HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-04-13, Page 10T.iINTON." THURSDAYS APRIL; MR. A. A, l ENNETT It Manitoba, but;iis still stay' and giving bargains in fu :Cine &of west a W. H. - 'Works, Huron Road. Tier concert given here by k'rot. Jones, of Seaforth, on Tuesday, was very ,poorly attended Indeed, The fancily' went through their performance as faithfully ingto as if they had a-ergwded house, however. right here, IMPLEMENT WinEHous'E.--Mx. J. T. ure, as usual, Marsh, representing Haggart &Cochrane, per's marble implement manufacturers of St. Thomas, has leased the building on the west side of Albert Street, known as Racey's old 'stand, :. which' lr a ind tteq s o use an imp l ement A MEETINd of the Li , al Glirb 'will he .:held to -morrow (`Frr4a,=vening. ' 3/1R:.;•D4.VIn_. 1EL`p�t intends •return - gag' t o',the nett 'NY s Fie ' •Monday, ,'' l,. ,,. Ma., PowE ;r, f r p' Arbor, Riicb., p aid a visititoli$ ere on Friday. Mn. A. 11I.:'T.n�!+:a is ,tivorthy' 'et all that the•NEw it >' ` aid in•bis favor, and more -til ,.MR.:allo;Mns a A of ]Jitche1l, have other -in -Jai,, Mayer F;isiting tb�i� ter for seve a dav5 akes'tim cake" •for T' 1 ` m sentina soe a3er1 1,ial , o #r,,,t Y 1 end)aY. S1Ncpt1 t W ; ember, Mi., ,W Craig:, this' lace,) hyped a'n average' of one, e ,, f cattl$ , ` se o Terb travel IR, S;kii .Wil". .v. ' ,. ";ler who'`recentl lin a Winnipeg , lets las disposed of h ':,interest at • a:good advance AVE learn .that Ir. Jtohn r14lason has •sent to the ofd conntry;fer another:entire bore, and erects to ha -Veit oiit-by ab cut the lOth;of Mayl . . Mn. HoraEa COOPER, (eldes; •soil of Deputy-Reeve=o `: eo p er,) has gang' ., ne to -To- ronto :where he: attends the .COMine>rcial College for , thee menthe. s. Mit. E. L of Bram ton one e ,the early settlers of that section; 'uid Avho died ' last week, • was as., cousin of11Ir, ss mphrey, t'ie11; of Hullett n . ,Sro'i TS.liar: • Thos.. Ti `ling,•of'' t is pp :,,,,: 4 R d Cloud ,.to colt e lace'has,entered hisf , .P trot in the cola's race at WeedatOeltfzikicti September,_open -to Abe Dominion Canada. i w�. Mii. T. H. ROBERTS has been gr, license for two billiard tables. taken the room over Dickson'sbool and will make an entrance by a side. and stairway. lin. A. BAILEY returned from,;; gan last Friday, where` he hada -work erecting; a house;, on his; pr There are several other Huronites sifin ly engaged. AMONG the list of medical en pfie at the late meeting of the medical ri% ciationhere, we unintentionally omit the names of'Messrs. `McMicking Donough, of GGoderieb I ON Friday a;number of horses bel ing to Mr. Hicks, of. Mitchell, pas; through town to Goderich, " when t1V• were to be shipped to Manitoba A TIB _will have a cold passage. MR. Foy, of'Peterborp; has movedc here to engage iii'the:manufacture ofs -water and such -like material. ' He isfe- dently a person of good business abiI and will likely .make the busiyre profitable . - 1_: BRVssELITEs are behind the age. Tl have an amateur dramatic club that playing.`` The Charcoal Burner," a pl' that had quite a run here about 8 ye ago, when the Clinton Dramatic club in full, swing; A .BIG SALE.—Itis reported. that: Geo. Lee„late' of Stanley, and brothr' ,o W. Lee,. Clinton, has sold hia•half inter*t in a mill at Rapid City; N. W. T41011 -the sum of $$,000. This. is a pretty bi thing, even for the land of :booms REV. DR. WILLIA ts, the .popular tor of North St. Methodist ” Church,,, been invited to a charge in Faris • -Si nal )And will doubtlessaccept it;' a he Rev. Mr Russ, the popular pastox o the Paris Methodist Church is likelysto go to Goderich.] pig AMONG those mentioned as, ltl)elyto succeed Rev: Mr. Grasset to the +Deanery of St. James, Toronto, Nye see,tle'na e of Rev. James Carmichael, formerly•V;;this place. That he is a proper person tci the position, no one who knows the