HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-16, Page 84
Ir I , -�/ i
: 1. �, '7 L
- � , -'7' �"_ '. I �
In the
. _ I before Ji
. . Smith at
. � for eim
i, � assiguiad
law. S1
�� I . � . the suit
k, , , I '
; I summed
" �, ,
,., . � Sit i
.. Iff 11 ly
I ']
'�, , . The
, . .1 (
I .
. . say!
� I � . It(
, . But
i . B(
�, I , At
. .
I , "'
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I --� %N h(
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- - _ I'l
& We
, YE
.. I � .
. . . Giv(
I. . f
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- - The� ji
1, I .
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- __ diet for. t
I .1
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1 Same i
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h�� ... . ..
�`. �.
" 7- -MZ�lits7ijj
. . I I
"V &,',.'�'A
, �
�" I., "C
rent won
, �
74R,�,,,I'�;: I
,,, -
a party (
1111y. - .; �,.
, 1i
. , �,'.' ". -
p? .
of Mr. It
�,*.%"2.1 �
- 1. �.
claims f o
` ,
, `_
�- hill! to si
, -
"' I .
. .
poses as i
. . . . . .
that fron
�1111_ I.,
I mu2t be,
� . which in
- I
� separate
7 -
room in
System, f
exist, lieE
�, . . � .
with whi
. . ,
. the wireE
I .
. . - 7 -
-almost i
.-:,...- _.
1- - loss -of P(
4 .
I with wa
51' .
pipes, hn
of the. sy
he desire
. I
given wit
! ,
other man. As inlows one hundred Latter
I ir,
. .
through, t
sary to a
.; ,
. building �
I .
I convey tl
-,the grour
� it would
� 1,
One, thousand Pounds of ., niiro-gl�&�rine
biplo'ded, killing four men and blowing the
. .
more On ,
.had been with the Hairisonesince Septem�
I in turn w
to. dodge� will be Played, upon, the
I to each sf
. �
1 Lant, hwgtow tt,ftery �ed,. I some thirty or forty cats were iii possession
. I
his gallantry, � of the r6om' S. �
d, I to I
made on , ,
I action Of
- I
'face of the Sun, but in 'relation
� which tfii
. .depends,
,� � �
. single Rai
� . , ,. gineers lately visited the neighborhood of
� . - - I
ply an. ini
pounds of, fl%g-entg have been found., The'
lamps we
fact, though the' tell us'in the ne
from six
been affected, E qi& She � had. frequently
askedthe easkest way j Commit Suicide.
such that
. I cistern sii
squeezed her w 11 for woe or weal- I
i inclined to tihn('kfor woo, si�s, . . Government, who it`is� Said;. are, going to
This, it a
� .
man,� unknown' ' but Supposed to'be Joseph
and not a
I .
. problem
� must 0 I � all, ana'a'gepa actress.', Her parents,
.live in.CAU916tud.. ,The CoT"pa,Dy�, .did not'
. L 111. '. �
. electribiw
. I
� I was also I
.. -
. B arker's:
. -
by water
. .
trived as
. .
quence a. -
le iff for 1; ofhiindredstwo-'L� ,A new phase in 11 Moonlig ht'.' raiding
p1sint' . I 1, ,. . , I
� � I
;. , ha;6�lcome light. few, nights Since
electric cu
An E4
. willian
. 1. who is Ul
� . murder (
. . . New Yorl
. by the vif
I mind in -
York Sun
. *TO THE'
. day whetl
grant me
40% a new tric
. . death wai
I � the Tomb
I . I suppose,
� . me the fol
. -You .feel,2
I . did you lit
� wish.the 4
1 tence,?.. -T
I God ? . T(
I . interview]
answers t(
I , 1. I fE
. . does wber
. 2. No.
1- . sentence c
, 11 � . 36 Hav
11 getting a
I consequen
Ail tbatiI
I fore, beBii
1 . hard boile
. I
1. -, -liver an (I ,
.... . , �
. � 4. As '
. , peacewitl
, is nobod `
I Now, if
. I up his mit
bewaro of
Eons to in
I One Of t
" ganese brc
. 7�_per cen
.:_ ganess. 9
P the streng
weight ; a
tained, thi
freedorn fi
"also Clain
has securt
. of Speed 0
. but if it (
form aaw(
. a largo-gE
, �
. A Strt�
Reablies (
died in C
early part
pimple al
which, it,
shortly; I
it began
Serious 6
'. '
in one of
reached hi
..shortly di
Dr. V
,never fail
point. '"
) . brains to
I -W-48 Con�
.....Py saying
I r -;i
I � -
� I . I
, .
V-11 __ - I- 4 _a _t 10 Q 0 1 L aittest Irish Nt,�Ws- ' - ,
C-11 1_6,18821� 1 .
� � . I
I '_ .
_ I � i I
I . .
� , .. �
I I � . ! . . :'' . , I I 4
, : ,,, . .
Ati ,,, ':
� -1POPU16,i1 STIltex
� , �
- : � . . - - I I
'. 1. i I '
.. � __ -Sm,01 ontinfies . -
_�� __ - . -pox c � to incirease,ju Bel
, 129
I I Irth
Alice Wright guicid"itis From a FOV
Story Windo _-Zillhin 'Cleves
J � M .
I , I I �
I .
� I
Four Men Blown, into Eternity
� .
I . I I I
I I � - L ' . I
I I �
Bri2�iam Yonn All to b6'
Rev. C, A.. John shows, a
: Bola.
I .
� . 100,31ove.$,
� .
i fast. ;: Dur ing a h recently cases
, I I
i-octical A dArem to a Jury.'. I : were under' tre= in t
. I , . I I he hospital, of
Whipped and Denounced .by Mei
I , - �
. . � I . �,_. �
. I � 1
. by Glycerin .
�- . - �, e
- ,� I I ,�� 9 W g6d
* L, ,,
� yet: Aliveo. - ,
_ � I 4 .
- The'followind extract is from
"hirty � patients
Brooklyn City Court on: Tuesdayi the Union �Woik-house; ,t
Age Reynoldgaud a jury, Lizzie H, Were admitted I dUring the ,Week, and thr_ee
,,, Musband. ,�.
A Cleveland, (Ohio) despatch, dated
I �
. � : . I
� i I . 1,
: r � , 1. I .
. I I � ! '
� I I . I �
. � : . - 7 ,�.�,
I - - ; I 11 I
i - I I � �
' Popular Astronomy
-Jobngon$A I . .
. last number of the.British Lw?z :
ed'Jeremiall Lant, her son -m' la'w, died., - . . - � I
Saturday' says -, Alice Wright, o
� I
I i - � � I
Scientists tell! us.that upon I
I -
0 damages for assault and battery. . The �Ist Battalion Nbrthumberhm.d
it lie a his duties Fusili,r, And ist Battalion King's Light
s playing, -with, Harrison's
actres I ie Academy'of,MuSic in this
Compsny,'attl I 1 ..
I � I .
- I I -----*.- . �.
. � I _� � I
I O�Aeu, March 4--A Mormon, who is not
a �polykamist, visiting here, is reported
,the sun through� &,telescope hAvin
glassed at numbeir of dark spbtsa
I . I
,copptable'aud. ,
. i I 1.
him to dispossess, his mother -hi- , ,
. jfifautry (Shropshire, Regiment 8
-1 I
city, throw from a fourth StOrY
window of the, House at 5.30
A Powder Faelo yl,mlown up�-Suppoqcif
t 11 I V
- -1 I I
siyifig,&beIievps Brigham Young is Still,
1. I
� . I I I
seen upon its surface ; if these
I . I �
repeatedly the I
a says he.wed violence, and hence
� , been ordered to return .. from
- 'to 1,,I,,.l
,. Mr. To�wns. for the ,plaintM ' ' on North Lan-
, England. The-Ist Battali .
and wagiristantly killed.
this.aftern6= I �. It
ShewentIo1he"botel- AfteA -Play'lug At t e
-ILons i . I
-' , . �.� � a I . -
' . I I
A: sPecial despatch to TifiEs from
alive. e I
�1 saw a�body, supposed to be that
Of thellormon, 1patler, and w I hilo L it in
. I I I � light
I � I willbe
to be stationar .
- � I I . k on the sun's disc
upinverse,thus: ,
I _ , cashire Regiment returns from 'Ireland to
I - . I __1r,
� I , �� . 1.
dleavingherwra Inherroorn
� matinee, an, , , - fa .
