HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-11, Page 5WM. TAYLOR & S01 Takeleasure in "announcing to their customers and the public, that they have re- moved to more c p commodious premises in .CoAms' BLQCIi> where, they will keep an . P extensive 'assortment of } NKS 0 aid 1Ir?11.1116 ALISE We have. on handl a fullassortment of TRUNKS AND VALISES; which we sell at close prices. • • CASH. ASH - .FIVE PER CENT DISCOUN W: TAYLOR SON, CI.INTON:, WALL 1P:PFERr AT My stock of WALL PAPER and DECORATIONS for the spring trade,are :marked off and are now com etc sam les of which I will take great pleasure in 1�,. , , P • showing to my friends throughoutthe country. These 'papers ,.weie;•hought direct from the. leading Canadian and European manufacturers, and 'will lie found to contain the newest and handsomest designs' in the market, great care having been taken to select suchatterns as experience has'tau ht .nie"are particularly a,,idaited P Pe g to the'requirernents of my ,custou';ers. Last week mypapers nonnc d b , allsaw them, the best value and My .assort - P P werepro e, Ywho Anent the finest ever shown in Clinton. The amount sold vias very large. The goods turned out as represented, and gave entire satisfaction4o my` customers. My collection this week is " I snnoh larger, the assortment. much better, and the prices so low as to defy" competition. I am confident an inspeetion;will confirm the statement that my efforts to ;meet the wants of. my customers, are far ahead of anything ever attempted by any dealerrM.Clinton.' Jaa'I would call attention to' the fact`, that my, papers' are full' 21 inches wiae, while' those generally sold are only 18 inohes7 ' A new lot of that excellent WINDOW PAPER at 5.c. per yard. All kinds of Sewing 11,11) -- chines and Needles -kept in tock. Also, :.KTADIPINQ DONS. ALL' KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. J. J.' WILLIAMS, - •- STAND,- SMITH'S- BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST ••,OFFICE, CLINTON. �•r t;-1 0 .-111111 2IIIIWIILII'ONIIIIlIIIi IIIIIIINIIIIIII�pII III+I'i �I itf I�II'jliriI�lI1,"' m•,1• Yi®AW®®FA0®manwaYv¢.uAvm I!91®D1IIIIlfltI 11lIUPf11llDIilpilIi11Zi1"'1rOI .91:'ln l ll L ' ,PERRIN'S " BOCK, MARKET SQUARE, CLINTON HAVE A •STOCK OF y ¢ 147.`T GL.A-�S PIA From the leading American and Canadian manufacturers, at moderate prices. Also m Celebrated Doherty Organ, /'` DOHERTYORGAN is irrevocably TheTHE OHE v cab] established, supremacyofes ablished hav- ing been awarded First Prizes, Medals. and Diplomas • at the Provincial and Industrial exhibitions in Montreal and Toronto. A large stockof Violins, Ztrixi a g'e � g"si Bows, Concertinas, Flutes, Fifes, Shoot and,l°Socia ' ' r o hand, the Music, 73, ora. ' atmost . reasonable d" prices. ANYTHING IDT r171•IE ABOVE LINES, NO'I'. IN STOCK, PROCURED ON THE SHORTEST, NOTICE, ' .GENERi L AGENTS F®R'-� �, , ...._ Tin1E ;`RENOWNED "WHITE" SEWING M L� ip THS :GE, IYMANDER. WHAT THE' JAPERS SAT OF @T. Sir John's name,will,go down toppateri.e;. ty as the author of the most"infamoue out- rage ever perpetrated on a:free people.— Stratford Beacon. , • Can any sane Man pretend that the gerrymandering of Elgin is, anything but a'; ohtical dod e? : a10 aoy 'sensible and right thinking maprove of it? Apd yeti Elgin is one' on,apf the mildest, cases in the list• of outraged :counties: —St. ,Thomas Journal. Should Sir John 'carry the Bill ,"the Li. beret party, backed by the free, honest, independent opinion of the country will teael hilt a leaken'at'the pills .,which will Cover "him with • ehame• and confusion.