HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-02, Page 6HURON ITEMS. Mr. J. L. Sturdy, formerly of Goderich, has Leased a hotel in Wingham. Rev.Mr. I. Barr, of Winghaw, preaehed his last ,sermon to the church of England congregation on Sunday morning last. Lot 30 con. 11, Grey, was sold by auc. tion at Brussels, on Wednesday last, for the sum of $2,900. C. J. Conover has rented the Dominion Hotel, Bluevale, now occupied by J. Pat- terson. He taken possession the first of May. James Kelly of Grey, has sold his entire horse, ''Young never mind lilac," to a gen- tleman in Blanshard township fur the sutra of $500: • Mr. Luke Armstrong has sold hie- farm on the 1st con. of W. Wawanosh, to the McPhee brothers. Mr. Armstrong intends going to Manitoba. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains in the Throat and Chest, relieved and euredbylthe useof Dr. Car's Pulmonary Cough Drops. The most reliable testimony tree been received as to their efficiency- In Bottlea, 50 cents. J. H. Combe, agent for Clinton. The sum of $75 was presented to Mr. John Landesborough, by the Union Church 'tCongregatiou, Brucetield, on behalf of his services as precentor. A boy named Stice, of the 13th eon. of Grey, met with a serious accident last week by being struck with a falling tree he had been chopping. The Exeter Times mentions., as a strange occurrence, the seeing of a snake by a -lady of that neighborhood. Men hereabouts often see snakes, but the ladies never. Mr. Samuel McCaw, the well-known Conduc- tor on the Whitby and Lindsay Railway, says: Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters cured me of Dyspepsia. 1 always keep them in the house, and consider them invaluable as a amily medicine. J. H. Combe, agent for Clinton Mr. Henry Mason, of Tnckersmith, has sold his well-known stallion, Scotland's Glory, to Mr. Joseph Hunter, of Pinker- ton, Bruce Co., for the sum of $1500. Mr. Abraham Cavanag has disposed of his farm on the 13th con. of McKillop, to his neighbor, Mr. David, Crawford, for the sum of $5,000. The farm contains 75 acres. One day last week, as two young men were passing a bush on the farm of , Mr. Peddler, about live miles west of Exeter, they were • chased by a large wildcat, which they eluded after a long and hard ran. H. F. MacCarthy, Wholesale and Retail Drury gist, Ottawa, writes: -"I was afflicted with Chronic Bronchitis for some years, but have been completely cured by the use of Dr. Thomas' liclectric 011 in doses of five drops on sugar. I have also pleasure in recommending at as an embrooation of ex carnal nee. Mr. James Wyllie, the "Herd Laddie," or champion draught player of the world, will pay Seaforth a visit and give an exhi- bition of his skill on the checker board, on the 6th of March. Mr. C. Eberhardt has sold his 50 acre farm on the 3rd concession of Tuckersmith, near Egmondville, to Mr. D. Kennedy, for the sum of $3,400. Mr. Eberhardt has purchased the farm of Mr. Norris, 9th concession of Hibbert, for the sum of $6,600. Three years ago it Bold for $7,800. Miss Annie Ellard, of Goderich, by mis- take swallowed a quantity of a 'mixture for curing corns, supposing it to he a tonic which was being used in the family. The effect of the stuff was to seriously burn her mouth and throat, and fur a time the symp- toms were quite alarming. .A doctor was called in and prevented what might hsve been a fatal case of poisoning. 