HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 17'1PP'
VOL. 17. NO. 12.
-o TERNS - 81.150 Per Annum.
C. Dickson.
Owing to such a large increase
in business I was forced to pro-
cure larger premises, and have
removed from Ransford's old
stand to Craib, Macwhirter &
Co's old stand (Fisher's block)
and have now the largest, best
E. nolatuEs & sox
' /tear Ativertigituttirt0
furnished, and most elegant'
store in Western Ontario
Tobacconist Goods.
'1 •
Over 10,000 Rolls. in ,stock,
Great variety to ch9OSe from
1-tdirotadvertise what -I -have
not got, nor any.mOre. than..I
actually have.
Ltimber fo:r. .Sale.
TY of hemlock lumber for sale, at Huber 's Mille;
Londesboro. ,
March 22; 1882. t ' E. 1-11TBE1.
The Morley Estate.
rf1HE undersigned having been appointed Adminis-
1-.- tratrix of the estate of the late Hotair Mentor,.
notice is hereby given that all debtors to the said es-
tate:either by note, book: account or mortgage,must
pay the same, or the interest thereof, to her, without
delay, and all who have claims against it must render
the same in detail, accompanied by the statutory de-
claration to her, who will settle the same
Belgrove, March 22, 1882. '
ITMIE undersigned desires to inform the Ladies of
1. Clinton and surrcianding country that he has se-
cured the services of a FIRST PLASS AluAnnfo, -ivho has
had a large experience in this line of business, He
would also take this opportunity of thanking his nu-
merous customers and.friends for their liberal patron-
age in the past, and soliefts_a_eentinuance,of the same,
and would invitellibrit to come and see his large stock
Before rnaking their season's purchases, believing it
will be to their adyIntage, as it is the..largest stock he
has ever offered, Comprising Paris, London and New
York desthns in plain and fancy straws, in all thehew-
' est'shapes and styles.
BROCADED RIBBONS, all widths, & Shades
and SUMMER imusii, in- all colors,
-selected in the beet markets. • ,
Apprentices. wanted for the Millinery and
• Straw departments immediate]. •
Plain and Fancy .Straws done over in all the newest
styles. Fafin produce taken in exchange. • -
R. 'BEESLEY Vicroma. ST -VflaINTON-
Ilouse to Let.
AGOOD frame infuse containing 8 rooms, within
ode minutes walk from. the market. Apply at
House for Sale.
•BE subscriber offers for sale a" frame house eon-
-L tabling 7 rooms ; hard and_SeRwater_ asidatable_
'-'-Lot No. 419,
Queen,: Street, Clinton. ,
Window Blinds.
3 doz. Express Waggons
111111 11111111k6
—House to Let.
CONT,A1,1I;1;I,Gy to
rooms. 'Plenty of water.' 'Rent
Clinton,. Feb 1(5 188'2. . '•
House for Sale.
.91HE superior 2 story brick dwelling houth on Huron
street, Clinton. Nine rooms hard and soft ,'water,
• nvenience good stable:, Being the premiths oS. Terms easy; Apply to
wnedby John Upsha,11;V.
TT -Vendor's Solicitor.
Clinton Feb. 9 186.2. Office in Perrin s Bloclc.
H'ouse for Sale.
maultees° situate:on:James Street and At present;
1. VccuPied,by Mrs.-. Joseph Wheatley; sr., containing:
three' rooms And kitchen attached.. Good well and
pump. One fifth of ail acre in garden, Withsome trees'.
,Forferther particulars apply on the-Prernises or to
Hbuse to Rent or for sale
subscriber offers that conveniently -situated
House 071 Rattenbury.,Street, a few dors west of
the Methodist' Chinch, to rent or for sale; on reason
able terms. 'The house has 6 rooms and -pantry, and
all other conveniences. For piirtieulars apply to the
NNW; .Erta-offiaeonto-MISS•ICIIIIRCHILL,AlbertSt
mlIAT NEW BRICK HOUSE and Lot, on-Rotten-
:I- bury Street, west of the Methodist .Church. The
'Lot 15 0110 quarter of an acid, well stocked with choice
friat treee, and has splendid hard alid soft water thereon,
The house contains 11 rooms,. clothes closets, piintry,
cellar 42 x with cement floor. Will be sold oil rea-
sonable terMs. Apply, for particulars, to
' 4 ' It. FiTzsissoNss Chilton
Inspection invited. No trouble
to show goods.