- Thia is a life and :death fight and we will have it out, confident'Ithat,right will" tri- .umph over the perpetrators of the greatest political crime ever contemplated. -Ottawa Free Press. • In this.; gerrymandering`:Bill Si Johii Shows his fear of therighteoua.indignationl which his conductlaa;Premier.hae invited the peoplecan make him 'feel the effect of that indignation 'in spite.of the legislative barrier whioh haia- building ;up -in :the.elos ing dayejofthe session. .ShouldSir John and hla.party lose'' Ontario after the rediae tribution, :he will be Snot only defeated but deigraced,, ;for.:•he;does : r%,ot •Sglit',fairly. ;• should he win another terns of office,: he will find hia National Policy a• heavy load to carrybefore the,•exniratioq,of another parliamentary, Hamilton'Tinies • The Liberals are.eveFyWeere etganizrng and prepar ng:.tn:test.pubhe •opinion upon: the Re -distribution Bill, -aft well ,ae' eery other act of the present Administration, including -the refusal to, ratify tha Bolin dary Award; the disallo rance. of Provin ciallegisl"anon, and the anany iniquitous and 'unnecessary 'tariff burdens inflicted ,upon•the taxpayers of the ".00untry. .If the electors of Ontario are prepared to ap- prove or condone the Conduct of the Otta- wa Ministry in reference to the questions,, then they ate .certainly unworthy. to be 'called 'free= men find' British subjects.=" Montreal` Herald. " • A more gross outrage upon the right o anelectorate never attetn ted, and let wasp , , ns`hope'never win ^,be again. Such nefa rious practices, whether in politics -`or out of: it, may',serve as -it tempoaary;advantage or apparent gain, but, they; never' -fail, in the course; of,time, to react Upon the- per- •petrato,rs.'' There is not the • slightest doubt but Sir John: A.. Macdonald, :.while', boasting of his political strength, feels that the power which he gained through polite., cal trickery tit the,last.election, was certain to vanish and •it•,became a,niatterof.neces-` sit to make some. desperate effort before A P again going beforiethe tribunal of'the peo- ple, to better his chances.—Listowell Ban-: r er. L It remains to be seen whether the. :peo ple of Ontario are -thus to be driven. H sueliecheming and trickeryproves'succesa- fur, mt is about -. time, "say:we; that Ontario. step •snit of Confederation -and Menage her. 'own affairs. We've got :the •men,.. and we've got themoney, tqo, and we eee no reason why the Province should not' -pros- per under,a local regime, and let Sir John 'of Vancouver, Tupper of Nova Scotia, and the Bleus:of Quebec run 'the' other Provin-. ces. as it .Confederation;- if they please. Confederation we have always favored.- Right is right, but outrage,' foul and Most'" unnatural, against the :life and progreas. and prosperity of this,Provinoe, we ought to resist, even to breaking -the bonds of the Confederation -;,pact. -Brantford :Ex- positor. Sir"John Macdonald will have a difficult task in justifying hisea-distribution, Bill. It has a confession -of -weakness air',•about it.-' It appears to be in • the', interest of Conservatives • ,•,and- whit is w�rse,it is. in the interest of;Conservativea,atthe ex= pence of •Reformers. Itis tricky` in' its details and unworthy of a' statesman. Surely it: were. possiblg„to:add:five new. Ridings without 'disturbing the political complexion of fifty. • It 'set's at bad prece- dent. :Hereafter, with every change . of government, .we may expect,a .re=adjust anent of representation. It shows a dis- position to'fight for office'instead 'of fight. for principle. It allowsmenin . office' 'using their :majority and ,power to keep in office.