ReYerend gentleman will deny. ra 1119- Po- and thepo-a;nd A Fdw days since some one,enter, residence of. Mr Wm.: Roberesoii"i site the foundry, in .broad daylight stole therefrom a gold, dollaf 3`ifi iAaAee -vas gained by raising "'a wrndQw rd" al- though other articles of vslue w,, eefil r n g about, 'nothing .mere was takg l°r „ttq r. SOME 'ybuthful miscreant di i a' most --L-tilesP S —. icable:act-ons atiik1Y14 :At the 8 _ head, of the stairway in the 1Fieari+e lo^c'k Mr H Foster has a large fxaineof photo graphs, and a stone froins a icta 'pint was -461.0400k.fike,ata it,000 the glass r ro pine B, W�Yt< i5,�,ftnge catapult nuis iP i ftt J i 4 ,� ., Mise; incardine,(formerly of the Lon en Reacij has bought but, the interest of the We Hunters; in..the store occupied by. Mr. P. Robb.. Mr,' Robb re- lea5es tjie stere -for the term of three years.,, and wiliput in a"new; fronts and "snake other improvements in order to accomino date his largely increasing:trade... GOT I EFA -A horse buyor' from t us county went to Halifax,a few, days since intending. to sail for, the old .country, where he intended bnying ahorse, but lie, missed the boat and sooner than remain, at that place, --waiting for the ',next boat,` he returned home' for a week,- and then went back; as he has notagain returned, it is presumed that he got the next boat. 1., Mits. Ono. SiTLPp.tsr mother of Mr. G. Sheppard of the Huron•bookstore,'n^bas been prostratedbY a severe illness during P the past week or two. She is ver.y, weak - but f or the past; slay ar;'two 'twos lioldilg' her own, with''indicati.ons of.improve- inent.=Signal' [Mi;s. Sheppard was long. a resident of this town, and her friends' will be pleased to learn of. her improve-• • ment in health.]'.." A.i complaint of R. Holmes, James i ickinson) a youth Laked 14 years, was t"lied before Mayer °1+,,.orrester and Mr, Corbett, J. Py on Monday, on a chargeof :stealing a gold'ring ircern the house of the ':f r nir�an o e , Gotirl, Frid;ty, and- pleading guilty; he was aentenije4 to 30 drays im- •pprrsonmaent, (4odeyich., The:.boy had; been guilty ofsq+eral.siinilsr offences, but 114%. 1} l'etafpre eh4 Kr�0040rnishinent,there- attd,lirosed"ufor anl�rr rushed.'the mat - w, 'te ,noan order to detiet him, if possible, from a'r petition of'these or bther•crimee :fie, -woe rl wareroom, not only for articles manufac- tured by the above firm, but for those of other makers, ALwAYe A rEAD —Clinton boys come to tate front every' time, and particularly in'the matter of education. At the re- cent examinations in Knox Clellege,' To- ronto, the following Persons from this •place weresuceeseful" in the several de ,partments in taking prizes :— S , ;Lq�h�im oholarship; bco, Systematic Theo• lorry, b X. Ramsey, ;B A. Boyd Scholarship $40, Homiletics, R. M. Craig.,' p iprk Prize, (I) • Lang's- Commentary, New Tes amont,,Greek, D. M. Ramsay, B. A. hau'E do Saturday night a lady was: crossrngthe• street :opposite Fair's mill, when'=a team-c'ame along and she ran to get • out of its -way. .Unfortunately for her, she•stumbled:into the., hole in the: road, made by�the`caving•in of the' drain.' She was�earrying in her hand a paper bag containing:a new hat, and the bag: burst th' ba ° 1 into in boleclose ing, e t fe 1 a' drain 9 by. A light Was procured and an attempt made kis procure the hat, but without Success. - THE •.C9VADA .SALT" ASSOCIATION.