HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 2"Awl C4 it was Mice. N lilt first coin�(-It. where Guy wag,wait'ing for her. He-helaxil MRdAy, half ashamed Of her.,oAnotious, lifted 0 B: they dq. not use. $6 you'll hto ao� LATEST SCOTTISH NEWS. XV -Larch 23. 1W4 I's t as u her coming, and involuntarily drew neir up her head, and said; without it; and,ifessie, I wouldl tell, Guy he Aber closed on Maddy; but Y h , if I do. not kno W�'what made me cry, only I tried to get it,for YOU.` Mal response to she continued: to him Jhe chal Who ie e intended 'she i, She is prettl —'That;You won't. should it. But Maddy 400k Instead a I have been. so,happy here that I guess'l Jessiewbador ed why she must, not tell The Cil of CAedordaix oossip, As she rarong Pt ay., wo than ptAty. Slie'll -make astool, and leaping her elbow. OV the chair, thought it,might go on, forever. I am afraid Gui,"but the I )i requested- got tbat,the d6ot; , I
hen'the Weat abonelin I YIest vic I I 1. � 6 Served up. the parting of day, w most behutifui w6mau." turned her face fully toward mwafi�ng Miss Atb&Wne',will notfanoy me, and I her lot - to, do so wag: sufficient. Coxise- state knol ililtnot feel aifr�ol after she qbutly, Guy,llittl I � IBI nestg,.ba�e a )�'ng Anaid leaning over agate; Guy seemed to talk More to bimseff than, for him to speak 0 guessea'ibat the doctor Ireal found in io Mks.-Noab, while,his foot kicked thb. be8an, are, yO h 3, as !.;'do now. Then Your being Be kneW"Awhat it Was he dairit.d,go Cal Ily in Penaltlimll, Raddingtonobire. u qpy comej U D i f%the ii t e nig t its rich glory, eclipses; red- tuc� big l4clit Pocket, looking a t it qttpn Nf4lieral'of the late Mrs. koir, Of 'at& you 66 lateby Jonder, al comps; hel at Aikebaide 2 1! good in sending me� to school, be 0, to n his hen this )ldlotl gate?" D. alone S ids S' rm afraid:01flib and Maddy'with bach other, And tried, to 110b, lyes, very,, very bappyll;" 'and cry more, and go I wa,sv.eryfoolisb. on't 0 rooril aid admiring Ito Denn ore, took Plv ,ca at, Aberdeen. recently.
think .'that it Was uo. the result 61 this Maddy% iolt eyes shone Wthe happiness tell lias Atbeistoub that I cried. Tell her, soft, girlish beauty, and trying,to convince The Free Presbytery'Loi Jedb&gb has Not lax had I roved, where the gipsy, tents lay; comparison, but rather Mrs. Noah's ,next she tried to express. though, h6w.b.bautiful she is, Bud how &d himself that his able object in gettigg.it -adopted a petition in favor of di8esQIia'h_ leasla Utly.. it W al 3 -at easta-mixil day wag Mort. when i met A young Od speeding swift ov his remark, which,affected him unp, before,., , he spoke )a you,, and id going to be was, to e it. to 66doctor after Mac am laddy's voll very steady gone I ,,.would be such a purorise, &Aid the way; Of y 5) U r2i f&et' sh elov E gilt
cours'e' ' he'll Make !'a - spAndi and When he did�- he told .ZYou're in haste, Sir, I seewllat affair nia� itbel a 1.� ag%i]3l1 in its tone.' She evidently meant what she doctor would be so'� Dr. AMel Cowan, brother. of! Mr. Janses. iv foot the but runner clipses woman,"' Mrg', 'Nosh said. Everybody. concluded to send'her and Jessie to school, lad, that Guy. finally N O.aid, "there'sainaidits imp9itantto ie 'himself, bl�iieve� tbat1be had do,e a Cowan, M�P. for Edinburgh, died n,Edin. "" y
notices, her how.for her- Veauty for ayear or two. at least; n that he was gaid, and it, made,iGuy�rs,ther Awl Mai I . I burgh: th aid, by- you've no business, to. ki , that's ble, a a Mal. -was in soe, way most. 4enerous thin I e'other day 90 her., here 9 Wh Ily af raid of 0 �ipsiels. tired of tesobing','her, but it � would be he1bought; to mingle with associated with his discomfort, he did, not I am going to -send Luely your pletureL Rev. George Sutherland basl� aunduncled where -you, seel story day." � It's a wrong better f oi telf h h- fill, Their tents are close by—there are robbers to her, lettin', yourself girls, an, , d, learn -he ways o . f t I he Oppose erw enB Is arose toleave him. , to-aak,alidasshe askea,tha,you should his resignation of the,incumbecy of St; about other 6, few lines, SUE T And she's s�'rely alarmed, for, the watch-doks are Guy up �juquringlyl il MX's., world. be hot hoinei Had Maddy beon�,�more a woman, and write hot 'pose -you- do it ohn's E&c6pal, Chuk6h, iWi0k. 0. d now," Guysaid to Miuldy next.mbrning, as 4 A movementl had boon
out;" N Continued where her� vacati6n,w0iiid bi� spent with lessA child , shewbul have,, seen, that it t initi�ied in ibel f3ure—seb your'heart be I 1know that, Jessie if she chAse, and.1hen, he ipo ow,of Lucy Ather deenshire by the Countess'of berdeen, for- Said 11 "Danger's there, been . girl nay6elf,L an( ke of waswelljor her to kA �bey were 16avivg tfie bieiil tabloJ bu treat; er for 40 Guy Remington It wag ii, sore trialo Maddy to secure Maddy oant be' treated as, ^y' New torki as the place,1e had in view., and stone be fiatfedli�gsfok - , wV to to young w6men's improvement. There's thief who all other eclipses; Lucy Atbbi 011- �ge,g�aiices without had assumed a definite. form. As it was, stone,'but she offered no rem a "ked her what, phe'thVght,o I .
