HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-11, Page 7I�14 . ce for $5;per acre, and has gone -to Par- TEA, Aii LEOiURE.-;�,61 Sau6y, :�Ist lin4ford to work 46 blackswithiug, :S just., two sermons will.be p��gched in. the The roa a, are in very, bad state at pi
rnoon, At, a ofit, v . B. C..Chiareh, lwitbe'afto Ind, Any persons in Ontario who pt our Boo A ��.80, by. Rev. W� MoDpnagh, an sed coming here right away, would do evening; pt, 6.301' by Rev. J. ray. Oil well t Ill wait for aw I e. Monday,' May 22nd,,a public tea, Will, be piovid�d, fr6m 6 to 7 after Which GOIDER'lLen TOWNSHilp., r Inois with I Ptirpheron Stallions Rev., E. Ro 'erts, of Toronto, will deliver Mr. Geo,.(3reeu, of the'.Bay- I .1 & � twal, b6a6tifu :�� , ;, I Hon$r
no of,his popular 16 t' gel& oqnc6ssiou, bit'retur6d'tiora *16RTER1�441][Lib. purchased there ; they.are only yeariolda, ,eally . oxceil�nt ammals, one be- We have'to chronicle the death of John :.but are z, 31dilifosh,'Who f6riderlyRived Within ainiie ing a dark mottled,bay", and the 'other a THE 130077� of this place, and who died t- te ae o. gray. 14 "at his late iesidelaco� 4th con., ou A daughter of Mr. Chesser, H DEALERIN,ALL KlNDS'.QF oftbe u- ron, Road di, it Wursday,, 4th 'inst., after, a � painful and A last -week, of. dropsy. Illn "was one, lingeringl ess. The'deulis6 for �of,14 to ory un a child be of,: bur firsti'settlers and was- well kn n. IF' v t Ow affli'ted with this:ailment. d Chile- 110.0ts k8hoe- as an., examp 9 I of.thrift and, indiistkyj 0 0 neddling fioier i vitli politics i or strife. 77-- lKe was a 1*ays � tiii'e ffleiid,.to the'pdor, BORN. - io 0 , and'needyt, being. generous to� a fhult.�' If, th�-Sth ink,.the wife. of r.'. Minton, of,adaugh and undefiled, betbre, God T. K.,AnAeison-, 6 'ig' e to'vigit the! fatherless 'y as ortj f,91h?ri i is TA��,-�--IuBl th, on,th: 6 inst., and, Widows ia.th6ii afflictioui. Spring v�e and� to of gob. e. d, a d n keep,himself unspotted from the world, is in MARRIED. a-sil surely I t � of being a Christiau, he,was C eoartm'ent on the'3r& inst., by the �e. He leaves .&, wid6w,' foni'sdiis'an Rev, Xr,' Bau'gh, at': the, residence of tho - three hteis.to mourn: his loss. His . X - W, R, CAST i f I I 1. � Catholic bride's father. r.. in. eily, toMizi ALL GOODS SOLD CHE AP, -FOR r�mains �:,were ;rIterred 'n the' -burying ground, Colborne, on Catherine Cartir, both of Hull�tt;� atarday. young. armer NK,� BRI DIED� 'C. T ed A has gliocessiully Itri _In on tkinat I NTON., atalle CK LOCK, CLI 'the experiment of seeding d vn- with- W 610ver.' Last harvest; after taking off the Ruraball, aged 50 �eira and 2 �;ttnt4 Y.—At AYinnipeg,on t 0,utjl� met., HIIIAI fall wheat, wheri sprin �eedink had faiI7 John Hillaby, soxi� of Geo. Hillaby, jate,: Usi of d, be sowed five pvuu- o,v —er to the ness Ch�angej Farm and Ton froperfibg, for, Sale f I Cliutpll� aged 17 years. acre, harrowed, and � rolled. it in, a this t s it has a goi�d ipp,paraja96.,. 'GOOD BARGAINS pring I It,. Tony Pustor, of New Yorktuiti, the great HE sullsc4be �Ready�, Made:- ClothinZ Mr.Dzv14':Rdb&tS'iS, in co dicsires,to thavk� his merij friends l�.That,%��il-btiiitt�ree-storybiieksi�r, ddW"ell, lanectio'n i U 1.
