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TON -NEW Elan;.
RSDAY, 111ARCII 10, 1882,
.UOtU1X lil�Atiyx>`�.
MR. C. COATES; now with Messrs. Do-
herty & Gibbings,-nest week resumes his
former situation with Mr. S. Davis. He
is a good and efficient salesman.
IT IS reported that Mr.al,. Owens, for-
merly of Morris, who went west several
years ago, has sold his farm in Manitoba
for $30,000, and purposes returning to
Huron to reside.
BusINEss CHANGE. 'Mr. Chas. - How-
son, of Wingham, son of Mr. Jas. Hew-
son, of this place, has just disposed of his
livery business to Messrs. Black. "Char
ley's steps will be turned westward:- "
THE arrangements between Messrs. I3.,
Stevens and J. Scott, to carry on the busi
, x ess lately transacted • by McCartney,
Thomson & Scott having fall tlirongh, it
will be continued by Messrs: -Thompson &
MAP OF THE WEST Parties wishing
to consulta map of Manitoba and the en-
tire northwest territory, will find -one--of
the latest issued, at the NEW ERA office.
, It shows the land 'as'surveyed into 'sec,
tions and townships.
SOLD OUT.—We understand that Mr.
Wm. Bingham, formerly of this place, but
who recently moved to Richmond, Mich.,
has sold out his farm there, and purposes
removing to the northwest. Mr.Bingham
had better move back to Clinton;: *'here
• he could end his days in; peace and 'Com-.
fort, for he is too old to undertake the
hardships incident to life in the far west.
CnECKEES.—Mr._ Wiley concludedhis
checker tournament at Seaforth on Mon --
day night. He played about 150 games,.
losing but one with Mr. H. Cameron, and
about 18 draws. Mr. Bonet' Campbell
played three .games with him on Monday,
two of which he lost, and the third,,. last-
ing two "hours, was a draw in favor -of Mr.
FLATTENED Our.—The other day an.
agent for one of the many town sites (on:
paper) in Manitoba . was talking of his
town, in the Rattenbury bar -room, when
one standing by remarked' -"why there
isn't a house in the town or within twenty
miles of it." The agent did not dispute
the assertion nor did he further expatiate
upon the merits of his_town.
STILI'. ANOTHER. — Mr.Wm. White,,
who has been a resident ,of this place JO
about 8 years, leaves in a few 'days for
Winnipeg, where he has ".accepted the
position of manager of the :hardware -'es-
tablishment of Stevens & Wells at a good
salary. The firmwill find Will "A:No. 1
in all respects, being thoroughly posted in
his business,and one in whom_ they can
place the utmost confidence.
BITTEN. -On Thursday" a dog was acci-
dentally left by its owner in the store of
111r. J. Cuninghaine, artd wishing to get
• out, it jumped into the large show window
and was about to go through ` one ,. of, the
panes of glass when Mr. Cuninghame
caught it, to prevent it, but instead of
grabbing it by,the-.nape of .the neck, he
took hold lower down, when the :brute:
turned and severely bit him twice on the
ACCIDENT.—Last'w eek Mr. E. Hull Met
with an ugly accident: Mr.Emerson,buteli-
er, was driving a cow down the rbad,. but
the brute persisted in running away, when
Mr. Hull came to his assistance and tried
to stop it by catching the rope attached to
it. The cow ran at him..,withfloWeyed
horns, lifted hili into the ai "- as if. hehad
been a small boy, nncLin 1Sis descent -he fell
directly across,thi cow's back, and then
to the,ground, when the furious animal
tried" to hook him. His injuries, though".
not serious, are exceedingly painful;. and
have laid hint up for several days..
WINNIPEG- NEWS'—•i private Ietter re;' "
.. ceiveil'here from Winnipeg; says Y,ou
may imagine how scarce ladies,'are' here
when 1 tell you that in the.Grace,Church'
choir there is not any -lady but:the,;Organ-
ist ;
organ-ist; in the M. E. Church choir there iS not
one; in the Congregational there areonly
two, and in Zion there are f®ur. There
are a great many strangers in the city, and
such numbers corning in it is. impossible
to get a place to stay. Potatoes are' $;2 a
bushel ; 10 small loaves of bread for $];
milk 10 cts. a quart, and the milkman only
.getsaround about -once a week. "Lasts' -.
