HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-18, Page 6ei41e 1 ittert15 x-enis.. Old Curiosity Shop -11, kbster.R Co. Queen's Birthday—W. Jackson. Legal—Manning & Scott: money to loan—planning & Scott. Poundkeepers sale—A. Hthen. . Painting—Geo. Potts. Slaughter in prices—T. Jackson. May trade—Pay & 'Wiseman. Executors' notice.—A. Rumball. Chemists & Druggists—Watts & Co. Victoria Bakery—J. R. Kennedy. Tenders wanted—d. C..Stevenson. Fresh goods—J. 0uningham_ e. Servant girl wanted—New Era office., cow wanted—R. Irwin. Milch «iintn THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1S82:, _. 4: it is now known that the elections will be held between the 20th; and 2"5th of June, with a probability :that the • 22nd will be the correct day. The government organs are making the announcement, so - that it is not likely to be tier astray. REFORM I ' CONTENTIONS. and moved over; alt owing to the conform- , ed landregulati;ous;",these were his ex- act words, yet Mr,'Porter -.now has 'the hardihood to say there has been no exodus of any importance. GERRYMANDIMER AGAIr. for the constable has informed the inhabi- Apparently not satisfied with the first• tants that - he will be aroundjnext week slashing -up they gave this 'county, the Two suspicious looking characters were government have again gerrymandered it, around' last week, and constable Davies with the deterrttination. if possible, ssible to watched them pretty closely, and he nab - , e one foipretending to he diem, and make two of the"Ridingssure. for Govern- cutting' u j>. He was: sent to' Goderich by ment candidates. They have changed the Squire Wilson f'or 20 days. names of the constitnencies to East West The License being taken from Mr. DLY,TU. . The Sabbath School concert last week passed off well, nearly -1115 realized fpr, the gdiod of the Methodist Sabbath School. The infant class and Fred Lawrene.e's.re- citation pleased the auclienee remarkably well. - The back yards are being, cleaned, 'up, . and South the. diflerent.Ridings nay' being 'Thorne he h'as,)vebe]ieve,engaged a place �at Seaforth, to open * a: wholesale ,liquor composed as folteilw's : • - estabiishinenf. - E HURON \V HURON S HURON-. Howack Ashfield Hallett Dr. Sloan is' around, "feeling not 'the Turnberry E:Wawanonatural >ulsg but the sh McKillop 1 political pulse: Morris W. •. Seaforth i' The Methodist church, Sunshine; has Grey Colborne; Stanley purchased an organ. and formed quite a \'4 Ingham Goderich Bayfield Tackersmit } 'Hay. promising ,choir. They/do' well for, new Brussels Goderich t'p 1 beginners. The special quarterly meeting Blyth Clinton r last, Sabbath, was well attended.'. The Wroxeter pastor preached from 111yservant Caleb. Exeter village and Stephen township• SOUTH iniRoh:. Aineetingel Reform delegates, to select a candidate for the South Riding of Huron, i'or'.the approaching Deminion election, will, be held at McLaren's hotel, Clinton, on Friday May 26th at 11 o'clock 'arm.— ;I The'representation. will be four delegate's from each polling sub -division. }VEST RIDING, - A meeting to select a candidate,for the West Riding,• for the approaching Domin- ion election; will be held at Goderich, on the 23rd inst. 1iour delegates to repre- sent each. polling sub -division. CONSERVATIVE. WEST rnURON. - A•meeting will be held at Smith's Hill, next ]1Ionday, to select k candidate for, this riding in the Govern'inent" interest,. in the House of.Commotis. CLINTON'S 'BUSINESS PROSPECXS. have been placed, in North Middlesex. 1 The 'iutention'of the last "-cut` up". is to make the West and Last Ridings safe, ler Conservatives,' while the South ;wi;1.1-iYow have a `Reform majority. of about- 700. The Governinent .are evidently acting on • the assumption that jthere is no such thing as public -opinion, or 'if. there. is- ,• they- will set it at defiance. How. any person can honestly. defend the course of the Government • is something we cannot understand. The highwayman Who...gags •lirs victim and then robs him-; is denoun- ced. as a villain' of the lowesttype, but the politician who tries a similar gamic, is.calledi "a clever fellow." Here. people have for years been . accustomed to know their Ridings as North, South and -Centre, and after acquiring this knowledge, it is all undone, and requires to, be learned. over •again. Imagine the township of Hullett''being changed .from the Centre to the South Riding—the thing -is .more ehon absurd.