HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-11, Page 4Vat; u lase*entO. .,Landplaster—R. M. Ileeef. Potatoes;; wanted -Thomas "Cooper. Baylield';com't of appeal -',H. Hunter. Stanley court of appeal—Geo. Stewart. Entrance examination—James Turnbull. Land and Agency company—M. Lough: Mantle making -John Hodgins. Famona,hat store—W. Jackson. Tailoring -=R. Coats ;t Son.. Tea merchants—S. Palliser "3s Co. Store to rent—R, Irwin: Union ' THURSDAX, MAY 11, 1882. TILE GERRYMANDER. - It is, indeed, deplorable, when parti- zanship so thoroughly jpernieates some people that, no natter what species of villainy their political chief concocts, they will support himin it. Most of the It,. Ministerial papers, in_'their ,labored de- fcfice of the shameful gerrymandering bill, Showthat they arelost to all sense of honor' or principle, and .are willing to uphold ° any expedient .by which their party may be kept in power.<;,1 of ono of them'has been able ,to .show -that the bill possesses the virtue of justiceor equity, indeed, itis impossible -to do so—but their defence of it is the most puerile imaginable. The more the.changes of the' bill are looked: into, the more; shameful does it appear, and an exchange very truly re- marks that ".every act of a questionable character heretofore performed by the Premier, is left in the shade by this one." Canadians have been in the habit of attributing to the Americans the palm for —4 unscrupulousness in their public men, but so long as such tricks as these are com- mitted, the "Americans can't held a can- dle an dle to us." Not only is the bill designed• t rialists'a majority at to give the 1Vinrs e J �'. the next election; but the true design is to make the Province of Ontario' bow- to that of Quebec. There is no use cloaking the matter. That is really theimport of the bill, and any one who!; supports it' need not be surprised, if, in a shorttime, the iron heel of Quebec attempts to crush out Ontario's independence. Sir John A. Macdonald, and the other members 'of the cabinet, are really no more. Conservative as the word- is under- stood, than the man in ,the, -moon. All they care for is power. Power they are determined to have, by hook 'orby crook, and they make use .of the so-called .Con- servative party in Ontario in, order to ac- cotnplish their. purpose. From the character ;of their; supporters in the House, we have no doubt of the bill becoming law, andwe fear there are sufficient people so blinded or indifferent, as the ridings are .now 'cut -and massed, to again give them a majority, but we hope and. trust, for the reputation and future prosperity of our coiiritry, , that there are many, who are designated ,as.Conserva- tives, sufficiently honest in tlieir views to. show their disapproval Of one of the most unjustand cowardly acts ever perpetrated by parties who pretend to belooking after the best interests of the,country. The question at the next electron should be "Is Ontario to be ruled by Quebec?" . because if they decide it shall, they have only to look l at Ireland and ask themselves the question how long, it will he before a somewhat similar state of affairs exists in Ontario? 'The people of Ontario should grapple with this matter before it becomes_ se great an evil thatthe grappling with it, with any hopes of success, is beyond their power, . The estimated expenditure of the Dominion for 1881.82 .is over °$28,000,000. The last Mr.' year Mach®utile"ryas in office it wiis only a trifle' over$23,000,000, Here is titin increase of nearly five million dollars by the govern- ment which made sueh loud professions about ,the ecohomy they would' practise. A rousing political meeting was held in Ot tawa the ,other evening, in condemnation of the course pursued by the Ministry in general, and the gerrymandering bill in'partioular,and ono of the most encouraging features, in it, and a good omen for the future, was the pre- sence of several very' influential supporters of the government till lately, who said; that they could not longer conscientiously support them • EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Thos. -Farrow has 'received the .Con- servative nomination for North Huron again. It is said the meeting last Thursday wasinot _the-inostunanimoua. - — as thafr course tended tri the. demoralizatioi% and ruin ofthe country., That the"elections will come on almost at: at ,once, seems certain.' In the House the other night, Mr.,liowell accidentally referred to " pending elections,"'but noticing his,, blunder, tried to cover up his :mistake.) Con- servative candidates are in the field,: and. ac- , tiiely canvassing avid it behooves Reformers to be equally active: .It is also said that the writs are 'printed and in the hande`of the Clerk of the.