HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-02, Page 8°-
, ,
1\1' ad -013, 2 1882.
, . ,
np f rid reading and a long debate
, ‘te, utiesU_°Beridlaid:teii.ri7engthWobroiculaghtihy'ee'vaartr,viclene:e' ad..et,aileof
Ian wopd explained ite previaione, and
was fenowed by mr, meredith„ who accus,ed
th M" istry og undulY faVoring the far-
in. tti3Irs' int[e 'thought that: the qn estien of
toll? 'should have been'. settled eiraultane-.
. • • ''
' aspr..Beilinaniged, in some rather ponder-
ilatrhkes Government,-
'boast t.sbartrasumebtdelerieedr: excited. was
_Znini. ; °Alija ow.„11, ex, wise, ' • • .
• mr,, young did, notrtliink that there wee
ex6,. nee-eseary connection between 'market'
fees ar.ia tolls. A•nuraber of other Speakers
followed those repreeenting rraral cpnstitu-
encies generallY . favoring the, meaeure
while the city members were oPposed to it-
, .mrh w.,00d closed the debate bY replying
f ' th 'b' etions brenght against
"e eeme e e 'e 3e - . ' --'
the, Bill, „Whieh received -its TsecOnd reading.
• • • . •• - --.
, ..WDNESDAT, Feb. 22. -•--The Speaker took
: au, at 30 . , . ,
the ch 7.., ... .. „ , , • , ,
. The following petitions were. presented :
Mr. Neelon-From the ,Ceun.0,11,..,0_t St.
Catharines, and .' Town 'Council of :Niagara
in favor'of... the ,'St• Catharines & Nia are
g .
Railway; ,, , - :- .•-, ,, • .. • ,
Alr;Nairn...of the village Of S,Pring
in. favor of 'the London annction.RallwaY.
' Mr Pardee presented the ninth report of
- • - • ., r•-•.- . •
the Steeding'COMMittee on Railways. , .
• ' Mr. Fraser preeented the eleventh rePert
of the Coinmittee on Private Bills. • ...
_ The fellowing Bills were .rea,d a third_..
linie and Passed : - '
To ,indorporate the town of peneitsuagui-
shene. .. • . • . • ,
• :' To aniend the law of,-Newsnaue,r 11:lh14.
. .. , . , . . .
- Mr: Wigle Moved That,. in the opinion of
this Hbuse,it is ',desirable that to -render
• •
Valid 'A .1)Y -law of any '..imunicipalltY- fot
granting a bonus in eid of a railway, or for
promotingany manufacture, the ,assent of
the majority -Of the votes polled on the b'
leW„ or'te the omount.of'at least one-third
- - .
of all the voters who were on' the, hat end•
entitled -to vote.on the . by:law, Shall be;
necessary, and that a Select Committee ! be
appointed to prepare and bring ill:a Bill t0'.
accomplish ' tnis,. 'ohjeCt. ' No. by-law, 'he-
said, had, been submitted a.ndcarriediinder '
the law•aii it wee' at preseat,'-requiring that
a, bonus by,laW Should pnly be, carried , on
a majority of all 'the ratepayers entitled to
,, , ,
irij e eing po e for it. Now that the' Gov-
t b ' ' 11 d " ' - .•
' , '• , • .. • . • , •
ernment ,and to railvveys was withheld he
• thought it advisable to do away with:, that
requirement. ':He cited os a' cage ',in point.
the ilecesisity for' a bonus m Laniabtento the
Erie & Huron Railway.... . • •
. • , •,
- Mr. Gibson opposed anYchange . in the.
''low. , If :there Was a 'great neaessitY for
a new railway;.the requisite majority woul ,
he.belieVed„ be had. . Regarding bonuses to•
, ' • • . ' .., . . .
manufactures; • be consicieredthe-practice
of .bonusing man acturers..,a . premmous
one and Would :like it done •away With
• , , .. , . .
altogether; - ,: • • - . '.. • . -
- ' ,',... -... - •-• •• •• . - -
Mr„Pardoe saaa that. it was admitted at
the iime Of areending the lew thatit was a
great' improvement on - the old, -one.
Although,' atone time of a contrary:opinion, '
• • ' - la , ' - ' • d
he now t o'ught that by-laws coul .. be-
cerried' .under the -,nevv laW • because et.•
iiiiimber ''of by-latva had. been .actually•
carried in.:several places- Nevertheless,'
he thought, indiVidually; that the iribtion
of the• member .for Eagex. proVidea sufff-
ment protection. The .matter was 'not,
o s'aer cl. suffi iently important te:Make
c n i e . c . ..
ii a,,question 'of GoVernment pcithey, . Tney •
won no , ewever„ penmen o go ac o
la t h• ' ' ' t' t ' b kt .
• ,, • - . • -
the old law.. . It wag . simply a matter for
toe ' House to - 'deal with. If . the hon."
.. . _ . . . ,
Member- •thonght• it . 'adVisable;:he Might.
• ' t .41 ' '' B.11 . b a . h- e
an ro .ucer a: . . i ,,era o pug - Is , mo ion,
andtake the sena() of the'Houee mit. • •
• •• - - - - • ,- . • . •
• Mr.. Deroche, ccinsidpring the railway.
lobbying' now- seen every day, around.the
•Heuse ' thought the • Motien should- not
• ' - ' B '''' ' ' ' bt '.' d d 'la
pass. . onuses . were , o eine .. an t e
' ' d• b b ' h' '." - '• t
expen iture orne y t e„ ,majority o ,th,e
.'il I ' eo 1 ' • -6 th y ' r 'a ked to •allo '
, o ep p e, ye e we e-. s , w•
abents to go with the cenSent of a small '
nty. he apanee ,& &rawer oa
Mino ' ' T N ' " " T '''' th R d
- h. d th h d 'b ' ' ' ' '' d '
was pus e . roug an ., onuses- .mtrrie ,
hi t d ' th ' n - 't f th '
w i e . o, ay . ere was o prospec , o e
,roed . 'being ; conapleted and. the people
oupe or eir ou ay. , • - . •
rec d f ' th ' tl . ' -
, , Mr. Meredith, regrettedthat the govern.
ment 'did net announce 1' ' ' th
a po, icy on e
ques ion e ore e.. ouse. yery arge
t. . b. f ' 'th • H A • 1 ' '
proportiOnnf these persons' on the voters'
list alwey ' f '' ' d'f ' . - t•- . '', •
s re rame rom•vo mg. ... .. •
. - - • , , • • • -. , • , ,., • • • •
.. Mr. Eraser was 9ppOse01. "GO .1,119 .prOpOSI•
ton first because it was Unwise M change
- ' ' ' • / - ' - .
the lew every. session. • The member for
'.• Essex. in ,irabinitting his' nabtion ne doubt,-
had in his mind the subnaiSeion of- 'certain
'.- • - . • • • '- -
bv.laws -,for ,the nurnose• • of. obtaining, a
. ., • - - - .' .'• - • - ---'
;bonus.' Thos11, promoting rsalyvays • were,
he declared, ,tho only p.ersons •••askipg ;for
this °hen- e ' • • . ' -
. ,„„. :
r..', Coo oppOse . lao . ;me. tem.. e
' ,•"'- gs ' 13.1. ' t' .. la .
thought that, bornisies elieulcl.not ,be :given ',
'aeries It had been
ritilioitcla..or,mitntifii. .. . , .
thought that the,great National Policy was
gOing.. to : mako the bonusing., of manufac,
he ewer; to bonne
t.ories ,unneceeSaty.. • 'T , p
fade - ' . hould ' in' his o inion ' be taken.