°] We do not wonder that strong;, language is used in denouncing the in iquitous transaction,,andwe are glad to see that some of those whooall themselves Conservative,; in this; neighborhood; are. ashamed of it anddenounce it. ' The-ut terances of the Globe one this. point; should be carefully pondered .by every man who. has the -spirit. of "honor or fairness' within him, and areas follows c • But the •climax Of shamelessness was; reached in the case of the PIurons. Will it be credited that theseridings were- re gerrymandered :for the third time? The first attempt having failed to deprive Mr. Cameron of his majority, a second was de- visedwhich seemed to .answer.thepurpose, Get, your s.) as the returns, of the last 'election could' be relied: upon: But,down. comes a depLttation of '.Tory wire pullers with the disappointing news that, owing'to' changes- of sentiment in'one partof the.constituency- the .second deal would'' prose, ineffectual to accomplish its- obJect. Hence, .with -a; shamelessness which showed' how perfect was his reliance upon his majority, Sir John commenced the shuflie.de novo, and hassuceeeded in removing 11ir.'0iu ieron''s" riding fifteen miles a aya y frons; him at the nearest. point 'The result is the division' of a;coiin.tyt_wliichis umnistakably Reform- ' inta eform-:into three ridings, two of which, .on:.;the; basis, -'of the last -elections; have Tory era jerities of 108 and 117: respectively, While the third has :l Reform majority -of 684! Will `an y. one, after that, have the hardi- hood to deny'that'the. redistribution is -an'. outrageous. .gerrymandering,?, ,Strrelythe eitizensl'of Huron will show at :the polis' I that they have the spirit to , resent being, thus ipad'e'the chessmen ofpolitical'gariie-' stern u4k• �U1'1'L'EiIIEM!P. The supplement,. issued this week in connection with the Ni,w LRe ,will -be found to contain a large amoint-of 'infer matibnof special importance •to, the tam ',payers' of the Dominion i ► A SAN' 1 taexcisCo paper is` , authority for the'atatement that 24,000 Chinese are exiiected to lame tin British—Columbia: to be employed Onthe Canada Pacific Rail way, by the 1st- of August. \'Vliat think thelaberers'of CAnada'of that? The very rapid strides that Clinton.has made during the past year have - been a in matter of surprise to people residing here,. and who have been accustoured, only to slow and steady development, and al-.. though this subject has been referred to• a number of times before, we refer to it again as we wish particularly to• impress upon our townspeople one point, andthat is, that to a certain extent they now have- in their own hands,-the—permanent making of it as the most important and influential -town in this section. We are. in a position to assert that the volume of general business transacted here, since the lst of January last; is greatly in excess..of that of any other place—West of: Stratford, or north of London, and our, assertion is supported by tire trafii:i .returns-,of the - railways, which here he-railways,whichhere show alar ,e, in and also by the evidence furnishedby the books of our business mer. In order, therefore, to elerrv.e alt the lie=` nefits which the advancec'lposstrou t1e ,of town entitles it to, our" business -• men should lose no opportunity of keeping themselves and the place iii whieh they'. reside, prominently and continuously be fore the public. The town is now known far and wide as one of the most prosperous in'the west,, embracing all the advantages that could. be desired both as a place of •residence and for business, and our business.. men, , who are fully alive to the advantages they possess, should make (hat use of them: which will permanently-establisli_Clrntoii:_ as the centre of trade for this entire see - tion pf ection,of country. " Union is . strength,' and nowhere more so than inthe building up of the varied interests of a place as important as lanton"fixe �ro�V'"n";tp T)c wit AT TIIIKK V.Qlf' Otr •1'a'-?' .I'-lere is an extract :froth Mr: Porter's "Address to the electors" in ]87S.:.1'Ve ack'our readers what they think': of it, `es compared with the 'results :— "There is an item - to' be con.sidereil that is not in the trade returns, but you: can supply it .from ineniory. L?oiy many sons and brothers have leftyear, homes, how many neighbors and acquaintances have left your, riding to'' find employment in the ilnitecl States." And in his platform tittercnces 11.1 Per_ ter conveyed the -impression that this state of things woulcl be remedied ander the present government. What are the real. facts of the -ease. ' Why, that for the year ending 30th June, 1880, the United States authorities claire that the immense num- bet of 91),4411 Canadians entered that coun- try, by way of Port Huron alone, as actual. settlers. These are official figures, and cannot he successfully refuted. Let any of our doubting readers ask any of the officials of Goderich township,_ where the,. most of those who left that township have gone to, and sec if the answer is not " To Dakota." ' A gentleman who has been a resident of Ivlanitob'r ^for'nine years, said in our office the other day, that "1:)alcota was al' indit entirely a Canadian State; many of the settlers around llun had rimed, tip, \Vq a tants.=In Clinton,'on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. J. 3. Williams, stationer, of a son. Jeo sor.—In Clinton, on the 13th inst., the wife of Alr. John Jackson, of a son, Et/ow-15.1-4n Stapleton, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. I3rgwu, of a son. MARRIED. SIoTanas--DAvinseN:=On the 3rd inst.