HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 6-�r . ---.-- - -- -�f 1 13 RON . EIvi 0 ir Geo. Taylor, of Seaforth, while coupling care, had his hand badly smashed. Mr. Crane of Goderich, has the contract for a $L2,C00 Catholicohuroh at Kinkora. Mr. Ilse, of the. Babylon., line,: Hay, bail 'eeld hie, farm to Mr. Bei der$t a neighbor To the Editor of the Kew Bra. DEAR Sia,—i was pleased to road that "The Lesson of the Water Mill" had at last been credited to the proper author, Miss (Sarah Doudney. I render a copy of the poem SSA Was first published eighteen years ago, in the " Churchman's Fami,y Magazine. It will be seen that the second verse (usually omit- ted) makes the other verses more expressive. I think, too, the poem,. as originally published, showuue, that Mise Doudney., ter*. ggcod Epglieb—a fact we might be inolined .4O 0,04 if we only had the words as they are- set to- , Music or published in the newepapere. Yours very truly, 1 • \WM. CR.tltl. The Rectory, Clint,m, March 11, The Leaeon of the 1Vatei• Mill. Liston to the water -mill ' Through the livelong day How the clicking of its wheel Wears the hours away ! Langtudly the autumn wind Stirs the greenwood leaves; Prom the fields the reapers sing Binding up the sheaves, And a proverb hauute my mind As a spell is cast — "The mill cannot grind With the water that is past," 2 Autumn leayes revive no more Leaves that once are shed ; And the sickle cannot reap Corn once gathered. And the ruffled stream flows ou, Tranquil, deep, and still, Never gliding back again To the water -mill. Truly speaks the proverb old, With a meauing vast: "The mill cannot grind With the water that is past." 3 Take the lesson to thyself, Loving heart and true; Golden years are fleeting by Youth is passing too. Learn to make the most of life ; Lose no happy day, Time will never bring thee hack Chances swept away. Leave no tender word unsaid, Love, while life shall last ; "The mill cannot grind With the water`that.is past." 4 Work while yet the daylight shines, Man of strength and will ; Never does the streamlet glide Useless by the mill, Wilt not till the morrow's sun Beams upon thy way; A11 that thou eanet call thine own Lies in thy " to -day" Power and intellect and health May not always last; "The mill cannot grind With the water that is past.''' 6 Oh, the wasted hours of life That have drifted by ! Ob, the good that migAht have been Lost without a sigh; Love that we might once have saved By a single word, Thoughts oonceived, but never panned, Perishing unheard. Take the proverb to•thine heart, Take, and hold it fast "The mill cannotgrend • with the water that is past." Kiss ME.—"TEABERRY," the new and exquisit tittle gem'for the teeth and breath. has a beati- fully, plated. metal screw top. Try a 5 cent aem211e, Go to COOPER'S FOT CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &c, ()gloat and Cornmeal alway on hand. ALS 0 Petty's celebrated English Breakfast Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Sugar Cured Hames, And No. 1 LARD. At prices which cannot be beaten in town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT,FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP i UnT 11',Et'EI.V ED, A LUT OF , Flat and Split Herring, THOMAS COOPER, Ar.I1EilT STREET, CLINTON MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO. •A permanent, sure enre for diseases, disorders and ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and Uriflery'Sdot•e- tive System, or attendant complaints—causing Pain in small of Bach, ,ides, te, Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder and Passages; Bripht'e Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Pile., Nervone Debility, Pamphlets and Testimonials can be uhtained from druggists free. Raises Child's Psd, 5J1.00, cures bed-wetting. Re- gular Pad, .§2. Speeial fad for Chronic Diseases, ty Sold by WATTS & CO , Clinton, 8, W. TRI'RTELL, Teeewater; W. T. BRAT. Wing, ham ; LAWRAS,IN & HAMILTON, Blyth; J. S. RO. BERT:?, Seaforth; G. A. HENSON, Dayfteld; S. A. HODGE, Mitchell; THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Exeter; H. R. JACKSON, Ileoeall; RORT.