HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-05-04, Page 8IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-----------
amount of worie-y was not needed, n d'all
ha Shl' en dhz the person addressed
0 n Ind tiob to go again into Committee of
advanced to the extent of 14-35. (Hear,
, , I
money !or the , Purposes of public 'works
was reillei ri-A tbe people in the savings
*ad i
would stare. and. remain durnt. (Has r,
S upply,
Mr�' A in moved in amendment tl�at,
hesCr.) The effect of hat upon the Canadian
people, if that advance applied to all
7- � .:
The- Lake Murderer 1 Qualls
banks at 4 per cent.' Besides there Would
be the cost
DOMINION PALUMENT of printing all notes. Besides,
Sir John Macdons bld—You should come
ment of the Interior.
to the Depart ,
, the Sp er do not DOW leave thech:
air, but
_that, the
cotton goods,woul& amount—alisuming an
Imp( )rtation of 14,,066,bOO, -pounds of raw
13eneugh 111110 DOOM -4. lie at D�ublia
contractors would not take thesei-iies 'at
"Resolved—illLA i4e existing scale: Of
mAtbrial—toI). over' theCost of 1879.
A Mingliton despaich, qatg.'d laBi (tueg-
o I ubt the bon. Minister.
ROBB said It I 01
dutiesori 0 otton and woollen' goods, has,
(Elear, bear.) Thisl proved that th -
day) night,givips the followings, ditional,
OTTAIVA, April 24.�Tbe Speaker'took the# Mr. Rykert moved the adjournment -or.
answer, but it might be because of
resultiedin the impolsiti on Of& rate of taxa-
fact I urerB went as iiear the duty point as
Particulate of thealentence of Vankoughnet:
chair at 3 Woloclr� the debate.
hat he had�acW a big
big nationality t iev
tion on those, articles chiefly used y the
they dared, which was only atural, as the
When the judge entered the court room.
Mr. Bunster drew the attention of the The motion was carried.
Piesent,pioud � position.' Still be believed
miassbB inordinatel v. high ana,greater than
r ase'd in order that they'
duty was inc e. .
this morning he looked extremei I
I Y pa a.
Of the The House adjourn�d t 11,45.1
r House to1ha fact'of'a large�fortion a
in all departmezit is thereWas, only one Man
the rate imposed OD. those . articles 'chiefly:
might have the advantage.� That they
Few Spectators, were present besidisFi the
0 the
of Iffy. Anglin on the Irish regolu- IdTTIWA, April 25—TheSpeaker t Ok
who Could speak in that language in which
ld neither � lie nor swear. But be
uoed'by,the rich, and that the, existing
duties Should be amended- so agto�rbduce
took advant ge Sir A. I T. Galt
hi his letter..affmits. The tatement
jurymen. Vaakouglinet was led in, alid, Ispeech
khil t 14
a being conducted to thecour too
tions being credited -to him in the Haward, chair ock.
,at 3.30 o'cl
and Said heepudiated the eloquent speelich On' the ordei to go into Committee on the*
:hey�-ahould. hav
would like to knowwby I a
tlab'rateI taxation on the masses,, and to
w t iok,w6s -it pretended that'
as no Ma O.'i
fro -he hysterically
to'him, andecline' d to be � hold Civil Service Bill
responsible for the'stateMents it w6s.bBing Mr. Rosa
sucha'seance, be1iidalmost saidiarceias'
that brodght aboutibyhe bon. member -for
M'akil more nearly proportionaie with
that leliiri�d,6n the rich." 'lie "id that the
t f t teirs a
V ;a, a n "on
b t
inef3§',:q' rid le or�. philanthropic
Hubs wokei-painhil oihean' AIII is
-goI a v
fi62 'V'a's' h
contained. aske� what provision
The House went. into' Committee on made to secure qualifications in the
OttawsI was it not. 6, farce, fqr�a I.Ioiise
�presentariff was open to, 6
di 11 6e. 641t fr nfily
prM Snate,
oo t61"bidis� Hi
Private Bills. examiners. In England' the examine rs
or t
in a we he urs
of Co men to be'lic , cupiad f I
ground thatit took n2any inillib�s df dollars
i t t 1.1 &Lt dg near the I III y�
I ,
� - f
buried his ;big handkerchief 4nd
Oil Act -be incorporate t'he Chignec . to ,were men of the very highest standing and
Maxine TrauHpoit Railway U bless this
*hs - lening to an bon. meLber airing a griev.
snae which Wasteltiby nobody but himself?
More from thdI than466.required
for'the main,t6banilie in the most efficient
-, e,�
O nt t, . ii, oral 10 ering their
price to such an extent as 'i revent the
.ptisviii mor(3'biti6i!y:i,b�i�-bef'O�ke,"
His Lordship - asked Vankoughnet (who'
Comm n yJ literary culture. was. provided
Mr.. Mackeb�ie Said that the Bill �was for,tbei System would fail.
Had we mot lived too long as a great con.
to time,in talking of these
State of the :, public service,'and 'because it
d�'b d
Odd lots'from coming in and disturbing the
bad risen to,hig feet)'if, he had anything to
understood t. 0 be purely, a pri�ati6' entier- Sir Hector'Laugevin Said that Care Would
federation waste I
Verewe yet IV
natI differences ? d' ided
' impos , ur ens which were unequally
Aistri6 uted. The -trade returns showed'
market a There was no question of
bonsider=1 for the wholesale dealer or of
'say why Sentence should not be passed
U�W ill
rise.; yet, 4,�fter it had passed the Railway be taken to, appoint men Of the
gommitte'e, they found 'resolutions Bub, standing.
Irish, English or Scotch ? No,
that foe many years theithportatidu orkaw
" ' 'steadily
illegitimate profit,, but the cotton manul
_ Ith tears Streaming down his cheeks
sidizing tli,� " concern placed pa per, �. Blake pointed outthat if the teli,
1 0
weWere Canadians'. He held a man a houldt
'not because
cotton , into the countr-y bad
facturer absorbed' not Merely �own-
. I I 11
Vankoq I have I
. glinet said -!"Wo
- ..-Mr.
making it a ao,.rhinent, mea-'�by which these men held offi6e wag simply
be appointed, to oifil lie be-
increased, and tiia't during the. years prior
share of Profits- on - cotton, b,4V aigo the,.