I i, humorist and'actor,,was signally benefittedAu Tfor tile patronage they have oi4oliftil t� him since ng, on the coiner of.Huron and Orange stre:ts, k
e�900(1, an attacli of rheurnatism:by Sti'Jacobs oil,'i nd nOwn,
with his job work, ironing o som ri, in businilss for himsejf,'and Would intimate Nouritoattle, st6re- Would he exchanged for a he'bas beei as the bill ies. McD. Strongly testified to itsilefficacy, for the.-boneflt: that he -has taken in a'partficiI in the: rop6rtYo�6i,soldcheap.6iiloiig.eredit: Mg gerion e mn. r � in the'sAw iva "171 cMULLIN. All outstanding'deco nts due him
n of Otters �uffe in,4 I ther p Hatt A' &0.aps,'� ..31 0 Y. jous fram�'dwclling house must be settled without.fuither notice or'dqlay, 2:, That large and commodj In connec ion wit i tile r 9 a sl kitchen, pantry, &c. R. W.EMERSON.� station ag6rit.':Ras parlor, 'dinin near the G.W. Railway Station, lately, occupied by the SXAF0 RTF1 9 room, eight btid� at Papers. cLx.N,reN MARKET ibo ve,j�tllo sciltscr& La , rge 6tooe cellar. idard n 0 r From the Loc t Bobts a- 'd S h 'es .,Mr. Lawrence , upp y, o Ila .O�ods�s.'ftwateiin'btiildirig. Suitedfo M Ii WIA - a1arge family., s, been for a continuance of the liberal support of Ihe'people ora bbhrdin6-hou�e. , Lately. finished r. -good' May 10, 1882., .61 Clinton. othing Will be left undone to contribute, nd in wil. spjouruingfor some *.coke past in, Dakota 66ti , 6ii'of their oust ditiw!�., Apply to the,owner, -TvIn. G. BENTLrij L or to heat, full, P 4u�b, $1 3() a, 1 32,. -to the saW omeis;.,wh*'m,ay rely on and- our � C nadiaii, North-Wdst� returned NV all orders for theat ll�ibg ,)to, TOY: find. effici6ittly filled;, tboufidersigncd�. apring, Redchaff 1 80 , 'i 3.2 b. �61;"825 Ta'ry C. Helyar's to. --ho c ea a i a 1 33� April 6, I And [ e, T' t: orue,cin.Mobday allysatisti, .8 ed*tbat here, ASON 20 -che .�c 1 30 ideude) With neat cottage of tbree.rooms and a mm�&g .7 882. Butchers,;Clint6n. , u is no place likd Hurou., , 6 a .41 kitche , h; good well' and PUMPL;'Cllolge fit it trees in Oats, 46 0 "Charle's Nopper, on Frid#,,encoun- 0 75 a, 0 SO Mr. , Barley, 4. The ivahlablb hoteil property on V ST' Clinton, known as Lane's! Hotel, no oc�upi6d I tred a'very severe �and :Painful ,lecident. Pegs, 0 -70-' A- -.0 76 Strixtt While.liftbag, from.,off the wagon, the roll plotly, '6 00' 6 50 Ceiitral DRUG: QR er E
005'. 60 a 0 65 Gco.,knox, comprising a large hotel di heC_0d: which 1,.t ket, j6iol ind -PotLat 0 houic� four choice town lots &c, riving fta 111111"10111`0319s hL No S K- this g6agoo, one Of tbeL planks bir 6 18 a .0 19 T at elegant o e; calls-, Unticural leum tgry, g house'm -Ingo Hur6 Stid6,t,'Clinton; formerly heX,by J. C. �;kwit fall''on hirn, break �O 13 .:Q 14, Readii1lPs vi 1111fthe rollek-to Hy iccupied by Mr. Job I . .., . 1. ! .13,00 a 14 '00 I And the recent pat�nt�-kept in stock-, or procured. IR in. three ribs. *5 @6 6'00 to pr (ler."