One who teals with a smile, one wh its having -an effect. Ive no idia, f it Thoi&ith is. auribuniced: of Mr, Henry be BL i l, , s"to strance, and so, accompanying the � picture uthat We dritered hor%hpaa YdC, but it will, she never,dreamed he*: near she wa had been for And I arn you beware of �Uoli er app"' Malady was too Much, stunned tolhink of Lorimer,' who a very orig, w and then gd6l to h ' h mess. lo de's young ma, .4 little note, filled mostly With praises ib'good she :had vng Aikenlab ster; and was , ---------------- anything at first. That'd d - Which would' be 1,irery period straw bat Maker in Dundee. 41.For pity's sdke,�� What. do you mean 2 within her W ile talking with J�essie �bf the 'grand Of Mr. Guy, an U: HICR 130Y� AW LAST. oulil be placed The George, Street Free. CIA rch congre, Do explaini.aud, not talk to 'me In, riddles. coveted �most sh4 00, was they- should have; at school, ah� gratifying to the unsusp6ctli 3Y. t, grasp, and by GUY Remington, tmarvelled at the little spot of pain � wbicb- Now 'that it was, f uliy Ill e 90dressed'a cal I �'tol �br.leaaie, g'AtiOn, VAInfrik hd� Whathave.1 done to'MadlI 6i wbatem.1 almo t too much to:` oredit� ' She A SOCIETY -NOEI.- was k with R goingtbdb?"� IY -at Aikensid6, but-she,had never was burning at her heart, or why she should to gOtO Xbvv� YOr 'IV avagely�� boots', were there 'con wish that Guy would not speak: of her''In were sh�,�eiid'bd,.SLd�Aik�ijsidefcir the-time� the new factor' for ArdreiBB is Mr. By the auttior of Edith Lyle,"�� Mildred Guy spokii 9 -and Iii ecied' ' her . life would odejidk �who in ,, L Forrest nouse, Chateati d'Or etc. 'in greit-dariger �of.belng barned,as 13'6 k'ic4ld' exp 'ery, long and had 6f ton his letter toLticy Athe,rI3'to, being iAto a,vaE& R &-ay years Urine 'y an Mijlinek3 Coming frank I 11 I I � d 'Rasistant to the late fa6tor, Mr� Mackenzie. anM Wished thatFwheii it' ended she. might But Guy did speak A lbwerin'jher oice, r& Wiih big 'ii6iiat-gebei6sity, had- Eixrovi He had called her Sarah 'at first, and nearer.to him, ai some W44 ost Me,cRoaty,,is �tlpreseut.,the c6uies6ing the intiest he 31t'in Wling
f 'IF.
l of . en tering a his new -'-parish chutch bf'Cri na given Agnes pormissibm to, draw UPOLU 6ff, !With 'a bap- then changed the name to. Daigy which-, Xoali'rephed: tberyoUng�ladieg did. But just how people word b llti*-i; �m 0 eg ining p a ng to te'ach her'to, love YOU', either. -for t�sinaL ont, III po�sistpd in -calling her, watching You are g6i' a, declaring that, it: purse for.wh ever was ne6ded or' Ifl .recent Y
she had,:.pvet dreamed of being sent -to �,asking Lucy -it sho'carel at y of: hi his window for her coming, � and crying Guy Remin jual herself or Jessie, with a ite tinder. deceased son gton, all sure as my name ceive Of she. did, he iWo e,an ' . , i . ". I .1 �. I slabool-by Guy, norcould she, I 11 . 0, :lit,, I Y . 11 I � whenever Maddy appeared without list. is Noah." bar standing ths;t Maddy shol, an 'e his motive.' 'He dly � knew, hiihself, more than wag necessary., In o , less. The olaestwornali in'barnie, Banffshire, At first, Agnes, in hot letters, forbal "'And is that, anything so very - bad;, I'd ur Wel there ca me an answer 0 a Innal like tl�know ? ', k6si girls do not find love onIv be liked hot,: and wished io,do. some. than- 40 balged 92, in :the persoii,of. Widow' Jessia's going go often to Be c; �but from Lucy, *ho�.with health somewhat will not 66 nelLessaryi".'he Sp- lice,,theplAptheni Iliam thingforher. el a -law of.4Mr. Wi
sia described th distasteful',`, 6iid Guy- walke to -Impro�ed� had returned to�,Eugland, -and you toenligbten'tbe�ll of New York tAld ubt seol-Maddy,Cl�d'
when Jos e poor, crazy man's �1.110h,Mr 'Remington. -you are,.Bo� good. to idelight at sight of heri the window, where he stood for ownie, atBa�lochburn. a moment ke'� ushe c ied -j. and wroteL to GUY f rorn� Switzerland, �W'here she" with regal Midd a P981, ion. e goes elling , how quiet ow, . wh me what me There has just -died Begg, so -th I eu,sh I e to -equal,, and as such her and happy be seemed if he could but lay gazing Out upon the aph.A-pril an Id him h6w%much she"Wighed to expectWto spend this summer, half hoping ihere;.as essie's d , identified wit�, the, hio'band on her head, or touch her,hair was falling,and,feelizig anything but'satia-'. Guy might join b6r� tli&6 'though she wardrob4 mus6,be anits�blo widely known -an e , If , ;L be 9, teacher, so as to help'to, take'eare: of aottire'of Lolchnagar Whiskey" at� she withdrew'her restrictions, and, as -if fied either with the eather� Oi hims mother till I No:'6'�,e.couldliv6'longL;Ith�l�d��'C"Iyde- her grandpaieut4' and' her. poor �Unole could not''urge it- as, her Lochnagar. taking� a Beat bekbre� 3 td't&ks Upon Without becoming interested in moved to an unwolited, burst of tondern'essi tbIen.,l .back,' and or Joseph.i It seem6d-almost'cruel for that insist6dithat-sh � wibg not ablf wrote to her daughter, 11 Comfort that crazy' the fire, he sail 4k I und atan you now, young.creatutei'A6 e.burdehed witl herself the duties of A wifei Then she. SpitI06fheiSielf fAgneW dislike as � w4"rihg Her Gri%ce the Duchess o6zhargIt -man Y ol would'as,via Maddy,Clyde,l6oinsorr awsly_�J)aitl , aig �f'liite she bad seoli as d6liv6rdd of a dliughter;6n the, 7th ult. all you dan�;beueedo it so much-., -three halt helpl' lyde, saYing She was after .f � gare �, of,, those eB13 peop e, spoke of'. 84y C 0 f. no signs o Ispe'dial'Attenfibii wn, Hall bell was� rung in ,gkt. , , , ,