—Toronto World '(Conservative). • This monstrosity, however, unless weare mistaken, will have one good .effect. It' will teach Reformers who connived at the defeat of Liberal candidates in -1878, the reed on which they leaned' when they e t panted anything like political justice from] SirJohn-Macdoneld.. • ” The leper-eannot, change 'his epots," is a 'maxim of which the Gerrymandering._ B%il isnot the first ek-_ ,ample. eerinly expect every ,man who, four.,,yeara :ago was,:lukewarm„' t'o• stand to-his.colorssat•the • coming •election, and assist inpunisl ing this last o, 'rage on the rights of Ontario. Nor can even Con- servatives -afford 'to disregard this'groas rnjustice. Once, "establish :the principle that a governmentiinay ciitand eaten con-' stituencies: as it pleases, • and there is no Safety under any Administration whatever Guelph Mercury. •A more infamous invention for Stifling the voice of the majority of' the free 'Alec - tors' of Ontario could not be conceited. Every principle of representation,' :every rule of justice and'fair play and every con sideration ' of honor and . manliness has” been violated in order to keep this,: great oexertingits tim"teinflu- cefr i a ronin1 P Fr► g • In ite " f their b a t the � Che. i o e ,oast, en e a p s -p ing;, in the face of their persistent':asser- tions thatthey have been growing Stronger year, by year, they have conie,down iitlast to oonfesa by -acts thai-apealt:l`ouder than words„that-they dare not tweet the elec. tors of Ontario on the old battle fields of the'province. Nolonest, honorable Con- servative can manfully approve of the game he';is Playing,; no fair Minded'nian,can at, tempt to jnetify it. Let the Liberals • be not dretilayed. •Rather let ue.go into •the. :fight with;redoubled'vigor and in every con- atitueney,from the Otters; ;to' the St. Clair give the people a chance to' show by. them; ballots whether they are willing to uphold -the politicalgamesters who'are vain cls fotilmeans, o maintain themselvesuin office. --Sarnia Observer: AROUND THE -COUNTY. C. Town, : ,Gefiry and J 11aUi ntyne; • of Bra'ssela, ehgt q4 wild ducks in one day:' jteeently, Mr. Peter Young'sold R135is farm 9th con. of Howick, to Mr. David Fergu- eon, of Whitby, for_0.,000, ' J. Stewart,' M D., of Brncefield, has been ch,eeen a non resident Councillor of M eGilliclollege r, dtiti e,Saciety. r,, Ar G. Vanigkirlpild of Elti nd rile. lathe owner of a s �tendid-jersey z cow and calf=a Fare thug around here. ` Mr.John King has puachased the bak- er bu mess an' d o d "'1 e o ll late] carried 9, g �? Y on by,Mre Eberhardt, Bayfeld. Miss. Gibson,; -school te.acher at Kinbu>tn,; dl aves shortly for Wroxeter, where Ahe half been engagedas ab8ietatnt yteach'er for°that school. The friends of &Ii Samuel Hicks enter- tained him at a complimentary supper at •Daisy's: hotel, ,Egmondville; on Friday evening prior to , hie ;'departure £or the. Northwest: °1'", s 1° TEisEaa '`" he n Pisan . r,, i ewaude= "uieit little gem for the teeth and breath. has a beati- funy plated Metal aerew top, Try a 5 cent sample.' . The. Minters. ;Lawrence Brothers lave, sold'their farm'on` lire 4tii” concesaiom'''of Tuckersmith, "to•a gentleman .from near Toronto; for 1$10,000 `i'he farm: contain 160 acrk s I ¢ JohnWitfield, of Grey, -has hisereamery about'ready for operation and .work will commence about 16th''inet. Be•has the promise of 200 °owe, and will thus be Wed' to turn Out about 2001bs. of butter: each day .Almostabadfire occurred on Sunday morning in the Oddfellows Hall, .Gerrie-. A•stovepine passes:through the, ante -room from which the floor caught fire, luckily it. -was seen in time before it got much head - 'way or the whole block would have been in danger, is the Buildings are built closely. • On Wednesday, evening a,,number. of • , friends; of Mr.:. John F. Robinson, Gode- rieh,,tlie vocalist, met;that gentleman at .:the ""Woodbine," and presented himwith a handsome'gold-ring instok"en of•their ap- preciation of his valuable aid in aiding:t'be 'services in -the -R. C: Church; on various o sions •ccs Rtsrincr TheGfey' Hales of old a' a demand and eb uld roeetve respoot—but the Grey Hairs of ymwg ppeeoople rennins .attention, in lthe way of using,( ingeleee Er renewer. Bold by