HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-16, Page 5"AWAY• DOWN SOUTH." A CANADIAN'S OPINION 'OF GEORGIA. The following letter, .received' bti}t. Holmes, of this office, Worm'a'relative wh,4.A$'"been away down south" in Georgia, mfly"be of in- terest to our many readers : Griffin, Georgia, March 0, 1882. DEAR SIR,—Yon will see from the above that I have reached the end of my long talked - of journey south. I arrived here just a week ago to -day, and have found the country to mere than satisfy my brightest antioipations, both as to beauty of scenery, salubrity of climate, purity and abundance of spring wa- ter, fertility of the soil and hospitality and: intelligence of the people. Everything grown in Canada grows here, only with greater ease and more abundance, besides many other fruits and vegetables of a semi tropical na- ture. The wheat fields here are beautiful to look upon, also oats, rye, and barley—and not killed in patches by the frost; as at home. I passed by..a field, of barley to -day thatty stands over a foot in height. But this is, of all countries that I have ever visited, the paradise of fruit growers. I am told that nearly all the apples consumed in the south are imported from the northern states. The apple has been almost entirely neglected, al- though, growing and ripening to perfection. The ruling price is $2 per bushel, but some• tires they are sold for $1 per bushel. The Georgians are so wedded, to the raising of cotton, that, as a rule, they do not turn their attention to anything else, and seem to think they would not be successful in fruit growing, as they have never been accustomed to it. There are several large peach orchards here— the largest in the world—one of 400 acres. Mr. Parnell, brother of the Irish agitator, has 'a peach orchard of 700 acres, and there are several others in the neighborhood of from 10 to 500 acres, generally set but by northern nen. Peaches are raised here six weeks in advance of the crop• at the north, and a very profitable business is made by sending them to northers cities, where the first shipments command almost tabolous prices -as high as S32 having been reoeived by the growers here. As the crop, begins to ,come in more plenti- fully the price gradually drops to $16, $8, or $4 per bushel, and winds up in September 'till they cease to pay for shipment, and are sold in local markets from $2 to 25 cents per bushel. A drying establishment or canning factory, on a very large scale, could not fail - of being very profitable. Sweet potatoes are grown here in abundance, as well as our Ca- nadian variety. The potato bug pest is not known here. Rice is grown to some extent, also sugar cane, figs, patsimmons, pecans, English walnuts, filberts, etc. Strawberries ripen here about the 15th of April, but there is not enough raised to supply even the local markets, and 75 cents per quart is a common price for the first supply in Atlanta, and from that down to ten cents, later in the season. Fruit trees grow much more rapidly here than at home. I have transplanted a large number of peach trees from the nursery, bud- ded lastsummer,• and I find many of them higher than my head, full of buds, ready to, blossom and bear fruit by the 25th May (less than one year from the insertion of the bud). When apple trees are well taken care of they begin to yield a- profitable return in three to four years from the time of planting out, and they continue to increase in fruitfulness year by year, until ten or twelve years, when as many as 30 to 50 bushels have been gathered from one tree. A neighbor here has several thousand pear trees set out five years ago, they have borne several crops and are larger than mine at home, set out twenty years ago. Land is very cheap, and easy to obtain, from $IO to $25 per aare,.according to location arid Anality, and profitable returns in fruit raising, speedy and certain. But a deep interest in fruit culture is being awakened, and it oan- not be long ere the beat 'localities will be se- cured, and much higher prices for land rea• lizod. Yours, Svc., , E. S. L. 