• tomes , 8 ., ,. . . P . , ,
nonnici alitiee It was a. blot
474 itura' -- P ' ' . „k„
upon, the , statute ,book, .H -le' Wa- '''''''
strongly 'oppoeed ,,t e power being , repoSed
in naiinicipalities -to ,remit taxes on pro-
• ' ' 1 . k th't ''''
pertjti anti hewbu a ta e. , a , power_away,
froth them._ , • , . , .. -.Li - .". • ' - .
• - ' ' - ith the et ission of .•the
Mr., Wigle, • w • , . p re , . ,,,
Hanie ' withdrew. the motion • and , gave
, , , •
notice, that he would intreatiee, a BilL •••.'!• '.
Mr..'Meredith•ineyed for a returnahovi-.
ing the amount expended. for' repairs upon •
the , Provineial„.Legialative 'and, 'Depart-
Mentafbaildinge 4 bleach of the yeare frOna
' ' • ' - `' 'b. • ' '.. , .' • ....
1867 to 1881 (bot • :inolusive),,-0.distinguish.
ing,the aanounte expended on the separate
parts of snob buildhigs.-Z-Garrie& . . . , •
:: '•Mr. Meredith irieved fer a return. shOw-:'
ing the quantity of.epal.Purehased bY•or,cin
n o • e; rovince, - n e •
- accoa t.. f th -P '' - - i • ea h, of the
'etiis' fi•Om 1874 'to .1881 "(both 'hiClusive) '
• • ' • ' ' . . '
the' institetiOns for Whieh purChaSea ; the
.,. , .. , , , .
-date of purchase, and. the price per ton paid,'
givin ' • ' '- '
g the. information ni , each , case •in
cleta,ii asteherd and soft' coal. -Carried.
- A mimber of ,Private Bills were pessed
... ti,i'tolltsh .corarnitte,e.tind reperted. ' •
' TbeHonse:Adjotrned at 10,25. '
, NOTIOES oratorios: '
' '' ' •• ' • '
Mr.' Harcourt -Oil Friday' next --Resp-
lution:t-That in. the opinion of „this - House
".. the syeteni - of remunerating , slaeriffS bY
'ieee is undeSirable 'and ' u .11 t- and' it
nj s 1- ' -
, Would ,be :nthe publie -interest '. to sub-
atitute • th refer a system of paYment' bY
aryi_i .
. sal . ''• ' • ":... • ' • '. ' . .
. ___,' Mr.'GibsOli (Huron) -On Friday neit.7-'•
Resolution -,--That in th'e ,opinicin '.. of: this
Irons& it is ' desirable 'the , power, 'hitherto
. , • •
vested in' • municipalities for granting
bonuses :in aid of or forpronaoting naanufac-
tines and the. 'power 'of ' exempting ,- from
taiatio,a,:for the amine purpose shall now be.
done awey with. . ' . .. ' ' '
, . , .
. •TittiasnAs 'Feb. 23. -The Speaker' took
the',Chair atL3 o'clonk. • ' ' ' - '
, . .. . .. , „ . - • ,-
Mr: Fraser presented the twelfth report
s o nal ee on ma e i s. . /
of th d to ' 'tt ' .. P ' t'' B-11 ' ''
Mr; Pardee prosentea the tenth report of
th C-- 'It R 'I ' - ' •
e ommi ee on ai ways. , ,
' .The reports were received . , -
' The fodowing,Bills were -introduced' Ana
' d fi t t• .' " - • -
rea a' rs . ime .• . .. • . - ..
r, el -An ct to amend the Munun,
pal'Act. . ' -
Bin Morrig-An ;Act ,to amend the
unieipa o .. . ' ' '
. „ . •
A ''. 1VIr:hartIV•::-.Aii Ant tri' sirttalilia. o. Pro.
vincial Board of Health and give' increased
-po.mrweromteowLeett 123.noaAred: eifesElv, eepatlitelig, tbe ba,„
: • • ' . - .'
*edam_ of. boilerS• • . - • • - - -
'' Mr. ,' Gibson -An Act to amend the
'Xiiiiiqipal -Act. • .
txr, Wood gave netice that he WoUldt-0-
S- E.
Jerbacessi *Wien -a, 7a -f Waldo, Or, f Hwang.
' her Trolisseaa as 'Pairle.,-lier Lite at
' • • " ' '
. II,. onke..: , '
Tile Princess Helena, of Wroldeekiiegoing
• te Paris, says • the 'L'Ondon ±l'adz, to hug
0, , ,, ' \ '''
, . ,
, .
. .
. ', • , . , .
& 'GALE,
. , .
' . '
, .. •
. ,_ .
7' •
,. , 40
groft#0iowit 414- f)tller (.54r '
go' ay TO LEND IN LARH•' E OR staALL.
AIL stuns on eood mortgage security, modeiatorate
of interest; B.',EAL,E, Clinton. , - • '
' '-'kr",
, ,
' ' ° '
' .. '."
A .Ikl'T' OD LA-ios IN BUIWN PoR'SaXi.4 BY
.1.3.. the Canada Company,,maY be.seen st the rage of
.he undersigned. II, HALE, Clintpn. •
" '
. r
MONDAy, Feb. 20. -The Speaker took,the
k 4 4 ,
chair At $ o'clock. ' •
The/ following Bills were Imo a third
time MA pased ; - ,, .
' To 'incorporate the Manitedlin Ieland
Railway Concipany. • ,,,,,. '
Respecting By-law; N0.217 olthe County
f-We.11ingtore,', .:-_. •-, ' . isier:of
., Mr. Harcourt inquired of the Min
Edlicatien whether the recominendatiOne
contained in his spedial report, pointing to
,a reduction in the number' of ' fornis 'in
13Pper Canada College, an entrance exami-
nation. equal to - that of the Mgh PchoOle
-and Government inspeetion, have as rSt
been carried into ,effect. . , . .; 1 ,, '
Mr. Crooks stated that everything w, hioh
bad ,transpired relating to UPPer Canada
College ,since last session was Pet out in his
Educational Report, which will be breught
down in a, few days. , ' i '
. Mr. 'Creighton moVed That inthe Opinion
orthis houSe it le desirable that the forms
of ballots used at election .of mernlaere to
• • at munnai al
the Legislative Assembly and P
elections should be assimilated ta. those
need at elections .e.f meMbets to the 'HoliSe
of-Coramons of 'Canada, so 'as to amend' the
cOnfusion caused by having three'separate
forms Of ballot in use. '' ..-• '• ' ' ,
Mr. Mowat, did milt coneur ,with the [-pug-
gesticins of , the hon. member.: The syetem
in use in Ontario Was iinpartant. in that it
pro.vided valuable ss,feguards•against wrong,
while the chid:ices of •identifYing'voterS,wee
redneed to anainimumendscialight thOt it
would be a mistake to forego the advent g
of -the Ontario system. If there' was tc
am 'assimilation of, the systems'', then,- the
Dominion -system should „be assiMilate4 to•
vi •
the forna In 'lase' in 'this Pro' 'nee The
objectiena neW raieed were discussed at the '
time'. ef 'the Passing .ef -the Aet and. fizillY
. , . . ,. , .
xmindered at the time.. . -.- , .