more, 0 7�and Gui, obuddiaripA, justAg he bn'ihe The Kelso :To
A few,, weeks this �.thero. 4OW usually ll not at all jealous, of, her, l Gfi 'handr-of the o6caBion. el� in on- another I -than 11 "' ` h Aed�]Aidi t Ahem, -but- courso.ignorautilm Part- He' had-, i in his otter from Agnegi but this it, girls h P ecovered f r� me. �ag' "She' 'ought not t u E6_ Was to Guy� aud,its. contenta',,daikened,his, e hatenel - �a,' ght;--an-d—, wa%�L ety- ---Th Z+071 think of whou h5 hile, shelitold him of all Bh.o feared,4here w*6- grea many in a6lkoo Vl �hl
never look -ed to, gracipus�,.,tbwardsl Mead he , naturally the'polibill surroiindingHalleath's' House handsome -face with; Angler the castles she badbuilt, an in every -one America, would, giissipj' but he'was uoV y1"I � W heard -the. gqisi happy! wit, or of wi'sa' Min u ever near IN r Incidentally Agnes -had h h' G forgivihk;b6da7hio like�hbfbetter-tha, Lochinaboit. The day 'as �b ight: .-which, there' d them." Thou she ssid thdt;if, M44dy ng, ,, ug, in conclusion 'Vol faltetel a litile, but 'be r6overIed him- p ace or to" in Ele were she, would go. mucb.l' 'her 6 with warm in nine. and,written it to Guy,,iddii I as she teinded �hem, it. was we Ike.. her she to; lik Bell an .. .... a . . I— r I I. ' Of course I know� it ig not iiue,� for, �ve d -about w ont' on "'I Will 't6l form;6f a b easing an ao.prou Another wing is to bVadded t6'the Inver- iii � i" a caress that his picture, as she had a cuiiositj� to know just 116tiedale",there if there w6re;nb Ludy�k1t6rstoiie,.ydAi,dfi& t -D ut 1'can't.'Ol sOwn, .Lucy o� ight, b a� the 'ed roste Q who r Bhi niiAg halr:.,�. how �Bbe, -if, , pl rins ote ilichisalrea, y: Stool a appy 0 gg d w6ula shel 9, few'. knes, E6,is,not to were man �4 the�lar 'eat' establish iento of its
men' ol J - Neerh ir Y, con�ultatione'held and Inslly one
P I0 girl" aday be. s'%idl wr do notpresume.to a&isIs;but,'Iwi11 Bay ibii h' 'b 0. 'feECra expressed by the, agodl,-coupIBL ,.though. t e! eit', t e'seem so'niuch a; stranger." of " to. kind: in the north of , Scotland. -a' 16 "now" that � I hav& concluded I *b onld b all Guy was -,kiOWmg"19v-,YoUug lad�;' '41 "-ean�be better fitted atw. 19 thoL E '12, 'Ii&6� Grand' As an instal o that now she is Maddy,,aAd yol sen t e: extraordinary,
people will keep 91A talkiii aki Noah did "OW Iti and loi�gpd OU, 0 eou r_yery,, p i , :.i 0 Ito as � . .. Il. I , I . I I - - dness of the sea!sbni si butterfly in an, -goo, long As, e fill'Ahan, you fieh'nigud e;-�, Y" s,� - she" �Gdy, � had": shown 'Markham'felt s,�AutieK f -;d - in"
keep her therein the 1.. 'bb" � - I . - I Z PrI e- In Toome4igns, o, ' it, " could be: herej butd �B f ma -condition wRA caught'at
O' IV W'p 6p , �, 4 " -4i'li., ball miss you sal reading her, letter,� fel for.the, momep active and, healthy _RX thii)king. that addywas going, to school in i6 littlis"giKsi and.' an 'b. ttL fair t ward Ltio: as, I er 9, � !it 6 hiladoferuel'ogrea , a Greenbankpit yiehireo Fe I pal 0 e like -�Xv rk., - gave her Latterly —d" aia,16tjbink a big city be clasodd! With them now,_ you, 0 pkbV6fiiirighii2a from., being' alipy. seem lil bent about it hot' less -did not' like- the '6duoating ure An_ Then,,as-�fie' ie, Lucy's lio Om a Xjay%ome;;,s . did not �a vise At,," pe that eihi:6g�'to talk w' h One day lately Mr. James kOiklejoneg, a� fortunate neighbotirB, who Wondered', and' eommissi6ner!W Pol do for the bifrgb of a managed Jessie, and I ta Is i pleea even Mrs. OPeat nI add" ght join lbi,.-ifid,,though t. how many gOBBipedi at I out:oi his way as sodii Ilid ldgi6lii�l W146 dbing'f6r You; as I: would'for Maddy, be i l-andeii'�il hot -could not� brin M vhill � dia& � somewhat :suddenly at his qP times he had crqss�d the sea to, no pUrpose, ended. 'What did Maadv-"a giiiW I �� _� I 1: , " indly: towards tho 'inbank Teirace, Mar hill. themselves. to feel Aink 7e residence, K61v Y�
.1, -00 0 'Guy, a oppe tain What to say next,:; lie said,, hs16,6.tulau, tly Iw,,, W'o And" b e If. A n it they afreidf of, andwhjr, did,, they osunyv- . . . I , — lo�ok6d: not,bing times' U �irl Maddy, -who had grown up in. their Mr. Jerbingbain, M. P. for Berwick, bas. ga sI t th- ;,P,6,UId- do- Inidst Bud who as yet was wholly! un-' published, a. til ' riften.by one of is Owl. Iera says -1 Y, W1. all el and'�autnmolzing;rMrso What was e quiring y.- eb a, by-piosperibi. Grandpa Markham ancestbrBiail p6kfokmed'at d6voii:t Garden, to interfere With him -2 , He ivould-kii .,at till es enough. ,Whon'Ahatn o"ithe'r of -b., �'jo - , 1 e was'gonig again,:, but* . I � a now to tell the little girl have b�k �:daugbilar;' I'll ' 'go ange read her"that sher "gr'' -on the--, contralry, thongh - ple' that -.e.n Thel Slope of B nd' notb6fore. t on tp his presence,: be . , " . ! iu,,170�j tit'led. e;wlq Blik6: Jessie 1,1 of 'Lucy Atfier'Bi6ne, 'a' I d ay Agn�a left*e'; ''parialin inj to' - Maaey, Rday'should have every, opportunity for The',death is announced of the ev. Jas.. 'And,orushing-the letter nito is'pocketi, so much -bichioakplaco in Ediubitirgh' sked words Would not come at rat. he tIier6,'RnddasiredAt
