HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-04-13, Page 8chi porters to mov6_A,rosQlqtio -On. be detripaeutal tp �Aper thanwe, would hAve got itfor a it in this subject was; an ffidiazdiou� that it was try. He I 'tkui . at I ad buta I i LATER CARL, 1P. ont' to Committee of the Whole'on the of, its -supi n the in toreatsaftho, coun -April 13 Bill. ic would - r,eC,qiVe E,G088 ading of the regarded b Usiice which a �fair and impartial , Sir Leonard Tilley laid on the table the on motion fort6e, third re y the Gvernment as a much th0 J ore serious questio than.was pretended. arbi the daradian Pacific Railway tration decided she should receive, th report of ly fitting in -Mr. Rymal,express6d regret that is Commission. M I dIe It being 6 at. Macmillan moved the following T:hAre'was something paeulis. saying that,, he would no� Urge. phtting forward a gentleman who wa I L question bad become a bone �of contention o'clock the Speaker, lef� the, Y. aniendment, up At an by birth, by b: After ��e Wri�oraa. 1i reeding And by instiuci, betWeiu 'the Governments,, for , it . would chair. 'now road a thiM 'to move �this readlution,'aud h6 trusted that w6akentbobonds of�love which ought*to ioct�o, Ilia �,Aliowiug Zills were That the ' Bill be not �XROUDFS- LIFE Y CA 'be referred at reg�4 tima'and passha RLYLE. t, it hack 1o, the no, native-born Canadian could have been bind � together the portions of this gie 'CablagramB,of Atut Ayi OTTAWA, April 3—The Speaker took the me, but tba found to lead off in up i Looking at it' from the , To�-i )ojit6� the" Riijar,% Peninsula ASunday s, ti chair at. 3 p. in. committee of tbb Wbold with instructioas Dttack on Pr;DvinoW Confederation. 7a power to amend the pre- rights� -The resolution sought directly to of'common!, sense, he thought it Bridge Mr. e the adoption of the, that they 11211 I o,as,to providehat the said Boaril-i commit the House to a conAiCA With, the Was the Proper i subihit thi�-question To 'amend the Act incorporating the It id stated that bon Ploillippe B;urbou firat report froni_ the_861pet Committee ambles thing tc R ailway com. a .1 ­ .1 the, Board for the Legislature of tlie'largest Province in the to�sii6h distinguished �men, &a Sir Ed'�vaid, SOuriB ocky Mountain R Who s bean mentioned lately in connee- appointed to sup6tVis4 the oklcisleport�of her6tcfors,:knOwu as (it theNeouppriiitieg Fund� of bpininiou,. Which had within &,few weeks Thornton, 8ir'Fraucia laineks, And- Chief pauy. with Miss Mackay, the American heir. debates presentA,, 8i'Thur's'Uy last. The report directed I 4 I h L a atteuii� f nibmberg'io' th4P i'b�teria'nChurlah,of'Catadain�con- declared its purpose on this question, -Thers �Mgtioe Harrisoul; and wben they declared To, ainend 'the Act to hicorporate the' ess,,w. a PT to ,as haarried�morganaticallyto id the -existence of a provision'! the cOutidet nection with 'the'Church of Scotland,!be wereafe plainfdctsgtrV All teob� that it waarigh'so to submit Me question, South Saskatchowaii Valley, Ccm� PkINbruary 18th; W f9r printilli the allowed three- Amended by changing the title of the said nicalities Which was tight in acebpting-the pany. approJhq�lp would.:,atr inds of his ,thought, he Of the Duke orthal,cor . rectibn and'. ,,Boaid to tlia of 'thb Beata f6r the Manage- th6 - electors. :, Af tor- the district had been view of Sir. Francis' Hiuckp And his c6b An Act reli ting to the, 6anada'Southern oi Westminster to Wiss Cav�ndish, third] daughter of Lbra� Chesham,� is the c ,a, days to members f r along time under the jurisdi6tioa*� of. laiguas rather than that of the leaser Ii h f'' revision 6ftheir, speec'hogIef ore they ors 'hient of the Temporalftios.Fund of the f0 �ghts Bxidge Com tario it was fi, 164 Cqlle finally, made up'. It also' recommended PAsbyterianChurch in Canada.'—, Lost. on nafty .4,0arded 16! the which,b-id-bean expressed.- � He f6gtet --,'Aii Act specting Queen' B. ge, topi6 in Lena , cibty gossip to -day; It will make a that the present, proot,reader be retained The- till was -read a third tinie and Province. by arbitration. What had the that ithis�jznaft( , � . a � , Curious family mealey. The P4 -other, Charles Cavendish,, �h To ain6nd tl�e Act to incorpb'rate the 10 clos6 of the sea- passed.� '60VEirnment done in regard to this ard? bul'the-Consdrvatiyegin Ontaxio� ad, un�il lady's eldest_,bi to,index U aw by Thb� Ho tly� as - Bion, ; and that hi�4, bb; inor.ead6ai a�1.15 a.m. -They had eliber ately u6urped thecession, very recen lou�r*y'earsago %k.rj6di,4h,P,DukeofW, t� V 0'. a or- I S , �be, 4. —"The Speaker took t a f that disputed teiktitom taking possession In conj Ion. h f It r,, Lady Beatrice I I ­ I - action QroBnor,'so! I f the valuable- -t imb of aW ' �,of iii Government in" not ratif�­ I . '6 demning -the ac6 ok,'rather want ah Rlati6nsl haii,At3pim. 0 at property And.: land, Ion, a his dutighteils�;btothdt-i&l d th ie' id- L COmpletiou, of their tr Conn dke will become nC hur.h'.-" S 010 t6, Sir Leonard Tilley moved that to -morrow which was awarded'to Ontario, and had Ing ibe aw�ard, * An -tot u0ilfter h of having w) it till�* the French .. - .4 it wag. 