I I I f -
1een. Iboliefii in, my�j time. been led
k t
sure. He it tbtr treating the the,pleasure of the Government they would Hen,' hply a
, boards bad b Sir
House 664rteodely to bb
Ioged to:ariy..of these" nationalities, but
simply on his -fitness for. the position.
to 1878 there waa, a'more natural and
healthy gr6wth,than tha which had -taken
share of th6fig -Who intervenedb�t*aen: him
and 'the c6ngumer.� He took the' whole
ld' I d-
4houghfhoi.i6otliatr�ilike you won as a
'horse.' J wish you 611 to have mercy on
as othe' .
I4 -permit suI a Misapprehension, to exist. screen. . They ought to be appointed during
He asked I E the Ibar
Ot aid to the Scheme bebavior.
Mr. B echard Said surely1his he n. main.
f: rom Ottawa (Taasej as m, dovenMent
place under this stimulating influence- of
Jt wag fair to i assume:thid'wity
-profit and the cohaill " tb f ore, had. to
18T, Bre,], .
I g a
pay the middleman fpol. -..me h Ise irk,
me -poor, worthless creature like me."
- His Lord8blp iiaid-!,After a -long, a,
giving good
-was congiaered-by the ovarnment.'bofore Olitheiela,use PrO.vidiiig �118 11 Lancer of
Supporter ought to praise those Mem era of
the returii' Of good7ii S"e` i
ii WI
me , ve no
Order to make up for t e -loss on the profit
patienttrial, and after being ably� defended,
the Bill litki rached 6ommittes.' the apipointment�,:
the --Liberal party,who bad voted, WithL tile
tariff, th6.busJn6ssof Cotton manufacture
on cotton. I dto be .made
jury have found You guilt), -of the mur. - -
d it Was"L xx. c asey 66riten&d, that, -those a rea y
'Sir Jdhir T'Aacdonald sai Mack n io said he had nev or knowzy in the service should.. it pinta fiacie
Government Oil tbe quesifon of the bound.
ary aw AH'i to appb&IS b6ing�LDO&Ae to
woul -very mat
d eiially increased', Pro-
-babl� tb�fhe extent of tv�elve- imillioni of
any how.
Sir" Lednar& TilleI complimented: Ihe---yb�d
of John Richardson. ar that
Such cesy'tothe House, before. right to the vacancies in the positions a�ove
b 8: q1
S�udiceg, he wa
religiou� p aite aware
tliat�in his own county (Iberville)- there,
Pounds. of an importation in 1�80 Thel
Cotton M,IIS�,n the country had Paid Well
MtBmber1roiii'Duj "in for the able infinner
in fk6u! alawyek's.istandpoint, he
Vankiduglifiet our Honor; Tcannot'
hear-wbat �ou . Say.",
�e'The following Bills were road ahird overridden only extreme
houl to be
And passed: cases.. He'objectedto the idea that, an
h' ills. The -attempt
had' ' been -.no sue ppel
an& prospered before'166�N. P. Those at
Vad &'tgded the case in support'of the reso�
in a16u0r �oice His Lordship, 6piltlinu,ed
An i -incorporate the Canada.Provi-, appointment a from he list
ict t-6 should be mad
vas made.,eince, bilt hitiolligbrit a or Is
St Cb -N. B.'had been� enlarged sever'
n, al
lUtion. He had'n6 heSitatibri repea, ing
I and
t is. clear YdIIL� Waylaid him
;dent AssociaI asl amended by tho'staria-, 61, the H�
He who,had Passed' 6xamiD6,tiOn
BI not Sd��inigbt
frowned it down� It W other
times, and the Hudon Mills ''declared, an
what ha� said in the Budget speech tha
eliberately shot him, Thejury.halvef6un
�ing Commi 'tee on, Bankfi']g;an& C�o are insteadof promoting som e person. alreiady
ID a-
constitoeboibs, however, for I in Bertbier
an Dual dividend,above expense, of 27 per
cotton n e were cheaper, how.
"ibstanding -the
ul aecommendatiouLto mercy.
you 'It 'th
� I
-Mr. Curriar.� L 'in the, service.
AD_ Act to incoipdrate- the Qu"Appelle, Sir Hector Langer in said 'it Would, be
the election had been,: annulled becau4 of
61B to,L I
improper appeE religious prejudices�
eeDt:-pHOr-t& 1878, An increae of tariff in:
he hape of ad vdlorem duty would, h
the alive
than in 1878, not NU - duty.
The duty had bad the affect of increasing
�mendatim 'Ca
;Tbag : C
t t r2owri nnot' i affe t, the
�sen ence but I shal send it to"this proper
tandrCompany, as amended by the Stand- imp6ssibleLto appoint tosecond orfirst-class
evil, that
This. had become uch a
to rpvenu 0 without-
the'numb of: factories; and� the hope as
authorl I S a adjure yi) U
ing Committee oil Banking and clerkships those'wh.o,had. pasged examina-
special emissary had been- sent out from the
materially the burdenso'f the people, andhe
entertained tha.t in:a Short tiM nearly all
prepare to meat.your Creator. You
-Mr. toultbee.' 'third. They must C 0066
only or. h
ions only
Papal See to warn the clergy from inter-
therefore -not Claim much that the'
th- 4uired for donBumptio
cottons re on
will have ev * a L ry.( )pportunity to consult your
--A-n7 )NanliDea for the class in*which
fering in elections;
tariff had added to the taxes of the people
Canada Would be maulifadtured in the
your, spit, itual adviser,,, and I
way ompany amended �by
said -they ha;d been promised �a
:as,�that it had failed ,to these
in "a
country,.and the price would be thereby
earnestly impl6kb y6u.tolisten to, histeach-
Standing ommittee on Ra,lway I The .'Committee roHe an d ,reported
'a, naS'
And TelegkA�Ih Lihes'Mi. Bitindiman;
I tL of measures, in, lelLSpe6dii, from the,
o '.and,fhat d
Throne, it Its, blien f6rmerly.the
t a I
axe fair
specially io the duties on' blankets, and,
stated bt,the. bon.
:in ()in bar for DurlI �-a(i`naa,terialfiy-sh-951i-
ings. I cannot, hold out any :hope for P,
-i6le. �TWAbfftenice-is-tha-t-you-,will-be----7-
An Act t6A6d6rpOjatb Ameri progress.