Craib, Macwhirter .64 Co'
..s old
stand. - -
Farm for 8ale.
getv Adviertiormento.
1-1. Apply at this office '
To Let,
the Briek Bleck, with large cellar, apply to
•: " . * ‘IIARLAND BROS.
Clinton, Mandl 22, 1882; • '
LOT nuinber 8 in the'2nd con. of Mullett, the • south
west quarter of Lot No. -10 in the 6th con. of Hub,
lett, and the east -half of Lot No. 11 in the 5th eon. of
Mullett, .eontoining 175 UFOS., 'Lot number 8 is con-
veniently situated, With tanid 'road§ to Clinton "and
Seaforth. -Good house and outbuildings. Will be sold
cheap and bn easy terms.
A. IL MANNING, Ventler's•Solielter.
MBE conveniently 'situated dwelling and bakery, in
whieh a good business has been done, on Victoria
street, is offered for sale, on easY terms. The dwelling
is storeys high, contaming 7 rooms, The shop is of
tlo same height, with conveniences for doing a •large
business. Thelot hos 50 feetjrunt. -Stable in the rear
facing on a street.' Apply to IL Hale, Clinton, or to '
R. moLENNAse, Seatorth.
Clinton, Feb. 14, 1881. "
fl Srr ON'S
American Cross Cut
House and Lot -for_Sale.
MITE subscriber offers that conveniently situated
on Joseph Street, containing five rooms and
woed shed, near ale'Taggart's factory, for sale 00 res
sonableterms. Apply to
Clinton; March 22, 1882. • W. II. pen.
House and "Lot for Sale,
(.21TUATE. onSthe EastVide of Albert Street, bein
1.3 Lot .458, belonging o the Ryan estate, containin
one rood of land. ,, Apply to Mos. FREVII WHITT, Of t
• C. A. lial,ILTT, Vendor's .Solicitor
Clinton, siarea 21, 1882. -
DESIIIE to inform the ladies of Clinton and vici
nity that they aro now prepared to do dressmak
ing'in all its latest styles, at reasoanble rates and short
est notice. Cutting and fitting a,speaalty.
Farm'for -Sale. .
_ .
subscriber offers that conveniiintly situate
" farm- north half Lot 3, 7th concession Morris, 94
acres, 70 acres cleared, on which there is a log hong
andbarn, well watered, good soil, throe miles south o
Belgrave, and only half a Mile from the gravel road
Younghearing orchard. Apply on the premises.
• Mai ch 21 1882. - § " E. LITTLEFAIR.
$5 Reward.
ITRAYED or stolen a black and white Collie Dog
white breast, white stripe odhis face, and whit
tip on his tail. Whoever will return said dog.1 or giv
such information as will lead to his recovery twill re
eeive the abovereward. Any one harboring the do
after this date will be prosecuted. • -
Holmes -011e, March 20,11882. A. GOODWIN.
Business Change.
f11115 subscriber hereby desires to return lus sincere
thanks to his numerous friends for their_patronage
during the man); years he has been in_business in the
Pump Making.line, and would intimate that he las
taken his kon into partnership with him, the firm to
be known as Ti. IIIILLOY dr SON. '
„ Clinton, March 23, 1862.
Farm for Sale.
FrIFE--atrbscriber-o • . , Mahlond
X concession, Township 'of Colborne, ,linown as the
Wade farm, eontaining.156 acres ; 110 acres under cul-
tivation: All good clay loam. Well watered by living
'springs. No waste land, The bush portion is prinei-
pally maple and beech. There are on the premises a
new bank barn 60x46.5and two log houses. This pro -
petty -will be sold on reasonable terifis. Possession
given. For particulars .apply to ,
. M. LOUGH, alanager Molsons -Bank, Clinton;
March 13 1882.
Executors' Notice.