acquiring the education. she St6rumouth, w vv�a#it,ml ft� means this,'tl folkil'Sire ,III. %:� 0 t�,` forevWf6rl all c aJ_ ere delsirel fearful f the re'sult—feadul the _,otbor' day.�:.,Diqdeased, , Who - was' '51 ailtily, ...he., went, oub.upoa; the bil where wi
'Eli likedLyo_al, and -Maddy, essie,,an rs.',Agiles, his ations; die. so I hope wilj�' assembled' lest there. might come 6, time when , years of 'age, Wag the author 'Of Bell stant worry-, for fear'�ou'll f. I in love Al during the *so I have asi k6l. 'I- JGU�aiaikoa_ I" � e �, 1 61B �have, Written o1ou to eS Bona one s�e -darling would shrink from the relations to Maddy Clyde." the latter of wh6m�;hil colme� to, Aikenside I I f1all in love, with , that child 1;- tGo *hord" she, I f, i6e. the -da, . Is ore. whom she was a, snnsbine to the, fl , owers diefionari!:' p eases, o , j Ue t, i - gir B e 1,obl to the bosidii4- The tiees blown own by the'gtorw, at repeated, laughing atl,tho� idea, Bud foig6t-'-'4ea6ie sidthey He: knew, that, 'the, digeten'l6le , between a thebeginning of the year an the estat of e r- Il op, e eiit,' saying essi6 Wa's too ting that' he had often accused th dociorl�''ln2nch like sister'81,:itwill not� be ftnprop6i� that be=eant-ibe dbctbk,,but`t��eg b AikPAside and the cottage must , strike'lier 'for. or o' bom amost inexpli- OuD :usual', haaoverruted her� :Unpleagantly,pveiy tinaeshe came home, land aye of doing that Very thing. Le here, mal ae'�,.piodded. dispelled that thoughtl and Sir Jiim�eg Col4uhoun -of L viss V been, num Yen, you," returned Mrs. Noa;h ana Aguea is, here� Her,!'- presence, of coursl cable fel -niimbnesa crept over hot R`� objectio y0abad thosl of Grandpa' he did noi bl§tme her for her alway ber'44or sale,and amount in'Vaitiel sapparent 'taint'strange they do; Maddy is"not a , wbuld make, al difference M Is Noah' she -asked', faintly,:* 1Mkrkb a it as'now a settled thingf resl to go back. : Tlf',at' WaSL 9��,445'. r natural, child-, shWs:nearer sixteen than fiftee , u, -is 4cilied; whil�'Guy continued - I'Writt6n,t6 whoni ? that a, d dy,and Jessie both sbotld,,go to he thought';.bui a fe in: New -York, itbe A,firm from Nottingham have decided to tDy know you are right ; t at, is; I do - not Guy 'did not look-st Madd�. Ho, only� gr6at_6iv�,_ -ac SIMOBt a young lad Tork., . Mrs. goes was to, accompa, :whil earial _y - and: if you!ll isiol ,e -h -
&� L e . a general ; . t. my boldness I must Bay. I ain't -any too tb'd0 M,Rd* s, . harm, ' y p acing knew tha"t'he'rh,ea-d moved,outfr6m. beneath cKds_e_,' a�'u -bll iniqui y, Ing, - ong o , qui e; recent growt in yr- map 6eemed'a..very Babylon., well tomp ationAn her'waY, neitherivill T hap :,his b L- supervision of here il .'This WaBGti�'spls nt, L and as ho7replied AOL objected shire, has lidliome'on"e.oft 0 ri d pleased with the goin's on myself not It was diffar and for sing in us that I don't like the. girl,' for I do, Ruillibdi MOddling With my' business. : I TbMiss'.Atherstoiie��Mise'LucyAtger- nhad prevailed with the 4Iligbionglilln to sending hb�,there. Bdt Guy' p ' erauad�l tiiesotthe country. t., het? woman, 011, was -we 11, 8 W'l 'T'he e -is announced oi Mr. George don't blame her an atom. Sh t you� I won, 11�dOn!t Meatl� Y6U1 for. storl Have y6u.nover heard of who,, tired of �BqBt ' ' ' ' 11 him, and when he heard that: Ag 6 d ath Is s as innocen 'Pleaeedviith� the prospect of a life in New on have a.right to Bay, what -no one else ding, �too, be consented, for, be- had faith
as Eb now -born babe, and I hope 66% and with, the. same' Scott, for, many yeais:; confidlential.'elerk' never,1ad;' G '�Utirst � in 3ST MY was 9 Jamela "Lol rs. a Yl� always stay so; but you, Mr., Guy, you'_' Kagi!l aud.16,glaficed ibalf angrily' at...M n!'b"Nel. be could not understand, she rk.' uYla a in Agnes as -a protector,' Maddy h wi n intereat it -to' li�r,. ad nbver' successivel�: now tell me honest—do you thinkras,' Nosli.' is Pityi f I can't take ..a -listened 'While 'Guy. told her who' Lucy �inexplicable -unlesm. she i Id him of thel e Which, follo ed that G�§�gq Loch a'ncd Sir Ar!noIdX'embaII,Com_ 0 n w of Lucy Atherstone as you used to, be 6 el because I once wronged .'her, without Atherstone was, and why she- as not.. at, lainedt on the, principle., that in the, lady's r6tura from Sara,toga,.' Iridbed missioners for tliebuke of Sutberland. you took up school-teachin'2 Over" Id" In Christendom thinking mingtQn- nature, there, was a fordness y.o woman I that'nJoIneiib ��the I mistress ofAikensidls., ver old anything but ' - good A'widow. . nar I aed Mrs. Mcllwraith a6 Guy. did not like to be - interfered with: sk4,must.needs fall in love with me,.and'ao, There.. was no reason why Guy 'should be for govern legal had be'eii oxemplifted in Aikenside orits inmates, and so Mrs.�Agnes 1A e4u a§ too excited but he'was;-and be;ta;I4e&,v'ery, cannio in for *a, ohare_of the, old years.; and, naturally high-spirited �he at firstfle� 'b ined for' life. Mal Clyde h her own history. That'Guy -would ev r just died, ai_� th 3 ripe old ago', of, 93 hat, or *111 'have When I ' she doubted eOP Deceased, the ' belon-ged to the Kinross into a passion, declaring that he would � not', ,go6d sense- for t rapidly' never onceiglancing at Maddyuntil Maddy but the.'.meire, gratitude, while even Uncle Joseph, hearing district' 'Went4t 9 Ma ahave people meddling With him,* She'waa:Io ad 'd ell h