Sunday,,the Ctth inst., was' the stormiest.
day that has - been experienced -here for
clay: evening a farewell supper was "given
by: Mr. Bert Pay, at the Qteen's Hotel,
to ti—Number of his friends; prior to,his
,Ikemoval to the nor'west. The spread was
iaf the eery best, and Partaken of by about
twenty-five friends of that, gentleman..
The chair was occupied by Mr. J. P. Mar-
tin, and the evening spent in the usual
pleasant, manner, with -impromptu speecli-
Saturday Mr. G. Gordon, of Colborne, at
tended the Liberal. Convention at Sea
forth as a delegate. He has resided in
Colborne for 45 years, 'but this was the
first time he was ever in Seaforth, and is
doubtful if he would ever have been there
had he went in the capacity he did.
HORSES. -- Messrs. SV. Craig, of this
place, and McKenna, of Montreal, ship-
ped a car load of horses by G. T. R.,on „Fri-
ri-clay, for. Montreal ; they were purchased
at prices kangilig from $130 to $180. On
Monday, Mr. Thompson, of :Mansfield,
'Ohio, shipped a car load of splendid . ani-
mals :by'C..IV. R., among them •tieing a
splendid heavy draught mare, bought from
Mr. Mooney, at $250. A couple of De-
troit buyers also shipped a number of fine
animals., Last week• Mr., John Shipley
sold a team of horses to an American for
$400.; Mr. Shipley has bought and sold
more horses than any farmer in this _vi-
NIGHT SCHOOL.—The night school car-
ried on by Messrs. Robb, Manning and
Taylor, is still favorably .progressing and
the attendance, is;good. As the tr draw I
to a' close, visitors are . invited to attend"
any of the classes. ` It is underst. od` that
they will shortly 'reinspected wit a view
of obtaining the Government grant. Mr,
Taylor purposes concluding his instruc-
tions to his evening class, by a number of
half -110 -hr 'lectures on physiology and'hy-
giene.: To these lectures the members of
all the "evening classes, -as well •as any
others desirous' of hearing then, are cordi-
ally invited. Subjects: -1,• the human
skeleton, 2, circulatory organs, 3, laws and
organs of digestion, 4, respiratory organs.
Commencing -Friday evening, nest.
meeting off the Directors was held on Tues-
day evening to elect a President in. the
Place of Mr. Hale, who had'resigned ;and
for general business. AA number of'nahes
were mentioned in connection with the
Presidency 'and eventually Mr. A. H.Man-
ning was unanimously ._elected.' Mayor
Forrester was elected as a Vice -President,
and the vacancy in ".the board left unfilled;
a number of accounts" were duly passed
and arrangements made- by . the annual
meeting. The directors are determined
to do their utmost to place the Institute
in a good position. At the forthcoming
public'nieeting;an effort will be made to
interest out -citizens in the work of the in-
stitution and enlist their sympathy and
aid. "
the papers contained an account ofa fear-
ful blizzard in : Manitoba,by which 'a
woman "named`
Taylor, and three grown-up
g e s
ht r, werefrozen to death.num-
z - A nu-.
ber of years ago Mr's. Taylor's father was 'a
well-to-do farmer a short distance north
of Toronto, and,;had in his employ a young
man named Stavely, who is none ' other
than Mr. JamesStayely, so long a resi-
dent of Clinton, and who is said to have
regarded the -daughter with feelings other
than those of friendship 'which However
were not reciprocated. When the daugh
ter' got" married the father gave her200'acres
of land, which, through, some mismanage
Tient, was quickly'run through; and after.
following' various callings, the family re-
moved to
e-moved"to the west, with the fearful result
above noted.