! . "'niqate farm, part of Lot Gj Hides", a Htlyori Road, Goderiob township, compipising.a wres -y sudden death:oc- 7 On,'Wedneaday a ni skiris 0 A larrfe, stodo of Wre.rlair Rksshes; Tailat ef first,IcIng land,"nearly: all cleared ziiidirt,goo4� a6rim 1 00 ATj-HE':' curred in � the Commercial 110'tel here. set o Ono mile fromG. W. 3, AS ditibit'' Good buildhiks� &c, 0 100.40 Re d, Srah Rya*13 n the�� othe ' r lotS,atidibuildings for sale A W y p0r to hou*afteran illness of'ohly t tint ; fQ 'i 'Wffi bo paid for the detection and coitiiotioh Of CrLLtL0` ID `KRUSSE& at -reduced ratc�. ran Street, ClinIA'a f t'h' hours passed aWay from- this life. Inflm� -,person selling 6 deali�g in any bogus,. Fff�k.SICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and,firmily receipts Sign o e 9 caontyuterfeit or iniitatpiron HOP 1111ITERs; espeei-L tely compoundod'with ti6, els. wa4� ille cause of her : car n nia n of the bow Eitt6rS or Itreparations witli theWbrd HOP TO THE, ELECTORS orPs in their'nanie or C04knCete(l therewith,' 6MBE, death. to mislead4nd elfbat the pub- that igbjt6nded &DRUGGIST, WHIGHP8 �OLD STAN iA comp mentary supper.: tendered lic, or for any preparation ,put in any form, 'C,HLMIST . Fiint6ii, 011t. preten4tWjo be..tb6 13arne'aS HOP �Mr. Thou. M�Naught by big many friends Tile genuine have cluster of'GRFEN. HOj?S (nod �nere at Carrollsi:ii6tefou Tuesday even* ing, tice this) pylhtbdbn the. white label... and .are "Tes ng uron, ;and NerVonarlj)iSeages� Bl ildin gis 1 t Ridi .of H
I io�r 6'1is dmaiture -for Manitoba.- th6.pur45t�and'best'iiiedicine,on'eatth, espeqi-
'Ally for Kidney, LiLV'&L oa regrefto record 'd6ithl M & of all 'othee4,. ;and' of all. pretended W l5ewhr TAkE this mears"of thanking all those who have Alex. �Lb*e, -which.took"pla-ce.at his formulas or r6ceij)tsof,HoP. BurtR9,publishedr r in ]papers or'for Balo;.,as they are -frauds, andr I favored me with- their patronage in the! p�st and 0 tgenu- bog to say that its I amrl6ajl3g the country! forAni- GE residence in'' this tbwii� on Tuesday last. The public' Are c rdiall-v inV 0 �to. ex-, 11- a§71ndles Whoeve'r deals In any but t4e NFLI �,M EN7. — he haA:been I near y a wini6i,,but' jDej*jlI J)eL ftrosecated. toba 'I have disposed of my'bilshiess' to.my brother' I -To lhave oc 42giS $b- in e abl. ith' -a ame liberal �atronage, Ihat'you ivim ejo be.abouiAlntil W I-, BUT AF�XsoN,,-,qmI hope lla a Candidate for the L L I
0 H' tou'�m t is P ing; Ir an r week OS' L I
Ae.: �roods d P icM.' d b leei.
of'lijs eat j . FP STEPHENSON� tare inAlie,comfngf) to theabove, I Would say;that,.as 1 eONEY TO., t your Vote and'LinflUence. ALYTH. am a chip from Miessilibb �-k, and havifig been fought -business of moving (;�Rlld r 6.1 per cent. pri4ate to� the iiid-raising ni ITEY to load at bu nt that I can give entire sitiBa Messrs.'A16Mill n Se or hay.e a. new MOT $1 lIdings, I feel confIde M -Y-, M31 MT M' 0 1q7 lip, ." Brrsrsfaction toall who nia�.,'favor me with,their patrbnage� -:Yourobedientservant, GFIM0. CT :13-1=z Go tither; Iwould �my t indhat.ln still -,making those Mr� AT. B. Mallory intends -to haye.�qui o y,r C As o6oll, and cheaper thatilver. ommomp ft.viney e has pinted a lar e num- BUE JOHN � STEPHrNSONL,Cliilton. FREP., W. OH9 STON.