'that W116r, about Lucy-" lityof it made' her. set ber'ieeth eyl 6 for. the vbun '1806,,'an' enjoys p to a, -he� he ha& krxl4iied speaking. oking P.-Ibi . - I o Tillicoultry about th w embaiw - if d exe ent healt 'u And you will,do' Bo?.":Mrs.' oah said Ily, wbrid6ring'if firmly together. as she thought h randpa -ite'rhaled her, learned to pisy foi thought of Lucy AtherBtone all the , )�i I t, g , : few weeks ago. and he-dj4 not . know what more I . i � ? at him"inteni he,could;bea; I as he liould., Coaxing Y. - , , 1 , .. , 1 .1 ,go sbedid,'tbe beatings of her heart. Had ras@i)3,g it Would be to acknowledge " the, her. himself, coupling her name� Wit&, that 'to Lucy,. 'I I . '. - - occurred recently Of Mr: Had,, iibf course I -will -and write mistress of kikengiab the little gir who An III . s, crazy way do; that it was a, pity if &'man could, not berlife-depended upon it, shocould not at of Sarah, abd ask;ng in enjoy himself in his own, Way, to�O�Aalked, ind how I sbehad�soudht,'tobainishfroni herAsibI6.. God would I, forgive Sarah "fi deloLi. writer, -at his � residence, Vet6h Park rovid6dthit. first have spoken, for, the numbill which, irst and then way were harmless; that he'd never, in RlY care '110 more for Maddy than I do for like,!) Sinlbe,b6i return Bh6 had had he opportunity Haddingt6n,'froni. congestion the" iuilgs. audg of iteeli seemed to press all the f, J, of juddivg,for herself how: matters stood,,. lie eastia was or ..niany years one of the:,., his life) spent so h�appl winter aEfthe Imi feeling out of it. She'did not kn6w. why it I Afew days before Maddy.g departure 0 I � Lacy, 1 Atbarstone an was consequ r oners in. theSheriff'Court. i�Aud will, that Is truci?,' Mrsd 'Noah was' hearing - of d tently much relieved when lesding'pi actiei that— hagrandpa -,went up� to see "the madam;�' th he. ought'to as, Guy, joined, them, be began at onde. to., anxious,,to 'kn I hi , , tb" F6rty-ihiee:te"rAta:dnl the eStateg of the Here'lirs. - Noah interrupted Iiiin w asked. gboull her' go.' Surely a OW Bomet ing, -more an on Wiant 'nothing' duy'could nol 16 speak of lucy", telling of the letter, and ber, heareay:about a person to' 'whose care`bis- That's it, the very it;. y � looki her fully Ti . . be glad for'Guy, that be possessed the lovid karl of, Aberdeen ha;v4 appiled for, ail telogei toyou. coni Of 13 go10 iequest, for Maddy'sicture', 1 !A
better than to have that girl ai -kicked the grate itil,the, b swe6t al he'dieBerib6d her child was, to:be partially inirtiat6d I . ,gnefi 'to haVel beiiefitpfj�iovalpAtibn of their. in ail when. she to the'ied.bot coal -upon ypic urer � You Cann 6b O that I was in *be had ask6a:1 farina _� the cites, as -she, doos;'al � 66e. the to be. 1 he _'taikba� e,, -,.t irtk-tbree' are* a
.11 1: �,carpl. o re W- a md� BoWl � them, �so much is. if,::,it ere istiloA and t eln in the Tar� when she was workin—but h plied - so oneigeiicAlly 1dy, exclainied,lier.. eyes opening: wide. 'for ner.�, Starting-.uickly',' lil liaddo'* 1, ' sure 4 to' tal with W.'' Guy did Moab it". , M plasseg and viinuses, and thindB,. lier �,gilatlg Yea,, every Word of it.", ronolat the I tooJ p ea a s glad onder. but ill., deadly whAll Mrl who b 'th to began tc The bekitors of Dhngl ba&�under tested bn your knee; it did, 1, s aw. it �,Xooh notiellad'all thought: plan, a drive oil the morrow to message fl6wAo her'side, Raking flier iii, I K it haal taken. bei� Be by:eurprige -to b' ken'him'in hand long 6n -inuolialarmwhat wa''s the,matter. 1 el ta k that Me., Guy Wag. engaged,� an I that, Doiwon�hire,'where there was. at, that time i, my own eyes; and4 then, . let,m6 ask, when,111 .. ., , , I cofiaiddratitiathe mode-oi spelling the narne oon- 0 a ', said. some i-i,�e�,Ai.k6iiside,.would"r�allY have : Jeosio is- drummin'on,the h 'him Bud' a bl air This, it must be -re-, tOrAy's4ittle- faDt.." fi ill s66n pass . I . I I - - !' ... 11 I of the. town',. and' have resolved,' in, the e, I _�ll _'Mijsa�4 , I . Is Y' W, lh6 off;" 4gues'- said and then,� , diBMIBSIX19 you bend over her,' and turn'tlie Is 111fidIjk, soothingly" , ,We, sh I mistress. She did not qui 0 6emb red, vas in count the time. as you d X W'dy I as mileii �fll any on&, �Ibut I do Guyis fsatbrdg� although she -a% Iodk6g and,before the , intibdiicti6n offliotograptia. Maddy,.ah c tried to � compose -herself BuWrit - ing - of their.minates, to revert to th ' e �p tbibVii bastfor her to�'go to., school;- and. Original spelling IXYF; and how does it leal she so intI h if, a f instead of Dunse, I te]l at him, and he aske&hei twice e would T6 neii'*Iday 'the . our :wen c to,.pass,the or( like to'iseie Lucy's pilcturebefore,s theJessie is in the wayj when U Is sol'after ztea� I'll "manage to. keep essie he com- Devonshire, calling , firAw Upon , the d6etpT dread6d,� and from which there 'no, As an evidence of reds