Bill to in Corporate the itoyal Canadian
refiain from voting upon'supipl.
practic�-to y
quo ted figures from an Invoice oi- cuathe,stateilients,
made -by him in histaiget
taken to thel4ce from whence you. cami`6
can & European Short Line Railway Com- Academy of Arts, from the SenateI
until L the iedieiised;
impicirtationwhi6libehadLeeen, Ofieclaps
��speech in referencei -to thevotton industry,
and there kept until'ihe 281h -day- oft JiinaL
pany. received,, �Ddredd tL first and second time,
Last session, s, very inaportint-Bill to. alter
�Of blanke Coating 231 p er. pound,
and if Ahe hbn� member could Show that
next, and then, between the hours of 8s. M.
An Act to ii I ice I rpo I rate the Montreal and referred to committee--
the boundaries of Manitoba :was brought
Vaid a duty of 35per cent. Another ass
every on'e,of,his Statements waa..correct it.
'and 4� p. to. the place of, bk6dution-, and
Central r left the
ay Omp&ny. being 6 o'clock the Speake
'down the day before the close of, the sea-.
cbstiug 17 pence paid 43 per cent�; a class-
Would still r emahl' that 6oilapensaffig,
to b 131�hanged'b'�'the neck till you'Lare dead
Amendmouts"were Made by the Senate cha;ir.
after Many mem III -
hats bad gone a,
coating, 1'3 pence.paid 491'' Par' ent; a C [ass
advantages were given to the people byLthe
and May r
X d,balvi I 3 . �siey oil, your soul
to the Act respecting the., Commercial - Tra-
After recess,
Sir John Macdonald�-.They ought not to
have away.
Cost#g 9 petticepaid 61��Fer cent,; a class of
the very poorest gra a,
d COBting. V, pence,
tariff in other ways.
:,. Sir Richard Cartwright reminded
The.1mSt few.wordB. wer6' uttered by the
Judge in an extremely husky vo* His
vellers' Association of Canada. 110 L* 86 Want into Committee on the
The U -to
0 incorporating
The Act t' ,amend the A I Vn Act, mend� and
The House. then went into'Cqmmitte6 oU
or.& little� more tharithe price of thoi.11ow,est
House that 'the question raised by the
enlbtionwas�plainly visible. V%nkibugbnet,
Bill further to
the � PoI Pacific:' Junction' Railwa �tnended, sevpral enaotrae#fs
y Consolidate. as
Company, ��iid to authorize the said corn- respecting. thii I.N.orthwest. mounted: Pol ce
'Oil the item
L M0,000 for Lachine Canal,
grade of wool, otually Cost 70 per cent.
His point"ed, out also Lthat while Brussels
resolutions was this question of free
trade against protection, but the fict tbatt
when theisentanciewaa. pronounced, broke
i, al6d fiom, L
into a paxoxysm.of grief, and
tetiiig big
-to a . over thb* River., F '�assed with slight am=-
PaI r�ot a bridge
orce, hich was I
per� a
Sir Charles T-dp' aid, a vote was'
expected' to complete whole of., the
carpet aa, .20 per cent., - union
P; -
carpets,, used by he po orest, from Gr at
the aiztribution of! taxes told with und: us,
severity on the poordk classes. Nothing
the Court W. a and be fate.
KINGSTON, April 25.- -To-day a:Buck'Laka
Ottawa, waB concurred in.
ments and reported."
Mr. The _ mpson inquired whether itas nd
HOD. h1cLelau
Works on this Canal.
B arid. ftomAe
ritain, L p ' ai L d 31. ' 6 per cent'.
:had, bee 1. ii more �remakable.. than L the
�residdnt stated tha t thirteen �yea�S.' ago
.Mr., .
the inteI of::.the, Government 'to la mend an, Act
tho-Bill4further to
Sir Richard Cartwright asked for�tM
United States 33.3 par�pent. lt�would
of shoddy.us6d in the woollen
thoI isi ndiA DevilLake
before thg:House a r f. the M�ilitia,
eport 0 respecting the Trillity House and Harbor
inade to the Minister of
opinion. of- the Minister, as to the pros eCtS
of the Canal Eystena being able in future to
b Haid_that these.coarser articles
O' - ' "" . - If- pro-.
manufactured in anadal owing o t 0
manufact, urb.bf this couMry. -Tho.h,on.
1. I
gen eman,.said a�ceiit and &'half.- would
an Irish, Roman Catholic named Iii kal,
ag( a but
I about 3� yeaI Ile lived in
Commissioners of I Mont.rea -
Militia and �:,I)61e=6 on.. the lo thing and
10. , e(ReI objected to the
sect E carrying t,radalncom-,
ire its share 61
with the rai iwayS.�,
tteaive"� system., - and that therefore the
people.did- net Il duties, VIA uLlovery
pay for the extra 'Cost the woman's
cotton dressi � but he: (Sir Richard Cart.
'.alone, being a sort of - hermit.' Devil Lake..
is near.. Bedford.. Mills. At the date'
accoutien"6its ofthe-nailitia and *hen.
ng'tbe floating Hen. Mr.'Caxon said the report would be clause of-, thd. 'BilL . I prohibiji'
. Sir Charles Tupper Said hewaaafiaid
case the pricag of, homeL rticles,were little
Wright) cladnied � ihat 'the farmer's Wife
named Mr., an,1 Mrs. Vs;nk6ughilet
of ortiohS of the river.
presents o�m rafts -in.certain' p
prow or the day affer..
'They might be driven into acertainbrtion
hat since the disd6vory of steel -rail'
freight to be carried, and the line
or nothing lass than was charged L for the.
L -
imported On importbd� cottontL
paid'fox'her.own Clothing and that.df her
cl�ildren a half more 'than' they did-
wenf" to live With him, and ! %a Month
afterward McCosli disappea"ied. Ae,hafll -
ah d'
Mr. BI hether go by,either-the current or Stress of weather.
ments had bei de to petMitL.the gur
Exceptions ought to be, made in-fay.or of
to be maintained at a less cost than fo rmerly
ihegr6at amount,
goods the people of'Ill paid, �2,271,937
iodut�,'or %86,000 "'More Iinde'r,, the
before. The tariff tax was * not
lose. �a: tbx- because it
never been, heard. . of �sibce. After
McCoslI disappearance Vankoughnet
cha�sa by. thib�,,Souris & Rocky, Mountain
tj lay c6uld not anticipate
.,�va B not Paid
such cases.
