HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-04, Page 9alarinneeleMMIMarsitherintagerna
May 4), 18,8Q.
• Nearer Thee.
s Nearer, my God, to Thee.",
•These sweet, Sweet words,learnedlong ago,
to -day -,
•Are dearer far to me;
For Christ, the Teacher, taught 11.10 say,
And Blom the heart 1 trust I pray .
The prayer truthfully.
"E'en though it be a cross."
I little thought once -rvhat the cross might bo—
(Involving bitter loss) '
The cross that brought me nearer Thee,
Til I could wish all else might be
As nothing else but dross.
" That raiseth '
To know and feel the heights of Thy great love,
Which e'en undhanginglf •
To me each day is given from above
That 1 its fulness here may prove, •
And brings me nearer Thee.
" Still all my song shall be,"
That nearer, nearer to Thee, day by day,
Thou e'en wilt bring me,
Till, life's day done, I gladly may '
Come closely to Thee, there to stay.
Through all eternity., •
" Nearer, my God, to Thee—"
These dear old words. they sweeter•grow
As oft they come to me ; .. •
A cadence sacily sweet doth flow. „
Through all their naera'ries, and I .knew
They bring me nearer Thee.
Hamilton, April 178h 1862.
LovaLwr ror CANADIANS.
How They Slug o, God we the Queen "—
A: Chairman In h Box.
Archibald Forbes, in the- a Centuey
Magazine" for May, says e The loyaltyof
the Canadians to the British Crown is
beautifully fervent ; they would rather''I
am sure, be • torn limb from limb' than
Butter annexation to the United • States.
Indeed, I have some idea that, deep down
in the Caapdian heart, there lurks the
notion of, one of these fine mornings,
anneaing the United States to Canada. .A
, little Canadia.n town Will. flymore, loyal
• bunting on the Queen's birthday
• - than you can see, On the same
auspicious occasion, in the whole,. of
the mother country. In the provincial
regions of Canada, it is the practice to con-
clude all public gatherings with singing
. ".God Save the Queen." In -every nommUnity
• there is a champion 'vocalist:for:Whose
• _powers this practice gives scope; 4taid,:be
springs to the chance as it he had found a
nugget. But occasionally the champion
vocalist is not on hand ;he may be "under
the weather," or behind the bars, or may
not have a -taste for the performance of the
•evening. Probably the latter cage had
kept away the champion on one OCCaBletil
which I remember. The Chairman had
duly made the stereotyped announcement,
" The audience will disPerse singing
'God Save the Queen, ' •but there
was no response. There • was: no
one present who dared, to—initiate the
vocal performance. Here was a predica-
ment! • Obviously, the loyalty of the place
would be compromised if • the audience
Should disperse •without fulfi Meg the
behest! in despair, the Chairman, isolated
on the platformas he was, hinatielf essayed.
to set the ball a -rolling. But: in the first
• place, he could not sing ; in the second
place, he didn't know the words ; in the
third place, as I learned afterward, he was
not popular, and the audience rather en-
joyed his discomfiture. , Valiantly he
plunged into the breach. '" God Saye,our
precious Queen !" carcie from him, in an
inha,rmonious strain, but ho never got any
further, and nobody •would help him. He
tried it again, but with the same untoward -
result ; and then he tinned and left the
platform a sadder and wiser man. •
Enilartinee on Moments:h.
A remarkable feat of horsetilanship and
equestrian endurance 'had been _accom-
plished by M. Prieur de la: Cobable, SUP-
' Lieutenant in the Seventh:. Dragoope.
This officer undertdok to ridelaid Chestmet
- mare Mascotte from Linieville to, Paris, a
aadistance of 217,i miles, :in 72 hours. M.
MPrieur de la Comble mounted his mare at
2 o'clock on Monday, and duly arrived at
the horse show in the Champs Elysees yes-
terday with half an hour to spare. On
reaching Paris, Mascotte, frightened by a,
tramway horn, had an ugly fall, but neither
she nor her rider took any harm; :and'
except that they were , covered with dtist
both looked as fresh as at the start. A
perfect ovation awaited the gallant officer
and his now celebrated steed, and a special
prize was forthwith awarded for the man-
ner in which -the feat was accomplished.:—,
Paris -Despatch to the London_ Daily Tele-
-taught their_daughters that "a stitch in
time saves nine." A pill in time saves not
only nine, but ofttimes an incalculable
ainount of suffering as well: An occasional
doe of Dr. Pierce's Pellets (Little Sugar-
coated Pills), to cleanse the stomach and
bowels, not only prevents diseases bat often
• bre-aks up sudden attacks, when taken in
tinae. By druggists.'.