Detroit -to'�day (Friday) says : An �.explo-
. I
have borne aeligl�trcBemblanoekpBrigham
. �
Young, it 'Was reality that of some
period of time,norto remain of �
shape,-butto`vary their position
uk.LauttoRly$.�w: � -, - I I ,�
I . I I Aldershot. , ,
�vprocoss of replevini 11 � . I �
� ildly igh -miss Kortright'I'ately brotighi. suit iilm
be hall to -it wind9w,opeum
walked down -It] I I � 11 1, 9
I . R,� moment'13h,esitai.idy she
After i
sion occurred ,at, the Lake Superior Powder
I I .. ...
COMpany'S ' "
Igitro-Glyoerine -near
! ,
other man. As inlows one hundred Latter
or e
'traCt niarge. -and At, times �
wo goods wh you possess . .
Dale to take, by heaven."-. � . Superior Court at', Westmemill,.1reland to
I . ; . I � . I
,on a court., �
deliberately leaned over the sash, let go her
I . ,Works
Marquette yesterdaj,'. , The, re t was the
� par
*�aost,tprrificofan�.everrheard;th(iroa ' -
D4 Saints who Also failed to recognize the
body as, Young's. i He heard Young often
to disappear, WIlile others b
-in, Places where. :none before
� I I recover, from the_06uhteps De la,Torre
�uc: "I hate: all bother in law; I . I , . � I
headlong to ills dabble-
hold and plunged .
� I boiltJ3.
predict be shoulh be'keaut'rected from tile
The result Of the"investigatiori
3jatyou--�why, call't.' .. : possession, -of her hotiso,wth arrears of
I aw; . ed tha�ith furniture
lon't keep atyoLr mo�fibr-iu-1 � rent..� Cbunsel."stat a
. , '
i ,tons pavement fifty, feet belowi dashing out
. ns. The actress w Boict, find
,he, hii6i . as.17 year
� 1,
One, thousand Pounds of ., niiro-gl�&�rine
biplo'ded, killing four men and blowing the
. .
dead i he believes ' I I e crisis
.11,44 tlia,t L when t1l
�tlbeir affairs the Mormon's resur-
,It,= "
subject is the Solar sp t , , , , , ,
a s are Bupp
spaces, or. 6p,eni nge through' th�
gal_laut as well its Lunt"% I � was not sufficient to distrain. upon, but that
: L I
I I .
.had been with the Hairisonesince Septem�
contents, in
. d su#oundingB into
to. dodge� will be Played, upon, the
matter, exposing to,�i4w portions
. �
1 Lant, hwgtow tt,ftery �ed,. I some thirty or forty cats were iii possession
. I
his gallantry, � of the r6om' S. �
d, I to I
her lagt_:� She cam a .from Engiana .With
t he Galvfllff,golly Company a � year before.
-as a in
I I . Trees as 11aige an's body
Standing near were, Cut down like gr ass.
�gaora.!,t I superstitious and , fanatical
- I
'face of the Sun, but in 'relation
. � �
.1 I -
�.. S=�by ..ok hot,
:h �head . An ' longing to the, I I -
d hurled her from the pantry. -officer be loyal I n
n ck, with
A few months ago she was taRe i si i '
Of, the fo r'men killed only.abo�t I
U __@u
L �
. arm . Oeoplo; � Ad asserts that with dolij.
plete orgi Lriiz�iion and secret I workings of
haV�g perpetual in I
. ;�,V
gelitlebaen are not prepared to a
� . , ,. gineers lately visited the neighborhood of
� . - - I
t�phcidj6ver.-. Since, then her, mind
I � I
pounds of, fl%g-entg have been found., The'
the church it wouldL be easy to keep loun 9
fact, though the' tell us'in the ne
- I
-ms,of-bh� O'Neal J, � .
the di , , I Sligo '!or the purpose, of ,inspecting an'
3 fell, by tant flaid low, s1rd` . ItI'L, , tion of t
; - on he harb6k,for the
been affected, E qi& She � had. frequently
askedthe easkest way j Commit Suicide.
killed are Charley Hatch, 'Peter Doyle,
I -HermanExtrom andone man,a Cornisb7
concealed almbst� any length.of time. It is
� � I
Ahat such of'�ffie!gpotB as remain S
for 9, eouSideiabI6' " _� have
squeezed her w 11 for woe or weal- I
i inclined to tihn('kfor woo, si�s, . . Government, who it`is� Said;. are, going to
. �
She, was a, brJght and pretty- girl, a fine
� .
man,� unknown' ' but Supposed to'be Joseph
a retired army, offic;er xti'ho Was
on tlidmost intimate terms with You I rig,
motion, Apparently aor'osav"the'-s
. . . , I , form a convict settlement� there. The
, I
,sl- ofyou, uow,� gentlemen, ,, officer 'reported ' 'most � favorably of -the
� must 0 I � all, ana'a'gepa actress.', Her parents,
.live in.CAU916tud.. ,The CoT"pa,Dy�, .did not'
. L 111. '. �
Olefise. None of the killed were married
mefl,� iinless. it inay be thelast mention6d.
' . 1. .
asserts that th6 ,alleged remains did not
bear the ieAi3t resembl L 6e to Young., :
yet they claim that the Sun does
, how absurd i6thi& declaration 'f
sw,orn men of.tbejury,J ,. � � , I
Mi�. Smith ofibundr6dB ten I � . 1proposed glia; which Will. be- at' oyster.
fury. I . . 161mindi and the 'Work wii� J� , commenced
I I ".1 . I
play to -night. ' "
- ' ATamestown (N.Y.).desb.atch dated. sa.
- �
The CO&S
`cause is of e unknown. The Joss
-of property is estimated at �5
- - - 1. . I - I I
I I I I 11 I- I � I
, . .
I , I I I . - �
learned gentlemen;. they,sho
I ,
that the 'riaotion �
L, Mr.`Lant's mad I . ,
. . I . I I . , . .
. � I 1�� ;
Lry. retired, and brought in a �er- immediately. , - . , .. I &
-the I tNew
, Itirdayeays: LilliauLC16vegplayed ,
' ,000.
, Runrtull'T,. Ma a. * March 7 -Two build.1
, IS I , , . L"
tlllm N
. , .
, ,. . i
I I -_ -
of the " � Bp
only. arise 'from the otatibn'of
le iff for 1; ofhiindredstwo-'L� ,A new phase in 11 Moonlig ht'.' raiding
p1sint' . I 1, ,. . , I
� � I
;. , ha;6�lcome light. few, nights Since
- here in Allau7s Opera ouse
I Magdalen " se. After the� enter.
last night t6a fait ho.,u ' I �
Mpa t
of,t,he AmericanPowd6r C6 ny a .,
"ITS n e3 ,
. Act. :ploded this mar , h
.. rung wit 'a !ter-
. I
Mason's 1 I�Ounsel 3iitkes Eloquent
I I I ,. � . - ,
Lon ]FlKlsBehn1t_T
- Appeal h "Case i b
t6n� Ili. L .
L , IS Axis, which^ -is, said to,
twerity-five. days and eight hours,
. � . , , . 11 ,to .k
.- . I I L � I . ..
. .. ., I- three g%ii4ily dressed warrielf, Closely veiled
t *nment, she wanted .to go -to see her
&I 1 1
Afic crash. There is� b
.1 . - ba ly a loss of life.
,pro �
� i .1 e a e
I Decided b fkcn,B.6UcOck. - �
Spots, upon the.surl'Berve to mark
t,ECWRIC 1 CASWEMNS. , - . �
� I .. - ,, � ! ;_ and accompanied by a man, drove in a
. I . = I � I
veher:. She,' a native of
parents, who li 0 is
0 St.
Jamestown.,,� I ler husband, RicharaF9 t-
N . .
". a particulars. : - I . . .� . .
� I . 11 I I . �.: . . .
I _
. I' 'y i , � i '' L . .. I
. A yeSterday's Washington dbspatch s�ys:
of this rotation i�
. -1 ,. they prove that
I 11 .
be Supplied 6bver6d'car to the bongos of 9everal tenants
Electricity , May I .
1�ilce Water" anti 6ivs. i on the, C DaStlemartyr Property of* ]Lord
, , : L ,
g away,
Objected 'to her-- gom . ". Called', her.
� I .
her dii the
I I I . � - . I � I
� , ,. . 1. .
