HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 5DOINGS IN WINNIPEG.
A Bad Place for Loafers but Work for able-
bodied Men—Hard Times Abead—The Pa-
rer Towne—Wareing_ to Ontario Specu-
lators—The Canada Pacific Route-& pe-'
cellar way of Building a Irvine—Winnipeg
Auction Rooms, &c.
',Stratford �eaten. { ,
E feotrio Otlindofes avec e on
sugar, ,
Fro a Second. nd
. 10ttgS received''
fiatm the ealso btve gl
�s�ure inTe00mm
Dr. Strange, who at presents represents
North Yerkinthe Dominion, House, in the
Conservative interest; having declined re
nomination, Mr. Jas. Anderson, of Georgina,
has been eelecteli :
H. F. MacCarthy, Wholesale and Retail Drn.g
gg1ist, Ottawa, writee: I was &Meted with
Chronic Bronchitis for some years, but have
been completely cured by the use of Dr. 'neuritic ',!- ,
en drn8
as M en
The ,undersigsed take great` 1Measure lninforming their clst;oeO
mgentlemah in' Winnipeg, whose views oh! hei tio of yal use.
w HAars that they have aunt receivedalaIgeand variedstockland craze we quoted the otherweek w;NOT THE 6LI413T FINITY eYistsbetween f
appear to reflect very clearly the state of ie flooded and that eneee9 sin/preparation.-,Northrop : ' r
hitekof Lime ;and Soda, It .titan d f%lone,y.distinct,
things in the northwest, & Lyman's Emulsion of Clod Liver O and Hypephas-
A TOPERS''.PARA:LISE. is,,likeitaelf,:and nettling 'else.,:.Tt^embodies the beet
Yon would hardly believe the amount of results of advanced' pharmaceutical ;esience. It sc-
somphshes positive, demeive results, effectually i+fl r !�
' e 11 rebel,.
drinking that is done hares.* In any one of ing coughs ,(when,,the lungs are not tuberenlons or
h 1 hotels yon can see' every evening hopelessly affeg,tett}, colds, laryngitls,'and dieeises.of
principal s barotilloae or;<giq. 'While it oat (etre , P.
r,nel a e d' emot Consam
a row of 'thirsty men atound the bar the tion, it ie thetinoSt reliable manna of defence, against
whole evening. In most of Ellam they fiav'e that dreaded eaonige, ,The invlgp'rating p;opertiee of
three or four bartenders, who have all they the hypophosphitee reimburse .the system debilitated
can do to supply the customers. When every by the constant tear and wear of, a oeuglt, while the,
jl paroxya{aerapidlydiminish inviolence,in consequence
drink represents 10 or 15 cents you can ima- of the soothing emollient action` of the cod.' liver oil
gine the amount of money taken in—frequent- upon the inflamed lung membrane.: The phosphorus,
ly $100 and over in an evening. Any one lime and soda, in combination with it, are all natural
'who has a business can do well at it T believe eomponents in that construction. of the bodilyeiiioe,
which, in a -state of decay, lecke a svfliolenoy 01 those
upas rehabilitating.n" ,g
education and good handwriting has with p degree of promptitude as astonishing As it is
NOT MUCH CHANCE op GETTING EMPLOYMENT• gratifying to the invalid; A perceptible gain in flesh
as well as in strength. is one of the consequences of
The number of people who are, flocking in asiue this standard preparation, which both time. and,
already is very large. There have been save- experience have demonstrated to be -fully -worthy _of
rel trains with 300 and 400 people, and there the confidence' reposed in it. Prepared by•NOBTHBOP
is scarcely an evening that there. are not 40 Z1 a x, Toronto, and sold by all druggists.
or 50 people by the train from the south., A PROLIFIC' S0URG1�o — EASE. -A trifling
One evening last week- there were over one, indiscretion • in diet play :lay then foundation►
hundred bags of mail matter came on one of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in.
medieal science more positively ascertained or
Business is livelyand has been all the•titzie, rn°re authoritatively assertedthhanthatdyepep-
sic ie the.pParent of a'•hoet of bodll ills, hot the
All the hotels are packed, and rooms are very least of Arch is'oontaminatlon ofvthebloodand
high and hard to get get. $15 per month is . the Maladies of which that is the direct` collie -
about the ruling price for furnished'rooms, quence.. Theis.originakoauae,ie,however,thor
ouehly eradicated from the system be NORTEK
I look for a hard time for a great many in the nor & LYMAN'S. VEGETABLE DISCOVERY AND
spring. People who come up herewith no DYSPEPTIC CURE; a medicine which only' re-.