'eh 1� 4esolve itself - bo Committee, of been for years hi, V 9 in' TO-, 'he nev� ossession !of. Ontario, the recent: C6n�eivative gatberin A. -Act' the� dr6at Western ie'M4 own '�,s,4 if -were. 1 dqbates are printed 6§,Mtmerly. the Rouai mi il",y C. to cc routo that there 9eined., to'b6 Concerted, R 3hess, MiS4 K,;Aerine Carolina Caven- asked Whether or, not the first the Whole to consider the resolution lock- atia-'all the while they' refused me to O'oking to the ' udiation:pf the 'dish, is only'24 y6ars of age. She is cleyer-� action 1 Sir Richakd.C9rtW sad that the Fr. �kthe I -was revised,and,cor'.. ingo tbe�jder6a;se,of the ManitoW, subsidy' an amicable settlement Wifli the Local rap right qpard­ roe b( 'sugar, refineries Of Canad&would never have a The ' marriage will be, -4k of thkstaffln C'A'se's to�215,000. vernment., Whit _Oul' hay" )an done AVvar& nd, beautiful. us Mr. biak� call ed atten I tion to'the la'ok of had this ease been: rovince� of The members -were the closed under,the late tariff had it not bde� private. o 6 failed to that .1 the P called inand on. the.gu�j�et of 4 doubt that within vote waBr taken -.on the,'amendment, 'Mr. Re kr..­BradIaUg'h'.I) -to pay the. make, tfi-eil themselves. He �ret�irna called. foj�4 is- Quebeo? 116., hiId-no' dpath had a. political purpose a unable -observed tharinted. :allowanb6 of the ;Streams Bin;��also th u ;ur 'ation of was carried on a divisiu by 116; eas to. 44 to set Newaigate penalty, that is now ordered be Ose twenty-four. hours! of the 9 p voi. 'He stated -that the gresent tar i iff, 3peeches of tbbs6�'­.members who had not t with, refeienbe , t9 Dominion lands and , Quebec territory, by the Government, not one nays. imposed 251, per'ceoit4 '6xtra dutYj and.thp will be suedinbankruptoy. ButMr.Braa- ILI has. 7DUring h Quebeo,,,mqmber,of the Go-�ernmeut, would Sir Leonard Tilley moved that at the Governpaift'got 25,peil, renue 18ug . time to give t4ein; ��perkoioattrpvision� and, �colbnizatiou,companiesj �and c an a. t L I . " ' c t the last Noitfia' he judged thut this aidsw'�,to:*,greaf extent .routes, by, the jDanada � Pacific %t sittip _mpton'c(jutes c eques or, have remaied in the Cabiingt..He coin mand-, -he g-tbe House resolve it80lfJUt0 f the,, b6iYau'na"er, a , 0 pay,30� . I I many. hundreds" were sent by :admiking'' from the too,great tiou�4,required in, omp, y, o ad tho".'Province',of Quebec for the- attitude: Committeeft per, CeL. mote than'. Previously �Ior . his di 0 an " and Bales of lands by inf Supply. 7h Fs maintainoid' ad that When the suga�r. And why was this? " Itwas because friends. 'The iriendly..Buit instituted by the transcription 6f.the- ropo' take' notes. 'crihrhey had alwa., when� Sir Leous�rol Tilley'ino to Compel 'Mr.. Brad . h -t I pany., 6i � - uPbnl Ho -its next sittingit -the manag- -Mi. Gurney The report'ofthe-Debaie Cdmhiitte6 :1,T-hi)�"ojour,ned','d'dbmte,:'on, Mr.' PlunibIg Ights warel.behig trenched uie adjourned should sugar refining, as thd Mail and 'Au in o 6btga . WaB Oan al auc thereby pted. amendment to the' motion 'for supply,- afid4 only wished. that 'Ontario d liourned till Tuesday, Ilth inst-, at ing director had'a4mitted, was an industry perform- bid. duties was Bdo I , _Rng o Mr. Ho er, member :fdr,]- e'boundary so fully alive to legal'bea f the, case, is expected to in �6w Westmin= 'looking ic,ihe reference of, th her, interests. But 3 Wolock�-Carried. whibh Canada, from its geographical situa. tion, could not Profitably � follow, star, B. C., Wag. iutrodu6eidj�,Sir, hebila 'I didpute to the Privy Council, was resumea. there were limits to the patience even of he House Adjourned at 3';55 a. in. ri when, Mr. Mackenziepeir The."Vote was Sir IPai4`65 ba�ving 'L a% great. Tilley and Sir Charles Tup,jei'j�land took ' Mr. DiwBon, who had moved the adjourn- that, Province. '� He remembered ad with: Sir Charles : , ppry j, t i . is kendi., his.Beat, amid the Cheers of the Miijsteriafm menti -of the, debate 66 Friday, sp6ke' at twenty years ago public feeling in Ontario Tupp6r.:. fO116;k9j, �d Hois watching Anarig-in ord6r to pr5i-Th Speaker took the yi� -Bord�u "1§6ur- r ists" was o roused by an - attempt to deprive' OTTX1 'Arogiiri; cqhsJdeiAb1e1ength,'bh the subject.. Hesaid� T. something foi`- A ­I� .. 'it A T ti.�t Abit ihb proposition; idibe bon; member'i hat Province of,.ber jUBT, h t chair A0. o'clock., assa B poe (St.. JohD),, Burpe� '(Sunbu'ry), Sir tetra in.. S tMr. Blake called. atten to a tI'Was a ­ Mr. Coitig�n gave notice that. on,the aid Cartwright, Casey, Charlton, Fiset,* Galt's movement' is not unfavokably 7ke-. that the Becond reading, of,�Mn Caisohin, iiiendment "B so reaoicnable' that -no Voic& �violence waB` Imminent. in the Flynni Geoffribn, -Gilli-6si Gillmor, Gunn, garded by the Governoeut.L Australian Bih for'the better preveiio�fion of fraudJda but that offaction could. be! raised against high6st- degree, in- the' interests of Con- . next 6b6itsi6n that the �House was moved. Holton, Huntington, Irvine, -Killam, Ki: . rig,� tariffe are so anti-Frenich that theie is little relation to public coutig eration that Prbvincial " rights should6 into Commiftee Of' Supply he would inOvb Lai�rier, Mackenzie,., Mciss&Q, mills, Olivier, � . I eta was' -far do it. Referring to Mi. Mills' speech he; said 1ed_ of Sir Henry Parkes d8big any- the� order iuggested-2thol�,Z2, gentleman. , s6uded td: be. more :,respected. , The Province 6f'Ontario asked the itd6�tion,bfcertaiiire-i3oIutions,'df.which Paterson .(Brant),. Pickard, 11,pbertson.