, - A' OINAI-es, SUICIDE �
` ' � � w '� , ,
- the � i
- In the Mason �Court4rtartial,, risonot
warited,io make '��statem'ent,� b Ut when
I aroundbody, !qras�ot mAkes,it
ance on the voesiern edge of the Wui
. I L I
. � I I " � .Pliannon, and tbreaten6d.them with dread7
x , i
e ' -
� People lOw-lived, and gtr� u-ck.
street. He ceased, his ��ouglmess, but'
. .
' I I " I I . I .
She �' Thames
Uer� 'Ove'
. told that! it must' be' recorded a eclined to
1 '
� line which �r�duillyij4creaseg in b
at�r6�ting'�a�,cl,"siie,c,3�sfuI Pon- Ill .-
.-ftil 6onieq6rices if t ey paid-itbeir rents�'
the subd i �ision of ,th�e! e - " "' , �, I I I � I . ,
I ,, � �� our, .
A tenaht-farmer� r4iding at Tulcon, near
, .
� talked very loudly On' their Way ,to the
-Th elf.
. B "' a
. rows
BrIdge-Hir It"Ab.nd .Jump's After
I . . .
' "
� do so. The Ju dgb Advocate had nothing
it approaches the Centre.' Now, I
these scientific gentlemen how ca
,,,= I �
shown on Monday I n'to Robill,.whoba'd Iatbly�been served,with a
I who.vigited the works
Sherman HOUSe.L A�Xiving fit their ';Oqul�
irf the hotel, the bbIl , i for, room � 11 ,
, . �
., 111cri-but Shels Dyowned. L. . '� . - : I
- .. ... .
to Say inithe opening.'aiguntent.. , The pri-,
Sorter's courisef.' addressed' the r
cot' t*
revolve,; which they adroit it does
it. for n6ri-payment of rent, reported, to
igers, of.Farringtou'Street. Mr. R'. Wr ,
I the constabulary, that a few nights previ.
� ,, .
ra,ng loudly, and sobp after were hear
' . 'men i
1-'d6Bpatcb from' London, ,dated last,
- �
fl(-S�unday) night, Says!- Mrs. Thomas -Ward,
1 � I . I �. � -
Bi�elow',J'in addressing,the 'court in iiel�ilf
' I aimed that the.evidence
of ih6i,piison6r, Of '
move ? What,nonsense is th
that the',`SUU ,d6es not mo�e, when
- his inve twit that it will enable
4 , , armed -and
ously� a party of.over fifty me I a, ,
pply electricity for dorneetic pu'r- � I I Stance,
cries for help.. Seven. or, eight
a t om, burst', open
thie. office rushed t . I
s, young m.arried woman, drowned herself,
established the � fact that at the time -the
: establislied fact Ah6t the -sun' a
I -
Another Startling thaco�ery sciSill
rater andgas�a=1stiPpJied,ana , disguised, visited his his ab
the door, and'pulled Foote out of the room-,
y leap.ing from -an. abutment
1, this morning b� . �
Blackf ' -into
'shot is' Allbg4 to, have been fired itwas too
, � I
. el . Ain " h ..
2 'recently to ave -
. I � . , , L I
. a cistern, to � tbd ourreul' placed his Wife on her knees and compelled
� . , 'Aer to sweakthat all,the goods andehattels
onducted by the mairt �Vi rei .
who'thenoall6d Lillian Very abuSive names . ,
." had
'Land also. Stated that thi6ugh'her he '
of riars dam the Thames. Sh'e.,
� 11
. �
had, previouBly - suffered .from, -temporary
.dark for! the,'pi a ner a ve fired with
I i O" t 'ha
any - .
�'degr Ce: of, �Tgclgiort at Any parti
., L 'b
that they, ha�,6 discovered,
. .and
� . d to a Kas� meter,' Id be removed.off1he farm 11�th6 salme
,yba compare 6ing.11 He'alsoUated that
N Were a
WA $175 00 ' P.' She had left him'dight after
in"nity, and, 011ce before attempted suicide
1, M Clarke's Bridge-41ei I married life Is
I i - �
, object.. �, L He -"cited precedentg-. to. B w�
� that � "
Of.the spectrCecope" thb,l
i . surrounditig the -sun 6
, ,
y a %1�ers .
wires may be carried -to ever' � ,,,
n 11 ,, �
'house. The novelty of the" the p,. T,ty.. fired Several. a ots., �'-
I.. . ,.
might; .ha'd stabbed hini. t*i6o�Li5nce in the
. I
I bad'
arm and once in neck;. be lost his
I �,
said to It
have.bee'a an� unhappy'6ne. � I lact,
a� man � L
I - - , , .cannot'�1-r';'be legally
. . Y
held td1ave committed a '
- ri� act,which. the
: I 11
- f ., � ' from bur 6A
many 0 the metals
% - � ' L
)r_other wbtlir,ds 'of gubdivis - A )� t from KiIdysart says : NoticeJ
ion' , , .
.th6 �
� nd could'stand it
repiltatio 32 through hot, a �
her wedding tooli pi e -in ,the.. jail herej
-on. -
I&* believes to be'legallk impossibiG of
11 I I � .
as Jron, nickel ,� sodiu , cilbitful
'_ . L P .. .in
maganese,,maganesiurri, ifud byd
in tha'- eas'a` a;nd Completeness, werepop%Zq on the dead "lls of,lKilmurray
11 - ..
the is distributed . biver and Mullagli threateiling� 'the 'Jariners,
- 'I Uger.":Thetroubl at
e seems now to be
no 0 L F' )ok;one room an �
cote tc d Lillian
where, hot husband was confined a
� '
Charge of supplying drugs to at3complish Ali
,commission. Bigelow.ptlt,lu a,,plea
� I 11 -
"atifin of a POBSi ble adverse jadgmqnt.
.Wh on
at' ai.w :derful dWovery 11
�h curr6tlt - �L I
under, pain I ef . death, not to allow their
, and in thhjact thai,it isreudered � 1� - i
an end. -
aiioth6n . Talie it'altogether, the general
, . .. L'.
.unnatural crime, and-', his maifiage with-
�,He' spoke -of the. univei8al. Indignation
have madel Indeed,, these ficts
� .
beli because
eve Allese learnedl�
ifinitely .divisible.,Mtfio' ' axri'ed Under Any circum -
1 Ut much. children to get, in
- - 4 town -Cannot be .Eitances-,i;ntil:th�4.)TORt4r.,g..,.�eleased. If,
wet. supplied-
. . I I I
opinion seems to be thati, the Woman wanted
I to to See her And Foote was at a
herwagthe.Conditioni61 his,role4se.- On'
15atutday Mrs.- Ward ilhatedat'suicide, On .
. -
whicli atien"ded the monfifrous crime that
d6privotlithe nation of its Chief' agistrate,,
I , I �
have informed tbeworld of then
think I L 'to�
� .6. ramificatibil of. 'this notice Was, violated, Captiln M "olight
ler by a mbi I 11.
go parents,
. . .
jealous disposition,which *as the cause at
Sunda - � - It husband 'd;s(sdv red
. y morning er . 1 J e
� ... � I
and the!, a Commander. - He
� rmy ,,of itj a �
it 8 9 mucheto believ
have.smid in relation,to the matei
1. , w
L, followingthis idea, the inventor would visit those who would, do �so. _
. I I �. ies Should ii I at speak to
are; -sketching,'whenever also stated Y '� ' la '
. � .,
the,trouble. ' -, I �'L
I _, . . . I la , I ..
. I �
that She *,Eta, gone, and he. follo- wed, goiag�
ifithe direction of London W66L He 1
urgedtheCtiuritto,t6keinto .consideration'
-' i ' i ' * i
the,� lo,ngi inaprisournent of the . prisoner.
'around the.:Buh. . We bog pard
item we
had a d
of L any Polige who ide �Iand,kords in evicting
i to Subdivide the Current , I I .
nt I ' It as Signed 11 A tenant'
or honest,tana S.
. I .,
� , I NE'ARLY 111ANGED. :
L - I o' . 1. . .1 , I .
, . I , ,
caught sight of lbei on: Talbot: Btreet,'and
11 . I
saw her� orbss BlackfriarB' Bridge. Ile
. ' f . I
,Bigelow inished by cloqdently depicting
the 400dobaraviter and*h6nora ble military
Te'ritg4rom. th6m,.buf We thin
quite right, 'that n; each . maieri
3, collects Mid a small cistern 1.
I from which' ikglissues : again f � W40 a a U eviote(f - . I
It �, . � �
armer . " ' I
- taken f6r'Q'ulte
11ow a Drummer Was 11111A �
.. .. . e
' .
saw_ her Sit , dowri . on the I abutmerit
" �
�brvice �i Mason. The Judge'Advocate then;
. . - .
