assemiDlad' � Pit the of, ih�61viug an immdnse�affiod' t developihiailt-�i 11 of crualty to numbers , of: helpless and- harm- I I eirible . , � 11 at I I . .. ' , � .... I ' pays E uatind -kate The Prinae'of Wales I .., . I or Annerica-and easily -reached ir6m' . . Vaterford, a city on a branch of the'Great ,. Israel, ,having 6ondiicted his people throtigh I I . .. the desert_cam6 to',the 'bordbrs of the I 11 ` 0 "I iallY,in ffi6ials.', -Inthe:ptiblic6fliedn'4�eSpee L , , parlors tlieCatbolic Unio"n''litat evening a'larlga' ' I less animals and, � yicldiug� n6 embetantial I. I I �:. . I I . �7 �, r_ '� . I in the,Londoh World I must have. w' ward I � ' robe large as Mr. or-any� otbe ko 'a' 11 1. , Uthei"Woosteiii"Hiiii-E&ve krres-fe' .9 . I i ii I : � pr rai A land and died:.: th � �t Oiatckixig 0 ISO Wi oat 11 I therein. ' 'Gladstone will.havb brought the I thb�Constitbulary department, there Will be,a: � .1 I -� I . I . 11,1121, ageu- U'ig'e­S`h'_h'__­"_' p� 6filib"diy"'boffies and , h . 4 Ing u . I . . number. of the most, prominent cifizens of - - ' DeAk-6it-aictiveily liAe'r6g,tedin'the Irish 'Cause.' Trofit. . _. , ,., � �, ­` t , , �, I I -­A� sympathizer. with ifiose Who are abuse1 as ,Irving ,; -quite asInual theatrical stai, and must be, 'epa4:­a i, ­­­,_._,__, , 'At' uspiciouB character. His appearance, is I I . g.atinst hini And when' compar6d.�with *'handbills Englishandthe Rislipeople, . . , �o the. very eral remodelling4 all through.,, Lord Spencer was always p rB greet;.fiim - opulai A n d -cheei The object of the meeting was, to -d'enoun6e the dastardly dedd,peipetrated.a few days faif liking tobacco writes t6 "a, London paper to show that A-iB a natural* and cofiapara- r .it, 11 0 AresBer." PC t9m6utI he appeared the, first day. in' a v6luntee on ;lie describing� the . . - asaseans, givo�s every color 'to -the 'auppo. , ,poundsoffiberty.andAied Without beiBg, * '' ' ' permitted to go, over. Who can avert it I ' - , I , . . Whenever .he appears in public. .Ele, was, � . - loudly obeered tb.day as he� drove home on since i � n. Phoonik Park,,Dablin. Resolutions were adopted. unanimously approving the . I . I 'tively', harmless luxury. . 'Th ,; I I � , .e� interesting, -part of�bis appeal is where he Shown the" . uniform - at,'the review, he' was. in: ibi 11 �Ci�il Service­CorlJs , ; th, unifoinalof the , . I ition that he may have been one of the xnur� ,erers. He crossed the sea in a stenna non' ck� butOod afid the' p6ople.7 It is for.ust standing iu� our place ta. exert w.true - Coming from -a Privy Council meeting in u the ad gdatiments expressed i , dresses of I � gth ]of the appetite : * , oi In Mrs. strain I I I . same htIsa*him,atG9vernm6ntHous in 1119 ale of.a officosr. the tui rel boat, and refuses to give any, account. , . i . himself. Christian i nfluence to the full for -England and to. full- for Ireland, -to the Castle.", He liaei� issued'striat orders to, , the police to.act'liigg- on haphazard An , Charles Stewart Parnell, Johd Dillon and .. I . 'Michael Davitt... �11 0 Bkassey's intereatifig diary' f bar voyage I ii�%IaeSuribeaiia, she Says of the C%noo red general _H, . I � I,.' can On Q009,Bibli turn Out AS 'Sri admira _j ' I Another auspicious ,I ' ing. Can, an American, has' be 8 toeod on arre � ,t . -the , pour', I out our prayers tbat" He tha I ea t gu'd the destinies haB arresting suspicioug-loohing, persons,' and . �_ I . . . on examining evidence against Hap- ,� It., bain ' ' non ' ad that son.of the g an Be 4 Right 'HOD. Huggh Childers; Secretary ,of , Indians that they Came alongside shouting . . . I . I which was given theni in ex- Ruarasman,,A - hiissar, ,a Highlaiider,',i * . 3 flowing robes -of an Indiai Uhlab or in th4 . .. . 