—A full' attendance of the 4 members of the above Association was held at the Batten- bury House, -here, on Monday last, :for the transaction of. business eg'nneeted' :with the, association.. •.We under:Amid s that storeNo'i 2;'in Mr.,Perrin's block hasbeen rented, and,will.be fitted up • and used as the'• head ,o.ffiee • of.: -the association:. Mr. ' •Pashley -has arrived here; and entered upon his duties as Book-keeper•for •the "association •n L, .the Tr ..W. T s well' CA LE,=1lIr 1w c e known -drover, wasin th"is place laste'k -v e , buying• cattle • for -shipment to the old •country,during 1lsy and. June, He has secured nearly fifteen hundred.head; 'in differentparts of the county: While•here he bought 20 -head from Mr. Jas, Fair, and 21 •head from Mr. John Middleton. It isto be' hbped thatMcbean will' come out on his purchases better than he „did:last year, for his heavy loss them has not dauuteti him in the least: AT A si'ECIAL .meeting , of the..Model School Board, ori: Thursday; the resigna- cion_ of Mr. ...Taylor, as Arse,- assist- ant, waA.M s accepted, to •enable him• to take a better position at Ingersoll, `several membersof the,Board; highly eulogizing 82r. -Tayloren his fitness for the Position. esciiircludes• his 'labors hero this week, - and, atonce- leaves for Ingersoll, carrying with him.the geed.:w;sbes of a large circle of intimate :acquaintances.:: The Board are• advertising 'for' "a sperson to fill ' his lace, and will receive application's .up to: the�17th fust,, ' ' ,BEOOVFRX.' OF STOLEN GOODs. omet i e aggo a gold watch, Chain, and -gold;lockets:were .stolen from -the re once of Mr, John Wiseman,, -here, be, ig:the property Of 'his wife, and although'. efforts were made . for "their recovery,. not the; slightest,trace of thenicould be, found' i}rttil a fedays.'since, . when 11r:' R. erriett, alerother-in=law of Mrs. ; Wise- man;was,passing"salthrough London, ,and• ;haw e$posed for e,in ,s `pawn shep a yvatoh and -chain which he thoughtlooked eahers,'althonggh'there, was nothing -on, by:which' it •might be •identified. .In *nig ;the price; 'he was informed that mwas'$25, but he. managed;. to butit at• i and was much pleased on coming to: lxn,ten, to.find that the article, was --Mrs. ?issernan's minus only a locket, on ;which had" been her ,mono 'ram and whieli was • evidently .destroyed in order that the-` articles might"not be identified. PAisLon CONCERT =The concert'_ given: bY WillisChurchcheir, undertheeffitient leadership of Mr. T. Jacltson, jr., at the residence: of Mr., R. Ir -fin,:' on " Thursday evening, was a complete success in all re- spects , The attendants was' •more than. suffeient to' -crowd the?spacious drawing -room in which the cp,ncert was field; but every accommodation was,;;;pr`ovided,, for` the\'comf t; of these present - The first piece -6 eprograntne,"eautiful1lag"! -wasren . ere: l y the ,full choir, Rua :veli sang Next carpe a•piano dueb • Misses Webbs and Davis, which Was •finely•ea..-. ecuted The next. piece`.`Far-,way'where' Angela dwell b Mr ••14I r` a an o n w' son So; g Y g g theticall n yet soo all a and we fu1 as P Y YP, x y to' call for an-eiico e. A. recitation by' Miss Webber followed :in which she shoived herself neVenly a good reciter, but<agoe& actor;as;n ell. "Inelrne thine ear" by 1% isses- Davis and Smith and Messrs C •Roche and L. P. Davis was well received. A .piano and-vielin'dnet-by`14liss-:l ebbe: and Mr._Blackstone seemed` to • be- much appreciated; as, Was also the 'song `Hark I hear the'orgaii peal," -by ,Messrs Motes., gait-audL':- Jackson.. " Over the. moon tains" by, Fairy -Morgan •(a littleschild`six years` old). was admirably'rendered; the pronounciation oflier words and clearness, of;tone being marvellous for oneso young;' and as an encore she sang with beautiful• distinctness!"Kiss me and I'll go to'sleep," An intermission'' of a 'few, minutes was; spent ' in• mutual - intei•ceurse, after which-thecheir sang as a first •piece on the second Pali of the programme, " We come froin the valley.q' •ri'Iiss'.Ewing, of Seaforth,•foilwed'with a piano solos and long•.before`;it'was through she had shown - herself a: most accomplished• and graceful pianist, and nothing would,satisfy'the an=• dierice but that she;favor them • a second' time, the Second performance being by,no cleans inferior to the first. '•;" The heights of Alin a!'