regular calling and nothing ahead will find it quiresregularity andresistenee twits use to
van difficult to live. Anyyoung man who is cure.dy'apepsiaandthemanyillsthatarise from
y 3' g it.' NodeleteHousmineralingredientiscontam
not afraid to handle an axe or a spade could ed in it, and though its action Is thoreugh•-ire'
get lots of work now in the wood shanties on cases of costiveness, it never produces griping
in this country, but the .young man who .elements: Thetiethe hyppphoepbitee supply, inoreas
comes up here with no qualification but a fair ing the nutritive properties of the blood, and building
d the tottering human structure
patlas in the abdominal region,. or weakness in
the line east, and there will be any amount the bowels like a violent purgative, It invigor
of work on any of the railways in the spring. ates the system through the medium of the in-
A friend of mine, who has been out east lead creased digestive and assimilative ,activity.
ing ties all winter, was in the other day and I which it promotes, and :is. also •a most•efiicient
had site a chat with them. He has been TO eiy for kidney complaints, scrofulous ani'
q ail diseases of the blood female 'weakness &o
making $2 to $3 per day all winter; and sage &e; Priee.aLeo. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask'"
be could increase that a little _by working :for NORTHROP & LYMAi's Vegetable' Discovery
harder. A great many are pushing out al- and dyspeptic dire. The wrapper boars a Jac.
readyto Qn'A elle, to be'read for the bi 'im.le of theirbignature. Sold by all medicine
pP Vg"dealers: "
boom along the main line in the spring.
Early in the winter many of the more active THE GREAT PET/LAZE REMEDY.
speculators in the city sent out mento squat
on PII Lt9
on Government sections on the mainline at JOB IIMS S PERIODICAL
probable town sites. H— bas some men on This,well-knownmedicine bine imposition,butl,
some land on the`Moose Jaw river, where the a sure and safe remedy .for Female Ditficultiee
main line crosses it, about 200 miles west of `and ''Obstructions, from any Cause Whatever, and
although a powerful.remedy, it contains n'oth
Brandon, He may make a big thing out of +ng lc; hu
the constitution. To married,la
it unless the company change the location of (','pa Itis peculiarly suited. It will, in- a short
the line, The trouble the company have t nit bring on the monthly period wlthregularl
been having with their head men and •others ty fn all eases of nervous and spinal affection,
pains in the back vend limbs, ]ieavinese, iatiRne
nese. They baye all been running the road torics, sick headaches, whites, and'all.the pain
in the interests of town sites of their own. ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system,
these Pills will effect a care when, all other
THERE IS SOMETHING VERY PECULIAR. means have failed. These Pills have never-
about the course the company is taking in failed where the direotions'on•second page' of
amp�ilet are. well observed: �Forfull partiou-
�4 g
can learn from engineers and others who. have MOBES, .NEW YORK, Sole Pk�o rietor,'_ $1 and,
been there, the proposed route through the 1234 cents for postage,encloeed to Northrop,&'.
Rocky Mountains by the Kicking Horse Pass 'Lyman, Toronto, Ont., generaI'.agents for the
is an utter impossibility, or rather the diffi-
culty is not in the Rockies but in the Selkirk
range on the other side. When the best en-
gineers the Government could employ located
the, railway through the Yellowhead Pass;
after years of examination of the whole ter-
ritory,it seemsfstrange that an obscure'Ameri-'
can engineershonlcl in,.a short season discover
a route sol; perfect as he describes it.' There,
seems no doubt but that the company are,
running their head against a stone wall, whe.
ther designedly 1r not is a question. ' They
may not intend the present line to be the.
main line at all, and are possibly building it
to shut out competition: They may have
some deep design of dumping the road at the
foot of the Rockies and never finishing it at
all, as Mr. Blake suggested last winter in
parliament. I could hardly explain to you
all there is to be said against the present
route but the difficulties are certainly enor.
mous. Tunnelling through miles of solid ,
rock and two crossings of the Columbia with
its canons thousands of feet deep, would be
difficulties they would certainly have to con-
tend with.
You mentioned, in your letter, a sale which
bad been held in your town of Moberly lots.
