HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-30, Page 5FARM tIALES JN TILE COUNTY. Air. Hiram Lloyd, of Howick,•has!geld lois "far +41441 Bowiok for the auu I of farm of + 1 acres to Mr. Alex. f 11 A tinblic meetting was held at -Portage ]a. P,raine,,,on Saturday bight, M,t: whish epeecbwt }f etre Made and reaolutiionepaered bondemm4 pomf�a Go nii>eiFt �> > •1 lift, Oita ytee 14 j.;srwa, r PviB n. • o ilia; to enr a f" . t 4* ret etre lot 18, con. 3r •, 'I c t ill ..p, or $2,175. NOT THE .SLIGHTEST ]lfr. g jr 0Q '' 1T„$ taininQ 100 acres, TMoonj lot f 8. oou, 10. >nE�il lop, ,, t, &. Lyme, to M 't,�pme " �.ntpt u'e'¢ lige Mr. Bodltiin�Nas no it 6f 200'l>l+'Oilf note pati seaolte o 1ft 09 li t hn�,tl ic'� of h ,4t e cp��,pp��it Mclfial'lop a old' r. Hro fan life li k o' fares • f � ' 5��ti��jaqn,� o ,6 'hopel ( The -fah. -mL. Kean Pias''be dAd� taP —5 Miebael,HefeNtriat is H IrPP rgl �cl�ill for '$1,955. iiidttitaaitt 104040, nnilideret I of fin_ advanaeh •he p e, deet}? (, the iu ), acilfir 'ry4Ji`•'r YSS r11y0.'raAt: tEiSs] itt Li'"'`^�d31'lk 6.1�Fpil40 19? GIT Vgats Eh w 4oA ly *Rep,i iiebet 3t aq- l'ilT ra at re tat q that'dreadeq eoonrge. The 'invigorating pro d.° thalhyyp dephite% re tab ee thigtza 0 rt hy. tato $tint twill and" 'ktearetfi h f i T1lr David }' ] ook,. t, le- 'it al to paroxysms rra_pidlyd miniah invielence, in oeneequenoe; iaiK,x,a :"fit of ram,,k,a'0 Qi ro l'J ,•oltl z${l. ,til 02 vg r t i t t' i 6 e o r Dill l n, by .xam"lino t.i r }l lime and rd.,in combination with it are all 'retor i' •" r ` a•� '1 n 7aa '�lcstlNn�p1`tio].tlttar€xr; att.!' 4v.rzl rl 4a�a i. ctir4lkgaOP�"tPdoop��o��f bien�f�t$I'o��' i t u as t • df? P- e sg ns�t ertiee i, rtad (t;�•Ga�4ra..yry11•�le� / lsimootCito„ouvi r (ac oDISFIsttn' l4TVH• V °,:$ ter 9 execs n.rtvdav t s ` �� .., to ataa „ °i+ ,stsxt5 apt Sint JELS a FONI aTa stx�at u . ala•r,ct1 n� i ly Not z'A ,LOA i iii le e ,4 ,(t4111i A , HAS ,TUS 1M 1IVED,'ND ,., CES. CALLy.' 11 D M+ ION., :. LL BE' M. b' # to M Aye ' libtiira�o r zlfJatt'enn 1 d 'h i r i le .,411' i�Ya4'41i1 year. t 1G9i$ floe has 1e' atm n x , np nt n c n :m a ho, 0 6,1 t t tsF al �w io , ttrl t 5r .� of one t Mr. g Gold, iiiia.far. ,, ? h<iF tate $d is lie se• x . aXr'' c t vx ,'t .— •� �•• acres near Gorriet to Jas. Wardle, for $4,200. elements. Thesot e'h ophosphites supply inareas- c yp "t y} i3 h acres, in Howick, to John Soun for ,the Bum 8th a$tdegree of Promptitude as salon ging se it ie't L P.xa a 4 ,r •r tijfrk at„if�fr�f^r i Br; �� ifgi>jg to'tsinvalid: peroep , 16 19 of $�1, 000. � v A. r' � �i'wbl � e . n , th ie .one o!' the eon aenoee o,1 � f P a se+3 a '•P.rrr.nr,lr"rr +t~}us �cKrr• ••1c:w to r x]• ed, m,,gislt 1. r• Buralionuer nasFona4ots°°fr r Xf�100 ?Thar tit? Fe ieeottLeig.qhq �i 1 1'41' Jk t�tSssl i alt,ol "I4'6°411 "allivjt4 ai,fi $ tf rehatiiat' Che to terliig:hltaoia�re , �1 llrr dt 1 sPi ar i 7 Uhl gain in Bashi r ry tt t einem ..5� , A llettltril8i+ 10 ...ants? i,e A PED Bright's Disease of Ktdneyar�la4Qies. e:P.eib4nc ha tieing this erd de nogpreparation tsgtednd to.,be,.t U wosmtl}7 q'f;. 0l rrti tf'[1A�^^Ai :lt� 9r1,r ta,,,:l;i.btt,?11 rci 1".4 010 l,.