. refer, to surrounding the surf call:
anywil , 6.1 , I
er bear that lurnin&rv. '
� I
a many wires'as'it may be ne6asT ., At An iauctio the effects f e;D,61ier.
� I AnotheraKan. - _
.,... , ., . I ''. .
,� . . � I -
� to . her to,.�. Wait -till. he
and called
"-his horror
reviewed"the iestiffioily, inaking no argu-
-t. �
I 11 .." I 11 I % .:
btach. Thds,inllghiing alarge Street Club, � Dublin, an' old high-backed
1. Laat�ifight a gad400king dru�anlei airived
came upi,..,but. wha:t .: Was to
men After a sedret. Session the Con.rt.'ad-',
� . 11 � . . - �
. -
iy electiicity'.the main tire would. oaken chair, elaborately carved -with Irish
in the city. He had just wade a iour of
see her Swing. ove'r the, �edge, let go the tim-
I '
journed s'zne die;!. Tt'.O�,proci3edings, After due
� � ",71")6�foj
.1 I
s current to i the chief cistern on einblems,,and described, as.the chair 6 -the
I floor or in thebasei�uent,whence -1 SPeakei,of the. Irish llous6 6f'C6ramon ,"
I .
n, counties
several ou the northwester , -, and
I � I
as hb`:eipre#sed it, had enough'ex 4!ienc�
, I . . . P(
bers, and� drop into, thesbeThingL flood Where
1. I .. I
it eddies after flowing over , the ,Liam.� With-.
course,'will come - General � Hancock
0 � .
for fiil�alde6ision' ' - - I i,, .
1% 11 .
. I I
, , , I _:� , -
AL Man ,tvho had the Northwest F
I . . . .
I �, I . I
be distributed smong,eubsidiaiy t, f 16. ., An. insbription on
was.pu .up; or sa
I I . I � .
in one house toward 'the ".shank " of :his
1. � . . .
Out a Iaombht's ,hesitation he flurighimself,
and its she rose the first- time"j-graisped.'
. � - _ . L -
I � I � . .. .
� I .
. Bad Form.
, , a a
I ,
one ,or r
I which .there would bri %ss,pl ate �or i the chair set to t that it
' ..
ach floor of the house, said these: Was presen-ted many years ago to e. ublin.
trip t I or ears advent urous
a -serve f
I . I y 11 , , I
r"� 'a" "'�
inisoen I
inikence. � � ,
. , � I I . ,
her undek1he arms � arid �Struggl6a, tcP drig
� rcxts1rom�itLhj1iud4hlst Booli .
. I � 1: : _ . .
Matz Series Sacred Booh.
. I'
For a ength of time Mi. John
OE.We t NissouriI; 9, -. set
8 ' ' h"d ' his
)uld'trainsmi � t t;he divided current, Library, ,by, L I . I
,: , - . Ord , Cloncurry. It. as
_ the dininmer
everal days ago," sa , id
' ra
I , .
her forth. ; Sh6'slipped from his gra;pt And
I , I I
ull�srls of
(I"'b" M I s of
_ I hejEast.) � - 1 .
; 'L ' 1. - "t I
. I
rl'� to Manitobai- arid aft "er can
parate roomi. The expeiinients kuoAed'dd1.`wn for E90 to an, agent bidding
- '
I _
to 9 rty-6f acquaintances'i"Vitiglit at the
to - �ty , I I
again sank-.', The strong undeicurrent and
. �
,All thative are is the :result of,.whdt-wb.
length sedure
fouday demonstrated the: efficient � for, Mr. Cool Guinness. , , " ' . , - � .
I , , . :
, I '"'
Capita, ate]', "I Was riding along through
It. .
the high wall of the abutment made it au�
. I
hame. thought ;: ith founded on, our thoughts,
tomer for bid. fariti, 'Hid wife Ae
� I
. the -ciisteria's ,or r eservoi r,s, o&
, ., The lands of Ballym.pre were r6ceudy
success ',of, the' .Whole. -system � A men, Who
entered upon, by a, number (
th e. W016 wet, weary" and, �hungryi. I had
he Woo ", I
_ . ,
hired'a horse. at a'f%rm- housd-I and -was
, ibI6 taski; When ,She camoi.uplhe
=,time he Again' sel�ed heri but was'
it is made up of, our thoughts. If a man,
� spAks or a4s with � An, evil thought, pain I
sign'the deedand he threatened,
poi8oif. Shelxugh6d�athim t
a, I
Lnd,showed that the,ourxentLoj, maiked'out the lands into twetity-five'and -
! of wires could be;m`ade to. sup� thirtyazie lots; making the, supposed, site
I ..
accompaniedz -a,.qoIOked:b6ybn: another'
I I.
ldrBei who wal .�serit totake the horse back,
'' I
. unable,to�eetain 4is,:grasP, and She sank'
A I the while -he Called loudly' for.�h
I � elp,'but
� � "
_f;Iiows hiin,'as the .Wheel follows the -foot
of'th6 6xithatdrawslhe cart; - �: - -
out his threat.', I ,,he
�afid"Astoma' I"!
all !I
P. in p Hi
efinite number of lam'Vs.'Edison' of ;&` house in "e ach Idt� � 'Some .idea 'of the,
. "
e used, and -received -the current amount 6f inen required to ,do 'this .wbrk,,
when I reached, th�,.rai,lroad. Well, 66 I',w6os
I . I
riding along, thircuAb a Country where the
110,012eariivetlin,time. TheIasttirue ,he
d* jeked be endeavored to,,Fold' he r by,,
Por.Jidtred-do' I - b - -�at
es.not cease ' y'liatred
- , .. t
any Mine'; hatred c 0, hi "" ' '
pas6gbyI..v6,- ISISAn
.but, it is not kn n i his
Ow . I as .
` "t the North
go 0 we t h
Cisterns, ,the 'subdivision, being . may be eSti
L , . , TAted when, it is stated that .
Ot , I
it mattered It . Whether each, ,Seven hundred Acres were thus marked.
Cad was a mere'Path) and,where the woods
r . � I 1, .�, L, ., a a I '
'were go thick that they. putin e. meolaper.
.the' hair,' but- failea, -arld,she was seen no
I . i " ' I -
VaOre. , waiting' so
After me tiine'lle,man-
-.by insertin�ll his
, . _ , �
old rule, - ,- � , I ..:.." , ::',; .
. .:' . ' - �
I Let -a man overcome, anger by late ; let,
.. . .
, . . -
, L 1. , ". , - - . I
. I I � . I . I
. . ,
. Stupidity ln,Court.-
3plied one lamp.or It _dozem r6. Popham Who
. Th roperty belongs to M 1,
I .
Ust be admitted, � is one,' iriethod, e p I - iii England. � He I r agents are the
,'. idea"
Petualev�iling,l was sud(lenlyconfronted by
� *
two men, who,. with I&veled�\gdno, told ni'�
, .
aged to. escape himself
. - I
, ,
-fingers and toss in the Crevices of the abut.
Ly - I
It na overcome e4il b good; let, him over..
come the 6 y the liar 'b'y -
. 11 , I
. . . � -
--Mr. Howells,.in,lite "Atlantic 11
-- I
t: unsatisfactory one, 61 solvin g a . '
. . : Mess the lands
rs. Robins6u," of Sligo.
tobbldupwyltifids. I.w6ul J, IiR6,to have,
, .
mei nt timbers, thus raisingbimself.to;�the..
I I . 1.
I ,'gireedy ,liberality, . .
I . .
trut1l . I ' � , .. . 1.
gi yes- his observations -in a Poli
, - I
Aiat ,has long vexed pri tical were until lately i me gbri-
n the hands of (
had an'explanation, but my li� Uu entitip.,
I 1. . I ,
, - body was Uot recovered. . I
top I I I �., 11 �. Is, ,
I .
., i.
- - ,
I b
Let us ive appily, thenj not hating.
� To Show thedifficulty, Of getting a
. � . I , ,
- I
La. Ail ingenious !modification. tlbman,;wh6.has bben'evicted. for non -pay..
I " I . . . 1,
:, , � ., 11 .. .
. , . .
kWh of the! a oftent.
ppirat'ilis ,known as ruent
Several other meti�,adv
I ,artobdi ��Z.0.. two �Of
.1 a h.
them searched me. They fbufid a V
, .
1. I. � 1. I . . !, i
� - .
I . .