A'L.Person§' having' a )37-elaimit against ,the Estate
. of William.Wild, -1§te of the ,township .of Tucker -
smith, are requested to thinl to*thp, undersigned 011 or
before • the lsr. DAY OF AT NE NEXT, :the -particulars of
their claim, hi detail, giving dates, items and amounts,
iiecornpanied by statutory declaration 'verifying the
correctness of such Claim andparticulors, and all ;per-
sons indebte* to the said Estate are requested' to
make immediate payment. And .further, take notice
that after the lstday fie the undersigned will, pro-
thed to distribute the assets in their hands; having' re-
gard' only to Snell Maims as, -have been proved before
them,: Dated "at'Ilie-town of Clinton this 2I5t day of
. JAMES TwiTciti4..r.,,'- '
NATHANIEL C,OSENS, 3. ss,sII s-7, s
'Mtireh 21, 1882. '• - Clinton F. 0: '
. '
Platform Scales
R. M. RAdErSi
USE. the-11E1413Y _CLIMAX-
, KING ro00s, •
For Horses, Cattle; Colvs, Sheep & Pigs.
FINE Measure of this.; Food given to milch Cows,
kliMiced with their ordinary food, ivill -increase, the
quant tY and quality of Milk eue quarter. It is a sure
preffentatiVe from hog cholera. Those are facts worth
remembering. . Tryit 2nd he convinced. We throw,
outthese facts into the 'hands of the public, with the
full belief that it will stand on its own merits. "
T. Iias no superior for fattening stock.
2. Has no soperior.for putting, and keeping ,stock. of
allkinds in a perfectly'healthy cOndition.
a. Has no superior on-thiireentinent thr keeping
stoefree'frtim diseases. ,
4: Hifi siiperionas a food
" 5.• Has no:superior for milell cows, increases the flow
tint' richness of the milk anm quarter.
6.:-Has'no superior for Horses; Cattle, Sheep; Calves
. -Lambs, Pigs and ,Poultry.• . .
7: It 18 the climax of the faithful Andy', and experi-
-ense.M yeara in testing,end combining a -food suitable
to the ,nature and constitution Of all kinds•M stock,and
we now present this 'food -to. the' public, under the
naineeif HERBY CLIMAX; RING ,OF Foons.,
TOWN CHURCHCHIMES.013iss p.ur ihneg HsCOthiTn.arttO:of 0 dj.C:78itaciholsie, CocEno :Irma: d,nac3e,la tts,
Preached in Tiverton, on SundaY, his Place before Mr. Justice Ferguson. There were
laelreirb.eAingHta.kiveinabrlyniasii;. pgre.aJoabeekdmaendu. Inhtyiortowsueanosgc:_avsse.sAonietxhaendlisert.._, crTah:rfiowriita•onpertoounde.
eiirs°11mailthse,ismuonnd.sayatmTourrnneinrg's,. nethuKI:eih". uTrulleslici; bTrhoethpelreinotfiff
feet for plff ; Farwell & ltutledge dft
then tRheisevceasoetwCaos1MborrnCeh-asPTIllitiff.
the hafeteBrinsohoony of H. proo,.assieted by Rev. some years ago married' a Miss Alexandeg:.
Canon Elwood, of Goderich, held confirm- She died about a year afpicrleistenhalpf ago. The
ation services in St. Paul's church', on had no children. &due time previous to her
Sunday evening about -twelve being con- vdeeyaethd trhhenvelarnedfigthhheee vrethterl, eh'e Alex.
1VIr. T. Murch, of Holinesville,..hae been
added to the list of local preachers in con-
nection with the 13. C. Church, of this
place. He is spoken of as a person of con-
siderable ability.
Rev. Mr. Cobb preached in the Metho-
dis6 claurch, on Sunday. Though a tman
of some ability, he lacks energy,Ind a lit-
tle more life infused into his sermons
would make them much more acceptable.
Petitions, to be presented to parliament,
asking that steps be taken to preVeIlt, the
'Tinning of railvvay trains on Sunday, were
read in the several churches on Sunday,',
and very largely signed by the rnembers
A few days ago the Henson. Salt Well
company had a meeting for the purpose of
settling up their accounts and disposing
of the :well, which they had sunk at a very
large expense. They concluded to give
the well to the man who owned the land
on which it was, divide what little money
was 'left, and dissolve the company -a wise
proceeding, _Thus ende the great scheme
that was to add so immensely to the busi-
ness prosperity of Hensall. The man who
now holds the well offers it for one dollar
to any person who will bind hiiaself to
erect a block and carry on the manufac-
ture of salt, an offer not likely to be ne-
cepted -under the present depressed con-
dition of the salt interest.