'Woman's Wisdom. "She insists that it is of more nnuporbLnuse that her family shall be kept in full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She theiefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied with Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of any ill health, to prevent a fit of eickuess with its attendant expense, care and Anxiety. All women should exercise their wis- dom iy..1 this way." -New Haven Palladium, POSTAL RETURNS. From the Postmaster -General's report to the 31st of last June, just issued, we make the fol- lowing extracts in reference to the several post offices in the county: - Grose No. Money Post Office. Redenne. Orders issued. Auburn, $ 217 17 .... — Bandon, 16 10 ..., — Bayfield, 353 81 .... 521 Belgrave., 255 47 • ... -- BennlilieI', 52 52 • , . , — Blake, 110 37 ... — Bluevale, 105 89 37 Blyth,... .... 1184 12 .... 231 Brucefleld, 315 62 ..., — Brueeels, 2816 32 .... 419 Carlow, 104 56 .... — Centralia, 225 00 — Chieelhurst, 43 03 .... — Clinton, 3462 32 .... 646 Constance, 163 32 .,. — Dashwood, 173 76 -- Dungannon, . . 377 89 .... 940 Drysdale, .. .. 69 81 .... — Egmondville, 252 94 Exeter, 2213 63 .... 582 Glenannon, 48 29 ..-• — Goderich, 4775 68 ..,, 1136 Gerrie, 511 53 .. 331 Harlock, 29 00. Hensall, . 455 91 259 Flill'8 Green, 48'76 _... — Holinesville, 148 70 •... — Kiutall, 168 00 ... - Kippen, 187 99 .... 93 Leadbury 9413 .... -- LOnd.sbo10, 394 68 ... -- Marsso..h .:. 43 85 .. n -- Milbur' 00 35 -. -- Porter's }Till, 96 63 .... — halttortl, 77 22 ..-- Seaford:, ...... .. 4362 75 ....• 670 Slipppardtor!,.. ,47 96 Funehine, 31 42 -- Varna, 192 91 -- Walton, 216 72 --- Wingham, 3,15115 57:9 Westfield 0219 -- Wroxeter, 7114 45 480 /,nri::h 417 56 2x9 True To Ilei Trust. 'l'oo 111 11<111 e1Lnuot he Shill of 1111' (ver-Gtitliful Wile and mother, constantly watching 111f1 car- ing for her dear ours, never 11(010ct:11g a siegl(t duty in their behalf. When they are assailed try disease, and tip system should have a thorough cleansing, the sr 11x,31 and bowels r*a ulat -d, blood purified, malarial poison exter- mfi•itcd, she nau31 know tb tT Electrie [otters are the only sure remedy-. They sue the best and p irest medicine in flit world ati(ronly cost fifty cents. :'old Ly J. i1. Comn0 It is stated that Tilden liar written a let- ter to ex-(, ,Vrru,+r I',iliner, of Illinois, an- 710tlnClriq that ho will be a lcandi'' ate for thegl''iesid0ncy of hoT_:01((1 f;tat('s in 1881. Kiss Hr -' TI;A1:NnrlT,•' the naw;ural (xgnittit little gem for the Ice111 and hreath. has a 3050- 1411y- idated metal screw top: Try n 1 rept sample. GRISTO NO. Melville'b, 31i61, lluIl tl. ,n+ The public shoulii. beariln..m1Ld .that Thomas' Eclectric Oil" ha8„._gthlDg in m eompn with the impure. deteriora guless of Co-oaued medioinal-oile. It is eminently ure and teat ly elleaezous- reilevingpain and -lameness; stilt 110880! the joints and mukilea, and Cores or hurts besides being an excellentspeoi.le ser ;rheunga:., tiem, eoughs and brenohial.complaints:,' NOT THE S:LI(IRTES,'lt AFFINITY exietsb-etweep, the numberless ooughe mists reswith which the inapt is flooded and that saoees slalpreparation-Northrop & Lyman's Emn1eion of Cod_ 'Liver 0 and Hipophos:, phites of Lima and Soda. It ata) 4 (alone, diatinet, is like itself, and nothing glee. It embodies, the beat results of advanced pbarmacentical science,. It ac- complishes positive, decisive resalte, effectually relied- ing ooaghe (wilen'the longs are not tuberculousor hopeleeely-affected), colds, laryngitic, and dinettes of a scrofulous origin. While it does not cure (lonsnmp- tion, it is the most reliable means of defence against that dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties, of the hypophosphites reimburse the system .debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a cough, while the paroxysms rapidly diminish inviolenoe, in consequence of the soothing emollient action of the cod liver oil upon the inflamed lung membrane. The phosphorus, lime and soda, in combination with it, are all natural