HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-04, Page 107 r EIA M . A. F. REED leaves this week'•to CLINTON N enter on his dudes as shorthand -clerk at T13URSDAT,M.�Y 4, 1882. Chicago, in connection with the Chicago & Alton R.R. WHILE in town last week, Cool Burgess was so much pleased with the • Doherty organ,` that he ordered one from Messrs, Doherty & Gibbings. ApJ'pI rrmEr7T. The Manitoba Gazette contains the annoucenient of the appoint- ment-of Mr. A. H. Manning, Barrister,. to be 'a commissioner in Ontario, for admin- istration of oaths, to be used in; Manitoba. The Provincial Secretary made the 'ap- pointment without the solicitation, L we understand, from the- appointee, but no doubt.: upon representations made'from here. !o1U11 ZoomiC . Burbank Seedlingsand Early Rose seed' potatoes. Trios. CoorEa, Clinton. Call and see the Lounges at $.'i, at BEN- NETT'S EDR sirruaE STORE, -below the- Com xnercial Hotel. - MR. A'KENNEDY, purchased the pas- turage privileges of the Driving Park, on Monday, for $70 for the season. • Mit. WILL WHITE, late of Clinton, de- livered an address to a large gathering of. immigrants, at the . Imaaigrant Sheds, Winnipeg, on Sunday last. . MS. PATRICK DONNELLY, ofBiddulph,. passed through town on 'Tuesday, on his way to Goderi h ; he was an employee in Holmes' waggon shop, here,about six years ago. Mx. Joss Uorn, late with Vraib, Mac- whirter & Co:, as: cuutter, has been en- gaged by Messrs,` R. Coats & Son, who intend to carry on the tailoring business in connection with their -establishment. • REvrsmoN CoURT.-A,court. for the re - Vision. of the Assessment Roll'; for. 1882 'wrillobe • held in the Council Chamber, on 'the' evening -of Monday, ,9th of -May. y. • 11 persons interested .should make a note -ofjthis fact.- Tama act-'Ta Ei a is no town in Western Ontario, even double the. size, that has Made" the same ;ampunt of material improvement as that ;Clinton -during :the last five years— and•what as very .encouraging is, that the ; 'improvemsent• is still going on. 3 Bvs�iN;nss. CxANGE. A r Kennedy, 'of )Caledonia '(brother •of Mr, D. ;B. Kennedy) ` . bas bought out the bakery business of Mr. Wm.Jaee, and -will take possession in a !couple of weeks. •We believe '' Mr. Lee •;intends to re-engage in the, grocery busi- ness here. • Pyr n Mr J L Reeve' (son of Dr Reeve)finished successfully :medicalstudles at Queen's College, Kinhie - 'stop, has, returned home`<for the present. We believe:thathe has some intention of removing to the Pacific. Coast, and com- a• rnencing " practice at:some point there. IT Is sAxn that Aurelius Clark; late of • this place, is engaged at 'Portage .;la Prairie, as; hotel waiter, 'tonsorial . artist-, and us driver for the Grand „Central. Our readers 'can picture to themselves Aurelini'sas'busagent - ":Dis way gentle- • men • foab de GrandCentral 'yah. y'ah y ah.. :ls sHOWING-.how. closely .hacked the peopleare�andte difficulty of.getting houseroom, it -maybe -mention- ed that a singler`oom not much more than 1:0. S 1205,oocupied by -two young men .from Clinton;:their wives, three ;ehildr`en, - and two male friends=in all nine' per- -,ions—as'!eating,- living ' and • sleeping ac- coinmodatron. H S..L. Soccnvy.—The regular meet- ing.of the Clinton H. S. L. S. was held on, • Friday evening last. The programme consisted,of'readings by'Messrs.:.Cornyn, • McLennan and ,iMiss T�msmore. Recita tions by' is :Ms', ;9,jane'MeLennan, .and Mr:'. �Gauley. , Dialogtte.by Misses McLennan and :SnellAnt 'Mr..L. McLennan. .11iusic. by Miss Helyar and, Mr. B. Stanbury, All ,of which were remarkably Well rendered. m• WILL•PIIRBSt+S SIS STuDIEs. We' un- :derstand: thaf�Mr.. M. R.• Elliott, of Gode- rieh townshi'pa(formerly with Dr. • Doors ley) expecte to leave for Europe. in a few slays to pursue this _studies • in medicine:. His intention is to visit London, Edit " - burgh and'Paris, Ave.amdhaveno' doubt that whet he returns to Canada:itowill'be with eddidonal honors, of having passed, eucoesgfwlly• through the medical` colleges; of the olikworld. • •.'Co xa TO Ci rrrroN.-We understand that Mr.,;`T. K. Anderson; late of the Well. :knownfirm of Hally & Anderson,; of Sea - forth lias been engaged, ;as cutter:for 'the' establishment of Crain Macwhirter & Co of this thofvn , Mr: Anderson IMO, 'xented• _a house lrbre, and will at once become a` resident~ o ',the "only live town in .the' county: ' `Mr+ Anderson • is by no means a stranger•:4bere,•-his wife, (formerly Miss Barton) ligving resided here. • • W a'`ve been •shown, by AIr.,E. Keefer,;' acopyofthe • "U;pper Canada,Guardian"' publliialt d. in the =:year ' 1811, at .Niagara. It was issued on 'very . coarse paper, the -04016iyg about the size of one ,page of -tli`ef�71iw FBA, and alithongh wretchedly, printed,, we presume it was .considered A noitepeetiesen of printing. at that day:: neilladers would not' be familiar •with any of the news contained therein, but we "'Aare -84! of the young unratified, la-` Mies o2Goderich • would remember °many afithe eircumetances'f ferf d do—.T 7' •t,I3BATH •BRiEiariiNG.