(Shel- -prospect paper; and;.. 1 I -on t . tburne), Bogers, Rymal, Scriver,, Skinner, Smith, thing �at present The Government dis- qwd6us to'show his own, erudition hto only its bare legil rights.� Was the -Roue. he badgiven'n6tice, he subject of snowball, Tiow, Welden-Total, So.. Bhould be pladail'bigh6r rage negotiations with Spain, 6rdolbnial Mr. haw; in Advance -'� points. .Which'. would lead to prepared at the Wilding of',themiember for Biate ,of CPU] . be:Becon 6udifi NAVs.-Messrs. Allison, Baliei-., Bannerman,. hoPa Fr the Bill to arAead�the Aof,to indpiponit F better understanding of Beaty, tBea chear will shortivrd.o�entbediieus�ic was this redistribution of seatowould be brought in. Is question'. Niagara, for he! said be Was,, not . the in . eke . Mr.-BIake asked when the" Bill for the ti ' he.),B6fioit,' Bergeron, Bergin, negotiations witliXaris,'buf Ance, for.� much misim'derotood, A d, mouthpio6ii of- the, Goverument" in Biii� B�tltbde*,�, 'Bowell;- preckeri, Broolib,� on for a new �?Uaviug -got into the, domain - ., c a to, thu i t rf h I M"dciiald-��After ths'Easter Buntii3-g;,,*Cc�metbn'�(Vietoria), Caron, Cimon tr'ea;ty. Faadof the Presbyterian of paty politics as 8 n 6 erov�ith t e4ights of the Sir �Johi ''Cion6ro , (Chicodtimi),- Colby, poralitie&-� urc (Charlevoix i b , 6rt' Daly arl rativille,has succapdodIan'iducing of Cauadain couttectiodwiih the ofi to have.iteimly, considered. Pi vi A6 'one who hid alwa,ye iecess. `(A 4augh.) to Inc CouT861:1 , . I O f Boo tland d that thg'10omliiion, 6 d- Tilley ihi,f F , p t- ' the Powers not "I t6 per init aro exclusive gave, a the -Hd believe even before 'favored Confederation'9he gtrongl�y Urge,d, On'motioa�of Sir Leonar Dason; Elliotts-'FakrOW,, OrgusOn or 113 acquisitiow, if the Northwest Territory; upon the House that one of the rolaiti props the House res,olvediself * I a of: Gigault,_ jqf�oqqrd 6itindb6iB,' GUill0t: Turldsh'lnQ�6ntibn in Egypt.. If An into Committe I to _y in 0 Homer cop sea- ngland. and, `-fght bmve,fairly� of union- was. the thorough acknowlei 9- Up 'I Y' Ives, Jones, 'I on th ian contingen is (C ipton)i Reid, F rance may7d fund from the ti a, tfic, Hackett, Ilaggirt H " er,--Hurteauj- were establishedt,. to' the, time cf�themji6 at torri- I S t� laid claim to th n 'Ric),i6y,Roj3s(Diindas),-,Roiithier, Ro yal; Evan an, Turkey. An Ind of the Presbyterian Chur6h 0ry4 .,' But if ad been� made mentof �Proiineial . riglits, And this. �pm., Mr. Pateriiiiii (Braut)said he bad. toin- laiqu6tte), Ryan- (Montreal), 1.Rykert, Shaw, xpect6d on the line of the canal. Cairo Mr. Amyot Eoved in ame'ridment.,tha' jgboa it,'WodId th& ter. position .aa Contravening that tkinciplO' troduce foi the- c6naid8i6ii0u:-6Jr'twe- ­Hbuse �(' pheroson, Tass6; Sii-16oinard 'Tilley, .-Sir e t : - - . 88. I . . I - I . StE must be seized on accountof the Water supt!_. the Bill be not now road a'third time,,b 1tory- par of. Upper, Canada, which- should not be -adopted.by the� Hou t' nec6on with whichi Charles Tupper; Tyrwhltt,Vauassej:Wado, Wal. ' 1, - p - , . ut� a sweet ques, Ion, in con I ' rivate.letters . indicate tha& that it be referred back I' C- only. go mueh'of. the wesiern, Mr.,Laurier said it-lay.with the opposite, -by reason of the taiiff,,'mgood'deal"of lace'(NorfolliK, Whit6,.(CadwelI),"White (Hast-� p y� Arabi to � ominittew-' `Ue�dd� a4 party, if they wake to prove that the Award bitterne�s had been aroused. . He..re' Bey's i * ve, f'�th rifluenceis: He inoist soon' the. Whole with iiistru6ti6no tiiat, they ba 4� portion , a a 61jt�Pio�i6�a of 0 sink or &, something , desperahe. The power to amend . it (1), so as to give'tha�,; Was left to Great Brita�fu After.. ihgwar of should not be.'� ratified, 'to show,�AhAt the to the sugar question. I He stated that - the' - The House went into, Cbmmittee of- Su� jC& . I ., Sir, rancis' Hiiiblis' rard.was fraudulent � or grossly unjust. I I .. . k. P rs are.fully prepared for all contin- petitioners a corporate or'1�6gVexi8tenobi' ppendeuce..� f � F " average.,price dthugar in Canada during ply..with Mr.-Kirkpatri . in tbbchair� I n g n- a a's a s thiet. wag to �c. taken a'B itAnother%objecii is being 9, wbiI64n-NeyV York, it wab and everyth' the' on, wab that th Items oncerning penitentiaries, total gencies. 0 u au. t1posi ion 1880 was $9.58, reto or .1 I I , 4 11 legal clue i ion - n settled M5,M5, decrease �!�;'984, were passed, after 'One of the most familiar landmatits-in ing therefrom ; (2) so as no 16 on bi h the arbitrators at ought to hive,.�b6p 102241169, t: to adjudio&W he grounds W 0 56.20. We,uged during,the,year - misBod from I I a komed place. ThiB.is, no other than k, #,ad at the decision, the HouE That quantity would ave ast , f maintenance On to property in adiniiii6t, le 4 -1 I h London will shortly be t in relati or And:the by awyers and,the Courts. He 'could not pounds. �b6nsider�ble dihonssi6n.�riigar ding the cost, of the fund clamed by the petitictLeis, 166'ntry . had. good' 'reason to corigratulato think that the award would be repudiated $6,339,932 in: New, York, but it cost the . O ancl, divers similar matters. accu it 1,t6 repre- ank at e 703 , i , a to pas or at I 0,01 ck.