OLD WORLD (40881Pl.
Sfiioy Budget of :Tran.satrantine
News. '• , •
. London cablegrame have been receiVed:
since Saturday as follows. ;• •
The State, trial of Maclean must,. I slip'
pose, he called the event of • the .week. ft
was held in the presence, of a tremendous
array of judges, Who, owingto the solemnity
of the oceaSion, . wore their fullebettondeal
-Wigs:. A special commiseion. was issued to
the Lord Chief Justice to try the prisoner.
One day's aessioe was sufficient to ,prOye
the man 'a, gennine crank, and he will be •
" confined during Her Majesteds pleasure'"
in a lunetheasylum. Next to the „wigs, the
most ;interesting part of the, proceedings
Was :the., fact; ,'Sts4t,e4 by the. Lord Chief
Justice that the! latF. of England --on high
trea,scei standa' now as it:stood 500 years
and-. more 'ago, on the Statute of King
Edward 111., paseed in 1352: / • • ' •
' I mentioned last Week thel intention,' of
societY tO honor Lord ' Peaconsfield's
,menaory by wearing primroses. 'Sine
eneugh on the 19th the west'; end fashion-
ablee,, the Stock Exchange speculators -and
the sportsmen on Epeom Downs who
witnessed -the triumph. Of Passaic, all pre-
•sentecl a large .pereentage .of wearers, of.
yellow bunches of the dead' statesznan's
favorite flowers:. Her Majesty sent a Wreath"
of • the same for the tomb in Hughenden
evhere,inadditien to the royalenonu-
.ment and the: banner and insignia Of the
Garter; a mernerial'window has.been dedi-
cated. Referringto this English "'decora-
tion day," the newspapers raaige themselved
on pa8y1inee, the Conservatives solemnly
sentimental,.the Liberala quite the reverse,
one observer 'asserting..ttiat out of 134.
primroseWearers wbbm he counted on one
street only thirteen betrayed anysy.mptome
•of intelligence in their faces. ,
Two rattling prize-fights .took placepxi
successive; .days- in the neighborhood of
London, ancl' there have been several un-
detected murders. .The ConsereatiVes
seize upon such thingS as, a proof of Lord
Carnarvon's saying that Mr: Gladstone has
let loose "the hell hounds. of anarchy
and civil war." One of the papers hopes
that if those interesting anferialeinte 'felted
,runding.arohnd they Will at once be .taken.
to thdlicape.for lost dogs ateiiatterfiesta-
Mean astonishment horehoven et the
_ ,
exposure of the fraud's.,)
man tannedRogers:- having agents :du
several towns; has victimized persend, to.
the extent of thousands of pounds on the.
• pretence of souring them 'large fortunes
,lying ha •Chteneery.The metropolitan police
Were warned -of the frauds years ago, but
with their ..eausti obtuaeness • • refused to
• • : •••
Iu the literary • workl Darwin's death deal
of course, the absorbing topic.' The papers
print long -.and; /minute obituaries of. the
great ; Jicientist who dared: inform the
human race that it was deseended Srona:.a
hairy. animal with a tail and ;pointed ears.
The • nines- says' that exactly a year ,has
•separated• the. °deaths 4,)f the. &twti •Most
Tow,erful' this century, Earl
Beaconsfield and -Mr: •
A society has been founded for the ..ptir-
p.es remtiving from England the disgra,ce
of having till now left buried inniapilecript
the inost por tan t *dirks df -her great eit:-riy
reicionercilin Wycliffe.. The sodety.Pro-
pc>see to print all -his genuine writings.by the
year 1884, the five hundredth anniVerearY of
his death.
Landon has its- outragedon jewa as well
as Reasia... At an inquest helcieecently Mr.
Cohen,, a Levite, objected to eerve 055 a jury
'because • his religion forbade him to look
linen it dead body on that day.. Thecoroner
insisted that Mr. Cohen 'sheuld :attend
Which he did, warning the coroner that the
'sin, he web about to•commit was upon his,
, head; whereupon the coroeereaid' heavould,
Put up.with all that, and :the .inquest , ,Pro -
:deeded.. Thai' aation has not apparently'
:been publiCly;deribunced by anybody.' •
. . , .