BRIErs Several persons in this neigh
hood, -Soho picked out -in Dakota
last fall,=and returned"here for.thewinter-
havehad their claims.. jumped'%'by other
settlers,'on-account of,not being,oti them'
within .the�regiii'red six months. The
•telegra"pltcompanv should straighten the
post in front 'of the B C. Church, or - it
will soon the down on the road ::_1 --rare,
well party was given M. Bert Pay; in the'
Town, Hall, -oh Friday-, evening, W1Tere:
they " tripped the light.fantrrstic'.' etc ;.till-
a late. hour. .Messrs Oraib, Macwhlrter.•
have put up a:'set.of handsome
window blinds `!in their' store.' Windows,
they have also procured- a very large and
handsome plate glass 'mirror, :,for their.
show room, On'1'hursday night: a stone,
fired from a 'catapult,. passed through the
door window 9f:Craib, MV1'acwhi'rter &. Co's
stere; had it went a few inches• either Way,
it would have passed through one of the
plateglass windows'; "the,' boy who fired it -
had sufficient honor to go and ''aekn i
ledge it,; and pay for the` damage';'there's"
'mighty few boys would have ' done like -
Wise. • A party of five who .left; here for
Winnipeg "a coulil-c of weeks since, were
srprised to find that boarding•liouses had
been provided for all them by a friend in
that city, who had read .in the,* -ENV
of their intended departure. -Mr. John
Gorrel has rented a house in':town, where
Iris wife and family wil] reside until. he
locates in the northwest.: The husband of
Madame Georgen, elocutionist,: was here
last week, m
trying to make arrangeents
for' her to'return ;to this town, but : there.
hadbeen too many entertainments of late.
to allow of the idea being entertained for
the present,-at,least. A heavy snow storm
set in oil Sunday,• and continued part 'of,
Monday, making sleighing a bare possibi
lity;'as•a"result thereof considerable pro
duce, wood, saw -logs, etc., was hurried.
in, but "the sleighing.has• all gone again.
Robins are chirruping, crows cawing,'
and other overheadindications declare the
approach of spring; but cold nights and
saow.on the ground rather weaken one's
faith in these'" spring -indicators." Door:
and corner signs appear to be all the rage
here; 'Craibn .IvIacwhirter & Co's and
Moore & Sharrnan's being the latest ad-.
ditions. Aman, standing "on" the.,market
on Saturday had his face badly cut 'by a
"chunk of falling ice." A chimney .on .fire,
in •a" small house, on Monday,: set some
woodwork on fire, and threatened the de-
strnction. of the. house, but the neighbors
soon put it out. `' Wood has been in good,
demand' on 'the market" of" late, ,' :,Messrs,
Pay & Wiseman this Week received a car
load of butter tubs A'large and'destruc-
tive fire , occurred in Winnipeg;:' on the
loth instant, destroying, among the other
pl'aees-of business, that of Adams &. Son,
tailors, the principal: of which : firm was.
formerly -i -n business at Goderich, and.with
whom Mk. Will Smitlr of this place,
-now employed. Miss'Duncan,and Miss.
Patton, have rented the rooms over •the
store of S. Palliser. & Co. to , be used as
dressmaking ' establishment. The fall
wheat is all right: No fault can'belfound"
With the weather, for it embraces'allyar' -
eties. The exodus west does not affect
Clinton anything like as"tittd its it does,
'other .places 11Ir: J. Mackid; formierly. <if
this place, is an applicant' for the store -in
the town- hall, The. local 'House of Com
mons still 'flour`isheth: ' , -
s, &c.
ON TUESDAY evening Mr. ,Tas. \IcOar-
tney was entertained by a number Of his
friends, at an_oyster supper at the Com
inertial Rotel, prior to his departure to
the northwest. The supper, although but
little time had been given for getting it
u p, was in•frier,d Moore's well-known first
class style, and was partaken of by' about
forty persons. Mr, Thos. Jackson was
appointed chairman, and right well did he
discharge the duties thereof. Referring
briefly to bis own visit to Manitoba; he;
ISpoke of tbe courtesy of the people of Win-
gaipeg to strangers, the advantages there
for men of sushgand.energy, and the:suf-
Aciency of work for all who wanted it,
notwithstanding.newapaper reports to the
contrary. After,drinking the usual loyal
toasts, that of•"OurGnest"was drank and
fully responded;to by Mr, McCartney, The
:following toasts were also briefly respon-
ded to in their order "Manufacturing in-
terests" by Messrs, Small and Thomson.