� sent the Duke.of We ington d Minselves that: P iiament - had '.declined b"cause. the arbitrators. *ere not all sed, and the th0.bronze*mOnstr'osiy suppose( so as to leave 10 tribunals of jugtice,duly,�� Canadian � consumers. - $9,'119.7" Som Other itema,wo- if' in a-cocke donstitutedand competenthi tliat::�bbh ftal`ga�potion tha award. 'He draw the con- lawyers. FA!rn6sal�justide�.andhno;�ledge �3;455 751 more. Where �Iiad the three ouse adjourned 0 hit and l6ng.cloait seated on a -4uadruped the duty of'deolariiig to whom the ji6t6tt �.41aion th4t the arbitrators had given very. weie.bot monopolized, by,. the members of ruilliQ and'a half dollars gone ? Over two mmt "of he Marble Aicii, at I yde and administration.4 le,consideratiok�: to - the Bubject � beforw -the legal. Profession� Speaking of the Ob7 MilliOns` 'Of it, 'Went he public sullciliDE. oir the Ba * t, t I a nice d his "ting' at�'�, Ottawa;t. thaf.� they he,ir&- jection that t iw,wa a mere, compromise' ireadu'r' Y', which wii.right; ut '$'1,429,062 Park corner. 1, T46 improvaments intended'. 0 aI ]Lady's ]Exodus viFi-Morichulne.- torelievethe,enormous ibron fearriag Ing; upon at A- nee la 'of " cdurg6i aiid f it went -into tha':pockais of -the refiners. and equestriansdaring' the season necessi- p hat! judgment, he said that Sir F a � all I d French, 9trongfk,t:;urg I ­ . rancii Hincks ..Av. 0 d go d- Mont not,to,take upow" theiiiielves judWAF��' the two high - coutba ipg at:,, had di ­40y''stated, in, hitf.71acture in I A t6havII16. despatch dutba Saturday (Opposition applause;) a 1881 pri Itate the removal i of th6. whole � kvctur'e, -muc agreedastothe-line' prouto, that. can no:.Com- York and, says: �-A pretty h' there bad b raged in, New [is. ,B,6tsy Royi a 'woman aged but instead of -consigning -,it to oblivion in, Mr. a adopted and, that the a now came to consider iliat I . about 60 Years, living- near Ivanhoe about Haggat, as representative of a ridi a �177 � in Canada." The tota; consumption of some Obacire'dumping, ground for 6AiBtie� IWnister: laid out ' e-lin k:t 'a a or promisei, -supporters Of CanadiicdBt $11, 5 0 .in which there wasa large Pipabyteiija th would be' a by I' the. 661,0 2� *harass it would' eighteen mile's from , here,, ri�,'the'Madoc 'gontl i I , 4 17;k7,798,An :9 : road, �coinniitted. suicide by- taking stiychr Abortions it will be , actually erected in a -:desir kalp Id Ado or t pi the am �opposite , n , his: own . Csvote,.and a Prbsbytoriso,bimselA, od'. 4 aron y , ba,vq, still�i�i6r�conspi6uousp�rtoi.the ark.' ere. wi4 therefore a loss ot 53,843,25, Thuisday'afiernooh. The causeof p to give his reasons. for 'the vote he would;� :Unonimous on i Is an. ect': a' Ut , i Province; �:knew. 'he-' would ;be :Th 1, to� nine on oug .a, week. haa eil'apsiad knee the give. All that -was desirbd*as,to-see.Af&i had a 'so f6und to' iolently use il'T 'for the -stand he, had the Can Aian consumers. Of this �2,459J42 tiie:act'wAs that sbe was notbatisfied W.o;.per8OUB r et�,� a OM * MF ;"b f with, -a6wa of, Longfellow's death, expresisions of 'a unate, a' taken by'ths, members of 1ha'C6nservative .-w6nt'drito he�treasuryi while U,384JI2 the wsy� in which, her husband, who died lie sympathy cont -d ttl ht 61 � this uator .: - ' The- last fall Put' inue to,be manife4te ' T* " I, . , .'L , � ,I Cameron uosaid habould not party. . (Loud cheers and heari hour, from wont into the p6eketsbf-the refinersi haddisposed of his �property. He . Th. OritY surely1ad axight-Ai6 & ate, in �a quiet but sinceie fa 81hion, which proves, - ud, and to the full I Coiiiii6l'of *t"t, inisterialists, licwever, Claimed, of th!.Dw, 6�m6rits of th6 da'se,, nor, ransack the Governinet benches.) He was evi�, that - all willed the bulk of his estate to three'sons, share atever it was. . He. 8 tjougly;L f for d denily not�inistakanju his judgment of,th6 ',this moneyent back to the People Proof were needed, how deep A helcl the, , wh do o the last 300 years con. . I I.. . iii1he: andince big death Mrs. 1 ROY repealtedly. poet had on the triglish rade on this side favored leaving tha,'digtributiowto those". the ubject., That tortioi��6f.-the.,..�t6mp'(jrofhoti, jeutio�mau. Heknew3hey f I ' f coal, .-freight and expiesnil , hot dissatisda6tio" t' daahith,byth6 I 1w I ould app I eal t o the prejudices of hi ,ay o : wagesi a& as o ki� f In a rong df the bceah. , Hig-16ss Was referred to in, interdatedi �601313- shippin ' butihis ;What terms. , 8he;Cbmplained that she had -been 91 the pulpits at 'Westminster Abbey., St. they could -not try but'heb ' t6o�n2uch,faith in; their 6 Id I b 8:66omplishad bi �1,400�00'0?, It left outin-the - coldi and. fie quently threat- paul,8 men, ad a d numerous other�ehurchas. Noxt-. vi e,on­ I �Aty, of., purosBud patriotism to.b fair di ision of the fund; and th' ly.%ir liavmigev'�minod tbes6 onE 8 could:be devoted to 'this removal 6E: the ened to throw herself on the railway track. Ontario y I �appev ta�t week At 'Wasg�dw Ba�rneta' Cantata"." The basis of division *as the that the boundary of afraid o[the result of an heir coaf-ifid hour, or -if tbb No.aibt her mind was affected-. It was -num, at o mem. duties' on - fda, bera of each party. -01ar;f, if" not farther, west than the prejUdices. � It would be said :that � he was money was paid into the treasury' "it, lif not believe put her threat Building of the Ship;" ,composed , for. the ; a living COU d that, Bhe would I.. . L6eds festival ial 1880, will be given, and� (Viotoria)-,,claimea that,' �i.6r-bitratorshad.:rl-�ed,it- This waE ing -Against the-interestaA his Pr i .1 Th d hortly.