.An explosion last night at the Court
:Theatre caused -great alarm. 'A panic- was
averted by, thc coolnSss of,' the Prince' of
Wales, who Ordered -hit4 .own .intityto, sit
still and signalled to the rest of the house •
to' preserve,order. ..rt,ynifi poen .disco,vered
• there was ne dauger. -
. The :latest item, crincerningellreParnell
IS that, theKyrle- Society, has.appliedto the
Government for pernsiesioxi to adorn :his
cell at Kilnaainha,m with sage -green Our.'
tains; dadbs, blue 'Potterja'And other objects
dear to, the- resthetic, soul; bet,Philifitine
Forster Sternly refused todillow the -virgin
expanse' of Government whitewash- to:a be
orogoltot.rit*oN op A. wAivious
• The dissolution of the famous house of
A. T. Stewart ; Co.; chronicled ix our
-New York despatches of a recent date,
marks the cessation from business 'of -the
firm which did Probably the most extensive -
retail dry goods liasiuees in the world.
The founderewho died but a year or twcl.
ago, had a phenomenal eareer. -When-
.Mr,-Stetvart, after a few years' experience
as a school teaciher, started in' the dry
• goods .•businefie in 1822, in Breathe ay,.
lacer Chanabere street, he had Lui-
tween 01,200 and Ti1,500 capital, and
his store • was ' 22 feet • -Wide by
30 deep. :When on April 10th, 187'6, be died,
-his retail store, ' whigh mist $2;,750,000,
occupied a city ,hlotele, and ciovered an area
of -2iacrefanaaking, with its -eight _floors, a,
total of 18'acreelinder One roof 'devoted to
the retail drys businese. The miming
:expenses of e'.establisiernent- we're aver
61,000,000 a year. Itivae the largest store
in the world, nething.in :London . or Paris
.alpproaching the building in s size or in
amount of lausiness done in it. • Besides
this, be had :the wholesale store olivering
the Broadway 1 end bf the block between
Chambers and Reade street's. The combined'
Bailie of the Iwo establishments aggregated
'50,000,0110.a year. In,tionnection with the
businesd, he : owned a nunalier etwoollen,
silk and: thread, ' naills—the , Mohawk,
the Elbeeuf at Little Falls,. . the New
York mills at ; Holyoke,. the Wriodvvard
mine ,ati,'WbOdstock, the Yintic. Mills' in
•:Igew Jersey,: the Washington Mille near
J3ticit,' 'CathkilI • W,Coliely mills, the
Waterville- *ellen ',mills,' tha 'Glenlearn
wbollen midi.- the • Glenham carpet
factory.' He lied ,:alatiaalarge , factories' at
Nottingham, England; and Glasgow, Scat -
land.; 'He had beanenhoefiee at Bradford,
Manchester, Belfast, Paris, Lyons, Berlin,
and at Cheranitz , in Saxony. This 'great
business Was built up by assiduous atten-
tion to details,' exact babies andrigid
adherence to fixed principles of conduct.
'When he started Cut in, his littleBroadway.
store, he and his wife lived in a, rtiOria. above
it. He; was.,4hts •own , bookkeeper, sales-
man • ...and porter, and he ',Worked
_from fourteen .to eighteen • hours.
a day. He haunted auction rooms;
picked up cheap lots, and epared.tio pains
to present. his goods attractively. • He
:bought for cash, Rild -quickly and kePt his
"'honey turning,' A principle that lay at the
• foundatim—i-bf his success was •the rigid
_honeety of his dealings. Goods werer.epre-.
Belated to beexaetly what they were. • The
price #xed was'aslow as possible and there
was no deviation from: it: lae-gave • emPloy-
ment to over 2,000Persorts in his New Xork.
stores, which were frequented byrichand
poor alike, and wheii, he died lie was worth
1530,000,000. .01 late it- has been repre-
sented that the iirm waslesing money.
Ten London Lancet says: "Nervous dis-
eases and weaknesses increase' in a country
as the population comes to live on :the flesh
of the warm-blooded animalti. Thie is a
p,oint to which—attention_has not been
adequately directed. Meat '---using that
term lu its popular sense—is highly stimu-
lating, and supplies proportionally more
exciting than actually nouriahing pabulum
to the nervous system. The meat eater
lives at high pressure, and is or ought to,
be, a peculiarly active organism, like.,a,'
predatory animal, always on the alert,
walking rapidly, and consuming large
quantities of oxygen. In practice We find
that the meat eater does not live up to the
level of his food, and as a censeqUence he
cannot or does not take iu enough oxygen
to satisfy the exigencies of his mode.of life.
Tbercepon followanany, if not most, of the
ills to which highly, civilized anli luxurious'
meatseating elasdes are liable." .
THE Annales d' Ilygiene says that 0y8t4,§
acquire by cenafinenaent a green color;which
is probably due to disease of the liver.
This causes an increase of adipose tissura
• and makes them much more palatable.