�U.,, No danger from the diseases if you use Hop fid ed i` tt` P” 'tea bi N 4 its 4 41 t Irlr cz' w sl3ilt 1h3 to f s Jaw( 9' theeon enee repos a rape on'rnno, , BSttere;. besides, bt;,ipg the beetfa,{nil nietlietue d LYnex�: Toronto and sold by all druggists. t +:�l,.r„,:x �, l • r , ,i 11..1 ,r . „fi 'r tytail'a7 ever made.' Trutt uoOther•:y;1X i't a. nu i 'r¢r'pa pl 3 • A PROLIFIC otFRCA imsnasa.-A trifiilig rc, • ,.,,..ns„n.,.gra :area•.=wa vmmrsw=r,,,,,re=aur-�2..:c,emism,e rr.0atc. amduidietimmita d'tetv'ma tIE ,the 011ndation.� AROUND THE COUNTY■ of confirmed dyspepsia ,and there is no fact �� ,�+ q, fni S. Shannon of the 8fk con. e - c- aia is the acini of a hoetof�odfln ills IIoti th'e .. , ,wedioaleeience more positivettaseertafnee or' ` t,0•1; • t . adt. aloft , i 1 as Qct wwa thatd .ell.. rr1 i Mr. S p y least of which is contamination of $beploodand;' ;1'. i the maladies of whieh that ie the direct eonse r queuce. Te��ie orioe is, yver Ira, r ”. oughly eradicated f ,m t, y yeti b'ai , TO,"'g Yt[''AaNms & L's 002T a ,yAIM. D rsPEPTIC ty0s, med of : e wh t re-, quires i?egul, ri ad p . fB oe 1 , ' 4. sw=e to cure dope 10' r,1,,.t , a l the rig from. it. Nodeletistiooi1Sm t a1iugre�dien� se ntaih-. ed in it. and though its action }'e thorough in eases of costiveness, it Never produces griping pains is t„e ab Iomanal region, or weakness in: th bowge' 114 viol tog,pa gitti ,,r.I.t of, ate'sthepaysteth row l'lltlleme ,hector the in- creased „digestive ncreased,.digestive and assimilative, activity' Wbioh ft'�promot@,el',a�Ad is' also a most efficient remedy for ]ciditey Complaints°' scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness. &e., &o. "Price 81.00. ' Sample. Bottle, 10 cents.' Ask. for Nonam wP & LYMAN'B Vegetable Discovery?, afid"ttg8 eptige re.. .The wrap erJ�peters aloe-• i'i�1+:taiof �yieir st'atul�e tial$ �� 611 meQiciney .;dk fere �ne,v !r5 n - [ s ta.. Killop, is seriously ill. Th +f e tits of Iu Derr a tow for th l pa t ye�I rx,we e a out �.10 Mi r felly; `trganlst of iia oh +a churn y ei� ua!e'1s vas las wejalk p esented with a puree oi'} 0: a"'i` '-u-,.u;:•= -A" ✓i'' .a We are very spry to say that Mr. John Gemm}l, sr. cacti Turnburry, has been saris 011[41 l' for .8901. vtQek: ] j S Mr. Henry Martin, of,�.'rodericb, has. purchased the busin'e�eof +AV'alpelrfetHbtel, Exeter, and will take possession on the lot of May. Brussels band is petitiOt#41, 1101tCgBitctl for a -grant to•keep it alive.' The�j abttaidoa a not appreciate the services of any band as they should. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY p James Laidlaw, of Seaforth, has sold his JOS li[OBEt3 IQE$IODICsl[.'PiLL6 ' Manitoba. for $5,000 cash, which originally''hiswell-knownmedieineisnoimposition but farm cf 160 acres, at Calf. .Mountain, ,, I — cost him $140. a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties, and Obstructions, from any cause whatever, and For' all affectiqus of the :Chest, Lange., and ; Al IIurtfu1 to the cone to ion t To mgr lemoth- Throat, Use ,rapt+.' ;,Carson e,0'ulydonttry ettaggli pp tt Drops. They speedily cure Coughs,-OOola, Tit= 'tfPa'itiWpeonlittrly suited idsill, tn5s short