components in the construction of the bodily edifice, which, in a.etate o1 decay, leeks a sufficiency of those elements. These the bypophosphites supply, inerea's. ing the nutritive proptr-t,i-es•of the blood, and building up and rehabilitating the tottering human structure with a degree of promptitude as astonishing as it, is gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as well as in strength is one of the consequences of using this standard preparation, which both time and experience have demonstrated to be fully worthy of the confidence reposed in it. Prepared by Noamaaoa & LYMAN, Toronto, and Bold by all druggists. PROLIFIC SOURCE 00' DISE,SE.-A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more authoritatively asserted than thabdyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct oonse- quenee. Theie original 0805015, however, tbdr-- oughly eradicated from the system by 'NORTH- ROP & LYMAN'S VEGETABLE DISCOVERY AND DYSPEPTIC CURE, a medicine which only re- quires regularity and presistenee in its use to _cure dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No;defeterious mineral ingredient is contain- ed in it, and though its :actiqu„1s thorough in cases of costiveness, it never produces eriping pains in the abdominal region, or weakness in the bowels like a violent purgative. Itinvigor- ates the system through the medium of the in- creased digestive and assimilative activity which It promotes, and is also a most etlidient remedy for.kidney-complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness. dee., ice. Price $1.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for NORTHROP & LYMAN'S Vegetable Discovery and dyspeptic cure. The wrapper bears a, fac- simile of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. T12(1 ahoy, Mill having received nett belts, and to ..A. ot.hor ways he<n put in first-class repair, nod the mihseriher having also secured the services of Mr. Root Orr, a first -ala., 111nilier1 l e 111 now prepared to do a/I kinds of (:rioting with the greatest despatch, and guarantees o-alisfn,.t'on, P1,01111 AND FEED tit hand nod for sale at all 0, A. SirliERltAI,, Proprietor. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS This well-known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties. and Obstructions, from any pause whatever, and although a powerful remedy, it contains noth- 'ng hurtful to the constitution. To married la- P,'es It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short t n.t bring on the monthly period isitli•regular ty. 6n all oases o1 nervous and spinal affection, pains in the back and limbs, heaviness, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics, sick headaches, whites, and all the pain- ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills n ill effect a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never failed, where the directions on second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particu- larset a pamphlet, free, of the agent. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK. Sole Proprietor, $1 and 123i cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop St, Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for tire Dominion, will unsure a bottle, containingg:�dver 50 pills, by return of mail. Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe,and Watts d: Co., and all medicine dealers. RESPECT. -The Grey Hairs of old age demand and should receive respect -but the Grey Hairs of young people require. attention, in the way of using Cingalese Hair renewer. Sold by all druggists. 50 cents per bottle. • John McGarva, SALT MANUFAUTURER, • AND DkALBR IN e :Bete �l DEAL EI;SN laSswa` We are constantly receiving frets importations from the beet houses in the ,Dtiulnion, which we are prepared to offer as cheap as .ever offered in this 'part of the country, STOCK' COIVIPL; ETE :IN. EVERY. 'DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID •LOT. OF. GLASSWARE IN THE LATEST STYLE A NEW' TL ARPI OF Crockery, consistin ,of -Tea and Toilet Sets;. &c` A GREAT: -REDUCTIQN. IN TEAS. Special attention called to -our 9'TEAS. .10' ct. Sugars. • a:•1., Flour,'''Feed,.;Ground- Cornmeal,; .Oa#meal,' &c CURED' MEATS, -C NNED AND BARRELLED FISH, AND EV i i'TI3 tTS'UALLY KEPT IN A FTRS`h-CLASS GROCERY - � _ f GOODS DELIVE•RED • PROMPTLY CALL StESPL'CTFU.LLY. SOLICITED' Remember the ,Place, 'Brier Next Door. to Bloc arla (KleCESSORS`TO D` -CA TTEON;) IMPOItIE1tS AICD •DEAER LS IN Groceries, Crockery Glassw,�re, CCCCned Goo Tw.i»es, :rushes; B'� ones FLOTT_ ANDREWS' SORGHUM ''SYRUP FOR SA • FARM PRODUCE TAKEN I13EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. GOODS DELIVERED .TI ANY OF�TOWN FREE OF CHARGE C NTELON BROS THE GROCERS;L ` ALBERT ,STREE i`; CINTOI _ 000 We beg to- inform -our: customers thative'' havebeen fortunate enough "t0 Secuie•sore of those ° ! GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 293 Vie' aria Street, Similar to What we hadlastyear, '(beingvery' fine •'fruit) at A few doors south of the Post Oftice. pricewhich will enable us to sell them • same . as ofdsinal y,fruit Very Choice Lard, Hams & Bacon For sale at lowest prices. ("-Cash paid fur Farrar Products. 7. MOGARVA. Clinton, April 14, 1881. REMOVAL. r IINDEllikkihe THE SIIBSCRIBERBEGS LEAVE TO STATE to the public that be has re-eived Pince the She, a large and superior class of COFFINS, CASKETS —AND— offin Trimmings and Robes. A splendid HEARSE kept. PLAIN CoyFZNs always .n hand. Partiescan be supplied in on'e hour, at any time, at very reasonable rates. - - THOS. STEVENSON. Iiacey'e old stand, Albert Stieet, Clinton. 11IANIIPACYi7kE0 I71 1'OIIONTO. A 1 ernrtneut, sure Cure 1 a• 611101 1((.11, 111,11(11e1111 and ails„ nt8 1 t1 , inane -, 1;1nddur 1(1 .0. :Urinary Seery - tiro tystern, or attuutl,rat. ('2-1(15,3111-17(11115 fain in (05)11 11110.10, tiler., t''c•. laver,. t'atarth of the Bladder and 1',rtagas; Itrirh'.',: .Iii: -uv -o, Pialetes, Dropsy, 1'i:y •,:: crc'• ns I+,• +t itt; , .\';. peril (!rte u.d f stir:<engin can ho tbtnin..)l from dt'il( istP tree. PLuns---C'ldld's ] ud.2251), 11)108 11(1,1-W111 Ing. Re- gnlar l'ad, ;, 3, 11 ectal pad .for t,hrame Diseases, 83. Sold by WATTS & CO , Clinton, It, R', 'y 1,* T3LI,. Tresan•r;i P f 2311 (3. Wing - ham ; LAWItAS 1J, t 110111;1'o I ytlr, .1. 9, RU- BLR'1'S, 2051.2-2101 D. 0. 111•.721)7 hayfield}' 8. A. 1T(nll011, nlitchell '1'1111 ('lNTltAl, 17111'0 S10RPI, 3ixeter; 25.•IL I) 1(2071, lleusall; 1.01(1. '1ILLLESy' Eipp cu, B. A. (013(1[(3.1 , Louden, Wholesale ag't BEAga •ER BLOC' S. PALLIER. .EXT' TO TBE TOWN HALL. • T. WSlTE� Juni .:re.- .wed, Consisting of those rich American, shades, and will be sold cheap• ■ 5 Quires' N' BUSINESS ENVELOPES, •a sixlall advance on cost thebox. All, Stationery, v•ery 'lo: %• • I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND 'BNOW AI H. SIMPSQN: r✓lintO: 1U. •M togra A Hardware and SILAS a tole Vare•no GENUINE. E MAPLE. LEAF, "SI]VER 5' EL, LANCE TOOTH, DIAMOND, ' HAMAN, -CHAMPION, -LANCE'S'',,. a> ONE' MAN CROSS OUT 'SAWS..' �'v"!iRNOCK'S,, .BUa'v1iFL'S 'AND Jtii'�l 013.I1''"�( IN A7 L THTC _REST 13BANDS ' • BARBED WIRE, SOLID STEEL,.TWO M'61DrFG'UR POi!TED,'I ROYAL. CANADIAN-CLOTRES RINGERS, ,Iheapar Stoves, Tinware & L -amp �o HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, FZJRS--ITIGrEIES'1' CASH'PP,PCI' S. DA:VIS, '' r . .1Wd . x �ha;n.�:m cX,vw , igr•�• ,/''ry'��^ t^y yam• -nT /. ,c• -.JJC]a.,.i' ,,J:.e �r1nf• r�l..Rtl:;