- j4.the,fi 'Mr. - Cameron OvIuce- bezapplied to- bringing �,506 -men into the into execution, but" on, - urB ay. 9 there were vital differences . 0 bef6ie-� Confederation, and the Ace6rdiug,16 those gentlemen he' very � *a 'rstpart Will'be iafr6aucea the10 f ' OP I ' mo I ' 21 Country,, with art,wife.9nd three childr ' on , after dinner she horrified he family by owing y ae between the old Church r Canada' �bad pressed its kneW tb6y­tbobgfit- that io, do justice t a 17,506 as: i6l'4 . ode, �omposed by Henr Gil pa fy'� ana! ti L lb� ded b 0 t o:souls --in:. 1 611, and, quietly informing them. that she had, taken hea I d of a - i I Hushed in death the minstirel lies, unionists. exten western oundary. a ario, was tke 'to QUdbec.,* inj p&yiuw each - a pdwe*ifddoae of:otrybhDine. A' PhYSICIall Mr. Mapkenzie-Name one. cuments- were in the poses- 'This was ;ndt to, Ontario;'' but' $4' 0 year o do motliing.­ 'Ami' y it was too, late. In By1his tomVbright eyes. are weeping, d Wi 'and turiele6son the willd* do 0 Eta st��t for, bu lie 1�ol6n, mt generation Calculated to. iiimply to declare What 'her te Aoty ii1ause.) But ' o: - t that! 1ima sh it': Mute Mr. Cameron sajol'that whbreas o" lb '.the pres( - To.% ten minuibs -from s Coll the' Hangs the,haiphis touch coulil thrill. 1-11 11 1. - rr Opposition aF I, 'A i aly the, justice of Ontario's was. ., H6,11 had, often asserted ., that partylield that there�shooild be' no con-'. UsIv4 all this money went cto the benefit 'of' poisonolid"was 4 c6rPse.-,. It wii not con7 Cold! he's sleeping; lid: By r , a ining mor Baxthis.hi's,pillow, ppetion between Church and, State t gaws*,�,,,,d, wo, of the colleagues ofibb,hon. the� Quebec Conservative party of to -d LOpolists. It ini siderednece6 'arylto hol&amingu6st t be s6id,in yet his s6ul1a with us still, in an Iwhich IiAd. boeu1adzby,Sji gh other claimed that connection was no.., (Sir, Oeorg6 Cartier', Was not that ex-buse that the�monopolists did not got all Y'� W 'McDougall) had. declared inm; '06orge,E; Cartier.' 'He quoteafr incompatibla,�kth the proper discharge b * th6 p ofit�,for themselves; -'Indeed it.wis a a'*orld this weak also'coiiiaino apoem, Personal. -which th '.fb I on a 1w the Church..of its fuuctions. hich had become public randa by �Sir G66.:E. Cartier when m1power of� a fact at in the kellning busixiesAli�Ekog-. I owing, isu vers6 anser:to protests, Mr., Mackenzie said they. a Upon:- that no doubt could �exigt that the in 1869,im men­couIa-do-_whAt_it took'.880, Ad'vices from Bermuda retort. that Sir, �b as half ouis"; from veins of Yorks ira - - .. . 1 4 yeon ���'idriitory.6f-th'e,noW....pk6vince iiario son Bay Company,aganat oCnot :ih -of Bermuda -died- monly to give validity to the, AcW of h a ' of On , . judji�g e, �mero to,do.in Canada, but if the Canadian, Robert. Laff I 11 -1 . Local Legislature4in Ontario and, Quebec 41noludea that country between the Lake of Da�vsonroute, in'which he kc�-,asBerti d,the on the 2.2nanit., pr6ng the biave;bfood that made -his so , n , g . so 0 reknevs had wo'rkmen who,1,.werd':ndt' pro- brave, The- bon. member for 'Victoria th-Wol6ols-And the, Red River., He also. clabn th ded, At least, to p6ily� iei!66ked, or � if they. . had- old- - The. dov'arn6r.d6uerai's quatters'at the AlLoit g6 tcnde*-piqrciug'freedona!s foemen, Cameron) said that there � were, aiffore read. I extra I ots,from opinions , advanced, by the lana'between the , Lake �bf the Woods Ifajbibkied�macbinery,'tho psopis of Canada citaael Quebec- are,baiug'put in' ord And strikin� for the slavb. at for 113 of' doctrine between the� ianchear6f,fli" the late �dhief, Juoticg� Draper, in which the and the Red,Ailver. He (Mi. Laurie) bad ah�uld not.beL xua& to 'pay'for that. : He -the tecupatiou'Of.. His 'Eicellency, un'c'h tomIday"publisfies thefoll win g. Church, but the ease be had-citod coUld 'same ground -was taken. There,was there.: no doubt that if, -Sir 6eorg6� E � Cairtior was w6uld4her6fore move,. That, ths:Speaker Lao expected here%�About tli.e'lk of ll"y. h in Canadailiere, 60nld�b'4 :fora'no. doubt,thet,the, at Born Febivary 27th, 1807. ardly, Apply, for,: .,Conservative y.'arty. alive he, 6uld, ill 'have� maintained his not- leave th a chair, but that. it b resolved Wm.' McBride, -K, A. head no State Church, and, in "ScotlaJoid � And, were ominitted bY.tbair solemn documentA, position, and this repudiation Would' that Unde t d never - the -, thb'existing R i 11 gh, Schol; has obtaine& A life psalm sitaidly sweet, and simply.strqng writingg to-: L a -boun ary the � old. ha' "heard of. One of- tII6� r opera ion of ichnIond.-Hill i gland , connection mith. the Church'.; ve. been most duties on'sugar thb.'pe6ple lave paid and h he As y the dead singbr gave the Phroug, the for t: a graduate's assay 2at t r riz and State would Cease_ - The tiu t- ; i1?rovince of Canada much farther west than. admirable traits ofSi' George E., Cartier's I S1.1kils, to its close; but famewill yet prolo 9 as ion are jable toLpay,upon' that Article 9, pilice Uper.?ty'. : . UU, boundaiy'plac6d by, the award (if tboi character was courage, 'and -another, was laigely:iu excess of the cooti-.1of, raw sugar of union was fully. discussed by tIn echoes clear across two *orlds' wide i ging branche of the Chukchi And arbitrators'. 