Ad these green oyeters command high
ptices, the omni -present adulterator steps
forth with his little dolutibn of a salt 61
copper, and dyes the bivalves a delicate
green. Analysis has shown that a dozen 61
them contain 0.147,graiterof metallic copper,
enough to cause serious trouble if 'taken
frequently. They May be deteoted by
washing thern in w splution of acetic acid
and dipping a needle into the washings.
If copper be present' it will be ,deposited
Upon the needle. '
Dr. Pierce's " Favofile Prescription"
perfeAy and permanently cures those
diseases peculiar to females. It,is* tonie
and fielVine, effectually allaying endearing
those sickening -sensations that affect the
stomach and heart through reflex action.
The backachelth-d "dra,gging-down " sen-
sations all disappear under the strengthen.,
hag effects of this great restorative. By
druggists. ' .
A returned American named Devlin has
been arrested at Dublin on finepicion of
having shot McGowan, the keeper of a
publid.house neat Boyle.
• IfklUIVAL'i 1111U1{1)1E R.
A 'Quebec. Woman. Butoleered in
' • •Bed.
A despatch from Quebec this (Thursday)
-afternoon says: A widow woman, n,arned
°agars:wag found murdered hi her bed in
Seuveur tine morning. A man' :attired
Metivier has been .arrested charged With
the offence. The' inquest NS ill be held:to-
. ,
morrow. , .
4 ' Monday'si Quebec despatch gives
.the following fuller partibulani, of the
murder committed there on Wednesday -
eight : . A Murder Was committed in
Sauveur last 'night. At about .1.0.
o'cleek an old -Woman napaed , Anger,.
proprietor ofa. smallgrocery at the
corner of St. Anahroise and Parent streets,
St. Sauveur, retired te bed with a young
girl who had for some time past been st.ay-
ing with.her. Shortly after retiring lond
knocks yv.ere heard at the .front door.
Madame Anger called out, "'Who; idthere ?"
anti-'receied . in- answer,' " Metivier.
want • a pound of butter and a ;Mean
loaf.". The old 1:...'idialan.retused to open the
door, and the knocks were renewed She
then said to the.young girleher companion,
"Run Away, there are rabbers.here:
yourself." The The girl rah. to 'the back win-
dow, opened. it, ep,rstug to the ground a,ficl
knocked at .a. neighbor's door. Receiving tie
answer; she' returned to, Mrs. Auger's and
requested, her to, aeeorepany 'her. This sluf3;
refused to,ido... The girl :then went to.a,
, neighleor•,, named, ,Rtaisfielle,;eethred the
;house and recited What had juSt oeetirred,
begging bile Of thein te'retlirnte the reficue
of tbesold woman, -but they wereaill afraid,
.a/Ifl''.the girl fearing to go back alone
remained at the hailed • PreSently the
• knocks at Mre. Auger's door were-reaumed,
, and Mr, Bousselle Tut, his ,heitd- out of a
wiedow and said, MatiVier, you had.
, better go., home; ' you have "no busi-
ness hero." •. Metivier then, • .asked
poupselle if be was a policeman, and
receiving a reply in• ;the affirmatiVe
ceased knocking. - .Rousselle and hisi family
went to bed at 12 o'clock as n�further 'dis-
terbance 'ocCurred. Mrs. Anger's: companion
• stay,ed withtbemefOr the, nief,ht. Between
.6 and 7 o'clock this morning the.girlwent
to Mrs. Auger's, store, and whenethe'arrived
there found tbe froat door finest open, the
shop ransacked, and -Mis...:Anget—lyieg ,on
the .bed. Thinking shir was dead, the girl
fearecttoenter Itis bed-rOona and sti,went
'.back to Rousselle's and'get. one of ,thena to
accompany her' to the scene of the robbery.
On rethreing,s the 'old woman was found t�
be stone dead, having bruises on her: chest,
aucl' a braise On her left cheek. below the
eye., A Small quantity oE bleed ,had. fallen
on the bedclothes: The Chief of.the
Quebec Police, C.antaiir. Veld, ''.'and several
.detective c proceeded.t� the '•scene of
the nahrder on receiving,
inferres.tiotf of the OCcurreape,, which was -
shortly • after 8 • or',.clock, • mid tifS 1.1118;Ll
Me Civier Was arrested and ',conveyed:to the,
police staiicj.HiAcbothtcs box contained
quantity'efa tobacco -of varione .brands,
bath cutand plug, and on his person Was
fouud the purse Of the old. woman, 'contain...
in about one dollar,. in cents, 'The pris-
oner :when ;arrested :admitted .haVing been
Are. . Augerja laet !night • in . conipany
With threernen ' wliorn • he did :nee know.
He Said he yids ntit , the inurd,erer; but 2lie
saw -the crime cornbaitted. He is as Man
about 26years of age, 5 f058 11 inches high,
'Clark .complexion, with- black :moustache.