Railway Comi��ny of'a,'large quantity
The Bill was. read, a, second time and
of traMo for Canals which, the y, had.formerly
Other tariff.. imported Woollen- goods
thdy,-p $2�345,07, 'or �131,577 more than
Treasury. H , whiii Fiva: c
iDt a a n a
Minister had been urged to increased
went to Parry Sound. Mrs.:Vank6ughn6t
�on ��uutil her
remained the island
�land. It ls&,sit what price.. and the estlin:'ated, L
referred Ao committee.
acreage. 1
The item was pMseA.:
undo): � revenue tariff.' The greater part
protection to Canadian cotton manufa:ctures,
husband. returned from the. Wesi'lwhen
0 n seco I reading �Of the 13111
Jobbn'Macdouald SaidLilIai arrange. I . � 'L
The following,.items Were Pass4d With
of'this.extra taation as',lvell as, the extrai
-bad always resisted, believing it -lyms
they move(], taking McCoskel's, urniture' I..Sir
I f
exempt vessels employed In "fishing from!
Merits had,'blabn - Intl f6e the- purchase.
little, debate: I
prices chaiged by the, manufabturere had
unfair thorn the opportunity:to tax
to giV a
and other'bffects� -is now cha a that,
It rg
3"8LIO. the paymQntL6f duiieli'fOk thIs,reI of sick,
This -consiste OfL acres par mile at K,
. :
St. Lawrence River and canalsi; 5154,W.0., I
to be paid, by the, poorer: Classes' of the
. I , , L L
:the Tb'r'
people. L a 6 was no nab disoussing,
V�nkoughnet knows.of McCoskel?s dipapi
per acre. A"further ip )lication had 4pen and distressed mariners,
to Mr�
Welland �Ga nsIl, 15600 060.'
h forni, party,
people.-: Against t is the, Re
tb,a, question on Vhe basis- of ir6e''tiade '!or
peaxaiice', tfiat'he perhaps killed him hm"
kr. MCI in answer
made for 2,560 acres per mile. on.tbe same Roborts6n, (Shelburno);
terms, but thi li , tion bad aeLyet thle-Bill pro.
is app 1 a
Int.Anne'a1bek 5'3 20 000.
0 000.:',�avixioug
Cari��n'dknal, dazid, and slide, 118, ,
tHbv. retested, not that they were. as
as�any 'could be to, see 'the thanit-
we must have'a heavy tariff. The difference
between the Opposition and. the G6vern-,.
secreted thei t was, rumored to -day.
that Vankoughnet confessed to this affect
not t
ela, -paying 111 0 the
been -grsnted.'-1,,t. be' cril would depend Posed Ih"L ve.sa once
Granville, 075,000.
-it could'be done �witb-
if IbUt
L irient supporters was, that the former��
but. Such is not, the
n would ]jot upon the nunibit of Miles of railway .built. mariners! fund duringaseaso
to. the
out tidnatura'I r6istilctions,oupon'traA6
believed in a fair play takiffi while'the'
be called on. for contributions
by the compa
b t seasom The Bi I was,
r o" A a
IMr. @take "the question with nduring'
Miscellaneous, �10, boo�; a-zuouuts-6b9g6-'
s6ble:to income, �2,000 ; to eautarnois
because they:wished to sea t else' pppres
give and cruel bur a -us removed from the
latter hold by a tariff �which kave� few, ,
opportunities' f6r-� their own- benefit and
- , I
N IC 0IT11
ugh- c mmitt
reference to4w:Siouth Saskatchewan RaI �=thro o ee, read a; third
Cana,, �8,00 0 to Chambly, $31; 000 ;.to
shoulders of those, who- could, Be ill beax
oppressed th& m6joI
A Roy'W'Starj, of an Indidu Massacre.
d passed.
way Companyii- the Manitoba South'
POMMittee Of 8 L .
On Motion to, go into PP
Western 061onization i Railway': Company,
St. . On I is lo . -and, 521;000 ; to
Urli L
B 'an Canal, $11,000; to Ride
r1i &P
duringwbieb there
After,a pause, were.
The House divided on Mr. Anglin's'
anendment, which was lost, by. -a Veto OLJ
A -telegram froin� A)tizcIna; gays:�
and the;�1?6AOI Weistbourne North- r. Tasse rose to, refer to vba t he
ply'. M
'Western believed was a question of some importance
Ca ; �1.000 miscellaneous, �20,000. . In
loud.cries of 11 question," t"call Iu
a main era,. the- Ministerial-
b f
52ILyeas'and 119 aI
StaulisuB MetaB, . ge f o
d 9, , r in Stevens'.: Sheep camp, states�. ,On the,18th instant,
*dj Company. aid to a. consid6ri
Sir JOIMIA"dimald' B ible portion of 'the Dominion
that the'fir'st
ely,�thB proportion of public patronage
S- harlei Tupper Said the Government
the dry
, Mr. Blake ibse.and -said be had'some'
-Dorden, Bourastia; brown, Burpeo (St.. John),
Burp66 �Suiibury), ' Camerou* (Huron), CartI
befo redaylight, tbo.1-nditing,attackei the,
camp While we word *all-aafeep. -Father and
-company!named had rec6ived'a. grih.f L Of I
enjoyed by epro�cli-spaaliirigpopulation. or Mile at 5 th
3,840 I par'. acre. The-
war considering the project of
t of the' C al
dock at Kingston as a par an
figures tdoffer oil the'-Hubject of cotton,
eight, :,Casey,. Casgrdin, CtI Dunaon-tIl-
Fleming, Flynn; Geoffrion, Gillies, Gill-,
five' other"m6a at�emff&d to get'their guns''
�Iiut the rfidian6 overpowered tbem',before'�a
second �Ompany had Aeen gfar�ted-`6400 TheL Subject, heI wag being again,
mile,, and the. lastmiiameff �sd brought to notice,fr6m the lact that the ,
" system L'
a is 0
Oil the Re& for 5499,510'for, rep it f
'and in Support 6f,'the resoliAion.' efore
proceeding With.. these; howeiI he read
mot, Gunn,' Guthrie, Haddow, Holton; Hunting-
ton, Irvine, Killam, King, Laurier, McDonald
shot was' fired. -An Indian'put the MuZZIL a Iacres
Reform party. in Or or
received- 3,840 --,acres par � Inile L bvar.� iheir Ltario, we.re tea ting to
L L*, '
I . I .