Exeter, we understand, is determined to
make an attempt to raise a boona in its
midst by the sanae process, madly believ-
ing that by some better financial schem-
ing the,,,7 will succeed. It appears that the
adage a fool and his money is soon se-
parated," is destined to hold good to the.
end of time.
The Wroxeter,well, after having been
sunk over 1400 feet, and finding no salt,
the stockholders, for if they had found
salt -they would have most lilrcly , erected
it block, and thereby lost considereble
naore money. It is about time that a ces-
sation took place in the waste of money
in sinking salt wells, for nothing but loss
can be the result, either to the parties who
originate new sehenies or to.those who are
already in the business, as more than
enough wells are in operation to supply
all the salt needed in Ontario for the next
ten years, with an abundance for export
to wherever it will pay to ship it. Like
niany other 'things in Canada, ihe salt
business is under the weather in Conse-
quence of over competition.
• Clinton is becoming depopulated; re-
port says about 250 Persons left there for
various parts of the Northwest this week.
--,.9eafortli Sun. Our cotem ' must' get
considerably nearer the truth -than it does
in the foregoing; if it ever reaches " the
better land." Out of all those who left
this station last week, legs than a dozen
were really residents of Clinton, and, as a
'matter of tact only one house in town
was vacated by the exodus of last week.
ToivNs SITE% _
One of Mr. T. M. Elliott's horses died on
the cars while on the way to the weet.
, Mr. E. J. Hillwillhave three aigs taking
goods around this summer.
Mr. Geo.Thomption, of the Huron Road, has
been quite ill for several days, but we are
pleased to hear that he is recovering.
FARM SOLD. Mr. A. Goodwin of the
Maitland Concession, has eold his farm lot 77,
55 acres, to Mr, A. Beadore, for the sum or
Last week Mr, A. A. Goodwin boat a splendid
eollie'dog that he velued so highly De to lead
him telegraph to Brandon, N. W. T., to see
if it had gone off there ,with a pal ty last week.
An, individnal, who formerly lived in a city
of the United States, Wile about a little hoy
who was amused at Boeing a man and a mon-
key going around with a hand orgen, grinding
out made on the streets, and on a following
Sunday, at church, the same little boy startled
West liurop. t)orikeriativ
Johnston Selected Candidate,k
A. meeting of the Conservatives of the
West Riding of Huron was held at Dun-
gannon, yesterday' (Wednesday) for the
purpose of selecting a candidate to con-
test the riding for' the Local Iro'us-e. Mr.
F. W. Johnstonwas the choice of the
. • .
conventron, and accepted the nomination.
The Nnw ERA was therefore correct in.
predicting his nomination. That he will.
be a dead goose" is `much more than
probable. • .
sre • • -
Who will care for Gittean now!? 'Scoville has
'-a-nnounded, his withdraw' from the case, and
Gdseral Butler has declared that he will have ,
nothing to do with it. It lookelas if the ase.
tO1Bill would be compelled to argue the appli-
catiodfor a new trial himself.
New York Derhociats are said to have
come in posseSsion of information showing
that the Republicans raised a fund of up-
wards of $1,000,000 for the purpose of car -
ander, -a farm of land worth about $4,000. - -
tying New York State. in the last Presi-
It was claimed by the plaintiff that he was dental elections - The details of the ex-
penditure ar,e known, '
The Legislature of Maryland hail Passed ad -'
Act authorizing the lash as a punishinent for '
wife -beating. The practice there has become
very coalmen of late, but not as common as
it is in Canada. There may be a chance, if
ourjurists maintain the stand they have al- •
ready. taken, and the brutal pastime -will be
rendered less popular here than it ha's been
in the past. • •
unduly influenced by his Sinfe na making this
conveyance. It was shown that she wart a
very strong minded woman, one of those who
when they will, will find a way. it Wail also
contended on the part of the plaintiff that
the conveyance was made through dread of
having to ponvey.a certain portion of thhi
fartn to trustees' for school purposes, said.,
portion of land having been given by plaintiff's
father for 'school, purporress_but no deed .ac-
tually Made .ont. Mrs. Young, Miss Alexan-
der as was, died intestate leavillg two, hro-
thers, Alexander and Joh Alexander. These
brother's wereqier legaleheirs. In coMplianee
;with:the ivieh of delfeated, john. conveyed hfs,,.