-On Sunday last .a .Couple of eyosing men''from, the town amused• themselves 'in ;an adjaeent bush by shooting front' a revolver. We have, '- reason'to believe that .the number, of re volvers carried is larger than angst people • have anyidea: of; 'and, the law in this con= neation.should be`,rigidly enforeed. An other party of boyys 'went down,to Charles- ,worth's,creek, fishing, on the eame day, andtif•same of them sa* their names in print,, they would feel very much ashamed.' ON Fi{avAY evening a cow' erected "heaps of fun" for those who 'happened' to be'in the vicinity of ;the Commercial Hotel. . In cleaning out the `cellar half a lintel ,of'potatoes had been set out in the lane, Nur`after eating nearly the whole of them, -the cew found -she eould, not get her hold out of the barrel, 'and he pranced wildly about the lane ,with: the barrel high up., in the air. •some of • the on -lookers Come, to her relief, and After considerable trouble, got the barrel off. ON' 'iu».&X last 111,.• Geo Diehl, jr,, returned from,Winnipeg, whitherbe had been in the interest of the Clinton',Cabi- net Company. The party. with_,which he. was returning were delayed for two days at Emerton, owing to• the • floods, and even then they found.it necessary to come from Emerson to a point above 'St. Vin- cent, acro the prairie by, steam boat, the depth of tho.vgater• then being:from., three to five feet, the very farm the beat crossed • • being said to have changed hands last. summer at $25,000 Mr. Diehl says that a good many are returning from the west; confident that they can do fully as .well financially, in Ontario, ''as anywhere in. the west In 'referring to the 'bus item in our last issue, the Clinton NEw ERA remarks: " We only keep it up here to lend to one- horse towns like Seaforth and Goderich." Yes, Mr. Stephens intends purchasing the "old crowbates" that used to haul it to the station: , $e will then donate them to the citizens of Clinton fer-a•hat rack for their town hall.—Sun. ,[Yes, and if he does, it willbe the fist articles. Seaforth ite-ever donated to any one outside their, own. town.? . MoLsoi s BANIc.—Owing to the. large increase in the volume of business, the Molsons Bank branch in this town,'have found it necessary to engage the services of.another assistant. -The general work- ing of the ; office has also undergone a change-11.1r..'Sinylie, who has been. per forming the double duty of accountant and teller, 'now attends to -his duties as accountant, Mr. Siddell, as teller, and a son of Mr.,C A. Hartt acts as junior. lir Siddell will shortly be transferred to Winnipeg, and -his place will be taken by Mr. W. H. Ransford, -who has commenced his duties.' . The' Bank has purchased a valuable property in Winnipeg, and will at once open there. The result of the last year's business; here must be very gratifying to the, management, as• not- withstanding the large amount: of busi- ness done, not one dollarhas been lost, or bad debt contracted u`uall THE NEW ERA is' not us y given to boastingor 1 it own trumpet,' blowing- s o p , but there are occasions when, in the inter- est ofthe ratepayers, it beeomes necessary. to, make mention of a few facts, espdally as it fully confirms our repeated tverbal, assertion -that the town printing was being done as cheap,' if not' cheaper, than al- most any other place, notwithstanding the absence of local competition. A short time ago the:' annualreport of the Model School was inserted in the NEW ERA and Record; bein„Aidentical in both papers. The charge of the NEV ERA for the same was ';$2,• (the same as on previous occa- sions) the Record was paid $3: The'Au- ditors' Report of the town was inserted in both papers one issue, last month, and_ 50 copies of thereport ordered ofthe .Record. OniManday'night the bill wassent to the Council• for the sane ; the Record asking $10j.for the insertion in the paper and $6 for the fifty copies of the report, a •total'of $161.' Now what we wish to call special attention to is this :—In 1880: and in 1881 thel-NEw ERA inserted the 'report ,and printed one hundred ;copies on each .occa- sion; and was paid.; $8.50 for the sante, -and not only;.was tile„ large_difference in' price in favor of:the NEW ERA, but the work was done without error, while.. we defy anyoneto add up the first column of figures on the report; as issued, by the Record, and make it total as they have it. The Finance: Committee, on. Monday night, very properly ,refused to consider the, account. We don't object to our co- temporary gettingreasonable;, prices for work, but we 'do object to its, getting 'ex- orbitant rates out of the town;funds. We; may just state; that we not.,only labor toy give good work to all who may patronize us, but that our charges are as moderate as they can reasonably be BRIEFS.