Mr. Lauder said that if the - system in
Chtitarie Was- such that any Voter's vote
Xalld •be . found Out,. the law..should be
imended. He did not'see how'the number--
Mg Of the ballot was 'a check upon bribery,
ind it did not asaiat M the investiga. tient nf •
' ' • f a ereon voted
iharges' , of corruption. ,I . P , , ,.
igainet a friend in power, ana- it Was after,'
wards found -out, he might' not be teld of it
int he would suffer, The. suggestien of the
IteMher for North Grey . (Mr. Creig )
vas, he 'thought, et.gopd one, and should
!eceive7the ' cOnSiaeration , of a -committee
A thetteuse. . .. . , , , ...
Mr. Awriay thought the Ontario . system
' - ' • ' mind 'ever • voter
lad thrown -safeguards . r . y .,
rad he •hopea ' that ,•the Bill would;' in t
ntereSts of good Government. and purity
. . ..
d ' • '
A elections, be rejecte .•, • .
. • t debateand con-
Mr, Creighton closed hp , , .
ienie4.,:to havethe motion 'declared lost on
I. diVlinell, Which Was done. ... .
Mr.:Waters Moved, the secend reading'
' units al 'Act
if the Bill: to ' anion& ' the.. M P - • •
repealing.the 'An:tending Act pf the seseion of
1$8,0, which -provides that tt, person must
awn property of the value of . at least.$406.
without, inciimbriince ' in 'townshipp, and
n,500 in cities and towns, before -they can,
. . . .
lualify. as eendidates -for niunicipa ,.,,, n .
3i16.* The Mover ',referred to . the injuetice
if Ocasewhere anowner of propertYValued
at $20,000 but' mortgaged, for $10,000 Wks .
Is ' full- value
issessed for $10,000 • as- t ,
lereby disqualifying the owner for, rouni- •
.. , ,, , ,
31p4.1 honors.. He .belieied it wae the duty
if aSeesscirs.to,aspeas iip to the real value of
. , . .
property, but acertain latitude Waeallo.wea
the aasestiors in this' respect. --He thought'
le Act of 1880 shonld be repealed. . -
. . _ . • - • • ,
. .
Mr.'Hardy Said '. that ' 'this ' 'matter was
ionsiderecl by the.Municilial Conamittee of •
, .
le Honge last Sesibii and' they thonght it
. - • ,
heipedient.te ohangethe leW, Which Wes.
. .. .
itill in ferce.• '• - ' ,r :- . . : ' - ...,.. •
. Mr.MOwatilai,inoving the adjourniment
A the' Hefts(); said : I intend' to mot%
- -
;Iftmcirrow, Mr.': Speaker, ' that this House
Idjourti. • On . Wednesday to allow' of ,Ithe
members attending the funeral' of. the.late
, . . .
Rev. Dr. Ryerson. , I would, suggest. that,
20t icierely.out•:of the .respect Whidh We all,
intertain ,for lifs nieniory. and the esteem
. . . . , .
with -which. So panyof as regarded.hisa-
,,,,t mils, bocause he vv.a;s'a proiminent man in
;his eatintrY, a distinguished Canadian for
rver half' a....-..-centnry; ,Or -.-becanee_ot,his.
iminent abilitieer or . the ..nigi). 'hanoi
vtih' which , be was regarded by j the
iocly in Whoge service le spent 'so 'many
. • •
mars; but I think ' such'. anaotion . espe-
. . . , .
dolly appropriate- on ..pur pert -because
!or thirty' years he Wes at the heed of olie.
if the:most important Departnaents in the
• '
lovernment of this country, _Dnring that
ong period it,Witaby-;Dr.-,Ityerson that the,
iducetional laws' Were framed, -and• so itblY,
tarniiiistered,' Ilehad Malik diffienities.te
a:intend.' with, Which haVe •disePpeired
' '
hrough .the. energy . andi ability,be niani.
'bated, in'.the. responsible'positiOn . he .occii,
fled, The,sphools nnder , his..suPerintenci-
, .. ,
!nee, were.possessed. of acharecter inferior
o noneilithe':w,orld. In Vie.* of- ,the Posi-
don he OCoupied, of . the high. respect With
vhich'he• Waslegarded, and- fla• f thf 1
' ' 43 " al u
ierviees to the' State•it i.iiiii thOught Propei
hat the members Of this 'House • should
ittend the funeral.. ' ' ' ' "' • ' - '
. . . , .. . .
, . , . , .. .. . .
Mr:. Hardy pregented: • to . the tiouSe
'urther, correspond,ence 'with.. referenee 'to
Le Beunaary, Award, 'adding :that the
reit .of Award was 'included for, the first
'1" • ' " • ' 't ' " ^'
ihne. ; a so a return of .. he wheat e,xperi-
nented with. at•the . Agricultural College ; '
iorreap.onaence' between, the GoVernments
if Comae ana 'Of the -Provinces of Quebec"
wa onta.,,,irai.-ting to unSettied accourite•f
deo statement. of. bursar of -IL C.'College.'•
tlso a retain elthe Ariel of felonies in' the
:lounty Courts.: . • • • ' - • . ' • • .
• ' ' ' • ' ' - ' • '
. , , . ,.
The gouge adjourned .at 6:o'clock.' • ;-•
TOBONio, Feb. 21. -The 'Speaker toek the
lair at 3 o'cleck.' ' . . ' ' , .' '' ' . '
A- disco Bien. on the question 'Of the niain-
;enance of the' Provinenil • Exhibition, took
. _ .
?lace. when the House Went into Committee
in the•Bill amending the.Agrietiltural, and
kith Act. .' • ', ' ' .. ' ' .' ..,: '
Mr. Yeung •thotight'that the , PreVliacial
]xhibition might Do advantageously heldin
Le Eastern arid Western -set:Alone. Of,'Ilie
E'revince inalterriate ' ' - ' '''', ''' ' ''''
Mr. Merrick nioved that theninthelause;
VhiCh gave power 'to the . Council Of . the..
kssociation to, dispense, with 'holding „,the
. .
alxhibition; should be struck iiiii.• : , ' .
Mr.' WoOd • OppOSKI • the, Motion on' the
;rout:id:that # was 'not desirable that an
- • •
nchibition should be . held annntilly. The
unendinent was lost, and the committee
!eported Pregreas.. ;.• • . ' ' • , '• '
.The Bill for the remoVal of certein defects
/ii the law oir/ evidence. wag reported With.
. •
Rime • yerball, alteration's. ' in the clause
reePTiCting evidence incasee-of 'adultery. ..
. When the House went into 'committee on
the meabure attending thole* of libel.- .
Mt. Creighton reneWecl his ,ohjectionte
the phrase " lawfully convened," l' d
/ as app ie
he eetings in respect .to w nth
nnimnitY was granted. . Ite wae sustained
in this View by Messrs. Meredith -arid
ycf. Eraser explained that the Threat)
sitnily meant to designate Meetings of a
lawfIll character. The committee rose'at 6.
ter recess the Market Fees Bill came
MorroWtriove the Heuse into C, Onimittee to '
:consider, a resclithio providing ter the PaY-'
merit of 10-24,685 Out of the -Consehdated
Rev.enue. Fund totlievariousMuniciPalitieS,
The H011ee again Went into Committee of
the Whole on the 13ill anaending the Agri-
cillturai and .Arts Act- ' • • ' ,,' , . -
. Mr. ,G.roc,..im. Proposed several additiOnSto
the Act, in view of t e altered. position •of
- .. . . • - . . •
:Mechanies' Institute •Theyprpvide,among
other things, that tii Mechanics' Institute
Aeseciation maY. aot in\conitmotien With
anY' other association to- advance the arts
and ' manufactures 'of the Province ; that
the .associatiari may have POWer.te employ
• . . ,
,competen.t leetlirera ; thatthe .asSOelation
shall held a meeting annually .at -any time
her. trousseau.. She 'will procure it at
eatablishments patronized by the' Queen of
Holland, And is to be taken to them
incognita by a lady attached to the Dutch
- .