1ftlibbom"genflem6n opposite fairness to his adversary. He.was sure -he after Adding the Canadian duty andfrei Rev. Robeit,Bree,� rector oi, Brampton,, Audin all English bartS like bomebells iinging: Glaol main 8 rts'o the.Chu' i has been a into(! 'to,. the Bishopric of W � ' 11. as, "�had Changed their, Opinibng'in reference to would never have ght cry of thd�siiigerand his singing., befor 6 cou ' I rch, as We t, I I I I I I I . Chang947 his position on . to! the poinEof consumpti6n, that the duties Baibmdos,,� Ppo* befoire the separate c"Ongregati is su jac the weStern and'northern boundary from thi bJ t oil Bugar vacant',by. the resignation of Mr. Tditiny's6n.bas ktififoul of Man- are. excessive' And should be so ras decided by hatthis� those which they entertained au rose . to reply to,.Mr. arrangad As � to' redd ce , 'the-', great biito� Chester . Good Template,. ho denounced a 'vast ipajority.t years �-,dgo Xr., .'M6ushe lens Iunion should take rlace.' The cIaim,df','j1jo, hi recent Was plain , that they did so. not :Laurier.: He said. the' bon. member had they,finpose upon the peo I The editor of the New York World has, in, foi'encouraging drinking in his ion� wiw.: t but trie&. to , make : the, House and Country Trescott �that �'received a ioply from' minority, who did not go into I mi the in ereBo of.' Ontario Mr. White'(Cardwell) said be.understood been n6fified by General patriotic 6ong. The serve . party'.and political purposes. belibve,that he was man want6d'bot 9 Bon Flaying that hi� fathe 'I that they were by right entitled to all: t e� :one of the few French Hurlbut, late Unite& States Mini for to the poet' the bon. gentle: h to reduce 8 14 property, of the -Old Church,� inclu4i�j:, Tho'ifirst intimation that the Province .:of Ca"ollafis who were willing.to do jus le Peru'diedsuddenIy of disease of the heart' meautt.fie-common cup which wagsacked t etc thatariff and t6lieeptlierefinories at work churches, - manse property,' etc., and'3b 'gata i h - that' the bon. , gentleman. Ontario And that, all rench, Canadian ''If the bon,.,, 'gCntl , eman, bad to,all age6. on March 28th, At Lima. me Autran,widow of the-Frenph Froude'� le", now issue agked,that their title iiiight b going back on their record, of Conservatives were sorry to sea Ontario he c'uldlo "that it was a % ,,.Life of: Crly d A.quart6r,6f4c6Utury­wvJs in,1872,-when, advancing and grow n g rich metliod�whereby 9� ka;da. Could -anything'be more Contains abundauce Of nhatter of.QffoDce` for. pity he.did hot communicate 1i. :s-ecrat t poet; prbvidbd in her will 'that her. heart finding th4i a strong fooling'existail in' they offered io s VISmit the matter to a Com- Mr. hear. 0 All, the foibles of tbe,ex'-Fivan�6 Mininer (Sir�Richard Cart-, be bUried with her French husEand, but a great'many p6r�iins- House mud country again4,iti',ibey niissiou', but' oh� such' conditions -that it Moaesaa, ernment, was in" that' her.b6dy repose 'beside that of her. Carlyle are biought,out -in i't most vividly, �15r liipriiceeded tha -the gentle. -Wright) wheniho late,Gov but it ia�'cortaiiily' at. most striking book..' Proper y.lon,,t I he 6oald not bei. posed a division. of tlie accepted by the people of man in thus pming as a martyr was g U band, uilbypt' power, (Hear,. heai,).- Now, *as to the first. h a C I arlyle. ii I attlie, course of" it grodoid1hat this, was, botil-:equi Ontario. When the memb6r ior�.L Ambt6n: attack$ aill the. hypo6risy:or, political o6wardice. Ho'could ',profits. Mi. Wells, as he hs�d before're- nefItheld f fair; but finding. be �'came into p,8*ek this 4uestion. came tip for Uties. 6 ths, policemmon publisli6re with.great,virulence. : Hespeaks hat Par'lis'' ' t . ei�gily understand. the -feelings; of Ontaiio , marked;, calculited tha'� Cost, of 'refining, -guard, grounds in Carol, i i 'I _' 13 of 1, riser for his 'Own' particu at, ,Tot6ol down theY claiined' t ment Cousideraticn, b 'his Government, a d it its on this' subject. One . hon.'inembe'ir sugar atone cent a"po'und.',That bein' th t blisher" As 11 Ihfatuated Fraser,,Mtb:his y had no rig'bt.16 all , Was'deoided to refer� ib:10 a Commi 9. a bridge was, to. urn Away the, players on pul 82101I..' Of the Local'Housc. though he bad'-Iicv6i� case, the 6tal,bost of refining sugar, in-: hand;orga ns., or years it h a -the cut Mr. Amy6t'� askbd.leat,&� , to',* thd raw' It -was 8 ommission was sonqattarb.of a inagazifie.'�, The book Aid tbat: 'this C r as Ne�' his.. met him (Mr.� Mousseau), -' aft " ad CA adii was Deducting that Oustom''. 6fitho family to,give six Cents to: ack n a me xon�was negiiii-i6d' only�--to.-fli--the-,-conventi6naI iline,' wi I cause a great shahing up of dry1onos -him- that-- -from -eadli.liand-Organ 'that ous*�e";",,;�,i"�,11�'�',�,,�;*,,,4,��', this was not:� the,L as the 'text bythe H lature. He thought he must have been Ahe :total profits, 6fl,, the manufacturer feW'6f the peripatetic musicians �Who:came The amendment! was then put and lost., ,�u the , reference Did h A. iemarkable1usiance of tbeirrepressi. Were 5'�2 811, of Lt vicini 'use 4�hling, Undeterred proves. 