Li:appearance Ite ,seerfas to . bc a combina-
.tiOn•of• rogue and eitopleton. He belongs
te one .of tbescity Volituteer artillery. corps.
X. avier-Me.t,ivi..e„r has jeet appeared. before
the judge of tbe Sessions. 'He admitted
that, he was alone :when' the' :crime was
committed, and ..eaded guilty to the
crithe 'With which. he ie charged.
' Curiosities. of Lathe fetipterteer.
. .
The current (May) number of " Harrier's;
Magazine'" contains- an interesting_illus-•
trated articleupon. the: mining .regions of
the Civet. Peninsula,' of' Michigan, which,
but ftir its mineral Wealth says the .authtir
,wouhl remain an uninhabited wilderness..
-Ttseoilis too , light. fbr wheat and the
summer too short for Indian ' cern, but
-strawberries and currants are.:xemarkable,
a Marquette strawberry resembling ie
size it Seckle pear and --in flavor it wild.
serawberrY." This is attributed tO. the
'eighteen or twenty hours of sunlight. st,nd
.t.wtliaht early in the 'summer, the vegetable
growth :being, uninterrupted by darkness.
The climate is winter mo4ified' by' summer
heat. The -water, of.the lake is too- cool to
SW ilia in e the moat robust man, if he falls
in will perish from the chill in a, few me:
.-meuts. The eumerous trout Streanas are
ice-cold.: • The snow sinks interethe'• sand,.
forming • depp-seated cold springs. ' The
thick forests prevent the sunfrorn warming
the. ground : These, conebined with the
,great depth of the, lake water, • give a,
peculiar vivifying and.invigorating
to the air; -which the writerdeclares will -
make it the great sanitarium of the 'North-
evestern ,State st Southvvest of Portage
Late there is a 'forest of sugar. maples :100
miles long, capable of supplying the :conti-
nent with sugar,: '
Mr. Smyth, M.P., replying to a vote of
censure passed on him by the priests of
Tipperary for not supporting the Land
League, violently -denounces the League,
and declares that until its conspiracy is
demolished,'root and branch, Ireland will -
have no peace.
Dorris, late Assistant Secretary of the
Land League, has been released from
Dundalk jail. He was informed that his
moveniente vld-be strialy watched, and
• that lie would be re -arrested if he,did not be-
have himself. .
The'Lcmddif Daily News says that one of
the suspects claiming to be 'of American
nationality refuses to Accept the offer of
release. He came to Ireland with the ex -
Tress object of raising the international,
question. The other American -euspeets
haling undortakon to leave • the eountry
will be released: . , -
The Telegraph, says it has reason to be-
lieve that no decision has been arrived at
regarding the Araerican suspects.:
An important diploneatic movement is hi
preparation in Russia,' Prince Lobanoff
positively replaces in Paris Prince Orloff,
who is become, 'governor to the' young
Grand Duke Nicholas, heir to the throne,
Prince Orloff's son ire to be his companion.
The London mission is to be given to Count'
Valanieff, who was censured by the recent
commission of inquiry .foe neglience in
office. M. Denelidaff, 'an attaphe of the
Dresden embassy, goes to Constantinople,
where he was secretary, in General lgna-
gaff's time. The hilltience ,of General
Ignatieff. has contributed largely to these
changes, as; also to the nomination of M. de
Giers for the Minietry of Foreign Affairs.
7CrnimMorst Trip/ego.
A. despatch from St. Paul, Minn., 1348
The emigrant boom in the Northwest alas
been greatly acceierated by an exciting
event on Conductot Sharp's; train due here
this morning over:the' Omaha line. Re was
called upon to poside over some of 1 the
preliminaries by which census statiatics
receive acceesions. When the train had
arrived fit it pointtwenty roileti from Bald -
web StAion one of the lady passengers
premised developments, and just beforethe
train arrived at BaldWin gave birth to three
childtenaailioy and two girls. At Baldwin
the mother was taken from the train under
Charge of physicianti who had been pre-
viously, requested', icr telegraph to be in
waiting., ,At last aceoenta the lady Was
represented to be doing well, and Condebtor
Sharp ditto. , ,„ '
Forweak lungs, spitting of blood, Wealf
atareaele, nightsweats 'and the early stages,
of Consumption, "Golden Medical DiSbov-
ery" is specific. . BY druggiSte. '
An Interesting Case.