3astle Bellingham, and, another in�Silll', � a I of nations, He L who been � . � V igns .the , , burne, the American Irislaman in�custody, I in L State for W the British, Cabinet, Was Sr . ,lVa,bacoT � . change for SkinB ! and they then 'took off' naman or a J rajdh,'Ibossibly of B"'Chi ap. J.Ouxity Tipperary. The latter' first gave US name as Harris, a,nd . Subsequently as . oye a I I , I all in Slot efuktherance of justictiaitid, ' gav .orders for his immeditite release. * I . a I . ..., I -1 I I . . prevailed � upon. to address' I .present; hewas . , .. in,amannerbighly . those tb d'clamored'for I I ey,were wearing an toba6coi and finally the wo man 'With There;iB a fearful rixtuorfrom-San Fran . Cisco to the effdct that an elovator boy a ?ierce. He declared himself 6, n . .1 ative of Aoudon, and afterwards r give' Bet le o er,df that great a pire which we - all love. ad sav' the. neon I . God gave The Jl�cwlina in 1,,ondon. ' �. . I . - I . I I . the mdeiing, and.did-so gratifying. He said.he. feltat a lose what -_he ,more ; ' ihem'partedwitli .bar So le garment for a . . , . IS, 6 Hotel Was obliged .to, ask Wr the Pa a - il efused, to , . my other information. - He ,ivas � also - ae God save i England and 6'tIau&: 'Irelan�d : LoxDox, feeling, of' May 10.-�-Tbe. , the London Irish towarda'-thii bereaved Lady eo Was tosayupou-Buch an",occasion, r almost 'Biuposfied at the shocking event I 4 obacco.7 . � . � little m6re,t . �: � . .1 � . . I 1 I ., in � of'' tb6 delay remo 6 his hat as -therl 08car Wilde to V Were ladieg in.tfie iift-.'�. - IS this the glaw emanded for Juither examination. At donaghan, likewise, two men ha�6.bderi � S a an . d I God save Ireland from the-,hatid of oppression an'd' from her I . 'which I . F rederick davendish'is' 1horoug"bly sympa-. ,thetic. . The -IrAh women of this city .which was being discunBe& , Speaking as' ,The -greater portion : western -transportation (says a. corre a. I i of fagbi6pi and the mould of form 2 I . . . &ken into custody. These are only - �thb irst-fruits the 1 own hand, and may the mercy He , . . g . ives -to I tb I is great continent on the Yeg-. .toorday sent a M&gnificeut wre9th Of flowers Pin Englishman, his hea'ktfelb sympatbios wareo with the afflicked Irish. ' He pictured �ondent) hiid been at Hullock, Minne6qta, Where the- steamer bad cOm6 alongside tb6 On Good Friday -the parish priest' o: * Inbach� near Krems, inLower Austria, aE of proclamation. Many nore arrests. will be made, its the police � 11 goi� B s,�f the prayers of every emigrant for Wi g to.be placed, on.the coffin bfLordFr6derick . Cavendish at thdfuneral to.'morr6w, a 'd'*t Ireland and England'as two sisters mourii� , . I I rowing out a. � plai train, and ,tb n n ecing to his congregation, and had jaw . ,. "We"InUst . iave received orders to arrest all tramps LUd vagrants who fail to account his own land unt ' il all the'earth' Shall dwell together in Lit settled-peacoswith a love light' - '-. � , n I � '19 , SUICL a deputation from, some of, the Nit- ' M ML tUal affliction, and hop ad ing over U that from this, an apparent great Calamity, ' her load of pas'aeng�rg, and then - making ' the submerged flatg had her way across uttered tbb' war ds, all. dib" wb6a be sank dow'n-and 6xpired. � " . * ` I t" . satisfac.. orily for their movementg duribg the past , hre days. The Y'st * 11 . �Oprisad from Over ar. - , . I , ' ' . . DUBLIN, May .10.'-l" At ,faul �' b t est d6. tional lodges will godown to. participate* in I I . 