03`* guilty of, some Crime, but be found�out 1-100600, into Ite ty failed.to'tak6tho �O bilAyd theloeotprize YEAS. gentleman opposite, �tho&. they found afterwards that the oily,reason forthis as . claimed' ' by' , the - membe into,theireircuit. by the recent golanon j Udicl -Mossrs. Amyot, Dowell, ]Br'i�bor,Cam- �r -for eron (Victoria), Carling�� Cj6ron, Coughiinj fault with the result, chAllouge the person*l attackwaB that he was 6 French CE'Luailian Brant.- (Hear, hear.) .. But. aside from, afternoon,. al conclave Upon Dumont, Fortin; r, 0 and lawyer and a Conservative.': The Gov- thaf%he refiners considerable -fight at Coursol, Cuthbert, Dugas, of tbe:arbitr&to a? They; could ro It. If the'prize scot; 448,06curred in Gault, Gigault, Grandbols, Hagg=f, Hultean thisdoetrine%of repudiation Was acknow- the heitit 6L, hondon,� tunder the very no�aes Jones, Landry, Lauticr,. MacMillan; McDougald: ledded to o mat would be safe in da�ling:wi I me : not;dn th6interests'6f the labor inthe. c9untry, For imit"ce, they , An abandoned female. infant was found of I -I,, . Mj,rty,s judgesi in"what Was McLennan, Montplaisier, Mousseau, ouimob, th 'Dominion or thetrue interests of"'Ontsrio, emplcy� 4 Air" vhOse ',�ag6s on the floor of the ladies' retiring room at formarly Archdeacou� utiiar's chapel' in a ectly 1,20 p;i6110 Roulean, Byan (Montreal),Rykerb; Scott, Strange, he-&ovarnment. They were legally;, and about Bay railway station, near. Tavistook a;, building which was; ratify,the Award. agol-In order to 'secure In' at merely $1 a day amounted to the Hobson's Wallace (York),Whit6 (Hastings). if not legailly,-equitably and morally, bound legal db6isioro,of the J Total -35. qiTculby the tru; -�366,000.' They uA�, 50,000 or 60,000 i6hs, Melbourne, Australia, recently and was sufficiently, notorious,.duriug the reverend 11 - to accept the award." The bon!. Member for 'me; t�i to the ::Privy- of deal, uiric-tenth's Of which: came fro- romoved. to the "Royal Park7 Industrial NAys-Mossrs. Allison-, Anglin, Arkell, Bain, I I 11 , was to refev Itlie." M . I Banuerman, Ilea tYo 130iluchasno, Rechard, Bsnoit,, Algoma (Mr. Dawson) said he was hereIre- Cou�cil. the' CoBt,6f which so g6iitlemalii,16 career, both for L the extraordi, the�Nov S ti hools by.Constable Flannery.' The child nary Attentions! he pAid- to -the musical 01 Bergeron, Bill, Blake, Borden, Boutassa, Bour� presenting Part 'of the disputed territory- Mri Ross (Middlesex) said the question, woul&I be. ,,i bother important- 'wasp rtially clotbed, and wrapped in a beau, Brockon, Brooks, Brown, Bdlting Burpee 'That territory then must be part of V, celebration of -divine service, and for";his (St. -John Burpec (Sunbury), Cameron (Huron) 0 I", simply was'Whether the iibitrators' award ite 'e. . rrels, a M000.1barrelB white calico bolster cover, to -.which was excessive politeness -to, lady -meii1bers 8 CartwrigLb, Casey, casgril,ju, chatitori, Cinjo� tario, or, if not, the bon; member was a' \,bould be ratified or not. The resolution! ann:u ere. a 16 Mkin i attached the following. lett6ri written- in' pe of 'his cong spot ng (Chicoutimi), .. Cb'ckburn, of this House, and it proposed by -tho rDember for Niagara ( r. these a la a U at of coo -Pets were three w6as old, born at �frateru'ty ioiL' the.�,east end� of Lond6a (Charlevoix), Ciinon stranger on the rogation. The Colby, Costigan, Coupal, crotitj6r� currier, Dds- was the'duty of the Speaker to eject 'bi-, Plumb) tried to put it forward as a questi engaged, an as 6 staves nd. hoops were jardins, Doinvillo, Drow. Elliott, FarrowiFiset,' t my par6isl.residanco, far from hero. � For has -long had'an eye oil thedisused ch&pelj� A `�66d (LaughterandQ sets.) as there any other, of appeal to the 'Privy *Council' but wheii, 'of Cauadia c God's easko keep'my' dear. baby: in 'safety. Fitzsimmons, Fleming, FlYnn,F ulfou, Oeoffrw h oo Gillies, Gilmorb, Girouard (Jacques, rea ld-b� hon.enllem6'for ):iolding the people of:. 0 ja 'Ol.had nee ta"_ ,as used. 'eso ere Advantages a& and -hired it iis 'a suitable arena, for' !he' ie, Haoldbiv; ac to 0, Of God keep it. Good -by, d' r. The father is G fro uard (Ken t), G uillot, Gunn,, Gtithr b ­rtifidation of this ard than noble Art of self-defence.' The &ftar rai a Ray, Hesson, Halton, I-lomer, Hoop6r, Irvine, . those they bad "adv'aneed? Did the �Af4il be heard they wOuld, if he' understood' 'ivhiob the House, iro'considering this ques- named McGright". Since then married were utilized to,! form a'ring ;' tIi6'COinWu- L Rsulbach, Killam, Kilvoit; King, Kranz, L theii tone aright;'. - decide � that ihe tion, should not lose sight.' On Thursday� men cifthe',xistme of McGragh-,,who: bavOl table the seat for the referee * a aDgevin, Longicy. Macdonald (Xings);M�Do'1',1,',1e an it arbitration having been made was valid, last'th price of granulated sugar in New speak he minds'of bon. gentlembn wh' n been near ?