.-those who hate,us!' Arriong men who hate
d , * ;
roe stre - "': : i
us I'U'us.dwell f froin-h
I Out of a stupid WI he -says, if
L 'f ' ' 1ple, . to j�eta
necessar , or exan
I y I .
- , I , I
aill for driving at.dy�namo-maohine, , I ��,, . � . , � . ' . ,� . I
I . . I I I � The dissolution of,th6 Queeri%,Uhiversity
revolver And a watch. " They did no AlKe
, ,
, , I ,
I .� I .. . I . - I � .":. . I I. -
, . � . . . .
� - � .
I .
The mail *bo is fie'elr6m, credulity, but
-fact that a handkerdhiefwa§ whit
)ower, with a � so can- . _ . I
� ntly, in Ireland Wag" marked bys, novel
�ainsure the application 6taw I . .
the wutcli� but relieved rao of the pistol
L � I . . . I
11 "What's- the nigger doing ;):��
Four .�Fcmaies ]Frozen, to Death.. ,* .
I I . -1
, . -
kno*s, the Un'toreated, wh6laas all ties,
not to'beL ,done Without some such,
. ..
asthig�: . � ."
strange , spectacle. It o6curred.to the
degree of !force, andLbycofise' -� , ,
Que6n;sXblle�e, Belfast'.,
� . .with .
� .
' 6n6oftherfta'sked., I'replied thath6 had
A Winnipeg de8patch"says :. . I I
'of Saturday'night left Zisister inIts.train. I
remoVed.1 all: temptations', renounced : All
.� � 1. .
desites, he istbeigreate9t.61.1nett'L : ' �
� , I I I
.I Was it a white handkerchief ?
� I . I .9" I I . -1 .
�erfectly even. 61f6[ unflu6tuating� ,studentaof,the ,
' ' � - � ' I . I -
. ,that the occasion, demanded, some demon
rient;-London Ti*m �...,
been sent' along to take ,back. my, horse,
when I roadbed the railroad..: . - I ' I
,*eAd6wlea, sbme�30 mileB.west.of Winr
� A� .. . I I I
. It.
: .
I As the bee, collects n6etari and departs
1. -1 I
,without mjurhlg,i� the aow,er:,br its color, or
� ,or . � .. I.
� as the'll dkerchief white ?
:: W an
I I . I , all ,,
.tr.jorf cl-ihat'dist'd6monstration could
. 11 . . . I ,: Ir 1. .
I 1. 11 I L ,not take a. fitter ' thaft that of a mock
, -Yes , when �ilroacl 11
, 11 I . you reach the r
.nipe a ho ' use: belonging. to., John
- - I k_1 �
a 1 ri i as burned Aown,. and his, wife and,
" D
I - ,
it64 cent,,Solet � Sage. dwell in, big village.,
, , , WAS it white, sor ?11 ,
LEPORTE1198 WANTED . . I neral at the. tlniver�ity, the untimely. end.
� I I . I 1. . :
I �� which i in.th6 North
I 1, - I I . . 11 � s much regretted
one of them. Said.' tasked for, an explieua�-,
tion, but.thdy Cursed aie�,- I 'didn't know'
: ' .
th%660d. liters wer ei frozen to death. The
* I
- g t.
, bod on .daughter has. not yet been
� a.
when i the :learned man drives away
. : . I
varlity,by�-earuestnefis, he, -the wigei�climb-,`
II.Yesiwas,itwhite?" . I I——
11 V _1 '
�ag what white; got 9 I -
.1 11 ''
,� .
centric Assassln'A.Ttlaulfesto. � I .
I . �
. ,The id6a-thu� ,conceived was carried out.
. I I , -:1 I . . �
What io do, and it didn't. Seem that they,
, ,
desired me,to do aDything. They tied, a.
TIlei ,,h � d eot I
found. L Thei I DIU a and f - were frozen �
. ,
' I . -1 . .
ing,. the terraced � heights. of wisd oni'Llooke
down t ipon the fools�s I k ,
erene he oo, s upon
The handkerchief�was: the
I ,
. I
chief white V' ' . .11 , .
Sindram, the eccentric, prisoner. A coffin was paraded,, And following was' a
. I
der-sentence,'ot death.. for.the long line 6f youthful mourners; :Some of.
rope around my-neck.�, . I - I � I I., I
Reid,:. from the city; on a visit
badly. 0
I to the Tayl . ors,.ke lose to "the,fire, during
3� CIO
, I I
, the`toiIiUg.,9'F' qty�,d - 'that" a ' tands OM a
, ,, as one .
I 11 'What handker'ohi&f, sor 2"
. .
. .
. I o.uso'k "' I I , -11 I "I
f his boarding -h' epper, ;in � ,the students worg. their: gown, afid Some
It Let'a swing him up - here,' said one fes-
; �
- . 1 _ t'f ,
the inight, an( . t morning �Ven a a ,
I t� ., 'L
I , r,
mountain looks.dowii,lavon them
I . . . that stand
i - - I . 11 I ..
" The handkerchief you just in
�- , , ,
'the "handkerchief that the' d
_ . I
,.hasreceUtiy'b ' - b" " moufning..ibands- �'I'n:'- 'the form of . , white
,,een nine ,annoyed .
its of reporters. .,� He' pockef'hdnkerchiefs-�'-irl fict,
freed. his were
Oak ,t
tive..Voulig fellow, whom I �'i 0 he "'
hurry. ,Then 'they began ar
;Somethiiig.of a , I .
- �. '
,kcimt � bousi ... % h -'she :Wai
,Lose . Y, w ere, . 1.
' d '- I
foun I sudjs- -now in , od hands. Her
I . I
OM th I ' � 1, �� -, �
q,,p am. .,. ' *th ' ' . ' I
if a!f6olbe`a'ssociatedWI -a-Nisernan
: I , I I
I , .
,, :1 � .1.1 :-
'dropped "�,!,, . � I
, I I .
" '
- ,these
e, New the !1 sem
he followill letter � ,to ,th' I . . I .
9, , blance and"the sults�of woo," but
� � . .1 I o
.1 *a -there
� -frig I
debate. The colored .boy. waB. litened
. ,
8 wits; 4P 'in :
outof hi ietty soon they toldbi
� I I � .
fiDgers'and toes are slight rozen. The
ght .- I .
neighb6iis �n ZNparch the
I .F
evena 11 big life, he Will perceive the truth
as little as a Spoon Perceives the tasto of
I'diin't-seelt, sor�"
� I . . I
'. "Didn't see the� handkerchief?'
, ,
. ' i
. it is 1A be �� feared was. nomore.
, .1 � I . I
L" D I ITOR;-I will ll.r rl.it� Mon, ,When the - 1, funeral " procession ,reached
, . � I " I I I I
I . I I
. to- go back, And to.tgke� my hoiSewith hiia.
To this he readily'� asse�ated, and 'in a.
. . are out masse of
'211184ing- girl. The'whole nei&6rho6d �S�
. .. �
I . . I I . I I - 1, .1 . 1,
soup. -� , �, ",",71 , . .,
I 1. " .1 . . I
I I � . 1. I - ,
. - t. . I � ,
� � I I Didn't see him, rop it, sor.11
. d " -
!:Well,did youede theltandkerc
er the-,.Court:of, Appeali,will, grounds, where the grave was
I -
- . I - 71 . .
&,new trial.,! Shiould1he denied dug; all oration,ext6llihg fill the virtues of
. , I
I minute , more, I, was on the i ground. I I
heart-strickeh. I)n Ptilford has gone to
I N I :
,-attend Miss Reid and Mr. Taylor.' I I
. - � . .1
,, " �: � _� "I .. ..
, . I I i .
: Relief tau, Burns aitfil .Scalds� -. .
I I The handkerchief, got? Obi
� "I
1, .which is �ery likelytAlien 'iM :the 'deceased was defiveredi which! con�
. � I
bog�ed f6r'-an explan%tion.� � n n
. Pig ma
, I
, . � I . I
- , ., . . I ;�'., � _.,
_� r _
- . 1�:
1.� 11 ,I . I . . : '
� 7: '"': I i.- 1, I .. t', i I
I .
, '
. r-ifes- :' I
� Dri Mewburn, of, Moiitreal,`,i� 1�1
I saw, if;L-�-I saw th6I�ndkere7�ief.
, I" Wellj,�Vasitvhit�?," .
ch. will be put -On d tained more truth ihatlLig s'ometi :
. Me again,. an me�, to be,
i will be-ove'rriurf with'rep6rters found' in, funeral'orationS : Then" tOLL the
.� ...