0 .. �h performance of-the.Ittat sad rites . thereWould arise' .an: understaDdi4 f,bat I - I would laa& to the ' healing of. ii,IL'wounda reached the''Red River I , down which She 6 the, 0. P� R. train thi 8 had brought them t' I - .. I : I ­�­-- , �­ -----7---__1 I 1. . . I I ? authorities' Virtually AMU they have but a v6ry.lpooiclue to vork on, but still they scribes,the mental condition of. the police . I a . I'd the Castle at pra6ed: wit I h � 'detectives are in constant communi. . The . . catioh With Dublin; and, it is believed, ha ve . ',. The able an at thb head of now open in � I Government had not lost his the British, . . I . side of Emersiin.,� WhiletbiByWere waiting atRull6c'k bread had gone ap .to fiftk cents, . - , I N_ . "' . Tpf 1. � � J'A�11 tT:I,(;. JT�,E D I 0 . I '1' '­ are sanguine of wing able to secure their men, and all�tbo I nore as a handsome reward is offered. , - , . . I., I .., .authorities I respect to the assassins of the late L Chief and.Und6iSecretary. Arr6stioliave, I indeed - I 1 been made, but in most of the cases there, i6ceived,ayidgiven'-Some imp6rtant.Atifor- It. MEL 1011., The life - of � Earl Spencfr, rumor' 'has it, is to be taken the first donve iiient head amidst all this, and he felt sure ther6 � I Was lfght in -the futur*O.' � ', . , 1. . . v Tii6-iTltEAL,MMYIO,-'UhiE!.�eve'ningamtlssI . . ' I f (I f , kind were per oa�, an prIvisions a evgry . t- ' 66"that the. 66stof proportiong, ely ear, thejourney, to people, eoming-in, Willa their ' - � ' ,,�,_ I , -1 E - � �- . _% ...­ ­� , " .4 � I - 11 - 1�__ - I '—, , 41-- ­ - ­' TL 1_�71' 11 5- � I I . NIA �, ­ , THE MYSTER10 US CAR - . . has,be6n absolutedy Do ground t 0 go upon, .pL­ rtnuity, whicli'may turn , upi-perhaps, the to the ,Queen meeting .of Iiishme'n� was held in the ­ air ex. families very greatly exceeded th I. pea", . ...- , k L, , /!' _-, [ '. .. ... ,,',�,, I �, /,_�. � ,""', � ' ,:. - . ,,1 , . , i� ' Mi. , ni which the murderers drove and Which - vas supposed to b ' 'been ,or so little its -'not to'have justi Emol, taking on occapion-6fbiB visit or � 'when be iel� M'the funeral� - . Tbe'train, Con " Mechanical Hall, the chair beiug,taken. by , Mr. Murphy.- The L Was well ,tations. . � �, . . � � I . I I � - , I I - �" �r �, . - ,ft�. , , � , i Z - - � ��t B' t,, � �4 N b.. � " - 81 RVE -, ­­ _­ --;-- ��, ,,i-- ­ - Says .. �'The l� The London Worl� ysaytbat Mr. Brown, as seen on" the box bf "'Her ave ,seen'shor.tly� Oterwards going at a furi . One pace West. any Of the men into Custody. , , . All the Irish seaports, are being boost � I taining ,the: -Cabinet 'Ministers iB to be. down Edward roo . filled:and .among. tbe'-speakers Were Dr. I I .. , ' . I � I I It in a Sure, prompt ,and Effectual rem6dy,foi vard, has ladon traced to Leixllp, about fan niles off to the northwest of Dublixi'. carefully watchod;:as are those i � n, England to which the wreck , ad as they go to' Derbyshire; . Chester Castle'is'again to be attacked ; the W. H, Hingston,-W; Clendenning, Donnis. - Barry and others. The utna6ni- d'etentation, kajeety's carriage,'arrayed i4 the garb of I Nervousnesg in ALL its Stages, Weak. Memory Loss of -',Brain Ilow6f,' Sexual Prostration, Nigbi Elere thn supposed asBasaine alighted and packets from Irelan4 gpneridly� ' Since _Q1teen's, life is not safe; Dill -these. and. other, I horror, 6,nd 'regret were expressed at the, Ilia native country, witoabi�'Scotoh` bonnet * Sweats, Spetmatoriliceit,4 S6mixoal Weakness and Power. It, NervonE Ind drinks all round.. Tbeii appearance,. 61. 1 Bail. ': ithe days of, V enia� . Watch has 'not been � Alem. such'a I - kept'at Holyhead sis. ' � more or less Sensational reports ,are fl i Yllag the Said, be the- � . murder, W' hich the speakers believbd no- Ieplac6d by a hljgb pith "llelmet, was an � object of the. dre�tpst inteiioOt to - till, Abie' General LoBB of repaird R , t tbe,JsdedIhtelloet,Strdn,,th Waste, ej�,vena an - the' iifoebled�Braln 6nd,Rutbr as guy "S of men in. 8, state of Int enec,anxiety, tud as Soon as they had �roofreahad th6m., � no is' W. ', There Same talk of. Sending to London , about) and policc,aie to . on lopkmout for. - the, attempts - and 'the 'at- , 1�' an u could samciently,*6tigmatize. �%lage � ' � Res lutions embodying tbeso viewsWere . ie neigliborh"06d Of people in th .1 � - on ONErising Torte.'&ncl Vigor to � the Ethhusteo] " 1. . I ;elves they again drove furiously '.off., it - aBsistance, as for' furbbel, .. teleg= from this ', tax, to, . I I . I : I . p rs. I . 