lessons. She Iwith -me, and, gend'Maddy to �ou, while pkehended what he meant. boaellacs, brightened. N I hen he bear possible escape. has no sul6pidionl but ow d wh� dented cleineney of the weather. now pre;' she ain't sent off for nothial;'I'khow you'& you, tell her about Luoyard t es, came e11Y 'faintly: from' the parted they had come. buiing the'weeks that (To he contirl Ivailing, a correspondent at ' Inverrea8l. rather be alone with kaddy Clyde than,to, JGuy,nodded a little j6rkingkindof_an6d,' iipsi about which there was asii lit quiver had passea,j'the doctor ha;d riot been blind 9 mentions tht�t'on.66ffiin�hon!6ftoiii-6hiir6)i, have anybody present; isn't it so? in token! of his ail andilibn', With -that as she put Up her. hand to take the, case to�ali�that�w'as pagaing�kt XT . I AR NuE. the �othei day, he L h . ei I lord'a,1&ik Singing. Lv Was, Guy bega to: wince. There was niuch ',p'ervel Jitl which1prdmpt§:-wOmen` particu- Guy, drew: from his bosom. ihee�ar,'that Gby- was inore interested, in ,at,�ear it�was March 10bb before it truth in what'Mrs. Noah 'had laily tO,liregB-,%:subl I after enough, has Turning it to the light she gazed gil I ently Maddy than 'lie ought to be had grown Man ]Lives Four.and a 11nAf Mont " ho did devise variousinoth h ' card'. ivit ft Oda of getting rid of been gaid-upti-it, Mrs.1T.0ah, as she turned upon'the Bweet young, fate, which seemed. slindet,to R,c6rtainty. h6wey6ij he h G&Irr'od suddenly' f' Mr� �L �,r 1. � " I I 1. - Th6,,l �d Jessie when Maddy was in bis� library, but�' o leave the room, gave vent to the! follow-. to.ieturn her pie.with..a look as earnest wis�6t:so�ure.,,Inde6cl�tb6f�ettbii ny 'reene (Chenango Courityy Ainexicant.] Win. Ferguson-, the popular rector of it haanever looked to him in just the'light' : 1 Owl] -ioia.hor of Lucy Aiersto6b would ug: and curiousas hot ha& pl of Norih.'teuton, Clarkston Academy. Ele was a native of it aid as when presented by Mrs. Nosh, rind You know, GUY, I ' as well. as 1,, that, tliat big SuBpicions were I ground. Leonard E. Si Whe.t do you , thiiii 'of he he doggedly asked what Mrs.;Noah, I T� . Y, I I Bi6iime County, while out hunting'.. squir- Pollokshawa,'Btudied. at the Glasgow Ea., woul q,p etty as she is Madd -is really beneath Lu�y?" Is 'she hbt'pretty?, Guy asked, Is so. anid' ho'erI heartily, iuto,,.ihd with 9, friend o shed Xo6*]n&I4Scho I to a in company u the 8th tabli o aye him do. an& the �6u, atid.n6 kinh, of a match,. even if you be�di�g'do*n,,so�thot�higdi�rkhitir swept 71ilgi'l laughingly, that if he 4 after �'&, short appoi I ntment, at :picture plan,. sa� of October last, -Mat ith,' a, singular, ..'and 'exty, an waru t as good'awmariied,�'Wbich YdAA be against, Madl while. his." warm, breath sU'pp'dsed` Miss L ucy � would, like his face d' e t to Clarkston; "First and foremost, thl I'd haVo you be BU, prove to be'& fatal,, accident. The Roth a where he has tell Maddy yourself that ;j6a are engaged �'iud thog6od,lRdk left tho�.rocm in: tiin 6� -to toubhod,her burning 'checks. he'd sit birasl and) bidding Guy' re to Lucy Atberatone; T e doctor's g yonbg main, his compailion,' digabarged. bls� been ever since. an second, I'd bave� you� �oscape seeing the sparks fly; up the chiril ,Y�g : she's - beautiful, . ob so 'be' tiful, 'to Ask her. ' h �ay- spirits helped a t liplodlad, and theL tube, and ALt,m meeting, Of the tatablished Presby.. write to Lucy.all,abdut 'it, .and �jf,, you�� , ' `(J - I - 1 I ''I . t 1. gun an I e; so. uy, now mai e a, mos , Viperous Use of %nd hE6'P' � t li I had bben.'like her I- to'raise tbose of Maday,� ana"' that little 13 00, WAS honestly can, tell her that you cylind6r. �'iantaiod Speucci' " kull near, tory of Mull, Rev.John' Campbell" OR 11 ble, pokOi,,'and ad Aidl'not�fifiigh, the. scorch- I I Wish and Maddy'burst Most biiriiiiog.f3�6tinh;er,h6artQiad fastwearing: . , ." _f B4* b, _, t, : � I Minia On, t waable the'temple. Drs. Burr, .6 Ing amp on, to, the paris' o
YOUto for Mal as a friend; third, I'd h.vo r 0 a Men66a �n the ena- ol his ;]at of weeping, er�,,. ears a'. was just in,the mood for,' r of li I I", Was, by iho'.vot6' Most' il Greene, of Ch6nang6 :Forka,l some
