HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 71 s R. COATS Beg to announce that they have) opened;, out }n' COATS' NEW BLOCK, SECOND STORE FROM THE CORNER With a 1ad'ge, new, and carefully selected stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Cops, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware. Their stock in all of the above departments is fresh and new, and has been•bought on most advantageous tertna for cash, thus securing both trade and cash discounts amounting, in many instances. from 13 to 20 per cent. They, therefore, feel confi- dent THAT THEY CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD,` —o IN DRESS GOODS They have the latest styles, both as regards styles and qualities.. A large and earn: - fully selected stock of PRINTS of all styles and prices. GREY COTTONS, DUCKS, DENIMS, SKIRTINGS, COTTONADES, JEANS AND SHIRTINGS, AT OLD PRICES. Particular attention is called to their stock of EMBROIDERIES, having been - bought at a discount sufficient to allow them to be sold at wholesale rates. THEIR STOCK OF ,Tw EEDS, COATINGS, &C., IS FULL AND COMPLETE, GROCERIES. Having all been purchased since the recent reduction SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN TEAS, of not less COFFEE, ground by_thernselves, at 20 ranted pure. in the Tariff, they can offer than 8 to 12 cents per 1b., cents p er _pound, war. HATS AND CAPS.. Special arrangements having been entered into with the largest dealers, theycan offer them at 25 per cent less than heretofore. BOOTS AND SHOES. Their stock is full and complete, and will be found of good value. CROCKERY AND GLASSWAR A full assortment and bought before the recent advance of 10 per cent. ■ Close buyers will find it to their interest to inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere. R, COATS 86 SON; CLINTON STOVES ! At Reduced ric s FOR ONE, MON-Tar-I. HARLAND B. Sign of the PadI.ock; ALT31Ei:.'J' CLIN'rON. MY STOCK or SPLENDID BABY CARRIAGES 'HEIS EMBRACING.ALL THE LATEST STYLES, HAS JUST ATRRIVED, : AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES: CALL AND SEE THEM TRUNKS FOR THE MILLION. 11Al NESS, JQOTS arra SHOE S AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. S.. TWIrTCTIMT_Irl_i, -Victoria, .13Ioeh, lixxtolrx ' Clinton' • Factory, B. CRICH. &'- CO.. Manufactuxei of all 'Iiindss of Furniture. BEDROOM SUITES A SPECIALTY. A fine stock of 'COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES, dm., and a splendid HEARSE, all furnished at the lowest rates. WAREROOMS NEXT DOOR TO CUNINGHAIVIE'S GROCERY. ' GIVE US A CALL. ' W'. B. CRICH'& CO., HURON ST., CLINTON. • Woman's Wisdom...: 'She: insists that it 18 of moreimportance, at her. family shall be kept ,in full health, tlian that'sheeshould have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the' times. She therefore sees -:to 1t, that each member of her family, is supplied with Hop Bitters, at the:flrstappearance of way eyyaattptoms of any ill health, to prevent a flt • of sfekuess with its attendant expense, care and anxiety. All women `should exercise their wis- dom in this way." -Now FIaven Palladium, Sale Register. Household furniture, etc., of Mr: G. Thomp- son, Huron Road, Godorich township, on tbe`30th inst. J. Howson, auct. BORN. I3oLMEs. In Goclerich township, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. .'S.'T..Holmes, of a son. GxLnoY.—In.Clinton, en the 21st inst., ';the•. wife'; of 3. C. Gilroy, of a son. HUNT.—In Stapleton, on "thelOth inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Hunt, of a daughter.' LAWRENCE.—On Saturday, 18th' inst., : the wife of Mr. W. S. Lawrence,' teacher Union t Scbol No. 6, "God'erich township, of twins, son and daughter. MARI3;IEO". CARNocil.t—GitAY:—At Beech Bank, at the residence' of the bride's; mother, on the 14th inst.,' by Rev. T. G. Thomson,' Mr. James Carnochan jttto'Jane Janet Y es t daughter of the late A. Gray, all of`Tueker smith BuSHrXELD MCP In — At the residenceof the bride's father, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. • P. Musgrave, Mr: Joseph Bushfielel, of Dakota, to Miss•Annie McRae, of;illeKillop. SHI:PPARD.—Ing Clinton,:; on the 7th inst.,; Isabella; wife` of Mr, `•Jas. Sheppard, aged 41 years and 7 months, • HOLmire --In Goderieh township,: on the 19th inst., the inftnt,son of Mr. S. T. Holmes, SPRING SHOWS. Spring shows wilPhe held hi the county.'i s follows Dart Huron, at SYroeeter, Thursday;�pn]_13. ' Grey, at Brussels, Wednesday;Apri1,12 Stephen and Usborng, at Eteter, Saturday, April h,; i)Iorris, at h1eth,:Tuesday ,..Aped,14. West Riding, at Goderich,.Friday, April 1.1. Hullett, at Clinton, April'12.