In the Chancery Division,Toronto,yester-
day,Clarksbn VB. White WaS111). Gibbons for
plaintiff; Maclielean Q. C., for defendant
White ;R. Kingsford • for the Freehold
Building Society. The action was brought
by an official assignee in insolvency, claim-
ing that certain real estate which had been
conveyed to the wife of the insolvent in
1876 was. bought with the money of the
insolvent, and that she might be declared
trustee thereof:and that the claims of the
husband's creditors might be paid there.
out. After hearing the plaintiff's evidence
the learned judge was of Opinion that there
was no evidence of there being any creditor
whose claim was existing at the time of the
cobveyance fq the land in question whose
claire tttill rerdained unpaid, and that on
the present record no -relief could led -given.
-He, howevee, , allowed the case to stand
over, with leave to the plaintiff to amend
his pleadinga on payment of the defend-
ants' costs of the day.
'TRIMS -S. Fisher, of Reading, Pa., the
theological :Strident vvho recently became
.yvh.pla Bible in ,Bix years, was 'a brilliant
young man and his memory was wonderful.
He -could' repeat whble books of eith'er
the Old or New 'refitment'. ,-1Two :months
,ago he said that by JulY 48h he wouldhave
• the Bible. from Genesis to Revelations. at,
, his fingers' ends. His mind ga,Ye way
under the task. • In his attic. chapel .he
would preaCh to imaginary congregationsi,
and would lead in tlacY sin -ging. He was
once a fine-looking young . Mall, but has
evaeted away. -
Says the Congregationalist: "Nonsense,
the hint that any minister is`• likely toget
into trouble ,from ordinary pariSh visits
because he is apt to find only the women
anome. Let'hina only behave with preper
reserve, and dignity.and Ile• ndeds 'no acci-
dent insurance policy to warrant his safety;
but let him be a fool, and go -round greeting
the young wonien with, aholy hies ' and
making long visits where he ought to make
short ones, and ,.his , bweriess 'becomes' ,far
more dangerces than that of , a Gloucester
Coal 'tar Seeme to possess a .marvelous
-potentiality/ Already it, has been • corn-
-pelted t�ye1d, -under the hand :of the
chemist, carbolic acid,piorio acid;paraffine,
the aniline dares, artificial madder,
artificial indto etc„,,aucl. now it promises,
to be it "sourc quinine, asubstanco balled
•Idsely resembling •• quinine
having been Manufaetured• from it.,It is
belleyed that chemists Will seam he ale to
produce pure cpainine,itse
Saturday Iter:fee; : "The Buddhist re-
ligion stands alone among the great re-
ligions of the globe as-4the only one whicii
has -never been propagated by conquest or
-persecution, but which °wee its-imnaense
diffusion solelY :Mits./floral newer."'
The German, TJnion Telegraph Company
liars completed laying the new direct cable
from Emden te.Valentia . for direct corn,
natinication between Germany and the
Anglo.,.Adnerican system. -
In the treatment of old 'lingering com-
rlainte, attended with low vitality, feeble
digestion, torpid liver, , constipatioia and
irritation of the kidneys and bladder, avoid
vascular or nerve etinaulanta like alcohol
and strychnine, as the feeling of 'temporary
improvement is not radical arid is followed
by a relapse. Dr. Wheeler's. Compound
Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya excites
nutrition and creates pure blood, supplies
the.waste Of brain and muscle, invigorates
mind and' body, and inaparts an elasticity
" of spirits that gives new zest to life.
Odifi'sf.iiik.,f4)..k.r.V.*:%. 14'1a -if c2'&0
• (FE017/13Ri'srZIL.)
97.7te7 Nect Com,pou.12(2, its : won
11`,2.:zo .LL, 8't
Elp,pc,:z..tzzs tife irlite.r, c...c
frig th ciso.fv.ebg jzzio c.5, relic
tag 0,1::201:t 1.22;7 tan tly-
Zopeez,, es,s'Ity- Y.22,
91/err7 . ,
, 1Za12Y..7:v ar o' (Jeeed11,-/
' vo.: ;..",'";•
0,:1 the 2tO2.r.
'Zt7.-dcf -.•••z' • )?.tsi Cicltt--
p,cia. It t2ao Liver, car -
ties (.1:14,Z,Z.st...:2;z12tze
12o a.t277 'tare to'
'tv-22 o Zo :
Ctit1.iL oret -hi3,1e It to Yofzf
2).rug,e,-.1:;t ar.<:;`, Pt:10 coltt Sar2p2O,
0.r a Zauihciicfd1. 75 borte, arid.
