HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-04-13, Page 67 �be' lift vain, Shawiiforuferl teach. Th6 Din4:9f' PI-01111se. Aas a great q orties who have td) 44 lany uf the pli on de r go, I I I P, P, P( FVX R -aware natt 1p�,bq a. THE PLACE- FOR SETIbLERS AND . I - � _ q, , _ iii ro the wroo-, top to,,Gill�C4�llbge,.�A16ntreal,vi THOSE ABLE TO%A see from, w, We cannoi! kra�6 If � hk, i -the xecent. examinat yet to w, �tbia p;tod,us M -1 Of,A:LBZUT OZOILGE ENOTIA1111), of Gohen, ill the EPITOR - OY blind �d Town V:E CORRESPONDEN, FROM Gre4 i, still 0g.9tatilty, up to 12.o'clook noon ofthe IStlit day of pril next., VHIS JOURNAL, AND ORIGINAL NOTESj rha' a . Just'so'W 't-ty Air. Aird , re - Y - F�Ro CTAhm SoTTRC 7 Thompson, Till, stock conslst� of dry tooda, #,oceries,,liq" -W est4te, eopoctq Y in towns an, bboes, &c., &c., and my be Ins ftled in tfie prenuses a e A.�q.--Eng slid, at Uoshoh. h d 0 �Pupied by the said 4ij 188,2� H, fj . oition, ;1p consequence of aprIng, �Wfitcb� he. im�6rted The Goshen Post Office is, iii connection with this )s standi The higbest,.r any tander.not'nacessarily Travelling has become of spelf an every, Bu t, few here are �et discourig d I' e or os)u I t or. accepted. For pa YA,iflialttaik) bf- e4fing rim less P d1ock, BA k B k ,day occur ence, and7by frInjoirt every body: an 100 "Clinto is Work, pf,oq that it a Th6se 6�, t6,mla6g; er Trustee, intou, ish e %yea ago ,aie ,o6w ketL, fi y'd eg,ga 4 7 in attempt a deseviptigni,of, to,JM Ord V vh�t py6` rif d 0j L fid, a oVe N p t far-off a la�d 'Over ail ,, 4 ,, " I � �Tbe eggs Were e wager 9CUe �Ch it is some degree foil, t e pat'. tbdy,ottupy'.`Ou, T6esda y oometer w6 the in r6adirig a f di morning Apr,i n accont f� �, , , ' ucrection, notwithatkidi�g j.ts:� reuppt,ye-, still o r a e beloi,w jzer0,',; 60t thie F H rdar'. Stoves T i n' w; 'a rio I% L petition. Te'sjart4,iie r ea 0 righ�.p6lio lo6 0 I I k ' 'h'i O -R now ]to or IOUB, Voderiicih .'already last,,: li to E, 41ou "'6 in -this dity'are,304full'Of. p wulship, aPpeaied.'.before4udgq Soluier NAILS, 1,AS§, PUTTV, iiAINTS AND '�PXYE* on the Great Weiwtorq R0#0ay, d poor,, at.thit-.�- HOES' 'AND AEUKINDS OF SHELF AND' BIJI LD HARD pleasant and jaPild rulfio Wiudlo,*�, P f P ICES:- ,6racini'iiho.iive',hiiuse�r'to�r6lit ar6.charg'� '"' I "J AV Tom, __BARBED' W111E. ES - AT'- kED'U'C'EIX WA�t nly object oi ficeg for hem� ing� norm,ous-p his, iniii6borhood; detla�inqj 1hemselv6s�f in; 'itge breadth of, fall, %�heat and her, frost,, A e stock L8,, and Talf kinds f614 PC 1041; lip was 'as he�&inustei�herh� j4on it w -,ip? lar,iiii of SH incom , cf� , or,� , pilt'l, . I ipt,With,the most �-coiutndtA of TIN E COPPER WARX. EAVE TROV kin& bf -work a pecialty.'