—ft.is said that Mr.:''Havell, of Galt, is negotiating for the purchase of Huron Record'. : The. first ; awning in Coats block is':thatput up by R. Coats& Son 'April ehowers were very few and far !between :° Business men have lately had; a little leisure time to devote spring gardening—the hum will soon be heard. again, however. Huron sent 94 patients; to the Toronto Insane Asylum, last : year: Mr. IP: Mel aren has erected a-neatpieket fence in front of his house on Victoria street ; Mr. W. C. Searle has also been improving his place by the erection of a new fence and • the removal of several stumps from his garden. Mr. C. Dickson. has I put up several new signs. A youth out 1shooting on Friday, bagged several splendid wild ducks -as a consequence every boy who, couldshoulder a gun went out'shooting on Saturday.: There was a slight fall of hail on Monday morning, and the weather has: since been cold and wintry -like. Parties who •; have visited the ICemetery,.of late speak favorably of the (great improvements that are being made—there: -'A number of-the-rOddfellows of this .p lace attended service` at the Gode- richi Methodist Church on:lsiinday,,';in:. connection with those of Goderich,:;w.hen' special sermon was addressed them'! by Rev:' Dr.. Williams. A person named George Betts having'been hung , in . Colo- rado: a- few days since, a report got cir- culated that it was the George Betts late of this town, but such is not the case, as far as known, he being now a resident of Flint, Mich. Owing to the. rope -break- ing on Monday, the town bell was not rang as usual, until therope was re- paired. " Willit ever get warm weather," is the `exclamation of :.many. Fresh onions are the, first new vegetables offered for sale. A regular meeting of A. P. & A. M. will be held' to -morrow evening. A: full attendance of the Philarmanic Society is asked for.this (Thursday) night. On Tuesday night, about one o'clock, a mat) "under full sail, and with a heavy cargo on boards"„ went up Albei t :street, shouting at the top of his •*voice at every step, and causing several on the street to getup and see what was the matter. Mr. J. Scott has bought out the .interest of Mr. H. Stevens, in the Clinton planing factory_ '-and- becomes sole proprietor. Messrs.' Corbett & Boles' new factory will: be aldecided improvement to Mary street, and looks a very large building, now it is closed in. Good horses are in . good de- mand. Mr. Frank Thompson, of Mans- field, 0., who has before bought several consignments of horses in this neighbor-' d s here again boo ,i ga n ori: the same .mission; To -day is arbor dny, and there will likely be a lot of trees planted, as plenty are to, be had. We learn that Mrs. A. Matheson and family left St. Paul, on Monday for the west Mr,, Matheson remaining behiE.d with the stock for a few days. One of the largest and finest stocks of IS TO BE SEEN AT 111 Boy's Shirts, sizes 121, 13, 13-, 14, with collar to match, only 75 cents. Men's Colored Sliirts, only .85 :cents, collar to match; ,. Men's French .Regatta Shirts, at all prices' and in all sizes: Bo "s :White; Shirts, all sizes. y n Mens WhiteShirts ever style, size. arid price. Measures taken 'for Gale's 'celebrated Shirts, in White and Colored Goods: All the latest American. Novelties` in Linen Collars and Cuffs. . ust'passed thoust�-r ray of AMERICAN P6lNTEU PKC, BORDERED AND PLAIN. 'A�ericau Ginghams, A�crica� �Lhite Co�tous SCOTCH Bordered` 17" E IiWTS, new def4ignlw. round PRINTS Lig-ht .and Dark NEw 1i 1 Es S . G,QUDS. , NE W MAN'TILE CLOTHS. ew Passmentre Trimmings a N s a,nd Ornaments. Parasols and Sunshades ONE CASE OF ladies lc Minis Sa:Ba prices FULLY EQUIPPED. CALL AND LEAVE YOUR OUR 'ORDERS EARLY: e - Famous Hatter and Furnisher, CLINTON. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. :ISTBR 111 VIRI:TIES • Speciakty this Week. 5 quires Note Paper for 20 cts 0. 1118 11118 if IES GILT-.EDGE-D:NOT PAYER. & 0 QLD . CURIOSITY SHOP," :1CLIN"1"ON The rush' for ,Clothing at our establishment h s. been.:s great this season that we: are compelled -to duplicate all orders, and we can now safely say: that never before was there as large and selectstockhere isat the r n time. as seecta�tst e l est me. Our goods were all bought from the best markets, and the choicest''o'oods selected, and as we carry on no other branch of business in'connection with our ; Clothing ..Store, we. therefore devote our every attention to buying the newest and most select goods in the 'market, to .get the newest styles and seek: that the best of satisfaction is given to every customer. e THREE CUTTERS in our It : now takes immense tot : establishment do he work .of. - -our large trade. WE ARE THIS WEEK IN RECEIPT OF SOME OF. THE CHOICEST WITH COLORED WORSTED TROUSERINGS TO MATCH, HAT WAS EVER BROUGHT' INTO OLIN TON, : RANGING FROM $13 TO $22 A SUIT. Jackson; theClothiex, canton Good Coat, Vest and Pant Makers wanted immediately.'