'Wonsan&s true Friend. A fl krill in need is a friend indeed. This none c.ur deny, especially when assistance is render,•d ashen one is sorely afflicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and w,•iknesses so common to our .emale pops: * •on. Every woman should know that Elea... Bitters are woman's true friend, and will tau: itively restore her 'to health, even when nil other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleas- ant to the'taste and only cost fifty cents •a bottle. Sbld:by J. H. Combe. . NOT THE SLIGHTEST AFFINITY existsbotween iwwu il •the numberless coughs mixtu i f with which the minket' is flooded and that suocee stflpreparation—Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver 0 and Hypophoe- phites of Limo and,Soda. It etan d ]alons, distinct, is like itself, and nothing else. It embodies he` est results of advanced pharmaceutical' oe. It ac- complishes positive, deeielvs_restrl s, effectually reliev- ing coughs (when the -1c -rags aro not tuberculous or hopelessly atieote1T, eolds, laryngitis, and diseases of a serail-1millorigin. While it does not cure Consump- - it is the most:reliable means of defence against that dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties of the hypophosphitesl-rtimburse the system debUitatod by the eoueteut toar and weer of a cough, while the -paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence, in oonsequenoe of the soothing emollient action of the cod liver oil upon tho inflamed lung membrane. The phosphorus,. lime and soda, in combination with it, are all natural components in the construction of the bodily edifice, which, in a state of decay, lacks a sufficiency of those elements. These the hypophosphites supply, increas- ing the nutritive properties of the blood, and building up and rehabilitating the tottering human structure with a degree of -promptitude as astonishing as it is gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as well as In strength 1s ono of the consequences of using this etandaid preparation, which both time and ei;porionce have demonstrated to be fully worthy of• the confidence reposed in it. Prepared by Noa•rilnor & LYMAN, Toronto, and sold by all druggists. • A Pitoi.ttie SOURCES or I)IBEAss.—A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more authoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily 111x, not the least of winch is contamination of the bloodand the maladies of which that is the direct conse- quence. Thete original cause is, however, thor- oughly eradicated from the system by NORTH- ROP & LYMAN'.S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY. AND DYSPEPTIC CURE, -a medicine which only re° quires regularity and presistenco in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many ins that arise from it. No deleterious mineral ingredient's contain- ed in it, and though ite action is thorough in CORES ofcostdveuess, it never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakness in the bowels like a violent purgative. It invigor- ates time system through the inedinm of the in -- creased digestive and assimilative activity which It promotes, and is also a most efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness. kite., &o. Price 51.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for NORTHROP & LYMAN'S. Vegetable Dfaeovcry' and dyspeptic cure. The *rapper Xicara a Jac - simile of their slgnatlli'e. Solti by ail medicine dealers. The undersigned take great. pleasure in informing their custom- ers that they 1100 -just received a large ancl kvaried stock of eason' n ease Our Stock being very low at, a time 'when Teas;were cheap, also, the quantity which we handle enabling us to buy in bond, subject to duty, :off, which we did, -"and are now in a position -to offer -yon The ° best values ever ',mown in the history ` of Canada, We have been doing business in your midst now for about seven years,during which time we have endeavored to give you a good straight article, and. have the satisfaction to -day to know that not only have we built up a reputation here, but that our goods fin.cl their way into all the , neighboring towns and vil- lages.. ,WE THANK YOU IIEARTI`LY 1t0R YOUR LIBERAL PATRONAGE —All orders by mail promptly attendee] to gild Samples sent toany address on applicatic:n. carla g e BEAVER BLOCK, NEXT TO THE. TO'iVN H ALL. S. PALLISER. T.yWIIiTE STE: OT ']•NIL GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. TI -1= NA'NITOiA. IaltrlER FROM dy ro for 'HURONITE. The following letter from Mr. Jas..Gorrell, (eon of Mi .. 'Oorrell, of Clinton)' will be of Interest to oux''r0adere:-- Crystal City, Man, March 2, 1882. To th.e. E'dlton of the New Era. suppose you and .eonie of your readerswot>jld like to hear something from this cotintry'about the winter and other that. teas of interest; i .After a<lapse of font and a half months I write you a few, facts about the great country of the future, which you 'are at liberty to publish in your .valuable paper. We have had good sleighing, without ,aoy in- terruntion,.ainoQ,the 2Oth Nov. • :The snow is about:a foot deep on the level. So far. the • winter has been beautiful;,no storms; of any • account. There Vas a cold epell,from the 15th to the 20th of Nov-thermometor being, 30° below zero, °and on ,another 'occasion it stood 42° belbwszero.'' With the exception of these two +'snap&' the winter is all