HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-30, Page 10LIIoNTO N NE W EE,.A, THURSDAY, MARCIL 30, 1882: h z CONDOLENCE.—The followingletter 'hi coindolence was given 'Mr. Jamas Shep- pard,- (who lately lost his wife), by has brethren in the Forester's Court i— y i rt Clinton, March, 27th 1992. �Vl 1tYA�A. TO JARaa SnarrAan, Esu., ' Dom Six,—We, the members of Court Cilnton Maplo. SHREDDED MAIM—This new and delicious Leaf, No. 16, C. O. F., fully, sympathising with you artiole will be found very nutritione, and and your fatally in the deep of ieietion that has over. ;deo a very delicate; food for invalids, for taken you,irt the Ione of your dear wife, extend you our brotherly love and condolence and would remind coup, pudding, pastry, sakes, bread, &c„ Bold , you, that the many virtues possessed by the dear depart- by S. PALLISER & Co. edoneisanassuranceofhorglodlousandhappyentrancs ",into her Father's home on high, where all her suffer- ing and pain ere at an end; and may that Supremo power oh high give you that consolation of heart tp say "the Lord gage and the Lord taketh away, blessed be his name," and remember, she is not lost, but'gono before, and while you mourn for her here, title ie re. joicing in . her Saviour's love. Life is real, and you n Y repine but bear your cross nobly,in comfort- THE NEW E1lCA will ire sent to any ad, comfort- ing dear daughter and help' her to bear the loss . . 1 dress for new subscribers till the end of the that can never e replaced, se and in so doing you l to ,,j find consolation for yourself ; you suet ' o181 to .i year, for 61 in advance,. Subscribe now, and her that lore which she has lost and the spirit of the thus get sue'month for nothing. angel mother will hover around you both, and when 'life's' Journey for you is over there will be an abundant welcome into your Father's home. On behalf of the Brotherhood 1 remain yours truly, in L. R. C., wu.'lifoia, R. S. MR. A. A. BENNETT is not going to Manitoba, but is still staying right here, and•giving bargains' in furniture, as usual. One door west of W, H. Cooper's marble works, Huron Road. MR. D. R.- MENZIES expects to' leave next week for the northwest; andwill be gone a couple of months. MESSRS. NEWTON & D>IiiIs. received'. an order this week from Mr. W. White- head, Winnipeg, for two of the Best sets of carriage harness ,that -they cguld make. - MRS- W. A. HINE takes the place of, book-keeper in the establishment of. Mr. S. Davis, vaeatd -by. the removal of• Bert hay. As a book-keeper, Mr. IIine has few. superiors. FARM'RENTED.--Mr. J, Joslin, of this place,,has rented his;. farm of 50 .acres, on the London Road, to Mr. Ar. Kelly, hotel keeper, fora term% of; three years, at a - rental of $1,00 a year. CHEESE FACTORY.—It is reported. that the vacant building on Victoria Street, ,11 known as Grant's blacksmithshop, is .to be turned into- a cheese factory,- but we can learn nothingfurther` in reference thereto.- DIED IN WINNIPEG A report reached here on Saturday, that W. .H. Treaves, • the •' ell -known contractor;. who some time ago skipped out, had died in Winni- peg a few days since, frqm the effects: of a • severe cold. Truss IDA-JoiiJNS left by G. W R. this week for Quincy, Dakota, wherehei''_step u'Inother, Mrs. T. Johns, is laid up through flaying her feet frozen.. The doctors say '14/6la will not.be able to put her feet to the 'land for two months., URNITIIRI; FOR MANITOBA. — Next ,week Messrs. G. Diehl & Co., of the Clinton Cabinet Company,ship by'G T R. a car load of furniture for Winnipeg Mr. Geo. Dish], JT., will follow it.in a few day s to attend to its• disposal. • 11'fR. JOSEPH AOWELL, Who a short time ago Left for California,. for the bene- fit of his health, has been laid up at San Bernardo, with --a very severe cold. con - tracted on the trip, and has not fully re covered from the effects thereof. PROPERTYCHANGE.•=Last weak Mr. James Smith bought an eighth of off acre on Mary Street, near Corbett,&- Boles' new factory, from. Mr.Alex!McGowan, of Winnipeg, paying therefor the sum of $220. On_ the lot is'a small:frame •stable, MR. W. BINGHAm late of,Richmond,.„ Mich., (formerl-y'of this place) has been. visiting lei ,friends hereabouts,: before go • ing 'on,a-trip. w further est: Although strongly opposed torus in politics, he says'; • ";he wouldn't be without the NEW ERA -for a good deal" This is 'where he dis- plays his good judgment. PA RLoR CONCERT.—The choir of Willis` Church will give a -parlor concert at the residence of Mr.' 1 . Irwin, on the evening', of April 7th; (Good.Frlday). Admission, voluntary offering. As the object is to raise funds for the purchase' of music for the choir, and the entertainment will in all probability be a; good one, there should,, .be a large attendance. A Lc DELAY.