ail iirnakiette, bo cents per•bottle. Wilh''regret we chronicle the' death' of 1blr. Edmund Ross, at., the •age of 72, one. of the ,oldest residents of, Amberly, : town- -ship of Ashifield, which"`took place on Wed- 'nesday last. 11fr. Ross was:one of the oldest =settlersin the county, and tool: up laud here .long before the Grand Trunk g Railway 'leas built. ' ontMonday evening' Dr and Mrs. • lranle of,. G,odetieh were :requested to etep into' the basement. Of the church where they nnezpectedly etuifronted. about 60' of, the lady •melabers of"` their " congregation.: Before their surprise. could be allayed an addrese:_waspresented,. accompanied with a subsiau ial sum of••money. , The Rev. "Mr..Thowpson, tte esteemed -pastor, of Union Presbyterian. Church,: Brucefield, " having' been "unable through ill health to attend to :his pastorial duties for some tittle,' has been granted three Months leave Of absence by his • ;congrega tion, and will take a •trip -to the old conn•, try. • He will be accompanied by llirs.. _Thompson ,' - i - A young man', named Chas. McInnes,- of Palmerston, a brakesinan, was; seriousli'. injuredatthe Brussels station on Satur- day. He was riding on -lierear, of one of the care;: being shunted and fell off and af- ter • being: '.dragged".so'tne distance was thrown`into the ,cattle !guard.: His head'+ was cut,, .some bones•broken in hie foot and hia back injured: Many; of our readers will regret to learn .of the sad fate which recently < befel "AIr." ;James Watt, ,formerly of Hallett, in Cali- fornia.dt seems that Mr. Watt, i with. others, :was engaged in the Hayward mine,: You 'Bet, California, when he :Was crushed to death. • ,IY1r.: Watt had a large': farm . iu the township of Hullett, and for • several years was extensively. engaged in ,cattle: :droving:` He left here; about. five years. ago, and was for a time in Texas,' and, was. there engaged in the stock business, • aiid 'ultimately went - to California. 1 -lis bro- thers and other relatives still reside,'iii Hullett,`add are well known to cnany of our readers. Neve' Give. up Tryon. are suffering -with:low and' depressed spirits doss of appetite, general. debility dieor- dered'blood,; weak constitution, beadache,,or' •any disease of-a:bilious nature, byall means procure; a bottle of Electric Bitter You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow • ; you will bo inspired with new life, strength- and- activity wilt-returnTj iin anis misery wiil.cease, and henceforth yon will ro foiceinthepraise'of Electric 13itters. Sold, tilt's', cents a; bottle by J, B.0 Cointio;' druggist• - Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve. The, best Salvein the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Saltdiheum, Fever Sores, Totter: ohapped Rands, CChilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies. . It is, adarranteed to• give, perfect satisfaction, er. money refunded. • Price 25 cents per boa For Sale by X. 1-I. Combe., . Wednesday Glebe contained the fol- lowing paragraph :—John Nelson Darby,, religious writer, is dead, aged 82 years. Ile was the yonngest son of. the late John Darby, of 'Leap,' Kings County,- Ireland, was born in Westminster in 1880, gradu- ated -in 1819 at Trinity College, Dublin, in high, classical honors,; and was called to the bar. He subsequently took ordersf; but not long after abandoned this position to more freely exercise his ministry in Great Eritaia and Ireland, France, Swit- zerland, Germany,. Holland; &e., and at a latter day in North and South America, and in the West Indies, New Zealand, and Australia:' Hellas translated the entire Bible into Germanand the New Testa- ment into French as well as into' Englisb; Besides incessant preaching in these aS• well as in; other languages (chiefly among those cotnmonlyknown as s " Brethren," or "Plymouth Brethren,") he has written on scriptural subjects so largely that; his col- lectedwritings, now in course of republi- ;cation, independent of and uniform with his longest single. work " Synopsis of the Books of Bible," fivevolumes, will exceed twenty-five thick volumes crown ave, • A LAD'S EXPERIENCIC. Dlrs. T. A. Gist, No. 1204 Walnut street, Phila- delphia. -Pa., writes I had inffaminatOry' rheutna ' na tis very' badly. In one footand ankle it seemed to have taken hold with the detor- mination,to stay some time ; and the morning' I obtained' the St. Suoobs Oil'I Could not put, my foot down to tlie•floor, even for an instant. :,I used it that oyening for the first tittle, and the. nett moiling for, the. second` time, and that. afternoon put m' foot do'iVn for soveal' min- utes, Oh Sunday following 1 could, stand up and walk -a, few steps. On Tuesday; could Walk about my r0oni,,and Wont down stairs by hold:. ing on to the banisters. Now I can walk quite well Mut there is very little pain left. Just think Mut I One bottle and a half and I am most free from pain. Tt 18 a Wonderful inodic1ne. • •,i • Oh, Mrs:'" Snyder, what a lovely 'Dress you. are wearing, r� where did you procure su li• : ...e a beautiful g piece of goods?, , h el . fr' o wy, I s ectad i t m, . . ; . L immense.` ;. :stock, .and I ';ars',.glad you like it, for he showed me so ;Many ,pieces equally attractive that I. found .it ektremely'' difficult to make.a choice. ` f bought that PABespL from him,also, and have: since found that I got it 50 cents cheaper than, it couldbe"'pur- chased . elsewherehe. has .an. unlimited ::quantity of them: "His. f -P 1 n r stock o PRINTS :is really e o mous, and such a va- riety of:charixiing patterns and colors,' and socheap—why, yob. can P get a'complete • Dress, .buttons .and' alh'for 60 cents. " He has a splendid lot of RUFFLING, FRILLING, COLLARETTES, TIES and GLOVES. " Then his STAPLE: GOODS,, IIQLLANDS, TICKING, COTTONS, ., HESSIANS, • SHIRTINGS'and DUCKS'are all of the very best quality,. and the; price is no higherthait WO have usually paid for -inferior' goods. "-He has piles upon piles o£ the nicest TwEEbs..you ever. saw, and sells a first-class suit for $1;-. ' I intend sending John and Alex. up ; tonight to; leave their "ineasures'fer suits ; he always "'hut . in ; good ,Trimmings,' and then his cutter, turns out sucherfect fits. . P " And in BOOTS AND SHOES T am sure :Mrs; McKinley he can:, just beat.. anything., I' sent Nancy.:' up last night for a pair, and she brought home a fine pair of four -button street Slippers, and all they cost was one dollar. I never saw anything like them for less than .$1.25', " Then___his stock of GLASSWARE and CROCKERY is very large and cheap, and the price of his GROCERIES is ', cut very fine: I am `:sure hip profits bar small, in fact 'I ".don't see how he.makes a,livin - at all, unles it is' from doing . � o such .a business -- Why g g the store � ' every ` - ed ve y.tine I o there, •and the 'quRri quan- tity ofgturned out is astonishing.' Y goods That is the secret my` friend. Profit of few. centsn the a w.o dollar, with an extensive trade, keepsY'' i the ship sailing. And .l co��a ate 'stock reliable "will' 1 prices' goods, and 1 P �g � nd close p ,,.., still further increase f e cease the business. LC0N1 T STc► cTJCIi-11. 17 • r�. MA MMOTH �� r • r � . n,d ' adwaea S v are�,ouce. N 1 .CROSS 0 I ,. GENUINE ' MAPLE LEAF, SILVER STEEL, LANCE TOOTH, DIAMOND, -HANLAN CHAMPION 'LANCET" and ONE . ;, ,. MAN : CROSS CUT SAWS. WARNOCK'S, BURREL'SAND RIXFOWD'S,.IN ALL TINE. BESTBRANDS n I BARBED WIRE0 SOLID STEEL , TWO 'AND FOURPOINTED.. ROYAL CAl1ADIlN CLOTHES WRINGERS, clietiper than ever. Stoves, Tinware 8c I amb Foods. n' It DES, SHEEPSICINS,'FURS-IIIGaEST'`CASH PRICE P.AIi):.; w '• • S: �Elayrd:vv�DAAIS4"e ,:T1VYOL ? .y.rrON