Legation. I am told that' Queen Emma is
shOwing herself very generous toler sister,
Wh. o is' to atay withlier from the time 'she
has done vvithher Parisian outfitters until
phe goes to England. te be ma.rded, the
, , ,
ducat family of pyrmant„waideot --is
old, , prima' 'and far: ' from - 'rioh. -
Illost • of its .doinestic arrangements
have been made on the' needeMust
principle ' If the porticins"Of the mimerous
daughter's of this honse had been fairly
geed -the eldest of .them• wOuld not now be.
.Queenof Holland. PrinceseHelerat hi of a
A- isloney advanced .on Mortgages and Note s of hand
're-arl,,tsatNellallife 04 PL,f'11.t.V.e.,„,t1109h.fille.%,'1,,,theee
b. iiit ' •,i id p' '''"4''' ' • - ' -An; To ca,
Lemmas throughout eii-niqa' and'the United States.
' ' - • ' ' ,
, SALE NOTES SOUGHT at close ratcS, and mono]
advanced to farmers ontheir OWn. notes, f or anylongth
.0;timq. o puit, the horie An ketablseeottri-
wer. : mar
. tiesbonght and 130.,1d, .4'
BAN- ' : ' ..' ' A • '
. - • • .
. I , '...,' "
l• 30111‘7. 'r°1'.', j. r.',T/SDALL.. T. A. GALE,.
, .S.t.rathrol,. .1 .. 13,eAlLinLt,0.14....ingii,z.. Etors.•
- ' .,, .. PEN L ND T" S
. . .
1--) B. POWSLEY, LI% B., Er. E. C. S. ENGLAND,
''-'*•PhYulaian, Oure•e°x',:ao °ffica' and residence
next Molson's Bank- marhc I, square Clinton
' • '
(1)1rE2toint:otgitellt'Bhtl' EDnER,19sEb
jr) eit,.. °Area Tster.xce....0
.- - E
alra'a'• 116•ance l'Y 'nth' c2ta' '' ' tilialil
. ,
.e.1 Suproate .Court of Ontario, „ConVeyancer, ,fcc. ---•
OiRce, in BirAv,sa Btoos, .4.1;SEET ST., Clinton- •
• - •
0 vou.No, , AI. B.,, (GRADUATE OF- TORONTO
•Uni'Versith) Physician, S•urgeon, &c., residence at
EM6ri/MT"ongielggb'sotrotilrrtrdasi's east of the Temperance
, , , 1-1 • ,
, • •
.1../immerliately north of Dickson e book store. Reel.
' ' -
carneteo'ne...PP.peniejeteliter'sTirr=rerT•eme.ItOle4p..33mu.rbn street
_ . . , ,
.claring the month of September, and a
:report of theproceedings of the aseooiation
Shall, be made. to , eMinister of Educe ion
within.thirtf days aftereucla meeting ;'And
'' ' - • •
that each institute shall send at least one
delegate to -represent it at the neit annual
meeting of the General Assocuitran. ,
., ..03. r. Ross thought the feeling of the coun-
•ry was,agains .con inning e gran .0 e
t ' ' ' • t t• ' - 'th '' t I " th
Mechaniee' Institutes' Associations. His
. . . . h h.
romantic disposition, alt ough eornet ing
of a blue' stocking Her father's little State
is beautdu ly .pictur,eseue and. fearfully
poVerty stricken ' It is a, conntry 'of' high
- ' - - ' ' -- '• ' • • • • ' - .
hills .wooded glens and brawling ' streams.
and s'treanalets. ' Prince 'LeoPold ,inet his.
future Wife at Rupenheim: . She is cerniectea
With the royalfamiilyc et bEnagland, th.rou.g, h:
th ' D 11
. e . no ese, , , , am v. go ana Ina.
Princess ' of -:Wales, and was ' highly'
4.,, , . . ,
O' _ " ' ' i
, . .. nh.,,-,.,.,• , . • ' '' • ' •
"•.-10'otY.S. NEILAN.S, AGENT,
' r. TIA-ILL'.0 CIi' ONT. •
A,...... ,,,,t,m.in‘,n homes ifinformation be sonott 0 the,
--' ' ' "-• • .
' .......-.
. , ,
. _ , . •
. a 4 b s c4ArpAleb:,..L. 0 ,,note atEhr etl,hseIraoLEiotiasBoninos5:11, ,An../ynt t (the 0DB,1 ter 8,,Tii odIoeFeRI ce:Ani tEahySE,
TAMES ,SCOTT, Issuer 0/Marriage Licenses. Clinton
. ..
.11.1.-111. , ai It St e• UNdVeHd. ialt' Tt h eTi Er otH. kEe sta. d oe le ela, ilTInSelhee;e s al; ry .P IliLeS.
.sidehee stt-Mrs. Wattprson's, Itattenbnry St, Clinton.
Rice's hew method taught if desired.
.. opinion' was that the ,Mechitnies' Institntes
haa never done any real geed, ' ' ' '
spoken ..of by the Grand Duke of Hess-,',
Darmstadt. He , opined that ehe would
• __:.• . ......
=7"--,-L''Qu'oWT---,•,Tt-.--‘3 ' .1:••=."1.•T' 7
. ..--- - ,
-1-JoALDepartinent oftictoriaDnivereitnaidiqnto,fot
merly of ,the Hospitals and Diepensaries, New Tort
Cdroner'for. the County of Huron ' Bayfleid, ont '
' ' ' ' • ' '- ' ' . '
- ,The Elonse went intoConaniittee onthe Bill
- • • , • - ' '
resPecting the -censtruotion of WaterwOrks
, in .dities, town and villages. ' . .
,Ort motion_the House , went' into Com-,
mittee of Supply. .. • • • - ." • ' '
. - . • • •
Several items for ciVil. government' were
pissed without any considerable discussion.
' .
On the item of 1$8,800 for ptiblic institu-:
.... .
bejnet the pereen to lead with the Prinee a'•
quiet, ritnaiouelife at' Clareniont, and be, if
his health broke down a ministering angel
, •
be him. :A member of an: embassy here
has told Me that the-Prinbess Helena Would
Make an ideal %wife ' for tin •earnest and
charitably.disposedEnglislarecter. Through
the Nessan family she hos some 'great and
., • • - - --• . •
- ' . ' ' 1 ' • '
: , '-, ' „. ' , . ' '.
HaVe oh, hand. a . &Oise .asSortment' of • CDOCKs,
w•ArrcHEs, 3E- W,ELLP111 ,-14'4''FL4TEP WARE -°f
. ' • 'ir : . ' allltinde., ' ,. ,'„ • -- ' •• .
, , ..
Ci --k- 'W-ut". n -
55 5 a55a55 iiG repairoiln short notice
- 1. . • -1 .11 • •-•.
-. ' • ' 1,-..- ALL:WoRic,iviitivANTED: 1,;..,..L - •
, • • - .