'Mercantile Interests." Messrs. Wm. H.
Ransferd and T. Fowler. "Educational
Interests" by Messrs. Roche'• and Floody.
"Mechanical Interests" by Messrs. John
Scott, W. Muir. and G,. Tedford. " The
firm and their • employees," by Messrs,
Scott, & Thornpson. ," The lathes," by,
_Messrs. J. Cele, T. I owler,; and W.E.
Cartwright: Songs were interspersed' by
Messrs. Bennett, Carling, Chuff, ;Droll,
Cross, Cole, :Fisher and Siddell, which 'ad-
ded much in making the oceassionione of
the most"phasaot .if: the many herd in
'this place;
dies Rirnisbio
On account of succeeding to the Clothn • busi-
us-ness. so successfully. carried'on by my father for
the past 28 years, I have decided .to retire from
theLadies. Department Furnishing, De g p , and now
offer the entire,stock
The stock consists of al magnificent assortr Bent
C S•
And FANCY GOODS, of every . description.
Our KID_ GrAvE stock is one of thefinest in the co>.lnty,
See our finestock of Ladies nd Children's HOSIERY, sell-
i"ng less than" cost prices.
Stock' must be closed out in four weeks.
]C�=IfL�Tr] N
Everybody .•in .business is anxious to -"get on,''
to make -money, to build up a good connection,
to have something
substantial to show for all -hi
trouble, expense, care and painstaking:- A great
man rw-ith all their efforts,LG fail. Why," there
may .. be fiftyreasons.
e are making a grand success in our
See them.
Juts, bpPned.
4TM1!! roil s
Stands for ALLEN'S, all sorts and tip,, top,
To'be'had very' cheap at Old Curiosity 'Shop.
Stands for Boy- comincr in on, the hop;"
To buy lIarbles and. - Toys ;at Old. Curiosity Shop.
Stands for Cu5':CoMLRs deiicsllted they 0'0
For they, purchase sp cheap .of I3., Foster & Co.
Stands for DlsAI,ERS all crying''" Oh C`Oli !"
Tee cannot eoimpe c with I Foster SL Co.,
For that firm.sells' iso. utterly, utterly low.
• (Metre patented." To be continued.)
---- 0
ecia ties isel1/ee
13 IT110011 HOU11{S, by A. McAlpine -. vii ,tor
2ncl edition, bound similarly to 1st, T 4(,,1 -1,4s,,
Life an . , ilr° r ,idyl's,
� S ecc��es oi.�__: Illoio. < ��� � . .
By Hon. A. Mackenzie. Price $1.00;.
• ld "' Curiosity ' Record of. Great Events.'
�-: � Y Shop s .
Thtirsday23—Canada annexes the, United States, 1890. Bun-:
'' ster elected"first President. • .
-Friday " 24 Great Boat Race on the Bayfield River at 'Clin-
• ton," 1885", , Hanlan beaten.
Saturday 25—Annual meeting ofbAntiCov Society - .1
The cow's .feelings hurt.
Sunday •,.26 -Three new Churches opened in• Clinton, 1900.
Monday '�=A..Goderich lawyer ,accidentally, told the truth;,
1;883. Is kicked out of the"profession therefor,
Tuesday 28—Seaforth burnt up. Loss.. $ 500, ` insurance, $700.
(More 'next 'week) '
6i OL.® CIfRic siTY SHOP!,99 •OL INTON
are now in receipt of a por-
tion of our ` S,.prin,. Stork
consisting of
pieces of CANADA 3 WEED.'
pieces of SCOTCH TWEED.
�hicl� are MagnifieenL Goods.
Order' .your...p S rl-n Suit . NOW to 'avoi E: a Nus g
c C-