. -lo6k-
I, I Fellers;'remarked a thoughtful
.1 . ,�� : : Occad Porlkn. T- . L�'. I . N
, - I 1.
I I .. 11 L � I
beg to' Call the�';aiteintion Oi managers of
'��o�ksbops. :
.. .1
. 11 t as, sor." � ' � � _ ,
: :,� 'i W . I ,
I . I I I ,
everyone of Whom � will put., to solemu strains - of the I I i�earl - March 'in
. . .
*questions, ''
Ing man,'wb'd better take him over ands6b if
be is,tfie, i This motion seemed.
, Allalifax telegram of Saturday's date�
. .
sa,yB: The steame ' '
ir Milatitc§e,Captibi Side.
where Aeand is used to the'�!
' I ,
bZqfits of bi rb'nate of 'soda for�� burns "
. i -ca a I .
A boy- who complained, ano
. . I I gL IM B
assaultin h' aid that .he Race
owing ylZ' How' do Saul," the defunct Univ .
. .,:
. , lersity'.was, laid'to
L&Ppdt. , I .
�, Itei I , y , -
-How's YQfit "A' , � Irf �
an .What, lts rest. the evening the Ro al tini
I . �
to prevail. They ,threw. me onto a -- horse
, �
, I I
behind it : little 1
. . . I
�bdtham;'from Boston, bound &:Londoii
- - ..
130head of caftle:and a general cargo, I
and 'a lId D' ttbe part freel over L ,
'a S* hen 1i us I 1.
.,with s% - t I a , t Cl Ii. 'y
- A -
iapp y at Vtbt
I ..
.1 .
U. , ,, -11 ,
dow I . ,.
I . ( 1. . did 6.,knodk �.UdowiI'
. How 1 'h e
v6 for - bregkfasi.?� �' Would yo I L'� . �,
I u versitv, was burneddn' � . . � . I
li ,� t'�. , , , �, ,, - � ,. . I effigy: I , �
rov r, 1.
' a nor to commu e your Sen. I
.'fellow and stirted.tiff,
i. I 11 � I
througli the ivoods.� Itseemed to"me 'that
i �";
! '
tinheiet6-day.' �S'ixdays afterldaving
pu ',t
e i moving
wards , Re wet; ,without to ,, the
, I
'I hn�6� you a
ue judge. `!.Did'he
I . I.:
" '- '
ave' you mada your: Peace, with, . S'PRING cannot be far off, even in, this
. I .
had'travelled Ail' I age when we rea �
' ' ched a
we � 1. 11 I
clearing,' in the. Centre of which Atbad'a
port, When' 200 miles eastward of Cape
Race:, she encou nAbre'd,thick,'foih1,y weither,:,.
elbth, with , Solution, of � soda,- one larg'e' I
� I w�rm wat
iablesp�061nf , I a - plut of or.
hi& fist or his a eu hand'9 , �
p .
I "I Ye I s�ls 1. or.'!. . . I I I I I '.
save reporters the" trouble of, northern latitude,.iflhe budding irees'and
.1 I . , `11 givre,:'them �my sprouting grass are I . .
ag me, I Wt. , any index. Do I
, wit in
. , ... �
small houso. Several� men were gatber�d
in't�e -noticed,
0 a.,
, holds ofAce, and also sonae very- large i ',,
bergs. 'She in t] bat" for
� The pain : a IS ban, be, done
abi-es, hrid th, I d
while -it doe is 9 for or cab procure .
I - I" Which did be do it th,.9!"' �.
, "Plit.L wi .
' ' his arms round rue and kn
these questions - I - .
ia I -Florida they are a � long way ahead of us.
yard'! an& I excited womenl
moving arourto greeted
L Our .�rrival Was
wig position ,eight
� days, - -land endeavoring 'to clear hbr-�
. I I 11 ,
I I .
JUAdtarstand this is , ii,� the immediate
I 1, 11 , I , - 1,
d6win." � ' . �
31 good; bully In' 11 111�, . I in the neighborhood' of Jack-.
; an alk6ye Fruits- I I �
lie is going tobelauged.-., ,:i` , BQn . Ville a're'now in tbe NevrYoik market,
. wit � . � .. I .
L � I .
' h a loud-Bboui. I I
� 11 I.Wbere'gAbram'?'
' �
Self. , She ene lee, up ,to,
buttered 'drift ' � I . . 11
the -nighit.:.. lh� keep,
Ii f -from pairi-,r -'a I 'ur'e. A' I
re ie n one
lot ard y
� who has suffered,! or he t scieams of a
"Then he: didn't i,knock'you do
thrmdyou I I I I.. '. I I
I would -.-rather, no
. , . t�ha4my- -and strawberries, luscious as those grown in"
1 , : . �
� .L I . I I .
man of our, party when we reached the gate.
.AaBt� order . � .to
ship 'afloat abbiat 100. tons �6i the
90:91� � what
. Ided child,' ear sp 6iate-
'I Yesi got. � -He didn't VroW L
m - , ,., 1, 1. A quar6.f
)In uted. I , I ,�, . 1. I this p6rLiusuI&, ate for sale at 01.25
� I �
ng no ,Work, to do, i and' never. � The - opulence, ot our, neighbors ,can be
L ..
"' 'it
, � � 1. " , . I
'Abram I would be out in a few minutes. He
� *
Cams hair
Cargo had to be'thiown overboard. ' While'
. I I I 11 .. � � ,. 1. t ''e her�
the Steamer v -
'a" OYJO
tbis-means.- Moth I do We 61 follow
thege (hie6tioris,: - ah.d I. am'. st . it 6 lieve
.Put his armfi airound me, *and, Rho
, ., . .1 I
46 Ili " . 'L: , , '� . ", � .
brea'th'df* !'fresh ir guessed When
' Sir' I neve �
.. is mado, known that �
ly llave..m6fi.�,of��ilaiu' appetite. r'eveii at ':that' princely �l ss 'Of
; an old man' with gray A�d a
- I ,
I 1. . I .
hickoi�shirt. . ' " I '
I , - -
: ,.
. '
in ictes'."e'le
bow,'making. . h.14 -pi Ci ng by �
. .
. ,
,!'�sglngs ii arly� 0 t
the'ir'b tid nes
I . I ! sit i
� . i6i t . �
Ilshould bi-earbon
I . � .
. . � �.11 . . I . ..
��� � � I .. . 11 . I
. . I I �. I
_ haekt6ts�' atre* '80 .1111 tV -
istially get for. breakfast,. there Id' "" .o . 'United.
- ' 1. i . . � ,
- '��very
,;. said th
�' ',I I We've got him, tricle, Ab6i , 6
'ina;n who had proposed to hang me,,! And,
Seven feet The forward cbmpart�
- deep.
; ment of & abip� is'f 11 of water; afid'some ,
areburnt. e -t ,e
� 61le "
of Soda ,�' nd the bottl 8 Uld be I Jab
.. .. Gisitcauls: Gnilows' Trappla
'. I I I . �111 I I-
' �, For: neatly 6 month game St. La
es Coffee, is: au� �dme�lbt,' three �Stat6s, metropolis week. . The�
. I , .
I -6r.,fribd eggs, ham�,-afid eggs,. 'strawheiries�are pick6d-.juSt,befoieth6y,ak'e
we're.-Cluly waitin' for the word.", Tile �Old
' 'me
of the,pargo is �sligt tly damaged.- About.
i , 1. I 11 . I 1. .1
fok.burns, with tbe-di,fections on it." :
:- 1, ''. I . .
� .: ,:1 I �: . . 1,
: ,L I 1, .. . I I -
ha*e hgen in Correspondence with
iacoii, &Ud-rahtt6h Chops'. """ ' quite ripe, -au'd- 'are p'acked'jn . trays, each
. , I � I a. ," � I ' ' I .
11 I y�
;6 - whtitlier' hi
J I ave, ma a ln� b6lding.twblviequaits. 'The -trays are laid
� man br. a .moment; 1'
. 'regarded I a d
id: I Boys, he.Aiin't the man, Turn1im.
Sa -
. .
. *
g teAthe barque'Hebis,'
iux.dA�s ago she Ed .
, . . h' �
of .Glasgow,' from' Leghor n,bound to St.
11 .
11 . .. �
i �. ..� I �
:: �'r "I 1
The Queen:andiftleudelssolm. I
, , . I . Li L _
, -_
I 1. .
Henry, of thaDiettict,of Columbia, i
' ' '
It( th or,' posed donation of'a'rope .
), 9p,
� .