-MELLEII, Xippen. B. A. MI rCHELL, London, wholesale ag't REMOVAL. NOE ItrAkIN6 THE SUBSCRIBER IIEGS LEAVE TO STATE to the public the he has received sinew the ,e, a Targe end superior elnpe of COFFINS, CASKETS ---,A N n -- Coffin Trimmings and Robes. l.M splendid HP:AI:SF, kept. PLAIN dorfrINB always. hand. Parties can be supplied in ono hbnr,at any time, at very reasonable mica. TETOS.'STEV'ENSON. Racer',. elel Aland, Alh.rt Stlrrt, Clint on. rimarmosramorlaimsess .. r C. R. Cooper, Brussels, land agent, dispos- ed of 16,000 acres in Manitoba in two days ,lea¢ week. ?7, 43 ;„ iror all affections of the ieliast, LUhg g`d Throat, use Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Lough Drops. They speedily cure Coughs, Colds, in- fluenza, Uoareerrees, . roncltitis, &c„ rhos qm tax- peetotaut the eougit- drips are unequalled, loosening phlegm very readily. J. El. Combe, Agent. . An old unoccnpied building at, Bayfield was set fire to on Friday night by some un- koowe persou, and soon reduced to ashes. Mr. Jas. McGonigle sold his farm of 100 acres, being lot No. 15, Yth eon. McKillop,, for the sow of $6,000, to his brother George. During the year ending December 3 Lst, there were registered in the township of Hay, 30 marriages, 105 births, and 52 deaths. [The returns are rather late in coming out.] While Mrs. P. Greenwood, of Zurich, was going down a flight of stairs in an adjoinipg dwelling she had the tnisfortiige to stip, break- ing and shattering two of her ribs. The pu lie should' bear .in tnti,d that Dr. ThoVias';Ealectric Oil has nothing in common with the impure. deteriorating Class of eq -called medicinal Ole. 'It Al eminently pure and real- ly efficacious—relieving pain and latiueneea stiff- ness of the jeiate and musclee, and sores or hurts besides being an excellent epeciflc for rheuma- tism, coughs and bronchial complaints. The expenses of the town of Goderich for last yoar, were .$14,861 ; receipts $17,833. The receipts of the township of Gederioh, for the same time, were, 813,739 ; expenditures, $11,291. "Wot:k on the Wroxeter salt; well has' been suspended for good. After teaching a ,3eptit of 1,422feet'i ebecatne, evident iiilatitl1�ie teak cess a hopeless one, and it was thought gest to give it up. A few days since while Mies°'E. Southoott, of'E;xeter, was working with a needle, she accidentally ran it into the palm of�ber hand.. The point broke, off, and still remains in her hand, every effort to it extract being in vain. Through the months of March and April be careful not to use purgatives containing Calo- mel orothmipjuriougrsabetanoes....The proper and I safe e ihcge.ttve�s,t a liefiat' Vegetable-Pre- part,i; 'pet Carbon's Stomach ;and Conetipa- tipn•Bi etare,tidtea'pureatand best Blood' purifier knowu. J. 11, Combe, agent. Mr. Henry Cook, who owns the (louring arid saw mills in„Inrich, has exchanged his mill's?foga pinion of Mr. Henry Heyrock's latfdygq.the Sauble 'Ens. Mr. i Cook intends sterling fasting. Mr, leyrock takes imine- diate possession of the mills. . Mr. Boit, Kidd has disposed of his farm, 7th con. Ueborne, coutainingg 50 acres, to Mr. Robt. McDonald, of the Thames road, for $3;000 mash. Mr. Wm. Dinnin sold hila farm containing 75 acres to Mr. John Allison, pro- prietor of the Thames road nursery, for the sum of $4,275. ' Mr. Andrew Waddell, who for many years has occupied the responsible position of Depu- ty Clerk of the Crgven for.the.00nnty Of Hil- ton, left on Monday forlBrandon, Manitoba. Mr. Waddell, will establish a land office in that flourishing town in connection with Mr. J, W. Weatheralth ' The new treatment for rapidly •eonditfoniug horses, Zook's Tonic Compound and Blood Mix - true. Each package:contains a good purging ball which le given to the animal previous to using the strong tonirepowder. ' This is the com- mon sense treatment and will accomplish more in one week than the old system of spices, feeds and condition powders would do in a month, ask your druggist about it. J. H. Combe, agent. Four young men while engaged chopping wood on the 2nd con. in Mr. Herrington's bush, Morrie, chased several of his cattle and chopped their tails off. Mr. Herrington let them off with the sum of $1. Such charac- ters,should be dealt with according to, law. The Monetary Times says : A "grain dealer at Henaall, W. C. Charters by naruc, began business in 1878. Latterly be has been pr - fortunate in bis ventures, and has been obit - ad to suspend payment, owing a good deal to unsecured creditors, and having hart little to pay them. The bank which made advances ou grain is' secured.” it is with regret we record a sad accident which betel a sun of Mr. Henry Ellis, of tor• 1. vie, who ohs chopping in the. woods with his father. Mr, Ellis went to get a spring pole to put to a tree that' he was felling, not