ilnenza, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, &o; Asan ex- t n.e bring on the monthly period withregulari pectorant the Dough drops are onegqwalled, 8y. in all oases of nervone and spinal affection, loosening phlegm very readily. J. H lopbed. pilins i t e„baok t d jambs,-�teaviness, fatigue ,Agent. +^'" -op slig.hte ertion, palpitations df he heart, hys- terics, Sick headao es' whitesr a' d'all the pain: isle r0 . a , Exeter hada oar B tt B s tore ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system row eeeape'from bei'nhavi gfallen fro .sat,, % iiseas Q Rill ions c<nre ween ally other: rowes Saturday,bya spark Navin fallen from a sane � Bare $sofas. tions onlld Midi age or P g failed where the directions on second page of stove 'and' eetithe $o$rtoti $fire. *' pr d yi Fo ,nil 01E1rr w I A,X t� 0,11? Uere eh O'tl nth ea 1 $s.l i r apo ke, a l6ss ti o aria +Nin �,�te e.1z.4ir '11.11$!,,11+1,:i• v.k; 114 t c Llai t,', 1 i .rx: .�i r`� ; a, <i v; r� G^iwtr i? itdlrrk1,tc, $, Mr. Duncan bac li�pragit, of Tdd'i bOr as purchased Tan' Johu'�>i�6ai`'' o • had °3i s�yt art '( stallion, "Prince Royal." so ppilld, b'return' bf'mail.' Sold „in Clinton b ( 7t .I J H pombe and Watts A Co., and all megettie l r so M. R. Counter, of Seaforth, has rented tend !,.„, a;.Stftiit,ti,wllfa a store in Portage La Prairie. He pur- poses there h + Lyman Toronto Ont., general agents for thet+ti 1 .,.. hlowick, the well known heavy draught Dominion, wiljt in re a bottle, containing over. 11 _A1 tf f cru s r el rifte4' k�'a tnl 11J'i� ae44> *d3. 1A 3.4 iT,G `l5::1i .7�i 7ta P1ctoria 'Street r, ti rl it ei 1)101 . t 4414' i ,4 3 w at i`1 9 .itS ;4 ,;r tr poses,rpm:ov.iug out .t.'e-e, as scop can dispose -of his btteineesuli'eeet' Mr. Peter IYIe5reggr; r .l3 CA,`6 1d, hal sold his two-year-oid iinported eta liop to Mr. Joseph Hall, of. Warwick, Lambton county, for the sum; of $1,200. ,i _ ;' t:^`°. The publicshould bear .in nuLd that .Dr.,, 'n Thoas' Eclectric Oil' bas nothing0`in t,oginjont' with the impure. deteriorating class of s, -called medicinal -ods. It is eminently pure and real- ly etiicaesous—relieving pain and lameness. stiff-' nese of the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts besides being an excellent specific for rheuma- tism, coughs and bronchial complaints. An old Man nemeil:John McLeod,' died- in Seaforth on Sat irday last at the' unit's=' nal age of 104 years." He was tolerably sex tive and able to go around and take ,. care, of himself until a few weeka previous to his death. Mr. H. Beadle's Clydesdale stallion' David, has got his shoulder hurt, in it's. stable in Hullett, and will be" tin fit for business this season. Mr. Beadle intends going to the old country in a few days in search of another horse to take his place. r A Al�y.ry,,.,.rt1.a,ql. dXri e t Mr. Geo. Anderson, jr., of the Par tine, met with a very serious accident ori Thurs- day while engaged crushing oats, his coat sleeve became entangled in. the .Machinery. drawing his hand in the machine literary tearing two of his fingers off Had not the belt givf way, the chnoees are that he would have his whole arm taken off,' = Through" the months of March