1o11yo tri -'4 g4-3,Do
11sh Remedy. An
Serainat „Wealf-
liss, Sp ermator..
and all diseases
that follow as
sequence of Self-
% • A.buse.,` as loss of
tefore TeadfigMesnur3',1-Inter- .orl-/-• -
Pain in the Back°, aDlirriLnaesgssiot;ldVetrion;ulgiratifir;t
Old Age; and many other Diseases that lead to
Insanity dr Oonsumption and aPremature Grave,
particulars in our pamphlet, which we
desire to send free by mail to every, one. The
Specific Medicine f8801d lay all druggists at $1 !„,reiir
package, or six -packages for $5,, or will oe sent
by mall 'On reeelpt of the niOney by addressing
Whe Gray Medicine Co.,
-Torolito;--Ontaritrieuntain-. -
I -Jr -Sold by all wholeaale and retail -druggists
inganada and the Veited States.
.The BUSSitida Mittist r'f the Imperial
Household hes issuad a eirtiu lex announcing
that the coronation of the: Czar will take'
place in August, and by 1 mperial coronaand
all the dignitaries of the Empire' must
attend the ceremony iu Moscow. The
festivities holt a iortoi.211t, and the
expenses will amount to ten million rOnbles,
NeuralgCt, Sciatica, Lu beFo,
Backacho,;-Sorenos.: r Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Soro 'Clb•
tngs and Sprain,-
Scalds, Con 3,
Tooth Fru, cri,-
, t.
Foot arr./ Ea
No Prenerati..ii cot earl's
as tti...tifl.(0. so.
Ilennaly , A trial e;:nzi.ig, 1,0 •
outlay of ao
'Ny1;11 pain can liatu sta.'
f50Li iT37;
ihoftwond ana
.471. sume on good mortgage security, Moderate
a to of interest,' EL HALE, ()hinter".
LIST OP, LA..Nns IN lutruoN tun SALE IYY
The Oanada OomPariv, maY be 80815-11t;' the office of
hyto unitdo.xpaig6nweds. H, &Liu, ED, too.n.
• Playeician,,Surgeon, etc. Office and-t(eidenee
' next Molson's Bank, marloatiegliare., Clinton. ,
oa Ontario street, Clinton,opposite the En
Church. Entrance by side gate.
'D'AiTTlitritc-CO';'Aiento.c natione. '
If you are a man
of business.wealt.
stiMulants art d use
Hop Bitters.
If you aro young and
thscretten or dissipa
ried or single. old or
poorhealth or languish
neS3914ior;loYr ;o'‘P
• whenever you feel
ing or t,timulating
tthaat oy o mnr paystern
needs cleansing, ton-
tter a. ,
• Have you dim-
pgrint, _dIsease
of the stoautelt,
bowel 01000
elf: re er do:ft yleortti, :safe
t°11 ewy°: rv laa mrtelletdi ur *13 dy:
5dla-rTeci..ds .1 th,tiu dot.
If you are a
man -of , let-
night worlc. to res-
tore brain nerveand
waste. uso Hop H;
suffering from any,' in-
tim ; it you are mar -
501101, suffering from
ing .on a bed .of sick -
Bitters. '
Thousands die an-
nually fi'0111 /30M0
form of Kidney
_disease that might
have been prevented
by a tirnelY use of
D. ). C.
Is au absolute
Ole euro' for
drunken °se ,
use of opium,
Goblin c
narcotics., •
_ .
Soldby drug -
.Send for
Circular. •
IfOr rnrrsss
&chaster, l.Y.
quYS, •
J- Money adrtinced on 'Al ortgages. arid Noted of hand
Dritita issued vityable, 118 par, at, all the OtliceS of the
Merchant's" Bank, of .Cnnada. Naw York exchange
bilinight and sold. Pnoiray, AT'1.1114TYON PAID/TO COL-
b'Eioisl•E3 H-lrougheut Canada, and the united States.
SALE AIOTES BOUGHT at eloSe rale, and ,money
aneed to farmers OD their -own notes, or anylength
time to suit tho borrower" All arketabid, eoeurj'
tcbaabougtttand sold: '
fl.ctis;nntt IN Nu'w YORK.' ACII:WI:43, Or
,Strathroy. ,. Clinton.; . Elora
Ne;IDLOP: MUTUAL riaE. IN.:v.11411oz .co
• VarinereWishingeto -insure will :eine thie Clem
.paty end of the best and cheapest to ieeure in -
and wilhbo 'waited on -at their. homes if infortia-
ilea be sent to the Agents' 0211CA. ' 43? ,
S _ .e3C
,tukciErt Bt.00t, CLINTON,
Ha-vo �n hand a choice nasortinent of 'ELOOKEI,
, of 'all kinds.