This bears out what I said in try last, that
bas all been on account of this town site buss- on slight e=ertuon, alpitation of the heart, hy's-
running their road so far south: From all I gars seta ampblet, ireray.e f thet a eht. JOB
is a great mistake. It is especially a mistake.
to buy in any one of the towns:in south-west-
ern Manitoba which are now•on; the market
Moberly, Manchester, Turtle Mountain City,
Rock Lake City, Clearwater and many others
are all in the satne,position. The two south-
western railways have only been located for
about 100 miles from Winnipeg ; beyond that
the lines run have been only trial lines and
may be changed considerably. All along
these trial lines towns have been laid out and
cold by speculators. The town sites will al-
most certainly be changed by the companies.
when they locate their lines, as they will
want to handle all the town sites themselves,
Moberly is an exceptionally bad point for in-
vestment, for besides the reasons I have men-
tioned, it is very low and swampy.
Hundreds of acres are being laid out into
lots almost every week. The party yon spoke
of in your last letter has been badly bitten on
Some property he bought in Winnipeg south.
The property is about four er five miles from
town and is. low and swampy. Ho paid $125
each for the lots he bongbt,and he could bave
got lots equally large and high and dry at
half the distance from town. He bought
them in Ontario. •
I don't think Property sells quite as well in
Winnipeg as it did. 'There is too much be-
ing put'ou the market at once. There are
four or five auction rooms where sales of pro-
perty in the city and in every town in the
country are being held ever night. J. S.
Coolican is the great auctioneer just now.
He told me the other day that lie was engag-
ed every night till the middle of May. He'.,
is selling thouseiods of • dollars worth of .pro-
perty every night, and he gets as they all do, .
two and a half per cent. on all sales, and has
all hie advertising paid. He distributes
boxes of cigars and apples, &s., in any q'uan•
tity at his sales every night, and frequently
spends $75 or $100iat once in "champagne for
the crowd" at his hotel. In fact like most
people here he spends money freely which is
so easily earned.
Surveying is a big business in this country.
H-- does not nearly as much as other
offices, but more from choice than anything
else, as he is on the street speculating most -
of the time, and can make more money at that
than at the business. We have literally turn-
ed away thousands of dollars worth of work
Almost every week this winter, and could ex-
pand the business to almost any extent at any
time. We have had three and four and some-
times half {1 dozen draughtsmen in the office
at times. Draughting is a good business here.
We could easily give employment to half a
dozen good men and the pay is pretty good,
$15 to $25 per week. There are lots o1 sur•
veyors here, they are flocking up from all
Marts of the Dominion. They will all find
employment easily *hie season as the govern-
ment will bave to employ a very large force
*to keep ahead of the emigration,,;
Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over
60 pills, by return of mail. Sold in Clinton by
S. H. Combo and Watts & Co., and alt medicine':
ant : Stock ',being very' logy at a time when Teas were cheap,
also,. the quantity'which we.handle=enabling us to b'uy,ia•bond,.
subject to duty off, which We did, and are now' in a position to
offer you
The best values ever known in the history of
We have been"doing business' in- your midst now for'atiout seven
years:, during which trne_we have endeavored It give you a
good straight article, and. have thesatisfaction to -day to 'know -
that not only have,we built up a reputation here, but thae;our
goods; find their. away ,into all the neighboringHtoriis anih
larAll orders by,niail promptly attended to and carriage Jaid..
;al:Tiples `sent to any.'address'�on application. 4 i.,
' 1��� r: •u.
s still going on,
wlllonly be continued for .a
sj� Vii, • s �
short tile; °lo:
The stock is going off rapidly, st`�} l it is
very complete in` all departmens yet, and:,
parties wanting to buy
k : heat
W 11 do well tb` es,ll at once and secure some
-bargains dthat are; going,: as we sell''. t actual u ,
prices, and, will-ontinue. to`do so.until the`whQle
cleared ,out.'
And get the prices' that we are selling them at, a
convinced of the faetsAhat we advertise as nun
ofour customers can testify,: as,, our' shop.is bro
from morning to night with customers, and ,_dp.Z
them ha're to go away as we have been unable to
on them and in future the store will be o 'en; t
A;,M. to 8 P. M., so thatthettown people., will' `be
. to.,do ,their ,shopping at night.if thea Wish.
Remember, this Great Sale will only last'
time longer, as we intend to offer it en, bloc
at a rate on the dollar. The Store will be of b
sale orrto: rent, at the same time.::,_
Don't. MistakC'`the Plage--THE SIGN OF THE RED
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