,right in the property- to who 1104r,
claimed it. The action Was, brought -to set
aside- the conveyance by Chia. Young to hie
_wife, and throgeth which Alexander claimed: '
tion,_,but H Ilgirdship thought deft. might to
HiF1L rdship:dtemiesed the aption as against
Jehn lexander;ancl Alexanfler Alexander,
the latter to Isem.put into Pomo:oil/ion without
costs. Judgment not to be enteredsipori un -s
til after 'the .next sitting of the ,DivisiOnal
Court in June. ,,, The present plaintiff tO give;
seoulity that he will not out or remove tim-
ber' in th ' Meantime.' -Defendants ;counsel
asked, to h awarded son:lathing for ocCupte.'
Hoskin &'CO.,' for Riffs; 'Garrow & Pronclfoot
be aatisfied, aod the matter we.s not pressed.
. Driver va. Mitchell. -Plumb, of McCarthy,
for deft. ' the parties to this case live.near.
FordSvich. S011,03 time agh Driver entered ac-
tion against Mitchell for having' circulated a
analicions report stating that plff. was,.guilty
of indecent 'conduct. The ease was settled',
without going to court, Mitchell to pay one,
Shilling damages and costs. Plffai counsel
'entering into an agreement . that plaintiff.
-would not attack certain conveyances nutele,;(
,by Mitchell. When the costs were taxed'
they were found to foot up to nearly- $40J.
Plaintiff now seeks to have this covenant set
aside, Claiming that he did not authorise his
counsel to engage not to attack -these 'convey -
The trial of the'rnan Rolirke for the
murder Of the Mailers, father and daugh-
ter, is in progress at,,tlie Halton Assizes.
In, the, course of Tuesday's ;proceedings ,
the prisoner's confession was given in evi-
donee. He --admits having -gone to the
Mailers With the premeditated intention
of assaulting both father and daughter,
but denies that he contemplated murder.
Late and reliable information from
England Is to the effect that 'the Queen's
health, ,notwithstanding that she studi-
ously husbands her resources, is gradually
failing. This is not to be wondered at,
for on the 24th of May next, Her Majesty se-
will,be tiixty-three and though a monarch
she has not been without those trials that
tell on'the physical as well as the mental
vigbr Of a wife and mother. -
'fOrange County Master Watson of Mid-
dlesex, is credited with sayi,ng that the
Ohingemen have decided to organize for
"action in the elections, and -to Isupport
only candidates, whether Reform or Con-
siervative,' who Will support their demands. -
In case the required pledge can he obtain.
ed from neither candidate, they will run; '
a candidate of their own.
The session continues to drag, along at Ote
„taWit, the Government being exteaordinerily,
.dilatory in.bringing down the rettrint -tieees.
airy for intelligent discussion. ,' The result
will be as ustrale=at the tag end Of the session
the moot important measures will be brought
ances, and that he never sanctioned euch. 'down and rushed throegh.,..while :the mem-
agreement.- .Judgment reserved. - . 'bars arebusily engaged in pack! g their tranks,,,,
McMulkin. StslGitesowsand----Pren des --
-rfabrro---FP117-daiiierOn-, Holt and Ormeron for
DU. The plaintiff 13' usban lir. • iddfor
ssome yeara conducted a general .businesaltr
Sealorth. At the expiry: 'Of partnership. a'
Chancery stilt .decided „thsast-: Mr. McMulk in
was indebted to Itiidd in a • certain, stria. In
'order, to satisfy execUtien issued for, this mo-
ney, Ridd seized a mare and two stallions. ,
Mts. McMulkin claimed these animals aeher.
. ,
property and thequestion. to determine ware
in whom lay this -property, at the time of seiis';
lure..., It was shown , that -Mrs. McMtilkinqf
fatheri--Mr. ;Luke Beaty, of:Toronto, •tgave to
Mrs. M9Mtilkin a abort time after ,her mats -
'liege, which took.place.in 1867, a horsewhich
She had been accustemed to drive 'while 'she-
waa'yet Miss Beaty, li‘During the pattnersbip
. „ _
between her 'husband and Kidd she .had -fulls
control of this .aninuil and it was always lookss
ed upon as her private property, Her father
and, brother cenainencecl bueiness in . Seaferth'
aridsher linisbenel' went' as clerk: for them
is )
to use . her erse
carrying dithe:blisinees: Duringthis-times
her brother, with -her knoesledge .and consent
traded this horee for another and .finallY that
onefora brood, mare: This maresatad :her
•offspring, two .stallions, are the aniinsilaCen=
corning the ownership ,of which the -snit 'Wes
brought: It may be stated that Mrs. McMid;
kin permitted her husband to give a chattel
Mortgage on these animals, by this het it Wise
contended that the 'ownerghip, Passed. to
Judgment reserved.