}, at the residence of the bride's father: by the Rev. 11. W. Leitch, Mr. Stephen Stothers, of Clinton, to Miss Sarah E., second daugh- ter of Mr. Bobt.'Dsvidson, of Dungannon. DIED. Crvioirsx:isx.-YnClinton, on -the 15th inst., Alexander George, son of, Mr. , C., Cruick shank, aged 18,years,11 months and 20 days. WALKER. --On the Bayfield road, Goderich township, on the'12th inst., George A,, .son. of Mr. Robt. Walker, aged 22 years and ^6 months. Morrary:—Id Tuokeromith,on the `11th David -Moffatt, aged 69 years. DroxsoN.—In IVleK.illop, ton the 1-1Eh inst., John Dickson, aged 62 ,11I years, father of Mr. Chris. Dickson, Clinton. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - .7 MISTS'& DRU�.�'iGIS _Albert Street. Clinton. The public willfind our stock of medicines complete, warranted :genuine, the' best quality. � ollLT:SOAPS,PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES,:TrussEs,S:I'o- ES,: AND,'ALL ;IKINDS.:OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES LTSUr1LLY KITT 'TNA 1'IRST 'CLA,5S''DRL?G; STORE. and of r I - rde apiwrzio cies? .Z'ro . rzetors The T , g , l `� 1 1 ''•`will be in c m lete�-rulinln olclera in rhe�ew.Woolen.Z1s o p y -afew days. There is little prospect note that the .mur- derers of •Lord Cavendish ant i . Burke will be discovered, as all traces of them have been lost. The crime will take its place in rhtsiory �as ORD—Of the. most re— markable as it was one • ofthe most atro- cious ever perpetrated., Until after the Conventions are held, it is little use prophesying who will run in. the .different Ridings, ,as eandidates'oii either side. .A'number of names have al- ready been mentioned, but the publication of names, under .the 'circumstances, we deem inadvisable, and await the' result of Ia-Several conventions: — - o•o►—mow The suit between General Hewson and Sir John Macdonald is like Bancho's ghost, "it will not down." Notwithstand- ing the evident attempt of • the chieftain' to.burke proceedings in the matter, the General is still pressing his shit, aa he quaintly remarks himself, "with the p'l'ril- osophy of one who knows how to wait." The value of Montreal property has de-' preciated six, million dollars, and the pop ulation fallen by eight tlrorrstiiid', Since the introduction of the N.P. , itis thought to be with facts as -these -that are ,hastening the elections a year before their time. -- The government ime.-The•goyernment know that; bad the peo- ple ' timeto become acquainted with all these facts, they would very likely consign theist ;to the cold shades of the, opposition x•rde df the hoose. Full (particulars 'melt week. Wool Ready, i they will buy CORBETT 66 BOLES, CLINTON. F 000 0` d .0101 d �•:0�ea a thio , n, a . and: daps Boots ands- Shaer -:04L "oa s Below :. ..Cos w Sellln� AT THE Sign of t' �Ze Red F'l�. WRIGHT'S H` 'S OLD -STAND. he public are cordially invited: to call and amine goods .: and -prices. G- E J. 33.A.X1-,vz, CLINTOw antle Materials:. TLE I3LA-GK MAN SATINS BLACK MANTLE SATIN DE LYON. BLACK MANTLE -GRO..-GRAIN-.SILK BLACK ,MANTLE -BROCADE SILK. BLACK MANTLE CASHMERES. L v .T .^' , ..; try BLACK MANTLE CLOTHS light 'fi L �fine makes, plain an� - twilled:, • COLORED MANTLE CLOTHS, nice colors.-, Maltle.. Fringes; Mantle Ornaments, Mantle Frogs, Mantle Buttons, -Mantle Laces. MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. Correct in fit, correct in cut and :style, .correctly trinimed. Our Mantle Maker knows her business "thoroughly,- and` we can assure our customers', per-... Oct satisfaction. Kindly place your orders for Mantles. aPATRONA.GE SOLICITED. This Department is the most, excellent of its k iudjn the coun- ty. ` .:The. NoBLIz ST M i.LJNEBY in : town. Pretty Hats, pretty. Bonnets; "Flowers, Feathers,. Laces, Ornaments, Silks, Satins, Brocades, . 1Vlories, Sash :Ribbons Sashes ready made,, with embossed ends and fringed., Ribbons- of -all- kinds., GOODS and PARASO- In immense array; at the Dress and Silk AVai'eliouse of Huron. THE DRY GOODS PALACE OF CLINTON. JOHN • `HOD GENS.` This department is now under the management of So well and so favorably, known T ?SV I) , e Our stock is one of' the largest and best selected in town, consisting of Scotch, English and Canadi- an `makes, anadian.makes, Worsted. Coatings, Serges, &c. , 'SUITS .ITAD TO {ORDER and entire satisfaction,- SuaraJtee� E i? ITS';-: Having made special arrangements with one of the Largest dealers in Carpets,' we are enabled to offer 1 by far the largest variety in town. .A11�lr o - o , Union, , , and; Tapestry. American :Cottoriades Shirtings, Printed Piques,: � e a good' valu. by direct importation and of special Colored. Carpet Warp at $-1.75 per bundle. - I-3[:A:Th A Z`' I➢ C A..T STOCK FULL ANI) WELL ASSORTED. Boots and ; Shoes, Croel ery and Glassware." GIE OC :RJOB S'« R AT PRICES .,DEFYING COMPETITIO COATS &SON, CLINTON,