God, I will'sim ily Say that', ihal , in g"reat:r . efrigeiat6ks�'nea'rly'as' large 1.
busliut)138�.' ,:- ' . . I I .,. I I . As an
_ � � � - . '' ice waggon. When a refrigerator is shipped -
I , ,
e. ,, . ,�, . ., . . , .
loos " - � ,
' , ,I The rope was taken from my ,neck.
I '
I Johns, short: of �,pr6visiohi, and' Supplied
. I 1, . . .; , . � ,
her., -The'weather Was intensely bold, find
11 i '',
� rSa It .
. The recent annive ry of Mandelsso u's,
birthday,' fiag brought ;ut � the' following
I I I which's i
to;?, Gaite L I ,The cap, ,
40. .
,findstutateral,�.was made'especi
� � -
77ic Sun reporier�-should inaRe' . by Way of Jacksonville, and the sea the ice
d to him
.What was''I seized,for?'� I asked Of
. � 1. ''I
Abram'. . �. I . . - . . L 1.1, I �
ihe Crew. of.,tbe. steam0r suffered -groat
I hardships. -.It, Will likelyta .time
. ke some .
. .1
item, which JS'going the rounds � Of ,the: -
,� " � �.
I I When he visited England ,the
Guitpa,u b ru bert.._Tfie rope�.
rE I I
iltkoS-qu arte s of ,inch. in diam
visit rn� next week, lot , is rene�ied several times before the,berrieB,
. . . �
p:utti.ng.afiy � of the above ques- then nearly ripe, Arrive in New York.
I � "I Wall, Y'u se'e,'Jae said I a fell . er came
; � " I ,-,
I .
to effect'the repaiis necessary., . � ' ., - '. I
.- � . . . 11 I I I . �
papprs:, � . so delighted
6f4he st workman' ip., was mad
I be
. . I .11 . .Thus.
0 'WIL yeax'thby have 'Come in perfect
I- Y UrS, TA -All SINDitiAr. 'far this
., .�, I .
,a-l'ong.bere'*this,inornin�,,�4nI triedtosteal�
' . ." �
hay'dog. You the � Yott"Can
I .
� , 11 . . - � - ��
.1 I I I �
- , ''I .1 . � ,
' -,
wit�Jli,fil that he was, invit'O,to Win
; .; C -deor
Humpbri 9 having to its Sp 6'
I e la
� ,l I . '' . ,
. .
. I i . , ., Condition, arid - havb, �quite the ffavorl'and
airil man. go.�
1. I
. ]New Teeth afslactyiifiviv.� ,
I I ,
.1, I .. I ". L; I
gave. a priva e Her
and' t , Conceit' before
ing of Guiteau 6ck.
the encir I .11 .
I . . . I 1. . � I I . . I
. sweetnegs of . the nprthern;gr6,�vn berry,
I _
A NCNV 1�rbpleller. '. : , � which Appears in Jilnei : Thelirst toairive
I turned and walked' away. I had gone,
. �
about two , miles' when I a man all a horse
. .
� Elias, de.Pdy is 95 years of age arid Still
i able I to , walk elght�i�ailes a day� over tough,
The Queen sAt beside himi while.
Maje ,
at her request he play ed one of his Leider,
.av s er
made all. the ropes that litty h
existence all'Sti Louis murd rs
.1 I
'Wla�rgegteamer's lately built,the strawberries sold for $8 a quart. Berries
has ' 'm& - I .
, rtoo me. I The , .se
gVe k ' ,old man must e
he gaid;� I liurry" baicki" I Itrudged,
hills. lle-lives near Lachawack,' ir� Ulster
I ,
And 'When it', Was concluded said to him.
beepia res �.,
past'decade.- He like pre
9, propeller made of U grown,,in New Yoik�houses
Dze, whicli is a eoinbi"66n o. .. . . have found
f buyers, at � 57. for. that" quantity. -, Florida
you,' , I
. back to tile farm-hoube.-, The'old man Wag
, I I .
county, Now York, in a country sparsely-
- '
, Bottled, on rough farming Ian&. --rIae is in
that,� in'!return',Ior . ihe� great pleasure
_ I I �
had give� her, she would. like him to ask a
executions,. arid takes S' eel I prid*i
ing that when 6, ropelea've I is a
I . .11
�. of copper find 22 Per cent.man, tomatoes. are' "now �rriving.lu 'abundance
at, the g you want?' I
ate. I Wha;t,'do
, - I I I
excellent health, yet, not�- a follower of
favor of � her. � - Mebdelssohn immediately �is
�, , ,
pla'ed, about the I ee of cii' i
c I' � �
be Advantiides� gaitied are- that I , I I I
packed in"
-ice, and in good conditiori. They
asked. � � I .wanted, to pay, young teller ,
temperance principles,' f8r he, believes in .
r4l,ied,fhathewould like to,see.fhar6yal, ,not
. 1. . ,i � �
the fault'of the rope it he hasn
I �
hofthemetalis Such, th ,
at the sell at wholesale At from V1.25 ,to, sl.�o ii
- that it�would'be a goodidea far you,never,
the �old,ljutch Custom of', takibggjn,
a,,,,, to ti�m tbe,�nursery,�and the Queen
ek 6ansition t6AN' 60U
and qui �� .nt
be. thi ea, :
1 an ffo,as to reauc'eilte peck., � E
. sell tomato is wrapped in tissue
never to steal a dog,' � Then I Walked ten
� ,
I I .. . ,
11 straight " and has � chewed -all his life the
an cted biin� to that part of the
herself ban I I . . .
whose bou 0
,kne, etc.-St.,,L uis �?epub
.: I ,
Perfectly, sm I I
oath sukface is ch. , paper of' the most tempting fashion.
S reducing :fri '
otlow; and entire
THIT arwtoe'ratic'
I miles to the railroad.: I heve . thought the
1 1, iniend,
matterover Since, an' -if I
, d blamed
� ,
rankest and strongest tobacco. He haS 1.
bad'fivo wi'�es and bight'zhildrerl., fli a I
� n-f!clt&tting to
Castle S 'a.side for the childre
I � 1.
'in ' about the homely little
him,in rman, I
.i . .
I .. -4 1 -
. I I I .
Bt�id � and .� J'ourn'al,
am corrosi6n'is obtained.
ed-Aliat .the use of, thi It"s the Morning Post, created- A 'decided, sbu�a.
, ,,.crew
to keal a dog.' Wliat.�V you, all have? , "�
-Littic Bock'Gazett& ,.,.. � I. .1 11 � ,
., 1 1, . 111. I
I I and dtdy�'-h%ired .. I ,
eldest son is 70 , while his
I �
I son, 'Was -born after he" was' 85
details of ebild-lif6; , .Th6' great musioian
.. I ..
alterwards'said..'that .this ,episode was.�a'
,'A remlarkable7butragewascommi
other evertirig.on Queeii AnneIs I.'I In
- in ; �
tion -the Other clay by announcing thefort ,I.
1 for the Zealandia an increase - � ' I I
! coming rtiarriagd.�,"�t-t�b Master of the Rolls,
. bne, And &-hilt knots An hour, . .
. . .� ,
, , , = ,
, '
, TAr, conViet 0amps of,:Kentueky�.ha
. . ve
youngest .0 I
yet, B y , rs 2'ge when .greater
r old. , Etc was' 60 '
hislast Wi r, Ile a evas 19.
r i
� .
Satisfaction to him than all the�
, i 8.1)
praise andh or bestowed upon bi� gen
O� i�
ty.11 statue
Boo, . front of .St. Paul's
. . .1 A man of wild App
I .
id , t 011 little to the suirprise bf, that f
there' must be some ch'atige . -a, 110 . . Unc.
* tionaty ,and' his, friends who )led. long
been. describea,as places ofbarb%rdu8ior-
I - ..
tur6.' A ct� f. the Legislatarels
minittee a
he married
I remarkable thin'4 Mr. de Puy is ,
A . .. .1 � .
I -
, , , I.,
I . 1. 1.
lamber over.1th
was seen to a e
railings enclosing the effigy. W
11 AS at m6tal to ac cl uht for.ouch' I . � at he.weogmarri7 I ..
in. ,' ,' ''. 9 ch�erishdd the -belief #
� . . � ed -to
. . ". 'The testinabily
,making all ,investigation
thab. he is -cutting'A new Set'o teeth. Nine �
teeth.'haya i dready made� their ap,
Novel EXPer"enCe Of -an 3l ]f'* '
11 � ,
� L . .
