HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-30, Page 7BOOM. BOOM Rapid Trans'. Boxes, Bales, Cases, Crates & Barrels passing in:- at rear entrance. Speedily opened. Contents measured, weighed or counted. Sold delivered' paid for, passing out fr- ont entrance, distributed thence the e c uric ' to all parts � . y And still the rush continues: CAUSE, Complete Stock, Reliable Goods, Close Prices., W_ L_ OD II TT E,�'. I_.()NI310ESBOROT_T R. COATS BORN MCMULLEN--At Belleville, on the lath inst., a theeon. wife of Mr. H. McMullen, of Clinton, of MARRIED. TIPLADy—WADE.—At tho residence, Of the bride's father, by Rev; R. Thomas, on the 23rd inst., Mr. John Henry Tiplady, to Miss Ruthina Beatrice. Wade, the second daugh- ter of Mr. Will. Wade, all. of the Base Line.. GLAZIER iilgE&LAN:-A1 the 'residence of bride'efather, Mr'; H. Freeman, Hallett, on the 20th fast:, by, the Rev. R. Thomas,. Mr. H. Glazier, to Mise H. Freeman. POTTER—MODOWELL--At the reiddence of the bride's father, en the 22nd xpst., by ilio' Rev. John Gray. Mr. Thomas Potterof East Wawanosh, to Miss Rebecca McDowell, of the village of.Blyth. HOWELL—POINTER.—Qn,tho loth March, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Disher, Esq., Dungannon, by the Rev. Jas. Caswell, Mr. G J. Howell, veterinary surgeon,' of Des Moines, Iowa, U.S., to Miss Josephine K. Pointer, of Dungannon. - THORNTON — GARDNER: At the Manse' Blyth, by Rev. A. McLean, on the 20th inst., Christopher Thornton toElizabeth Gardner, both of the -village, of, Bluevalei YOUNG-On'—On-the 21st inst., by the • Rev. J. R. Gundy, at the residence of the bride's father, Exeter North, Murdock Young, Esq., of 'Cuckersmith, to. Miss Jo- hanna Hogan, of Exeter. • CLQ1 E-POLLARD.—On the met inst., by the Rev.' W. Baugh, at the Methodist parsonage, Walton, Mr. Wm. Cloke,".of Usborne, td Miss • 'Eiizabeth E. Pollard, of McKillop, PIERCE—CRAWFORD;—On the 22nd• inst., by the Rey. W. Baugh, at. the Methodist par- sonage, Walton, Mr. Win. Pierce,. of Grey, to Miss Sarah Margaret Crawford,of McKillop, DIED. HEMPHILL.—In Clinton, on the. 20th ms(;•. Andrew Hemphill, aged 72 -years.` CLiPilroqv 111 Wheat, fall, bush, Spring, Redohaff, Fife, - Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, .I Eggs, Hay, Hides, . Sheepskins - Pork, - - Beef-; A BREWS'. 34areh 29; • 1882. $1 25. ea.,1 28 1 -18 a 1 20 r25 a ' 1'30 O 35 a 037 065 a 075 O 70. a. 076 6 00' a '•6,00 O 55 ,a 0,60 - 0,17 :a 018 0:13' a 0 14 - 13 00" ,a 14 00 6, 50 a 7 00 • 0 75 a 1 00 - 7 75 a 8 40 6 00 .. a--7-10 Snatched from the Grave: •rite Helen Pbarviz, No. 391 Dayton -St., Chica- go, Ill., 18 now in her sixty-eigl? year, and states that she has suffered Withoneumpption. for about ten years, was treated by nine Wallin - clans, all of them prouounoing her case hope- less. She 'had given up all hopes of ever recov- ering. -Seven battles of Dr. King's New Dieoov ery for Consumption completely -oured her. Doubting ones, please drop -her a postal card and satisfy yourselves, Trial bottles ,free at Combe's drug store. Large size $1,0o. ed PEAS, 0A USS WHEAT;'_ BATLEY. CHOICE QUALITY, FOIL -SALE BY R. IRWIN, i Clinton. 1 USE' the IERBY CLIMAX B.ING OF FOODS, For Horses, Cattle, Cows, Sheep & Pigs, ONE measure of this Food givento nilch Cows, mixed 1j.,Ith their ordinary food, will increase the quantity and quality of milk one quarter. Itis a sure preventative,from,hog cholera: Those are facts worth remembering. Try • it and' be convinced. We throw Mit these facts into the hands of the public, with the full belief that it wilr stand on its own, merits. 1. Has no superior for fattening stock 2. Has no superior fol putting and keeping stock of, all kinds in a perfectly healthy condition., • 3. Has no superior on this Continent for keeping' stock free from'•diseases. 