. G HN rind all Z(, 1i I'M (,)f'fi' k job 0, !Tliosd WARE the U441NI E TI�ON orio',Albert Sal, wrishipi, luatl to.,,iti, abd;,,,canT64 libde I n b.)rurnitfe&by John 'W,inia To d Central eq� e:coldi..ivill do�,well wharves And d f! 7i H., 7 � :, on ,,a charge. or, COAL, OIL AND LAMPS James azvlton,�J,­ from Detroit toxvi�.Agt)" lg rbid Mi I I i c�A n, o tc qr',about we were not t YWOOD IM = 'it' front, the 41th�,oCF6bruair 1881., All coho- 'd Jp�g on the Ist inist! ive us. a an route, but cc qpcy, )Uld,w;611�realikO ays,,', theire'� is yet tip A �1 be, eoavine'e We e of the road ftom?t eff �little� �tol dllo� and the AveAtber. �is Tbet'fikst un -i- in tile der the liew plaintiff and. shaking being� very, a ighti, �A& 4e hpt. Shep.p -eviL e ic tY'Adtibns ,for IT b ard' id'Porbigo ]a Prairie. fend�tnt, to i I (ii i passed Vullman;,the, Dew� and i'dea city., f e fulp of' brie,aich o pro�nlsor;Oli`ri �took',filae'e 'being created by, the great. c an writes t i4t a q' r hor'' � ' id'�' � "" that no one wantsAny, In th�-'00'tir-t 1't' 14, manufacturer, wee6nld,,i'fbU6Wi; ;at, 1,1:8eelus b Cummerford vs., Tr being 1residents of; il J �a3;6' t 0e, ,winter., as P"Y"t, , the vastness t of the �callcpption ant: i� appears M:the liublic, t at he lial receive'd since 'the t bhs been- oW'h for Wawanosh� Defend has, altb all d en ugy n6c.eBaary carP h., a haS.'phe. to we, been somewhat,of'6_fAVorite with the I and Bu�6rior clas d out It will no doubt beia�Lpayiug,'�� ea,.keeping,m oteor A, w io . from. less , 6o,rbpany,,, with, r eried, and now ja �cbarg�d wid at) d philantl ilbove, narn,0dqWTinii1 d the Olin - , vo , A �,, ge I -Al tal C 0, F F I N A'S X. T, 8�,' lati.. as well us' mon'tiliont peg,pp 1 ri ay s ere on 0 h ofgentleWan. pill . peg, una e. to C1 is 77 Irophy t:;,,.the IS man is-fifte6n nianSr Wh AlthQugP Pull 11111��'t b HE, ORCCER .1.,6m C1 , lice, Ill ap-. U � eg!f): ee Y go, e son, �Maich, wei-e still in IN$ 1, r� I at is tb e'cro-Wd:that.eveV tedi c"e 1as eo:46 proximity i,of.a �et'Out. :so'g" evidences of being -in the 'd I gr -,g��at co m. tile A. Hplena'dLHE ARSE XN 'so. e,of his 76, -bt ba -i hO rcial city -tall aTi011,ocornOK 16pt; PLAIN*061?i sal To In �J �41 0 b 0 irn6dation�, �.i . man I y I , 1 A-Pri 1, pin,� acco in,g e wupplie'd in one ho!Zii,at nlonili,oi, xe-, the',.:kai Nvayl statio,lt!,, oor., aro_P on,�� gli&ls hi d�F' I 11 -can7t . get along', without s-'�caftering houses uire6 a g6od.i!eliLibleBlo'offF.Liriflei,.. e know numerous �uidf-track 11 - I � fr a6m this have ,or c�tion an agrXeul , rei tb()�ei ON t torn ach.and Ckinstipation t a ac' -ire ago we with "th -e-d he-. een in a I dire S' Y !to , , L. 8 less attended to. Nedr Cliic vi, (lire q tifte� s6cietI0138"'tuar ptirgative Racoly.'a, old 6 and, AlbMAV o trb, 14� his fi'oti6ish, �,')roitlglringt e. Ave"' t a6tio- �4rryitig oiff till �impiqrities from the syi- sman throwing,avy'ay) 'go. tem,'they invigorate thoi,Liver�hdMdnoyis; 4,ww7p saw the seed n , know'he s e reap a, ric 're- . 11 I .