0 a It
agility f A monkey � he Clithbe t e
y �
I . I . a lady now known- as Lady �Je asels more
J . I
6. *11 1, 1.
t6uslar taken seems to beat 6ut� the worst
new, �
His eyesight is excellent, And
A despatch from Ottawa, dated Jast
I . �
forming the basb.of the statue, all
I -
I. r'Of La century it
I I �. 1� than at quarte 1�6.- Next day.
. ,
�\Clr l5EATH_Mi's& Bertha L; the correction was 'made thai'tho bride-
of the oharges_r in one;c.amp,, only thirteen
out of' fifty . bonvicts surviv6d a year�of
he .rands almost .continually.' � Ile 'is th&.; :
(Thur�a�y) night, says: -`;Mr..... Ogden, a -
I I *House-
Nova, Sbotia member� arrived in the
taking an- axe from bon6iith,his coa
lo hack away at. the features of il
I .
4ughter 6f]A-r' TdCA.lteables) grooila pIlpectani Wag the Master of Rollo
I I ;1 I
excessive labor 'at lumbering, insufficient
, ,most ,:kemar"bly preserved, �Ulau. in , the �
this afternoon, having left, bomb for�tho
presentment,"chbppirig,off whatrd
I ,
u'elph on Friday..' During the the heir of-` , Scottish peer, Laird Rollo' .
food, scant clothing &lid -entire absence of
S In. . 11 ".. I "
� tati3._-Ne2o � Y , orj� , 974 ,
. � I � I .. :capi
Ual on Februari2;A. Afper he'h ad got
of Her Majesty'F ,
I 5 nose, and smiting
of the weeR. before lAst a- ��afl The Ma,st6r. of the Rolls, -it may be added',
. .1 � � .
on the 'of her
medioal 'Attention. , � Suicides have been
I � , I .
I .., I - I 1. . . I . �
four mile's from Canso ihe'rOads became.so
right ear., Passing round to , the
porared sid.6 nose, is likely to be called up, its a, Hebrew pee r,
common among, the prisoners, and deliberate
, The reviv�d popularitY.Of
blocked up with 6now,thathe'had to return
the figure, be vi'g-orqusly'set to, war
ras supposed, woilId. pass awa to �the:If6use- of toids. Lord .
.y Shaftesbury
haurders by, the keepers, upaer,i he plea, of
the front a long" list ,h`
England is bringing to .
I ,Main
ome andre iintii F ebimary 24tfi. On
back Oftb6head,,,chipping'tbis st6,n
iIt towards the end'of the week recently wrb , to �albtio'r calling f6ii"Aeor I ea.
enforcing discipline, have came tolight., In
'of accidents. - At a ,match near Middleton
that'day the doury;geous Mi Piset out with,
in large flakes �11 round. Having 6x
:a show symptoms of -a more tion. of o' no or tw61, HebreW;'Per4ges;. and
a coal-inining carap; 'When - the rilen pro.
early in fh6 month� five players Were go.
his baggal,ge -on, a hand-olioigh, Which' Jle�
his P�Ssibn, the III= c4hnl� eg�e-U,
Aracter, abd'ou Monday la t
' at, naming f1te UoW.hearted-'gud, bon6volen
at medical aften
sor'101181yo hurt th dance was
drew behind him for two iday�, making in
, ,
again'scaled the' railln6.,:� heil a
I . V
of a malignitut type had settled Sir Moses Monteficre as a' man he Jtddlon
. At - a
t1i e keeper'drove them in � the Utoutli of
. .
reqqt , 'At Sheffield, at about -the' 5ame
tbab'ti � irty 6 Aria I 't
me thi mileg.. �H I y
�� .
a prisoner Pxplained to the,poli
. her I ,g
� VVhen, the diseftsd d0iredto see in the upper house. , I
t! brain she bechnae� delirious L ,
copked'ievolver'; Three hours afterwards a
'i an
time, 'Otieboyhad hise6flar-bone brok
' ' ' bidly in:,the side:
,-two ,-
ioaclied ibe-citp�tal.to.day, andpayo.the
, '
, .the et�rfg told him to Ott." � "', ,
and L -Marshai Lenel, pasged tl�iough'Buffal a
' .
fall of earth killed eleven of them.
and irtother.was injured
BtOrlu WAS' th6'�Wont ever ekporier&ed-hi
"Prof. .Robertson, 1Smi6h 'regula;rl
id. -.11 .' , . : ,:, en routc to Lockporti"-with'-Alk i I
. 8, McCollop,
dependen an alleged femalq sm
trd, editor', of -the In Luggler. - �aptured 'by
lash and the tyumbscrew have .been in use.
I I .
. 'In the last ilulnbek-6f 11 OurConlinent'
Two accidents h6vd also 6cc&rdd fiC Old-
11 '
ham, arid one of thbri. resulted in c1datir. I
Nava Scotia. So me of tlie,snow ban" Are
' ' I high, � and one: was ten feet
wenty-five feet I
London'to attend the ineetifigs of
Testament 7 Revisi6n'Oommittee.
; oi I
'ther to. see or .. to inalfb a him�MC6rning� .8hegots, ioatnofhorses'
Kaw'�Vleld, comes out' strong in Javorof -
London is. to have, a now'the�atro diallea
he-tble raph poles.. ', .
higher � that t 9 I
attempts have been made byPr6sb3
lien people: were cudgellingtheir ' and*aggon, a.quantity of silk; ailklace
find Out ffilkher,35r.,N6wman kia�gl6ves'and two
. wearing knee- breeches insieadof trou�ersi
the Ii-PandtSia,"'and; Situated in Leiceist6r :
' "' ' 1;".
. 1, 11
S'. H. HAverly1offered
in,U�dog to prevail :Upon hipilto
and , sets of harness from
What q,aeer tastes soffie women have, about Jaq'uaie.
it wlll_�be managed a- �Oitlt
. Lawrence,parrett
� . .
one of the metropolitan ptllpitB,.�
�egations,17or Methodist in hJJ3 , ,ii'q Without .
, b Paying �tbe duties; by
their cIoth6-Sj-a,nywayf -Dr. ma , I
stock,company, a-bng the ,directors 80
a, hAlf lfiteregt6 in the California theatib if
ex-Professor-dedlinep to preach,u
Ibat Once cut the'Gora Ln knot Swimming the team across the Niagara tit
that be. was 11 Xdtoeatinaal.'! ' Lewist6n. � - I I .
would rather part'with her
�, 1 . I
'n"? 1,0� +---a _ -: "
which are the Duke of Beaufort, Lordt:he
T.iA..i�,,V1.111 A,rt el Mr- Xhl�n #eA1in0AbAF1r1. I'Mr
Would a sBilrn I b the managem,61it, of:.ft.
"Rart'Aft, An�l �.Arl - - I 1
stigma that he is unfit to teaell
Mi_,�. �. ,�_,�;q u_ " _ .i �,___
�� r ' ,
. .
lie, it man
PI . . I � � �_
Rev. C. A. � - . I
11 iu� the I i,_�
. . �
oroking at * �"
g colored ,
re usually- , �
,Spots, be . - � �
found not �' r .
for any L � I
the ,gains . I
I to can- I
Suddenly' r �
teak, out - � ' .
I ' .
eiisted. I I
s into thifi. � I .
osed to , be, ,
lu r miuous, ' ' " I
of the sur� , - I I I .
to the ' sun , .- � . :,- �
scientific. I I .
dmitLtbia I , , _,� '
,t r �breatjh I, -
tationary I . � � �
a graddarl - I I
,,,S a I ,Sol , . , . * 1. � I
. _.
lot Mayo!; , . � : ..
bin these . , , ��
dd lil,20W, ' - - , .
ots" can . . :' �: � �
� � � :. :
,'the sun .
occur, in - , � � 1:
� I I
and these , . . " .
the time . I . -
the sunIs- . ' ,, : � I '
s'.-appeai- , - i . i
. I
as a fiie� I ! .
readthtill �
et me, ask - I .
U the sun I , . . I
'if it'does - , ;
.! I I � 'r -,
" �
y , � ., �,_
113, to, Sa , -
�ii is ark .'_�, .1 I
. ...� , L, __
oeB move. . _ '� ,
. I
tific mert . , -�-, � , � ,
made, is. , ,. -
I I I 11 I- � I
Y- Means � :� ,I �
luminoufl * � -
onsists �of . I r , I :,: "
ith, Such - I , '.
. I .
L , .
I barium, . . I
rokert'gas �- , :� .1
6so I men ,� � , ,
. - � �
,we , Must' r
Scientists . � �
- I .. , ��
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