• ' Turnberry, at Wingham,:'Tijesday, April 11. ' From the There is perhaps no.tonio offered to the 'pei- ple that possesses as much real intric vgiue as tae; Hop Bitters Just at this year, whentios stomach needs an appeti"zer, or. theblood needs purifying, the cheapest and best remedy is Hop Bitters. An .ounce of .prevention ars worth' a pound of cure ; 'don't.wait until you are pros- trated by a disease that 'may take months'for. you to recover in.—Boston -Globe ,CLINTON MARKETS . March 22, 1882. Vdioat, fall, : bush,_' $1 20 a ' 1 25 Spring, Redchaff, -' 1 18'• a 1 20 Fife, - 1 25 a 1 30 , Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, • Hay, Hides, Sheepskins '• Pork, Beef, 0,'35 a 0,36 • 0 65 a •9:275 0 70 a /0175 - 6 00 a2, 6 00 '0 5'5:;a 0160 017. a •018 0 13 a 0'14 1300 a 14,00 • 'i 50 a 7.00' /0'.75 a ,"f 00 • 775 a .840 6,00 a 7 10 REsPEcT,—The Grey Hairs of old age demand �r and should reoeiveespeot-but the Grey Hairs of young people require attention, in the way of using Ciugelese Hair •renewer. Soldby all druggists,' 50, cents per bottle. The Mormons and. their 'apologists point with glee to the fact, that they have control of the school system of -Utah Territory, -and through that means can perpetuate the influ- ence of their religion. It; must' be admitted that this is a great power, but the same au- thority thatdeprives polygamists ofthe right to;hold office can deprive them f the control of the schools. ' It, may be an' arbitrary step, bat.having once commenced in earnest to suppress the iniquity, it is not at ,all:- likely that Congress will stop at half -way measures,, Itihas.been decreed' that polygamy must be uprooted, and no means known to the con, stituents wall . be leftundone to accomplish that object. It will be wise to take as much comfort as possible from the existing order of things, for if it is found to interfere with the purpose of the Government it will 'soon be overthrown, and the satisfaction of the poly- gamists will be but short lived. • -w TAYLOR & SI Take pleasure ;in announcirig.-to' their' custon er a and the public that t1ie. have -re- moved to more commodious premises in COATS ELOCII, lvhere,they will keep art extensive assortment of - 'O. boos end Shoes %r the s ren andumer tree p� IuuI''C llwv •� ' 0.00 I TRUNKS & VALISES We, have on hand a full assortment of TRUKS AND VAI IBES, which at close prices. 1- 1Adi'IVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CAST -I. W.'•T•.FiY .OR, Sc SON, CLINTON. we se11 Don't cry, dear. Ma has gone'. to ROBB'S, THE GROCER -� To get some of his 76'ct." Tea ; .she can't get along without . it ; she is r so - troubled with the headache. You know he has everything good and sells ver'. chea . Ma will be sure to bu' . some, of his fresh 'ground Buckwheat Flour, then hurrah for Buckwheat4'pancakes. "i T want some. Youll have ' some if ' you're., ,a good'. Bologna...... _ . y ... = girl, that's a deary. j GOODS DELIVERED. TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN ON SHORT NOTICE-:' Robb, the Grocer, .waterloo_House ::Cli>liton. Just Arrived; ' my fir it to It will pay pt,rchasers of Seeds to 1-r SEV.EUTil ANNUAL PUBLICATION of t'ro Cul n Guide or C t alogne of Seeds; now ready to u sent gratis to applicants. J A. SIMMERS Seedsman 147. King St. East, TORONTO. Farm. for Sale PARTS.of Lots Nos. O and 7,Huron Road Ounces sten, Township of Goderieh;. containing 150.acres- ' nearly all.cleared and mostly,free'from stumps. There' are on tlhe,prenuscs'good-draino' but -buildings, a frame hquse a gond' bearing orchard, and a never -failing spring creek. . .Also, -the east half of above lot 0 containing 05• acres having a frame. house and a ne*yr"frame barn; also -a young: orchard of. 150 trees, all, selected winter fruit. The above' farms are situated on the ILuren Road, about 15 miles from Clinton.. May be purchased either separately- or in one block. For further paxt,eu1a and terms apply ta Snatched from the Grave. Mrs Helen Pharviz, No. 331 Dayton St., tca- go, Ill., is now her sixty-eighth yeagr, and' states that she'lias suffered with'Constiraption for about ten years, was treated l y ' i e physi-, ,pians, all of'them pronouncing her case 'hope-, loss.