anti^-Aprilbe' careful not to use purgatives containing Calo- mel or other injnrious substances. The pro_per and safe purgative is the Great Vegetable Pre- partion. Dr. Carson's Stomach and constipa- tion Bitters; the purest and beet Blood Purifier known. J. H, Combe, agent.' At a meeting of the • Director'sof the1 McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance,Cotnpany; held in this town on Saturday, it was de- cided to appoint an agent ,for Goderich township, and Mr. Jelin Wiggington ,vias awarded the position. A' better appoint: could not have been made.—Expositor.:: , , The congregations of Eadie'a and Blue - rale extended a unanimous call to the Rev, Mr. Hartley, Presbyterian minister, Rodgerville. These congregations have been a year without a stationed minister, and as bot11 ]rave now.. agree.(1.,, upon the one roan it is to be hoped 14sivi-l1 accept. A few clays tago -1Mary. Ann Little, a youngdaughter of Mr. Jolin'Litt'le, of tho Stir•cnu. of :1Tci.ilLrp, met with a very painful accident at life- school in Section No. 0. She was sitting r,n at seat at noon, ,When a couple of boy's who IV E:1' playing 'around, shoved each ,ether and one of them - fell against the girl and throwing her off the, seat, fractured her' leg. The urty treatment for rapidly conditioning horses, Zoclt'a Tunic Compound and Blood 1113 rue, Each package conrnhrt a good purging ball whreh is given to tiro animal pievioua-•to nain44 the strong tonic lesowder., ;:This is tlre"eoin- men sense tlieatwent and w111'li,ccolnt+it'slitlis(4 'o is one week. titan the old system-of'epiees,feedg and corn/Won powders would do in 't month,, ask your druggist about 1t. J. H. Combe, agent. A lamp exploded in the house' of Mr. John Sproal, Goderich, on Sunday morn- ing last, and the place had a narrow escape from destruction by fare. Owing to the sickness of a child the lamp had been left burning, and towards morning, when all had fallen asleep, exploded with a laid -- noise. The family was immediately awa-, kened, and the bedclothes and curtains were found to be en fire. The flames were subdued before much damage was. ,done. ^' KISS ME.—" TEAIIERRy," the new and exqquielt little gem for the teeth and breath. has a heed- fully plated metal Boroyi top:, Try' a 5 cent sample, Judge Neilson, at Brooklyn, N.Y., has de- cided that negro Children aro not entitled to attend public sehools .,set apart for white pupils, except when separate schools for the former are not provided. z 2 r 111010 cr) E-4 r °.F !Ir of !a 41 S- i'Ty 1 ,t - tri 7.11 , Z-' 17.14'0 !Yb 0Gtt + st, 4 , f1/',:, r .iki'al • 1 .4 114 Ira )31. zs° J1o1 (1t9 F',l-45d>.+7zt'L' 433 1111144)1 G,tiu IC I, Y 11. id m• It 414;;,1-0 a $bruit ,-r 0 at.pijsTc"-, 4 ..‘VA t,4 77:14rJ1 414 fel �lrl' (0b'et0,1 4434 i841 1( 1144141 Jiu,o 014404 1 t 44 11f, �S'r ft. 144 1',.34.1 4 '41,'41 r: very complete in all,de a,rtme arties wanting to bu. r oo CHEAP BOOTS bargains that are go , '8' E -f: And 11 And. gettabrices,ilia we are -se1lifigthern at, and be conliince thelao. at we a;c1t:e3.4.tise, -pis- hundreds m.1. so. that the town pea to a6their slioPpingfat,.,night le Cr,to,rent'.at the 'sni.es time. o