-h6 . erythill goo 'to� the,Vhole� sylitem. � -Try�,ft sure, hoping no doubf, �0� 65 purify tbo $t6nuacb, oleatiae the Blawels, and,giv d 11 t0VVh; strengthand ­Valuabl6,j iiife iuoli. rellibiemege turn. A descri.0tion of' Chi I . , Oi t -it 'i a Apfil� less afi& we will only say of it Ilia da 6'Wii;ni'0eg person. a I wyle parafliiu, and and:'s r bound to be the metropolis of the w'est,� make' .. 1, ap 'will be s, tire l,y'i foi f itipatiou Bitters.- In largo bottles_�PL '0� its sitution is, bey diiil�ike, tile t h xtrac 8- oil.. so of his fresh� grotind� B ckw iLbaC,, sageous as -a ol't" ttait- then,�, tip:bere Jus aaes ar t o coine'-,( own-- ere an meuRe y,: o I, the Douill'inio.n. addin,�iuii Yo sl� want some, I h' hurkah fo r Buckwheat pa4ca4 si Wrl 1.6ontruile inost advnt rq ;- ;,o , W the Opening up of the d6in&:up ull-tbb business, arid this bit ness, , ferlLlg,i U 1V01. .1 0.1 have, 6 if vou" d m . - i, I som, to flow -in that'direction �aua laboriu� t6i 6gna." re, a goo fortii to the contrary. jhe,06opl�­of,Chl- $1 7f5' 'thek,ba,6 t6 o'deary." gitil that s a, some Th' cago are fully aware 0� this'and h' ave in is th&�.woist placelf6i�drih kir na 1, ever, aW,, larg preparations, o mee au lie same as any TO NY PART O)FTHE,T0WN ON HORT OTC!"'. the finest'and largest' iii�tid d6libt� fs For & Pigsi", s in- t a in tile Urfiteol States no rat Robb the, Grocer -�Waterloo Hijuse, ways in, e -is- o& given, i 5, Iy rate re t e:tI 0 I icreiuie the te.rice have'donerno mixed with their ordinary food comfort: and convenience `6f� fiavellbig.- kharviz,'No, 33� a clii�St-�'Chida- ildantity inille 01�0'qtirter. � It is d,surc nTfi6il;6 -ire iae'lls, �6ith VV than has these said railway's. 9!1 KIDN t St VV st, t , 'tb t, ll� 9�suffer6o withico i r6mofn1king.: Try eriv;nced. "We throw ll�'tieatedby"',n mil IUc1,PIlVsI-, out these facts hit( pvibiic�..�vi ) I., �Inmnd,ei hof the N6rthwestern`an&,CWuugVi full belief thiCit will, sfitfidi on nloiW� p0nouncing-lier case lope- cian them of evqr,ropoy- Iiii6finoistock. URI 'TORONIXO waukee and St: Paul are perfect, palaces,, I I 11 'a the-st,yle, finish and fitting r6 :re ing'sXevrDiscov-' 2. -Haa.no'sup orfor plkittihg�'.and`�keeping stock Of A perindijb t fr id", u et rail car or' ll kindg,in"it, perke. ly,health�, condition idneysj�lllsdder and Urinary Seere- 'AUL, Qs�tal�vard, 3. - Has . 120 SUPerlOr '01 I , -op al"T, contnent for li-Ping tiye. System, or, abloendank Pahl D6041blo.)ones, "se dY h ing drawn by an endless ca e., � 'wl's Jrial" bottles, free at stock free from a p . easesi in small. of Backe, Fjildos, -Catariyof the wo 40, three cars' 17 Ltirt&6ize SIM.' Ha�no superior is a foed saver. quite a novelty to see t store. And passages; Brikhi'B Diaerise, -Diabetes, a wlith j: 5. Has no supeiibr fozT niii6h cbw% the flow Diofi'sy, Piles, Nery�us,be,bljltyj. 