—The G. T R. excur- sion party that left here ori the 15th inst., far Winnipeg, welt unfortunate in getting caught in ,a 'tremendous• snow storm on. the 19th, about 100 miles north of St, Paul, and though they 'fully ' `expected, to get through to Winnipeg that day (Sun day) they were doomed to disappointment,, and remained snow bound for one, weeki. a telegram from. Mr. James,Thompson; on Mondaylast, announcingstheir arrival at Winnipeg the previous day. :How they all fared for provisions, and fuel -we know, not, but a letter from Mr.- John Dorrell stated that all the hay for'ttieir stock had given out, but they had 'suffi= tient oats to keep them going; they, were in a section of country that offered no in dlri[cements to unload their stock,i and they were compelled to. keep . them' shut up all that time. AWAY WEsT.—The senior editor of the NEW ERA, started. ' on a trip to the .North West, on Tuesday, by G. W. .R., for the purpofd of- making`'a more!' ex- tended tour of the territories this time than he did last year, to ='make observations" and glean all .the information 'possible from a personal inspection, rvhich'he'will give to the readers of the .NEw ERA in letters from time to time. Aa he:,has• no private interest in the territory. he will; so far, be in a position to' give impartial testimony as to its capabilities and fitness _,; +rA or. -the -settlement of our =people. ! As • xumors'have gone abroad that-lie"intends to make .that his permanent home at once, we wish itto be distinctly understoodthat that is not the case,='but, like a11' the rest of•Canadialns, if he found it was a. perfect Eldorado of riches; and an . Elyssium, as. Tar asa healthy climate, was concerned, lie, perhaps, might •be• induced to make his abode there, but such is hardly among .the probabilities. • MORE HORSES: Los's, -Some of the :norseinen of this county__have been very ;unfortunate of . late- in their importation • of thoroughbred :stoek from England; and 'ave have .aiaother list to add to the amount. this Meek. On the -2nd inst. Mr. W. L. Ferguson, of ,,Srnith's hill, sailed from, Glasgow, with t.wo snares and:a, stallion for himself, 2st Il- a ions for J. J. Fisher, and a stallion for a Mr. Hand; the weather was very rough almost, the entirepassage, and when 22 days out, a tremendous sea knocked one of Mr. Fisher's down -on the deck, and drowned it infourfeet of water, the other -received such injuries'' that it died; one of Mr; Ferguson's animals;„by some means,' had its throat cut, and the other was 'so bruised .that it died.; Mr.-- Hand's r.Hand's stallion. -also died, and Mr.'Fergu- ason returned_to this county on Monday, .with but one animal. It was at first re ported that it couple for Arr. T.',J, Bell- wei'e also lost,- but none were' ;Shipped' for • BRI.EFS. -I Both sleighs and waggons, were run last' week, each with "a certain amount of difficulty. Mr. P.:.Craib,. of they Recordwih- go to, housekeeping 10 a 'fee days; he has shown good sense by- selecting yselecting the very best company—his houseadjoinine that of the junior editor of this paper• -must hurry, up, though, and move that -wood pile. Our " imp" says it's a very poor example for ':business men to advertise baby carriages :and' yet not, require such themselves. - :,Regu.lar iiieeting of the .town -council next Monday' evening. Be very careful as: to lost par- cels old hats';, etc., on Saturday next: April 1st: Over sixty people called at the WEW ERA office on Wednesday; night `last, while we were at press, to procure their paper as early as possible; this shows how greatly the NEw ERA is appreciated. The way boxes were piled along the side- walks in front of some of, the stores dur -ing the week is proof that'our merchants have made large purchases : of goods. for the spring trade. Our.butchers will make -their usual display of Easter meat, which .all our readers should see. Business was exceptionally brisk on Saturday, notwith- standing otwith- standin the bad roads. Rain fell nearly good butter is a Some - What Fall day Sunday. G ' scarce article in town, all good broughkin is soon. disposed' off. Mr. T.. C.1 oherty ail' onthe road" just now, in the interest of the Dolierty Organ Com- pany ; T. C. is'i a good traveller. Dr. Reeve"has• removed his office to the :Mur- ray block. On Saturday some one gave one 'of the little "Indian boys in town a quantity of liquor, and made him intoxi- ;pated ; suction act is very highly -census cable A number of good packing •boxes 'have mysteriously disappeared from the premises of business mep, and they say,. that! if the thing continues they tyill. take out a search warrant for some one. The. NEw RRA this week used, -•fully, ninety pounds of paper in printing circulars for 'a' Clinton Business man, who understands .the value of judicious advertising. . 