Dockstader vis'Phippe.-Garrow, &- Proud -
loot for d'ff ; Cameroe, H-olt&Klaredron Dits
This was an action or ejedtment;frorn a_farm
on the Hdron, road, 6smileav from thdarich,
for which DeputyS,Reeve, jos. Whitely, is
agent. Judgment reserved... '
preparatory -tosthdr Jeturn to their ordinary „
This Ithod is put up 10 pegs, 10 x '25, 80 and 100 Its, the vshole congregation, as the organist start -
each bag contains an exact feeding inea,ure, with sal 1
ed the music, by asking where was the monkey.
instructions for feeding. I
A splendid assortment of
BABY ,CARR!..0.10$.:
Conarens-Council met on March 138h
pursuant to adjournment.' Members all pre-
sent. Minutes of lest meeting read and pass-
ed. Oliver Pennington was refunded $1
dog tax; he having no dog. Moved by Joe.
Our population this year 'is 4,042. The
Dominion census of last year, gives'us 4,564,
Frear. -On Monday last the fishing tug
Despatch caught off Goderich harbor and
brought to pert 2,500 lbs. Whitefish and trout.
CONTRACT. . . -Mr. Geo Graham has receive&
the contract for repairs to be effected on'
Dredge Challenge and scows, now lying at
PRESENTATION. -Miss 'Maggie Crawford',
one evening last week, WaS presented with a
valuable pair of bracelets by several of her
iriende, the occasion being her departure from
town. She hoes to reside in Clinton.
On Tuesday of last week, the friends and
acquaintances of Mr. H. C. Gilmour, to the
number of abont eighty,naet and partook of
an oyster supper which they provided for the
WbstelY, sec. by Sohn COX, that all person
as" occasion. After supper Mr. Gilmour was
r presented with a black thorn staff,48 a small
sessed for clogs, and not appealing on or be-
fore the court of revision reepecting same will
,be held responsible for said tax. -Carried.
Moved by John Cox, sec. lay Jas. Peacock,
that the auditors he
paid fear dollars each
additional , for their services. --- Carried.
Moved by James Peacock, sec.by Jos.Whitely,
that the Court of Revision be held on Friday,,
May 268b, commencing at 10, o'clock, A. M.
-Carried.. The following accounts were
paid; viz :-Chas. Lewis; repairing .scraper,
$4; F.F.I'assniore, balance on surveying, 39;$
Wm: Townsend, use df scraper, 50 cants ; A,
MeGnire, breakage of waggon in deficient
culvert,„$3 ; Jos. Miller, indigent, $10; Wm.
Collins, indigent, $1&75; John Cossexamin-
ing gravel pit, Gardners Bay, $L50; Mrs,
Jacob Miller, attendance -ori-the 'late Jacob
Miller, indigent, $i0; Auditors, $8 each,$16.
Several of the township ,by-laws having' he.
came unsuited to the present state of -the
township, the principal part of the day was
employed in amending and revising them for
publication. The council' adjourned to meet
oath() firrst Monday in May.
' JAS. PATTON Clerk.
At the ITaltdb Spring Assizes the Geasid
Jury, has brought in a true bill against
Michael O'BoUrke, for the -murder of Edward
Maher and Bridget Maher, in'the township
of -Nelson. The prisoner pleads not guiltYs
'occupations., With how much *fedora are we
governed I
Mr. Killani, in the course of his clear
and *ell -delivered speech, in the House
on Tuesday, made reference to the disso-
lution of Parliament, which was much
talked of a few weeks ago, but said that
pow it appeared, with the complications
thickening about them east and west, the
Government were afraid to dissolve and
.face the country. His remark was re-
ceived with solemn silence on the Minis-
terial side.
he representative ofroyalty cost us -
$100,656.26 last year. For lsalary,lith.es.