that could be desired. Manitoba is destined to be a great country.. Property is rising in value in town and country. Ontario people will:' doubt this 'until they come here and see for themselves. Winnipeg iso going ahead at a tremendous 'rate. $2.000,000 were expended'.,in .building` operations last summer' and it is anticipated'.' that next'summer'will far eceed`that. $l,• 000 per foot frontage is not considered a very . high price for land in Winnipeg..':I amtold that Toronto in its ;best days never ibooned hk e. Winnipeg does at present —Half section's of 320: acres of land sell from $3,000 to $7,000, and iri•eome cases where it is •thought a town will be built Tnartersections Sell 'a's 'high as $6,000. Four fine new grist mills, with : two run of, stones each, have been built thte e lm - mer within a short distance from '.where, we -are settled We expect to have the best Mar- Iket in Southern Manitoba aoeate..d'here,loulsc- .count•of having two competing lines of :rail- way. We have the South Western' and a branch`of the Canada Pacific •Railway.,•sur- 'veyed through here ; both are under construe= tion. To any young man that wants to get • a• farm, I would "Say ctnne. to •,Manitoba,, you can db b'etterkwithi $500. than yon can in ;Ou tario with $3,000. There'is•plenty :of home- stead and pre-emption land at TurtleMoun- tain. There -will be a large '.emigr`ation .to Manitoba next summer.; We are situated about half way between Crystal City.and Pilot, Mound. Crystal City' bas been'• appointed Connty. Town' of:the County Louise. A t}niall Registry,Of ids; has been erected during the' winter, which answers the purpose 'for which it was 'ereeted very Well. A large one will:be • built next summer. conclusion I would say I am well `satisfied with the: country in every respect, and would not exchangemy, property here 'now for 300 acres in Ontario. JAMES GORRRLL.;' True To I11er.Trttat.,: Too inuch•canuot be said of .tlio •ever -faithful; wife and mother; constantly watching and •car - in forther dearrones, never neglecting a.ein;gle ' duty'in their behalf . Wken they, are assailed. bb dise'as`e, ' antithe`-dyetein should have a thorough.,eleansin , the stomach and bowels rct,tilated blood • purified,; malarial poison ester- mrnated :she] Must know'tltat Electric Bitters are'the onlyjrstiresi remedy.` They'are, the best end purestlnedieine iu FI. the Comaworld and only coat' flfty,•conts :Sold'by J , e , 041,e010001* The JUTS ;tit fsES PERIODICAL PILES This Ives l -known medicine is no imposition but n a sure:11111 sate remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever, and although a powerful remedy,it contains noth- ing hurtful to the constitutin. To married las i'les it is peculiarly suited. it Will, in a short t n,cbring on ton monthly period asithregulari- sq. in all oases of nervous and spinal affection, pains in the back and limbs, heaviness, fatigue en slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics, sick headaches, ivhdtes, and all tlio pain- ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills is ill effect a cure when a11'-r)'tlicr moans hayo failed. These fills have never .failed, where the directions on second page of pamphlet are well observed. Not full particu- lars get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. JOB MOSES, NEW 'YORK, Sole Proprietor,,, 51 and 123 -fa cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & hymen, Toronto, Ont., general agonte for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over tiepins, by return of mail. Sold in Clinton hy- J. A. Combo and Watts & Co., and all medicine dealers.) Is still going on -at 111 only be continued for a short time longer The stock is going off rapidly,still it is very complete in all departments fret, aad parties wanting to buy ood. , .ea Clothin Cheap _Eats Caps CHEAP `BOO`S AND SHOES, CHEAP ' GP OCER,IE;S, ETC: Will do well tocall at once and secure -some of the bargains that are gong, as we sell at ':actual invoice. prices, and will continue to doso until the whole stock is cleared out. And get the prices that We are, selling.them at, and be convinced of the facts that we advertise.. as hundreds of our•,custoniers can testify. as our shop is crowded from morning to ; night .with .,customers, and dozens' of them have. to go away as we have been unable to wait on them,, and in future the store ,will be o 'en from 8 AIM. to 81:%. so that the town people. will be able • to do their shopping at night if they wish. 'Reinember, this Great Sale will onlylast abut a sj.ort -time:longer, as,we intend.' to offer it en bloc by Auction atta.rate• on the dollar. The Store will be .ofered for sale or to rent at the same time. Don't Mistake the Pla,ce--THE SIGN : OF TIIE RED FLAG.