1, . paeged,'ag were also others ofsympatby �uxi,ry aind,many,still labor un Cut ... der the , e enerative'orgars., The x'p' f1bou ( ne larience a sande proven it an Inval al) e Remedy. The ins sine a been still further traced back I -to' th . a . Iby, warning a critics -there, Chester � I I , . . I , A. CURIOUS ARREST - With the relatives of the aeceased gentle; idea, ths; be is the Lord mayor." , , , t .�. I me(li�jI16 in pleasant to. the taste, and eitobbl,% . Inchicorb, a little to the,'southweat' of Oublin-a 'the and. at to be on thblook6ut not Only for thesupposed c � I I has been'effected at Southp6kt, inlitnea.. .men at the same ,'time - expressing whope �iunaux girt, mairrieg She, When: an Esqu 1. Of he hair the tOP- r.husband's contains Sufficient for two "Weeks' habollORtioll . - I boot. aaaalsibeclicapostand . I stopping pla , ce on - Great 3bilthefn and Western -line, tlienae .it ,was assassins �. but 'also for, the defence: of the port and Castle, aroe calistAntlY being Shire, a very Irish and Fenian 'centre. A' young Irishman h , as informed th­e� police O' E J ,tha,t'the tbirible event', w6uld,bot prevent 'the'Brifish 6oveitiment from'carrying out buts the off and. plaaeg.�t '_,;L*'r , beadi rolls it up'. int6 a ball , . 11 I 'U111 _pftti6ulaXG iu.o,ur pan*hlet, W,Wch I , desire to mail free to any addredd, , , I - , won purguing the SaMO course t6warag Naas. There all traceg �, are I " ' fi . : oa,t, and i is 1 yphosr despatch fr6in Londoni . that place that , he. was �� Olt ,, ered�-2100 in bubIG ' 'to "at its programme With -,regard td4reland ad, I I I . Wad Upon. ", . Upon the side of her bead,,Oombing kerrown: - hair over, it, , When his' bftiLr hag grown . Innelki" 1111nignetie ftledicine ,is, sold. � drugqipto at 50 US, par box, or 1% boices for 55,�, "I 11 men took the tip train at received ,here, to-dety by'AU Castle authori. lieO, was Considered so ominous that *its % .few ... days ago assist the assassination of IG6r'd- Frederick Cavendish proviously,r,es,o : .1 . � . I - I I . I ' . . . htt8 6 r, again, she again buts it off -and - 611 Or wi I be mailed, free,of"Ii0stage an reaefp the inonen-byadolkesding. , : _ ,the .1 unrid9d. getting back to Dublin at about " 10 O'clock at night. Officets are - ar �agglag contents have ,not. been, divulged. One (it itS'appareat results is that few, r Le � , and.T_TnderaS6dretarY tuik , but had re- fused the'ofter. He he , I I The Chicago ,:L nues adys : I., Arthur is President f ber1ead- Aftershe Jor the other Side a , . _ he like 910 been, warried eight or teh years S , bV I . L , ., AnvU!,ii; Ananedc-Memelne'Co. I ,,, I - ,. ; . . Windsor, Oat., canflo, , - . bhe river in the I neighborhood of Chtipelizod 1� _ within a minutee; of' its, having 'boon ie'deived ani also sayglhat - can, place his hands �on. the assa 'ns. , I Set The. voted to be the handpornest A within tbA rnArnorir of ibui vaneration." � , formiclable,chignon�-', , , ­ ' �1, I I I . I 11 I Soldb!-,:�Il druggists ev r' rc. ,. � - , . . , e Ywh I a � I I I -1 'I', . � I . � - I I I I � . i - '. 11 I . , ... 11 .! . I ". � � I � . ­'­ _1­,� ... ­ � I I I . � I I : I ,. " 1. r -­- � � I I" i , . I I I . . � I � - . . I � s , I . . I . . . , :�. I I I , , .1 I I I I I . � . 11 . I . . 11 1, . I I I I I - I I , i . � '. I . . I ,� . I - � I . �_ �, I I � I 1. . .1 . i�� I . I I �. -, .­ , , , , , I I . . I � . . , I . . � I _ , , �. � - ! . � 1 0 1 � ., 11 i I . � . . . . I : �, I I , . I � � � . � , " � . �j , ,, , . i ,. ­ I I I I I . , . I I — - ,_V� : 1� r� I . , � I , : ,! I � , , I " � I � I ., -, � : . , � " � , - ." I �. ­ I I ,_,�_­. � . 1. : '! I I '] -,' .;J. . I ! , � , . "', _.'i��,�� � ­�'_:_ �11_ I 11, - __ � .� , , I i I , ,�� I ,, �2 � � .. � ": I ,,� I I . I I .1 I � I , . I �', , i I � . � - � I I I . I I I 11 ! _ 1, . I . � I � - I 1. ­! - � � , - 1: I .1 I 1. I I I