. , s a , T .
ilupi w. WILT,w.a. ,..E. A., wt. B. RADUA E, OE
• +1..,,, Toronto University ; member of the College of Phy,
mums and Surgeons, Ont. Orhaut A, limiximnsch the
house formerly occupied by Di. Rehve, 'Albert street
,.ollaton• ' , . ' • • . .
trans increase $1 200
,... Mr.' Wood eiplained that the .over.-expen-
- '
diture under thie head was due to- the
necessity, for the employ/a:lent of an ASeist=
ant Inspechai Of rrigons and Asylums. Mr.
Langmuir, the present •Inspector, had
..notitied. the Goveriument Of his.; latention'to
reeign. • ;He favored the' 0apPointinent Of A
two inepectore instead ofeninspector. arid
iiii 'assistant; No name WWI undpr the 'con-:-
sidetetion of the Governna, ent .a.s a suceessOr
to.Mr. Langmuir. . •• •
• On' the iteni f 1 500 f ' ''' ' .- '' ' t'•
o or ircimigra ion,
Wealthy' relations but she has not been
reared in grand style.' She is tres-simplette,
fair ' fresh, gentle and' of o cheerful, even
teim'Per,'ani.'tlicingh not verY. distingo6 "eh°
, . . , . , ,
.is certainly' not rustic in • her 'unaffected
' simplicity.'
. - ..' . rim sisren;
, :,Th'e '.Queen of • holland, .bY the hy, is-
• coming out.,:las . a leaaer• nf. society at the .
Hague. •• She---ii-tand. of elegant • toilets
rnueic, dancing anal finch gaYeties . as -the'
-Dutell• cepital affords', It•Appears. that ahe
' .
i '
• q
. s
1 .
,, At.in
- ' :2•41, • '
Vsk , .,
,. .„. '• 4
,.N. .1. ii'vt,r. 4
."'"-_,...:7%,7fli, ',WY'
0. ‘,_-_-_,---.....,---.-______.„; .„....:,,,,,:t
,r.,., "rwc,..
A H• 1‘1,,kl.sll`ITNG.. AT TOBIqEV-AT-1.kw, Sold-
-::-. *0":71:6IN.-rCB11::::.mEr.•-?.t",o,f260pn.Z.3:aPee.r,-'&e., , Benvet
Block, Clinton, Ont. All business promptly atstended
, ,/, • - •
, , . . . ,. „
_i_JAO•eoupli,our;Liceutiato9i the College oiPhysioian•
and Surgeons of Lower Call adk , and ProVincial Mien,
tlate .and Coronort or the Countyrif Huron. . Oinceand
residence; -The ,biiilding fornacr13 ,oecimidd b:y •Mr.
ThwaitesiDuron street. ' ' '• '. ' . ' ' ' •• • '
.- nlinton,Jan.10 18'1'. •
. , I -
- .. . -
,...,....- .. .......,_.... cTri.rati.....CrtABOTi Wih..1p1I,Gill0;1,; jr, Sco„,,onjelexcgoeito/if spa, elniStraTi,
gial an& Surgeon's of Ontario, bas.oliened•raoras'in
the Victorra Block, Albert Etratt,' Clinton', where he
win constantly' be imatteilatince,•and prepared, to per
'form, every operation connee red With Dentistry. ,Teetb
extracted, or idlled•with,gold, hallo:team, or other filling
• material. ' Artificial teeth' inseind 'from. ono_to.La
Dill set,: , '.• ' ' ' • '' •
, . ,, , ..,
same as last year in reply- to.Mr. Bell; ,
• . ,. , . , ...._ • ...„ .
?lir.. HardY said that Mr. Laird had net
for, eiOtetai Menths been in the eniploy •of the:
Department.. Also, that ' under the regii-
la,tions free esses ere Confined to labo ' ''
• • rers
. - able to poy.. -their own
and servant girls un •
way. • Meehinice and 'artisens. were, . as a
rule; able to pay fOr their faree. -; • - • ' •
.. Mr, Meredith ea le 1 attentran t the
-oter-expenditure for Sessianal, writers and
,. . .. . , ,
messengers. He also questioned the pro-.
priety ' ' of appointing an Assistan •
i rariaaa a sa ary o as a per -
Lb ' - ' t 1 f $700 ' ma -
nent officer The late Librarian although
. . , , .• , , , ,- .
in delica.te health ,didnothave an. assistant.
, . . , , . .
Mr. • Wood said' that the .expenditure . for •
sesSional Writers' depended chiefly upon
the -returns called for :.by members of„ , the
. has grovVaquite prettY-since. her marriage.
.her hair, which is. of .ti,' • burnished, blonde
color, is very fine; and she understands
,how to dress_it to advantage. 'The bone-
1 ,- • ' '. • d ''. • 'f ' . a d Elie
' p e ion is ma e up o roses . n .. s„
and • the neck , and ern*, if wanting . m
purity of 'outline ' .e b autifully white and
ar e
.1 ' p Bl ' ! -H ' ' ' f '
er Majesty s. avorrte,
1:loilmr. • . ' Shile:siitss in' a', .boudoir- hung
with blue silk, decorated withNankin blue
- 1-- . d - h ft d • bl ee of
porce am, an . B e 0 en , reesen in u
var•ous shad s •• ,At a ball iven -at the.
. '
palace •abont ten• daVs ago she was- in a
''.-. • • • .' ' n - - ' ' - h " ta . -
white . satin • slurt, covered wit o .ponat
l • ii -1-3,1------ .
dt' dhd
ace, s y ue • corsage - an rain, an a
f ' 't d h .dd bl ' f athe
or garni ures.an , ea ress ue , e , rs
and '1 Th - t f th D ch ss f
pear s. e sis er.,o et, a , e .o
Connaught has 'thrown aside. her widow's
d d . ' ' t th ' b 11 Sh' . d -the
wee s an was a e, a . e.aa ,
' -''•••••'1
F.......e,e; • • I
--- -
--, r
Nv •
1 r,
----.>. ' 'OA
....----•.-.;,/-------.• '''
---..- •-,:-..,,,-----__•••_."... '''•-• ,
-'-- - - --.....,--,-.Y., 4,.....,
.---=---- -- - 1.,-.
\ • •
, .,
'0 , -/ ' 4 e/''I
L,IiY,', .,
.• * ni
''4,r .01„ 4 ,
a• -,..a °
, ..
. .
' . . .
pnivATE 'AND i COMPANY ,, FUNDS, ..at , leivest
-1I- rates and on terms to suit .borrowers. Fees low. •
' • • • , . A, IE.:MANNING" ' • • . • ••
• .,,Solieitei an,d 'Convoy a neer
, „ . _ . . .
DWIN . liEEEEIt, lt.,. D'. S., - '
' I). 1NT.- r3C' T. ..s -.1-, ,
, - •
rom the•office of Trotter 6,^,-, Caesar, leading deiltist
, Toronto. Second Iloner Graduate ;Royal College
• • • Dental' Surgeons: - .• . '
. , - . . •
°lulu,- SEA -4.'1M BLOCK CLINTON ovitu'EoWtEit
, , ,
• • • , ...v. SON'S JENvELI,MLY _TOEE. . '
S. , ,,
House; 'Some returns .were called ;for -
'which' necessitated a -large antonnt of tabor:
-: On the item $53.004 ,•audiciiture'COur.t, , •
' - Mr. Meredith. 'aeked. why' the 'salary
Queen danced ihto the ,' src.a.11.1eurs of the-
mernin • Princes's Pauline •the onthful
heiress g.restina 'tivn suffers from her teeth,
ear'to .have.