�talbourno� of., late years have Crowd of'the: rat and lowest cliajacfe'rs, (Cape Bretowi McDonald (Viptor�a,'N. S,.), mac--. published the f6lld�iing.:' "The -Grit party and should be ratified by the Government..' York was ft0j; while in Montreal it was found thei lives ab 6 wo r ur an.. donell (Lauark), MacDonnell (Inverness), Iffacken- hun6po8sible'liope-of�gefbing into powe� ork'sugar badbeen im-' thronged the floor, and gazed with mingled ziO, McCallum, McCuaig, McDougall; McGrevy, The bon., I gentleman (Mr. Mous�6au), fti4. If the XeW.Y ijoying &: drive on -Saturi curiosity" and,* surprise at the Ten Com Melsaac, McLellan; McLeod, in 1883,and if it is necessary in order to ob-., had gon I a further iban, other. gentleman on potted und6r the old tariff, it would h; They were en in IMalouin, Mamue, MerieQuade' McRory, tain a settlement f the bouddar o' Ave cost day night. "�Gussio, dear,," said ate, a, inandi ents over the -.41tar. , Dut o a ier, xmis,Mutt6rvJ y qudsti n only questioned the nMontresa �9.89, or 15 cents mote than it �h Olivier, Orton,. Paterson (Br&Dt),' Patterson, that theparti6gab Obtawh�aud Toronto rcuat ability"df the arbitrators, but had -actually' cost to',day in the same city-(haar, hear)- she leaned i tender cheek on his manly arrival of the Edconols, � with brandy, lee I(Essex), Pickard, Vinoibnneault,, Platt; Plumb, ese desperate fight, between Reid, Itichoyi ltinfr6t, Robertson (Sbolb.urhe)j- be at one, the'public -will probably think caii was ev regarded chooke&u1sior;,11 Why are,th onow-flakes and sponge% .11 had the- bad taato� to impugh their,,bouesty and! an stronger, as This pleased him, tw&meu began, ',w.ho ived erRymal, . Mi.,Mowat should get but and Ontario get like your moual u the plolice art by insinuating that the�l--h&d agreed, Now, after this ith yellows., even to ba4"'it noticed. I don't know, cleardol And arrested one 6 the.' fSqhuHi, 8criver, Shaw,Skin6r, Smith;, 84ow- these millions, rather than. he should, if'-sugir"could be� pei,11,he muri Sproule,'; . Stepliens6ii; Sutberjan, Ta8so, to the �G6vern pt to, give a, snatch verdict "li how itwas Why principali,with bevoral, "others, wh'o'were. main, in Bud Ontario lose, the . If the' AO�As to 6 Tellieri Thompson, Tilley;��Tr6,v, T V' M X -to the Government refined in Canada ,cbeapei than, it O'6dld be 7 the�'mvi-istrate, but are k1) IT be o advantage awhitt,'Vitlin, Wade, Wallace �(Nbrjoi peple�of-:Oatario,are in, earnest, they will in the electiono;.which were,soon toIcome importbd;under�the,bld. tariff,th0thei pre-, I e doll, __g1qM examineel befor Wbel6y, 'White -White ibgdowh.�' 196 drove with both bands �how out on il in their ac (Renfrew),, probably teach Mr. Nowat that he add his Sent t&iiffwas toces,6arv. Hioreply *as,that 'com' Williams, iser, Wright. -Total, 1:lo'. o�. This,charge was utterlybasdiesB,." after this. W cabalrii�ust,.nbt slandbBtweenthe people, was shwnby'the letter of Sir­Fr%no!p Mr. MacIaniian said he, thought it wits, paa te . rritory which -is- said iol'be,bf sileii., Hin&6-declaring that he had,had no - , coin- Iars Would in order to, close' the It, is, very Wrong to :.blame poor, people it i's expocted that ndxt month therin. tbe duty of the House to reach a gospel of inestimable va . lue.',' -Homgentlenienopp& munication wiW t6 members ofIfio Gov- Canadian k , efinerieg, . And -then raise the' for not maintaining a trictet family diso . line be 6 grand-, IP qflss Itoyal-of Germany mil peace, And try to healp the, differences 'site never made E� greaAer mi8tak01th&U ornmont'beforo 'the Award was made. He prices 1 t th, I Jves. Vnder.'th 6 and b'riLig*tng"up��thei'r'chltdien 6 b6% more m8thor., '.The Berliners are oveh.now�' 0 recoup , ems( in a that could not bd�done. Polite.; We Are . pt. to fOrget that When, und every existing between -those dontendingChurches.' when, they thus undertookAo threaten the wftned-4oii. gentlemen. �ppdsite 'tbat� ,if present systeni - state of excitement. � The so of Mr. McDougall moved An.atuendmeriti 1poo -of the great Province of Obtarlo, they Opposed the contention �of Ontario the T'hd, Caiiadian refiner bad the'Cunadiau thoi� gave their' Jitb 6 Ones th6ir'OWn way, Cannon wafted tb.theni by the breeze from: the object of..whichwaa to efiable.the bene'. a hat Withiii,a short Province would � be )more irousedAbanih markei, And the million dollars expended and, so spoil them � it is'a,bout 'the only the practising ground at Tegel, i3eem8JO ficiaries to decide in a-body:wheth& or riot time the. . dbVeinmeolt. w6uld.bd. made' to had been for muny. yban., Ontatio'-fiad, :in�, kefimng� were spent among' our own thing in' the',Worlk� ey have to give them, the 'to be the first of-the'101 ginis whick congregatiotoo remsinjigi but �&ko entitled to, feal'on thii'very question the power of the given a loyal support to' !Confederation, workman, 'instead �f among, American '.' ThaDacheas-of d6nnaughi,re n heir to the throne. - mains in announce the -birth of a have thairpiopbrt�oju df.tbe residue of, the *lIgnuutiblectors. (CheerB) from the Outset. This Was Cub first serious worknoi ' a was thal Caso,while the 614 delicate health sindo'bet confinement, her Sh6uI4 the little �atrangbr be a bbyf lhtiie' an a ision to binding Ur ... Upon attenip a(16 bar tariff prevailed.' alaria,'brought on by goandrationa of, direet'heirs to an impprimi 'Und' any �Uc be -Boultbee folldwed. t that, hid ditj made to ifivi In addition to! that,. we illness fiavi�g bean in concerned. Sir� Richard - Cartwright aid 66,fact tights, and if persisted in ftould be likely ore ��uildiug up a, West Inalan grode'South fh6-pliodking bacl plumbing -'of Bagaho� crown. will be'i "a 'existence,, an occurrence The motion was we !%to, getting ja a Hi5usa, carried, And the. House that the Goernment had Put fokwia'rd,o'no to lead to au unsettled feeling, which would Imeriovai trade, and Ug, mmpled la histor I UneX If inoun h an bj 0 He ve rg d a W A a IIell y I