4. Has no superior as food saver. 5. Has no superior founileh cows. increases the flow and richness of the milk one quarter. • •• 6.. Has no superior for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Calves Lambs, Pigs and Poultry.. 7. It is the climax of the • faithful study and experi- ene Cf: years in testing and coipbining a food suitable to the nature and constitution of all kinds of stock,an*1 we now present this food to, 'the public, under the I F FOODS. 'name of HERBY CLIMAX, It NO O This Food is put up in bags, 10 x 25, 50 and -'100 each bag contains an exact, feeding :measure, with all instructions for feeding. - _HARLAND BROS., SIGN OF THE PADLOCI{, SOLE AGENTS ' FOR- ;,CLINTON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ust Received, at Fresh Canned Cranberries, .Canned Apples, 3 lb. and gallon tins, Canned boneless Duck, Chicken, Turkey, Tongue, Beef, &c. Is susceptible of endless change in Cooking. f It .c can be boiled, sliced MAIZE New Disk... - for Breakfast SIIREDD. pg• esti cold, and fried, the eamo as Hominy or -Mush Barrel FRESH CRANBERRIES just in. FRESH HADDIE expected in a few days, BALOGNA; HAM, TONG,1 , CHICKEN AND NEW IefA; LE:.STJGAR. 'Beg to announce that they Iiave opened out in COATS' NEW BLOCK, SECOND STORE FROM THE CORNER;. With a large, new, and carefully selected, stock, consisting' of 1-, Ory Goods, Groceries, Mats :gond' Caps, Moots and Shoes, Crockery ;tiid Glassware.' Their stock\in all of the above departments is fresh and new, andhas been bought on most advantageous terms for cash, thus securing both trade and cash discounta'-. amounting, in many instances, from 13 to 20 per cent. They, therefore, feel; confi- dent THAT THEY CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD.: IN\DRESS. GOODS They have the latest styles, fully selected s both as regards styled and qualities. A large and care qok of PRINTS of all styles and prices. ENIMS, SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, JEANS GREY COTTONS, DUCKS, AND SHIRSINN S, AT OLD PRICES. Particular attention is called to the, stock of EMBROIDERIES, having been bought at a discount sufficient to al w them to be sold at wholesale ratel. THEIR STOCK OF TWEEDS, COATINg &C., IS FUEL AND COMPLETE. GROCER ES. laving all been purchased since the recent reductionnkn the Tariff, they :can offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN TEAS, of not less than 8 to 12 cents per lb.' COFFEE, ground by themselves, at 20 Dene per pound;. war- ranted pure: . HATS AND CAP.: pecial arrangements having been entered into with the Iargest dealer? - they•can offer them at 25 per cent less than heretofore. BOOT'S AND//SHOES. heir stock is full and complete, and will-be'�found of good value. The undersigned desires CO inform the ladies of Clinton and surroundingicountrythat he has secured the services of A :FIRST ,CLASS 'MILLINER,.. who has had a large experience in this line of business. • He would also take this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers and friends for: -their liberal -patronage; in the past, and solicits a continuance of the same, and would "invite thein to come and see his Lame°•stock of`, SPR1111G AND SU'iV1.M ER . MILLI°N ERY Before making their season's purchases believing'it will be to, their advantage, as it la . the largest stock he has ever offered, comprising Paris, London, and New York designs in plaitsand fancy straws, in all the nerrest:shapes, land styles. BROCADED IIIBBOi' S all widths and shades. FEATHERS ,:FLOWERS, SILKS SATINS, and SUMMER PLUSH, in all colors, :selected in the best markets. LACE CURTAINS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, CORSETS, A SPECIALTY. Plain and Fancy done oyer in all the newest styles: Farm produce taken,. R. BEESLEY, VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. ROCKERY 'A -ND GLASSWARE. full assortment and bought before the recent advance of 1.