0*i, bl attached to each other, moving long 'psu tiou'66inpletely-cuped frer.' ailments of the , R r beautiful. The stre and, richness of the millo, one.quarter, 7 out Any visible means of propulsion, but 6. Has no superior for Hor8cs, Cattle, Sheep,. Calves ruggists fir -.Limb 'P' d 'P Pllbrl-C -W ttin g. R one soon discovers, that 4liei�'As,a,rqd riln-,', OUNTY isPad, 7 peri- �a� an be. A.50,: cures. bed em It tuoy. and, ex nin(t below the level of: the h &lar .eUce of y6ars in testing nd.combining d foqif_spitabl�� Special Pad for Chroniq Dige2u`eS, "; , olili6kE toc '13 did bl� y, Tes " des, graaPr ident of' -tit sh it to the r, it of -all kinds 1i Ninerio that it c, A '7,aged �62, years. fio�V. prcseut�, thigifood t, th Isso nMAXIManill 0418tituil(T the mo ie as week, c .public, under,the-, t name'of HERBY, CLDIAX, lU C� G.-bf, FOODS, as gone 0 very short, sever of H uileft h WA T. 5.:4 ,,,,ciifitdn C'm Isist "I -Ving cable b6heath.. .lthOi u'gh they. I 0XrI _T, this, Food no in bii.,4, 10 x2o, iQ and THURTELL', Teeswat er; NV.V.�. B. ,Ile,. is d: can stop ai serioxis acti' 6 dents have happened. As vre�lstayed'.p'ne countr to purchase an' eti6fo' eachba- contains ail, exact foddill, 4% Y lned$ rq' Iviti) all, ham.; T,AWRASON & HAMILTON, Blyth; J.,S. Ro-, inqtr,qcFioiis for feklip Ba da, �orttlWlty;,'of li� " !­- , - � I 1. BERTS,,Seatorth' H.-HENSON ��fie�d;'S. A., y in the city we bad an. op HQD0'1' Alitehell; 11171IN CENT"L DRU0,'ST'ORR a few of, its overn fig a ree lt , it H: R N 13, BR 0 don't 0 t ast yeari, were over SIGN ql� THE.1 -darna ive e,,;general . expeudibil reS '' of tho) t 0 W of JACKSON ROBT:,.MELL Exeter; HiR b�it' for R ctsi. scelleB, Q We think it :w ula be he 5' -Qu' I -P APE yat SO JVI F'O 0 able to g -a . verdict of ges 4f eere; one of the' charged it with heing, the wi&edest city h' e i, -ENVETIC ill the Union. This dari be,aii6ounted"Jor,. r, led, hbo]rhood f Exete d oi qorne deareo, by the mixture -of Its P014 't lie ionery ve.ry Ow. the t,,tl, bo-,�. Al at,� ienewan exquisit; must be known cOu' a d breath. his it beati- 1 tilk_�, 1tillir 'plated lubt at aer w'up :Try -it 6 ceirt )arently, bad oue�z. RSOLD AND KNOV IT ig the cars here we in. r tbaii e�,6i rei-, �i,,A E. as on teaclier of-" the, Ba�'fielld 'I WILL: NOT:BE- UNDE J.zel tbe vastness, of the given tip Trim sc, oo Ili h 1- 1 orth west ; from persofi;il. know e geu W�el_ ,�an assert that, aVout one irro,, th: ai ':a Gill ,bt�, -at'Etb6l.gtationj SO N- C11 t on... front Canada -will sottle in tho-C I ke�per F .W. -H. S IM P Suites-. A ood deal rf -fa lk ia created Pt!e I to, J., la.he� YP of XY STOCK.OF aniong Americans iurelAtion'to. t is-gredt- u fbr,$lT5 a year'.'., V- one saying' to Us tr hr Athey;. 