. • ....„
• ' Ili - ill
Ifianitolia,alle lief wc8tLaild..0 e@
' - •• ,,:' ...•:-1 .... ..- • . ' •
TT-fE iindersignad haS mud° iiriMMe milt ^"t1" ' '
. . . f 1., d. . ,. . ...-. .• ' ,•> 1! , s ‘.'.1. ' sqa-
. ,ra ea mg Len1 Lstato .Agents m ..Marntobo....to
Open 'MI offic,e,,here'ipi the Salo antUpurchase of rPal
ostate'in Manitoba and theNo,:th West Torritorie' , .
, .. • , • • • ,. • . , • ,s. - •
Maps:and all informatmn.will be received about 1st
January. 'Land Sold and bottglit with little expense,
mid all inforthatiomaiven. : - ' • • ' • ' 9 • '
. • '
cL. •, • A.• G. MANNING, •Solidifor, ctc,:, Clinton.
' ' . .
($1,400) of Mr. Saudi; fernierly taxing offi-;
cer now of the Q B. DiVrision. was not in-'
, . - , • • , I . . , . .
creased. , • • ' • . .. , • - . -
M ' M ' ' t ' 1 • ' d th • " ' 1 s
r. owe exp Dane .. e =cures ance
connected With 'the redistribution of. the
ffi ' ' PI 'Id .t 'th •t f
o ces. e cou no see e necessi y or
. „ . .• , , , ,
a larger amount in the case spoken ot.
•• Id M d' h " ' t a • . t th •
. .V., ere it protes e agoras . e ex-
pendittire Of $1,000 for , a magistrate ci.t
,C1'ft - lth h • •t " i• • 1
i on,.. a oug , i was an excep lona ,
case. ' -' ' , • ' • -' ' • • • '' • ' ••
cicloel:not apPP a robust con.
a•tlit. ti • 'She MO' not, therefore, etand M
s , u on. .. . . y • • i 'D l f -1 f
the. -way of .the Gran uca arai y •o
Saxe -Weimar ' The Prince of Orange, on.
' • .. • ' ' ' h. al d l'
_the other hand isnot 'so wrote e ' y e 1.- ,
t h ' ' 'li t h k ' • 1. f frona hie
co e as ewes, .0 • e eeps a,,00 .. , .. ...
-father and stepmother, and is "engaged in
collecting Materials for a hiatory of the
• ' - ' • -
•Dutch • branch of , •the• Nassau '..family,
LC h h b l• v ha • Ot to the.end. of its
w ie. e e ie. es s g ..., ,, . , . . ,'
tether. . '
. - • - -
' NeUralgia, Sciatica,
j k Li,' :S. '
an ac e, , oreness
. G. t Q • . ' -/G•
ou „, yips', ,
' ' ,,,- , . ,-1,,,,, '''
lags anu opram„
. . .
SCiilds GoneralL'Odily'
. ,
' Pains,'
r th • E - d
oa , , . ar .an
''..' 'Feet. and . Ears.
' ' Fami,..aad
Lumgago, '
./.' ' • ' ''.7'1"' Oh t
a., ,. --, . as , , .
- ' ..--... . p,,,, ll.,
ore:, p i,- , ... de ,
• • ,, .• . f • : d. •
L... . • ,••• .. -,:i . • . .
. •
, . ,
, , •
H orczche F G -tied
, , pa , : ,, .r .., ,
'and all other .
. , • - - , '
• . • ,
' . .1. ., . - 4 4 4 ' 4 4 •
. , - . .. ,,, , _ . ,, r . . , , ..
• • , A l', LoVVES„C BATES. y - , .. •
Aliply to.. ,• • . C. RIDOUT', Onto'.
• • ., . • . . '
- 0 . the ' iteni ' ' s ection of •Public 'and
ii , in p . ,. . ,
Separate Schools.$31,878, increase $833; ...
' 111.r.,Crooks explained that' it wee foniad '
d• t t - o' t I s actor for"Sep-
.expe ien o app in, an n p , ; ..
a t ' S 1 Is • oh g h•ah Vag expected-
re e„ , c oo , , a an e w i „
to he highly satisfectery BY, dispensing.
. _ . •• . , .
with the services of a third High School
1 t r• -end employing a ' SeParate
ns,peo o . . ...,
School Inspector they increased the ex--
. • , . . . . ..
P enditure by $800 in one .direction, blit in
the High,School branche saving was effected.
C'NxisAnisni " On Friday' Dayid .. ShaW
a . •--- ' .
ana bayid '.Fitzger,eld :met • at,,, •.HolidaY's
BrewerY; at', Guelph, .and , conamenced a
. . . . . . ..
fight. Some parties separated. them, when
. , : , . ,
d b'' b ff '
it was -found tha,t Fitzgerald ha i t,en. o
. .
f ' . ' " • ' ' nce had li•
hal of Shaw a ear. • Slmw at o . , , . is
ear attended tp and thennotified the police,
but'bis oppopent had inedebinaaelf 'scarce,.
Fitgereld has lately „returned ' from the.
' • • • • himself a
'Crated States,. and •,considers
• •
No Preparation on
a safe, sure, ainapte
, •
Remedy. A 'trial. entails
outlay of 50 Conte,
with pain ca.n'havo chew
. .
, .,
. ' A. VOGELER.:4.ca...
' • .2 ,'',' ''', -.TiatthnOre„.arsz....i.,.
4 ..
.-g;.. ' j 0
earth equallf r.• ACOUS IL
.and 'cheap EX./anal ...
• but'. the • Ooninarati,•01y •
and overZene suffcrica
and positive proof ot 0::
Languages.. ., , .
. . ,, .
, ,
. , . .
- ,
., •
' ' ' ' (1' ' .' L. d g ' ' 4 C
fluroff-an -Trio, .oan.. afi ,. aviligs., D,
...:- : - ,- •. • • ._.• , - . . ,. . .. , '. -
. , . . •_._ . . • .
•-iti'lliltitY TO LOA IVi. on:the Straight Loan Sys:
...Tx tem. Loahs Of large . sums negotiated.at special
rates,' Interest at low rates: ' - • . . , . •
. - , .. - . , . . , .. . . . .
• • JAMES SCOTT, Barrister ..
. ,
. , ,• .. , _ . . - ,Valtiator:at Clinton;
PRIVATE FUNDS thlend at loW rates, of intetist,,, on
• easy terms. : Conveyancing charges moderaie.... OFFICE
. ,
BEAVER BLOCE,,,,CLiNTON. ' ..' 16:. .
-of $.1 500. • ' • :. .' - ' . - - - .• ..
, .
huliY; ' • ' " • '', • . '. . - ,
: -Mr.Meredith clid.not 'see vvhy the Connty
Inspectors of Public Schools couldnot also
.,_ ,
inspect the Separate ' Schools, and. so. brieg
.,the two•systems closer together. • He could"
net- help deploring the necessity•for .separ,
- ating the:children. of..the ProvincebYitwo
. SyStems, . He wonld like to knoiv,whether'
it Vas intended •to appoint a' clergyntan. or
, . l - ----- ' t th In -ectorelii Of , SeParato.'
a ayman o, e sp P . -
c ' • - , • • •
-Mr' Bellthoislt tlae 'Minister of Ethics.-
• ' . - . • .- •
lion should. have ,answered, the. queries of
the leader of' the Opposition. . Hestrongly.
• • . A sEmrannu of, the :terrible coat of .efforte'
for the.batisfactien of geographicalcurioeity
over, thepOlar,.regions jI3 evenly the' 'fact.
that -Lieut. •Datienliower was- niade.. both
blind and 'Orazy by.. his ,sufferings ' •on the
. .