Canals tthe
following Iette'Whi6h�.�bad a bearingL
(Victoria, N.S.), Macdonhelr(inveyness), M.61s'aac,
Olivier, . PateI (Brant),
of a gun against the bead of on U
ma, and
blow hib� brains out 'hilled
th mother
I of, kabob
their old ta�ctics.of comp 8,1111330
whole line,.arid an additionsgrant of.?,5.60
jtjon�.L domination'onthe eve of-anelectidia. He:
Mr. to thaiiii6t
hatl the;Wbole Canal
on letters produced,br the -Finance Minis� .
ter'in his- hudgeO spe6olh 'support 'oi
Pdckard,.Rinfrot: Robertabri �Shelbliine), Rogers,
Ross , Middlesex), Rymal,' Scrive�,: Skinner,
and MY tW y L
o brothers- b
acres pertmi a t �. -
-o v a r' i6 po No" dther
pointed I 5ni -thati all, attempts o, in uce
companies than, thoseL narded had-: received , , ,
- wasa a over I .
SysterLduririg the last,- Y'ear t of N1,9153 asL
t. t. I
Pon. en ion that certairi-,b asse.is of woollen
Smith, Snowb�ll, Sutherland. Thompson; T�ow,
Weldon Wheler-521
braisout4ith stones; they tiodfaither And
st dreadfi illy. i He be gked
to:�com& 6 our coun ry Were
grants ofUnd ' frorn the G Immigrants t
over Imani
Bhike-��-quired qirebted to,' other L than Frenchmen nin
L, � I . t'
tber,gult of- last ear, 3 opera ions.-.,
the Interedlonial Railway,
goods bad decreased in price the in
:.trO.. 1: leti6n,of the tile Sent tarl L': '' 'I '
NAYS;�4iessrs. Abbott, ruoll,
Allison, AmyAt, Ai
Baker, Bannerman, Boaty, Beauchesnei Bea6iit,
them. to'spare him, but they only torture d
L L .
nthe s6fidine- of urged, the 'Government to� take: I. .
ernmeniL ad�,abaudoned,,
repairs- and Working' e4enscep 01,900 000
I ,
Ob. 27�
%- I .. . T 82-�: .
Bergia, Bill B6ur)),eau,Bowell,
Bolduc, Boultbeii,
Brecken, Boolis, Bunster,, Bunting, 'Burnhami
�him morei and when-they-merd ire& split
�,hjs skull with a The 'wife of
aij xe a
steps to,secure the return of as In ally . &BL
Goveranlient life insurance recommilinde
to poskble of so French CA . nadian , �w
the c On ,of: P 'the 'a 'he
6h ider arliament in Ih6 L
tF a gures. with
Mr. MkCkenzie quo A' It fi
ToAs. i5nr�XS=LD,
DEAji I I h . answer t)y6u�'i1jquijicq as��6
Cailiz�g,, Caron, Cimon (Chicoutimi),, Costigati,
Coughlin;'. Cqupal,�Coursol, Currier, Cuthbert,
Daly, Daoul
friendly. Apache,' who., worked . 'L With ,is
Halved me b - a
My life. by.holding be in
L have. for years past "been re movilig-40, the
Speech' from,the Throne in 1879, a� out-
State 'The. English-speaking
retisronce to rbI Ing stock in the for
dauses why goods'ih otir gold
than in 1878, we find on examiiiing
Dawson Desjardins,
Domville, Drew,, Dbgas, Elliott, Fhrow,.Fo�tier,
, and begging them,tp spare me.i'� Who
lined i`� a r6solutloh z proposed by the
n 1-1. y, . 11 .
Minietieeof Finance dn,thit-a asion' and.if Dalixorit i Quebec� he �contendeil,. Was
I .
a 1,
as COMP8. present yqari
'Y" I " xed with
and-iiaxpressed a fear that there:, was� tocifqame
I �4 that "we are 'buying he
ourijnglish invoicc -
grade'6f hats front tbb samobouses2lQper
Fulton, Gault, Gigault,: Gikouard (Jacques Car-
tibr),, Girouard (Kent) "Grart I ois;, Guillet,,
Haell Hay, ilessou,
the Mexicans.w6kis ead'L.exchpt:me, the
Indians left;'! The: squawi;'w'ho arrived
, I
the'- h b6tter treated than the F'rench minority in
sc,emo had net been abandoned when thb!
the'oili6r.Provincen, and,in this vio�,
much. charged to capital acoun, t ;t and - not
illeh�per'i6-da�, hiin, in J67B ;, so -that even
nbl� y cost us � less � laid
with the itick6ased dtity.' c
Haggart, Hilliard, Heiner,
Hooper, houde, Hurteau, Jackson, Kilvert, Kirk-
with the boy,gi�s'therb wereIn'ifiety-three.
it wag d
propose to introduce it toarlia.
ment.. rights of the.300,000Fr6nelim6n, scattered
en .ough o'�.4evehue,. thereby causing an.
inh' w6ikirigeipenses.
apparent reduction a
a6wn. in:m6ntrealthiI Itisclear'tuany:
sensible'merebat that �'if the duty was 17i'per
Pf itri 6k, Kranz,,Landry,'Lane, Langevin, Lantier,
1,011glisy, Ma6donal&'.(King's); Macdonald (Sir.
warriors' in tbe attacking,pa'x'ty. , They
paid. they were 'going straight � to the Sa
Sir Led"I Tilley said the,Gover ,ment. throughout the Dornini6n � 4er6. deserving
had the attention of theGovernment. Baldwin,
Sir Charles, T4per said such was hiii,i the
cent. -instead �of ..Per cent., that. these goods'
uldbosoldstill clicaper.". the sealattesand
John)' McDonald (Cape Breton), MacMillan,
Mccailum, McCuafg; McDougald, -McGro6vyj
Carlos agency to. kill oft the whites, and
not a6iin doned-the bdheme. It was
,before ibeH uld never have ,raised the
their intention to bring it Ouse,
case, and Bubmitted' statement Showing
the number of miles in bperatioil during
Astrachan Cloths imported for use in.
the - . manufacture of cloth' caps are also
McLennan, McLood; McQuad, M cRory, Iffassue,
Morner,'M"ethot, Mongenaili Montplaigir, Mos-
get more Indians td, J bin. the m'.1' Tlieyalso
declared they would kill all theinhabitants
but not�A�ring the,pr-egerif sesSion. dry of sham French domination.
the different years.,
loss'. figure than in 1878; ana,
bought at a (Town, as
those goods" could�.!�be:� laid
seau; Muttart, O�dozinor, Ogden, orton, ottimet,
Patterson. (Ussek)', Pinsonneault, Plumb, Pope
'of this valley. The h ''frequentl Y.