•Crown, whoseduty it is to fill 'ie the' names of the constituencies,and returning officers, and then for -ward them to 'their des: tination when the time coiner, which: will moat likely be when the house is prorogued. The local general election for Prince Edward Island took place on 'Monday, -tile' telegraph informing ;us that the re- turns give alinost a defeat to the Govern: meat,, they getting only,, sixteen to the Opposition, fourteen.. This, is a wonder- ful. change, as .before the eleetion.,the Government claimed 24 out of a house of 30, and as the "majority for some of the Government members is very small, they may vanish before an iinpartial'count. The -Government is in accord with the Ottawa Government, and when the house 'was elected in -'1879, about one`'inonth after the enactment of the N.P., Mr..J..C. Pope boasted of the election as an endors ment of their policy, what will they think and say, now that the islanders, after three years experience of the evil effects of the N.P., give'stich a `:-strong' vote in oppdsition to their endorsation ? The Government has done wisely in decid- ing to abolish the postage oil newspapers sent from the office of .publication, the bill to come in force on the 1st of June. The NEW Ens. has no hesitation`in advoeat. ing the 'secessionof-Ontario from ; Quebec, if politicians always play into berlands. - We have paid her debts long enough. The Conservatives profess great sympathy for the workingmen, yet they are advertising in the old country to ' advance :1;5 on the passage money. of mechanics 'who wish, to emigrate.: -.•_ It is said that Mr. Plumb will be the Con-, servative candidate for North Bruce in the next:_, election. What have the people of Bruce done that they,should,be so sorely af- flicted. LONDESBORO Mr. John Walker is still' very poorly, although bettor than he was a short time ago. It is said :that Mr. E. Medd, (son of Mr. Hy. Medd,.), who preached for the first. time in the Methodist Church a week ago, purposes studying for the' ministry. His first effort was by no means discreditable to him. A FLARE' crr.—A little commotion was caused here on Sunday last, by one of the chimneys on the Methodist parsonage tak- ing fire. From the way it smoked, it was feared. that some portion of the . roof ,'had taken fire,:' which, however, was' not the case, and the application of , a little water soon extinguished the fire in the chimney. The Signal is authority for the statement that Dr. Coleman Will retire i'rotri;tite'eonteet in Centre Huron e may iiisVria well do so, for the government havg, Ynaiesad their op- ponents in that riding:;; Ministerial papers claim •thetthe present Dominion Cabinet em_ brace 't the only states. mon" in the country. The circumstance ie like the boy, asking a blessing upon a frugal Bin- der, when he exelaimed " Qh, Lord, we thank thee for- this .food—such as it ie." COL7lORNE., Epizootic among horses, and measles among humanity, are prevalent. Mr. R. Wonnacott h'as leased the Wade property, which is now in'. the hands of the Molsons Barik::. . Mrs. Geo. Butt has -returned from Bay; city, Mich., to her parents home. She is very low with-consuniption. Rev. 1.' Broad, B. C. minister, intends leaving this circriit next •conference.. `It is not yet known who will supply his; place., It is rumored that Mr `J E. LeTou•.el; has leased' his farm to Mr. Robt.:llclllil lan, and intends going into tobacco rais- ing. Can suchbethe case ? . . MULLETT. NEEDS a'itixrivc.—The fence : in frond of the Cemetery north : of Londesboro;- would be much improved by a coat of white, paint. : Rrcnr.—The Council of this township are going to 'enforce the. " Thistle Act" this season, having it printed on . the back of Pathmaatere lists, for their guidance. Tan FALL WHEAT. — Notwithstanding the cold, 'the fall vheat.in'this township is,. looking well ; a few bare spots fare' notice able in some of the fields, where it'has been killed, but generally it appears to be thriving. ' LECTuaE —On Thursday evening, 18th inst., a lecture will be delivered•:in the B. C. church, °Ebenezer, loth .coon. 'of.Hullett by Rev. T. Breed,. on '" The tabernacle"in', the wilderness," illustrated by designs.