04i: bon -.2, " IGO i4cresi-to-Mr, -is pon it foreaOine conclusiort,)l C Fi4hbr',1orthe surolof $6 000.1 thftt Canada, vrould ere long beco�ne, partA, i" d 41)"Ifeel of e �E OIX4 _1�1 IL;ATES LES, AS V,'�T il�XiYED, the United States; Wheth '�,' "' �Y, PkICF NDrest etice, of. I S.V, 0,SE 1) fRIE 'IT E P A TE LOY Os", a U lool�ed ii -A AD R1, it will or not We canriot tell, but. vve fully ,T r. in.. ri OF. AT T Y ST OALI�.AXD HEM. BaripUr'hey and' Seafoitb, -has realized that ovel, Amerilen'terHtory Was 11 P X E' X :TO D. CANTELON), tile highway to T)l nitoba� there bein& uot� less than -fonrt2en C68CIr jes, le Mast Friday Thomas Saniple,� of- Grey -ANIi DEALEJIS11N tl '' rns -0 ers f6 r t at: country. Tlierc. is a great stretch od" 0 I or Ian croceries,, Croe e d thern being filled With P 0 E itW HARNE k CainiedGt os , 8, i S", I ­BOOTS I -faxining land to tl As tkoubl. V14ssw. ed_,wit'll, several, settlers Upon it, give 0'ridence--ci redi I' t thery.to-ok" ht- �j t, � I I : AT GREATLY sre. or 'T their I learning tba t. �'REDVC D RIGES. wiijeii� Moo it. . The whole country w �f V , 'hey',,*efe to" be )"at E froin the reffiaiDS of,winter,Ailil: m6 IT IR th ID 1� , Mr. Neil, McGilir of 5�h: on P�,:,'S' vall� e, r sale, at 45 and 50� crinfil', I " St. Pali]. It, was, at 11 41NQ-LE',§--7@U bunch WJO -mr. "Aw, xabdpr Yoriyth 'of- IV, E IE met with a stoppag . e on, pu r.,. raitY a-sp en I _SOH�GHUM Syk, 1W SA UP -TE layed passoingeris '46d ii'o'-won ANDR large and fine depot foi 06 Er -S EW"-' _b d conte"ted '61 ,roads Abrixif not 6pa44iIylarjqq,�qd,ia �lab�e-to_stick -m PRODVCE AKEN 30ODS DELIVE� R E, `G6011S lilNtEXCftiNQ tworie,dur1bg tb -Ar : 1: : ,E �FOR: y lie t TOWN FREI E: 'Or' (jHARGE, ih 'difp palnionaiy. icbu�;h Drops spebdily,64ije Coitkhs,, A�V'P�kr�T' OF Pain .. :an , dAo,ppreggion 6fithe blockade, butnaiheT ii�lijt&ntof.c6acbei, "Chest,:anii 0,11 Throt, Chest arid Lu &c., of older rot a.. After a lay afr tions. - in lazite bottles at 50.cen ts. QA,N,TEL0X_�-ER-0S "THE' GROrCERS'' On. thirty hour, e ,t started, �rotu 'the The(Kennea liy _.13 n YZ ng Ve only Wei iillop� W�as� it Shar"man ac snail's,gallop. At Crool�p cid nf Cillurd-q; - -for X_Oore & had happened S ri-Downey, U r r p eviouli!iraiwi vl�r ic delayed us si� or Eleven- hours, causing f DELE R I N' to not,reach 117i,rrriveg till aboult 2-- a Mr. R. Q�npon" 0 'urich, who. on Monday, many spending th 'i.mainde'l. lately, -entire- busine's� to Mr. J Sr, t e ne 0 M file ni-lit on the train.. Tile d6la a K E: a t e old big I at Cory.. �tiug" 11�4 purchased the Hor�ut, h0tei ei tba lia occurred have"been -a eviptis frorfi.Mr�� Simon W alper. G r o'', c � I r -1 I I . . . I 11 - I 'WE 'CRICH loss arid drawbuk' to erniftlithig, tri'any Mr,,'. W. Pick. has sold -a ­__ i I ., . 1. - . , : I I I � , , 1. I I 1 9 I . �. . . . 11 � <) :, I having,actually been two.and three weeks balf intere8b,inPark lot 1), 'Dawson. oil the route he -horses And c�a,ltle re- Glassware, Cr ' 0 & 'i street, Prince.Arthur�aharldirj JoMr.�'E. . o, kery Tufting ill the carftLall that ti me, ' an�A ,even g _SPECTALY.