Sir:.&Ibert Smith -You viil leave it for Mr. said, lie had attdntiv.61�
Mr. Mackienzie sidd the statement which
heapn� )w:u under the old tarift, the cloth Cape
Poupore, Roid, Richey, Robertson
decliLted tlieir whole desire Was to. hill'; in
your successors tb aH61 vith the remarks f:the' memb f
follow( By, or
'had 'his
r la6ed an, average number of-'miloB in
1 -could be sold tit a less
'used by the poorer c asses
Ha nii beister, Routbier, Royal, Ryan
Ito R
"' lot Ry hert, IS t
. retaliation for 1 three a execute
India;n' d
SiriLiHonara Tillev-OL ot go long Ottaw��Iiwhd' 1 just taken� �sdat
, no,.,n
under the la;t6 Golveriimeht,� at
tIllawat present. It6ostwporeinitlundei
net yo f ept
( r' Ln (Alontreal),
Sp on e lor
S a r le Stephenson, Tasse, T I
r centlyat'FoitGrant. Thepresent6ut..
6 'Cone'
asthl (Laughter.) lusion, yetuo Cox!-
af. -waiting for SOM
five hundred � and: forty, �vag not, correct.
the old:tariff and 851 per cent. under the p,,,,,r
tariff' to lay these very 'goods down. � The true
T y Ty whi a ace
1110, r 41 I Vallee, Waao,w ,I
break, -is the: most dististiobB which h'a's
-Mr.,,Blake asked wbet)ier the Govern. clusionbadbeen roadbed exceipt4t Might
.- I
d I
-The, average number was six hundre , an
the general reduction fn.-th oL
(York), W ite
2-0. -(Ranir'0W,
ffor�21�) Wa a wl
r,,, It
ever occurred lu'Aiizoua.. Fdr�y,persong
men�i%as. received an application'front the be one with, r efor ence to.the patronage.
goods handled byus are: First; that cbmpotition
have can k 6d
CanlIltdii an'FacificRailway.Com iiiyJorthe The' bon.. gentlernan hak-read many
1- P1
Sir Charles Tupper' admitted that, there
�is cutting down prices every, year, which co'mpe-
titionwag in existencebeforthe NationalToliey
The House then want I. -Y
Ir I .
PR;Iqyal of a tariff,'to, come into force on extracts from the French paperg,- and yet,
the'29th of April correspondents',.
and whether Such appli- had o AtedtiO�94y thgt tfie
was,an error.in calculating
aMi. Anglin said it wag amazig to hear
caine itito force; and, seciond;tliat the goods
� used by us axe bought at, a much less figure 4if
S I The com' mittee rose and'repPited,.
UPP yi, fied,
TWO Ouse �dj8ur at 2.55 a.m., ,
Atter a Bead by Scil 0 Tcaclier�
�ba%!(Gandtariff will be laid oh.the -table. otthe French newspapers were, employed
Sir Charles Tupper said that� no apolied- by the Government ug,session 1.
the Minister of Railways Make such mior
statements with. reference 'to this
the En4lish miLrket, now, tban in 1878. As you know; Usan it supporter bf this National Pblicy"
6 by'
.. 11 . L-� I
PRINCFss toill
telegram' Osweko (N.Y!') says
��Orge. Henry milick Jan., aged5, who.
tion hadyet been ieceived, (Hear, It had��been barged that:
a' 0 guise 0 . 0
work, an that iindbr.th '' i f;
but1donot believe W supporting -i a mis-,
representation of. causes. and, facts-Yotiks, re-
was buried yesterday, is said, to have can
Sir Jbhu Macd Dald,. having iiiiimated the French 2ibdralg �vorefd side,
statemil The bon. gentleman bad told
spectfully, JOHN, TdA61,]�AN
Vine parernit' Of II[Ler: IC01'al Ifighwus;IiIi.
the victim of..'a ieticher's inconsid-
Crate, punishment. 1B iler�
- lwai ey *era a
that by arrangoment with the leade otthe of. the;,Hou9d' 8 true t
Opposition- tEe. pa�er Should. be cleared of: small ban'd, but they had boon ecina ated in
a country . that he had 6ffectieds, saving
of, three.quarters'� of 'a million in the
servatiou� in tbiB latter applied to
This ol�
many Other in woollen good
A London cor:resp ondent writes : �Some�
- Im
t iS ago 1 wMte you, of -the remarkable-
h, ide 9
M'teacher Btruck hirn. o t 'a S of hi'
all unopposed inotions' for r4bturns and coi.' tte,,--idefnce of responsible government. ft
working ex�HI He withheld'from the
prices of which be quoted. And coming to
artistic geniug*%II6,�n by. the MISS68 I -Mon.`.
�are 'the
ter Closed fls go everely that
big, h d wag IfniecIted.
ea irou--desk
respondonce vKhjqh_,..,.w.ouId givc'riseio7'-Ont -jourh Were,guifi�-of' appealing-
arib s6:
-publi -a
tho4cts W uld X p
the practical
tafba, who pidille Cogs
es of-
--beat, -Ili
arge . number uch motioii8l, fie"the'prejudices of their readers. they -were 'what
'Censure. The bon..
economy :amounted.
have it . that
manufaotur aj.'he :adteited to tho., prolitsl
tse 'nl
Louise. T )ey are this year. ex 1 1 Mg a
h oy wfull length �iid very
his arm -was black and' 1I imMedil.