-She/had given up all hopes'q ever recov- ering. ttoven'•bottles of'Dr King7e.N,eyr Discov- ery for Consumption complo Zly cured` her. Doubting ones, please -drop 1 r 'a postal :card and/satisfy yourselves. Ti 1 bottles free at Combe's drug store. ',aresize $1.00• •/ JPJE A S, (-)_Ls -TS, CIOICE QUALITY, FOR SALE BY', R: IRWIN, Clinton. GRISTI N -G. Melville's 14If11, ...Bullett. THE' above Mill having,, received new iiolts,'and in other. ways been put in first-class repair, and the subscriber having also Secured the services of Mr. Robt Orr, a first -clays iniller,•hc; is now prepared to du all kind, of Oristipg with the greatest despateh, and guarantees satisfaction. Fnot,a-ANn Fr 5 on hand and' for sale at all meg > A. StcKFIIRAI, Itoprictor GRAPE VINES, ETC:. "Tow"Tow long Will parties pay, double' ,price td pedlars. of Fruit, Trees., ,when they, ,cans be stipplie i by resident. agents at niuchlowertigures. Tice' sitbserib-dr. is 'taking, orders for CHOIGE,OItAPE!i%INES, suitable; to the elhnate, tit iririu'50 cents.: down Ito 10 cents, bet- ter adapted to the climate tham'vines that aresold. at ; $2.:;Parties: requiring, vines • 'of any kind'; for nprigg' planting, should leave their orders with hint at -once. : , 8 W. C: SEARLE ;Clinton.' SEED:. OATS For SALE BLACK TARTARIAN. - rill -1E subscriber has for sale 'a quantity f these oats' 1 of superior quality lately'grown :If a change of seed:- These oats are pure, and free ma foul sped, and I believe them to be the best yip'ding variety in Canada. I have had from -70 to 80 bushels to the acre. Priee'50 cents, per. bush -A limi ed quantity of two rowed barley for sale. JAS/- ANDSBOROUGM. .•Tuckersmith Lot -23, Con. /3,'H. R S. PartnershipDissolution. THE firm. of MoC TNE.,.THOMsoN & Scors, build- ers, etc., 'have is` day dissolved partnership by. mutual consent, ll debts due the said firm must be paid before the 1 th of 1,4arch,,inst.,-to, either Mr. Mc- Cartney pr;Mr Thomson, and all accounts against th'e' said firm mu be sent into these parties before that date. JAMES McC.5sRTNEK. HUGIT THOMSON. Cli Boy :Wanted. Consisting of these::ricl American shades a;indwill be sold' ('llea . u res NOTE PAPER BUSINESS. EN 7/ELOPES, a small advance on cost by. the ox. ,All Stationery very "low. - I' WILL N 0 BE: iJND.ERSOLD; AND KNOW r II. SI P union: GOOD -••sir n steal boforh le 0 6 steady y 9 or 10 n}ont s, ab A to attend horses I deal in all kinds of tinand japan warn spoons and cutlery,'arid take the following in trade for the same .-Cetton and woollen rags, old carpets, rubber shoes, paper, copper, brass, 'lead, and' alt sorts of iron. Being now 'alone inthe business ' I have a good strong horse for sale. Any parties having business with me at' hone, will find me there every lfonday, All parties due the estate long, ptust settle at once to; save eosts, as I am determined to be put off Clinton, Feb. 14, 1882. John IVLcGarva, SALT, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 293 Victoria Street, A few doors south et` the '1 est Othce. ' Very •Choice- Lard, Hams & Bacon FVr stileat loiscst'prices. 1 Dash liaid'fnr Elwin Products. J .1VioG;ARV'A: OTiiiton,.April 1!`, 1881. G. A..GOULSONy ° l isms , Sign and Oinamcntal r.Palatfr; iJ• • Cf.INTQN, ONT Sigh •Painting, Paper: Hanging, Calcimining, Gramiif,4; Glazing, de., a specialty.' S.ITOP Y4L1\T D0O11.'1'0 COMMERCIAT, HOTEL: ice -Orders loft, at TV;. P,"ORICII & 00'S',Warerooms. • DEALERS I,N ceries, lassware, . Crockery, &c,, &c. i • l_Ve are constantly receiving fresh importations.. from the best houses in the •Dominion,: which we are prepared to offer as cheap as ever offered' in this part of the country. STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID LOT OF GLASSWARE IN THE LATEST STYLES` A NEW "ARRIVAL OF Crockery; ' consisting of Tea and Toilet Sets,: &o A GREAT. REDUCTION -+1'N' TEAS. Specialattention called, to our 9 and 10 et. Sugars. Flour; ,Feed, Ground Cornmeal, Oatmeal; CURED MEATS, -CANNED AND' BARRELLED. FISH -.AND EVERYTHING ,USUALLY- KEPT INi:A FIRST-CLASS'fOCERY.• GOODS, DELIVERED' "PROMPTLY. CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. - • k Place, Brick Bloc Remember the Y , Next Door to Harland' Bros., Clinton.: (SUCCESSORS TO 0. CANTELON) IMPO].RTI RS AND DEALERS Ib Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Canned Goods Twines,, Drilshes,, I Droops, &c. . FT- O-LT11 AND 9 1 ANDREWS' SOHGH.UM•SYRUP FOR SALE. FARM .PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE :1+01 GOODS..6001,4 DELIVERED TO'. ANY ,.PART '.TGE ` OWN 1!ILLE of+'..CHAR CANTELON BROS, THE OROCERS;. CLINTOINT '.