� orphy, for $2,000" 1[3E,D1R0(M_.:.. SUTTEL after their arrival at 'Winitipeg'Oft�had, last We are constantly. receiving fiesh importationa from. tile best I a in ilid 1),orninion; (,U�fr,.ET$,, 1-10BE &c,, ond a' plendid 11 E A 11 S. to.tll r, ddstiba. . IOUs A fine stock. of 0'OFF gre,at diffiebify in getti'D Mr Ifer as cheap �4, cver offered' in W -iislied at the '�Owc-S'b rates., equent tied wWl *,-ek purolimied the farm of. U411all whi 'h tion. The ci -as .,iq -we are pr pared to o is part of thwcountry. ty is co , 40'ait hAr, for I the eu'&,.of : fit I ri figs. ARTMEXT.' WAREROOMS OR!,' NOR 1N.G1'HAME'S,.:GROCEK,, visitors, and the greates . t d . i - %Jft 910 a cres o'o'd*, Vn4di ng accom STOCK COMPLETE RY DEP periencea in getti �'To,, CUN. is a areat pity.tllat they a saw -mill' 'rl'1ake'e' lla�- �GIVE US A'CALL.' ST., Cl,'TNTO, nion'th later would have boe'n better. A Owned by 6'�egg, Gor'ri*e P, I CRT . C11,& A SPiLENDIDIOT OF GLASSWARE 11 THE LAUST'STYLES great amount of building i's going oril, but, wiis�&;naumed by fire. Cause uot.�knowrl;- nothing to whqt therg'will bo 'soon a' to", About �3,000, partly coveied by in- uranee.', the'wolither ill-pertilit. A'Iar 0 it 'd I N W ARRI�TA er, A�'� E L; OF, from Clinton and neigh borho(i Ard ih,:tho genis) erea;tnien t for a 1101786, Out of condition (Ili fact ll' hors0a city and waiting an opporfunit., , to,go an '1�ellrrlro like treatment t1lis timbo year)a.good Crockery',, consisting- - of Tea and Ott iq Puikrng A bog 86' of Wiong takd tip land. They expe aye I N T Ionic' po,,;;idcr. Tli[q6iI'aro'`bb-t)1 t6`06, 1144, in A "GIR EAT REDUOTION F 0 SiI T, E R beyond tbol'Iffnitg of survek-,:o neh,f f at, B,1,06d' Ml Zppjo,'� Toutq C011ip6dud�aiiii 3hure, its least, pre'tt� ell lip, Whitt oitq I.f package good with tb edifficultieriof ttdvelling,dritwbacks t to i n r - Aolt: of a now Lburitry, and grea�b xpewej. wiq IE ,01. ro 0 Flour, Fi do 6 und" 0 i6k haveriodoubt4nany %�ill wiah.the�Ud Mba l� oat #ill neverseen rdaOG] 01YREV CANNED' AND'B&RRELLtD FIS14..AN�D EVERiTAING aA --Y -KEPT IN A XIRST , IA R former bomE' But it will, be se,ftled, IAic.'id,eq'ce - USUk,�LL -0 S 9 - 4PL 0 0`E Y nevertlieless,, and that,�uickly f�tbe on']� Sunday, )� J'he dfiild'ieri g6nio yndicate,- �Audso roa c es an n Bad were 'in a' CALL RESPIPCITFITLY, SOLICIIrL government; a pany and'l�nd'jfabbers do, not, throw, too 6eA ro6m-and set fire to 036. bed,, burning a Vr XINTIlEn th fh'ey�,4re Al. quiH Anai a�;r Mi in of J'Iiiliovo A Dor- many obstacles e,vayj Brick B1( ON' o,' men '7r ready doing theii ratmo6t.flu, wfibg� the last, jey, *it wag: in a: fi� ad- Irling ro iber'tho', Place,- )ck,./, -bilt bd,�.f the fire, ��iid 'extinguished. It,, vulvi-v 0 Abddir - , � �'; . m ' - r possibl "dollar from the real I' . ' 4 , i " , . 11 , I I 'Ne �.,�D oor, 6" Mrlalid B C1 "we fear All counsel arid dm'6nitiott to re -'I any�furthoir dalua Xt Ige was c one. A, E R