Ali 4r. b'er of vine Oil his villag6lot's 'i ROTT NG 0 rLI 12,iSS2 CELEBRATEDiT T LLI N S[lOP 'OPPOSIT A,
CITY BABER E Te, 'adition to the cabinet Of Ch L 1�, & oil 0 :M6sSrS*.,Lawreiic & Gracey is tip, At TIIE'POST OFFIC I TON. ng YOU KQ, POSCOR0
S, PALLN R Will stand. f . n1iires thi �s as n �re than twice itS'foriner'sLize. Ma,ehin tioided SCRIPTION:�Yl) scoio� was f6al6d eq lng,, hi 'e" .a to Dk,; May Silt, 1872, andl, beautiful chirk roltu'rwith large nvas held Hair d' OLL Co.� 6u evening aud'Was well It Id t il, stands 16 hands' high, 1300 lbs:, S. � L _ des ldn� , _G,L -7 - &4. itroTboed th fun "' and graceful With ajid command. He was ; � S f6j�' e'L"S.S - INTEREST RE DU C ' L ' is " ad ten d ED' 11 mt up,'and in speeding stri -brought vis i -D I'a in itI bythe,cll-kiio�vn Old Poscoro,that Was TORONTO ON L r See ul cial Hotel and'challt4in-A e na of, 1 Manufacturers and,dealeri jyj Nr, F S'T R- T E'S Powers. �Old4Pose.oro�N,issiredbylMoscbk HawkshaW to� Ali i keeps:� 'ther TTTTTT perty r. E: a. L A -lelirated trotter of'Lor- island, N.Y.state, and me rom 'oliditor,,& b dation 48*4; c , Pe eer. g.d, ';Sen,;er, Sir Arch6i�. His' Aplify I bratea aCl(jjyl� she �.Nvas got'lly wild -,Aitdiijl� anon avorabM ter m I& borr& abian. Voun NsAilo?,s-dai
clea and n4pectabj6'pl A : .. - f ar. Inteibst.�exrlj, he, bv -Ar. tl J' oun lvl�rs.'Jenkins is, aylng,L, le, S nee, O'be sL ()I] 'r , by d an d n eat �'fesid Her darn import,M from ;? dai� tn; 11 c, f0 r 11 qn 1�1
erect(-,(! on'the back lotj fronift.q.'Diusley .B.ushle�; jen ill oi.Dubl1n,'of Her ndbe- Orange Hall.�, Poscoro property .'AA Stre6t and ji6xt th b 1 do has ProVoji'llim6�1f a foal Ithe recent su sort or lereb3
rj1HL tohLis, leel'er 'Mr. I Shop -L thailkSL numerous friends for their patronage Sreturwhi '.�h ' demand'lii and carrhige soutbcott� purchased 'should be in induc6tion't-'for farincris and Dr.. for $1 100�'-an4 moved during.the many years be: has been in businesS in the Piunp Making nd L would Intimate that Ile: ha �.,bre6ders f6iv, of df;tbig iioble�, into it' last -week, iffi.. Young 10 qeg$ Itak6n 'ill. him; the firm o' animal. It' is , ',Iis easy to � raise a good colt is a,poor 0C 1tj t. ]a, 43v, jjLSj I into patn6jShipL;A,l tie sum 11 ';: be -known as D. MULLOY SON.. one,.aii( paysbotter:, This is a i r I dw�lliug house-40king the 11 N ,,ire chanoeirrimprove -.1. 1). AIULLOY. it., YoLjjlg!�Po seoj6 is broth ortile J0116 yWiii.� Polvers'. Mr. A.' Lawr ence, who erect c1fritofi, arIch 2i�,:IS82, Sold for.L:D sd: th lile(Ink,aiid hree Diplomas awar oil So �o aild 8,000, aleo:th Cu1, v"r at thc':Ieadjhg exhibitions in ill(, t CO V s din Toronto for. $2,15ft- also, the, -Bush I Mare, no%%, a brick bou ii -the seutfiern limit of the %Ta illilp, as. Put rup �a nea, an, mp, Heirs nted. the property of -,Mr: Bonner; of the New York Ledger 'Do h act rame welling for teirip'' bought by -�im for $18,000; also lihL& ari:;I '4'll tile" Will -1so t Farmers, Throsliters :tnd I Or CL[N ill&, turf in New'York'Htatc, a he Nvell,known y1i do d y T orar ' occupation. HE licit on inon6y by our Lardinean V n r Oil. s5 of (1, McLean, (a native of Nova vilhib�e' feids TSootiar,) and who reoently died in Moritmia Terri I I -AVERrr ih� 'horse Danger,alo Lady formerly Of Clinton. tor BE 1 01 epeSt Spot". wit -Roicrence can li'e mlide to .1lumber of the lekdh)g� Wooleit Natinfucturers Will save,mofiey.'by A sign,, on, 'a it
rero(paeStodLto qend their nam6s, et6., It brooders jnrjj"tstjljg8 CoLU'lit�,�alfioi,)�.tlieln.jolllI (ailiff usin , our Wool Oil,� it equals hird and olive oil, and V TI %breeder oftratihig, her I I So 6 a #)CFast Ile- J0, t them al -1.11 16. iriist Who full partiechirilof ielatibri3bip, properly Sworn to, W 1,. ndevril;ned, NvhLii they ylIlIt"r of sointihing.to or t r:y. costs. vit.halithe price., 'ide ntly f6ro:dt Jils a b c card _d these ev their. advantage. tile 6 on application or c; ,BAVIN J - OHNSTON: ffisure, f6 Sill" t o' ,ttj I sf ' actio - it gu� ' i ' i : t ' c L d. Is . t
'y 46' cellaf'o� low b Bedford, ]cap, �iL to be paid at tillic of esonmar's, 'T&COLL BROS. CO.,Teronto. 'T 'O while at W 'I I the lat round; nsdOuse, bbing ready f0i jy Stj�et"L :on DIn SlL Revision ENMRSON, Proprietor Q INTON',''BAKERY
lleft( 016.111asons to Start building,' judgino; from Lot h The undersigned desires toju form tl')04 IiAios bf Clinto I n and surronuding colinfry.,that 'the PIRnS,,theLre,31donce�,ivill'.6�4't h d HEREBY'GIVEN, that the f ig M'LENNAN 'FIRST "CLASS MILL bfr tile Cbrut of R6VjHjojj for the Tow all Noll"' is he has secured the g6rvicea of A bad a., larj6 �BUTCIIF . INER, who has somest. n Blyth� Mr. Plroct6l t ar'SIRE to I' -o this, oppor unity. 6f.thankiDg hal E S utl nuLte torthe peop e, of Iblin experiene line of U uid' a go, ta �i is the C It 1111110tt, in theoimtv� of Ilurdnj� for the preiorit'y6i
ein . r I'Lp at!, L._,,.r . _ , . . I I . '��: ill be field at!the viflage of,Londesboro, in the, said Dvicinity that he has re-opencil 104:1takery, on ic- is numerous, customers aLd rfortheirL libor onaget'ini,ii 16t) and Soli6itaL : Timinhip of Hullett, on Friqlay, t 11HELundersigned desires to1iftiniato to t6ria Street, and will be pleislid't6 supply them e'ek Mr.,,AJ pp L tkO 261h d8y ast w w9s aildjj�lnity t_. -t .......... . hieSF L , , ,
VI eL gin 6, �c a $L100, L , - ' butc
,a con ImIaTIC8 0 e Safne, d argp a 0 inre,t. : an( Geome Dunst�ad; his'ap- "Pose Roll hering bus a . e ; e' 118 t Fit, �Aftion'q and Ailti rctuiiiifi� his thanks;t(i those Bres(I"Ca epi, lkija4oi Ike moiltb, for -sell t6,jail , r , , a, and roNing id. h k bcfotc�'he, would ask for'a' contintuince 'of their' at the followln�'prices:-4 lb., making, a orn or,a w IS ey S I ey. Clerk's Office, 'ihwa lift Cie M I 'uring them that he will use h1q-'utmoSi on, LUNE thong t6r ftr'61i ' .11" 12 cents 21b. loa(�,O rents.