— Vocal and instrumental music will be ren- dered by Mr. Broad and his daughters Nellie, with flute and organ, assisted by. others. '.Admission, adults, 154. children, yn.. Sir A. T. Galt, who is on his way to Cana- da, is said to have resigned his position as High Commissioner, and will enter the; Mir; isiry:in place of Mr. Tilley. The reason for the latter's intended retirement is na given,, but ho has likely Some snug berth in reserve. CW L±Js TON.; WINGHAMi: Arroi sesinslx.=Mr.• : Pettypiece the new " Chief" is doing what he can to keep boys and roughs of the town- in better order. ' ResiovAL,—Mr. McGuire has opened out the Division Court and Ea press Office in the office he used to occupy. p It veil be moreconvenient for the public than the, old, quarters. .. DEATit.—Fanny, daughter of O.Andrua,' harness maker, was .buried on Friday. The deceased was ' only married .a short time 'ago and ' will be 'remembered by all Winghain readers. ECCLESIASTICAL'— Rev. ' Mr. "'Mcl7bsh' preached in the Episaapal Church on Sun- day. Mr. Jamieson, of Brussels, offciated' ill the Canada Methodist. Rev. B.`,B. Keefer, late of the C. M.church, preached morning and'evening in the Congregation- al pulpit, in the morning from .the ' text:—; All these things are against me," in the 'evening,from the four verses of the 5th of Hebrews. His position appeared painfully humiliating. While in no way attempting: to justify.himself or lay the blame 'onother, shoulders, he claimed ail- honest purpose and good intention, whish no doubt he. had.. Wo understand 'that a competent board have declared him innocent of ' the'. charge 'of wrong doing" brought against FOR 0 his department ' we are, now showing .• p a Magnificent range of lisp, Scotch alla 'all No Also, an immense stock, of ine Worsted Goods. These a -re exceptionally fine and new in design e. We have pleasure in announcins otfhat we hav secured tho service M Late: Of Messrs; A. G. McDougall & Co.,. Seaforth, as Cutter, whose ,,reputation is too well known to need' comment. sepaitmer e are offering a ._fine selection of' the newest shapes .in stiff and soft UR A.ND: IDOL H In. Black, Brown, Nutria, Fawn and Pear antle Materia: BLACK MANTLE SATINS. BLACK ; MANTLE_ .SATIN : DE :LYON. BLACK MANTLE GPO GRAIN SILK. BLACK ATA:NTLE BROCADE ;SILK BLACK MANTLE CASHMERES. BLACK - MANTLE CLOTHS, light fine makes, plain -and twilled. COLORED MANTLE CLOTHS, nice'`` colors.. Mantle Fringes, Mantle :Ornam.ents, Mantle Frogs,: Mantle Buttons, Mantle Laces. — DIANTLES MADE TO ORDER. Correct iii fit, correct in cut and style, correctly trimmed. Our Mantle Maker .knows her business thoroughly, and we : can. assure out customers -' er- fect satisfaction. Kindly T place your orders for Mantles. PATRONAGE • SOLICITED. This Department is the most excellent of its kind' in the :coun- _t r. The NOBBIEST MILLINERY' In town. '.' Pretty Hats, pretty Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Ornaments, Silks, Satins, Brocades,Mories, Sash Ribbons ; Sashes ready made; with embossed ends and fringed.-' Ribbons of all kinds. CRESS GOODS and PARASO: In immense. array,at the Dress and Silk�� W� l eli olise of Hiro4: THE DRY GOODS PALACE' OF CLINTON. J •( ►G1 hrgi' cases of straw fiats, ncw, nobby aid chea, The assortment of White and Regatta SHIRTS., COLLARS, CUFFS, GENT'S SILK TIES, SILK and LINEN HA.NDKEItCHIEFS, DENT'S KID GLOVES, HOSIERY,* &c., is most complete. EN�.TE1IEN INVITE INSPECTION. G ' WE 1 SPECTION: We take pride in showingour Goods i n his de-, partment, believing we can suit our customers every,. time. Tapestry Carpets, 3171 cents. Brussels . Carpets 90 cents. I L 9 • We o1 Carpets. TTn:ion and.I3em Car ...., .: p , . pet,_ ., Stair ,Carpets: ✓cocoa 1Vlattiig. •. S`tar and liloar Oil cloths., or Carpets Made & put down at shortest noti ce. Axminster..`Wi s ' Cocoa Mats, g , s, Lace '. Curtain Nets Curtain: Holders, New ; Cretonnes' ladies should see our stock. dal UVwhirteia 'J'$E ; GR'EA'T DRY GOODS MEN, CLINTON This department is now underthe management of Sowell and s"o favorably'. known.:'! WEE S. Our stock. isone of the largest and best selected in town, consisting of Scotch, English and Canadi- an makes, Worsted Coatings, Serges, &c._` SUITSSA DE TO ODER and entire satisfaction guaranteed. CAl�PETS., ' Having made special arrangements with, one of' the largest dealers in Carpets, we ' are enabled to offer" by far the largest variety in town. -All wool, Union, and Tapestry. - American Cottonade, rtisShi „;. ngs Printed Piques,. by directimportation ;'and of special good value. Colored Carpet Warp at • $1.75 per bundle. CA1PS. TO • v STOCK, F'[T • LL AND N,U •VCTEL L ASSORTED. Boots and Shoes,Crockery Y `� end Glassware. AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION NT