O'overnor-General received $43;658.63; his
(Secretary's office and contingenciesS$26,-
'999160 ; guard of honor and escort at Otta-
'443.50; fur caps to keep, the guards
arm, .$94.00' allowance, •for light and
fuel $8 000 Or $22 a.diV. • The ,gas com-
pany were paid- $1;012.10 for lighting, and
the repairs of the elegant viceregal home,- .
furniture, et., cost K5,439.50,, including
$403;56 for piano rent.- 'There, must haVe
been" plenty dfmusic. *'; •
,Laugdoii;,Shepard, & Co., the St:,Paul
men who :IaaVe , agreed to construct 500
miles of.the'L Canada .Pacific. Railway .`for
the Syndicate, are getting ready for their .
'work. BY;May 1st, they Will, want 3,000
Men and.;2,06-teams; paying a man $2 a
day, and a man with team $4.50,a'tlay.,
They state that'," 'the first 200 miles' of the ,
line is all scraper Work and casting, being
embankment averaging 12,000 clablinyards
permile. The remainder is expected to
lap similar in character." This is the.easy ,
?work for which' the people of Canada pay,
the Syndicate $10,000 and. 12,500. ,acres of'
land per mile; and when the road. is finish,
ed it wifl belong to the Syndicate. More"
;than an acre of land' ter every yard, of
earth nuived' with a scraper.. .The Syndi-
cate have the richest -bonanza of the
The Winnipeg. Free .Press ,Points Out
that therecent order to withdraw from
,hennesteading and pre-emption allthe
even nunabere,d sections'aIong "beth Sides
of the"CanadaaPacific and its branches.in
,the.Winnipeg and Nelsonville districts
Cannot fail to have a most injurious effect.
not merely retard settlement iu
tholie:districts, but will,harrass and Worry
Many intending' settlers who havealready
put in theii apjllicatiops, or have -gone
out prosPeCtiOg With, file confident .expece '
lotion of being' ableto snake lentries 011.
their return. Like a good many others, .
the'Vree. Press isdriven to wonder what.
possible nrotiv,e can have' induced .the Do- .
minion CrovernMent to take such a step; .
but after all it is no more inexplicable or,
snrprisina than many other orders issued
bytheDepartment of the Interior about •
Northwest lands.
While the beet men in the Reform ranks
are being chosen as Candidates by the Reforni
electors, and the nomination's are readily ac-
cepted,; such e man as J. J. Hawkins is noon-
nated ia_Bdthwell by the Conservatives,r and
ha. despair. the ,,Tories of Lenox beg the inter-
ferenceof Sir John 4. Macdonald to keeiathe
county out, of thecontrol of Reformers. Dr.
Strange gives, up North York, and Mr. Me- .
Dougall iagoieg to' Manitoba, and abandons
Halton. Mr., McLenen will not run in Glen-
garry, Mr. Carling intends to clesert.London
and take refuge in the Senate: Dr. Orton flees
to the northwest, leaving, Centre, Wellington
to the foe,- and ISIrs-Drew ascends the Bench
to eecapa the dangers of. tinother:election.in,
North 'Wellington. Let Reformers push • on s
their columns now, makil their noininatiotts,
and ',revise the electors' lists, and if Sit Charles
Tupper ventures to take the .field and try hie
chance in June, Ontario Will giVehirri a lesson
whieh will serve hirn'for the remeinders of hie
natural life. -,-Globe. '
token of the respect in which he WW1 held by
the community in which he has resided for
over 30 years. Himself , and family leave
next week for the north west.
CORRECTION: -A paragraph appearing --two
weeks since °stated that Mr. Cartwright had.
threshed 34 bushels of clover in a certain
time. It ehould have been 231
A CURIOSITY. --Last Thursday a covr be-
longing to Mr. W. Morris, lot 34, llth eon.
of Idullett, gave birth to a Very peculiar look-
ing creature. It was a Calf with two heads, ,
in which were four eyes, but on Which there
was.only two ears. In all other respects the
*calf was well-fortned. It was alive when
born, but died immediately after.
The death of Dean Graesett; of.Torteeto, re-
moves one who has occupied a prominent
placein the Church history of Canada fora
generation. He was noted for'his piety, and
• wars a leaderin the Evangelical Or Low
Church party: ,
Roddy,whewas-,itarerited at Lond'
on Ont.,
on eurmicion of Murdering hieemployers has
been released on his own recognizance to an-
passemyeMonday next. The evidence against
him is veryweak,and the elute appearelikely
to fall through. °