ice;, iAITH)VAITE. G,,j--AND f 'Tb , 1, a e No orders booked- Jjujjett,�
ERl RY I �4th: April, 1882. lit it Was An ap CeSe i.ill every especU I licited.' Remember' the fh,�tpry.The�.p6ople f6iAideeplyfor Mr. pootlVe y So I 1. I : I r I ten. (PrdiersSollleiie4l. PIA , ictbria St.,,Clin Before making theirse"onVpurqhases,, belie%;inkif willho to, their adv t it Fitzalmons' old hinisil an age, ;is I iCOUCH. e 15, 1 ot the largest stock be hag' ver 6 erAd, couipri,itn L ndon, and NewYork designs fiden�e' of' 'th�. p TI 6 "f raws; in a I g 'Tw� eat' 9114ea and :b ing ent6rce& MISSES DTINCAN PATTOX in plain and faUCYL at he e 6hn' MO ar' E SIRE toinforin the la( I ics of'Clint on r mak- "TURER ICE. Url AC
'D that they are now prepar6d to'do dresi aid vici QT LT M BROCADED RIBBOINS, all widths and shades. FEATHERS, FLOWjERS` SILKS in i is, latest styles, at rembarible rates nd short- SATINS, and STjMMER PLUSH. in 'all colurs 'selected in the best, mar cets.� est notice. Cutting an(] fitfing aiiecialty. NOTICE is 'giverl that �tbe S,ock AND DEALER IN 'OVBR THE STO & pALLPSER' & CO the,Londesborb,'Butter and. Cll�ese�lilanufacturing TO,, OF Niarenzat April 17,4882'. IIE office of, VER BLOCIC.L thbirtreasurer, W. L. ouinititte, ofLondesboro, forrihe W LACE CURTAINS -9 IMBROIDER109' SEM A SPECIALTY11. TO �,a ?,v Eq 1ND PROVISIONS j 'ito 'ji _Y� 'I. ing subscriptions for the'�bajanub 'of 'dollars each, e, n w e's t at a. ��F rin producota �on. -6by respe ALB Plain and Fancy Straws done oyerin all yle Sih,—I have- '�t b �oii out -eiting, in hares 'of. ten is LEET joa . z e pAhent 4ock holders are hot R. BEESLEY; "V16TORTA STREET,. Ct somwsnow* to nieft iu&S� to got a dk1`uk'b6.' tivel ' y faqvicisted to j �V t' 0, the aid L Tircasur6 the U7, Tt, FARMERS.' tile To' IL'' paid crI before fore Coing I to'r b6d, And I though t. I 'in ak 13, orde AY, ISH2. L r of Boaid of Nrector.�, Choice Ham BAC011--, 'IAX- S IERBY CL11 1,1110 of. year'. , Nve, , are all - I I , , - .:, ' . , .. ' . r For sale tit lowest tell you about it, ' kes a nice,. co'61 UE, th;
for it me
Si drink fGr t is t lu ReceiVe'd at: anxious y walting to coinineiice eeding, E�a vw f arni Pr(i djjots� o or F. the allow iS'g6ttit)g pr6tty, Well ee GARVA.� '0f:8 L 'n foi H s Catfle,;4 ggp'& Pj ticed the first praiie fire that T:have� s' 8S, this2seasoll, to-iiiallit—sure sign W. pllblidjhLiL fflfitlii, Apri 4, 1,88il pring. t CeAn gold his�pr oCoNVo with NN siallic lie. i.4 noW r0uning'a Xc] eosemption thi"; F6ud ther, rsany"part of the'4town. T- L I 1� E' CUIVINGH �ME' _10 onaoodelkh; all L
otbor.-day or j,500. 'I purpo6eg. mixed with theii trafit, lid will AL LL A to going furth6r Uprmorellild, V didtillothirtrips 2 provcfitati)�]e front holp- cholera., Thbw are facts worth. Fresh Canned 0 Mr, Wm. r'80titheombe bas rented, in ta0d bo We throw Mtendedto.r' ()rdcrsieitatrboi� or��) OF jrcqriberries��- -Cann-ed� Ap Ital r or in pie to, ilace, and is going fd:�pend the cut these faotN into the hands of tile publie, with the will ,be at I I I ii , L ',�jj,, in A11r, STIE.U19HIP " full Imlief that it willtand oil !6 own llleritg� CHAH0ES—T le usual HUlleff Mr. 'alsO' going. and ga11on,'iins,,,, C kAt.' Riddellis anned bonelOss Dtickr .home, , an roillor Jitmels is g�iilg, to 2. Has nosoperior for. putting 'ceping giock'of 1). 1�. KE�',INEDY. -771LA: OWA Chicken Tu a his �b norkey, T' gub,�BeOf 'lip on Iork big farm' all kinds in it perfectly licalthi, 0011ditioll.