dropping: like. rain-.Up6a ihe Inanimate, admiretble- likeneiss.4 Indeed, . e at - ti' ' what enlarge . d. the , exteri "Y send the We' otihememberaprei6ntentird cle rel "Not away from Aikengide ever 0% -'remark awakened in., fea of Lucy'Athorstohb.. delight at'his, achievoinent was unbo,unded, the ChAiges Which had ght before, were able' �fd' inseri the 'index tb , " t his own heart. as he, declare iftbe very beat ture be 'into, court a a pr.evi will I " and Guy sprang to hih6et.' One meeting. ddy ny 00 6 iv Bit Iii train of'thought. MR G I ' k' d'at her ainazed, hnger� its who et ongth the The 'mine bad exploded, mud for &a ig inf rior as the world: f4w..,matters... throbbing with had'e�ei fsoken.� .it' beautiful, even. The:ren�sins of Dr. JAInog Balfour Kirk,� instant the unrlman reeled,ag and, Settling himself in the chair, he. tried Undefinable as � he � listei6d � id box stormy Agnes 96kndwledged to herself, while, Josaie of, the but wei6'nnablo iolAnd the BatEgate;were into dd ' I' th , f - , r recent y.� All e yo sfragment o ' the .'gun,' although quite a a glim 'Be of h .If. Still, he .W.Gulk We6pifig." .,What went'into raotures, and.-Maddy.blushed to qu I q f bi d., They aho�s..'--in the. town were closed,, and p 16 fancy what, that saine World � Would say �diditnidan? Couldit be mtity o rain' 'matter exude -her.own pmises� Guy said nothing" pronounced him in. a voryi I 3riticaleo�ditaon,, not believe it, or confess to himself hol be * BholUld -13'llake kaddy! his , wife. Of that the- evil against which' he wag provid-, bear usiness was, suspended at Many of. the *b�v u, contrary. to their e,x,pectation his strong a place,in his affection was hpld,�� 'boumo,he had no � BUch intentional he Was ibg; bad, res11y' come_ upon her?, '' Was except to asktbit:Maddy. should sit again; 6011iorie". and public worka.`- Dr. Kirk WaR the beautiful' girl, now no just, imagining, �B6inething ;which year, and li�d b6en well kdo*n' never: Maddy� m6io � interbsted'in, him Ihaia he he Araiwas good; but m'seeond might, be 'general cdtiditibu �od considerably, go. 55th ? 0 hoped, n mpro, It Was alinbat a year since that Apiltaffsr'_' coulcIE6i3t�ibly.happen,�beemai3d iii -the' -first supposed' H oti, though with a :better� So Maday -sat again, succeeding. that about tbo, I"t of October he was ablo' in'Bafbg4te for thl 33 3110011 when he first Favi'Maddy,'C'lYde; and place e', wouldn't marry; MAddy Clyde if be inan's vanity he, felt'a.'slight thrill pf'sa6tia- ell,as tit first, but'as the artist's tol li&tl andt�visit6d a -� friend' soine, dial Rev.. Rnbertb�ilviei. who has just been quite as w from a timid, bofihfill'6hil'a;'of-ii6iirteen and could and h6:couldii't if he 4ould I -, Sti - II,_ fiction in thinking. that it, Might 4e so. preference wa6vfov,tbe fbrUie'4:,,Awas left tancefr6in biB�residence, but from ts. a;ppointed a Senior* lns�ectok. of Schools in, I I I .;.exc a half, able had grown'td ibe� rather talf and,, it was an un�plcasaut '000pati6n,"' fancying. ow that this,feelin'g was not wortbk-' to up,, with, the unaerstanding ment and overexertion brought on some place of'the deceased Mr. Hall, is a n ativd self-possessed Maiden of-fiftel and a half, what his friends; bop I bw , ally , Agz I ies, I 'wouldi in a be, struggled to , cast, it off while- 'that Guy would cal for it. As the ladies Almost Sixteeni bad symptoms. Di. B. L. Houghton, of of Banflabi.re, being a son of the late Mr. or, as Mra'. Noah'sail sal go he as dreaming aboulK be- asked 119addy why. she, cried. passed down. the Btairs,. Guy lingered this Vill 3 called the at-�Iof ovem age, W&I Win. Ogilvie, Tel Rothiemay. The angrogs,tJOI]III, Cominittd f almost E4 woman and as if to verify. the it until iheb6ll rang for supper,�.ivh6n With, : Child.aIaohe Was, the real cause bf':her behind '4� and wben sure� they �verlli Out Ofl hot; and his to give' him sdm,ei. relief, Is O the I 1. od, . . . heal �voicb: 'atthaivel �n�rvoui6t�rt,h6p,;�pke'from-th rs 'never enter her. brain, -and she fr T'a latter facti she herself appeared, e�,,reveiie, teR ring, said� in and .. that time 'his general: condition North Leitfi Parilsli: Church lappointed'. t moment, asking permisdou to Col in ' and and wiohi�ng'tbe whole wis,olctea 'answered: You Mayas well' fLaish.,both; they are n inisIaid, and can't hink,�L. too good seemed to improvl nearly the I day of look. but ioij a succeiabr to, Rev. Mr find a book, which had bee for the supper room.'! tell-w1i unless 14 wag t 9 �o. be:lost hio'death,'he being 9ble, tb,do sombork, Stewart, have;sshbd Wiffiaine6n Y which she needed in hearing ossie,la how different' MIgg Atheratone is from me. , Tb6 artist' bowed; 'and, &uy" with a L! ljl &If. even working .on the 20th f 'Febru L sty, West St. Gildisi, E d - inbur b,:t HAPTPR '.�:.IV fi I . g 'o become their I - stir poor and guilty bluall, hurried down j�to'the sireet hi , death occurring 'the. _. following pastor., Is s'rich andandsoine. 1 is Where Aghea was Waiting for him T day. Being anxious to know't1be,., _Aher'.day a, party,bf !about thirty,. "Certainly, come in-,' GUY. said and honaely, and�-;—" hreb 6 tb real can Theo folding his aring he loaned again 0 Supper,was over, a, 'l Guy d returned i -'No, Maddy, you ate not;�" and Guy hours later,"Guy, in, Mrs. Conne"S of his brain, Dr. Houghton w'&B per- 'Aith hill betwee