-were moved and adol &aoi-�ing of. gentle-
On motion of Mr. Blake for' reports on; man�. had Spoken in tones . of glee
The bon, gentlem an would-
by reducing staff and cutting, n
engaged, �in !cotton anu,
�ge profits legitimately earned
C harming portrait of the Yrincess Louise.,
qeivously pic,A
-ately,bec%me I ratedi and
'whenever.,,' �one
the subject 611 the Toronto ha tbor re to ' 'the fact that some of fi
r theFreno
salaries be bad affected this wonderful
'The 'heii. knew,
weiFe'a good thing for the country at,large,
The Mael3ioness of Lorue is painted Stand-
inginagaidon.. She carries a basket Oina,
c led out' any appr66,0hl
begging notto:be beaten. He did not
Hector Lan&vin said there had be' bdr.l. bad, voted Ith, the, oppositioW
no reports subsequent, to ihat"Of Captain upon the Ontario boundary question. It
Halving. gelltici�aan
however, 'that the - expenditure. of
but earned by m6ang OfL a System of general
taxation for the benefit. ofa. few, they,were
delicately colored flowers, 6nd!ii ligbt sutil.
ro taller, and wasted'awayIuniil death
Eads, i was inconceivable, to the hon�entlamaI
lie engineer who had been Sent dowu
�146,600 " made . when -' the road was
a Hiubjkt for regret, it '� wag'ndt easy M
mei�d es 11,,,�ws,off her figure to'perfection.
fell owed.
since then not yet,having made big report. thatithe Mon, belonging to � a party -should
Mr. Wallace (N,orfolk), moved � the follow- not, be� slaves of. party., 'Ele ptotested
tinder the management of the, late
Ministei of Public'Works (,Mr. Mitekistizie) I
data as' to -the
obt6in:reliable rofits earned
'by for the MeOtingB'�of
The is the bestI have, sisotil,f Herd
HigbaasH, - it, will come direct to
Another Case olilcued Prayer Cure.
ing resolution': Resolved, (1) Tb�t alitpay- 'against the reference to'Dorioti, who above
Monts hereafter to be* madd by tbe,Gover�- all men held the esieein - of all �axties'ftbd
was made for steel and cha,,rged'to
Construction account',. when iu�reitlfty the
the cotton M1114"
'j' I I -
their �Hhareholders were not open . Ito
'the ublic, and, tsh arebolders � 'were
Canwils, after tho-,� Royal Academy exb1bi-
ti I on, and beldngs'to tKd Marquis of, Lorne�,
A Palmyra (N. Y.) d�spatcbjgays.., Miss
Mina Powers, of this villilge; has been an
mobt for the construction and mainten jw6r �CaI
auce -creeds tin L( 11ear,'heEix:)
amount Should have been charged to, capital
not, always . Communicative, Watat6d
Ono last itei;� of news. The
invalid many years. She is a!, believer in,
of public works sihalt be made by legal ton. , The name oft-eiellier had also been meni
... I ,
der notes issued -tinder 'the authority tionied, in terms of, reproach.* What was
account. Titalsame remarks Ise applied
I, I . a
to a large aum,spout.in bridges., These and
- 015, and it could 'jot
stock *as 4'uoted a'
be - bought" for less, 'than �306. The'com
Ise. as ]uBt accep a catiou of
1,661- It t'd the dedi'
the " ljicti�iiary�of Needlework," a volume
prayer"and recently -she ashed.'he r fellow:
church In b t b Id a, prayer meeting,
Parli a ked
auieRt, such n , otes! to be full'logal theobar&�against him.? He a 'the
other, things'Should, in ia;ir play, be credited
mission paid to the Mill agent al was,
by MIS a Caulfield -and Miss Saward.
for' bet kol.eIr"Bly? �t ton, time ery the
tender within the 'Dominion for the pay. hom gentleman what he had said 41%inst
to the late Administration. Mill I also,
627,000, orl' 6� per on t oiiga ft I lal
H'ven* when the meeting was�
ment of all debts, public and private, and to Letellier, as his expression was not bi
that the'expenditure t, minal facilities,
C I In the Vall6yfield Mill, tbb,origi Dal
obe.'was s6 feeble that bet moth' er had to
be convertible �t the option of the holder mearts clear.
sidings and so forth much greater
Stock was �,�74,000- -It- bad been Watored
A. 'telearam: from RichatiI Texas,
feed her with a spoon, as she� � lay in' bad.
thereof into 6ithe'e' of the,. following securi- )At. Tasse He:viblat6d the tritish-Coa.,
ties-firist, a tend or bonds ottbe boininion, Htitution by dismissing Ili$ Ministers.
durir.- the first tout Ave years.
'The'HO'ufje a6jouriiod.at 3,&.nj,.
up to �500,000, or, * 28J per cent. iTh,e:
dividend-deelared,last yeaw --was 20 par Cent
s�iys *.' Brown Pierce, a farmer, on going to
his dinner 0.11 Fridayi found. his wife hang-,
At i6 o7,clo6k that Dighi she announced that
she was well. Tb 6 iie�t day she arose, has:
which Shall be reconvertible at any tiald by r. Laurier saiiI the bon. gentlemen
thaboldors legal tender' could not evade tbe� matter thuB.'. The
OTTANI April 26. -'T. be Speaker took the:
CeIIC on the
on the w1iole, or 27 r -
in,' to 'a door.kn6b and his three obildron
, t he floor dead. It is
liad good'�healtla Since, and i's now See 11
ally O� ther'baft-into.
'but 'if
chair at'3 o'clock.
originf d. The'company spent 515,000,in
lying oil: Supposed
going about like.other people.
notes, und which Ahall be payable by the �chayge was not'that just now made,
� Sir John A. Macdonald m4ved Lt resolu-
improvements.. Whileltbe dividends pmd
Pierce strangled The childr a and
Governrnent� itt, i4- option,' tit, .any time any bi t was that be.had acceptdd office
tionto the I flect that. th -6H9 to
a a addr .'.Her
to the -mill agent last year amounted -I tor
then to ok'.1audanum and bluestone.
The . Bermuda Colon�st com plains of 'the
after threeyelbis from the datobf the !issue - under 173rown., He was glad to see the
such bond or'" bonds. to' -boar. intorest'at lion. gentlemanwas a8h%med:to repeat it.,,.