&C. arior 61l'th& ,ontin,'ll t kce Working oxen tire A very, good price here StZk free Ekecutors"No ice.: jAZPASSAGE r, Has no superior for milch,dow,< ',L-�pqrsoils this seasonr.' Bir Sundercock sold Lt"u Vab New Dish for. Breakfhst,, pair wcouple of i�e6ks ago for $190 which aftho milk one qqarier. ffLRD0D1D-� MAIZE. Aof William file township of Tuel(ef. CtS t Z6,VOOSC RAtes. are itor were re. 910 V, Hill no superior for Horseq, Cattle, Is suseaptiblo of �ndiess change jj� -Coo�i�g. I Sold sh6'rtly after, for the c t ean be !boiled, 131106dr cold' and fhed, oe61P of* POLV�INESTAN, fron Quebec, l3th� May. ill ghlilig date8,4tems PERUVIAN, from Quebec, Will Mar, the game an WOmiijy or Mash. The P66ple in this �,8041ernont ap Lambs, Pigs and Poultry. POI -r 7. it I-, the climax of the faithful ,v6dy atid experi- 'glad to see. one ofJohn trunsdon'9 land by .4tatutory do6jaration veriiyijg th,q. X0vA Quebec, May to tile nature Old coilatitution kinds iifst0k and corrcLtneSs of claim andL rollers Stftliding L 'in 'thel midst, an4jiay k)d, all j U'S I ofit,this food to fbe ptlblic� under'tbe �olltj -hei t " L 6 now pres indebted 'to the stild rStafo, are. roduested -to "a ivishing to,00ild fov t r 0 Ilk Barrel FRE'S they wish there were more,of them hbr'e', 'n"aille of 01,1 Per
!d�atc payhiont. And, filftborl'talcd n6tl it, o"owt1%c4W1 H, CRANBERRIE9 nittke lmnl( 'o pagg 9 k lowest from nn�I&JA 'Ire. a nitichneeded in this This 1,*ood 1, putr'llp 25; 50 and 100 that after,the Itda tbc,�ndersl luld Will pro (I sootlawA �o any aliy6r is they 'are thingr iy town fz� oa, Iba- c6litainsan exao amonut is rcfurldod�'lcss A'PmnlI doln. cotl�utry. , .. � i � : -1 , cach F "ill ord to diiS re il�o ticket is not nse, 1 . histruotior,14 for fccdilll�OI rd bidy to SLj6h Claims h�vo boolt prov6il before ti I XpeC a many in our s6ftlemen't arogoin Dated ill, tho town of. Clintoll JbIS d f RESH-HADD te .&ed'in e day§i� ft o fA go Potseeng6i's (Ice to� eollilon"Car4ka W HARLAND BROS.,� Marcfi,-A.D.i8S2: adto seed down a fe�v' Aq'res' this. selason, act as tSmhay for, tboir lioreS. 'ON r6rPw6ugh tiaketmil(I evaeyirkformatiorzlipj� to -'Nfallr'll 21, intoA TG XE'N AND NE,W AAVU SUGAll� Alr.�! �1 r6n ted -his, SOLE A G N' T BALOG NAj- 11AN TO-'� E cct6r,,�` &e., STRTTON,G, Aqont,cl r AN`KR9 SCK NE D O�D,, MCI