. . , ,
Jeannette expeditien.. Fortunately he has
reccivered his reason andbiagerieral health
. , , , . ,
is being restored... . • ' ' ' ' -. ••••• '
" . ' • ' . ' - • . - - ' • h •
R an the prize-fighter, while making t e
tour of . he •clisor erly . houses. in New York
i y ,on. ura ay nig , was. ro , e o a •
CI Th d • ht lab d ' 1 . li
his nionev't8a0; and his watela.' -.: • ''' ..
, ' - '• - ... • • - - • • '
//' I"
; ...y- -,.„-r.,?,
• 'a ,,,' -----
• 4
0,4 t.
4Y):,. 1.,,, • „
" A 1.''1:1
' /
-,-. ."`•
... .,
' '
, 7,
, .
, •,
e,,,„ ,,,
" . , , • ..' , .
quexEri. TO 400)re
_.•_,, ,
• AN .o. °THEIS .
. , . . .. .. . . . . . ,.
'. Good- Securlties..Pprchased .
. . ,
X; 0 •N V E Y A 'N C I 'N.' -G . .
.. ., . . .. ... , . ..
. . . . . . • W. w.FARRAN:
. , .
a iinton Nov 0 •4881'; '''' • • . ..4.7
... .
objected -to the • appointment' of 'a Roman
. . .•- • - •
• Catholic •clergyman as Inspector of Sena-
., .. ,. , .
. .. . , . . .
. , „ , .
11101180M BANK
.., Incorpciretod by Act of Earliamont,181h.
gAP.IT41,: '.. , ap,000,cloo.,.... .
.-.., • •
ead ,-0-face,, Montreal.
THCITAS WORKMAN, ..... :-...President. ,
, . , .. ...,,.... ,s. ,
P'W°L1' .ERSTI.N,. T fiomlp, General Manager.
. . „. . ,,,„,, ______. ., ,
. .. , . , . „
Notes ." cliseaWntql, . Collectioias 4nade ' Dia.*
... . . , , .
!". xssuecl , Sterlilw awd A 7herican exclicin a '. .
' • . ' • - . 1 • : - - . - P
:. •bought ,anc sold at lowest ' ' •
., .. •• . • ,
• eur;rent 'rates: .
, - ,-. -. . M. LOUGH, Manager,
Felf417,.1.881.. , • ' Clinton.
rate Schools. • He theughtbe should be ' a'
Proteeteni and a layman - and one whe
• • ' . ' • • , ' • • •
Would be poeseased Of,,backbone 'enough:to
diScharge ,hie''',IutY,--' notwithetaiding anY
. pressure! which. Might . be brought to bear
• • - -- - -• ' . ' • '
The. Catholic people wanted it . thorough.
. ' • • -
iriapection and nof a farce - Fineb as: it
- • '' • ' .
Would_ a clergyman . receiVed . the
• •- •
/:, il
r4 F.''' /
-,,-. ;-,•,
. - :.•
.449-9,m:fr. ..k..•
4 i
1 11 1 \
u 'Pr
lir ' VA
.be ,iii
appointment. ... • • . • .
, . . • - . , . .. ,
Mr. Mowat. said that.. the •GoVernment
' „
IA 1
, ',,,N,I,. t -e ,. .pa.r 4
' ', 3P
.• „.
• .
Id f. k ' A ."th f ' • '' •• •thb k
won , ,o, e.goo care . a ,a man wi a° -
beneenaugh. ta. diecharge his dutY Would
be appoirited ' He was serrythatthe hOn'
• • ' '' • ' • '
,gentleman had.. 'taken the 'opportunity to
• . . • - • . . - . . .
ma e an attack upon the Roman Cathohe
- . . - ,. ,th t th d 't ' Id b '
clery in saying. a _e, uy wo.1 , ea,
farce if discharged by -one of.their number.
• - .• - .. - - '
'The• Government - could ' not acknowledge
, ' '. - • - •
that ft clergymen was by, his ' calling- .dis-
ualifted. for. the •r•ciffice, alt,hough' fronithe
q. 4,_..,. ..,
na ure o _. ,e..app ica ni ,, l , y . ;
" 1...th - l• t• ne alread received
• ••tione of which were ,..frpna c ergymen7-x ,
was very unlikely that a, clergyman wculd
. 6 'annointed. . ' • • ' . '
b.- • -' .. • t ' - d ' - t •d • - ' •
,, The-con:omit ee :roge op, repor e •pro7
ress and asked leametia ell agaan. •
5 ' ' ' • • • • ' ' '
The House• adjourned at 10.20..
' . - .,, i . . . • - ' . •
• ,
• • .41.41"• , • • Ob;•_-_.
. -
.V. JOHNSTON'S.7?Q?: , .
-- . ,".. : • • • ' ' ''' - ' • ... . ;^
I. • , . •
' '
, -S , „, ,„
1 • .
' ' '
... . ., , , . i , . . .
lantt,comptia 2sursit.
' I - I --
• . - . ' - ., - : - --- .:, - - .. -,..., - ..-,,
, --.And for Purifying the Blood. •
Ii haebeenin Ilse for '...20 :yearri,• and heti
,p ed to be the'beat':nreparetionin the;
-markettor SioR.• HEADAME, PAIN.TAT
THE'. ,SIDE ' OR '-BA.Cr ,_LIVER- •COM.-•
,DySpEPSIA, VIDES; mid all Pisesses .
•., that arise from 'a Disordered T....'ver or an 4.
' lin ure blood.' Thous/aids :,Of our best ' '
people take it and give it to th'eir ail-
,dren. Physicians prescribe it daily.. Those
'who Also nonce' recommend it to other's: 11,
! It is made front voids, Dock. Honda- ,
' '
. -Zopesa
' .:"Heartburn;
. ',BaCk,
. ' „Energy;
: , ,
,, '(FRONI,
': The . New • Comiadund,
erfu . a 222.1 .y..
d ' .1 • tr 't
Appa,ratns and
ing 't.40":.diSsOlVing
zng• a ,, • S .,.z, sta
• ' liab t '22
' cr th • ''TORPID•
an , e • ,
an every,
gvery.hozio. 4..
• It • Acts • gently:and'
aahe, Sick HeadaChei,,Dist.toss,af-
• ' •• Wind
ter .Bating, .
'Want • of
. . Low
,.. .., , .
:BRAZIL.) . , , .
, ,
. its . Won- •
t• til ' .1.)' ' t've.
o,.., „e , sges 2 .
'the Liver, incroas- ,
juices,: reliev-•
' ''.21 h dre •
,tly the adfal
Indigestion, ,
LITTRE1' znake-
' v . . .0
day,necess-Jt.y .1.-11,'•
„ .' , .. . . . . .' , ' .
. . . .. .
Costiveness, . „Elead-
on the Stomach ..'
., ., ., ,,. , ,,.
in the ,Side and
Appetite: Want at
Spillfts, Foul Stoym,...
. •
. . • :'", ,, •
, . 6 • • '• - . - ,
n. all.,.Res, riptions .of Property '
. , , .. ..., , .. Or,
•At, LOWEST BATES: ' ' •
. . . .. , . .. .
' • - - :‘,., •
- ' , c.•PanouT, Clinton'.
• . . •
.0114gilia et Names In.the Weelt.