Majdsty."regard ing . affairs, I in IreliI be
engrossed, �nd that it,be seitt to the Senate
618;000,the stock Was, quoted, at 187,i or
equalf�o 2'15 on.thio oriinal Stock. Tim
As us*ual, Several thousands of congratu-..
prolonged absence of� _fhe Colonial Socre-
t%ry del E. Webster,
the rate of 'I per' contum per 'annum poly Was the'fact ot�bis h aing iiccepted:�tn office
as r�once in the addresb.',
king their concur
F Intel Minister in big speech jhad:,Rftid�
latoiy add rogses'to, the Q ueen on her recon I t,
left tlio island 6n. February 16th on a ton-
able somi,auhually on the first days Of a disgrace 2.
January and1t.ly,iu each 0 � Mr; Honda said the, Lib6ral leaders in' year ; second, n
Sir, Charles Tupper �'mmed that the
-ordcirfortheflouse, to go'ititoCommittee.
that ctonfi now, did not cost, more than
from 5-to.7�'pei.Oent. lover the Americ�il
escape have been received at'the Britisli
f-lorne Office. All, addresses to tile Queen
aleave, an
frbm� It intimates that ihe 1putI
bond or bonag hearing iziterest Lit, the, rate' 1848 6fid'f§66 bad' made such � rash atcl
5 per c,I per sai I itim-to be'i6ceiveable radical uttef . ances' that they fyighte' ned4ibt
poctip� the hale jot railway
on real Orn the
passenger tich6tii�-bd - transferred fir
prices. Gr�nting tha hat
did it prove b th!s was� trile, w
�rexeatl �t the. Home- Offic before �oiiia
n, for -fear they s 8
Sent o hould contain,
ali(l. the fin I &I as Ot departments of vvbich
ebst6r was the III'
together with. accrued 'in' bu
forest 'thereon in �Dly Rom t, Moderate Pro.
"Pubho tills and Orders to Government
wake'dearer than those which were made,'
to, Offend and theri: they arF
, in
toky condition.
payment foe wiiy�bo`lids� sold or to be.sila by testants 219 Wall., .1-16 had heard ,,Liber�l
the'Dominion. That,theGovernmeatshall speakers on the platform drag in religious
Okd,xg.-C- arried.
Mr. Blake would'like o 'know wien the
under the' high protective 'system of the
Unit His, which were so dear
Windsor., Edi
burgh and Du'blin bavd the rialit to pro.
� Immense tracts Of 6heap.� p�sture in
�omin- queStions-b ad never, It
set aside but of the'relvenuisg of the ut he h eardConaer'va-'
N11 -for xeai -ran&g tbe representationof
jaw Cott 'n Was. import6d.
that 0
sent directlyto the throne, aj�d�j�bey L�V6
Australia a�e covered at certain seasona
. ofthe Comm
With vast crops
ion a SUM 6qual to theotal amount of t he tives do Be.
land bonde issued in each year� -and to all Mr. Ross said lie would liketp call atfisn.
the �eople will be brought do wn.
Sir John, A. Macdonald -To -morrow or
:II6 LIngland and manufactured
under,,;old , the Americans , in
oliIiinded it Dow: Sir, W. ILTarcoutt hopl ng
to'Phunt the clafraj but dropping. tbe ordi�
on mu shroozr'.
A. sheep fatmer of that cou4tr'y inform a
necossarily-tbe ptoceeds'ofthe sales of the iiien ofthe First Minister to' the 'claims of
Doininion lands ; suclI to be use a as a anoth I or deserving race. They had I had -a
next,d6y. , (0h I oil I and laughter), , ..
..again into Com
The'Hbuse went mitteo
i611 the ; and some
saleg nifule ]b tile United States
nary Stereotyped reply) replied: 11 Queen
away, not, at preilient." Buftl�e loyal cities
the eaft6v of tlid-''Garden that,ffiey acres.
iimeA Whiten the 9 .i
round,' for -Miles ; and
Ail nkingfund-io-be applied tothepayment fieldnight for1rish and one for French.
Of Lhe foreign public debt of -the � Doil3inlori Could' thi$Y'n6t give. one foi the poor down.
the Bill respecting the 0vil Service of
at this r te. b ad obtained" quotations
ith. reference �to three Catiadian' botton
declined to tall hii, and. press their
clairri. Me Queen
the information Suggest 'a asking why
Australia, should not exp6rb mushrooms as
L. Tille amplimentitig th troddon'Scotch as well? - They were not
v, after a,
bon. member �n ill Mannar in which, bid represented according to- their merits and,
A number of clauses of the ill.were
passed, and the committitee rose ad re-
iliiills, and five Of tile beat I knbwli 'bya;fids:
fil each, Month Of' ouch �Gar from 181� to
or two of the besi nddresaes,;'
tbe 'rest are returned td the ]Iowa Office.
well as mutton. ISir
�A dosp�tch fio he' a
-Rduse, nor in' the depart. had resented big- cas6, said that not umbbrs in thi p with- 11
1:,81 ftiidwhilethI6 average cost-of-certaiii-
Theie subsequent oar6erueadjaot be traced�
ov f
says there are s ant icis on tb e
Btandi g tnis1e, was un ith merits. If -he addressed almost any person
able, to agree
06 -o'clock the Speaker left, the chair.,
in'fI878 !A8 cents pe��, �ar�, the
for fear of, treading, upon the, toes, of the
an in, a at& v, cola ti8
r ing d
isl and,' that:
he' about �the departniont6 �-the qiiesti4oD,, him. The bon,. member objected to t
f under " Pai'le eous Fra)icaii,-9 ld
payment ofApt6: money, ye the
rest, on'
After recb,$6,
A Bill to lucokpor&6 theldc0lary ]�Iabll_
avbra�ce C004n,',becemberi` 1891, was 83,9
cents'.T& manufacturer. hadinorease
cor rations. Those pregented , by the
lydrsities of Oxford, and Cambridge have
DavigfttiOn is uO a ectec to� a :regumod
t xp t r
nti 0 a
'I ' 'tit 'I ' 6 t u'usuall;
U. 1 R
Poke 'in 'the
the plan he himself, Proposed" there would always be given, but if lie Is�tim'
terms tonaue Gaimur
factuilug Company was toad a third a
his, ice by the whole amount of the extr 61
J'Al''attadhed. The peals(ilis large as
th " 8
-A new: watere a"ribbdn has roAebud3
be paid., This classic- of1js native
and passed..
aty�r and, a W16 m6te-for e, bad
a wan a are encased in silver 'boxes.
-over it,