. by, Mr. W. McQueen, of Stanley, which vs givenin b �n collect for an' encore, w e was. "The coming of theCameron•men.' ,An other recitation being -given by Miss Web-- Der', she WO' followed by Mr. Thos. Jack Son with"The White Squall," and itis not necessary to say that it was•wellgiven„ " 0- - restless sea," 'b Messrs. Morgan, Roche and Jackson was4WIextpiece, on the programme,"after whidaggie Jack son; '(another musical prodiggy)''sang " There's naegude:luck abopt.the house" which was loudly encored. `""Where shall we find our: homes"' by Messrs, .Morgan and Jackson, brought- an `admirable and. pleasing programme to a close The pro- coeds amounted to $25; and at the•close of the :entertainment, the members of the choir and several ,Others were substantir ally entertained at the •residence of Mr. T. Jackson. . On Wednesday next we • eoninience to make extensive all er`` .. ,: tons in our:premises, a a.1[ l o AY AND M We hold ; a Specials Sale' of the balance ®: , za les Furnis ',C er Corgi.., r �iea r -d free. 000 of rence, to � an advertisement from, a buss ss" 'acne in ,.. p �e ,.; town. accusing SONE FIRN of Tit in to a large m nufac_ turin house advis n them.. not to sell the;rnL7 oods and in order refute any'imputation • .' . against ourselves, we pend the following affidavit order to effect rally define our position in -the matter, before the public. Which will. be cleared out at . P'Lcer cent: fess' than s r t For s: �o Gloves Hosier Neckwear Ribbons ?pace Underwear Embroideries, and FancyG oods, this isi a chanceLadies miss, s Lad es should.riot. , m • „ 4 Magnifteelltoolleetiou of hfD GLOV rand Assortment of Neckwe Count`. -of Huron` We, Geo. E. Pa and John Wiseman, Y sexriau Both' Y of the Town of:`Clinton, iii "the Count of To , Wit. Huron, Dry -Goods Merchants, doing busi-' 'tress as PAY et WIISEnMAN, do solemnly declare as follows : THAT since we commenced business•i • ;, i :the -town of Clinton,- ti • ve have never written, or caused to be written, or verbally, or in any other way advisedan any manufactur- ing house,wholesale dealer, oragents, • their a cuts,': in any manner or .. form' whatever, not to dell anY class ',of goods to any other• individual .or firm doing' husinega.in 'Clinton,,; -'or any other place in this Great Dominion. And we severally make this solemn declaration conscien- • tiousl..',. believing the same to b ' e true and b Fi j rtue of an� Y gAct Y passed in` "the .3 tli 7year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen • • Victoria, and entitled .an Act for the suppression of voluntary anc1 extra judicial- oaths. Declared before me at Clinton, Signed, in -the: County of Huron, this '- 11th, day. of April, A. D 1882. Signed, A. H:. MANNING. - GEO. E. PAY. JOHN .WISEMAN, E FlOR THEMOWEYe Ve employ ,a MANTLE MAKER to 211IAKE. MANTLES .ON LY,•'and she.. has proved -herself to be one of .the - best in Ontario.: 'IKiidl , leave y your.. order and ,.prove our assertions. he: MANTLE., Department now complete. C>r�I'VT� iI 1ST IBS IB dt6 YRTIE 1 THE' DItY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON.: Ate' JACKS01\T'' We are having a tremendous. ,rush, and are now employing over 20 first-class hands, and are still''in need of all we -can.'get. We have a first-class .stock to select from anct a full ' range ' in ever `��'class ofgoods, and.are continuall.` �" Y 9. receiving more. pecialtj 5 quires Note Paper for ct 000 ioc line LADIES GI • G Fosri933 VOTE PSP D ' ".CURS SITY SHoPr CLINT*• Ne take the lead for style9 V1ie use irst class Trimmin s We .. guarantee a ooC fit, oeverythingto ' k s°,,asd . �e ,d cep up our oisg-e tanding reputation. 1VE • ARE THIS WEEK IN. RECEIPT 0l? feces of DcW i)alf(rlls in Scotch Tweeds ices �cwpatf�r�s� i�� YJosteds � t310008 11C 1 1 i ��81115 11T01<S•; OF _CtKSOINT,: Tf H1 CIAOTITIJER.