tell- ing his'sou. While he was away the tree fell on the b,,y breaking bis skull; not'lfearingthe boy .chopping, he went to see oyhere, he was., and-to.his horror foond hire under the tree. A sad event her,peeed ou Sandal' in the family of Mr. Sam bei Foster", of the 9th con -of' !ley. Mrs.Foster wte.uaing some ammonia, and a hen she uncorkel the bottle the ammonia burst suddenly from it and Breen of it lodged in the.nostril cf the youngest child, a boy of two or three,years,Jr. Drtietore were immedi- ately sumteeued, but ne efforts could safe the precious life, sod death ensued early on Mon- day morning. Never (rive np. l f -yon are suffering with low • and depressed spirlts,.foss of appetite, genera debility disor- o ercd blood, weak constitution, • headache,. or any disease of a bilious nature, by all. means procure a, bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be eiivprlaed to sae the rapid improvement thrit. will follow ; you will be inspired with new iiia; strength and activity will return ; pain And mis- ery will pease. and henceforth you will rejoice, n the prslise of Electric Bitters.; BoU1 at ttttyl. :encs a bottle.by .1. H. Combe, druggist. Llcease Il8118Ctor's Notice. A Ll, perxons expecting ligense for the sale of liquors tl next year, ire hereby notified that their applica- tion must be in my.harls on er, be ore the FIRST DAY OF APRIL, NEXT. STEPHEN YATES, Lieews inspector, West Huron. Ooderich, Marchi 1, 1689. BONEY CAMPBELL CITY BARBER SHOP; -'— OPPOSITE+ THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. 1.1 it dq•:3nin;;, shaving,shampooing, &c., attended to ALLAN LINE, OF ROY.#(. llAlt. STEAMSHIPS. `a1VERPCOt--~ yONntDPiEIRY-a1f saowt SRORTJ ST. SEA PASSAGE. • Cabin,ll ntermetliatennd Steera,reTtck• eta at. Lowest Dates. -WINTER SAILINGS. From IloMou aid ffO)r-nn Portland each alternate. week,• billing at $altl'ax HIBIERNIAN, Portfand, March 23rd 11 tlrf;<r, `tttb.' POLlNNSLAN, Boston, Mar. 30th, Halifax, Apr. let. P11R1 V IAN, Portland, April 6th, Halifax, Stli. Per Rena Wishing to ?I9'h,l Ib tihsir friends tale of bilin'. ps§stego aft Nionna aflt194 lli Mee from Englilfld, iia- Iseld add ttoctiand to 4%4 p(aj!'tde railway tows in At. pada. dntl the a'Motnt`-iipirefanided 1000 a M ll dean: bion !t the ticket 1's 00000.i‘'• Steerage l'oeaengere are booked to Lon o, bardiil, Dristbl,Queenstown, Derry,llolfast and Glasgow, at name purines as to Liverpool. Vor;1oroi,gh ticketsand every 1 r formatiouapply to A :il'RVITON,G T P Agoot,Clinton gretst g°eeeivc,d tl}1�., i week,a t J ti �. HOUS�,ND ROLLS OF J.� des o,li1 3) IN THE -LATEST PATTERNS, " 'AI SO` SOME MORE NEW Sewing 'Machines,. Noedles, Pictures, Toilet Sets, Vases, Sh.pper:•Patterns,, .A.ccordlons.:Violiis, Concertinas, Valises, Berlin;' Wools, School' Fags, School;., Books,' rJewellery, the Seaside ., Library, Purses., - Bibles a pd all k licl r��' ]E�yl�in �oolis veep cheap. .also, a rKetlly'§,ve' cent Cigars, whichhot ;:iziae;),.4ii,i ng 4 f'or;10 cents: CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK, AS 1 DEFY .COMPETITION. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE :TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. - STAND,'-SMITIU'S .B-LQ,CK, OPPOSITE .PAST OFFICT 'T1 { 1: T°�TF IDLY' CC011i7PLarilE. rinds, Six miles oil Prints, all colors, shades,` qualities and prices- . ING .1:11 Are to land and are really - beautiful DUCKS and DENIMS, - best qualities' that can be purchased. SHIR'l IN GS; in Dundas, Lybster, and. other reliabVe makes. GREY and WHIFF COTTONS„,, eicelIent value, TWEEDS ANI In scotch,, Irish French and Canadian fabrics. The finest . range ever offered .in Londesboro, and will' :compare favorably; with any stock In the county...-- I wish all parties requiring -Spring Goods to •,call and examine my stock, as I feel confident that the, quality, variety, style, and price cannot fail' to p ease tl,�em My` aim is to secure reliable foods and sell them, at close prices. 'Pasties for Manitoba, and others buying inlarge'quantities, VT .. ' . will be _liberally dealt; with. 1...0INT DE 0 4IT(I ar flA are and Stave Warelious& AS. GENUINE MAPLE LEAF, SILVER STEEL, '1 ANC, HANLAN. CH•AMPION, LANCET; and ONE MAN S., -,. .:x: s . _. TOOTH, DIAMOND, CROSS CUT,SAWS. - W:APNOCK'S,13URP,EL'S AND RIYFORD.'S;;'IN ALL THE EEST 13RAND,S •BARBED WIRE, SOLiII•STEELi,TWO (IND FOiiR POINTED,• 'ROYAL CkRADI:AN CLOTI1S NGrER ,cheaper' that• OM': QO ' f DES, SHEEP SKIES, FUX1S—HIG[IES1' CASH PRICE PAID. P:..