•0 percent. °Io se buyers will find it to their interest to inspect their stock beforeurchasin ' elsewhere P g ., • L COATS----& SON, CUNT. GRAND DISPLAY OF EAS'I'ER CARDS AT o� Having ,got' a large stock of .EASTER CARDS, for the Easter I'iolidays,, I am pre- pared_to-sell the same to anyone requiring them, at, prices to suit themselves. r' Also, several Thousand .Rolls of the atest pattern°sin .W,AL.L PAPEI 11 kinds of School Books, Bird 'Cages, -.Caskets, Berlin .•Wools, Slipper Patterns,,,Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages,.Etc; Etc. Subscribe taken for all the''Daily' Papers, at very low 'rates. ALL I%INDS OI' PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. S.PANJ .SMI II'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST. OFFICE: WM TAYLOR & SO 1 Take pleasure in announcing to . their customers and the public, that they have re_ moved to more commodious premises In,-CoATs' BLocI, where they will keep an. extensive, assortment of !til:.. and Shoes for the spring and sumer trade PAO ..TRUNKS & VALISE-.: We have on hand a full assortment of TRUNKS AND VALISES, which we sell at close' prices. Ssie'FIVE PER .CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. W. TA YLOs� jj •SON, CLIN'roN. oore e»er glassware, ID.EALERS IN ar n; . •rockery &c;, We are constantly receiving fresh importations from the best houses lacing; Dtaninion,'`. which we are prepared to offerras cheii'p.as ever offered ip this part of the country,'. STOCK COMPLETE IN' EVERY .DEPARTMENT: -SPLENDDLOT- DF—GL�SSWAR-l�STYLES: 1A E T. +wl A NEW ARRIVAL OF Crockery,. consisting of Tea and Toilet Sets, it A GREAT REDUCTION IN TEAS. Special attention called tb' our 9 and 10 .et. Sugars. Flour, Feed; Ground' Corniseel, Oatmeal, &c: CURED MEATS, CANNED AND BARRELLED FISH, AND .EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. •' CALL `RESPECTFULL}: SOLICITED. ` Remember the Place, .Brick Block, Next Door to Harland -Bros., Clinton. T Foy` o E MONT n 'of the Pad'loc� A.I:SERT • I;ITR�ET,, CI,IN'1C01V ardware ani SILA' ;one [arehon:. is. CRO C.tYT GENUINE MAPLE LEAF, .SILVER STEEL,' LANCE TOOTH, .DIAMOND; HANLAN,, ,CHAMPION, - LANGET;- and PNE- MAN. .�.CROSS. CUT SAWS,.... A XEC.. AXES. AXES.. WARLOCK'S, BUREEL'S'AND RINFOFD'S, IN ALL THE BEST BRANDS BARBED WIRE, 'SOLID STEEL, TWO AND FOUR POINTED. ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES ¶RINGERS, Mall Stoves, Tinware - Lamp o HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, i'URS—HIGHEST CASH PRT 1 PAID. . IJA-VIC I a�rd� are IMCere,--taut,1' Boy Wanted:' Abop, strong, steady boy' for 0 or 10 mnnths, ab 'Gto attend horses. I dual in , all'kinds of tinfid japan ware, spoons and cutlery, and take the follo*in'g iii trade for the unmet--.Cdtton and woollen rpgs, old carpets, "rubber shoes, paper, copper, brass sad; and Ali sorts of iron, -Being now alone in thi�qq uslnesi I have a: good strong,llorse.for stile. Any- drties having btisinesswith ms at honie; will lb -M(4 o there every Mdnda ,. All parties the estate 0g,' must settle y p at Daae to save uists, a, I ant determinedto lie put oil no longer. • 11- 11APTP.N, Pettier. • Clinton, Feb. 11,,10ta, EED OATS 170r SALE BLl'gCK' TAII,TARTAN,, r 1131: subscriber h t.4 far sale a quantity of these oats'.' ..L of eunerigrgilality lately grown from a cliangeof4 Seel. These oatsaro pure, and free from foul seen,; -nrtd I believe tbeni to be the best yielding variety in Canada Yhnt'e lied frern 70 to 90 bushels to the acre. Price 90 cents per bush A limited quantity of two rowod'barle firsale.JAti I,ANI)SFoXoLio . Triokcrsiiiitb L, . ,,.1 otn. d, Il.