'Dir. H. Alexander, of Dumbarton, (formerly of Tuckersmith,) lost a little boy aged.4 years,. ,en Thursday last. On Saturday night a inan went'into it drug !store with a brokei nose to get patched up, remark- ing that " be had ran against,a door,", from other appearances he bad evidently ran against a well-developed right.arm.. It is reported that Mr. C. Spooner intends to again engage an the .butchering. busi- lies. -The friends of Mr. W. Young, gave handsome' album one night last. week; on the occasion of bis .birthday.' ;When the weather, becomes favorable, there are a number of fences' around'town that• would be much unproved in appear- ance by' the use of it few boards and nails., Mr. P. Cole, at present `. with . Mr. Wright has been. engaged: by Messrs. R. Coats & Son. The latest phrase express- ing the : western -fever is " Maniphobia.". A neat hanging Iamp has been placed in front of the town hall;. it is just what . is wanted, and when the Council hang •a few morelamps ';around town, they will, be conferring a favor on a suffering com- munity,. The regular . meeting of the `-Liberal Club, will be held in the room,; in ",Beaver<Block to -morrow (Friday)evening,. Messrs. Corbett & Boles 'will shortly coin 'mence the erection of their new factory ; allth'e material is on hand ready. Mr. F. Rumball is ',making improvements to. his carriage factory. Yesterday `.Dir.. T. Cooper -shipped a ear load -Of potatoes, Ito: Detroit, via G. W. R. The removal by train of ship timber, along the G. W.: R.; - commenced ,; commenced at Blyth, on Monday; that at 'Clinton will be taken away this week. Beautiful spring weather has set in,. A set. of handsome blinds adorn the store windows' Of -Messrs. W. Taylor & Son. Mr. W. McMurchie and faniilyleave next, week for the west, where he purposes regd., ing. Mr,W:Whiteleft:byG.T.R.,onTues- day, for. Winnipeg, taking in Toronto • on the way.",' Mr. Angus Johnston,: of. Strat- ford, was visiting his old. friends here this week; he is smitten with Manitoba'" fever., Among a load sof horses two .week's since shipped from here to ; Fargo, by Mr. ; Jowett, , of Goderich t'p, was a particularly good one; as this one was be-. Ing lod'to a,atable the day .it-arzived at Faro; it dropped dead. As a^ public; reading. room ,the Mechanics' Tlnstitute-.' seems to be largely patronized; no less than fifteen - young , men were' counted :therein on- Saturday night. ' There has not been a'week'since lastOctober during which we have not added some new names. to ,our subscription : list. A very large amount,offreight is coming to town just now -4 good sign. ' Mr. Jos. Rattenbory, jr., was the recipient of •a beautiful and valuable oil painting, . representing a propellor under full head .fro -a: friend in Goderich; the -other day. The picture which is the usual size of au:ordinary oil is reu:a`rk`sbly well done and re fleets credit on.the artist, Mr. Clucas. Mr. Jas., Combe, Jr., of thi'slace, is 'manag- ing the drug tipsiness of�Mr. Jas. Wilson, of 'Goderich, during the absence of. the latter in.'. the. Northwest. Our leading u e their ono nc business men a special Open- . P in for the season for the 8th of April April ; that the display will be fully'equal'to any previous one is assured beyond question. Clinton Royal Arch, `Chapter's regular meeting will be held to -morrow' evening in the Masonic Hall. Weare pleased to learn :that Mr..Chas, 'Mason, who has been laid up for ., couple of weeks, is now, able to get. about again. ;The 'fait Wheat has sol far: sustained no injury, except -r whereIn low land,-and!the prospects.. for. a good crop are favorable:. • Just received d consignment of FORMOSA Ibis ,!4entleinan. We believe that all the OOLONG' TEA, the purest and rncat healthy tea anima; 6 were insured. The loss will be'a ymii,can drink, second drawing .is as good as, serious',Phil, "'to the stock -improving re- the first of many other teas toy it, to be had sotlrees-of 1iC coultty From the noted tea men, S.. i ALl-t.;ER,cV Co.} EVERYBODY -SHOULD : SEE OUR :StbcE.mrr�..ense of Hosier Which we are clearing' out at an immense sacrifice. �aili�� �i�lz Th«ad, BALBR1GGAN and N8RI�0. Chid resiery in fancy colors, Grew Kid Glove,. uttoils, or 55 cts, Ci AIIN7 C.):N. 1051 �STCN CARDS ecialty th wires Note paper for ar Fine line LAMES '-;F1LTEDGED TNOTE ;pApEi taLD Fiosrrlanz QURJOSITY�FIDP�'' 'UNTO /• same' Nal 000 The . public are cordially invited to inspect • our immense •stook of • o not fail to take a 2valh ilirough and see the great display of novelties. THE DRY .GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. JACESOIS On account of my retiring from the Clothing Business, all ACCOUNTS DUE VIE must be settled by the 10th of April, as after that time all accounts lerp ining unpaid Wi?1'"be placed in our for collection W', MAS Ac KsoN.