.In the mixeenta at Berlin, in the hall 'de-
vOted to Northern antiquities-, they have the,
'' ' i t• . f m the idols from which
represen a mns ro
' k are
the names of the days Of the t a ee
derived.. 'Fiona the idol 'ef •the sun condee
' ' d ithr hi
Sunday.' This -idol is represente w a_
,ras Sarsaparilla, VVild. Cherry', Stillingfa; ,
• Dandelion.' Sassafras, wintergreen; and.
other •well•knewn - italhable Roots and
klerbs.• It is strictly vegetable and'„can-
not hurt -the. niost delicate 'constitution..
It is orie of.the.best medicines in use for
Reguiating the Bowels, ,
' . lt is sold hy r.al respongible, druggists .
at one dollar for a quart bottle,- or six
'bottles' forlive dollars. . - ' .-• . '
. -the
rich: It invigorates
ries,off A,ll su.rplas
Bowels, an
cut:this out
Druggist and get.
or a largabotide
tau vour 'neighbor
the Liver' ear-
, . , . ,
bile, regulates •
q give§ tene to . the
' ' , :- • , :
and. talre:it to youl
a le) cent Sample,'
for 75 cents, Abd,
. aboat it., . • , -
, .
, . , , . .
' .--. . . ' .
;.-:.:_..- • kri
E -f
' ... P4.
• 0
' •EAST '4
• . . , , ,
• , , , i
• •
• E4
. ,
j ' Thompson Town
a,.( ,
, „, . ""- - • ' ',. .,
. . , .,
Agent G T R
, .' , • ,
fitee like the sun, holding a burning wheel,:
T. ose
' St Who cannot obtairt a .bettle of.
:this Medicine from their drugaist May'
both Lh ands on his breaSt; signifying
course round the world. The idol of the
. • .. , . •
rem -w ic c me . ., _
' f • ' b h 0 s Monday as
in.' a Short 'coat, 'like a man; - but
the Moon :in his hands.- Tuisce,
:send. na one denar..and we wiii tem!. •rt
' to, them. • ' , -- ' .- , •
. , .• . • , •
-5740:11I0T011-& 00., Manufacturer*, .. , gi
' Aninnasintato ' - • Oar. , '
, .., , • , , ..
he. ' " Viliitaik4,,,-‘,7.:•.•..;,,,,•,.,,,rg,..-;•:.•„•„),,.=,..„,,.,,
..0 If yotiare amen
of business:weak.'
oiled by tho IATUI.Iler,
your duties •tiVold.“
stimulants.an if us 0
ilea .1illtterm
•LE.you are a
man of ,lot-
: : tem totlingovera___
'ilightivTak, to, ros;
mist°. use Hop lits.•
. . . , ,
from which comes Tuesdiq, was one of the
Moat ancient and: popular gods of 'the Ger-
• • wATTP4 'Jac To ,' Agcate,"..mutolii
" If you are young and
discretion Or dissipa
Had.. or angle. Old
suffering from any in-
Mon ; ir you aro mar.
or young, suffering from
2,,,, r r ,,, r , rr . ,
- ..
J. .. B I D. D L'E 0 0 NIB E
•.,.,-0,-.4, • or
''WIP''. Watch an Clock Mak
JEWELLER, .&e:,.
Would tospeottnIty announce to hist bustdraertrand the
public generally, that .he haS ronIoved into hie former
' . . building, dn.', ' •..
. ^ •
c,... . ,., .
ALBElit .. 9Tittrr,: k.,1`1,04TE ' TUE, 'IMA.1131Ei,,.'
. .
, Whoro In ivinkeep•on hand a melebt assortment of
. • • ,. "
Olocks, ,Wcoches, • Jewellery, cozd 8 ilverwar
, of all kinds. : ,' .
k • ,- 1
. , - . / , • /- // .
..c ... 't- ..., • ..•
Am h he will soli o, reasonable rates. Repairing
overldasetiption proinptly attoviddd to. ,..
• •' . J.: BIDDLECOMBE, .Aminti STinon
Clinton, Dee. 5,187b. ' ' 4
teens and is 'represented' in -his garments Of
le . • ar- g to their.peculiar rmannor of
s in, accor in
• ,16thieg ; the third day,of the week was de-
dicated tolls wership. Woden; from which
comes ' Wednesaay„ Waa, a valiant prince
among the 8axons.:. His ithage was' prayed
to I or victory.. Th • frond, whence •Coraes
. or, ,. . . .
ThuredaY, is seated. in 'a bed with' tw,elve
• • '
',.. , , , , • • ..
TRADE MARK 'The Great Eng -TRADE ikil -Elf;
. . ,c•-•., • man Remedy. ,-,, :, ' 4.
„i,..„, . anunfaiiingoure " •
4, for seminal weak ,,
nese,' Spermator• '• ;
' reali, impotency - ...
and. an Diseases .
that follow as a
pbeThealtn or lanquidi
nessi-rol.Y; M
Whoever, ye
netneyrcl% °484'41,
nemin 'cleansing,
ing••,or stlininating,
t eke . 1i Op
Bitters.. •
, ,
H o.0
u are'l.
ing on a bed of sick -
Bitters: . .. .
- ' Thousands die ea-
1 ii iTanWeriZ iii n.":4
--"' theorise that ,nught
, ,1 .haveheon prevented
, by a timely tiso.of
,,. ,HtMElittere
t ' - - ' ' li" h d hailing a sceptre in his
f3 ars oyer is ea , ,, .
hand. Priga, from'whence we hilve Friday;
• ' ' t a ' ' 'th drawn sword in his
rs.,represen e / wi a , . .
-right hand,' 'and a bow in his left. Seater,
f ' - h' If• S t' d b tli pearance
rem w ic is a ur ay; a.s.., ,, 0 ap .. .
of perfect wretchednef3s. He is thin-va aged,
long.haired; with a_lang .beard. • ge.datties
' 'I f t ''' • la' • ' lit b a herein
a pal C. wa er na^ is rig an , w
are fruit and flowers.
44 sequence of Self- , , ,,,lah,.
-• • Ahem.; as Jose of _ A., ,..,;;,•r*
:',.- ' •
Raftwa 91.14n
...-................o.,,n memory, uniVer.. A.,:. m 1. '
, z sal / Lassitude •ftli/er ' &Mktg.,
. • .- - • . - ,_ , ..-- -
Pain in. the Back, Dimness of „Vision; rrentitnrcr
Old Age and many- other diseases -that -load' to
Insanity or Consumption and a premature grave
learn:Ill particulars. in ciur pith:millet,' which we
desire •tesend free by mail to -every one.. Thlt:.."--'
Opeeine Medicine' ia ' sold by all druggists at,si
per pe,,33001, or six package , fer-.$5 .nr will-. be
free by Mail on receiPt of the.nitafey by
or urhuirO cem;
plaint, Mame
of the:stomach,
colas, ctootj
*be ornemief i i
Y ou vri 11 be
eared ityon use
..,-" L ._. .__,
' iitY,,,,,T,F,°-'00,7-0
P l'..._
, ow spirited, try
it 1 I t. .rn ay
8 a 4 er o " r
.- D. 1. O.
le tin absolute
and irrosista.
, f
blo cure or
diunko nose,
use or opium,
Lreetio. ..,
ciralhar.,' ,
not. InTriins
• • .
!ma co.,
' '
, Boston paid 038,000'4ot the wine; food
'ag ' ' ' d
addressing -. t. • -.''' '
11fe. t hae
saved liun
d retie: -,
' 1 1
, ,
Ratheiter, rt. T.
il I") la Damen Council
an cern es use .. y er o .
. 4r, 4fivilikflii-da loot %roar.' •
, , .
. ' TO ONTO' Oat, Canada /
. . , ,
• -