-Clooks,illatchos, tii,..liopirod on :hod natio
Supreme ' Coin -t Of. Ontario, Com cyancer,
Office ha 13E.ANEIt131,09{, ALBEttm ST., ClintOn;
youiw., 181. B,-, (GRADUATE, OP TollONTO
8 trniversity,) Physician Surgeon, &c., residence at
kr: Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance
Thli,Lcindesltoto, Ont.
intreediately north of Dickson's hodif.' store, ROW.: '•
deuce, opposite the TempoMneo Hall, Bur< n Street
Clinton. Office hours from S a.na. to 6 p.ni.
IT -11 -Apply at the Smith 1310 ek,or at the 2 eaidende of the
subseriber, near tile London: Huron
IAMBS SCOTT, Issuer or Marriage Licenses. Clinton a;
14' RS. W1111T, TEACHER oyssiipsc. PTJPILS-
-OM attended at theirLawn residence, if necessary, Rs- .
sideince at Mrs. Wattereon'e, Elattenbury' St, Clinton.
ititO'S now Methbd taught if desired. '
..1-7,ctAzDepartinent of Victoria Vttive6ei y. 'Inventdior '
morly of the Hospitals an,A • Dispel:I-sal-les, New Yerk r
Coronor for the County of Ltnron,Bayferil, Ont.
A.L.Toronto University; meiber of th f.:',ollege Phy-
F4dians and-SUrgeons, Ont. PFICE & 111,sinnuct the ,
houseforraorly occupied by r. ROOT, Albert street
. cirox.neerboseney; conveyancer_ PeaVer
Block, Clinton, Ont. All business promptly al ionded
to. Office hours, 9 a.m..to 6 p.m.
-1./Accouolieur,Licentiate of the Coll ego oiDliys
and Surgeons of Lower Canada , and Pro's incialLicen.
tiato and Coronorf or theCouuty of Tfuvor . 0 filccand
rosidence,--The building formerly ocenliicd by Mr.
Thwaitos, Huron ...street.
Clinton ,'jan. 16,1.871.
Graduate of the Royal, College of Dental
Surgeons of °Mali°, has opened rooms in ,
.the. Victoria., S Creet; Chn-t , there he
will constantly. be in atteirdfinee, and preparr a to per-
form every operation connected with Dentistry. Teeth
extracted, or filled with gold, amalgam, or other filling
material. 6atifieial teeth inserted iv- re one to a
PnAtE akin CCildPANY. PUld§, TOWes.i.
rates and- on.torms to snit borrower. Fees low;
. • - j Solicitor and Coniveyidicer
DIVIlq. BEI:FEEL. I.. B. S.. .
1NT'r I s
ppm the office of Trotter & CacSar;.,leading dentists
Toronto. Sacond flonor Graduiltellloyal ,College
•, Dental 'Surgeons. "
-1111allitalla ila ItilliggstDlid Oleo
8-1,1133 undersigned Inc made arrangements -With seve-
ral leading Real Estate t'igents510 Manitoba'. to
open an Office here for the sale and purchase of rea:
esfata in Manitoba and tho'Noi th west Territories. •
Maps and all information will be received about 1st
January. 'Land sold and .bought wlth little expense, '
'and all information given..i_ 1' .
II. MANNING, .Solicitor, Clinton. .
11101EY ND
Apply to , •0.411nOLTT, Clinton
• Iltiroo.and Lon mild Savings Co.
'ONET TO .110,101
14',on the Straight -Loan Sys-
- tem. Loans: of large ,Sums negotitdd'at .$pocial
rates. Interest at low rates:- '
JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, • .
. 'Valuator at Clinton '
PItIVAT FUNDS to lend at low rates (ifiintorest, on'
easy terms. porrveyancing charges modorate7', Orrice „
Jr.r re
cfood Securities Purcliaied.
Clinton , Nov. 9,5881. - 47
Incorporated Act,ol5?arliamerit,1865,
CAPITAL, ,, - $2,000,600;
Head Office, Montreal.
J. H. IL MOLSON,.! ..Vice-Prcs.
P. WOLFERSTAN TITOMA '5, General Manager.
Notes discounted, Collections made Drafts
__jesued"..Stenlin.g _and _American exchange
bought and sold at lowest
current rates.
M. LOUGH, Manager.
1388.17,1881. •Clint
On ail Descriptions of Property,
4 C. -IiIDOUT, Clinton
EASTef''',4 12YEST
Jas. Thompsoa,:town
Watch,and Clocklaker,
Weald respeatfally announ co to laid customers and the
publib generally, tibht'lt9 has removed into hie formor
1Vher3 lie will keep on band a deka andortnient of
°locks, Watches, Jeivelle'ry, and Silverwar
of all hinds.
Which be will soli at-roaso-nablo rated. Repairing
, every doseyiption promptly attended to.
0lintoraNe.5,1878. ,