mantell, watching her as she hunted for the 'to his liliftry. He ad not. toppi6a. as be interriipied1l W�s exhibiting the finished picture; which , mitted, through the kindness of his friends, were but at �a. bare hunt 6 0 Missing book. 6oth Glontanar and Ballaterach, wbeEl one' of to, romp With J coals, or talk to Gently lifting up her hl -he sm ed in its bandsomocasing, waB more beautiful to hold' told b Dr. Cal the guns accidentally went 0 a a fiL .an autopsy, aBBiB of There was no 'prl about Maddy, Mad'dy'Clyhe, but had coinelAirectly back;: back erhRir,,andheepiiig�ifiand.on each thap,evek, owd,wore natural, ' hLa. I ff, nd ti, -if possible. Cbenango For :Th6LRntdp8y confirmed contents were I�dged about, 'the side and
g as cal cur aips and 1 Ing side wSsatill Lin the WO'U at� I the ot more than ten P iLn every M.-o-vement she gb6*od- marks of: X66E had �,16u'aro'not how6ly. I think you quite half-poiitingly; t,heu,� as glib riem and tube of the gun nd , 0 lyde,nothin W 'done foreffect, and yet dropping: the h '' t ' �' ill ' of hot face, said pleasitly'. I think 1 might have onle,�' Jessie said, the Previous conclusions, that thecylinder no k of John il. the gamokeeper,, he
frel coa,.updu the fire. to. embered time II
great improvement, both, in manuet and, llghi64:' ibe lamris I 'and the ' h g I o I ne .11 after 'as pretty ics LUOYL;' I do, really," ho'con- the second sittingi6he begged of Guy, I to get 'being found iinbedded in thst brain 'sub. being' style. Of one hundred, people who El must 'tinned, as hereyes kindled at the c0inpfi- 'it for her.. L yBrdg stant. Death resulted almo4it Maddy,� oxpI'4jMng to Jessie the Biel inBide.of the mombranesand on the di glance at her, Iiiii6ty-nine would -166k 4 8tJY,Ll her white' ", a t �id ']At. Mol 1 a'W.gOIng,,tO-,wiiteAe; her to-nightl But b6 aid �oi,s a �tyaddy W n you. eeM IiiInlined to comply floor otthe'raiddle foas�,bf t Ik I I Want With her request, be skull,nbarest second time, asking wli6 she wag. �-. iqatur� Guy; *be wal with her and I shall toll her more a and, kept puttin' h '" ' Mr. Charles 'Gibson,, grocer,' Ta'in, be- L f,., g er off,' the 'anterior pdrtl Dr..'11oug6li lil hero IS. he much wbeUL Bho' 0 1 sucie . I came suddenly ill' the other day, hile, hIly graceful and utterlyfoigettal of el birs f ess, Jessie the cylinder al which are bonii.oted
xoab i yo like. each'otber very, until,'despairm , when
MAddy askedi and,, remembbring . hid cO . ...... alonewitli tb6 octor, tried her'p6werg of also the brain, in his ros- attending the roariiage of, a &pbew; -and, she always appebreato good advantage, and so tbat� you",. may. live, with� us 9, in one piece, an ihoody looks W1 � ithout him, Until, in self-defence, 120 session, ' How' R Iniman.being never to better than now,,Vvbeu ben 4iieat of the Aikenside would iio be Alkofiside W11 persuasion on I could, live pired a few ho�rs, Ilitterkal L foUrt6erIL sup osed to,, the cause of at eyes were watching heri an, stading'ou ooki she ' � fil(bl misgive er as to,, you, -.Maddy."' 6ros6edlthe street, and enteiing the daguef-. four Months and days with a is p exi p belbejiesult� ',aninterviow *ooings,of Luc: tiptoe, or kneeling upon the floor tol what inig f Atherstore, reau gsllbky,' 'asked for the remaining, pioce'of iron weighing about three-qu death. slitters .
under the secretary, she hunted, for the , 'th'G G Is voice bad never beonj picture of Miss Clyde,-imyingtbat he wished of, an ouricQ� in 0, Wel i I .. In.XeIF;o lit'is stated that pe _planted'on WA '4Y. uy cnder6rju I a n a 0, , Mystery h6s; tbne I 8i I I jL book. Not the remotest, oihanwhdi! be Wdl4hiq to'Maddyi, it for little Miss Rewhigton. to Nov. G,,188, are now fully six inches high,, X&ady of wbat was Occupying. the, thoughtd, Middy stole for A moment to or Own' room whose liliquiered'ale,itill, and Who invbl� - "'Aft. Remington took thoni, b6ih," ther being alrdal'y Atieked, i�jhd� il proected h , %8L nboAe it �:,tbd ble'lorimadin untarily. laid her, h q upon the * arm Of his artiet'replied,,00mmanciiig.s, disso U_ On' ose who Buffer from head of bet companions,. thoug iial he, bilious from the weather, - �Bh6uld- any untoward room Pnd-glanced litiobtly � up at: Ouy,� It, ilArboli, soft edge Of.!IR6e`, about'. tbeF chair %9 she or�eo a,pecondtlnlil the style and beauty otc."011 the hr - aIs 0, 11 molan- cireifmstautn arise to tbreate� their l struck he Tice � *al drk , and' I , I I If ,iiia, 11 t k" as, if- this b4in of the young girl, all of disorders, I . 0 )a . . . alenderl'i throat, 'bedsine* her . wel , ut"41ftie ly, softl g did her which was lost upon the doctor, *h6,. in 9, 01101Y, feelings induced by tt%o disorders, siruction. he blackbird is,to �.be board' Moody, and - a PhjnfUl 'Bell satioli `- Aitt6d om6otfiiu� the folds of her'niuAlin. sl All find permanent relief from tbei,tioel'of �hlo - kind of maz6, quitted the room, and return- wf siulging,dailyin the gardens, and Idaisiosi 4� T9 I , minutes they Bit there
i so ert - - I Abou hot -6 . t he -biliduw and to, through her mind that in #oinewSyshe bid' Whose ja ty , nal of th6ir thoughts, known' ing to � Jessie, Baia to her,carelessly, .11 110� Dr. Wilsorl Auti Pre�erving primroiefl violets and polj�anthuocs- ars' uiled. I . I I . , �1, 0 be obther �nOWL .. I . rhol, �y , 1 I
very. gi Il Y�i aforneitherl,slidkel Until hasn't it. You the rub out' those iii7griat PiotuIll Ibut Gu 118 as
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